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Bab I
research, scope and limitation of the research, definition of key terms and
A. Background of Study
the hearer will find difficulty interpreting the meaning of the speaker‟s
speaker and the hearer will fail. The hearer may be confused or
truthfulness and falsity can e tested. The sentence having such property is
every sentence of the spoken people has some meanings in speech act
want. According to elite and Murcia (2000: 34), when we say something to
certain person, there are three dimensions of speech act: (1) locutionary
type of the function the speaker intends to fulfill, or type of action the
which are internal to the locutionary act, in the sense that, if the contextual
conditions are appropriate, once the locutionary act has been performed, so
`true or false'), Directive (to direct him or her towards some goal of the
of action).
utterances always has purposes. The purposes can be asking for help and
making promise, etc. these purpose can included in illocutionary acts. So,
certain meaning.
itself tells about one country that name is Zootopia and the community are
animals. What kind of animals they acts like humans activity or daily life
tolerance one each other. The main character in this movie is rabbit that
acts found?”
Based on the problems above, the aims of the study are as follows:
movie of Zootopia.
movie. By watching literary work and analyzing the illocution that used in
the dialogue, we can understand about it and how to apply it in our daily
life appropriately.
Moreover, the writer hopes this study will give contribution for:
1. English learners
ability in speaking. This study will lead the learners to speak appropriate
on the context and make the hearer understand. So, they can build a good
social relationship.
2. English teacher
In addition, the teachers will know the use of illocution that related to the
3. Other researchers
movie “Zootopia”. The writer limits the study on dialogues of the main
understand the whole study, the definition of the key terms are given here.
1. Speech act
2. Illocutionary act
is not only used for informing something, but also doing something as
3. Context