Module 2: Anatomy - The Skeleton: in This Module You Will Learn

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Module 2 : Anatomy – The


In this module you will learn:

The functions of the skeletal system
The types of bones in the human body
The effects of exercise on your bones
What happens to the bones as we get older

When studying to become a fitness instructor

or personal trainer, you will learn all
about the anatomy of the human body.

Studying the skeleton is one of the foundations of your trade,

you will need to know how the body is structured, the names of
each bone, types of bones, importance of bone and joint
health, detail of the spine and different terms of movement.

Without stating the obvious, each of your clients has their

own skeleton and you must be fully aware of how this works.
This is for many reasons; you are a teacher and must be fully
aware of how to prevent injuries, avoid unnecessary stress on
the bones and, if qualified, help the client prevent or heal
bone and joint related conditions or medical problems.

2.1 Understanding the Skeletal

The skeleton is comprised of 206 different bones that provide
5 main functions:
Support mechanism for muscle and tissue
Protection for organs
Movement with bones, muscles, and joints
Storing minerals and blood cells

Skeletal System

2.2 Bones are Formed by

Some bones (such as the flat bones of your
skull) in the body are formed in a similar
stage to connective tissue.

The process is known as direct ossification or


Other bones are made up of cartilaginous matter, this is

developed from future bone in the embryo which then dissolves
and is replaced with other bone cells. This process is
referred to as indirect ossification.

2.3 Skeletal Support

Your bones and cartilage are the most solid
materials in the human body, the 206 bones
provide a frame for the soft tissues and
organs in your body.

The five types of bones are long (femur), short (tarsal

bones), flat (front bone of skull), irregular (vertebrae) and
sesamoid (knee cap).

The hands and feet contain over half of the body’s bones.

2.4 Description of Bone Types

Long bones
Long bones are the longest bones in the body, like your femur,
tibia or humerus, but they also include some of the smallest
bones, like metatarsals, metacarpals, and phalanges.

The classification of a long bone means it has a body longer

that its width, with growth plates formed at either end of a
hard outer surface of compact bone.

They also have a sponge-like inner known as the cancellous

bone that stores bone marrow.

Each end of the bone will be covered with hyaline cartilage

that aids against shock absorption.
Short bones
Short bones are mostly as wide as they are long, their primary
function is to give support and stability without considerable

Carpals and tarsals are small bones (wrist and foot bones).
Small bones usually consist of a thin layer of hard, compact
bone that has cancellous bone on the inside parts, containing
a substantial amount of bone marrow.

Flat bones
Strong flat plates of bone that provide protection to the
vital organs. They also act as a base for muscle attachment.

An example of a flat bone is your shoulder blade, breast bone,

and skull. Other examples of flat bones are pelvis and ribs.
Anterior and posterior surfaces of compact bone give strength
and support for the center, which contains cancellous bone and
bone marrow. When we reach adulthood, flat bones have the
highest number of red blood cells.

Irregular Bones
Irregular bones do not match other categories and have
irregular shapes. Examples of this are the mandibles,
vertebrae, and sacrum. They are usually made of cancellous
bones with an outer layer of compact bone.

Sesamoid bones
Similar to irregular shaped bones and attached to tendons. The
most commonly referred to example is your knee cap (patella).
Other examples of sesamoid bones are the smallest of the
carpals, pisiform, and your two smallest bones located at the
base of the metatarsals. Sesamoid bones are usually found in
tendons at the part that passes over a joint.
2.5 Protecting Vital Organs
The bone structure is aptly designed to
protect your vital organs from unwanted

Your skull protects your brain, the vertebrae protects your

spinal cord and the thoracic cage protects your heart and

2.6 The Anatomy of the Spine

The spine is made up of 5 different areas and includes 7

Cervical spine forms the neck with 7 vertebrae

Thoracic spine has 12 vertebrae attached to the ribs
Lumbar spine has 5 vertebrae attached to lower back
Sacrum consists of 5 conjoining bones and the coccyx is
made of 4 small bones, also referred to as the tail

What are Intervertebral Discs?

Each vertebrae of the spine is separated by intervertebral
discs or flexible cartilage discs.

This allows for movement in the spine, supporting the area

with a shock-absorbent, cushioning effect.
2.7 Mobility
Bones mimic levers when we move and provide
us with solid structures that our muscles
are attached to.

Joints create movement between bones and different ranges of

motion. Joints are divided into three main categories which
are -fixed fibrous cells (like the skull), cartilaginous
(partially movable) and the synovial (freely movable) joint.
Freely moving joints are also divided into four main groups
which are – the ball and socket (hip joint), hinge (elbows),
pivotal (radius), and gliding (carpal joint in the wrist).


Every bone in your body is connected to another – except one.

The hyoid bone located between the chin and thyroid cartilage
is not connected to any other bone.

2.8 Understanding the Components of

a Synovial Joint
Fibrous capsules surround the joints and strengthen ligaments.

The stability of each joint is determined by the form of

articulating surfaces and surrounding muscles and ligaments.

An example of this is the knee joint which is supported by two

collateral and two cruciate ligaments.
All joints are protected but some are more vulnerable than
others, the hardest one to dislocate is the hip joint. The hip
is well placed and protected, forming with the head of the
femur and fitting neatly into the socket of the pelvis.

What is hyaline cartilage?

This protects and covers the end of bones when they meet a
joint connection, thus allowing comfortable range of motion
and movement. Hyaline cartilage is a hard but smooth material
that does not have regenerative healing properties.

Tendons connect muscle fibers to bones, they are more elastic

than ligaments and have greater tensile strength than muscles

Synovial membranes line the joint cavity walls, covering

tendons and ligaments that pass through the area. The synovial
membrane also produces synovial fluid that acts as a lubricant
for joints.

2.9 The Effects of Exercise on Your

Skeletal System
The condition of the bones can be improved
by exercising and responding to mechanical

Mechanical stress is usually formed by the resistance of

skeletal muscle contracting at the joints, where the muscles
pull at their point of insertion. From this process, mineral
salts are deposited and more collagen fibers produced.

Both size and density of bones in the targeted areas can be

increased, the changes in bone structure are stimulated by
higher loads on the skeletal system, this process has been
observed in greater bone mass or density in weight lifters
than endurance athletes. Another example of this is tennis
players who have greater bone density in their racket arm than
the other.

Also, after legs suffer injuries and are placed in plaster due
to breakage or fracturing, bones often lose calcium from the
lack of resistance and mechanical stresses.

2.10 Approach with Caution

It is beneficial to use exercise to support and maintain a
healthy bone structure, but as a fitness instructor, one must
be vigilant when dealing with children as their bones and
muscles are still developing.

A child under the age of 16 should not be involved in sports

or exercise that place high levels of mechanical stress on the
body; immature or undeveloped bones are still weak and
2.11 Combat the Aging Process
Bones go through two main changes as we get

Bones start to lose calcium and can cause conditions like

osteoporosis. Also, as we get older the body produces less
proteins, thus altering the genetic make-up of bones, creating
problems like Brittle Bone Disease.

You will most likely be working with clients from all age
groups and backgrounds, so do all the research you can to
fully understand your clients, as their health, safety and
satisfaction is your main goal.

Module Summary
Lessons learned

To become a fitness instructor you need to know all

about the anatomy of the human body
The skeletal system has 206 different bones that provide
support, protection, movement, storage, and growth
About the different type of bones and their functions
About how to improve the condition of the bones

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