Chief Secretary Cum Litigation Authority, Haryana For Double Standards in Khai & VI Board - Naresh Kadyan
Chief Secretary Cum Litigation Authority, Haryana For Double Standards in Khai & VI Board - Naresh Kadyan
Chief Secretary Cum Litigation Authority, Haryana For Double Standards in Khai & VI Board - Naresh Kadyan
Subject: Unnecessary Litigation & delay of 12 years to dispose Appeal adopting illegal mechanism:
Intolerance with major hard ship crossing limits with double standards created Brain tumor.
1. If any officials, who were duty bound to do assigned work and he failed to do so, concealed
facts before his seniors breaching his trust then how can be holding senior officers for gross
negligence of supervision, whereas seniors officers protested moving appeal in 2006 and
subordinate tainted officials accepted their guilt for not moving appeal.
2. In 2018, appeal were turn down with remarks that keeping lenient view, instead taking legal
action for embezzlement, only recovery made, whereas after these comments, I moved
complaint before Police to lodge FIR as per above said appellate authority comments but
Police also failed to lodge FIR for embezzlement with breach of trust.
3. When a appeal for re-consideration moved, again turn down with remarks that there is no
provision in rules, whereas which rule allowed them to keep appeal undecided for above 12
years, besides it orders dated 4-9-2006 dispatched on dated 5-10-2006 and further service
benefits such as many years annual increments with ACP, which were withheld not released
after orders dated 5-10-2006.
4. Whereas, above 12 years mental torture created Brain tumor, medical reports with all
attachments needs to be examined outside KVIB being biased – incompetent mechanism.
Hence, responsibility may kindly be fixed on the incompetent officials because due to continues
mental torture, some disorders reported in brain and orders dated 4-9-2006 set-aside, recovered
amount may be released with heavy compensation.
सर्वे भर्वन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु ननरामया। Justice delayed Justice denied.
Yours Scouting’s,
1. His Excellency President of India. If anything happens then defective system of Haryana
KVIB hold accountable.
2. Hon’ble Chief Justice, Supreme Court of India.
3. Hon’ble Chief Justice, Punjab & Haryana High Court.
4. Hon’ble Chairperson – Chief Executive, Haryana KVIB
KVIC – High Court, communications about Board Act at P-3 to 5 with petition P-6 to 7.
5. Khadi Gramodyog priority of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, reply bearing No.
HRB/Admn/EA-1/ 141 dated 6-4-2016 at P-71 Complaint No. 1095/14/2016 before Haryana
Human Rights Commission, endorsed KVIC but replied vide HRB/Admn/EA-1/3418 dated
29-8-2016 with bogus facts, misleading information’s at P- 72 to 77.
6. Haryana Human Rights Commission decision at P- 78 to 80 with observation of time bar,
keeping in view the appeal of 2006 was decided in 2018 by the Chairperson of the Haryana
KVIB, which is a limit of intolerance but सर्वे भर्वन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु ननरामया।
7. Disorder reported in brain MRI by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and AIIMS as scientific
evidence about mental torture at P-81 to 87.
Subject: Appeal against CE orders dated 4-9-2006 but dispatched on 5-10-2006 still pending.
Haryana KVIB uploaded Act without amendment replacing Punjab to Haryana: No 7th Pay
Commission benefits for retired persons, official on pay role recorded minutes of BoD’s.
Kind attention: Lokpal to Govt. of India, Cabinet Secretary with Department of Personnel and
Training, as annual Increments along with ACP benefits were not released after order dated 4-9-
2006, dispatched on 5-10-2006, created major hardship, great mental torture with financial loss,
besides it appeal against order dated 4-9-2006 also claimed to be decided on 22-3-2018, badly delay
of a period more than 12 years, whereas Faridabad Police refused to lode FIR, keeping in view
orders passed by the Chairperson as on 22-3-2018.
Kindly refer to then CE orders dated 4-9-2006 but why dispatched after 30 days as on 5-10-2006
bearing No. 11253 read with the appeal against the said orders still undecided even after personal
hearing before present Chairperson, even her decision conveyed on CM window 18948 dated 10-2-
2015, complaint moved as GOVHY/E/2018/00943 on 30-3-2018 to the Faridabad Police to lodge
FIR as per decision of Chairperson being effected person as breach of trust but Faridabad Police
endorsed against the observation of Chairperson, whereas KVIB again concealed facts while
mishandling ID No. ACS Ind/CA/SDIT Deptt./2707 dated 5-3-2019, replied vide ID No.
HRB/Admn/EA-1/1735 dated 8-4-2019.
I offer my deducted amount with interest be donated to the Prime Minister Relief Fund being
Chowkidar as Justice delayed Justice denied, why should I suffer for nothing in Supervisory
capacity, when tainted subordinate staff were very much duty bound, then they should penalized,
bear the loss instead me? Please find attached here with all relevant evidences to grant me personal
hearing to explain orally as this matter is badly delayed, mishandled as well since beginning till
today, inviting unnecessary harassment, mental torture, financial loss with unnecessary litigations,
pain & sufferings: Intolerance of competent person in KVIB sector: सर्वे भर्वन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु ननरामया।
Yours in Scouting’s,
If I being District Khadi & Village Industries Officer at Faridabad, hold accountable for gross
negligence in supervision when subordinate officials violated their duties & functions, who were
appointed by the Board itself to assist me as DKVIO but they were breach my trust:
1. Whether I being TSL was entitled – eligible for the promotion to the Development Officer
(Leather) after the retirement of Shri JL Jggi and Hukam Chand?
2. Whether I being TSL senior then Shri Yash Parkash Goyat and Chiman Lal as
Demonstrator, if yes then who is responsible for fabricated facts submitted false report
before the Human Rights Commission, Haryana in the complaint case No. 1095/14/2016 as
claimed TSL was junior then Demonstrator (Leather) at serial 5 of point 7, vide letter No.
HRB/Admn/EA-1/3418 dated 29-8-2016?
3. Whether sickness as on 4-3-2013 and fitness certificates as on 1-5-2013 of Sarvodaya
Hospital, Faridabad, which was approved by the Govt. of Haryana for treatment, verified
as genuine by the Faridabad Police vide DRGPO/E/2016/00420, never examined by both
Inquiry Officers, while processing the replies against two charge sheets for same reason,
leave on medical grounds was rejected unlawfully, forcibly adopting double standards as
order dated 25-4-2013, dispatched on 4-6-2013 after many months later?
4. Whether TSL was entitles – eligible for all service benefits, which were withheld due to
charge sheet. Same was decided as on 4-9-2006, orders dispatched on 5-10-2006 but service
benefits were illegally withheld after order 4-9-2006?
5. Whether Section Officer (Legal & Recovery) proposal dated 15-12-2009 was justified, which
proposed to file the legal right of service benefits to TSL?
6. Whether TSL was reinstated after obtaining Inquiry report on 1-4-2014, conveyed May 29?
7. Whether TSL, continued under suspension till 5-8-2014 was justified?
8. Whether TSL was granted subsistence allowances as per rules during May 2013 to August
2014, increased @ 75% after six months suspension without charge sheet?
9. Whether TSL was granted personal hearing against all three charge sheets – Inquiry
reports, compelled to move VRS due unavoidable circumstances as on 5-8-2014?
10. Whether TSL granted overtime to serve after duty hours as In-charge of Consignment
Agency at Faridabad and compensation against working on Saturdays?
11. Whether House rent granted to TSL after shifting HQ from Rewari to Faridabad?
12. Whether Store Keeper cum Clerk dispatched – handed over the 138 kg copper to the
transporter, accepting on behalf of Sterilite, Faridabad Police also verified, while dropping
FIR No. 37 then why gratuity portion of TSL withheld till today?
13. Whether Haryana Khadi & VI Board accepted legally Punjab KVIB Act, 1955 as on 1-2-
1969, amending section 3 of the said Act, replacing Punjab with Haryana?
14. Whether PEPSU Societies Registration Act, 1954, law applicable in Haryana KVIB?
15. Whether section 33 of the Punjab KVIB Act, 1955 applicable in Haryana, KVIB earned 5%
service charges as revenue, as per agreement, executed between Board & suppliers during
marketing & who is responsible to supply sub-standard materials, to issue Registration?
16. Whether 7th pay commission applicable on pensions for retired officials of KVIB?
Action History
Action Action Taken Report
Description Sent By Presently
Date Attachment / Remarks
Reason: Not
Chief Chief
11-02- Case Disposed Maintainable Being not
Minister Minister
2019 Of maintainable on this
Office Office
Chief Chief
06-02- Undertake To
Minister Minister
2019 Redress
Office Office
06-02- Received The
Citizen Minister
2019 Grievance
Subject: Appeal against CE orders dated 4-9-2006, dispatched vide No. 11253 dated 5-10-2006
Reference: DKVIO Dispatch No. 254 dated 16-10-2006 & 258-59 dated 16-10-2006, still pending.
Kindly refer to the above said appeal before then Administrative Secretary cum Chairman along
with the re-consideration application before then Chief Executive of the Board, the decision on the
same still pending, whereas personal hearing was granted, all evidences were placed on record but
Hon’ble Chairperson decision on the CM window 18948 dated 10-2-2015, conveyed vide letter No.
1909-1914 dated 22-3-2018, whereas I never moved said CM window 18948 dated 10-2-2015 before
the Chairperson of the Board, besides it I moved complaint before the Faridabad Police to take
cognizance on the decision conveyed by the Chairperson of the Board. In continuation KVIB letter
No. 6270 dated 9-8-2018, which was addressed to the Faridabad Police, KVIB placed on record that
Chief Executive Order, conveyed on dated 5-10-2006 were challenged as appeal and same was filed
by the Appellate Authority Chairperson of the board, which is not true because:
1. Personal hearing was granted as on 1-3-2017, I was very much present, heard by then Chief
Executive, No decision was taken due to absence of then Chairman.
2. Personal hearing was again granted as on 12-12-2017 but till today No decision has been
conveyed, which was taken as on 12-12-2017 by the Appellate Authority, besides it many
representations are being sent regularly.
In fact, there was a great hardship, double standards applied being sufferers of heavy financial loss
and mental torture for a long period because all regular service benefits as annual increments with
ACP’s needs to be released at once, while passing order dated 4-9-2006, conveyed on 5-10-2006 but
it was not done till under protest voluntary retirement. It’s very funny as No responsibilities fixed
on the tainted black sheep’s of the system.
As per orders conveyed by the Chairperson on dated 22-3-2018 read with the material supplied to
the Faridabad Police, matter was dropped and no cognizance was taken, hence the allegations
leveled in the said orders have No material, in the eye of the Faridabad Police.
Whereas Junior Auditor is No more, besides it Gautam Dutt, Clerk very much in the service of the
Board and both officials accepted their guilt, not moved any appeal against orders dated 4-9-2006,
conveyed on 5-10-2006 but I still protesting against unlawful and illegal deduction, appeal after
personal hearing also not decided as there was No allegation of embezzlement against me, only
breach of trust committed by the duty bound subordinate officials, for their guild I can’t be held
responsible, hence impugned order dated 4-9-2006, conveyed as on 5-10-2006 may kindly be set-
aside, releasing deducting amount without any further delay for natural justice. All concerned
papers are attached here with as ready references. Justice delayed Justice denied.