Hotel EA PDF
Hotel EA PDF
Hotel EA PDF
SAVE II Programme
May 2001
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Main characteristics
This short audit form is used to identify the hotel characteristics and electrical, heating,
cooling and domestic hot water systems installed.
Known future changes in installations and/or energy use etc can be noted separately.
Such factors as the size of heating, cooling and electrical loads, the temperatures at which heat
and cooling are required, site for locating the CHCP etc can be examined and determined on
the basis of this form. The identification of which load to use, and an accurate determination
of this load and its variation, are the most important steps in the design of CHCP installation.
Occupation rate, % ________________________
Number of rooms:_____________ Average room size, m2:____________
Total covered area, m2:_____________________________
Public general service and service area, m2: ________________________
Special service
Climate cooling: Total size of climatized areas:_____________________
Swimming pool: Area, m2:______ Period of use:_______________
Restaurant: Places:_________ Use for non guests:___________
Average meals/month:___________________________
Laundry: Yes No
Electricity consumption
Heating/Hot Water
Air Conditioning
Is the staff educated in energy savings and aware about relevant instructions?
Yes Partly No