Defining The Difference Between Backdraft and Smoke Explosions
Defining The Difference Between Backdraft and Smoke Explosions
Defining The Difference Between Backdraft and Smoke Explosions
Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330
Compartment fires are commonly discussed in the classical sense with the compartment fire growth history starting with the incipient
phase leading into the growth phase that transition through flashover into the fully developed phase and ends in the decay phase. However,
when a fire starts in a closed compartment where only ventilation is the leakage available, the fire can start to smolder and produce large
quantities of CO and unburned hydrocarbons. These products of incomplete combustion accumulate in the compartment and create an
extremely hazardous condition. If the conditions are right and a large vent becomes available, such as a fire fighter opening a door, a
rapidly developing flame front spreads through the enclosure burning the available fuel that has mixed with the incoming air, culminating
in a large fireball outside the opening. This catastrophic event is known to fire fighters as a backdraft and by definition requires a sudden
change it the ventilation. Anecdotal evidence supports a different phenomenon in which a closed compartment suddenly erupts in flames
breaking glass and even causing structural damage without a vent ever being open. This phenomenon is referred to here as a smoke
explosion. Recent work has focused on improving our understanding of these poorly understood events and the conditions that precede
them. A series of small scale experiments have been conducted burning a timber crib inside an enclosure with tightly controlled
ventilation. Under certain fire conditions, the compartment will suddenly erupt, ejecting smoke and flames from the small openings in the
compartment. This paper describes the experimental results from the smoke explosion research and compares the smoke explosion to the
more familiar phenomena known as backdraft.
© 2013 Published by Elsevier
International Ltd. for
Association Selection and/orScience.
Fire Safety peer-review under responsibility
Published by Elsevier Ltd.of the Asia-Oceania
Open access underAssociation
CC BY-NC-ND for Fire Science
and Technology.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Asian-Oceania Association of Fire Science and Technology
Keywords: Backdraft; Smoke explosion
1. Introduction
When discussing compartment fires it is convenient to use a common vocabulary with accepted definitions to describe
the phenomenon under consideration. Typically, for compartment fires we rely on the classical compartment fire growth
history beginning with the incipient phase leading into the growth phase that transition through flashover into the fully
developed phase and ends with a decay phase. This description gives us useful terminology of each of the phases and the
transition we call flashover. These definitions of the fire growth are used by firefighters, engineers, researchers and scientist
alike when discussing compartment fire phenomenon. In Fig. 1, the dotted line shows a qualitative heat release rate curve
for the classical fire growth indicating the four phases and flashover. However, this description of compartment fire
development assumes there are large openings providing ventilation which does not cover all possible fire growth
phenomena. In particular cases, where the fire is severely under-ventilated, the fire is not expected to go through this
classical fire growth history. For this discussion, severely under-ventilated fires occur in a compartment that does not have
sufficient ventilation for the fire to grow through flashover into the fully developed phase. The severely under ventilated
case is shown in Fig. 1 as the solid line indicating that the fire starts to decay before reaching the fully developed phase. The
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +64 3 364 2399; fax: +64 3 364 2758.
E-mail address: [email protected].
1877-7058 © 2013 International Association for Fire Safety Science. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Asian-Oceania Association of Fire Science and Technology
Charles M Fleischmann and ZhiJian Chen / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330 325
severely under-ventilated condition should not be confused with ventilation limited fires where the heat release rate within
the compartment during the fully developed phase is controlled by the flow of air through the vents.
Incipient Preflashover Fully Developed Burnout
Fig. 1. Theoretical heat release rate history for classical compartment fire development.
Severely under-ventilated fires have not been well characterized and are not well understood. It is not uncommon for a
fire in a closed compartment to develop from the incipient phase, into the growth phase only to deplete the oxygen to a level
where flaming combustion can no longer occur and the fire transitions to smoldering combustion. During the smoldering
phase, the heat release rate is much lower than flaming combustion and carbon monoxide production is significantly
increased due to combustion inefficiencies brought about by the low oxygen levels within the compartment. Under certain
conditions, the fire may even self-extinguish if the heat loss is greater than the heat generation. In order for the fire to self-
extinguish, the ventilation must be very low and no additional air supply created such as a window breaking or doors
opening. Self-extinguishment is not the only possible outcome for a fire in a closed compartment. Under the right conditions,
one possible outcome of an under-ventilated fire is a backdraft. Preliminary research on backdrafts has focused on
understanding the physics of the phenomena [1-3]. Subsequent work has focused on the gravity current and CFD modeling
of the phenomenon [4-7]. However, predicting the compartment conditions that will result in a backdraft is currently beyond
our reach. This limited understanding has been highlighted in the literature [8].
A review of the literature shows a great deal of misunderstanding about backdraft which is often used synonymously
with the term smoke explosion. NFPA 921: Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations[9], actually defines backdraft as
Backdraft (Smoke Explosion). It is not surprising that there is a great deal of misunderstanding in the literature. However,
a smoke explosion is a distinctly different phenomenon to backdraft in a number of ways. This paper seeks to define the
distinction between backdrafts and smoke explosions. The paper begins with a basic overview of backdraft that will focus
on the current understanding of the phenomena taken from the existing research. Recent qualitative experiments on smoke
explosions [10, 11] will be described which demonstrate how a compartment with a smoldering fire can suddenly burst into
flames ejecting first smoke then flames as the compartment becomes over pressurized and the flame propagates from the
initial fuel source and vents through the small openings of the compartment. The paper concludes with a summary
describing the primary difference between the two phenomena and recommendations where compartment fire research
should focus in the future.
2. What is a backdraft?
Consider a fire in a closed compartment where only a minimal amount ventilation is provided by the leakage through the
small cracks around windows, doors etc. As the fire heats up, these small openings permit the expanding gases to exit, thus
minimizing the pressure rise. A hot layer composed largely of combustion products descends around the fire causing some
of the fuel produced to remain unburned. The unburned fuel and other combustion products accumulate forming a deep
layer which has insufficient oxygen to support flaming. Somewhere in the room there remains a small flame or glowing
ember. Suddenly, a new ventilation source is provided as a window breaks or a firefighter opens a door. The hot, fuel rich
atmosphere in the compartment flows out the upper portion of the new opening. Simultaneously, cold, oxygen rich air
rushes in the lower portion of the opening. This density driven flow is called a gravity current. A mixed layer forms between
the outflowing hot gases and the cold air flowing in as a result of the shearing action. This mixed layer rides on the gravity
current across the compartment. Fig. 2A shows a saltwater model of a gravity current nearly completing its propagation
326 Charles M Fleischmann and ZhiJian Chen / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330
across a compartment after an opening was provided in the far right of the photo [12]. The less dense compartment fluid is
dyed blue with the denser ambient fluid uncoloured. As the two fluids flow in opposite directions the shearing forces along
the interface cause the fluids to mix and the pH indicator, phenolphthalein, turns the mixed fluid purple. In a fire
compartment, the mixed current is within the flammable range and ignites when it reaches a flame or glowing ember. After
ignition, a new flame propagates back through the mixed region. Fig. 2B shows the flame approximately 1 s after ignition in
an experimental compartment. The flame shape shows a small tongue of flame leading the primary burning zone. This
preceding flame burns through the mixed region between the entering gravity current and the exiting compartment gases.
The preceding flame and its wake are extremely unstable and generate a rapidly propagating turbulent flame. The resulting
expanding flame within the compartment drives some of the accumulated fuel out the door and consumes the fuel that has
been forced out of the compartment ahead of the initial flame forming a dramatic fireball. This entire process: the
accumulation of unburned gaseous fuel, the propagation of an oxygen rich gravity current creating a mixed region and
carrying it to the ignition source, the ignition and propagation of an eventually turbulent explosion, collectively constitutes a
Two modifications to the above scenario have been identified experimentally. Identical compartment conditions at
opening are assumed but there is an increase in the time delay before ignition of the backdraft. This time delay results in a
significantly different flame structure and can increase the severity backdraft. In the first modification, the time delay is
sufficiently long (~20s) that the gravity current may have even returned to the front opening. Fig. 2C shows the current as it
returns to the opening. The lower layer formed by the gravity current is made up of entrained fuel rich compartment gases
and oxygen rich air entering the compartment. The purple colour indicates that the lower layer has been well mixed by the
incoming gravity current. If ignition occurs during this time period with the lower layer is more uniformly mixed and within
the flammable range, the flame structure is spherical in shape and the initial explosion is more severe. Fig. 2D shows the
spherical flame identifying this scenario.
The second modification was an even longer ignition delay (~600s), such that the gravity current has left the
compartment and the lower layer is made up primarily of air. The flammable compartment gases are trapped above the soffit
and the lower layer is primarily made up of air. Fig. 2E shows the salt-water model of the compartment with the gases
trapped above the soffit. Notice that the upper layer, above the soffit, is still blue indicating that it is still unmixed
compartment gases. The lower layer is now almost completely clear, made up primarily of oxygen rich air. The fine purple
line is all that remains of the mixed region between the two fluids. Fig. 2F shows the flame propagating along the interface.
The propagating flame and its wake are sufficiently unstable to generate a rapidly propagating turbulent deflagration,
although less severe than the previous two conditions. Unless an opening can be made at the ceiling level, the compartment
gases can be trapped for a long period of time. It is apparent from this work that the location of the ignition source plays an
important role regarding when the ignition occurs and the severity of the backdraft.
Charles M Fleischmann and ZhiJian Chen / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330 327
Fig. 2. Photos from salt water experiments and scaled backdraft experiments showing the structure of the entering gravity current and the corresponding
flame structure indicative of the time delay between opening the vent and ignition of the backdraft.
A fire that will experience a smoke explosion or backdraft will start much like any other fire in a compartment. The
major openings are closed with the only ventilation from normal leakage paths due to small opening around doors, windows,
electrical outlets and any other leakage in the compartment envelope. Although the fire will start like any other fire, there is
insufficient air for the fire to reach flashover or break the windows and the fire becomes limited by the available air supply
within the compartment which is quickly consumed. Once most of the available oxygen is consumed, the fire will transition
to smoldering, releasing large amount of CO and excess pyrolyzates. As the fire continues to smolders, the compartment
will reach a quasi-steady condition where the fire is smoldering and the combustion products leak out and the oxygen rich
air leaks into the compartment below the neutral plan. Unlike a backdraft where a new vent opening is required to allow the
oxygen rich air to enter the compartment and mix with the fuel rich compartment gases, for the smoke explosion, a new vent
is not required. For the smoke explosion, the fuel rich compartment gases mix with the available oxygen within the
compartment and results in a premixed condition where only a small amount of oxygen is needed to lift the mixture into the
flammable range. There are a number of possible explanations for how the fire may reach this condition, perhaps the fire is
located far from the openings and has a difficult flow path to reach the seat of the fire, or perhaps the fire could be located
inside a small compartment within a larger compartment, or the fire is located high in the compartment making it difficult
for the cold oxygen rich air to reach the seat of the fire. For whatever reason, the fire stays in a smoldering state and the
oxygen level slowly rises as the oxygen rich air leaks in and the fuel rich compartment gases leak out. Under the right
conditions, the mixture in the vicinity of the smoldering source can become ignited and a smoke explosion occurs as a
deflagration moving through the premixed flammable mixture. Anecdotally, the pressure may be large enough to cause
structural damage and may be fatal to firefighters within the compartment and possibly in other parts of the building or even
firefighters outside the building. Anyone within the space that does not have breathing apparatus would be expected to have
328 Charles M Fleischmann and ZhiJian Chen / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330
inhaled a lethal dose of the toxic species long before the smoke explosion occurs. Anyone outside the fire compartment
would be at increased risk after the some explosion due to the likelihood of rapid fire development.
The above description has been observed experimentally in two separate studies, originally by Sutherland [11] and
reproduced and extended by Chen [10]. The results presented here are taken from Chens experiments in which a 1 m wide
by 1.5 m deep by 1m high compartment was vented with circular vents one at the ceiling and one at floor level. The
experiments used medium density fibreboard cribs against the wall opposite the vent openings. In these experiments the fire
can be described in 3 phases, a growth phase, a decay phase and a post-explosion phase. In a number of experiments there
were multiple smoke explosions but this is considered to be uncommon in normal buildings because the initial smoke
explosion would be expected to break windows or cause structural damage which would result in the fire growing rapidly
and entering into a fully developed phase after the initial explosion. In the experiments, the enclosure was able to withstand
most of the smoke explosions without triggering the pressure relief vent so the experiment was continued after the initial
explosion until the crib mass had reduced to 20% of the initial fuel mass.
Indicative results are shown here for a 10 kg medium density fiberboard crib placed such that the center of the crib was
located 0.5 m above the floor which was the vertical center of the compartment. The crib was ignited with 200 ml of
methanol poured over the crib and ignited with a small flame before closing the front wall. Fig. 3 shows the temperature
results for a single experiment from the vertical thermocouple tree located in the rear of the compartment. Although this is
only a single experimental result, the trends are common among the experiments that underwent a smoke explosion. The
phenomenon is sufficiently complex that temporal repeatability is not considered possible but the phases identified here are
considered to be repeatable and reproducible. Indeed, the research Sutherland [11] and Chen [10] were more than a decade
apart. The different phases for the fire including: growth, decay, and post explosion are highlighted on the graph. In the
growth phase, the fire starts quickly as methanol burns on the surface of the crib. The fire develops over the next 19 minutes
as the burning becomes established on the crib. At this point, the fire becomes very limited by the available oxygen and the
fire diminishes into a smouldering state. This phase shows the characteristic exponential decay in the temperature history as
heat is lost through the walls and the leakage of compartment gases through the vent. Fig. 4 shows the species concentration
with in the upper layer measured 100mm below the ceiling. It can be seen in Fig. 4 that the oxygen concentration high in the
compartment drops early in the growth phase as the CO2 and CO increase. Once the fire enters into the decay phase and the
flaming combustion ceases, the O2 level starts to rise as the CO2 falls and the CO increases slightly. Immediately following
the smoke explosion O2 and CO are consumed and their concentration drop immediately while the CO2 concentration
increases as a result of the explosion. Similar characteristics in the species concentration can be seen around the other two
smoke explosions. The results for the CO concentration (3-4%) were well below the 12.5% at the lower flammable limit
which indicates that the excess pyrolyzates play a critical role in a smoke explosion. The actual smoke explosion, as
witnessed from outside the compartment, is seen as a sudden eruption of smoke from the vents caused by flame propagation
through the upper layer. The ejection of smoke is immediately followed by a flame out of the top vent and then finally flame
from lower vent. The propagation of the smoke explosion can best be demonstrated in the series of image captured from the
video camera taken 0.3 s apart as shown in Fig. 5. In this experiment three smoke explosions occurred as noted in the Fig. 3.
As mentioned above it is expected that a normal compartment would not be able to withstand the initial smoke explosion
without the loss of the windows or other structural damage.
Fig. 3. Temperature history every 100 mm vertically within the compartment showing the phases of the fire development for a compartment fire that
undergoes a smoke explosion.
Charles M Fleischmann and ZhiJian Chen / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330 329
Fig. 4. Species concentrations in the upper layer for O2, CO2, and CO. The growth, decay, and post explosion phases which occurred in this experiment are
all highlighted on the plot.
0.0 s 0.3 s
0.6 s 0.9 s
1.2 s 1.5 s
Fig. 5. Series of 6 images 0.3 s apart that were captured from the video tape that show the smoke explosion as seen from outside the compartment.
330 Charles M Fleischmann and ZhiJian Chen / Procedia Engineering 62 (2013) 324 – 330
4. Conclusions
The results presented here shows that it is possible for a fire in a closed compartment to undergo a sudden unexpected
explosion with no change in the available ventilation. This phenomenon is known as a smoke explosion. A smoke explosion
can occur when a fire starts in a closed compartment where the only ventilation is from the leakage through the
compartment boundaries. The fire develops into a smouldering state and produces large quantities of excess pyrolyzates and
carbon monoxide. Overtime, oxygen rich air leaks into the compartment and the mixture of compartment gases reaches the
flammable range, suddenly ignition occurs on the burning item sending a rapidly developing flame front through the
The smoke explosion is a separate phenomenon to backdraft which requires a change in the ventilation. For a backdraft
to occur there must be a change in the ventilation such as a window breaking or a firefighter opening a door as they enter the
compartment. The new opening allows cold oxygen rich air to form a gravity current that will propagate across the floor
mixing with the compartment gases and igniting when the current reaches an ignition source. Once ignited, the flame
propagate through the flammable mixture pushing the flammable compartment gases in front of the flame and out of the
compartment which culminates in a large fireball as the flammable gases are forced from the enclosure. Understanding the
differences between these two phenomena, will help firefighters to better understand the hazardous environment they are
entering and be able to take action to mitigate the potential hazard.
5. Future Research
• More research is required into the smouldering combustion that provides the fuel for the both smoke explosion and
backdrafts. Of particular interest to is the smouldering behaviour of common combustibles most notably timber and
polyurethane. Including experiments to quantifying the species production rates as a function of the oxygen
• The flammability limits of the enclosure gases are crucial to understanding the conditions that can result in both a
backdraft and a smoke explosion. An experimental study to develop a flammability diagram similar to the diagrams
developed by Zabetakis [13] for pure mixture would greatly increase our understanding of the hazard.
• Additional smoke explosion experiments with detailed measurements of the species concentrations including unburned
hydrocarbons in a number of location both high and low in enclosure and pressure to determine the level of structural
damage the might be expected from a smoke explosion.
The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the New Zealand Fire Service Commission for their generous financial
support of the Fire Engineering program at the University of Canterbury. The effort and expertise of Grant Dunlop with the
experiments is greatly appreciated.
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