Modul Kolesterol
Modul Kolesterol
Modul Kolesterol
DOI: 10.21767/2472-1093.100015
Received: June 16, 2016; Accepted: June 25, 2016; Published: June 30, 2016
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Journal of Infectious Diseases and Treatment 2016
ISSN 2472-1093 Vol. 2 No. 1: 10
to liquefy sputum has potent tuberculocidal properties and so Conventional analysis using microscopy (Ziehl- Neelsen technique)
largely eliminate biosafety concerns during test procedure [11]. detected acid fast bacilli (AFB) in 237 (15.8%) specimens whereas
The assay can be performed directly from a clinical sample or no AFB was detected in 1263 (84.2%) specimens i.e., smear
from a decontaminated sputum pellet. These features allow the negative. In comparism, Xpert MTB/RIF detected all the smear
technology to be taken out of reference laboratory and used positive cases of microscopy and an additional 153(12.0% 0
nearer to the patient. positive cases from the 1263 smear negative cases as presented
Nigeria is one of the 22 tuberculosis high burden countries in in Table 2.
the world with an estimated prevalence of 322 per 100,000 Rifampicin resistance among MTB detected cases was observed
population and incidence of 338 per 100,000 population of all by Xpert in 12 (3.1%) out of 389 MTB cases (Table 3). The socio-
forms of tuberculosis [12]. Xpert MTB/RIF assay for the diagnosis demographic characteristics of these pulmonary tuberculosis
of MTB and RIF resistance was introduced in Nigeria in 2012.
patients is presented in Table 4. The PTB patients were mostly
Xpert programme in Nigeria is largely implemented by the KNCV
males (66.1%) in the age group 25-34 years (37.8%) and traders
TB Foundation in partnership with Government of Nigeria and
support from US Agency for International Development (USAID).
We therefore aimed this work at assessing the diagnostic Discussion
accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis
A highly sensitive and specific tuberculosis diagnostic test
and compared it with microscopy in the detection of pulmonary
would contribute immensely to achieve the 90% reduction in
tuberculosis cases.
tuberculosis incidence by 2035 as established by the End-TB
Materials and Methods strategy [13].
In this study, we offered Xpert MTB/RIF test to all presumptive
Study area
pulmonary tuberculosis cases as is done in other countries
This prospective study was carried out at Nnamdi Azikwe [14,15]. Xpert MTB/RIF test detected 389 (25.9%) pulmonary
University Teaching Hospital, (NAUTH) Nnewi, Nigeria. NAUTH tuberculosis cases out of 1500 presumptive pulmonary TB
is a tertiary hospital with specialist care and referral centre for cases. It had been emphasized [10]. that Xpert can be used as
other hospitals. an initial diagnostic test for tuberculosis detection and rifampicin
Study participants: Individuals aged 15 years and older who were resistance in patients suspected of having tuberculosis, MDR-TB
presumptive pulmonary TB cases attending TB/directly observed or HIV associated tuberculosis.
treatment short course clinic were invited to participate and Xpert may also be valuable as an add-on test following
enrolled at the time of presentation to the clinic. microscopy for patients who have previously been found to be
Methods smear negative [16]. We compared the performance of smear
microscopy with Xpert MTB/RIF assay in MTB detection. Smear
Presumptive pulmonary TB cases submitted two sputum microscopy detected 237 (15.8%) MTB cases whereas Xpert
specimens: on-the-spot (S-S) within an hour interval. Sputum MTB/RIF test correctly detected all 237 positive cases of smear
smears, appropriately labeled were made on clean grease free microscopy in addition to 152 (12.0%) positive cases among
slides (2 cm × 1 cm) and stained smears were read at X1000
magnification and graded according to the WHO/IUATLD system. Table 1 Detection of MTB in sputum specimens using Xpert MTB/RIF assay.
Xpert MTB/RIF assay: Sputum specimens were processed No. sputum Specimens MTB detected (%) MTB not detected (%)
directly from Xpert MTB/Rif test according to manufacturer’s 1500 389 (25.9) 1111 (74.1)
protocol. Sample reagent (SR) which contains NaOH and
Isopropanol was added in 2:1 ratio to unprocessed sputum in 15 Table 2 Comparative detection of MTB using microscopy Vs. Xpert MTB/
ml falcon tube and the tube was manually agitated twice during
a 15 minute incubation period at room temperature. Then 2 ml No of specimen
Microscopy Xpert MTB/RIF
of the inactivated sample was transferred to the test cartridge examined
by a sterile disposable pipette (provided with kits). Cartridge was AFB+ AFB- MTB detected MTB detected
loaded into the Genexpert instrument and an automatic process (%) (%) (%) (%)
completed the remaining assay steps. Interpretation of data from 1500 237 1263 389 1111
-15.8 -84.2 -25.9 -74.1
MTB/RIF test was software based [9]. Ethical approval for the
study was obtained from the ethical committee of the hospital. Table 3 Rifampicin resistance among MTB detected cases.
All patients consented to participate in the study.
MTB detected (n=389)
Results No of
MTB not RIF resistance
detected detected
RIF not
RIF Resistance
A total of 1500 sputum specimens were run in the Xpert MTB/ (%) (%) (%) (%)
RIF assay. MTB was detected by Xpert in 389 (25.9%) specimens 1500
1111 12 374 3
while MTB was not detected in 1,111 (74.1%) specimens (Table 1). (74.1) (3.1) (96.1) (0.8)
Table 4 Rifampicin resistance among MTB detected cases. Socio- Other workers [8,17] have reported that the smear microscopy
demographic characteristics of PTB patients. detected only 9.3% (21/227) of cases whereas Xpert MTB/RIF
Characteristics PTB+(%) n=389 detected 16.7% (38/227) of cases. In agreement, they noted that
Gender Xpert MTB/RIF diagnosed more patients than smear microscopy.
Males 257 (66.1)
Rifampicin resistance is a precursor to the development of multi-
Females 132 (33.9)
drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and a reliable predictor
Age group(Years)
of multi-drug resistance in settings where the prevalence of
15-24 54 (13.9)
rifampicin resistant MTB is high [16]. In our study, among 389
25-34 147 (37.8)
(25.9%) MTB cases, rifampicin resistance was detected in 12 (3.1%)
35-44 99 (25.4)
patients. This is similar to a study where rifampicin resistance was
45-54 47 (12.1)
detected in 16 (6.5%) out of 245 patients. Other studies [18] had
55-64 29 (7.5)
reported similar but higher rates of rifampicin resistance. Since
65 and above 13 (3.3)
we excluded PTB patients already on tuberculosis medicine, all
the 12 rifampicin resistant cases were primarily infected (MDR-
Trading/business people 204 (52.4)
TB cases). This is worrisome as MDR-TB spread on the community
Unemployed 124 (31.9)
Civil servants 21 (5.4)
could be on-going. Thus, WHO recommends that if Xpert detects
Students 40 (10.3)
rifampicin resistance in patients considered at risk of MDR-TB, an
Marital status
appropriate MDR-TB regimen should be initiated while additional
single 103 (26.5) sputum specimens are obtained for culture and drug sensitivity
Married 225 (57.8) testing [19].
Divorced/widowed 61 (15.7) Socio-demographic characteristics of these PTB patients revealed
Level of Education that they were mostly young males in the age group 25-34 years,
No formal 188 (48.3) employed as traders/business people and married. It had been
Primary 120 (30.8) documented [20] that traders amongst occupational groups
Secondary 48 (12.3) were populations at risk of tuberculosis in Abia state.
Tertiary 33 (8.5)
1263 suspects with smear negative results. Thus, Xpert MTB/RIF
outperformed smear microscopy and established a diagnosis in Xpert MTB/RIF test is an accurate method for rapid diagnosis of
a significant proportion of presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis PTB. It outperformed microscopy and detected MTB in smear
cases with smear negative tuberculosis. This is compatible with negative cases. It could adequately serve as initial diagnostic test
a study [3]. Where by ZN microscopy 77% MTB detection was for PTB detection and rifampicin resistance in Anambra state and
observed while 82.5% detection was seen with Xpert MTB/RIF. Nigeria.