Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverters For Renewable Energy Applications
Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverters For Renewable Energy Applications
Nonlinear Adaptive Control of Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverters For Renewable Energy Applications
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5 authors, including:
Prasanna Piya
Mississippi State University
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In a grid-connected VSC, active and reactive power control the inverter output current for the case of vary-
components are regulated through vector control of the ing grid impedance within a specific range. The objective
VSC currents. The vector control (dq-current control) was to minimise the effect of uncertain grid impedance
is usually converted to two decoupled control loops on current tracking. Feedback linearisation technique
where two identical proportional-integrating (PI) con- is used in Khajehoddin, Karimi-Ghartemani, Jain, and
trollers (Blaabjerg et al., 2006) are individually designed. Bakhshai (2011), Zue and Chandra (2009), Bao, Zhuo,
In renewable applications, the dc-bus voltage is a medium Tian, and Tan (2013) within the context of vector con-
through which the d-component of the current is con- trol method. A robust partial feedback linearising con-
trolled. Other type of controllers, such as proportional- troller is used in Mahmud, Hossain, Pota, and Roy (2014),
resonant may be used when the control is done in station- Mahmud, Pota, Hossain, and Roy (2014) by considering
ary reference frame (Blaabjerg et al., 2006; El-Arroudi, uncertainties within the PV system model. Although Lya-
Joos, Kamwa, & McGillis, 2007; Guo & Wu, 2010; Lis- punov approach in Mahmud, Pota, and Hossain (2014),
erre, Teodorescu, & Blaabjerg, 2006; Marei, El-Saadany, Yahya, El Fadil, Guerrero, Giri, and Erguig (2014) based
& Salama, 2003; Prodanovic & Green, 2003; Zmood on the nonlinear model of the system has been presented,
& Holmes, 2003). These controllers have some advan- the uncertainty in system is not considered. A Lyapunov-
tages, such as faster dynamics and effective elimination based controller in Dasgupta, Mohan, Sahoo, and Panda
of harmonics at the expense of implementation com- (2013) is designed directly in the abc frame consider-
plexity (Francis & Wonham, 1976; Freijedo et al., 2011; ing unbalance conditions. In Li, Ruan, Pan, and Wang
Rodriguez, Bueno, Aredes, Rolim, Neves, & Cavalcanti, (2013) feedforward control scheme has been proposed in
2008; Yepes, Freijedo, López, & Doval-Gandoy, 2011; stationary and synchronous reference frames to reduce
Yepes et al., 2010; Yuan, Merk, Stemmler, & Allmeling, the injected grid current harmonics and unbalance con-
2002). The challenges for the control problem of a grid- ditions caused by grid voltages. Other approaches, such
connected VSC arise from the fact that the system has as μ-synthesis-based control and linear matrix inequal-
structural nonlinearities (such as the dc-bus dynamics), ity (LMI) control have been well-developed and widely
components nonlinearities (inductors, transformers, sen- accepted (Kahrobaeian & Mohamed, 2014; Sampaio, de
sors, signal conditioning circuits, dead-band of switch- Brito, de Azevedoe Melo, & Canesin, 2013). In Jain, Behal,
ing signals), and grid distortions and uncertainties (such Zhang, Dawson, and Mohan (2004), an adaptive nonlin-
as grid harmonics, unbalance, impedance, and faults). ear approach was used for fast voltage regulation in the
The existing linear control methods cannot address all presence of load uncertainty in case of static compen-
the control objectives (arising in a practical situation) sators. The controller was shown to possess satisfactory
without having an extremely complicated structure which transient response for step changes in load conductance
is undesirable due to practical limitations. In Yang, Lei, and voltage reference. A composite nonlinear feedback is
Peng, and Qian (2011), linear H theory was used to used in Eren, Pahlevaninezhad, Bakhshai, and Jain (2013)
to improve the stability margins of the VSC control loop Pinheiro, 2009). The synchronous reference (dq) domain
when an LCL output filter is used. (Malinowski & Bernet, 2008; Wu & Lehn, 2006) signals
In this paper, a nonlinear control scheme based on the are defined as
adaptive backstepping method is proposed for the VSC
of a grid-connected DG unit. The proposed control sys- vdq = vd + jvq = e− jθ vαβ . (3)
tem is able to regulate the power exchange between the
VSC and the grid, and provides fast and smooth tran- In this paper, we perform the control in the dq domain.
sient response with acceptable level of current distor- Hence, (1) is represented in the dq frame by (Jain et al.,
tions. The proposed controller is further improved to 2004)
adaptively accommodate the system parameters uncer-
tainties, e.g., filter inductance, dc-bus capacitance. To the Li̇dq = vdq − vg,dq − jLωidq , (4)
best of our knowledge, the use of adaptive backstepping
technique for the control of grid connected DG systems where ω = θ˙ is the grid angular frequency. By using the
based on the exact nonlinear model has not been pro- grid voltage phase-angle as the reference phase-angle for
posed/investigated before. To verify the performance of the dq transformation, the q component of the grid volt-
the proposed controller, digital time-domain simulations age, i.e., v gq , becomes zero. Hence,
are carried out for both single-stage and two-stage struc-
tures of the DG conversion system. The simulation results 1 1
of the proposed controller are compared with those of the i̇d = ωiq + vd − vgd (5)
conventional vector control method which confirm the 1
superiority of nonlinear controller. i̇q = −ωid + vq , (6)
Further secondary objectives of the controller are that it follows the first-order exponentially stable dynam-
(1) Maintain the quality of current waveform despite ics given by ṽ˙ c = −kṽc , where k R is a constant positive
the grid voltage distortion, grid voltage unbalance, gain. Assuming v̇c∗ = 0 yields
and other system nonlinearity effects including
the dead band in the switching patterns, nonlin- 2
d =α= [pin + Ckvc ṽc )]. (13)
earity of the inductor. 3vgd
(2) Maintain robust performance in the presence of
system uncertainties. These include first the value The error between the ideal and actual current is defined
of the inductance, grid impedance, and the grid by z id − iideal
d . Hence, dynamic of z is obtained by
To proceed with developing our method, the reactive 1 1
ż = ωiq + vc ud − vgd − α̇, (14)
current and dc voltage error signals are defined as L L
and Equation (11) can be expressed as Proof: The control law of (21) results in the following
closed-loop equations:
1 3 2
ṽ˙ c = pin − vgd z + pin + Ckvc ṽc
ĩ˙q = −k2 ĩq
Cvc 2 3vgd
3 vgd z 3 vgd z
= −kṽc − . (17) ṽ˙ c = −kṽc −
2 Cvc 2 Cvc (23)
3 vgd ṽc
Equations (14)–(17) provide a description of the system ż = −k1 z + 2 .
that are re-ordered and written below,
Consider the Lyapunov function candidate V as
ĩ˙q = −ωid + vc uq
1 2
3 vgd z V = ṽc + z2 + ĩ2q . (24)
ṽ˙ c = −kṽc − (19) 2
2 Cvc
1 1 Taking the time-derivative of the Lyapunov function and
ż = ωiq + vc ud − vgd − α̇. (20)
L L substituting from (18)–(20) yield
Figure . Performance of the proposed controller in tracking input power jump, reactive power command, dc-bus voltage command
(Study System I).
Figure . Performance of the optimally adjusted conventional vector control method under the same simulation conditions of Figure .
Figure . Performance of the proposed controller in tracking input power jump, and reactive power command (Study System II).
quantity dP/dV is passed through a PI controller to yield II are also superior to those of the conventional method
the dc-bus voltage reference. The gains of this controller (not shown).
are set at 10 and 1000, respectively. The PSIM software
is used for simulations which facilitates the possibility of
applying changes to the light intensity of the PV system
3.5 Inverter current THD
during the simulation. The light intensity directly changes
the power generated by the solar panels. The grid voltage is contaminated with the following
Figure 8 shows the results of a simulation study with distortions: 2% of the 5th harmonic at phase-angle
the following specifications: the solar intensity is set to 40 degrees, 2% of the 7th harmonic at phase-angle
500 W/m2 initially, the capacitor voltage is 480 V, and 10 degrees, 2% of the 11th harmonic at phase-angle of
the reactive power command is zero. At t = 0.15 s, the 90 degrees, and 2% of grid imbalance at phase-angle
light intensity jumps to 750 W/m2 and subsequently, a 0 degree. The inverter current total harmonic distortion
reactive power command of 2000 Var is applied at t = (THD) is shown in Figure 9 for different power levels in
0.25 s. The real and reactive powers generated by the a 3.5 kW inverter. The THD is below 2% at normal oper-
inverter, and the maximum PV power are shown on the ation (operation above 1 kW). As the power is increased
upper subplot of Figure 8. The MPPT is working well (above 2 kW), the proposed method generates currents
and the reactive power command is followed quickly. with lower THD compared to the conventional vector
The middle subplot shows the PV voltage across the control method (when optimally adjusted to have sim-
capacitor and the lower subplot shows the inverter out- ilar transients). Therefore, the overall distortion power
put currents fed to the grid. Similar to the results of injected to the grid by the proposed VSC control is much
Study System I, the transient responses of Study System lower than the conventional method.
4. Adaptive controller
Figure . Output current THD of the proposed controller at differ- 4.1 Derivation of error model
ent powers.
For convenience of notations, we define θ = L1 and β =
3.6 Uncertainty in L-filter C
, where L and C are assumed as unknown system param-
eters. Hence, (9)–(11) are transformed into
As mentioned in Study System I, the proposed method
assumes a negligible steady state error in the reactive
power. This error grows with the amount of uncertainty i̇d = ωiq + θvc ud − θvgd
(change) in the value of the series filter L. In Figure 10,
i̇q = −ωid + θvc uq
we simulate a case study, where the filter L experiences a
change of −50 per cent from its nominal value, i.e., from β 3
v̇c = pin − vgd id . (28)
10 to 5 mH at t = 0.1 s and back to 10 mH at t = 0.15 s. In vc 2
Figure . Performance of proposed non-adaptive controller when the inductance L experiences step changes.
The error parameters β̃ and θ˜ are defined as Hence, the state error equations become
β̂ 3 uq = (−k1 ĩq + ωid ),
v̇c = pin − vgd id − β̃Y. (32) ˆ
θ vc
vc 2
1 ˆ 3β̂vgd ṽc 2k
ud = θ vgd − k2 z + − ωiq +
θˆvc 2vc 3vgd
Consider (32), ignore the second term β̃Y for a moment,
and regard id as its input. Define iideal as the ideal value of 1 ∗ 3 β̂ 2 ṗin
× (2vc − vc ) pin − vgd id − ṽc vc + ,
id that controls v c according to ṽ˙ c = −kṽc . Then, vc 2 β̂ 2 3vgd
˙ 1
θˆ = (z(ud vc − vgd ) + vc uq ĩq ),
2 vc γ1
d =α= pin + (kṽc ) . (33)
3vgd β̂ ˙ 1 2k (2vc − vc∗ )
β̂ = − Y z + Y ṽc , (38)
γ2 3vgd β̂
By defining z id − iideal
d , dynamics of z is obtained
from where k, k1 , γ 1 , γ 2 and k2 are positive gains.
3β̂vgd z 1 2
ṽ˙ c = −kṽc − − β̃Y. (36) V = ṽc + z2 + ĩ2q + γ1 θ˜2 + γ2 β̃ 2 . (41)
2vc 2
Taking the time-derivative of Lyapunov function and sub- Finally, substituting ud and uq from (38) into (45) yields
stituting from (37) yield
V̇ = − k1 ĩ2q + k2 z2 + kṽc2 ≤ 0, (46)
3β̂vgd z
V̇ = ṽc −kṽc − − β̃Y + z ωiq + θ ud vc − θ vgd
which implies that ĩq , z, ṽc ∈ L2 ∩ L∞ and β̃, θ˜ ∈ L∞ ,
2k 1 β̂ 3 β̂ 2 ṗin where L∞ and L2 denote the spaces of bounded and
− (2vc − vc∗ ) (pin − vgd id )−β̃Y − ṽc vc −
3vgd β̂ vc 2 β̂ 2 3vgd
square-integrable signals, respectively (Khalil, 2002). Due
˙ ˙
+ ĩq (−ωid + θ vc uq ) + γ2 β̃ β̃ + γ1 θ˜θ˜. (42) to the smoothness and continuity of the error signals and
by invoking the Barballat’s lemma, (39) is inferred. To
By separating the terms containing θ and β̃, (42) is prove (40), we use LaSalle’s invariance principle presented
in Khalil (2002). Determine the set S = {x ∈ R5 | V̇ = 0}
expressed as T
where x = z ṽc ĩq . Hence, S = {id = α, vc = vc∗ , iq =
i∗q } on which the motion of the system (28) and (38) is
3β̂vgd z 2k described by
V̇ = ṽc −kṽc − + z ωiq − 2vc − vc∗
2vc 3vgd
˙ θ θ ˙ ˙
1 3 β̂ 2 ṗin i̇d = ωi∗q −1 , i̇q = −ωi∗d −1 , v̇c = θ˜ = β̃ = 0.
pin − vgd id − ṽc vc − ˆ
θ ˆ
vc 2 β̂ 2 3vgd (47)
˙ ˙
− ĩq ωid +γ2 β̃ β̃+γ1 θ˜θ+θ
˜ z(ud vc − vgd ) + vc uq ĩq
Now, the largest invariant set MS is determined when
2k (2vc − vc∗ ) θ
+ β̃ Y z − Y ṽc . i̇d = i̇q = 0 in (47), i.e., when − 1 = 0. Therefore, by
3vgd β̂ θˆ
(43) the LaSalle’s theorem, every solution of the closed-loop
system starting in any compact set
R5 ) asymp-
totically approaches the invariant set M = {id = α, vc =
Furthermore, using θ = θˆ − θ˜ and factorising the z terms vc∗ , iq = i∗q , θˆ = θ} as t → . In particular, (40) holds,
in (43) yield i.e.,
lim θˆ (t ) = θ.
3β̂vgd ṽc 2k
V̇ = −kṽc2 + z − + ωiq − (2vc − vc∗ ) t→∞
2vc 3vgd
It should be noted that although the boundedness of β̃ is
1 3 β̂ 2 ṗin ˙
pin − vgd id − ṽc vc − −ĩq (ωid )+θ˜ γ1 θ˜ guaranteed by the LaSalle’s theorem, β̂ does not necessar-
vc 2 β̂ 2 3vgd ily track β.
− z(ud vc −vgd )−vc uq ĩq +θ[z(u d vc −vgd ) + vc uq ĩq ] The implementation block diagram of the nominal
and adaptive nonlinear control scheme is depicted in
˙ 2k (2vc − vc∗ )
+ β̃ γ2 β̃ + Y z − Y ṽc . Figure 11. From Figure 11, it is also seen that the output
3vgd β̂ currents of the three-phase inverter and grid voltages are
(44) transformed into direct and quadrature-axis components
using abc − dq transformation. Then, the control law is
Substituting the parameter update laws from (38), we obtained in the dq frame and, eventually, reverse trans-
obtain formation (i.e., dq − abc) is performed to implement the
controller through the PWM.
3β̂vgd ṽc
V̇ = −kṽc2 +z − + ωiq
2vc 4.3 Design guidelines
2k ∗ 1 3 β̂ A linear analysis is performed for the proposed adaptive
− (2vc − vc ) pin − vgd id − ṽc vc controller in order to find guidelines as how to adjust
3vgd vc 2 β̂ 2
the controller gains. The linear analysis confirms that the
2 ṗin
− − ĩq (ωid ) + θˆ z(ud vc − vgd ) + vc uq ĩq . dynamics of z and ṽc variables are coupled to each other,
3vgd and are decoupled from rest of the system. Moreover, they
(45) follow the same dynamics as the non-adaptive method.
PV Converter DC Link Inverter L Filter
ua u b u c vgd vgq=0
pin vc dq-abc
id iq
ud uq
MPPT (21)
Figure . Performance of the proposed adaptive controller in tracking input power jump, reactive power command, dc-bus voltage
command, and inductance change (Study System I).
Therefore, the same design guideline presented in Sec- Therefore, there will be two poles located at −kg1 for
tion 3.3 is valid for designing k and k1 . k1 = 2kg1 .
The linearisation of the equations related to ĩq and θ˜
around the zero equilibrium point results in the following
linear system: 4.4 Simulation results
.. Study system I
−k2 −
Ẋ = X, (48) The proposed adaptive controller is used by Study System
/γ1 0
I as defined and simulated in Section 3.4.1. The values of
2ωLpin power circuit and control parameters are the same with
where = . The eigenvalues of the linear model the additional value of kg1 = 200.
(48) are obtained from the following characteristic equa- Figure 12 shows the results of a simulation where the
tion: initial value of the capacitor voltage is set at 480 V, the
initial reactive power reference is set to zero, and pin is
2 initially 500 W. At t = 0.05 s, pin experiences a jump to
λ2 + k2 λ + = 0. (49)
γ1 1500 W, and is followed by a jump of 1000 Var in Q∗ at t
= 0.1 s and a jump of vc∗ to 520 V at t = 0.15 s. Finally, the
2 inductance L steps down to 5 mH from 10 mH, at t = 0.2 s.
The suggested value for γ 1 is γ1 = , where kg1 is a
k2g1 The real and reactive powers supplied by the inverter,
constant number. The root-locus of (49) will be similar the capacitor voltage, the grid currents, the estimated
to Figure 4 with the difference that is replaced by kg1 . inductance, and the estimated capacitance are shown in
Figure . Performance of the proposed adaptive controller in tracking input power jump, reactive power command, and inductance
change (Study System II).
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Disclosure statement connected voltage source inverter with LCL filter. IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics, 30(2), 547–560.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Francis, B., & Wonham, W. (1976). The internal model principle
of control theory. Automatica, 12, 457–465.
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