Ports of Yangon PDF
Ports of Yangon PDF
Ports of Yangon PDF
The old port of Yangon is situated in Lat 16 47 N and Long 96 15 E on the Yangon river
about 17 nm or 32 km inland from Elephant Point on the Gulf of Martaban. There has been
much development lately and Yangon port now extends both west of and south of the old port
in a mixed management and ownership model whereby both government run ports or
terminals operate side by side with privately run terminals.
The two main private ports or terminals are the Asia World Container Port (AWCP) situated
just west of the old port on the north bank of Yangon river and Myanmar International
Terminal Thilawa (MITT), located 10 nm downstream of the old port in the Thilawa area.
The drafts of vessels calling Yangon are restricted by two bars in the channel. A vessel
entering the river is restricted by the Outer Bar which is near the river mouth at Elephant
point; and an Inner Bar near Monkey Point in the river restricts vessels entering the harbour
of Yangon port.
Vessels calling the Yangon port or AWCP will have to cross both bars whereas vessels
calling at MITT only have to cross the Outer Bar.
The Yangon port is accessible to ships of up to the overall length of 167 meters and the draft
around 9 meters plus at spring tide periods. Advance draft forecast covering a period of one
calendar month is normally issued by the Marine Department of the MPA.
Depending on the draft, a vessel may anchor in the areas near Dagon light vessel and
Lanthaya light vessel. It is safer to anchor about 5-6 nm Northeast Dagon light vessel. The
navigation fairway is 1 nm east of the line drawn from Dagon light vessel to Lanthaya light
The tide flows in the general direction of SW~NE with the rate of up to 7 kts, especially in
the monsoon season. The safe approach is to anchor well clear off other vessels with a long
length of cable. Shipmasters need to pay close attention to anchor position as dragging of
anchor with tide and wind is common in the monsoon season.
Following documents are required for inward and outward clearance of vessels.
1. Ship’s register;
2. Crew and Passenger list (if any);
3. Dangerous cargo list (if any);
4. Customs declaration for crew and vessel;
5. Maritime declaration of health;
6. De-ratting of De-ratting exemption certificate;
7. Valid vaccination certificate for crew for cholera and small pox.
No radio Pratique is issued. The Port Health Officer issues Pratique after examining crew
and passengers.
Although no pirate activity has been reported lately, in the past there had been reports of
thieves boarding in the anchorage. It is advisable to keep continuous deck/anchor watch
during the night with extra flood lights rigged on outboard side. It is also recommended that
a continuous security watch is posted on forecastle and poop decks. The accommodation is
to be kept secure with watertight doors closed and secured. Thieves will board using the
anchor chain and also by hooked ropes from the stern. These security measures should also
be observed even if the vessel is inside the harbour. No unauthorised small craft should be
allowed to approach the vessel.
Employment of watchmen is compulsory when a vessel is inside the harbour. This will be
arranged by the Shipping Agency Department (SAD), the agency wing of the Port Authority,
and the local agent of the ship owner.
The Port Security Officer will attend the vessel on arrival and check the crew list and will
advise on port regulations. Myanmar has not signed the International Code for the Security
of Ships and of Port Facilities ISPS Code.
The Shipping Agency Department (SAD) of Myanma Port Authority (MPA) is the sole
operator authorised to act as the official agent of foreign ship owners. The appointment of
agent can be made by Cable, Telex, Fax or Email. Owners also need to appoint a protecting
agent to work on behalf of owner for ship’s business.
Prior to arrival ship’s particulars are to be provided to agent along with following documents:
1. Manifests
2. Bill of lading
3. Stowage plan.
The agent will keep all trading certificates of the vessel and get approval of the Marine
Department for Departure by showing that all certificates are valid.
Custom officers will board a vessel in the harbour or prior to entry in the harbour. After
inspection and completion of formalities, one or two Custom Officers may remain on board
during the port stay. The vessel needs to provide cabins and meals for the officers. Customs
rummaging party may board the vessel at any time during the stay of a vessel to search the
vessel. A detailed declaration of the ship’s stores and personal effects of crew, including
currencies, are to be kept ready for inspection by Customs.
Immigration is not difficult. Shore passes for crew is issued by the Immigration Department
assisted by MPA. Shore leave is allowed from morning 0800 hrs to 2200 hrs. At present
only North Korean crew are not allowed to go ashore.
Three copies of the crew list are to be prepared for the Immigration Department for entry and
departure of vessel. In addition, five sets of Identity Cards with photographs are needed to be
prepared before arrival of vessel for every person on board. No shore leave will be allowed
without these. One copy will be given to the crew for use which must be returned before
departure of vessel.
Crew change can be done in Yangon with prior arrangement. It normally takes about three
working days for Signing On and at least seven working days for Signing Off. Owners are
requested to inform the arrangement for crew change before vessel’s berthing, so that it can
be done before the vessel sails. Entry visa (Business Category) is needed to sign on a vessel
in a Myanmar port. A crew entering with Tourist Visa or other type of visa will not be
allowed to sign on.
There is no independent stevedore company in Yangon. Nor there is any stevedore union.
The wharf managers arrange their stevedores. The workers employed in the private wharfs
are comparatively better skilled compared to the stevedoring labour working on the public
wharfs. There are occasional mishandling damage by stevedores handling break bulk cargo.
Pilferage is not a serious issue but it has been reported occasionally for break bulk cargoes.
The working hours of stevedores are 0800-1600 hrs (normal) and 1600-2000 (overtime) for
the day shift and 2000-0400 hrs (normal) and 0400-0800 hrs (overtime) for the night
shift. There are forty minute meal breaks in each shift.
Myanmar maritime law is in a developing phase. Myanmar has not yet signed a number of
Maritime Conventions , however, reportedly the Government is currently working on
legislation for essential maritime laws including admiralty law.
At present there is no specific legislation for admiralty matters. For maritime claims, action
is brought according to civil procedure under tort law before the High Court as a tort claim
for collision, cargo claim and damage claim. If someone seeks to arrest a vessel for security
in relation to a claim, Myanmar High court has the power to hear the matter and issue a
warrant of arrest. The High Court may accept a P&I Club LOU as security for a claim.
Myanmar is a signatory to the International conventions for Collisions and Carriage of Goods
by Sea (Hague rules). Very few claims end up in the High Court as most are negotiated
The Myanmar Port Authority (MPA) can detain a ship within the port limit if a complaint is
lodged by an interested party. There is no clear legal authority for MPA to intervene in
commercial disputes but it has been observed that they exercise the power by not allowing
the vessels to sail until the matter is resolved. When a vessel is detained by MPA, the
authority usually mediates between the parties which often results in furnishing security that
the claimant demands. There have been instances where the claimant demanded Bank
Guarantee as security.
Myanmar has signed the United Nations Convention for the Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral
Award 1958 (New York Convention) for settlement of disputes involving foreign entities.
According to Myanmar Sea Custom Act, the Customs Authority can fine or penalize for short
landing or wrong declaration in manifest, depending on wilful act or misconduct. There is an
appeal to the Director General of the Customs Authority.
Myanmar has signed neither the LLMC 76 nor the 96 LLMC Protocol. Limitation for a
maritime claim will depend on the specific law, for example, for cargo claim the law is the
limit set by the Hague Rules.
For crew injury or death, the Seaman’s Association has standard contracts and compensation
levels for injury and death.
Henderson Myanmar
No.W-5/6 Jyo Phyu Street I Aung San Memorial Stadium West Wing