HN ATC Notes Module 1 Part1

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Lecture Notes

Automata Theory and
(CBCS Scheme)

Prepared by

Mr. Harivinod N
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering,
Vivekananda College of Engineering and Technology, Puttur

Module-1: Finite State Machines


1. Introduction 5.1. Deterministic FSM

2. Why study the Theory of 5.2. Nondeterministic FSMs
Computation? 5.3. Simulators for FSMs
3. Strings 5.4. Minimizing FSMs
4. Languages 6. Finite State Transducers
5. Finite State Machines (FSM) 7. Bidirectional Transducers.

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Lecture Notes | 15CS54 – ATC | Module 1: Finite State Machines

1. Introduction
The term "Automata" is derived from the Greek word "αὐτόµατα" which means "self-acting".
An automaton (Automata in plural) is an abstract self-propelled computing device which
follows a predetermined sequence of operations automatically.

An automaton with a finite number of states is called a Finite Automaton (FA) or Finite State
Machine (FSM).

2. Why to study Theory of Computation?

Theory of computation is mainly concerned with the study of how problems can be solved
using algorithms. It is the study of mathematical properties both of problems and of algorithms
for solving problems that depend on neither the details of today's technology nor the
programming language.

It is still useful in two key ways:

• It provides a set of abstract structures that are useful for solving certain classes of
problems. These abstract structures can he implemented on whatever
hardware/software platform is available
• It defines provable limits to what can be computed regardless of processor speed or
memory size. An understanding of these limits helps us to focus our design effort in
areas in which it can pay off, rather than on the computing equivalent of the search for
a perpetual motion machine.

The goal is to discover fundamental properties of the problems like:

• Is there any computational solution to the problem? 1f not. is there a restricted but
useful variation of the problem for which a solution does exist?
• If a solution exists, can it be implemented using some fixed amount of memory?
• If a solution exists. how efficient is it? More specifically. how do its time and space
requirements grow as the size of the problem grows?
• Are there groups of problems that are equivalent in the sense that if there is an efficient
solution to one member of the group there is an efficient solution to all the others?

Applications of theory of computation:

• Development of Machine Languages: Enables both machine-machine and person-

machine communication. Without them, none of today's applications of computing
could exist. Example: Network communication protocols, HTML etc.
• Development of modern programming languages: Both the design and the
implementation of modern programming languages rely heavily on the theory of
context-free languages. Context- free grammars are used to document the languages
syntax and they form the basis for the parsing techniques that all compilers use.
• Natural language processing: It is a field of computer science, artificial intelligence,
and computational linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and
human (natural) languages.

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Lecture Notes | 15CS54 – ATC | Module 1: Finite State Machines

• Automated hardware systems: Systems as diverse as parity checkers, vending

machines, communication protocols, and building security devices can be
straightforwardly described as finite state machines, which is a part of theory of
• Video Games: Many interactive video games are use large nondeterministic finite state
• Security is perhaps the most important property of many computer systems. The
undecidability results of computation show that there cannot exist a general-purpose
method for automatically verifying arbitrary security properties of programs.
• Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence programs solve problems in task domains
ranging from medical diagnosis to factory scheduling. Various logical frameworks have
been proposed for representing and reasoning with the knowledge that such programs
• Graph Algorithms: Many natural structures, including ones as different as organic
molecules and computer networks can be modeled as graphs. The theory of complexity
tells us that, is there exist efficient algorithms for answering some important questions
about graphs. Some questions are "hard", in the sense that no efficient algorithm for
them is known nor is one likely to be developed.

3. Strings
Definition: An alphabet is any finite set of symbols denoted by Σ (Sometimes also
called as characters or symbols).
Example: Σ = {a, b, c, d} is an alphabet set where ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, and ‘d’ are symbols.
Definition: A string is a finite sequence of symbols taken from Σ.
Example: ‘cabcad’ is a valid string on the alphabet set Σ = {a, b, c, d}

3.1. Functions on Strings

Length of a String
Definition: It is the number of symbols present in a string. (Denoted by |.|).
Examples: If s =‘cabcad’, | s |= 6; Also |11001101| = 7
If | s |= 0, it is called an empty string, denoted by ε. |ε| = 0

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Concatenation of strings: The concatenation of two strings s and t, written s||t or simply st,
is the string formed by appending t to s. For example, if x = good and y = bye, then xy =
goodbye. So |xy| = |x| + |y|.
The empty string, e, is the identity for concatenation of strings. (xe = ex = x).
Concatenation, as a function defined on strings is associative. (st)w = s (tw).
String Replication
For each string w and each natural number i, the string wi is defined as:
Example: a3 = aaa, (bye)2 = byebye, a0b3 = bbb
String Reversal: For each string w, the reverse of w, written as wR, is defined as:

3.2. Relations on strings

Substring: A string s is a substring of a string of t iff s occurs contiguously as part of t.
For example: aaa is a substring of aaabbbaaa, aaaaaa is not a substring of aaabbbaaa

Proper Substring: A string r is a proper substring of a string t, iff t is a substring of t and s ≠

t. Every string is a substring (although not a proper substring) of itself. The empty string. e. is
a substring of every string.
Prefix: A string s is a prefix of t, iff ∃ ∈ ∑∗ . A string s is a proper prefix of a string
t iff s is a prefix of t and s≠t. Every string is a prefix (although not a proper prefix) of itself.
The empty string ε, is a prefix of every string. For example. the prefixes of abba are: ε, a, ab,
abb, abba.

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Suffix: A string s is a suffix of t, iff ∃ ∈ ∑∗ . A string s is a proper suffix of a string

t iff s is a suffix of t and s≠t. Every string is a suffix (although not a proper suffix) of itself.
The empty string ε, is a suffix of every string. For example. the prefixes of abba are: ε, a, ba,
bba, abba.

4. Languages
A language is a (finite or infinite) set of strings over a finite alphabet ∑. When we are talking
about more than one language, we will use the notation ∑ , to mean the alphabet from which
the strings in the language L are formed.
Let ∑ = {a, b}. ∑* = {ε, a, b, aa, ab , ba, bb, aaa, aab .... }.
Some examples of languages over ∑ are:
Φ, {ε}, {a, b}, {ε, a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa}, {ε, a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, . . . . }

4.1. Techniques for Defining Languages

There are many ways. Since languages are sets. we can define them using any of the set-
defining techniques
Ex-1: All a's Precede All b's,
L = {w ϵ {a,b}*: an a's precede all b's in w}. The strings ε, a, aa, aabbb, and bb are in L . The
strings aba, ba, and abc are not in L.
Ex-2: Strings that end in ‘a’
L = {x : ∃y ϵ {a, b}*, (x = ya)}. The strings a, aa, aaa, bbaa and ba are in L. The strings ε, bab,
and bca are not in L. L consists of all strings that can be formed by taking some string in {a,
b}* and concatenating a single a onto the end of it.
Ex-3: Empty language
L = { } = Φ, the language that contains no strings. Note: L = { ε } the language that
contains a single string, ε. Note that L is different from Φ.
Ex-4: Strings of all ‘a’ s containing zero or more ‘a’s
Let L = { an : n ≥ 0}. L = (ε, a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, ... )
Ex-5: We define the following languages in terms of the prefix relation on strings:
L1 = {wϵ{a, b}* : no prefix of w contains b}= { e , a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaaa, aaaaaa, ... } .
L2 ={wϵ {a, b}*: no prefix of w starts with b}={w ϵ{a,b}*: the first character of w is a }U{ε}.
L3= {wϵ {a, b}*; every prefix of w starts with b} =Φ. L3 is equal to Φ because ε is a prefix of
every string. Since ε does not start with b, no strings meet L3 's requirement.

Languages are sets. So, a computational definition of a language can be given in two ways;
• a language generator, which enumerates (lists) the elements of the language, or
• a language recognizer, which decides whether or not a candidate string is in the
language and returns True if it is and False if it isn't.
For example, the logical definition. L = {x: ∃y ϵ{a, b}* (x = ya)} can be turned into either a
language generator (enumerator) or a language recognizer.
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In some cases, when considering an enumerator for a language, we may care about the order
in which the elements of L are generated. If there exists n total order D of the elements of ∑L,
then we can use D to define on L a total order called lexicographic order (written <L.):
• Shorter strings precede longer ones: ∀x ( ∀y (( |x| < |y|) (x < L y))) and
• Of strings that are the same length sort them in dictionary order using D.
Let L= {w ϵ {a, b}*; all a's precede all b's}. The lexicographic enumeration of Lis:
ε, a. b. aa. ab. bb. aaa. aab. abb. bbb. aaaa, aaab. aabb. abbb. bbbb. aaaaa ....

4.2. Cardinality of a Language

• Cardinality refers to the number of strings in the language.
• The smallest language over any alphabet is ϕ, whose cardinality is 0.
• The largest language over any alphabet ∑ is ∑*. Suppose that ∑ = Φ, then ∑* = {ε}
and |∑*| = l. In general, |∑*| is infinite.

4.3. How Many languages are there?

Let ∑ be an alphabet. The set of languages defined on ∑ is P (∑*), the power set of ∑*, or the
set of all subsets of ∑*.
If ∑ = Φ then ∑* is {ε} and P (∑*) is {Φ, { ε} }.

4.4. Functions on Languages

Since languages are sets. all of the standard set operations are well-defined on languages.
Union, intersection, difference and complement are quite useful

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Let L1 and L2 be two languages defined over some alphabet ∑. Then their concatenation.
written L1L2 is:

Example: Let: L1 = {cat, dog, mouse, bird}. L2 = { bone, food}.

L1L2 = { catbone, catfood, dogbane, dogfood, mousebone, mousefood, birdbone, birdfood}.

The language {ε} is the identity for concatenation of languages. So for all languages L,
L{ε} = {ε}L = L.
The language Φ is a zero for concatenation of languages. So, for all languages L, LΦ = ΦL =
Φ. That Φ is a zero follows from the definition of the concatenation of two languages as the set
consisting of all strings that can he formed by selecting some string ‘s’ from the first language
and some string ‘l’ from the second language and then concatenating them together. There are
no ways to select a string from the empty set.

Concatenation on languages is associative. So, for all languages L1L2 and L3:
((L1L2)L3 = L1 (L2L3)).

Let L be a language defined over some alphabet ∑. Then the reverse of L , written LR is:
LR = {w ϵ ∑*: w = xR for some x ϵ L}.
In other words, LR is the set of strings that can be formed by taking some string in L and
reversing it

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Kleene Star
Definition: The Kleene star denoted by Σ*, is a unary operator on a set of symbols or strings,
Σ, that gives the infinite set of all possible strings of all possible lengths over Σ including ε.
Representation: Σ* = Σ0 U Σ1 U Σ2 U……. where Σp is the set of all possible strings of length
Example: If Σ = {a, b}, Σ*= {λ, a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb,………..}

Kleene Closure / Plus

Definition: The set Σ+ is the infinite set of all possible strings of all possible lengths over Σ
excluding ε. Σ+ = Σ* − {ε}
Representation: Σ+ = Σ1 U Σ2 U Σ3 U…….
Example: If Σ = {a, b} , Σ+ ={ a, b, aa, ab, ba, bb,………..}
Closure: A set S is closed under the operation @ if for every element x & y in S, x@y is also
an element of S.

4.5. A Language Hierarchy

A Machine-Based Hierarchy of Language Classes
are shown in the diagram.
We have four language classes:
1. Regular languages, which can be
accepted by some finite state machine.
2. Context-free languages, which can be
accepted by some pushdown automaton.
3. Decidable (or simply D) languages.
which can decided by some Turing
machine that always halts.
4. Semi-decidable (or SD) languages, which can be semi-decided by some Turing
machine that halts on all strings in the language.
Each of these classes is a proper subset of the next class, as illustrated in the Figure.
As we move outward in the language hierarchy, we have access to tools with greater and
expressive power. We can define AnBnCn as a decidable language but not as a context-free or
a regular one. These matters because expressiveness generally comes at a price. The price may
be: Computational efficiency, decidability and clarity.
• Computational efficiency: Finite state machines run in time that is linear in the length
of the input string. A general context-free parser based on the idea of a pushdown
automaton requires time that grows as the cube of the length of the input string. A

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Turing machine may require time that grows exponentially (or faster) with the length
of the input string.
• Decidability: There exist procedures to answer many useful questions about finite state
machines. For example, does an FSM accept some particular string? Is an FSM
minimal? Are two FSMs identical? A subset of those questions can be answered for
pushdown automata. None of them can be answered for Turing machines.
• Clarity: There exist tools that enable designers to draw and analyze finite state
machines. Every regular language can also be described using the regular expression
pattern language. Every context-free language, in addition to being recognizable by
some pushdown automaton, can be described with a context-free grammar

5. Finite State Machines (FSM)

A finite state machines (or FSM) is a computational device whose input is a string and whose
output is one of two values; Accept and Reject. FSMs are also sometimes called finite state
automata or FSAs.
5.1. Deterministic FSM
• We begin by defining the class of FSMs whose behavior is deterministic.
• These machines, makes exactly one move at each step
• The move is determined by the current state and the next input character.

Definition: Deterministic Finite State Machine (DFSM) is M: M = (K, Σ, δ, s, A), where:

K is a finite set of states
Σ is an alphabet
s ∈ K is the initial state
A ⊆ K is the set of accepting states, and
δ is the transition function from (K × Σ) to K

Configuration: A Configuration of a DFSM M is an element of K × Σ*. Configuration

captures the two things that make a difference to M’s future behavior: i) its current state, the
input that remains to be read.
The Initial Configuration of a DFSM M, on input w, is (sM, w) , where sM is start state of M
The transition function δ defines the operation of a DFSM M one step at a time. δ is set of all
pairs of states in M & characters in Σ. (Current State, Current Character) New State
Relation ‘yields’: Yields-in-one-step relates configuration, to configuration-1to configuration-
2 iff M can move from canfiguration-1, to configuration-2 in one step. Let c be any element of
Σ and let w be any element of Σ*, then,
(q1, cw) ├M (q2, w) iff ((q1, c), q2) ∈δ
|-M * is the reflexive, transitive closure of |-M

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Complete vs Incomplete FSM

Complete FSM: A transition is defined for every possible state and every possible character in
the alphabet. Note: This can cause FSM to be larger than necessary, but ALWAYS processes
the entire string
Incomplete FSM: One which defines a transition for every possible state & every possible
character in the alphabet which can lead to an accepting state Note: If no transition is defined,
the string is Rejected
Computation: A Computation by M is a finite sequence of configurations C0, C1, …, Cn for
some n ≥ 0 such that:
• C0 is an initial configuration,
• Cn is of the form (q, ε), for some state q ∈ KM
• ε indicates empty string, entire string is processed & implies a complete DFSM
• C0 |-M C1 |-M C2 |-M … |-M Cn.
However, M Halts when the last character has to be processed or a next transition is not defined
Acceptance / Rejection
A DFSM M, Accepts a string w iff (s, w) |-M * (q, ε), for some q ∈ AM.
A DFSM M, Rejects a string w iff (s, w) |-M* (q, ε), for some q ∉ AM.
The language accepted by M, denoted L(M), is the set of all strings accepted by M.
Regular languages
A language is regular iff it is accepted by some DFSM. Some examples are listed below.
• {w ∈{a, b}* | every a is immediately followed by b }.
• {w ∈ {a, b}* | every a region in w is of even length}
• binary strings with odd parity.
Designing Deterministic Finite State Machines
Given some language L. how should we go about designing a DFSM to accept L? In general.
as in any design task. There is no magic bullet. But there are two related things that it is helpful
to think about:
• Imagine any DFSM M that accepts L. As a string w is being read by M, what properties
of the part of w that has been seen so far are going to have any bearing on the ultimate
answer that M needs to produce? Those are the properties that M needs to record.
• If L is infinite but M has a finite number of states, strings must "cluster". In other words,
multiple different strings will all drive M to the same state. Once they have done that,
none of their differences matter anymore. If they've driven M to the same state, they
share a fate. No matter what comes next, either all of them cause M to accept or all of
them cause M to reject.

Note: Refer class notes for problems on construction of DFSM for some languages.

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