Directions (1 – 10) : In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I
and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statements and
the following assumption and decide which of the assumption(s) is / are implicit in the statement.
Give answer
a) If only Assumption I is implicit
b) If only Assumption II is implicit
c) If either Assumption I or II is implicit
d) If neither Assumption I nor II is implicit
e) If both Assumption I and II are implicit
1). Statement : The General Administration Department has issued a circular to all the employees informing them
that hence forth the employees can avail their lunch break at any of the half hour slots between 1 : 00 pm and 2 : 30
I. The employees may welcome the decision and avail lunch break at different time slots
II. There may not be any break in the work of the organization as the employees will have their lunch
break at different time slots.
2). Statement : The Government has decided against reduction of prices of petroleum products though there is a
significant drop in the crude oil prices in the international market.
I. The prices of crude oil in the international market may again increase in the near future
II. The present price difference of petroleum products will help the government to with stand any possible
price rise in future.
3). Statement : The Government has made an appeal to all the citizens to honestly pay income tax and file returns
reflecting the true income level to help the Government to carry out development activities
I. People may now start paying more taxes in response to the appeal
II. The total income tax collection may considerably increase in the near future
4). Statement : The State Government has decided to appoint four thousand primary school teachers during the
next financial year.
I. There are enough schools in the state to accommodate four thousand additional primary school teachers
II. The eligible candidates may not be interested to apply as the Government may not finally appoint such a
large number of primary school teachers
5). Statement : The school authority has decided to increase the number of students in each classroom to seventy
from the next academic session to bridge the gap between income and expenditure to a larger extent.
I. The income generated by way of fees of the additional students will be sufficient enough to bridge the
II. The school will get all the additional students in each class from the next academic session.
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TOP 50 Statements and Assumption Questions
6). Statement : The driver of the huge truck pulled the emergency brakes to avoid hitting the auto rickshaw which
suddenly came in front of the truck.
I. The auto rickshaw driver may be able to steer his vehicle away from the oncoming truck
II. The truck driver may be able to stop the truck before it hits the autorickshaw
7). Statement : The doctor warned the patient against any further consumption of alcohol, if he desired to get
cured from the ailment and live a longer life.
I. The patient may follow the doctor‟s advice and stop consuming alcohol
II. The doctor may be able to cure the patient from the ailment, if the patient stops consuming alcohol
8). Statement : The chairman of the company urged all the employees to refrain from making long personal calls
during working hours in order to boost productivity.
I. Majority of the employees may respond positively to the chairman‟s appeal
II. Most of the employees may continue to make long personal calls during working hours
9). Statement : The local cultural club decided to organize a musical event to raise money for the construction of
the club building.
I. The local residents may not allow the club to organize the musical event in the locality.
II. The money allocated by organizing the musical event may be substantial enough for the club to start
10). Statement : The traffic police department has put up huge notice boards at all major junctions of the city,
warning drivers to refrain from using cell phones while driving or else their licenses will be impounded
I. The drivers of the vehicles may ignore the warning and continue using cell phones while driving.
II. The traffic police department may be able to nab most of the offenders and impound their licenses.
Directions (Q. 11 – 20): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumption numbered I
and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and
the following assumption and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
11). Statement: “Repeat your recruirtment ads on Sunday for just 60 per sq cm.” – An advertisement in a
I. People want ads at Zero cost
II. There are some people who want to repeat their recruirtment ads
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
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TOP 50 Statements and Assumption Questions
12). Statement: “Quit drinking before it destroys you.” – A notice issued in public interest by XYZ department.
I. People fear being destroyed
II. Drinking breaks the drinker‟s family.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
13).Statement: “The government‟s decision to supply ARV drugs in six selected states free of cost is
commendable, but the patients should be adequately educated before the drugs are administrated.” – View of Mr.
I. The patients can develop drug resistance if they are not regular in their medication
II. The patients if not counselled properly may spread the drug – resistant disease.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
14). Statements: “It is alarming to note that only 48 to 50 percent of the voters in State „X‟. The government must
make it mandatory for all to exercise their franchise in order to make the democracy more meaningful.” – View of
a voter
I. Increase in the participation of voters will ensure increase in the rationality of the democratic set – up.
II. Making it „Mandatory for all to exercise their franchise‟ may increase the number of voters
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
15). Statements : The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has declared 2004 the International year of Rice,
in an effort to highlight the increasing demands for rice among growing populations and production constraints for
the commodity.
I. There is an impending crisis of rice in several countries of the world
II. The year of Rice may act as a catalyst for country – driven programmes throughout the world.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
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TOP 50 Statements and Assumption Questions
16). Statement: “Policies and programmes and seminars cannot change the women‟s status. There is a greater
need for attitudinal change in the society towards working women. “– View of Mr. X
I. It is possible to make change in the attitude of the society towards working women.
II. Status of the working women is not satisfactory.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
17). Statement: “Government of State X‟s state, according to which it has been decided to provide cooked meal to
the students of all primary schools of the states, is not a proper and judicious step.” – Criticism by a person
I. Student may hesitate to eat the cooked meal provided by the Government.
II. The cooked meal served to the students may be hazardous for the health of students.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
18). Statement : ”Although no war was witnessed during the tenure of prime ministership of Mr. X, a large
number of top bravery medals were conferred upon many cops in the name of curbing terrorism and eliminating
terrorists of different organizations belonging to our own states.” – View of a citizen
I. It is disgraceful of cops to name the act of killing of terrorists of our own country as an act of bravery
II. A war is less harmful for a country than menace of terrorism.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
19). Statement: “Completely eliminating the say of executive is not acceptable; merit, ability, competence,
integrity and suitability of the candidate alone are not enough for appointment of High Court Judges. “ – A
I. A person‟s social outlook, concern for public interest and promotion of equality and his / her political outlook
are also equally important.
II. Executive consultation will ensure greater transparency of the appointment.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
20). Statement: “The potential of knowledge as a creator of wealth is gaining currency all around the world. “ –
View of an economist
I. Only usable knowledge that is protectable may have the potential of wealth creation.
II. Only usable knowledge that is protected may have the potential of wealth creation.
a) If only assumption I is implicit
b) If only assumption II is implicit
c) If either I or II is implicit
d) If neither I nor II is implicit
e) If both I and II are implicit
Directions (21-26):In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and
II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider statement and the
following assumption and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give answer
a) If only Assumption I is implicit.
b) If only Assumption II is implicit.
c) If either Assumption I or II is implicit.
d) If either Assumption I nor II is implicit.
e) If both Assumptions I and II are implicit.
21).Statement : 1‟s advice to 2‟s-If you want to study Marketing, join institute XZ”.
Assumptions: I. 2 listens 1‟s advice.
II. Institute XZ provides good Marketing education.
23).Statements: “please drop this letter in the letter box”. An officer tells his assistant.
Assumptions: I. The assistant would follow the instructions.
II. The assistant knows the address where the letter is to be sent.
II. People do not mind paying more for pure and natural milk
27).Statement: we must be prepared to face any eventually and all the assignments must be completed as per their
schedule-Director told the faculty members.
Assumptions: I. There is a possibility of any serious eventuality.
II. Dates are fixed for all the assignments.
III. Faculty members are supposed to complete all assignments.
a) All
b) Only II and III
c) None
d) Only III
e) Only I
28).Statement: Prakash decided to get the railway reservation in May for the journey he wants to make in July to
Assumptions: I. The railways issues reservations two months in advance
II. There are more than one train to madras.
III. There will be vacancy in the desired class.
a) Only II and III
b) Only I
c) All
d) Only I and III
e) None of these
29).Statement: “X- chocolate is deal as a gift for someone you love”- an advertisement.
Assumptions: I. People generally gifts to loved ones.
II. Such advertisement generally influences people.
III. Chocolate can be considered as a gift item.
a) Only I and II
b) Only I and III
c) All
d) Only II and III
e) None of these
30).Statement: In view of the recent spurt in Sugar prices in the open market the government has asked the dealers
to release a vast quantity of imported sugar in the open market.
Assumptions: I. The dealers will follow the government directive.
II.The sugar price will come down.
III.The price of indigenous sugar will remain unchanged.
a) None
b) Only I and II
c) Only I and III
d) All
e) Only II and III
31).Statement: Prabodh wrote a second letters to his mother after a month as he did not receive any reply to the
first letter.
Assumptions: I.Prabodh‟s mother did not receive the letter.
II.The letter generally reaches within a fortnight.
III.His mother promptly sends reply to his letters.
a) Only II and III
b) Only III
c) None
d) Only I and III
e) None of these
Directions (Q. 32-41): In making decisions about important questions, it is desirable to be able to distinguish
between “strong” arguments and “Weak” arguments insofar as they relate to the question. “Strong”
arguments are those which are both important and directly related to the question. “Weak” arguments are
those which are of minor importance and also may not be directly related to the question or may be related
to a trivial aspect of the question.
Each question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the
arguments a “Strong” argument is and which a “weak” argument is.
32).Statement: Should all mig-21 fighters be banned owing to frequent accidents of this aircraft?
I. Yes, it has become flying coffin.
II. No, almost all the accidents were due to human error.
a) If only argument I is “strong”.
b) If only argument II is “strong”.
c) If either I or II is “strong”.
d) If neither I nor II is “strong”.
e) If both I and II are “strong”.
34).Statements: Should students be banned from carrying mobile phones in college campuses?
I. No mobile phone has become essential for an individual and one needs to keep it all day.
II. Yes, mobile phones distract students from studies.
a) If only argument I is “strong”.
b) If only argument II is “strong”.
c) If either I or II is “strong”.
d) If neither I nor II is “strong”.
e) If both I and II are “strong”.
39).Statements: Should there be death punishment for those who are involved in manufacturing spurious drugs?
I. Yes, mass murder for the sake of profit should be treated only by one law-death penalty.
II. No, the main objective of the punishment is to bring reform in a convicted person by punishing him/her
a) If only argument I is “strong”.
b) If only argument II is “strong”.
c) If either I or II is “strong”.
d) If neither I nor II is “strong”.
e) If both I and II are “strong”.
Directions (Q. 42-50): In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I
and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer
(A) If only assumption I is implicit
(B) If only assumption II is implicit
(C) If either I or II is implicit
(D) If neither I nor II is implicit
(E) If both I and II are implicit.
42). Statement: Rohit's mother instructed him to return home by train if it rains heavily.
Assumptions: I. Rohit may not be able to decide himself if it rains heavily.
II. The trains may ply even if it rains heavily.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
43. Statement: "Please put more people on the job to make up for the delay."
Assumptions: I. Delay is inevitable in most jobs.
II. Output will increase with more number of people on the job.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
44). Statement: In spite of less than normal rainfall in the catchment areas during the first two months of monsoon
of the lakes supplying water to the city the authority has not yet affected any cut in the water supply to the city.
Assumptions: I. The rainfall during the remaining part of the monsoon may be adequate for normal water supply.
II. The present water level of the lakes supplying water to the city may be adequate for normal supply.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
45). Statement: If you are an engineer, we have a challenging job for you.
Assumptions: I. We need an engineer.
II. You are an engineer.
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TOP 50 Statements and Assumption Questions
46). Statement: In spite of poor services, the commutators have not complained against it.
Assumptions: I. Generally people does not tolerate poor services.
II. Complaints sometimes improve services.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
47). Statement: Unemployment allowance should be given to all unemployed Indian youth above 18 years of age.
Assumptions: I. There are unemployed youth in India who needs monetary support.
II. The government has sufficient funds to provide allowance to all unemployed youth.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
48). Statement: As there is a great demand, every person seeking tickets of the programme will be given only five
Assumptions: I. The organizers are not keen on selling the tickets.
II. No one is interested in getting more than five tickets.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
49). Statement: The organization should promote employees on the basis of merit alone and not on the basis of
length of service or seniority.
Assumptions: I. Length of service or seniority does not alone reflect merit of an employee.
II. It is possible to determine and measure merit of an employee.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
50). Statement: Equality of income throughout a community is the essential condition for maximising the total
utility which the total income available could confer on the members of that community.
Assumptions: I. If extra income were taken from the rich and given to the poor, the total utility experienced by the
community would increase.
II. Equal pay for equal work.
A. Only assumption I is implicit
B. Only assumption II is implicit
C. Either I or II is implicit
D. Neither I nor II is implicit
E. Both I and II are implicit
Answer Key:
1). A decision is taken if it is felt that the decision would be an acceptance among most of the people. Hence,
Assumption I is implicit. Assumption II is also implicit as the reason behind need
Answer: e)
2). It is not necessary that the price rise be three in the mind of Government while taking the decision. Infact the
truth is that our petroleum companies are running losses even after the drop in international price. Hence, both are
invalid assumptions
Answer: d)
3). Assumption I and II both are implicit because both are imminent positive outcomes assumed.
Answer: e)
4). Teachers cannot be appointed in a vacuum and the reason Assumption I is a valid Assumption. Assumption II is
not valid as it is most of a presumption.
Answer: a)
5). Assumption I is implicit because when a dewsion is made, it is assumed to be effective. Further, Assumption II
is also implicit as it is assumed that the stipulated target will be met.
Answer: e)
6). The driver does not have control on what the auto driver will do. Hence, I is invalid. But II is a valid
assumption because if one takes an action he assumes its outcome.
Answer: b)
7). Assumption I is implicit in the very giving of the advice. Assumption II is implicit in the condition attached.
Answer: e)
8). When we urge someone to do something, we assume a positive response. Hence, Assumption I is implicit while
for the same reason Assumption II becomes invalid.
Answer: a)
9). Assumption I were implicit, such a decision would not be taken. Assumption II is implicit in the purpose of
fund raising that has been mentioned in the statement
Answer: b)
10). Assumption I is invalid because when a warning is given it is assumed that it will be heeded to. Further,
Assumption II is not belived to be the motive behind a warning. Hence Assumption II is also invalid.
Answer: d)
Solutions (11-20):
11). The word „just‟ implies that it must be assumed that people wants ads at the lowest cost. Hence I is not
necessarily true. II is obvious; otherwise why will ads like this be given?
Answer: b)
12). The notice given by the XYZ department clearly mentions the ill – effect of drinking. The motive behind
mentioning the ill – effect must be to restrict drinkers from drinking. Now, how can the motive be fulfilled?
Obviously, I must be assumed. II is too specific, Hence II is not implicit.
Answer: a)
13). The statement does not mention the specific reason behind the view of the speaker. Hence, both I and II are
not implicit.
Answer: d)
14). How will making it „mandatory‟ make democracy more meaningful? Obviously, both I and II must be
Answer: e)
15). Why has the FAO made such a declaration? Why does it need worldwide efforts? Obviously, it must be
assuming the problem quite alalrming. Hence, I is implicit. But II is not necessarily valid.
Answer: a)
16). I is implicit because it make no sence to talk of something without the existence of its possibility. II is
implicit; that is why the speaker suggests tools to make change in the women‟s status.
Answer: e)
17). We cannot say what ground the critic assumes on the basis of which be terms it “not a proper and judicious
Answer: d)
18). I is not valid because we don‟t know whether the contrast expressed in the view is critical or merely a
statement of fact. II, if at all an assumption, can only be false.
Answer: d)
19). I is not implicit because it goes into unnecessary details. II is implicit; that is why the speaker stresses on the
role of executive in the appointment of High Court Judges
Answer: b)
20). Answer: d)
Solutions (21-26):
21). Answer: e)
22). It is very clear from the statements that divorce take place when love marriage takes hence,both are follow.
Answer: e)
23). It is assumed that assistant will follow the instructions but it is not assumed that the assistants knows the
address because his job is to drop the letter in the letter box.
Answer: a)
24). Advertisement suggests the milk because of its quality of being pure,then it can be assumed that milk can be
Answer: a)
25). Answer: a)
26). School requires more teachers. It is assumed in the light of statement that teacher are available teachers is not
good. Hence, only assumption I is implicit.
Answer: a)
28). Answer: d)
29). Answer: c)
30). Answer: b)
Answer: e)
Solutions (32-41):
32). Argument I lacks substance and is hence weak. That it is a “flying coffin” is evident from the statement itself.
II is strong because it makes no sense to ban the aircraft when the responsibility lies somewhere else.
Answer: b)
33). I is an absurd argument. It is not necessarily that what fits others will fit us. II is a strong argument. India has
to balance the competitive environment with some protection to dpmestic entrepreneurs. Even developed countries
change their laws to protect their entrepreneurs.
Answer: b)
34). Argument I is weak because it says virtually nothing. II is strong because distraction from studies is not
Answer: b)
35). Argument I is strong because cost-cutting is desirable. II is weak because illiteracy and lack of election as in
separate elections.
Answer: a)
36). Argument I is weak because it is vague. II is strong because superstition is not desirable.
Answer: b)
37). I is true the new entity will give a new shape to the performance of the Indian Railways. Hence, I is strong. II
is not strong because the argument rambles into concerns other than corporatization.
Answer: a)
38). I is not an argument. II defines superstition. Hence, I is not strong. II is not strong because it is obsessed with
the wrong assumption that a belief which prevails in our society deeply needs no intervention of law.
Answer: d)
39). Not all spurious drugs lead to mass murder. So we cannot assume I to be true. Hence I is weak. II is strong
because death sentence is self-defeating. If one dies, how can one be reformed?
Answer: b)
40). Both I and II are weak arguments. I merely mentions the two occasions when the donation was banned. It does
not pinpoint the core issue. II merely mentions the year from when the donation exists. It adds no argumentative
substance in support of „No‟.
Answer: d)
41). I is strong because it will bring some reform in our society and help ensure justice for women. II is strong
because it will ruin the cultural identity and abet disharmony in society.
Answer: e)
Solutions (42-50):
42). Rohit's mother has instructed him as a matter of caution and out of care for her child, and not because Rohit
himself would not be able to decide. So, I is not implicit. Besides, Rohit's mother instructs him to take to train
journey in case it rains heavily. So, II is implicit.
Answer: b)
43). The advice tells to 'make up for the delay' showing that delay is not to be done. So, I is not implicit. Since
increase in number of people will make up for the delay, it means the output will increase with this increase in
number. So, II is implicit.
Answer: b)
44). The statement clearly indicates that at present the water level of the lakes is adequate. There is nothing of a
shortage to induce a cut in water supply and still there is time to wait and watch the performance of rains during
the remaining monsoon period. So, both I and II are implicit.
Answer: e)
45). Clearly, job is offered to an engineer. This means that he is needed. So, I is implicit. The word 'If' in the
statement makes II not implicit.
Answer: a)
46). The statement expresses an expectation of complaints from the people against poor services. So, I is implicit.
But the effect of complaints cannot be deduced. So, II is not implicit.
Answer: a)
47). I directly follows from the statement and so is implicit. Also, the statement is a suggestion and does not tell
about a government policy or its position of funds. So, II is not implicit.
Answer: a)
48). Clearly, the organisers are adopting this policy not to reduce the sale but to cope up with great demand so that
everyone can get the ticket. So, I is not implicit. Also, due to great demand, the maximum number of tickets one
person can get has been reduced to five. So, II is also not implicit.
Answer: d)
49). The statement stresses on the need to award promotion to a person who has been displaying remarkable talent
and performing extraordinarily for the organisation rather than the one who has been working steadily for the
organisation since long. Thus, length of service does not alone prove a man worthy. His talent and his performance
are the criteria to be considered. So, both I and II are implicit.
Answer: e)
50). The total utility can be maximised by equality of income throughout the community, i.e., by giving extra
income from the rich to the poor. So, I is implicit. Also, II pertains to economic right and is not concerned with
equality of income throughout the community. So, it is not implicit.
Answer: a)