NQF AAT Syllabus Jun2011
NQF AAT Syllabus Jun2011
NQF AAT Syllabus Jun2011
Knowledge requirements
(AAT examination)
Fields of competency
The items listed are shown with an indicator of the minimum acceptable level of competency,
based on a three-point scale as follows:
1. Awareness
The candidate demonstrates familiarity with the concept in question; can define it in
overview terms and can relate the importance or relevance of the concept to the
activities of an accounting technician.
2. Knowledge
This builds upon awareness. The candidate is able to explain the concept; describe and
discriminate between its component parts and describe their inter-relationships;
recognize instances of the concept; and describe processes, theories and judgement
issues; without necessarily being able to perform in those areas with professional skill.
3. Application
This builds upon knowledge. The candidate is able to execute or implement knowledge;
apply the knowledge to real world problems in real world situations. In so doing, the
candidate displays to a satisfactory degree of the level of competence reasonably to be
expected of an accounting technician at career entrance level.
Paper 1: Fundamentals of accounting and computerized accounts
(ii) to develop and assess candidates’ ability to use available accounting software to
record business transactions and to generate financial reports
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Understanding Explain the following accounting concepts, principles and 2
of the conventions:
principles of o going concern
accounting o accrual
o consistency
o materiality
o prudence
o business entity
o accounting period
o historic cost
o measurement
o realization
o substance over form
Describe the function of control accounts 2
Prepare control accounts for receivables and payables 3
ledgers and control accounts
Reconcile control accounts and subsidiary ledgers 3
Explain the purpose of preparing a bank reconciliation 2
Prepare a bank reconciliation 3
Describe types of accounting errors 2
Describe the purpose of a suspense account 2
Prepare journal entries to correct errors 3
Extract a trial balance from ledger accounts 3
Understanding Define a sole trader and prepare a trading and profit and 3
of accounting loss accountstatement of comprehensive income and a
for, and balance sheetstatement of financial position from a trial
presentation balance for a sole trader
of financial Explain the characteristics of clubs and societies and 3
statements for prepare a receipts and payments account, an income
various and expenditure account, and a balance sheetstatement
common types of financial position for a club or society
of business Explain the characteristics of a partnership and prepare 3
entity an income a statement of comprehensive income, an
appropriation account and a balance sheetstatement of
financial position for a partnership incorporating: interest
on partners’ capital; partners’ salaries; interest on
partners’ drawings; sharing of profits and losses:
o distinguish between and prepare partners capital
and current accounts
o record admission and retirement of partners and
prepare the balance sheetstatement of financial
position for a new partnership
o describe the nature of partnership goodwill and
explain its accounting treatment
o record dissolution of partnership and prepare
realisation account
Explain the characteristics of a limited liability company and: 3
o explain the nature and purpose of share capital
reserves and debentures
o record the issue of shares and debentures
o record interim and final dividends
o prepare an income statement, appropriation
account and balance sheet a statement of
comprehensive income and a statement of
financial position
Explain the characteristics of a manufacturing business 3
o prepare a manufacturing account and an income
a statement of comprehensive income showing
prime cost; cost of goods produced; transfer price
of finished goods
o prepare a balance sheetstatement of financial
o calculate the unrealized profit on finished goods
o Demonstrate the accounting entries for removing
unrealized profit on finished goods
o explain the usepurpose of transfer prices for
goods transferred from a factory to a warehouse
Content (Computerized accounts**)
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Understanding Identify potential risks 2
of risks Describe actions to mitigate risks identified 2
inherent in
software for
reports and
**MYOB Premier Plus v13 will be used for Paper 1 Computerized Accounts section starting from the
June 2011 examination session.
Paper 2: Business communication and organization and management
(i) to develop and assess a broad range of skills used to communicate effectively in
business situations
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
o encourage feedback from the audience
Demonstrate clear understanding of the definition and 3
application of the various jargon in the above business
Writing effective Discuss the nature and needs for writing the various 2
internal business kinds of documents for internal communication:
communication o memorandum
o agenda and minutes
o report
o proposal
o notice
Discuss the degree of formality used in a memorandum 2
Write clear and effective memorandums for routine 3
enquiries, responses, policies, directives and indirect
Describe facts and incidents concisely and clearly 3
o gather and select information and summarize
relevant data from research material
o evaluate the quality of the report
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
o place
o promotion
Paper 3: Management accounting
Aim: This paper aims to develop and assess the understanding of both the principles of cost
and management accounting and the application of these principles
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Understanding of Appreciate the nature of overhead costs 1
overhead costs as Explain and illustrate the problems and procedures of 2
an element of identifying, analyzing, allocating and absorbing
finished goods overhead costs
Explain the different bases for overhead absorption 2
Compute overhead absorption rate 3
Differentiate and calculate plant-wide overhead rates 3
and departmental overhead rates
Explain and illustrate the principles and methods of 3
treatment of under and over-absorption of overhead
Understanding of Explain the objectives of budgetary planning and 2
the need for, and control systems
benefits of, Identify and apply techniques for forecasting revenue 3
budgeting and expenditure
Prepare operational, cash and capital expenditure 3
Explain the differences between fixed budgets, 2
flexible budgets and reforecasts
Calculate variances and identify their cases 3
Explain and illustrate the concept of zero-based 3
Paper 4: Business economics and financial mathematics
(i) to develop and assess the understanding candidates have of the basic principles of
economics in relation to the economic management of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region (HKSAR) and other countries
(ii) to introduce candidates to, and assess their understanding and application of, the
basic principles and techniques of business mathematics used in making decisions
and inferences in the business world
Level of
Unit of Activity Required to Demonstrate Competence
Competency (Performance Indicators)
Understanding Explain the circular flow of income 2
of Describe measures of economic activity 2
macroeconomic Describe the concepts of investment, consumption, and 2
theory and its savings
impact on the Describe how fiscal and monetary policies achieve 2
economic macroeconomic goals
policies of Describe the causes of unemployment, inflation, and 2
HKSAR economic growth
Describe the difference between free trade and 2
Describe both the processes for, and importance of, 2
o exchange rates
o balance of payments
o international trade
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Understanding of Identify sources of data and types of data 1
the collection Describe and be able to use various methods of 3
and presentation collecting data:
of statistical data o direct observation
o interviewing
o postal questionnaire
o abstraction from published statistics
o internet
Describe and use frequency distribution for grouping 3
and tabulation of data
Demonstrate the use of graphical representation: 3
o bar charts
o pie charts
o histograms
o frequency polygons
o stem and leaf display
Paper 5: Principles of taxation
Aim: This paper aims to develop and assess both the understanding of the fundamental
principles of Hong Kong taxation and the application of those principles
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Identify the basis period 1
Explain the meaning of accrual of income and 2
determine the date of accrual of different kinds of
Describe different kinds of income to be included as 2
income from employment or office
Describe and compute taxable benefits, including: 3
o rent free or subsidized accommodation
o holiday journey
o share options
o education expenses of a child of an employee
o benefits-in-kind
Compute assessable income, net assessable income 3
and net chargeable income
Compute provisional salaries tax payable 2
Explain the procedures and treatment for relating back 2
lump sum receipts
Explain the conditions for any expenditure to be 2
deducted from the assessable income
Describe the conditions for the deduction of 2
concessionary deductions
Explain the conditions for the deduction of personal 2
o expenditure on environment-friendly vehicles
o technical education payment
o patent and know-how purchase costs
Determine when income from business should be 1
Determine the basis period for different circumstances 2
Explain the requirements and conditions for hold over of 2
payment of provisional profits tax
Explain the treatment of losses for different kinds of 2
Compute the profit/loss shared by each partner 3
Explain the person who is liable to pay the tax under 1
Explain the treatment of share of profit/loss where there 3
is a change in a partnership
Explain the treatment of losses of a partnership 3
Explain the procedures required to lodge an appeal to 1
o Court of First Instance
o Court of Appeal
o Court of Final Appeal
Explain the right of a taxpayer to make an error or 3
omission claim
Explain the powers of the Inland Revenue Department 2
in respect of the demand of payment of tax under
objection or appeal
Explain the powers of the Inland Revenue Department 2
in the recovery of tax
Explain the procedures for claiming repayment of tax 1
Explain the penalties to be imposed by the Inland 2
Revenue Department in respect of an offence
committed by the taxpayer
Explain the procedures for raising an assessment to 2
additional tax under section 82A
Explain the requirements of a valid appeal against the 2
assessment to additional tax under section 82A
Paper 6: Fundamentals of business law
Aim: This paper aims to develop and assess the basic knowledge of business law applicable to
the HKSAR.
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Explain and describe the rights, duties and liabilities 2
of agents and principals
Describe how a contract can be discharged 2
Paper 7: Financial accounting
Aim: This paper aims to develop and assess the understanding and application of the
principles and mechanics of financial accounting
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Understanding of the Explain the significance of disclosing related party 2
nature of related transactions
parties Define a related party and identify the key elements 2
in determining related party relationships and
Understanding of the Define construction contracts and describe the 2
accounting treatment criteria of combining and segmenting construction
of revenue and costs contracts
associated with Discuss the appropriate accounting practice with 2
construction respect to the recognition of measurement of
contracts revenue and costs of construction contracts
Explain how the profit or loss on a construction 2
contract is recognized
Discuss the appropriate accounting practice of 2
valuation of construction contracts and compute the
value to be included in the periodic financial
Describe the requirements of the presentation and 2
disclosure of information regarding construction
contracts in financial statements
Understanding of the Define borrowing costs and describe the criteria for 2
accounting treatment capitalization of borrowing costs
and disclosures for Computation of borrowing costs to be capitalized
borrowing costs Describe the disclosure requirements of borrowing 2
o balance sheet
o statement of comprehensive income
(income statement)
o statement of financial position
o statement of changes in equity
o cash flow statement of cash flows
o notes to the financial statements
Prepare a cash flow statement of cash flows for a 3
single company using the direct and indirect
methods with supporting notes in the format as
specified in the accounting standard
Paper 8: Principles of auditing and management information systems
(i) to develop and assess the principles of auditing as required in the regulatory, legal
and reporting framework in Hong Kong
Content (Auditing)
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
o enquiry and confirmation
o computation
o analytical procedures
Define the following types of audit tests: 1
o procedures to obtain an understanding of
internal control
o tests of controls
o substantive tests of transactions
o analytical procedures
o tests of details of balances
Explain the concept of representative sampling 1
Distinguish between statistical and non-statistical 1
Select representative samples 32
Content (Management information systems)
Level of
Unit of Activity required to demonstrate competence
competency (Performance indicators)
Understanding of Describe key risks and threats to information systems 2
risks to security of Describe general controls applied to information 2
management technology activities:
information o physical
o organizational
o procedural