Chapter Seven: The Pendulum and Phase-Plane Plots
Chapter Seven: The Pendulum and Phase-Plane Plots
Chapter Seven: The Pendulum and Phase-Plane Plots
pendulum is found. If θ is this angle, then the stretch force is mg cos(θ) and the swing
force is –mg sin(θ) (note the minus sign: when θ is positive, the force seeks to decrease θ
and thus is negative). Now as θ is measured in radians, θ gives arc length on a unit circle;
as the pendulum swings in a circle of radius L, arc length along the trajectory of the
pendulum is θL. Thus Newton’s equation F=ma becomes:
F = −mg ⋅ sin(θ ), a = ( Lθ) hence
θ= − (g L) sin(θ )
Now here’s the interesting mathematical side of this: if θ is small, sin(θ) is very close to θ
(remember that the limit of their ratios is 1!). If we replace sin(θ) by θ, we have the
simple harmonic oscillator θ = −( g L)θ . This equation has the very simple but crucial
property that if θ(t) solves this equation, then 2θ(t), 3θ(t), ...., in fact any multiple cθ(t) of
θ(t) also solves the same equation. This is what isochrony means in formulas: if we scale
up or down the oscillation by a factor c, we get a solution with larger or smaller
amplitude and the same period as before. The irony is that this is not true for the exact
pendulum equation especially when the amplitude gets large so that sin(θ) and θ are not
so close. Below is a graph of (i) the sinusoidal function sin(θ), (ii) the linear function θ
and (iii) a better approximation θ– θ3/6 to sine.
Note that the linear approximation of sin(θ) is pretty good out to about π/4 or 45 degrees
but then gets pretty bad.
From today’s perspective, we can look back at Galileo and see how he was always
looking for the main effect and that to find these, he put aside physical corrections like air
resistance. But he also did not really have the mathematics to do the pendulum ‘right’. It
was Huygens, in the next generation, who worked it out, although he too did not have the
full generality of Newton’s laws. In particular, he worked out how to ‘fix’ the pendulum
to make it exactly isochronous, even for large amplitude oscillations. The solution is to
put ‘cheeks’ on each side of the cord near the point of suspension. As the pendulum
swings, a small part of the cord pulls taut against the cheeks and so the effective length L
is shortened.
To get a good understanding of the pendulum and its dynamics, writing down some
messy formula for θ(t) is not the best way. What works much better is to follow Oresme’s
dictum and seek a bird’s eye view of its ‘configuration’ by making a suitable geometric
representation. But this is not done best by plotting θ(t) against time t, that is graphing
θ(t). It’s better to do what we have slipped in a few times already: plot the pairs
(θ (t ), θ(t )) as t varies. We did this for simple harmonic motion. In this case, plotting θ(t)
gave us a sinusoidal curve while plotting these pairs gave us circles. This second plot is
sometimes called a ‘phase-plane plot’; with a raw data set of pairs (xi,yi), it is called a
‘scatter plot’. To see what this does for us, write v(t) for the time derivative θ(t ) and
write the basic differential equation θ = − sin(θ ) (we are assuming g/L=1 which can
always be achieved by measuring time in suitable units) as a pair of differential
θ(t ) = v (t )
v(t ) = − sin(θ )
The first equation is just the definition of v(t) and the second equation comes from
rewriting θ as v . Now in these equations, the rate of change of both variables is
expressed as a function of their values at that point of time. In other words, it gives the
direction in which the pair (θ,v) is moving whenever you know where it is. This can be
expressed by drawing a whole lot of little arrows in the plane: at each point (θ,v), the
arrow points to (θ + ∆t ⋅ v, v −∆t ⋅ sin(θ )) , which is where it will go next. The result
looks like this:
What are we looking at here? Each point in this plot corresponds to some pair of values
(θ, v = dθ/dt), a specification of both the position and the velocity of the pendulum. You
can imagine the pendulum being released in any such state and then track what happens.
The arrows everywhere show the direction of motion of the two variables as the
pendulum swings – Newton’s term fluents seems especially apt here. The curves in the
plot above show particular examples of ways the pendulum can swing. Thus the nearly
circular curves around (0,0) represent the pendulum making regular small swings near its
rest position. The circular curves around the points (2π,0) and (–2π,0) really represent the
same motion because when an angle is increased or decreased by 2π, this is the same as
360 degrees and it’s just the same angle. Whenever you make a graph and one of axes
represents an angle, you must either just repeat the graph when the angle repeats or cut
the graph off at some angle. We chose to allow the angle to repeat because we want to
show the pendulum motions with higher velocity: when you start the pendulum off at θ =
0 but with high enough velocity, the pendulum goes all the way around. Of course, its
velocity will slow down on the way up but then it will speed up on the way down again.
In the absence of friction, it just keeps spinning around indefinitely. The counter-
clockwise motions of the pendulum of this kind are shown in the graph by the wavy lines
at the top that keep going from left to right indefinitely, while the curves on the bottom
which go from right to left represent clockwise rotations.
What happens if we add in friction? Then, instead of swinging with fixed amplitude, back
and forth, the pendulum should gradually slow down, taking smaller and smaller swings.
Considered in the phase-plot, this comes out as a spiral. In each swing, the pendulum
angle θ goes to a max, then the pendulum stops momentarily, then swings back gaining
speed. But the speed when it comes back to the middle is slightly less. The result is that
on the phase plot, it follows a spiral, getting closer and closer to stopping at (0,0). This is
shown in the new phase-plot below:
The swings which previously went over the top now can go all the way around only a few
times before friction slows them down and they no longer have the speed to make it to
the top. One such event is shown by the red curve; three similar events are shown in blue.
What is the equation for the pendulum with friction? You need to simply add in the force
of friction. This is a force which is proportional to the velocity and in the opposite
direction to the velocity:
θ = −aθ − ( g L)sin(θ )
Note that there is a new constant a, the coefficient of friction that enters the equation.
Now how did we make these figures? The sine term prevents us from having a simple
formula for the solution, as in the case of simple harmonic motion. In fact, it is much
more common that there is no explicit formula for the solution. As applied
mathematicians, we resort to the computer and make numerical approximations which we
plot. As pure mathematicians, we can at least prove the correctness of the behavior of
these solutions, e.g. that without friction, we get periodic motion of the pendulum which
repeats indefinitely, that the pendulum will not reach the top until it has a critical velocity
and then it will continue whipping up and over the top indefinitely too. For the
computation, you can just use:
θ − θk−1
θk +1 = 2θk − θk−1 − a ⋅ k − ( g L) ⋅ sin(θk )
I want to finish off this discussion of clocks with another differential equation which is a
fairly good model of the original clock, the ‘foliot-and-verge’ clock shown in Chapter 3,
p.18. We will describe the position of the clock by the angle θ of the foliot, which, if you
refer to that figure, is the horizontal bar on the top which swings back and forth,
alternately releasing one or the other pallets from locking with the crown wheel. The
crown wheel is constantly being pulled counter-clockwise by a heavy weight (not
shown). There are 2 crucial angles of the foliot: if the top pallet is holding back the crown
wheeel, then there is an angle at which this pallet can no longer hold the teeth of the
crown wheel. And similarly for the bottom pallet. We will assume these angles are
θ = ±1 . The upshot is that when the top pallet is engaged, then θ<1 and the crown wheel
is putting a constant force on the pallet to increase θ. When θ hits 1, this pallet releases
and the bottom pallet engages and the crown wheel is now putting a constant force to
decrease θ until θ hits –1, and then everything repeats. The other force in the system is a
lot of friction on the foliot which keeps it from going too fast. This is not a standard sort
of differential equation but so what. Having chosen constants appropriately (after all, the
medieval clock builders tinkered too), the force equation F=ma looks like:
θ = 4(1 − θ) when pallet 1 engaged,
θ = 4(−1− θ) when pallet 2 engaged
The ±4 forces represent the crown wheels push and pull on the foliot; the −4θ is just
friction. If we make a phase plot, the whole thing gets a lot clearer:
The circles represent the clock in action, each showing the next state after the same
amount of time. The top right corner is where pallet 1 is released and the bottom left
corner is where pallet 2 is released. The slow horizontal motions in the phase plot, where
the dots are close together, show the foliot swinging at nearly constant velocity +1 or –1,
but limited by friction, so there is almost no acceleration. These are interspersed by the
rapid vertical part of the motion on the two sides, where the dots are widely spaced, in
which the angle doesn’t change much but the velocity switches from +1 to nearly –1 or
vice versa. You have to trace this through to believe it all works and is an intuitively
reasonable model of the medieval clock.
Problem: Differential equations have been proposed to model many things in nature
besides mechanical contrivances. An influential model is the so-called predator-prey
model, which models 2 species, say foxes and rabbits, and their population cycles over a
period of years. When there a lot of rabbits, there is plenty for the foxes to eat and they
multiply rapidly. But then the rabbit population is depleted and, as a result, the foxes
starve. When the foxes are nearly gone, the rabbits flourish again. And so ‘the cycle of
nature repeats’ as nature specials on public TV have told us so often. OK, let’s do math.
Instead of forces, we now have birth and death. Let r(t) be the population of rabits and
f(t) that of foxes. If a is the reproduction rate of each rabbit, then r should increase at a
rate ar due to births. If b is the probability of one fox eating one rabbit in some unit of
time, then bfr is the death rate due to rabbits being eaten. Thus:
r = ar − bfr
Now let c be the excess of the death rate of foxes over their birth rate when there are no
rabbits to eat and let d be the increase in births minus deaths of foxes for each rabbit in
the population. Then:
f = −cf + dfr
(We’re clearly simplifying a lot, e.g. ignoring the natural deaths of rabbits from old age.)
These equations were first written down by Lotka in 1910 and further studied by
Volterra, hence are also called the Lotka-Volterra equations. At first sight, there are 4
constants a,b,c,d here but there’s really only one essential constant. If we change the units
in which f and r are measured, replacing f by af/b and r by dr/c, then b and d drop out
and the equations become r = a (1− f )r, f = c( r − 1) f and if, further, we rescale time to
proceed c times faster, then c drops out and only the ratio a/c remains:
r = (a / c )(1 − f ) r, f = ( r −1) f . Take a/c=2 as a simple case and first, by hand, make a
rough phase-plot with arrows as above, showing at each point (f,r) where the point is
moving. Then solve this equation starting at (1/2,1/2) approximately in Excel with some
small time step ∆t. Experiment with various ∆t until the result stabilizes: what is the
system doing? Try other values for a/c. What would you guess about the long term
behavior of solutions f(t),r(t)?
Predicting the position of the sun, moon and planets in the skies has been a goal of every
civilization of mankind. Without electric lights or pollution, the heavenly bodies in the
sky are very prominent. The connection of the sun’s position, high or low in the sky, with
the seasons, the apparent connection of the moon with women’s menstrual cycles made
them central events in life. And, unlike the ‘fixed stars’, the planets zip around in
complex ways, seeming to have a life of their own. But the more mankind recorded
celestial events, the positions of these bodies at precise times, the more complications
seemed to appear. The sun and the moon, for example, slow down and speed up at
various times each year or month, the path traced by the sun and the moon against the
stars changes slowly over the years, the motion of Mars and its brightness is extremely
irregular, eclipses seem totally unpredictable. It is a just source of pride for European
civilization that Newton found the golden key that finally predicted every little wrinkle in
these motions (well nearly every one – Einstein improved a remaining glitch in the
motion of Mercury).
Newton apparently told several people that the key insight came to him when sitting in
the garden of his family home in Lincolnshire during the plague years. An apple fell from
a nearby tree and suddenly he saw an analogy between the falling of the apple towards
the center of the earth and the force that kept the moon in its orbit instead of sailing off
on a straight line away from the earth. Maybe the same sort of force was pulling the apple
to earth and pulling the moon towards the earth with exactly the right force to keep it in a
roughly circular orbit! How does this work out?
We know how to calculate the acceleration of a body towards a point P which is needed
to keep that body moving in a circle with center P. As we saw when measured the size of
the earth, if you move in a straight line tangent to the earth a distance x, then you wind
up above the earth’s surface by x 2 / 2r – so long as x is assumed small compared to the
radius r of the earth. This applies just as well to the moon: let r be the distance from the
moon to the earth and let x be the distance the moon would move in 1 second if it went
straight. Then it would have moved beyond its circular orbit by the distance x 2 / 2r . Let’s
work this out approximately: in 28 days, the moon moves a distance 2πr. r is roughly
240,000 miles, so in one second it moves how many feet?
2π (240000)(5280) ( ≈ 3300 feet
This means that to stay in its orbit, it must fall towards the earth in 1 second:
(3300) 2 (2.240000.5280) ≈ .0043 feet
Now the apple on the earth’s surface falls 16 feet in one second (remember Galileo’s
( g / 2)t 2 ), so this is less by a factor of about 3700. But the moon is about 60 times further
away from the center of the earth than the apple and 602 is 3600! Newton’s observation
was that the force needed to keep the moon in its orbit was the inverse square of the how
much further away it was (to within the accuracy of his observations). This it: the inverse
square law which unlocked everything.
When Newton began to think about gravity about 1665, Kepler’s laws had been known
for nearly 50 years. Kepler had struggled to find a better way of expressing the then
abundant data on the exact positions and motions of the sun, moon and planets, with
many false starts, (such as his idea that the planets moved on spheres spaced out by the
regular solids, the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, which
now seems almost ludicrous). In spite of his desires for something more elegant he was
finally forced to consider ellipses. In 1609, he published his three laws about planetary
motion that were much much more accurate than anything before:
1. Each planet moves in an ellipse with the sun at one of its foci,
2. A line drawn from each planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
3. The period of each planet is proportional to the 3/2 power of the average of its
closest and furthest distance from the sun.
The question in front of Newton was – did his idea of universal gravity explain these
three laws? In Principia, Newton begins by studying all possible centripetal force laws,
i.e. there is a fixed attracting body at the origin in the plane and a second body moving
around it and being attracted towards the central body by a force which depends in some
way on the distance between the two bodies. If the second body, let’s call it the planet, is
at (x,y), then we can write this as:
x =−f
( )
x 2 + y 2 ⋅ x,
y =−f (
x2 + y )⋅ y
for some function f. In other words, if r = x 2 + y 2 is the distance of the planet from the
origin, then it is attracted to the origin with a force (–f(r)x,–f(r)y). This is a force with
magnitude r.f(r). Note that the inverse square law is the case r.f(r) = G/r2, for some
constant G, i.e. f(r) = G/r3.
His first theorem on this is very pretty: for any such force law, the motion of the planet
will satisfy Kepler’s second law: if you join the planet to the origin, the areas swept out
by that line in equal times will be equal. His proof of this is shown on the next page. It is
a good example of what mathematicians like to call an elegant proof! Note that the
planet’s motion is shown approximated by the polygon ABCDEF and Newton then
constructs its motion by combining (a) a straight linear continuation, e.g. Bc after AB plus
(b) a displacement caused by the centripetal force BV towards S. Read and see how
simple facts about areas of triangles show that ABS, BcS and BCS all have the same area.
This is Theorem is interesting because it also has a very simple algebraic proof, using a
simple formula for the area of a triangle in Cartesian coordinates – the technique which
Descartes had developed some years before Newton wrote. So perhaps this is a good
example of how Newton sought to cover his tracks, to rewrite his algebraic and analytic
arguments using the ‘good Geometry’ of the ancients. How would the proof have gone if
Newton had used algebra? He would start by citing the formula1 for the area of a triangle
with vertices (0,0), (x,y) and (u,v), namely
area = ½ |xv-yu|.
Then letting S be the origin, A be (x,y) and B be ( x + x ⋅∆t , y + y ⋅∆t ) , we find the area
of ABS to be | xy − yx | ⋅∆t . c is then ( x + 2 x ⋅∆t , y + 2 y ⋅∆t ) and the force and hence the
acceleration of the planet is a vector −e ⋅ ( x + x ⋅∆t , y + y ⋅∆t ) for some small constant e.
Thus C is ( x + 2 x ⋅∆t , y + 2 y ⋅∆t ) − e ⋅ ( x + x ⋅∆t , y + y ⋅∆t ) . Plugging these into the area
formula, it’s just a mechanical verification that area(ABS) = area(BCS). Algebra has a
way of making a lot of things easy!
Even easier is to use the machinery of calculus! Let A(t) be the area swept out by the line
from the planet to the sun. Then, because of the area formula above, we get:
A = ( xy − yx ) / 2
Differentiating again, we get
= (( xy
A + yx)) / 2 = ( x (− f ( x, y ) y ) − y (− f ( x, y ) x)) / 2 = 0
+ xy) − ( yx
Thus A is constant, and area is swept out at a constant rate.
Thus Kepler’s second law is consistent with any centripetal force law f. But his third law
shows that immediately that the force law must be an inverse square. The reason is that
this law says that if we have one solution x(t),y(t) of the equation, then A.x(bt), A.y(bt)
must also solve the equation provided A3b2 = 1 , i.e. you speed up (or slow down) time by
a factor b, hence you multiply its period by 1/b, and you make the orbit bigger or smaller
by a factor A, then Kepler’s law says that the ratio 1/b of the periods should equal the 3/2
power of the ratio A of the orbit sizes. If we assume that both x(t),y(t) and A.x(bt), A.y(bt)
satisfy the same equation of the form:
x =−f
( )
x 2 + y 2 ⋅ x,
y =−f (
x2 + y )⋅ y
This is usually shown when cross product is introduced. You can use the area formula: ½ times base times
height. Taking the line from (0,0) to (x,y) as the base, the height is found by writing the vector (u,v) as a
sum of a multiple of (x,y) and of the perpendicular line (-y,x). Subtracting any multiple of (x,y) from (u,v)
doesn’t change either the height, the area of the value of |xv-yu|, so we can assume (u,v) is perpendicular to
(x,y), i.e. u=-ay,v=ax. Then it follows that |xv-yu|=a||x,y||2=base x height.
then, by comparing the resulting two equations, we find that we must have
b2 = f ( Ar ) f ( r ) . This holds for any r,A,b such that A3b2 = 1 . Letting r = 1, we find f(A)
= f(1)/A3 or, in other words, the force is given by:
r.f(r) = G/r2.
It is quite a bit harder to derive Kepler’s first law, namely that if the force law is inverse
square r.f(r) = G/r2, then the planet must move in an ellipse with the origin (e.g. the sun)
at one focus. ‘Focus’ you say, what’s that? When I was in high school, you learned conic
sections but no longer. In a few words, an ellipse is a circle squashed in some direction.
In coordinates, if a circle is squashed in the x or y direction, you get:
x2 y2
+ =1
a 2 b2
which goes around the origin and through (±a,0) and (0, ± b) . Assume a > b > 0, so it is
squashed in the y direction relative to the x. The foci of this ellipse are (±c,0) where
c = a 2 − b 2 . Why are the foci important? Tie a string of length 2a between the two foci
and stretch it out with a pencil and move the pencil around, keeping the string taut, i.e.
getting all points such that the sum of their distances to the 2 foci is 2a. This draws the
ellipse! Anyway, let’s just check that the planetary orbits for Newton’s equations:
x = − Gx 3 ,
y = − Gy 3
are ellipses with (0,0) as a focus. It was Halley’s asking Newton whether he knew this
was true (of course he did, although he had forgotten his proof!) that triggered Newton’s
decision to finally publish Principia.
This is a somewhat nasty piece of algebra (the French call a calculation like this assez
penible). We start with the points (x,y) = (a.cosθ, b.sinθ) on the ellipse above. But we
must shift one of the foci to the origin, so better, let x(θ) = c+a.cosθ, y(θ) = b.sinθ. We
need to work out how far this point is from the origin:
2 2
( x, y ) = (c + a cos θ ) 2 + (b sin θ ) 2 = (c 2 − b 2 ) + 2ac cos θ + (a 2 − b 2 ) cos 2 θ = (a + c cos θ )
(using a 2 = b 2 + c 2 ) hence ||(x,y)|| = a+c cosθ.
Next, work out the rate of change of this point with respect to a change in θ:
x = −a.sin(θ ), y = b.cos(θ ), (θ rate of change)
However, what we want is to make θ into a function of time in such a way that Kepler’s
first law is satisfied. Well, as we saw above the area of the triangle with vertices (0,0),
( x(θ ), y (θ )) and ( x(θ ) + x (θ ) ⋅∆θ, y (θ ) + y (θ ) ⋅∆θ ) is just | xy − yx | ⋅∆θ . Substituting,
this works out as b(a + c cos(θ )) ⋅∆θ . So we have to make equal units ∆t of time
correspond to equal increments (a + c cos(θ )) ⋅∆θ of θ. (We drop the factor b because it
is a constant.) This means that the true time derivatives of x and y should not be their θ-
derivatives as above but rather:
−a.sin(θ ) b.cos(θ )
x = , y = , (time rate of change)
(a + c cos(θ )) (a + c cos(θ ))
Now the final step: compute the acceleration of the planet and, hopefully, it will look like
the law we want. This means we differentiate the above expressions with respect to θ and
then divide again by (a+ccos(θ)) to get the true time derivative. This is a mess and either
trust me or get a big piece of white paper and work it out yourself. It works out that:
−ax −ax −ay −ay
= 3 , y= 3
= 3
(a + c cos(θ )) r (a + c cos(θ )) r
So we finally have all three of Kepler’s laws for planetary motion, assuming the sun
attracts each planet by the inverse square law of gravity.
But, hold on, you say: the law of gravity says that the sun is attracted by the planets too,
and the planets should attract each other, etc, etc. And here’s another problem: each part
of the sun is attracting the earth and all these parts, as seen from the earth for example,
cover half a degree of sky. So were we right to assume the sun was a point mass
attracting the earth? All these should complicate things.
Well, yes and no. I’m not going to go into detail but here is what emerges. If there are
two bodies A and B attracting each other by the inverse square law, then they
simultaneously attract each other but the effect is that they both move in ellipses with
their center of gravity at one of its foci. In the case of where one body is much more
massive than the other, then the heavy one hardly moves and we are back in the case
studied above. The second point really bothered Newton, but he was able, after
considerable work, to show that any body of uniform density attracts other bodies in
exactly the same way as if all its was concentrated at its center. That’s the good news.
But if one looks at three (or more) bodies, all attracting each of the others with a force
proportional to the product of their masses and inversely as the square of their distance
apart – then lots of unexpected and really complex things can happen and no simple
formulas exist for the resulting paths. It’s a remarkable fact that with two bodies, the
effect of gravity is so simple and elegant while with three it’s so complex. So, when
dealing, for example, with the motion of the moon around the earth, the sun’s attraction
as well as the earth’s must be taken into account and Kepler’s laws don’t hold very well.
And the outer planets, especially Jupiter and Saturn are very massive so they affect the
motion of all the other planets in a measurable way. Working out the effect of Newton’s
laws and taking into account all the attractions in the solar system is very challenging,
especially before computers were devised. But it did turn out that they predicted
everything correctly up to the accuracy of contemporary measurements, except (as
mentioned above) for a small glitch in Mercury’s orbit whose explanation waited for
Einstein’s total reformulation of the theory.
With some caveats, it is not difficult to follow three such bodies by computer simulation
and so we have worked out a problem on this. First of all, we consider the restricted three
body problem: the case where two of the bodies have very large mass, hence move in
ellipses around each other while the third has very small mass, so it doesn’t effect the
motion of the two massive bodies while being attracted by them. To choose an interesting
case, the problem below deals with something that might well have happened to us, here
on earth. There are lots of binary star systems in the heavens – pairs of stars circling
around each other. And there is no obvious reason why such a binary pair shouldn’t have
planets moving in some orbits around the pair of them. So we want to compute exactly
such a situation, assuming two heavy suns of equal mass and a third body which is
relatively light planet going around them both. But now the attraction of the binary pair is
not at all the same as being attracted to a single virtual mass between the pair, so the
planet is not going to follow an ellipse. Here’s the problem:
Problem: Let’s work out another counterfactual universe! In this one, we suppose we
are on a planet orbiting a binary star system, say a green star and an orange star of equal
mass. Life is fun: there are two sunrises and two sunsets, very colorful. But the earth’s
motion is now much less predictable. In fact, it is dangerously unstable. Let’s set this up
like this:
1. Let the two suns have mass M, let them be at a distance 2d, moving in a circle of radius
d around each other:
( xS 1 , yS 1 ) = d (cos(at ),sin(at )), ( xS 2 , yS 2 ) = −d (cos(at ),sin(at )),
This makes both of them have constant velocity da and constant acceleration, each
towards the other, of size da2, so this will be produced by the law of gravity provided
GM 2
= force = mass× accel. = Mda 2 , or GM = 4d 3 a 2
2. Next, suppose that a planet of much smaller mass m circles both of them, starting at a
distance e. Let’s give it the same velocity it would have if it were circling a single sun of
mass 2M at distance e. If it were so simple, we’d have
( xP , yP ) = e(cos(bt ),sin(bt )),
making the velocity eb and the acceleration eb2. Again, the law of gravity puts a
constraint on this:
= force = mass ×accel. = meb 2 , so GM = e3b 2 .
So let’s require that a,b,d,e satisfy 4d 3 a 2 = e3b 2 . But because there are two suns, the
planet won’t move so simply.
Then we can calculate columns A,B,C using the formulas above. I found it convenient to
take a = 2π so that the sun’s period is t = 1 and a time sampling of ∆t = 1/100 , giving
100 samples around each orbit of the two suns. We can fix the units of space by taking d
= 1 (so now GM = 16π2). Note that columns F,G can be calculated explicitly from
columns B,C,D,E, and to propagate columns D,E, we use Newton’s law:
x − x x − x
x = GM S 1 3 + S 2 3 ,
r1 r2
y − y y − y
y = GM S 1 3 + S 2 3 ,
r1 r2
r1 = ( xS 1 − x) 2 + ( yS 1 − y ) 2 ,
r2 = ( xS 2 − x) 2 + ( yS 2 − y ) 2
We can discretize using the same method as above, with second differences allowing us
to move ahead one step in time.
4. As a warmup, take e very large and start the planet off at (e,0) with velocity (0, be) and
check that the planet orbits nicely in a circle. You’d better take ∆t = 1/100 or it will take
forever for the planet to get around the distant suns. Then increase the velocity and you
should find the planet going in a large ellipse. A good way to track the results is to plot x
and y against each other and also ||(x,y)|| and atan2(x,y) against time (the function ‘atan2’
coverts a point (x,y) in the plane to its angle in polar coordinates).
5. Then, try e = 4, ∆t = 1/100 and compute the orbit for 0 ≤ t ≤ 8 . This is the fun case.
What do you find? If a ‘year’ is the time for the planet to circle both suns, how many
times each year will the 2 suns line up – causing consternation among the inhabitants of
this planet. There will be orange eclipses and green ones when the orange or green sun
comes in front of the other. You may also want to plot the angle between the 2 suns as
seen from the planet: how far apart do they get in the sky and what does this mean for
twilight? (To work out this angle φ , look at the triangle formed by the planet and 2 suns.
Its area can be expressed by the formula above in terms of the positions of the planet and
the suns and can also be written as (1/ 2)r1r2 sin φ .) The ancient astronomers of this planet
would have been confounded by the complexity of the motion of the two suns.
6. Finally try e = 3.5, ∆t = 1/100 . Try fiddling with the initial velocity – can you make
the planet behave and stay near the suns? I found huge instability. The simulations tend to
be inaccurate for this time step but the overall effect seems the same even if the time step
is much smaller.