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Clinical Endocrinology (2006) 64, 355–365 doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2265.2006.02474.


The endocrine function of adipose tissue: an update

Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Tiziana Ronti, Graziana Lupattelli and Elmo Mannarino

Internal Medicine, Angiology and Atherosclerosis, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Perugia, Italy

acutely potentiates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. The longer-

Summary term lipotoxic effect of fatty acids on the pancreatic β-cell may also
be part of the link between obesity, insulin resistance and develop-
Adipose tissue secretes bioactive peptides, termed ‘adipokines’, which ment of type 2 diabetes.
act locally and distally through autocrine, paracrine and endocrine As recent findings do not entirely support the portal-visceral
effects. In obesity, increased production of most adipokines impacts hypothesis, the theories of the ectopic fat storage syndrome2 and the
on multiple functions such as appetite and energy balance, immu- endocrine paradigm3 have been developed to explain the links
nity, insulin sensitivity, angiogenesis, blood pressure, lipid metabo- between adiposity and disease.
lism and haemostasis, all of which are linked with cardiovascular Three lines of evidence support the ectopic fat storage syndrome.
disease. Enhanced activity of the tumour necrosis factor and inter- First, in mice and humans, failure to develop adequate adipose tissue
leukin 6 are involved in the development of obesity-related insulin mass, also termed lipodystrophy, results in severe insulin resistance
resistance. Angiotensinogen has been implicated in hypertension and diabetes, which might be consequent to ectopic lipid storage in
and plasminogen activating inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in impaired fibri- the liver, skeletal muscle and pancreatic insulin-secreting beta cell.
nolysis. Other adipokines like adiponectin and leptin, at least in Second, most obese patients shunt lipid into keletal muscle, liver, and
physiological concentrations, are insulin sparing as they stimulate probably beta cells and, as demonstrated by several studies, the
beta oxidation of fatty acids in skeletal muscle. The role of resistin degree of lipid infiltration closely correlates with insulin resistance.
is less understood. It is implicated in insulin resistance in rats, but Third, increased fat cell size is associated with insulin resistance and
probably not in humans. Reducing adipose tissue mass, through diabetes. Large fat cells may underlie the failure of the adipose tissue
weight loss in association with exercise, can lower TNF-α and IL-6 mass to expand and accommodate a high energy influx. Altogether,
levels and increase adiponectin concentrations, whereas drugs such these three observations support the acquired lipodystrophy hypo-
as thiazolinediones increase endogenous adiponectin production. thesis as the link between adiposity and insulin resistance.2
In-depth understanding of the pathophysiology and molecular The endocrine paradigm was developed at the same time as the
actions of adipokines may, in the coming years, lead to effective hypothesis of the ectopic fat storage syndrome. Adipose tissue was
therapeutic strategies designed to protect against atherosclerosis in traditionally considered an energy storage organ, but over the last
obese patients decade, it has emerged as an endocrine organ. It is now recognized
(Received 24 June 2005; returned for revision 2 August 2005; finally that adipose tissue produces multiple bioactive peptides, termed
revised 29 September 2005; accepted 22 November 2005) ‘adipokines’, which not only influence adipocyte function in an auto-
crine and paracrine fashion but also affect more than one metabolic
pathway through the bloodstream.3
The concept of white adipose tissue as an endocrine organ orig-
Introduction inated in 1995 with the discovery of leptin and its wide-ranging
biological functions.4 To maintain normal body functions, each
Marked central adiposity, one of the main characteristics of the insu- adipocyte secretes diverse cytokines and bioactive substances into the
lin resistance syndrome and/or metabolic syndrome, is the basis of surrounding environment. Although each adipocyte produces a
the portal /visceral hypothesis that states that increased adiposity, small quantity of adipocytokines, as adipose tissue is the largest
particularly in visceral depots, leads to greater free fatty acid (FFA) organ in the human body, their total amount impacts on body func-
flux and inhibition of insulin action via Randle’s effect in insulin- tions. Furthermore, as adipose tissue is supplied by abundant blood
sensitive tissues.1 Aberrantly high availability of nonesterified fatty stream adipocytokines released from adipocytes pour into the
acids reduces muscle use of glucose, strongly stimulates hepatic systemic circulation.
glucose and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) production and So far, many adipokines have been identified (Table 1). They all
integrate in a communications network with other tissues and
organs such as the skeletal muscle, adrenal cortex, brain and sym-
Correspondence: Graziana Lupattelli, Internal Medicine, Angiology and
Atherosclerosis, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, pathetic nervous system and participate in appetite and energy
University of Perugia, R. Silvestrini Hospital, 06156 Perugia, Italy. balance, immunity, insulin sensitivity, angiogenesis, blood pressure,
Tel.: +390755784023; Fax: +390755784022; E-mail: [email protected] lipid metabolism and haemostasis (Table 2).

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356 T. Ronti et al.

Table 1. Adipokines and their main effects fasting, and triggers a rise in glucocorticoids, and reduction in thy-
roxine (T4), sex and growth hormones.7 Moreover, the characteristic
Adipocytokines Effects on decrease in thermogenesis during fasting and postfast hyperphagia
is mediated, at least in part, through a decline in leptin.5 Therefore,
LPL Lipid metabolism leptin deficiency was perceived as a state of unmitigated starvation,
HSL Lipid metabolism
leading to compensatory responses, such as hyperphagia, decreased
Perilipin Lipid metabolism
metabolic rate and changes in hormone levels, designed to restore
aP2 Lipid metabolism
energy balance.8
CETP Lipid metabolism 9
RBP Lipid metabolism Chan et al. examined the role of leptin in regulating neuroendo-
IL-6 Inflammation, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance crine and metabolic function in fasting humans. Placebo, low-dose
TNF-α Inflammation, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance recombinant methionyl human leptin (r-metHuLeptin) or replace-
Adipsin/ASP Immune–stress response ment-dose r-metHuLeptin was administered during a 72-h fast.
Metallothionein Immune–stress response Replacement-dose leptin prevented starvation-induced changes in
Angiotensinogen Vascular homeostasis sex hormones and partially prevented suppression of hypothalamic–
PAI-1 Vascular homeostasis pituitary–thyroid axis and IGF-1 binding capacity. However,
Adiponectin Inflammation, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance unlike rodents, leptin replacement during acute fasting did not
PPAR-γ Lipid metabolism, inflammation,
affect fuel utilization, glucocorticoid or growth hormone levels
vascular homeostasis
in humans.
CRP Inflammation, atherosclerosis, insulin resistance
In patients with lipodystrophy and leptin deficiency, leptin-
IGF-1 Lipid metabolism, insulin resistance
TGF-b Cell adhesion and migration, growth replacement therapy improved glycemic control and decreased
and differentiation triglyceride levels. In a recent study, nine female patients (age range,
Monobutyrin Vasodilation of the microvessel 15–42 years; eight with diabetes mellitus) with lipodystrophy
Uncoupling proteins Energy balance and theromoregulation and serum leptin levels under 4 ng/ml (0·32 nmol/ml) received
Steroid hormones Lipid metabolism, insulin resistance r-metHuLeptin (recombinant leptin) subcutaneously twice a day for
Leptin Food intake, reproduction, 4 months at escalating doses, in order to achieve low, intermediate
angiogenesis, immunity and high physiological leptin replacement levels. During treatment,
Resistin Inflammation, insulin resistance serum leptin levels increased and glycosylated haemoglobin
P450 arom Lipid metabolism
decreased in the eight patients with diabetes. Four months therapy
Apelin Insulin resistance
reduced average triglyceride levels by 60% and liver volume by a
Visfatin Insulin resistance
mean of 28% in all nine patients and led to suspension of, or to a
ZAG Lipid metabolism, cancer cachexia
substantial reduction in, antidiabetes medication. Self-reported daily
Abbreviations: LPL, lipoprotein lipase; HSL, hormone-sensitive lipase; aP2, caloric intake and resting metabolic rate also decreased significantly.
adipocyte lipid-binding protein; RBP, retinol-binding protein; IGF-1, Overall, recombinant leptin therapy was well tolerated.10
insulin-like growth factor-1; TGF-b, transforming growth factor-b; PPAR-g, Similar results were observed in three severely obese children with
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor g; ZAG, zinc-a2-glycoprotein. no functional leptin.11 Leptin receptor mutations are rare in humans.
Affected members of a French family have a single nucleotide
substitution (G-to-A) in the splice donor site of exon 16, which
results in encoding of a leptin receptor (LEPR) without either
Leptin, a 16-kD adipocyte-derived cytokine, is synthesized and transmembrane or intracellular domains.12 The mutant receptor
released from fat cells in response to changes in body fat. It is encoded circulates at high concentrations bound to leptin.12 LEPR null
by a gene called ob (from obesity mice), and was named leptin from humans are hyperphagic, morbidly obese and fail to undergo
the Greek word ‘λεος’, meaning thin. Leptin circulates partially normal sexual maturation.12 Furthermore, these patients did not
bound to plasma proteins and enters the CNS by diffusion through respond to thyrotropin-releasing hormone and growth hormone
capillary junctures in the median eminence and by saturable receptor releasing hormone testing, suggesting leptin plays a critical role in
transport in the choroid plexus. In the hypothalamus, leptin binds neuroendocrine regulation.12
to receptors that stimulate anorexigenic peptides such as proopi- The concept of ‘leptin resistance’ was introduced when increased
omelanocortin and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript adipose leptin production was observed in obese individuals,13 who
and inhibit orexigenic peptides, e.g. neuropeptide Y and the agouti were not leptin-deficient. Apart from mutations in the leptin receptor
gene-related protein.5 Leptin reduces intracellular lipid levels in skeletal gene,14 the molecular basis of leptin resistance has yet to be deter-
muscle, liver and pancreatic beta cells, thereby improving insulin mined. Although adenoviral or transgenic leptin gene over-expression
sensitivity. In muscle, insulin sensitization is achieved through reduced food intake and body weight in rodents,15 attempts to obtain
malonyl CoA inhibition, which increases transport of fatty acids into the same effect in humans through daily administration of recom-
mitochondria for beta oxidation. These changes are partially mediated binant leptin were frustrating, as only very high doses reduced body
by central sympathetic activation of adrenergic receptors.6 weight in a subset of individuals.16 Thus, although leptin is essential
There is strong evidence showing that the dominant action of for body homeostasis, increasing circulating leptin is not the ‘panacea’
leptin is to act as a ‘starvation signal’. Leptin declines rapidly during for common obesity.

© 2006 The Authors

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Adipokine review 357

Table 2. Adipokines and their metabolic effects in humans

Adipocytokines Metabolic effects Future Investigations into the

Adiponectin Inhibition of monocyte adhesion to Detrimental effects of hypoadiponectaemia

endothelial cells, macrophage transformation in obesity, type II diabetes mellitus,
to foam cells, endothelial cell activation. cardiovascular disease
Leptin Satiety signal, inhibits lipogenesis, stimulates lipolysis, Effect on vascular structure
improves insulin sensitivity, angiogenic activity.
IL-6 Impairs appetite, lost fat tissue with no effect on lean Molecular mechanisms trough
mass, inhibits gluconeogensis, increases hepatic de IL-6 can elicit proinflammatory
novo synthesis of fatty acid and cholesterol. or anti-inflammatory effects.
PAI 1 Inhibits activity of tissue-type plasminigen Effects of tissue-type
activator, an anticlotting factor. plasminogen activator, its inhibitor
in type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus
Adipsin Stimulates triglyceride storage in adipose cells through Role on coronary artery disease
stimulation of glucose transport, enhances fatty-acid
re-esterification and inhibits lipolysis
TNF Stimulates release of FFA by adipocytes, reduces Antifibrosis treatment for NASH
adiponectin synthesis and impaired insulin signalling.
Resistin Controversial effects on glucose metabolism Insulin resistance in muscle
Endothelial dysfunction? and liver
Angiotensinogen Acts through vasoactive peptide angiotensin II, Role on pharmacogenetic
Correlates significantly with blood pressure. for hypertension
Aromatase Converts androstenedione to estrone driving fat to Role in inflammation
subcutaneous and breast tissues.
11-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase Regenerates metabolically active cortisol from cortisone in humans Role in inflammation

A large prospective study – the West of Scotland Coronary Pre- activate NF-B. Differences in the tissue-specific expression patterns of
vention Study (WOSCOPS) – showed, for the first time, that leptin two adiponectin receptors may contribute to these divergent activities.24
might be an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease. At Adiponectin also has antiatherogenic properties, as shown in vitro
baseline, plasma leptin levels were significantly higher in 377 men by its inhibition of monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, macro-
(cases) who experienced a coronary event during the 5-year follow- phage transformation to foam cells (through down-regulation of
up period than in 783 male controls, matched for age and smoking scavenger receptors, Ouchi et al. 1999)25 and endothelial cell activa-
history who did not suffer a coronary event and who were repre- tion (through reduced production of adhesion molecules and inhi-
sentative of the entire WOSCOPS cohort.17 bition of tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and transcriptor factor
These data suggest leptin may affect vascular structure. In fact, nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-κβ), Tan KC et al. 2004).26
in vitro and in vivo assays revealed that leptin has angiogenic activity18 Interleukin (IL) 6 and TNF-α are potent inhibitors of adiponectin
and contributes to arterial thrombosis through the platelet leptin expression and secretion in human white adipose tissue biopsies or
receptor. It also stimulates production of reactive oxygen species cultured adipose cells.27 Insulin resistance in lipoatrophic mice was
(ROS) as a result of monocyte activation in vitro.20 Therefore, in an fully reversed by a combination of physiological doses of adiponectin
obese subject leptin may no longer be able to regulate caloric intake and leptin, but only partially by either adiponectin or leptin alone,28
and energy balance, but may still exert its angiogenic activity and suggesting that adiponectin and leptin work together to sensitize
production of ROS, which affect vessel walls.18 –20 peripheral tissues to insulin. However, because globular adiponectin
improves insulin resistance but not obesity in ob/ob leptin-deficient
mice,24 adiponectin and leptin appear to have distinct, albeit over-
lapping, functions. Two receptors for adiponectin have been cloned.
Adiponectin or, as it is also termed, adipocyte complement-related Adipo R1 and Adipo R2 are expressed predominantly in muscles and
protein (Acrp 30) (because of its homology to complement factor C1q) liver. Adiponectin-linked insulin sensitization is mediated, at least in
is almost exclusively expressed in white adipose tissue. Circulating part, by activation of AMPK in skeletal muscles and the liver, which
adiponectin concentrations are high (500 –30 000 µg/ l), accounting increases fatty-acid oxidation and reduces hepatic glucose production.29
for 0·01% of total plasma protein. Adiponectin is present in serum Unlike most adipokines, adiponectin expression and serum con-
as a trimer, hexamer or high molecular weight isoform.21 Waki22 centrations are reduced in obese and insulin-resistant states. In vivo,
reported that the high molecular weight isoform promotes adenosine high plasma adiponectin levels are associated with reduced risk of
monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in hepatocytes. In myocardial infarction (MI) in men as demonstrated in a case control
contrast, Tsao et al.23 who reported only trimers activate AMPK in study that enrolled 18 225 subjects without cardiovascular disease
muscle, whereas hexamers and the high molecular weight isoform who were followed up for 6 years.30

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358 T. Ronti et al.

Fig. 1 Adipocytokines implicated in energy

homeostasis, insulin sensitivity (IS), insulin
resistance (IR) and atherothrombosis. Excessive
production of interleukin 6 (IL-6), tumour
necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), acylation-
stimulating protein (ASP) deteriorates insulin
action in muscle and /or in liver, whereas increased
angiotensin (AGE) and PAI-1 secretion favours
hypertension, endothelial dysfunction and
thrombosis. The role of resistin on insulin
resistance is still not clear. Leptin regulates energy
balance and exerts an insulin sensitizing effect.
Adiponectin increases insulin action in muscle
and liver an exerts an anti atherogenic effect.

Although further studies are needed to clarify whether adiponec- TNF-α production from the fat cuff around the arteriole origin
tin independently predicts coronary heart disease events, in men inhibits insulin-stimulated nitric oxide synthesis and results in
with type 2 diabetes, increased adiponectin levels are associated with unopposed vasoconstriction – a mechanism termed ‘vasocrine’
a moderately decreased risk of coronary heart disease. The associa- signalling.40 These findings suggest a homology between vasoactive
tion seems to be mediated in part by the effects of adiponectin on periarteriolar fat and visceral fat, which may explain relationships
high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, through parallel among visceral fat, insulin resistance and vascular disease.
increases in both. Although many mechanisms have been hypo- In humans TNF-α is synthesized and secreted by adipocytes and
thesized, exactly how adiponectin affects HDL cholesterol remains stromovascular cells. Adipose tissue TNF-α mRNA correlates with
largely unknown.31 In American Indians, who are particularly at risk body mass index, percentage of body fat and hyperinsulinaemia.
of obesity and diabetes,32 adiponectin does not correlate with the Weight loss decreases TNF-α levels.41 However, infusion of TNF-α–
incidence of coronary heart disease. neutralizing antibodies to type 2 diabetic patients did not modify
Two case control studies in obesity-prone Pima Indians and in glucose levels or insulin sensitivity.42 Adipose tissue TNF-α, which
Caucasians suggest that individuals with high adiponectin concen- is not secreted in systemic circulation, acts in an autocrine and para-
trations are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those with low crine fashion. Several mechanisms could account for the effect of
concentrations.34,35 Weight loss, caloric restriction and thiazoladin- TNF-α on obesity-related insulin resistance – increased release of
edione (TZD) treatment increase adiponectin plasma levels and gene FFA by adipocytes, reduced adiponectin synthesis and impaired
expression in white adipose tissue.27 TZD stimulates adiponectin insulin signalling.43 In vitro and in vivo studies show TNF-α inhibi-
gene expression via activation of the heterodimer peroxisome tion of insulin action is, at least in part, antagonized by TZD, further
proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)g/retinoid X receptor, which supporting the role of TNF-α in insulin resistance.44
binds to a PPAR responsive element (PPRE) in the human adiponectin Acute ischaemia also increases TNF-α levels. A nested case control
promoter.36 study in the Cholesterol And Recurrent Events (CARE) trial com-
pared TNF-α concentrations at an average of 9 months after initial
MI in 272 participants who subsequently developed recurrent non-
Tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α)
fatal MI or a fatal cardiovascular event (cases) and in 272 age- and
TNF-α, a multipotential cytokine with several immunologic func- sex-matched participants who did not (controls). Overall, TNF-α
tions, was initially described as a cause of tumour necrosis in septic levels were significantly higher in cases than controls. The excess risk
animals and associated with cachexia-inducing states, such as cancer of recurrent coronary events after MI was predominantly seen
and infection.37 It is expressed as a 26-kD cell surface transmembrane among patients with the highest TNF-α levels.45
protein that undergoes cleavage to produce a 17-kD soluble, bio- The Health, Ageing and Body Composition study (Health ABC
logically active form of TNF-α. study) assessed the predictive value of several inflammatory markers
In 1993 it was the first product from adipose secreted tissue to be on the incidence of cardiovascular events, i.e. coronary heart disease,
proposed as a molecular link between obesity and insulin resistance38 stroke and congestive heart failure in well-functioning elderly people
and in fact, neutralization of TNF-α improves insulin resistance in during an average follow-up of 3·6 years. Blood levels of IL-6,
obese rats.39 A recent elegant hypothesis suggested that in obese rats C-reactive protein and TNF-α were monitored. After adjustment for

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Adipokine review 359

potential confounders, IL-6 was significantly associated with all out- duces threefold more IL-6 than subcutaneous adipose tissue, and
comes, TNF-α showed significant associations with coronary heart adipocytes isolated from the omental depot also secrete more IL-6
disease and congestive heart failure. C-reactive protein was significantly than fat cells from the subcutaneous depot.
associated with congestive heart failure.46 Administration of IL-6 to healthy volunteers increased blood
In nested case control analysis, plasma levels of soluble TNF- glucose in a dose-dependent manner, probably by inducing resistance
receptor 1 (sTNF-R1) sTNF-R2, IL-6, and C-reactive protein were to insulin action.60 Inhibition of insulin receptor signal transduction
examined as markers of risk for coronary heart disease in women in hepatocytes might underlie the effects of IL-6 on insulin resist-
participating in the Nurses’ Health Study and men participating in ance. This could be mediated, at least in part, by suppression of
the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. After adjustment for cytokine signalling-3 (SOCS-3), increased circulating FFA (from
matching factors, high levels of IL-6 and C-reactive protein were adipose tissue) and reduced adiponectin secretion.61,62
significantly related to an increased risk of coronary heart disease IL-6 is related to insulin resistance in patients with high-grade
in both sexes, whereas high levels of soluble TNF-α receptors were inflammation as a result of cancer. Serum IL-6 concentration was
significant only in women. Further adjustment for lipid and nonlipid detectable by conventional IL-6 enzyme-linked immunosorbent
factors attenuated all associations; only C-reactive protein levels assay in 8/23 patients with different oesophageal, gastric, colon and
remained significant.47 lung cancers but could not be detected in any of the six healthy
Visceral body fat in obese women correlates with endothelial dys- volunteer controls. Insulin resistance, evaluated by a euglycaemic
function, a marker of early-stage atherosclerosis, and the underlying hyperinsulinaemic glucose clamp, was significantly higher in the
mechanism may be inappropriate cytokine secretion. Fifty-six healthy eight patients with detectable serum IL-6 than in the other cancer
premenopausal obese women (age range 25 – 44 years, body mass patients.63
index 37·2, waist to hip ratio range 0·78 – 0·92) and 40 age-matched
normal-weight women were compared. Obese women had increased
Acylation-stimulating protein (ASP)/adipocyte trypsin
basal concentrations of TNF-α, IL-6, P selectin, intercellular adhe-
sion molecule-1, vascular adhesion molecule-1 and impaired vascular
responses to -arginine, the natural precursor of nitric oxide. Visceral Adipocyte trypsin (ADIPSIN) is a secreted serine protease related to
obesity correlated positively with levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and adhesion complement factor D. In humans, adipose tissue also releases sub-
molecules as well as with impaired response to -arginine. After a stantial amounts of acylation-stimulating protein (ASP), a protein
1-year multidisciplinary program of diet, exercise and behavioural derived from the interactions of ADIPSIN with complement C3 and
counselling, all obese women lost at least 10% of their original weight factor B. Although ASP is known to stimulate triglyceride storage in
(9·8 ± 1·5 kg, range 7·5–13 kg). Sustained weight loss was associated adipose cells through stimulation of glucose transport, enhancement
with lowered concentrations of cytokines and adhesion molecules of fatty acid re-esterification and inhibition of lipolysis,64 the recep-
and improved vascular responses to -arginine. Weight loss is a safe tor and signalling pathways mediating ASP effects have not yet been
method for down-regulating the inflammatory state and counter- characterized.
acting endothelial dysfunction in obese women.48 Most, but not all studies in humans report substantial increases
in plasma ASP in obese subjects65 although it has still to be estab-
lished whether these high circulating levels reflect increased ASP
activity or resistance to ASP. Resistance to ASP could redirect fatty
IL-6, a pleiotropic circulating cytokine, is reported to have multiple acid flux away from adipose tissue towards the liver.66
effects ranging from inflammation to host defence and tissue injury. Hyperapobetaliproteinaemia, a familial dyslipidaemia character-
Secreted by many cell types, including immune cells, fibroblasts, ized by increased hepatic release of LDL and VLDL, may result from
endothelial cells, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, IL-6 circulates impaired adipose tissue actions of ASP.67 Interestingly, up to 25%
as a glycosylated protein.49 patients with coronary artery disease have high ASP concentrations.68
Mice with a disruption of the IL-6 gene in both alleles develop
normally, but, after ovariectomy or orchidectomy, are protected
from the increased osteoclastogenesis and extensive bone loss exhib-
ited by their normal littermates treated in the same way.50 These mice Human resistin is a dimeric protein containing 108 amino acids.
exhibited small decrease in the absolute numbers of haematopoietic Holcomb et al.69 first described the gene family and its tissue-specific
stem cells and progenitors,51 and slightly impaired accumulation of distribution, identifying a protein (FIZZ1) that was up-regulated in
leucocytes in subcutaneous air pouches. Macrophage and neu- the asthmatic lung in bronchoalveolar lavages of mice with experi-
trophil responses were severely impaired and consequently, the mentally induced asthma. Found in inflammatory zone 1, FIZZ1 is
acute-phase response to infection by influenza pneumonitis,53 also known as resistin-like molecule a (RELMα). One of two homo-
54 55
Candida albicans and vaccinia virus. logues, FIZZ2, also known as RELMβ, was localized in proliferating
Plasma IL-6 concentrations correlate positively with human obesity epithelia at the base of intestinal crypt.70 A third homologue, FIZZ3,
and insulin resistance, and high IL-6 levels are predictive of type 2 also known as ‘resistin’ or adipocyte-specific secretory factor was
diabetes and MI.56 Weight loss significantly reduces IL-6 levels in adi- later identified. As TZD suppresses resistin production in 3T3-L1
pose tissue and serum.57 However, only about 10% of the total IL-6 adipocytes, Steppan et al. suggested resistin could be a link between
appears to be produced exclusively by fat cells.58 Omental fat pro- obesity and insulin resistance.70

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360 T. Ronti et al.

In murine models, obesity is associated with rises in circulating murine models. In wild-type mice, over-expression of AGE mRNA
resistin concentrations.71 Resistin increases blood glucose and insu- in adipose tissue resulted in elevated plasma AGE, hypertension, and
lin concentrations and impairs hypoglycaemic response to insulin increased adipose mass. In AGE-null mice, which are hypotensive
infusion.72 In obese mice, antiresistin antibodies decrease blood glu- and lean, re-expression of AGE mRNA in adipose tissue restored
cose and improve insulin sensitivity.73 All these data support the adipose tissue mass and normal blood pressure.89 In addition, AGE-
hypothesis that in obese rodents, resistin induces insulin resistance deficient mice are partially protected from diet-induced obesity.89
and contributes to impaired insulin sensitivity. These experimental models support the hypothesis that adipose pro-
In humans, the physiological role of resistin is far from clear and duction of AGE increases circulating levels in obese subjects, thereby
its role in obesity and insulin resistance and/or diabetes is contro- favouring hypertension.
versial. In humans, as resistin is primarily produced in peripheral Increased AGE production could also contribute to enhanced adi-
blood monocytes and its levels correlate with IL-6 concentrations,74 pose mass because angiotensin II is believed to act locally as a trophic
the question of its inflammatory role has been raised.75,76 factor for new adipose cell formation.90
Four genes encode for resistin in the mouse and two in humans.77
The human resistin gene is localized on chromosome 19 and the
mouse resistin gene on chromosome 8. Results of studies investigating
genetic variations in the resistin gene, including single-nucleotide In human adipose tissue, aromatase activity is principally expressed
polymorphisms, are controversial. Some genetic case control studies in mesenchymal cells with an undifferentiated preadipocyte phenotype.91
demonstrated genetic variations in the resistin gene are associated P450 aromatase, a haem protein product of the CYP19 gene, con-
with insulin resistance and obesity in humans.78 – 80 Others show that verts androstenedione to oestrone. Oestrogen production in fat rises
the very low resistin mRNA expression in isolated human adipocytes with body weight and ageing.92 Adipose tissue-derived oestrogens
does not correlate consistently with insulin resistance or obesity, drive fat to subcutaneous and breast tissues, whereas androgens pro-
making the role of human resistin in insulin resistance unclear.81,82 mote central or visceral fat accumulation.93,94
No differences have been observed in resistin expression in adipocytes
from normal, insulin-resistant, and type 2 diabetic individuals.74,83,84
11-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Mc Ternan et al. reported greater resistin mRNA expression in fat
depots in the abdomen than in the thigh, suggesting human resistin 11-β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11-β-HSDs) catalyse inter-
could play a role in obesity-related insulin resistance.85 conversion of active cortisol and inert cortisone. Two isoenzymes
have been discovered, each with unique properties and powerful
biological roles. 11-β HSD-1 regenerates metabolically active cortisol
Plasminogen activating inhibitor-1
from cortisone in humans (and corticosterone from II dehydrocor-
Plasminogen activating inhibitor (PAI)-1, synthesized in the liver ticosterone in mice) and is increased in adipose tissue from obese
and in adipose tissue, regulates thrombus formation by inhibiting subjects. 11-β-HSD-2 potently inactivates cortisol, protecting key
the activity of tissue-type plasminogen activator, an anticlotting tissues.95 Both 11-β-HSD1 and 11-β-HSD2 are located at the endo-
factor. PAI-1 serum concentrations increase with visceral adiposity, plasmic reticulum (ER). 11-β-HSD1 has one short N-terminal trans-
decline with caloric restriction, exercise, weight loss and metformin membrane region with the catalytic domain protruding into the ER
treatment.86 Omental tissue explants secrete significantly more PAI-1 lumen; the N-terminus of 11-β-HSD2 is lumenal with the catalytic
than subcutaneous tissue from the same subject.87 domain facing the cytoplasm.96
The Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study examined the link Compared with their lean littermates, ob/ob mice have reduced
between PAI-1 and the incidence of type 2 diabetes over a 5-year hepatic 11-β-HSD1 activity but a higher corticosterone level in liver
period and observed that PAI-1, which is known to be related to fea- because of their elevated plasma corticosterone. Consequently, liver
tures of the insulin resistance syndrome, appeared to be an early phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase expression is elevated at least
inflammatory marker of type 2 diabetes. PAI-1 levels are higher in partly contributing to hyperglycaemia. In Zucker rats, 11-β-HSD1
subjects converting from insulin resistance to diabetes and are inde- activity is decreased in liver but increased in omental fat, a pattern
pendent of insulin sensitivity and body mass index.88 similar to ob/ob mice.97 However, hepatic 11-β-HSD1 activity is
marginally increased in db/db mice.98
Corticosterone from adipose tissue is increased by 30% over-
produced in transgenic mice modestly over-expressing 11-HSD in
Hypertension, a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, is all adipose tissues. These mice accumulate visceral fat in adipocytes
frequently associated with obesity and insulin resistance. Epidemio- that are three times larger than controls and become hyperphagic,
logical studies reported a significant positive correlation between hyperglycaemic and hyperinsulinaemic. All had reduced levels of
blood pressure and circulating levels of angiotensinogen (AGE), the adiponectin and increased concentrations of leptin, TNF, angi-
precursor of the vasoactive peptide angiotensin II. Although AGE otensinogen and FFA. These clinical and biochemical patterns mimic
is mainly produced by the liver, adipose tissue is the major extrahepatic the human metabolic syndrome.99
source of AGE and could raise circulating levels in obese individuals. Several observations have associated adipose 11-β-HSD1 activity
The pathophysiological impact of adipose tissue production emerged with obesity, insulin resistance and other features of the metabolic
when the AGE gene was specifically inserted into adipose tissue in syndrome in different groups of obese men and women.100 However,

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no difference in 11-β-HSD1 activity was detected between obese type stage of disease, the role of resistin is particularly interesting. In vitro
2 diabetes patients and their obese controls, suggesting 11-β-HSD1 studies show resistin ‘activates’ the endothelial cell which, when incu-
dysregulation probably associates more closely with obesity than bated with recombinant human resistin, releases more endothelin-
with the diabetic phenotype.101 1 and VCAM-1·121 Recombinant human resistin is also reported to
induce higher expression of mRNA of VCAM, ICAM-1 and
pentraxin-3 from endothelial cells122 thus expressing a biochemical
Adipokines, inflammation and atherosclerosis
pattern of dysfunctional endothelium. Finally, resistin also induces
Obesity, associated with unfavourable changes in adipokine expres- proliferation of aortic smooth muscle cells.123 In asymptomatic
sion such as increased levels of TNF-α, IL-6, resistin, PAI-1 and lep- patients with a family history of coronary heart disease, plasma resistin
tin, and reduced levels of adiponectin affect glycaemic homeostasis, levels are predictive of coronary atherosclerosis even after control for
vascular endothelial function and the coagulation system, thus accel- other established risk factors.76,124
erating atherosclerosis. Adipokines and a ‘low-grade inflammatory In conclusion, the molecular effects of adipokines are a challeng-
state’ may be the link between the metabolic syndrome with its cluster ing area of research and in-depth understanding of their pathophys-
of obesity and insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease. iology and molecular actions will undoubtedly lead to the discovery
In fact, atherosclerosis is now recognized as an ‘inflammatory’ of effective therapeutic interventions. Reducing adipose tissue mass
process of the arterial wall. Monocytes adhere to the endothelium and consequently adipokine concentrations will prevent the meta-
and then migrate into the subendothelial space where they become bolic syndrome and, if the hypothesis of adipokine-related linkage
foam cells loaded with oxidized lipoproteins. Foam cell production with atherosclerosis is proven, help prevent the development of
of metalloproteinases leads to rupture of the atherosclerotic plaque’s atherosclerosis. Despite the new findings in the field of adipokines,
fibrous cap and then to rupture of the plaque itself.102 Thus, an researchers are still led to focus back on obesity as an essential
‘inflammatory’ process accounts both for the development and primary target in the continued effort to reduce the risk of developing
evolution of atherosclerosis. the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, with its associated
In this inflammatory process, adipokines play multiple roles. cardiovascular complications.
TNF-α activates the transcription factor nuclear factor-κβ, with sub-
sequent inflammatory changes in vascular tissue. These include
increased expression of intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1
and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM)-1,103,104 which enhances The authors would like to thank Dr Geraldine Anne Boyd for her
monocyte adhesion to the vessel wall, greater production of MCP- help with the English translation of this paper.
1 and M-CSF from endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle
cells105,106 and up-regulated macrophage expression of inducible
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