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APPENDIX 2. Questionnaire Used in The Poultry Industry Surveys

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APPENDIX 2. Questionnaire used in the poultry

industry surveys
Table A2-1. Questions included in the 2005 censuses of the chicken meat, duck and
turkey industries and the 2007 census of the chicken egg industry
Topic Question Response
What is the farm's street address? Open
What is the farm's postcode? Open
Which state/territory is it in? Open
What is the name of the nearest town? Open
Does the farm operate independently or
Independent/ as part of a vertically integrated
Independent or integrator’s
Integrated operation? If part of an integrated
status operation, what is the name of the
integrator the farm is associated with?
Chicken meat, chicken egg,
What industry is this farm associated
turkey, duck, emu, ostrich,
quail and/or gamebirds
Great grandparent breeders,
grandparent rearer breeders,
What class of birds are present on the grandparent breeders,
farm? parent rearer breeders,
parent breeders, grower
birds, pullets or layers.
How many sheds are on the farm? Open
Open or categorical (small
<50,000; medium 50,000 to
What is the total capacity of this farm? 100,000; large 100,001 to
250,000; or extra large >
Does the farm have a single or multi-
Single or multi-aged
aged flock?
Buried, contractor,
How is used litter or manure disposed
incinerated, removed by
local user or spread on site.
Farm Buried, composted,
characteristics How are dead birds disposed of? contractor, incinerated,
landfill or rendering
Are other species of birds present on the
No, Yes
What other species of birds are present
on the farm?
Who supplies new day old chicks, Name of the source(s) of
pullets or rearer birds to the farm? new birds
Live bird
onto the farm Who are they transported by? Name of new transporter(s)


Table A2-1. Questions included in the 2005 censuses of the chicken meat, duck and
turkey industries and the 2007 census of the chicken egg industry
Topic Question Response
Market, processing plant,
Where are live birds moved to off the
rearer/pullet transfer, farm
gate sales or rendering
Live bird
Who are the pickup crew? Name of pickup crew(s)
movements off
the farm Name of live bird
Who transports them?
Name of live bird
Where are they transported to?
Plastic sanitised, plastic not
What type of egg trays are used? sanitised, cardboard new,
cardboard re-used.
Eggs trays and
Where are fertile or table eggs Name of hatchery or egg
transported to? processing plant
Who transports these eggs? Name of egg transporter
Who carries out the vaccination of Farm staff, contactor or
birds? integrator
Who is the vaccination contractor, if Name of vaccination
applicable? contactor(s)
Who carries out shed sanitation Name of shed sanitation
operations? contactor(s)
Who is the sanitation contractor, if Name of sanitation
applicable? contactor(s)
Commercial, from the
Service integrator, from other
Where is feed obtained?
providers producers, or from their
own mill
What is the name of the feed supplier? Name of feed supplier(s)
Name of dead bird
Who is the dead bird transporter?
Name of fresh litter
Who supplies fresh litter to the farm?
Who transports used litter or manure Name of used litter or
from the farm? manure transporter(s)


APPENDIX 3. Parameter estimates for AISPREAD

Table A3-1. Production parameters for chicken meat farms

Farm Type Parameter description value(s) Reference(s)
Age at first thinning Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (31,33,35) comm., April 2008
Age at second thinning Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Broiler (days) (40,42,44) comm., April 2008
Age at final Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
depopulation (days) (48,52,56) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (5,14,28) comm., April 2008
Age of birds when Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
moved to farm (days) (126,140,154) comm., April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Age at spiking (days)
Parent breeder (280,315,331) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (420,448,490) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (28,35,63) comm., April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
crew visit (days) (8,10,12) comm., April 2008
Age at second P. Scott, pers.
Beta pert
vaccination crew visit comm., April 2008
Parent rearer and Age at third vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
breeder crew visit (days) (112,119,126) comm., April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Age at spiking (days)
(280,315,331) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (420,448,490) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (28,35,63) comm., April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
crew visit (days) (8,10,12) comm., April 2008
Age at second P. Scott, pers.
Beta pert
vaccination crew visit comm., April 2008
Parent rearer
Age at third vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
crew visit (days) (112,119,126) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (126,140,154) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (21,28,63) comm., April 2008
Grandparent Age of birds when Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
breeder moved to farm (days) (126,140,154) comm., April 2008
Age at spiking (days) Beta pert P. Scott, pers.


Table A3-1. Production parameters for chicken meat farms

Farm Type Parameter description value(s) Reference(s)
(280,315,331) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (420,448,490) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (28,35,63) comm., April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
crew visit (days) (8,10,12) comm., April 2008
Age at second P. Scott, pers.
Beta pert
vaccination crew visit comm., April 2008
Grandparent rearer Age at third vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
and breeder crew visit (days) (112,119,126) comm., April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Age at spiking (days)
(280,315,331) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (420,448,490) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (28,35,63) comm., April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
crew visit (days) (8,10,12) comm., April 2008
Age at second P. Scott, pers.
Beta pert
vaccination crew visit comm., April 2008
Grandparent rearer
Age at third vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
crew visit (days) (112,119,126) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (126,140,154) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (28,35,63) comm., April 2008
Age of birds when P. Scott, pers.
moved to farm (days) comm., April 2008
Great-grandparent Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Age at spiking (days)
breeder farm (280,315,331) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (420,448,490) comm., April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (28,35,63) comm., April 2008
P. Scott, pers.
Batches per year 5
Multi-aged broiler comm., April 2008
farm Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (4,14,46) comm., April 2008


Table A3-2. Production parameters for chicken layer farms

Farm Type Parameter description Parameter value(s) Reference(s)
Age of birds when moved Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
to farm (days) (84,112,133) April 2008
Age at egg production Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Layer (days) (105,119,140) April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Age at depopulation (days)
(420,518,770) April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
(days) (14,21,28) April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
crew visit (days) (63,84,98) April 2008
Age at egg production Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
(days) (105,119,140) April 2008
Layer and
Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
pullet Age at depopulation (days)
(420,518,770) April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
(days) (14,21,28) April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
crew visit (days) (63,84,98) April 2008
Pullet Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Age at depopulation (days)
(84,112,133) April 2008
Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
(days) (14,21,28) April 2008
Age at first vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
crew visit (days) (8,10,12) April 2008
Age at second vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
crew visit (days) (77,84,91) April 2008
Age at third vaccination Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Breeder crew visit (days) (112,119,126) April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Age at spiking (days)
(280,315,331) April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Age at depopulation (days)
(420,518,770) April 2008
Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Time between batches
(14,21,42) April 2008
P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Batches per year 8
Multi-aged April 2008
layer farms Time between batches Beta pert P. Scott, pers. comm.,
(days) (14,28,42) April 2008


Table A3-3. Production parameters for duck farms

Parameter Parameter
Farm Type description value(s) Reference(s)
Age at final Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Grower depopulation (days) (35,42,46) comm., April 2008
Time between Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
batches (days) (14,21,28) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
(days) (455,462,469) comm., April 2008
Parent breeder
Time between Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
batches (days) (14,21,28) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
Grandparent or great-
(days) (483,490,497) comm., April 2008
grandparent breeder
Time between Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
batches (days) (21,28,42) comm., April 2008
P. Scott, pers.
Batches per year 5
comm., April 2008
Multi-aged duck farm
Time between Beta pert P. Scott, pers.
batches (days) (7,10,14) comm., April 2008

Table A3-4. Production parameters for turkey farms

Parameter Parameter
Farm Type description value(s) Reference(s)
Age at first Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
depopulation (days) (63,70,77) comm., April 2008 a
Age at final Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
depopulation (days) (119,119,126) comm., April 2008
Time between Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
batches (days) (7,14,63) comm., April 2008
Age at depopulation Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
Parent breeder
(days) (406,413,420) comm., April 2008
Time between Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
batches (days) (14,14,21) comm., April 2008
Grandparent or great- Age at depopulation Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
grandparent breeder (days) (406,413,420) comm., April 2008
Time between Beta pert C. Prestwood, pers.
batches (days) (14,14,21) comm., April 2008
C. Prestwood, pers.
Batches per year 12
comm., April 2008
Multi-aged turkey farm
Time between C. Prestwood, pers.
Beta pert (7,7,10)
batches (days) comm., April 2008
In 2008, C. Prestwood was the president of the Australasian Turkey Federation.


Table A3-5. Other production parameters

Parameter Reference(s)
Parameter description
P. Scott, pers. comm.,
Time between feed deliveries (days) 7
April 2008
Time between of dead bird collection P. Scott, pers. comm.,
(days) April 2008
Time between collection of compost bins Assumption
Time between

Table A3-6. Disease parameters for unvaccinated farms

Parameter description Parameter value(s) Reference(s)
Latent period (all farms) (days) 1
Infectious period (Chicken meat farms) (days) Beta pert (27,29,32) Chapter 7 a
Infectious period (Chicken layer farms) (days) Beta pert (18,20,24) Chapter 7
Infectious period (Duck farms) (days) Beta pert (13,13,15) Chapter 7
Infectious period (Turkey farms) (days) Beta pert (19,21,25) Chapter 7
Probability of reporting infection (all farms) Chapter 7
Reporting period (Chicken meat farms) (days) Beta pert (8,9,12) Chapter 7
Reporting period (Chicken layer farms) (days) Beta pert (6,7,10) Chapter 7
Reporting period (Duck farms) (days) Beta pert (10,11,12) Chapter 7
Reporting period (Turkey farms) (days) Beta pert (7,7,11) Chapter 7
Immune period (all farms) (days) Beta pert Assumption
Days Empty farms remain contaminated (days) Beta pert (10,14,28) Assumption
subtracting an one day latent period from the simulated duration of the epidemic.

Table A3-7. Basic transmission parameters

Parameter description Parameter value(s) Reference(s)
Transmission probability (feed) 0.15229 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (dead bird collection) 0.2027 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (litter and manure collection) 0.47504 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (day old chick delivery) 0.081067 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (litter delivery) 0.162135 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (sanitation) 0.142945 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (egg movements) 0.45117 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (routine vaccination) 0.438575 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (other slaughter crews) 0.664 Chapter 6
Transmission probability (broiler and turkey pickup crews) 0.776445 Chapter 6


Table A3-8. Bio-containment and bio-exclusion probabilities

Industry Farm Type Bio-containment Bio-exclusion Reference(s)
probability probability
Broiler 1 0.75 Chapter 6
Parent breeder 0.33 0.33 Chapter 6
Rearer and parent Chapter 6
0.33 0.33
Rearer parent breeder 0.33 0.33 Chapter 6
Chicken Grandparent breeder 0.29 0.2 Chapter 6
meat Rearer and Chapter 6
0.29 0.2
grandparent breeder
Rearer grandparent 0.29 0.2 Chapter 6
Great-grandparent Chapter 6
0.29 0.2
Independent broiler 1 1 Chapter 6
Layer 1 1 Chapter 6
Chicken Pullet and layer 1 1 Chapter 6
layer Pullet 1 1 Chapter 6
Breeder 0.29 0.2 Chapter 6
Grower 0.75 0.75 Chapter 6
Parent breeder 0.33 0.33 Chapter 6
Elite breeder 0.29 0.2 Chapter 6
Independent grower 1 1 Chapter 6
Grower 0.5 1 Chapter 6
Parent breeder 0.33 0.33 Chapter 6
Elite breeder 0.29 0.2 Chapter 6
Independent grower 1 1 Chapter 6

Table A3-9. Decay of virus on fomites

Description Parameter value(s) Reference(s)
Days fomites remain contaminated 5 Shortridge et al. (1998)
Decay parameter (day 0) 1 Shortridge et al. (1998)
Decay parameter (day 1) 0.7100 Shortridge et al. (1998)
Decay parameter (day 2) 0.7100 Shortridge et al. (1998)
Decay parameter (day 3) 0.0790 Shortridge et al. (1998)
Decay parameter (day 4) 0.0044 Shortridge et al. (1998)


Table A3-10. Baseline parameters for mitigations module

Parameter description value(s) Reference(s)
Animal Health Australia
Restricted Area (RA) radius (km) 3
Animal Health Australia
Control Area (CA) radius (km) 10
Daily probability dead bird collection Animal Health Australia
on a farm in the RA (2008a)
Daily probability dead bird collection Animal Health Australia
on a farm in the CA (2008a)
Sensitivity of dead bird surveillance 0.95 a Chapter 5
Surveillance visits (per day) Unlimited Chapter 5
Sensitivity of surveillance visits 0.95 Chapter 5
Sensitivity of tracing 0.95 a Chapter 5
Vaccination teams 10 DAFF, unpublished data
G. Arzey, pers. comm.,
Vaccination rate (birds per day) 15,000
August 2007
R. Rubira, pers. comm.,
Culling rate (sheds culled per day) 1
Culling teams 6 Baldock (1992)
In the sensitivity analysis presented in Chapter 8 these parameters were assumed to
be 1 (Section 8.6) . These revised estimates were used for studies presented in Section
8.7 and Chapters 9 and 10.

Table A3-11. Baseline farm-level vaccination parameters (assuming 80% flock

Parameter Single Double
Industry description vaccination vaccination Reference
Susceptibility 1 0.65 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.53 0.06 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.2 0.2 Assumption
Chicken Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
meat Infectious period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection not Chapter 7
(1,7,27) a (1,1,8) a
reported) (days)
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,4,28) (3,4,5)
Susceptibility 0.99 0.75 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.47 0.08 Chapter 7
Chicken surveillance
Infectiousness 0.2 0.2 Assumption
Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption


Table A3-11. Baseline farm-level vaccination parameters (assuming 80% flock

Parameter Single Double
Industry description vaccination vaccination Reference
Infectious period (if
infection not Beta pert Beta pert Chapter 7
reported) (days) (1,2,20) a (1,1,8) a
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,6,20) (3,4,5)
Susceptibility 0.98 0.96 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
1 0.95 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.2 0.2 Assumption
Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
Infectious period (if
Beta pert
infection not n/a Chapter 7
(1,1,1) a
reported) (days)
Reporting period (if
Beta pert
infection reported) Beta pert (3,5,7) Chapter 7
Susceptibility 1 0.62 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.43 0.19 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.2 0.2 Assumption
Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
Infectious period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection not a Chapter 7
(1,2,25) (1,1,7) a
reported) (days)
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,4,19) (3,4,11)
Time until immunity
after vaccination 14 14 Assumption
Minimum time
Lee et al.
between first and n/a 14
second doses (days)
subtracting one day from the duration of the epidemic to account for the latent


Table A3-12. Alternative farm-level vaccination parameters (assuming 90%

flock immunity)
Parameter Single Double
Industry description vaccination vaccination Reference
Susceptibility 1 0.5 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.24 0.08 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.1 0.1 Assumption
Chicken Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
meat Infectious period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection not Chapter 7
(2,2,15) a (1,1,3) a
reported) (days)
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,5,13) (3,3,4)
Susceptibility 1 0.41 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.3 0.05 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.1 0.1 Assumption
Chicken Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
layer Infectious period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection not Chapter 7
(1,2,16) a (1,1,4) a
reported) (days)
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,5,11) (3,3,3)
Susceptibility 1 0.93 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.95 0.91 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.1 0.1 Assumption
Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
Infectious period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection not Chapter 7
(1,1,1) a (1,1,1) a
reported) (days)
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,5,8) (3,6,9)
Susceptibility 1 0.44 Chapter 7
Sensitivity of
0.22 0.07 Chapter 7
Infectiousness 0.1 0.1 Assumption
Latent period (days) 1 1 Assumption
Infectious period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection not Chapter 7
(1,2,12) a (1,1,5) a
reported) (days)


Table A3-12. Alternative farm-level vaccination parameters (assuming 90%

flock immunity)
Parameter Single Double
Industry description vaccination vaccination Reference
Reporting period (if
Beta pert Beta pert
infection reported) Chapter 7
(3,3,11) (3,3,3)
Time until immunity
after vaccination 14 14 Assumption
Minimum time
Lee et al.
between first and n/a 14
second doses (days)
subtracting one day from the duration of the epidemic to account for the latent



A4.1 Hard copy questionnaire used in the face to face


Introduction and aim of the survey

Understanding the likelihood of highly pathogenic

avian influenza spread between commercial
poultry farms in Australia

A survey to support Australia’s emergency preparedness

Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer

Australian Government Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry

Faculty of Veterinary Science

University of Sydney

The purpose of this survey is to collect expert opinion about the potential
spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) between commercial
chicken meat, chicken egg, duck and turkey farms in Australia. Data
collected in this survey is important for simulation studies investigating
the likely spread of infection and the efficacy of potential control

Please return the questionnaire to:

Dr Sam Hamilton
Office of the Chief Veterinary Officer
Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2602





Likelihood categories

The following section aims to quantify the likelihood of highly pathogenic avian influenza
spread between farms by a number of exposure scenarios.

Please rate the likelihood of each scenario using the following scale:

Frequency of
Category Description transmission per 1,000
farm-to-farm contacts
The event would almost certainly 0 to 0.001 times per 1000
not occur contacts
The event would be extremely 0.001 to 1 times per 1000
Extremely low
unlikely to occur contacts
The event would be very unlikely to 1 to 50 times per 1000
Very low
occur contacts
The event would be unlikely to 50 to 300 times per 1000
occur contacts
The event would occur with an even 300 to 700 times per 1000
probability contacts
The event would be very likely to 700 to 1000 times per
occur 1000 contacts

Example: likelihood of human mortality in Australia

This table lists the likelihood of death for Australians by a number of causes,
categorised using the previous scale. It may be a useful reference for you.

Category Cause Likelihood

Negligible Death by lightning strike (per year) 0.0001 per 1000 people
Death by transport accident (per
Extremely low 0.1 per 1,000 people
Death by any cause (65 and over
Very low 42.5 per 1000 people
years) (per year)
Probability of death within a year
Low after diagnosis of colon cancer 190 per 1000 people
Probability of death within a year
Moderate after diagnosis of mesothelioma 580 per 1000 people
Probability of death within five
High years after diagnosis of lung cancer 890 per 1000 people


Uncertainty categories

Questions in this section are designed to gather your opinion about specific outbreak
scenarios. Because there is limited experience with HPAI spread in Australia, we don't know
the "right" answers.

Because of this, it is useful for us to know how certain you are that your answer is

For each response please indicate how certain you are that your judgement is correct
using the following scale:

Category Description
Not certain at all you do not feel qualified to give an opinion
Very uncertain you slightly prefer your answer to other available choices
Low level of certainty you have some reason or a “gut feeling” for your choice
you are aware of evidence from an similar situation that supports your
Fairly certain
Very certain you are aware of data which directly supports your opinion


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between broiler farms by pickup crews

Farm B is a single-aged broiler farm, contracted to a commercial integrator. It has 35 day old
birds on site. This farm has been infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza for one
week. Although there has been a mild increase in mortalities, the farm continues to operate as
usual. The ambient temperature is between 15 to 20˚C

Scenario 10. A thinning crew catches broilers on Farm B, which are transported to the
integrator’s processing plant. Later that night the crew and the vehicle pickup birds from
another broiler farm.

1. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

2. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

3. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

4. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by feed deliveries

Farm A is a multi-aged combined pullet and layer farm has been infected with highly
pathogenic avian influenza for one week. Infection has not been detected yet and the farm
continues to operate as usual. The ambient temperature is between 15 to 20˚C.

This farm is an independent operation, but shares services with a number of layer farms in the

Scenario 1. Farm A receives a delivery of feed. Later that day, the same truck and driver
deliver feed to a second layer farm.

5. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

6. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

7. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

8. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between farms by contractors removing dead


Scenario 2. A waste removal contractor has made a collection of dead bird carcasses from
Farm A. Later that day, the same vehicle and driver make a collection of dead birds from a
second layer farm.

9. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

10. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

11. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

12. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by contractors removing


Scenario 3. A haulage company collects manure from Farm A and transports it to a local
processing centre. Later that day, the driver and truck collect manure from a second layer

13. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

14. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

15. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

16. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by day-old chick deliveries

Scenario 4. Farm A receives a delivery of day-old chicks from a hatchery in the region.
Later that day the truck and driver return to the hatchery and deliver another batch of day-old
chicks to a second layer farm.

17. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

18. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

19. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

20. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by fresh litter deliveries

Scenario 5. Farm A receives a delivery of fresh litter from a litter supplier. The next day the
same vehicle and driver make a delivery of litter to another layer farm.

21. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

22. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

23. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

24. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by sanitation crews

Scenario 6. A sanitation crew visits Farm A and decontaminates and disinfects an empty
shed on the property. The next day this crew visits another layer farm.

25. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

26. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

27. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

28. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by the re-use of cardboard

egg trays

Scenario 7. Consignments of eggs are transported daily from Farm A to a grading and
packing floor using cardboard egg trays. Another layer farm also supplies eggs to this grading
and packing floor. The next day egg trays from Farm A are sent to the second farm.

29. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

30. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

31. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

32. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by vaccination crews

Scenario 8. A vaccination crew visits Farm A to vaccinate pullets. The next day this crew
vaccinates pullets on another layer farm.

33. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

34. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

35. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

36. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Likelihood of HPAI transmission between layer farms by pickup crews

Scenario 9. Spent layer hens on Farm A are transported to slaughter using a contractor's
truck. The next day this contractor visits another layer farm.

37. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
worst plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

38. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
best plausible case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

39. In your opinion, what is the likelihood of HPAI transmission to the second farm in the
most likely case? (Mark one)

Negligible Extremely low Very low Low Moderate High

[] [] [] [] [] []

40. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Other questions (1)

41. In your opinion, what is the maximum, minimum and most likely number of broiler pickup
crews servicing individual integrated chicken meat processing plants?

Most likely

42. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []

43. In your opinion, what is the maximum, minimum and most likely number of day-old chick
delivery trucks operating out of hatcheries owned by integrated companies?

Most likely

44. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


Other questions (2)

The following questions are included to gather a better understanding of the movements of
used cardboard egg trays between farms in the chicken layer industry.

45. In your opinion, what percent of chicken egg layer farms would receive used cardboard
egg trays onto the farm from external source (e.g. a grading/packing facility)?

46. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []

47. If a farm receives used cardboard egg trays from an external source, in your opinion what
would be the maximum, minimum and most likely number of times per week used
cardboard egg trays come onto to the farm?

Maximum Per week

Minimum Per week
Most likely Per week

48. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []

49. Are records kept about these movements? If so, what sort of records are kept?


Other questions (3)

The following questions are included to gather a better understanding of the contacts between
independent processing plants and the mainstream chicken meat industry.

50. In your opinion, does the supply of broilers from integrated farms to independent
processing plants represent a significant biosecurity risk for the spread of AI?

51. Are the birds transported by trucks managed by the independent processor or the chicken
meat integrator?

52. Typically, what level of decontamination and disinfection is practiced on vehicles, crates
and personnel used for these movements?

53. Are records kept about these movements? If so, what sort of records are kept?



54. Any other comments? How could this process be improved?


A4.2 Additional questions included in the online questionnaire but

not in the face to face workshop
General information

1. How long have you been employed in the poultry industry (in years)?

2. Which category or categories best describe your current employment?

[ ] University [ ] Government
[ ] Industry [ ] Private consultant

[ ] Other (please specify)

3. Have you ever drafted biosecurity protocols for poultry farms?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No


Uncertainty categories

Questions in this section are designed to gather your opinion about specific outbreak
scenarios. Because there is limited experience with HPAI spread in Australia, we don't know
the "right" answers.

Because of this, it is useful for us to know how certain you are that your answer is

For each response please indicate how certain you are that your judgement is correct
using the following scale:

Category Description
Not certain at all you do not feel qualified to give an opinion
Very uncertain you slightly prefer your answer to other available choices
Low level of certainty you have some reason or a “gut feeling” for your choice
you are aware of evidence from an similar situation that supports your
Fairly certain
Very certain you are aware of data which directly supports your opinion


Ranking the effectiveness of biosecurity practiced on different types of poultry


For the purposes of this exercise, farm biosecurity can be classified into two categories:

a) Bioexclusion - the ability to prevent the introduction of infection into susceptible flocks
from contaminated objects

b) Biocontainment - the ability to prevent virus escaping from infected flocks by

decontaminating contaminated objects

The following section aims to quantify the relative effectiveness of bioexclusion and
biocontainment practices on different types of farms compared with an average independent
chicken egg layer farm.


Relative effectiveness of bioexclusion practices

4. In your opinion, how much more or less likely are the following types of farms to become
infected with HPAI if visited by contaminated personnel, vehicles or equipment compared
with an independent chicken egg layer farm? Please tick your response.

In each case please tick how certain you are that your assessments are correct.

Relative likelihood of
Your level of
Type of farm transmission of
infection to poultry
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Chicken layer pullet farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated parent breeder farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated GP or GGP farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated broiler farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 3 times MORE likely
[ ] Very uncertain
[ ] 2 times MORE likely
Independent chicken meat farm [ ] EQUALLY likely
[ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 2 times LESS likely
[ ] Very certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely
[ ] 4 times LESS likely


Relative likelihood of
Your level of
Type of farm transmission of
infection to poultry
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated duck grower farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Independent duck farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated turkey grower farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Independent turkey farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely


Relative effectiveness of biocontainment practices

5. In your opinion, if the following types of farms were infected with HPAI how much more
or less likely would it be that personnel, vehicles or equipment would be contaminated with
virus after leaving the site compared with an independent chicken egg layer farm? Please tick
your response.

In each case please tick how certain you are that your assessments are correct.

Relative likelihood of
Your level of
Type of farm transmission of
infection to poultry
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Chicken layer pullet farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated parent breeder farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated GP or GGP farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated broiler farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Independent chicken meat farm [ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely


Relative likelihood of
Your level of
Type of farm transmission of
infection to poultry
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated duck grower farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Independent duck farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Integrated turkey grower farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times MORE likely
[ ] 4 times MORE likely
[ ] 3 times MORE likely [ ] Not certain at all
[ ] 2 times MORE likely [ ] Very uncertain
Independent turkey farm [ ] EQUALLY likely [ ] Low level of certainty
[ ] 2 times LESS likely [ ] Fairly certain
[ ] 3 times LESS likely [ ] Very certain
[ ] 4 times LESS likely
[ ] ≥5 times LESS likely


Other questions (1)

6. Commercial feed mills routinely operate a number of trucks to deliver feed. In your
opinion, what is the maximum, minimum and most likely number of trucks operated by
individual feed mills in Australia?

Most likely

7. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []

8. Dead bird collection contractors routinely operate a number of trucks. In your opinion,
what is the maximum, minimum and most likely number of trucks operated by individual dead
bird collection contactors in Australia?
Most likely

9. How certain are you that this assessment is correct? (Mark one)

Low level of Fairly

Not certain at all Very uncertain Very certain
certainty certain
[] [] [] [] []


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