Cost Accounting (Chapter 1-3)
Cost Accounting (Chapter 1-3)
Cost Accounting (Chapter 1-3)
Objective: provide useful information to external parties,
including investors and creditors
- requires compliance with generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP)
- historical, quantitative, monetary, and verifiable
- Companies often used return on investment (ROI)
to allocate resources and evaluate divisional
performance (INCOME/ASSETS)
- focuses on using the organization’s intellectual
capital to adapt to changing customer needs or to
influence new customers’ needs and expectations
through product or service innovations.
- addresses whether a company can continue to
BALANCED SCORECARD progress and be seen by customers as adding value
Accounting information helps managers to measure 2. INTERNAL BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE
dimensions of performance that are - focuses on those things that the organization must
important in accomplishing strategic goals. do well to meet customer needs and expectations
- concentrates on issues such as employee
Historical financial data reflect satisfaction, product quality control, and cost
- or outcomes that resulted from past actions, such 3. CUSTOMER VALUE PERSPECTIVE
as installing a new production process or - addresses how well the organization is doing
implementing a new software system. relative to important customer criteria such as
Ex. an increase in operating profits (lag indicator) could speed (lead time), quality, service, and price (both
occur after a new production process is installed. purchase and after purchase)
- Customers must believe that, when a product or
LEAD INDICATORS service is purchased, the price paid was worth the
- reflect future outcomes and thereby help assess value received
strategic progress and guide decision making 4. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE PERSPECTIVE
before lag indicators are known. - addresses the concerns of stockholders and other
Ex. a lead indicator is the number of employees trained stakeholders about profitability and organizational
on a new accounting information system. The growth
expectation is that the more employees who are - A company could, for example, reduce costs by
trained to use the new system, the more rapidly orders outsourcing its technologies to countries where
will be processed, the more satisfied customers will be labor costs are lower.
with turnaround time after placing an order, and the
more quickly profits will be realized. ETHICS IN MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS
Accountants and other individuals working for
If fewer employees are trained (lead indicator) than were multinational companies should be aware of not only their
planned to be trained, future profits (lag indicator) will own company’s and the IMA’s code of ethical conduct but
decrease (or not increase as expected) because some also the laws and ethical parameters within countries in
customers will be unhappy with sales order turnaround which the multinational enterprise operates.