Learning Methods
Learning Methods
Learning Methods
Thinking Styles -
Teaching Methods
There are many different ways a person can learn something. Some learning
methods work better than others. The bottom line is, you can learn anything
you want, which means the possibilities are endless. There is no greater source
of human powerthan the power of learning. The worlds combined
knowledge is waiting for you, so don't hesitate, for he who hesitates is lost.
Everyone suffers from their own ignorance. And the only cure for ignorance is
Don't take learning for granted. Everything that you have in life, and
everything that you are, comes from learning. The valuethat comes
from educating yourself is immense. Learning is an investment in yourself.
And when you educate yourself to a high degree, you will naturally want
to share your wealth of knowledge with as many people as possible. This way
future generations will also benefit from knowledge and information in the same
way that you did, or maybe even better.
You Need to Learn How to Apply Yourself and Manually Activate the
Learning Process towards a specific goal.
Apply is to put in the effort that is required to achieve a goal. To work hard at
something and take the responsibility of learning seriously in order to master
a subject and clearly understand it. To put an action into service and work for
a particular purposeand be pertinent, relevant or applicable. Apply can also
mean to ask for something.
Learning is
The Best Brain Exercise and the Best Cognitive Brain
Training Program that helps you to stay Mentally Fit and keeps your Brain
Staying Sharp. This makes learning at BK101 the best Mental Fitness
Program that you can do.
One of the most important things that you need to know when it comes to
learning is that you have to have particular goals in mind, and you have
to document and organize the things that you learn that are important to
your goals, like learning to understand yourself more accurately, and learning
how to understand other people more accurately, and understanding how the
earth sustains life, and how everything that you do, and don't do, has
an effect on yourself, on the world, and on other people. Always update and
edit your research. Use a diary, a journal, a notebook or any other
technology that can help you store and save your knowledge and
research. Writing things down has many benefits. Count the Words.
Not learning is like always living in the past. You never live in the present or
do you think about the future and think about new ways on how to make the
future better. You have to keep updating what you know and keep learning.
Learning is one of the reasons why life even exists. If the cells in your body
could not learn and update their DNA, no life would exist. When your cells DNA
is not updated, then a virus could infect the cell and then damage the cell, or
even kill the cell, all because the DNA did not have the necessary information, or
the information that the DNA had was wrong, which made the cell vulnerable to
the virus. And what you learn could have an affect on what your cells
learn. So can can easily say that Learning is in your Blood.
But inheritance does not always protect you from ignorance, especially your
own ignorance. Learn from your past but don't live in the past. Live in the
present and think about the future, because that's how reality works, life is a
continuum. So you need to continually learn and go with the flow of life. It
will be a much smoother ride that way.
You need to make learning fun and make it enjoyable so that you stay
motivated. Reward yourself as you make progress. Always have a plan, a
goal and a purpose when learning. Have a method and a system that is effective
and efficient. But you don't want to over do it, so you need to pace yourself and
you have to find a rhythm, and also be flexible. Spaced repetition learningis a
good memory boosting technique and a good way to keep track of your progress
and memory.
One of the most beautiful things that comes from learning is that you don't have
to do something bad, dangerous or risky in order to understand how bad,
dangerous or risky something is. This saves people from making mistakes they
don't have to make, which also saves time. Even if you feel the need
to verify something for yourself, you still have to acknowledge the risk and
dangers that are explained by the information passed on from other people,
people who have previous experience with a particular action you are thinking
about doing. Learning is a Time Loop.
I'm willing to learn, even though I will learn things that will break my heart
and disappoint me, but I'm still willing to learn, and that is something I can
never give up. Because learning is the path to salvation, and there is no other
path, because not learning is standing still and not learning is giving up. And the
reason why everyone is alive is because humans before us did not give up and
they kept on going and they continued to learn. That is what a human is, and
that is what life is. If it were not, then we would not be here. Nothing would be
here. Adult Learning.
People pretend to know and they also feel like they know enough. But it's
only when they start learning is when they finally realize how little they know,
which is normal. Nothing more damaging to the Human Mind than the
illusion of learning. Not learning how important learning is can cause serious
damage to the brain by implanting mental disorders and cognitive dysfunctions.
There for, not teaching the importance of learning should be criminal act. It's
negligent child abuse. Schools need to teach "Learning". Students need to
learn how to ask questions, they need to know how to understand things. The
importance of learning must be fully understood. Please Learn, you
have Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain.
It's not just knowing the best way to learn something new, but also knowing the
best state of mind to be in. The Optimal Learning State is being rested, not
starving and being ready to learn in a good environment. (Breathe -
Listen) Being in the Flow is the mental state of operation in which a
person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling
of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the
activity. In essence, Flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one
does. Being in the Zone is being focused on what you are doing, so much so,
that you are unaware of all the distractions happening around you. How the
information is presented can also affect learning. Managing Time and
knowing the Best times to learn can also help. Thinking - Layers.
If you're not in the right mind to learn, or you feel that something is
unnecessary to learn, then learning becomes ineffective. And if
the information and knowledge presented to you is fragmented, out
of sequence or incoherent, that also makes learning ineffective. The bottom
line is, "You can learn anything you put your mind to, but not everything
that you put your mind to can be learned. There is always a preferred
sequence when learning something new, and there is always a
preferred method of learning something new. Did you ever wonder why you did
not learn something? You know you can learn because you have a memory, so
what happened? Maybe the message was not delivered effectively, or not
understood effectively, or a little both? Do you need to be inspired to learn or
just understand the importance of learning and the process of learning?
Your memory is your greatest strength, but your memory can also be
your greatest weakness. Learning is not just about remembering, learning is
more about understanding and formulating information and knowledge
correctly so that it is used effectively and efficiently, just Remembering is not
1: You need to define what learning is use this ability in the most effective and
most efficient way possible.
2: You need to define the knowledge and information that would increase your
understanding of yourself and the world around you.
3: You need to accurately measure what you are learning, so that you keep
moving forward and continue to increase your potential.
You have been given a superpower called Learning, but just like all powers,
there are inherent responsibilities andvulnerabilities, so please use your
power wisely.
Learning Curve is intended to mean that the activity is difficult to learn for
some people. A learning curve with a steep start actually represents rapid
Teaching Machine
Personalized learning is more than Knowing all the different ways that a person
can learn knowledge and skills, it's more about knowing what you need to learn
and when you need to learn it. Every student needs to understand their
education goals and understand why certain knowledge and information is
extremely valuable and important. If a person does not understand
theincentive of learning, then they will not have the motivation to learn and
they will not perceive the need to retain certain knowledge and information,
because they will not fully understand how to use it and why it's so important to
have. And this happens to almost every student on the planet. This is the
foundation of learning. You need to accurately see your future and how your
home will be built and how it will look in the future. And your heart and mind is
your home. Do you want a beautiful home? Do you want an intelligent home? Do
you want a sturdy home? Your home will be what ever you want your home to
be as long as you put in the work and the investment that's needed to build your
home. Students can only have a future if they are given the necessary
knowledge and information that's needed in order to reach that future.
Personalized learning is also about having the freedom to learn in your own
time and learning at your own pace. Having the ability to choose the best
time to learn new knowledge and having the ability to adjust the speed at which
you learn new knowledge, will benefit you in many ways. When schools restrict
your freedom to choose what learning time and speed is best for you, then
learning will not be as effective as it can be. And when schools restrict your
freedom to choose what you need to learn, then that too will also cause learning
to be ineffective.
Active Learning
Active Learning is a teaching method that strives to more directly involve
students in the learning process.
Learning Procedure
Social Learning
Experience Learning
Experience is knowledge a person gets by doing something or watching
someone else do it. Experience is learning through actions. Experiences.
"I remember the experiences in my life more then the thoughts and ideas that I
had. I remember the class experiences that I had more then I remember the
tests that I took. You see, experience is a stronger memory. We need to
combine tests with experience."
Errorless Learning states that errors are not necessary for learning to
occur. Errors are not a function of learning or vice versa nor are they blamed on
the learner. Errors are a function of poor analysis of behavior, a poorly designed
shaping program, moving too fast from step to step in the program, and the lack
of the prerequisite behavior necessary for success in the program." Errorless
learning can also be understood at a synaptic level, using the principle of
Hebbian learning, which says Neurons that fire together wire together.
Situated Learning is the relationship between learning and the social situation
in which it occurs.
Vocal Learning is the ability to modify acoustic and syntactic sounds, acquire
new sounds via imitation, and produce vocalizations. "Vocalizations" in this
case refers only to sounds generated by the vocal organ (mammalian larynx or
avian syrinx) as opposed to by the lips, teeth, and tongue, which require
substantially less motor control. A rare trait, vocal learning is a critical substrate
for spoken language and has only been detected in eight animal groups
despite the wide array of vocalizing species; these include humans, bats,
cetaceans, pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), elephants, and three distantly related
bird groups including songbirds, parrots, and hummingbirds. Vocal learning is
distinct from auditory learning, or the ability to form memories of sounds
heard, a relatively common trait which is present in all vertebrates tested. For
example, dogs can be trained to understand the word "sit" even though the
human word is not in its innate auditory repertoire (auditory learning). However,
the dog cannot imitate and produce the word "sit" itself as vocal learners can.
Integrative Learning
Sequence Learning
On the Job Training
Action Learning
Social Emotional Learning is the process through which children and adults
acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to
understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show
empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make
responsible decisions.
Adventure Schools
Reinforcement - Praise
Gratification Rewards
Classical Conditioning - Operant Conditioning
Learning Styles
An Explanation of Learning Styles
7 Styles of Learning
Power Law of Practice states that the logarithm of the reaction time for a
particular task decreases linearly with the logarithm of the number of practice
trials taken. It is an example of the learning curve effect on performance.
Repetition is an event that repeats. The repeated use of the same word or
word pattern. The act of doing or performing something over and over again.
Summer Slide is a decline in reading ability and other academic skills that can
occur over the summer months. Summer Learning Loss is the loss of
academic skills and knowledge over the course of summer holidays. (This
happens because schools don't understand teaching and learning, if kids can
forget what they learn, then they're not learning. Summer schools
and homeworkare indicators that schools are failing).
Concept Learning are the mental categories that help us classify objects,
events, or ideas, building on the understanding that each object, event, or idea
has a set of common relevant features. Thus, concept learning is a strategy
which requires a learner to compare and contrast groups or categories that
contain concept-relevant features with groups or categories that do not contain
concept-relevant features.
Holistic Education is when each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in
life through connections to the community, to the natural world, and to
humanitarian values such as compassion and peace. Holistic education aims to
call forth from people an intrinsic reverence for life and a passionate love of
Learning Theories are instructional design principles and how they relate to
teaching and learning.
Learning Theories
Science of Learning (PDF)
Science of Learning
Learning Processes and Learning Theory's
Learning Theories (youtube)
Learning Specialists
Scientific Methods for Learning
Authentic Instruction
Education Reform Teaching Styles
Learning Disabilities
How to Study Tips
Audio Books
Unlearning - Relearning
Extended Learning
Lesson Study
Linear vs. Non-linear
Cognitive Science
Memory Vulnerabilities
Visual Learning is a style in which a learner utilizes graphs, charts, maps and
Mind Maps
Spatial Intelligence
Varied Practice refers to the use of a training schedule that includes frequent
changes of task so that the performer is constantly confronting novel
representations of the to-be-learned information.
Psychometrics refers to the field in psychology and education that is devoted
to testing, measurement, assessment, and related activities. One part of the
field is concerned with the objective measurement of skills and knowledge,
abilities, attitudes, personality traits, and educational achievement.
Imperative Programming
Modeling Instruction
Lateral Thinking
Learning Strategies
Learning Styles (youtube)
Learning Techniques (PDF)
Learning Management System
Enrichment Activities
Teaching Research
Games and Toys for Learning
Brain Based Learning
Learning Approaches
Discovery Learning
Cognitive Science
Cognitive Bias
Hypothetical Thinking
Praising - Punishing
Subliminal Messaging is sensory stimuli Below an individual's threshold
for conscious perception. A recent review of functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) studies shows that subliminal stimuli activate specific regions of
the brain despite participants being unaware. Visual stimuli may be quickly
flashed before an individual can process them, or flashed and then masked,
thereby interrupting the processing. Audio stimuli may be played below audible
volumes or masked by other stimuli. Brain Washing.
Purposes of Learning
Teaching and Learning are the same subject. You can't teach unless you
learn and you can't learn unless you teach, even if you are teaching yourself.
Teaching and learning are part of the same process that's needed to transfer
information. And you need to be conscious of the process of transferring
information, you need to ask these 5 questions, What am I learning? (define the
information?) Why am I learning this? (the importance and value of this
information?) Where am I learning this? (options and choices?) When am I
learning this? (options and choices?) How am I learning this? (options and
choices?) W-W-W-W-H.
These Retention Rates are not Normal, you can remember a 100% of what you
have read, hear and see, you just have to learn how. You don't want to limit the
ways that you can learn.
"Anyone who can learn can eventually become a teacher, but not every teacher
will continue to learn, Why?"
Teaching Adults
"It's easier to educate a child correctly the first time than it is to re-educate an
"It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick
Do it Right the First Time...it's a lot easier, it's more effective, and it also saves a
lot of time, no need to repair.
Everyone alive today has the ability to learn anything they want, and understand
things. But if you don't have access, or if you don't pursue knowledge and
information, you will never truly understand life, or will you ever know how
much you're missing.
The reasons why most people don't want to learn is because most people don't
fully understand what learning is, and also, they have never learned anything
valuable, like understanding the power that some knowledge gives you, power
that you can carry with you your entire life. Please don't stop learning, it's the
most important ability that you have, don't waste it.
People can sometimes feel that learning is perceived as a chore. Things like
fatigue, hunger, environmental stresses can diminish the need to learn. This is a
learning disability that everyone should be aware of. If people understood what
learning is, and also know what is needed to learn, then learning would be
natural, effective and efficient without spending too much effort or time. If you
can set times for eating and sleeping, then you could set times for learning,
even though you can have flexibility. And you have to have learning goals that
are in order, with each new subject learned is progressing you forward.
It's not just that people are ignorant, it's the knowledge that people do have that
keeps them from learning and becoming more knowledgeable. If a person can
not understand what they hear, read or feel, then you will have a very difficult
time educating them. This is why 90% of all humans are ignorant to some
degree in 2018. That's because they learned very little when young and then
they were fooled into believing that what they knew was enough to understand
themselves and the world around them. A lie that is the cause of almost every
problem on the planet throughout our history and present time.
Everyone has a Learning Disability. It's not that people can't learn or have
problems learning, it's just that they don't want to learn or feel the need to learn
or feel the need to ask questions, and that is a learning disability because people
are not learning anything new so they are not becoming more knowledgeable
about themselves and the world around them. So people will never fully
understand themselves or understand the world around them. People with
learning disabilities always need extra help, but the public gets very little help
from the schools, from the universities, from the media, from the corporations,
from public services and even from Hollywood. Not one institution is helping the
public with their learning disabilities. We have to stop living in denial. When
people are not learning, then problems will continue to happen and get worse,
just as they are now all over the world. If weincentivize people to learn, and
if people learn how to improve their lives and the world around them, then we
would solve every problem in the world.
Education Quotes
Helping Adults Learn (PDF)
Teaching Adults is Challenging (PDF)
Andragogy is the theory and practice of education of adults.
Education Specialist
Classroom Management
Learning Principles and Impediments
Social Learning
Learning is Fun and Easy, but you have to make learning fun and easy
because learning is not fun and easy for everyone all the time. Learning needs to
be deliberate, and the process of learning must be understood. Learning is
an innate ability that is natural for everyone. But just because learning is an
instinct that you were born with, learning does not come with instructions and
procedures that would help you fully utilize the power of learning. You can make
a horrible mistake, but if you don't realize the mistake because of your lack of
knowledge, then you will not learn anything valuable and you will miss a
chance to progress. And learning is all about progress. Learning is about
increasing the quality of life and increasing the quality of living. The power of
learning is similar to the power of money. If you always have enough money,
but if you spend the money on things that do more harm than good, then having
money is a bad thing and you will not benefit from having enough money the
way you should. Learning is a power, but if you learn the wrong things or don't
learn enough, then the power of learning may do you more harm than good.
Learning needs to be deliberate, and the process of learning must be
understood. You don't have to remind yourself to breathe, but do do have to
remind yourself to breathe deliberately. You don't have to remind yourself to
learn, but you do have to remind yourself to learn deliberately. It's like having
all the money in the world, you can use the money wisely, effectively and
efficiently to bring wealth and prosperity to everyone, or you can be
selfish, negligent and wasteful with the money and watch millions of people die,
like they do every year. Learning needs to be deliberate, and if you are not
learning what's important and valuable or learn the right things at the right time,
then learning may do you more harm than good.
"Some things are easy to learn, and some things are hard to learn, but they are
never impossible to learn."
"There is always incentives and rewards when it comes to learning, but only if
you are aware of them."
They say that Adults cannot be made to learn. But that is exactly what they do
to children in schools, and you wonder why adults don't want to learn. They also
say that Adults will only learn when they are internally motivated to do so,
which is false. Motivation is not needed to learn. And incentives need to be
accurately measured and calculated so they fully explain the inputs and outputs
as well as the cause and effects at each step. Money is not a reason, things
need to be fully explained. Remember, we are "Learning".
Four Basic Requirements for Learning
People have difficulty learning and progressing because they are to busy
processing old information over and over again. And they are also not aware
of the importance of acquiring new information, or do people have the skills to
access valuable knowledge and information. This learning disability is the direct
result of our dysfunctional education systems and the media. For humans,
processing information and thinking is good and natural, but not learning new
information is really bad and extremely unnatural. And it's not just bad for you,
it's bad for everyone. If you keep pretending to know things, you will never
progress or overcome your ignorance, the same ignorance that you have no idea
even exists because you have been neglecting the responsibility of learning.
Adults will only learn what they feel they need to learn. But it's a bad idea to rely
on your feelings when it comes to learning.
Adults learn best informally. Adults learn what they feel they need to know
whereas children learn from a curriculum, which is stupid, children should have
the right to learn what they need to know and want to know, within reason of
course. Children want guidance. Adults want information that will help them
improve their situation or that of their children. Now you're getting it. You're still
a child.
People don't seek knowledge and skills they don't use, or rarely use. If you
rarely use a particular knowledge and or skill, then people will have no incentive
to learn something new. But if you guaranteed a job to that person, and fully
explain the estimated income and the benefits from that job, then people will
have the incentive to learn new knowledge and the incentive to learn new skills.
Pay people to go to school and give them on the Job Training, just like the
Military does. Except this war is a war against ignorance.
What knowledge and skills do you use everyday? Can you read? Can you operate
a telephone? Can you operate a computer? Can you write? Can you
communicate? What increased benefits would you get if you improved these
Your world view depends on how much relevant knowledge and information that
you have and understand, knowledge that is accurate and up to date. You are
what you know, and if what you know is distorted and incomplete, then your
world view will become distorted and incomplete. And the only way to overcome
this ignorance is to continually educate yourself so that the knowledge and
information you acquire gives you a more accurate and complete understanding
of yourself and the world around you, which is one of the main goals of BK101.
To many people make the mistake in believing that they know the
answers to certain questions, which usually stops a person from learning
more, thus people will never have any conformation or proof that their answers
are accurate, which is dangerous because it leaves a person vulnerable to
mistakes and also vulnerable to being manipulated.
You learn how to swim so that you don't have to worry about
drowning. You learn how to ride a bike so that you have the freedom to travel
anytime that you want. You learn how learn so that you can understand more
about yourself and the world around you, so you never have to worry about your
ignorance keeping you from having a life that you choose, or stopping you from
pursuing your dreams. Freedom, Power, Control, Potential and Endless
Adults are intrinsically motivated. But just being born with motivation will not
help you until you learn things that are valuable and important. When you're
hungry you are motivated to eat, but it f you eat unhealthy food, then you will
suffer and die early.
Adult students are mature people and prefer to be treated as such. Being
'lectured at' causes resentment and frustration. Adults are goal oriented /
relevancy oriented. Adults need to know why they are learning something.
Adults have needs that are concrete and immediate. They can be impatient with
long discussions on theory and like to see theory applied to practical problems.
They are task or problem-centered rather than subject-centered. Adults tend
to be more interested in theory when it is linked to practical application.
Adults are autonomous and self-directed. They are self-reliant learners and
prefer to work at their own pace. Individuals learn best when they are ready to
learn and when they have identified their own learning needs. Where a student
is directed by someone else to attend a course, e.g. by an employer, then that
individual may not be ready to learn or may not see the value in participating on
that course. This can lead to a mismatch of goals between all parties - student,
employer and trainer. Adults are practical and problem-solvers. Adults are more
impatient in the pursuit of learning objectives. They are less tolerant of work
that does not have immediate and direct application to their objectives. Problem
based learning exercises are welcomed as they build on prior experience and
provide opportunity for practical application of materials/theories covered. Adults
are sometimes tired when they attend classes. Many students are juggling
classes with work, family, etc. They, therefore, appreciate varied teaching
methods that add interest and a sense of liveliness to the class.
Ageing concerns. Adults frequently worry about being the oldest person in a
class and are concerned about the impact this may have on their ability to
participate with younger students. Creating an environment where all
participants feel they have a valuable contribution can work to allay such
Learning Analytics
Adults may have insufficient confidence. Students come to class with varying
levels of confidence. Some may have had poor prior experiences of education
leading to feelings of inadequacy and fear of study and failure. This can manifest
itself in many ways, as indicated in the next section.
Theory and Research-based Principles of Learning
The following list presents the basic principles that underlie effective learning.
These principles are distilled from research from a variety of disciplines.
Students come into courses with knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes gained in
other courses and through daily life. As students bring this knowledge to bear in
our classrooms, it influences how they filter and interpret what they are
learning. If students’ prior knowledge is robust and accurate and activated at the
appropriate time, it provides a strong foundation for building new knowledge.
However, when knowledge is inert, insufficient for the task, activated
inappropriately, or inaccurate, it can interfere with or impede new learning.
Stages of Learning
How students organize knowledge influences how they learn and apply what
they know.
As students enter college and gain greater autonomy over what, when, and how
they study and learn, motivation plays a critical role in guiding the direction,
intensity, persistence, and quality of the learning behaviors in which they
engage. When students find positive value in a learning goal or activity, expect
to successfully achieve a desired learning outcome, and perceive support from
their environment, they are likely to be strongly motivated to learn.
Students must develop not only the component skills and knowledge necessary
to perform complex tasks, they must also practice combining and integrating
them to develop greater fluency and automaticity. Finally, students must learn
when and how to apply the skills and knowledge they learn. As instructors, it is
important that we develop conscious awareness of these elements of mastery so
as to help our students learn more effectively.
Learning and performance are best fostered when students engage in practice
that focuses on a specific goal or criterion, targets an appropriate level of
challenge, and is of sufficient quantity and frequency to meet the performance
criteria. Practice must be coupled with feedback that explicitly communicates
about some aspect(s) of students’ performance relative to specific target criteria,
provides information to help students progress in meeting those criteria, and is
given at a time and frequency that allows it to be useful.
Students’ current level of development interacts with the social, emotional, and
intellectual climate of the course to impact learning.
Students are not only intellectual but also social and emotional beings, and they
are still developing the full range of intellectual, social, and emotional skills.
While we cannot control the developmental process, we can shape the
intellectual, social, emotional, and physical aspects of classroom climate in
developmentally appropriate ways. In fact, many studies have shown that the
climate we create has implications for our students. A negative climate may
impede learning and performance, but a positive climate can energize students’
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Bandura, A. (1989). Self-regulation of motivation and action through internal
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Matlin, M. W. (1989). Cognition. NY, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Janovich.
National Research Council (2001). Knowing What Students Know: The Science
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National Academy Press.
Nelson, T. A. (1992). Metacognition. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Pascarella, E.T. & Terenzini, P. (2005). How College Affects Students. San
Francisco: Jossey Bass.
Schommer, M. (1994). An emerging conceptualization of epistemological
beliefs and their role in learning. In R. Barner & P. Alexander (Eds.), Beliefs
about text and instruction with text
(pp. 25-40). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Singley, M. K., & Anderson, J. R. (1989). The Transfer of Cognitive Skill.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Steele, C.M. & Aronson, J. (1995). Stereotype threat and the intellectual test
performance of African Americans.
Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 69 (5), 797-811.
Walton, G. M., & Cohen, G. L. (2007). A question of belonging: race, social fit,
and achievement.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92 (1), 82-96.
Wiggins, G. (1998). Educative Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform
and Improve Student Performance, Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.
A world without words
Even when we knew very little about learning, we were still able to reach the
minds of some of the most unique people who were denied language and
knowledge. They have taught us so much about how we learn, and we still
have a lot more to learn.
Victor of Aveyron was a French feral child who was found at the age of around
twelve. (c. 1788 – 1828).
The Wild Child tells the story of a child who spends the first eleven or twelve
years of his life with little or no human contact.
Genie Feral Child is the pseudonym for a feral child who was a victim of
severe abuse, neglect, and social isolation. Her circumstances are prominently
recorded in the annals of linguistics and abnormal child psychology. (born 1957).
A Man Without Words is a book and case study of a 27-year-old deaf man
whom Schaller teaches to sign for the first time, challenging the Critical Period
Hypothesis that humans cannot learn language after a certain age.
Language Deprivation is associated with the lack of linguistic stimuli that are
necessary for the language acquisition processes in an individual, usually in a
very impoverished environment. Experiments involving language deprivation are
very scarce due to the ethical controversy associated with it. Sign Language.
Helen Keller was an American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was
the first deaf-blind person to earn a bachelor of arts degree. The story of how
Keller's teacher, Anne Sullivan, broke through the isolation imposed by a near
complete lack of language, allowing the girl to blossom as she learned to
communicate, has become widely known through the dramatic depictions of the
play and film The Miracle Worker. Her birthplace in West Tuscumbia, Alabama,
is now a museum and sponsors an annual "Helen Keller Day". Her birthday on
June 27 is commemorated as Helen Keller Day in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania
and was authorized at the federal level by presidential proclamation by
President Jimmy Carter in 1980, the 100th anniversary of her birth. A prolific
author, Keller was well-traveled and outspoken in her convictions. A member of
the Socialist Party of America and the Industrial Workers of the World, she
campaigned for women's suffrage, labor rights, socialism, antimilitarism,
and other similar causes. She was inducted into the Alabama Women's Hall of
Fame in 1971 and was one of twelve inaugural inductees to the Alabama Writers
Hall of Fame on June 8, 2015. Helen proved to the world that deaf people
could all learn to communicate and that they could survive in the hearing
world. She also taught that deaf people are capable of doing things that hearing
people can do. She is one of the most famous deaf people in history and she is
an idol to many deaf people in the world. (June 27, 1880 – June 1, 1968).
Feral Child is a human child who has lived isolated from human contact from a
very young age where they have little or no experience of human care, behavior,
or, crucially, of human language. Some feral children have been confined by
people (usually their own parents), and in some cases this child abandonment
was due to the parents’ rejection of a child's severe intellectual or physical
impairment. Feral children may have experienced severe abuse or trauma before
being abandoned or running away.
Brain Plasticity
In the 1994 Movie Stargate they showed how corrupt leaders can enslave
people and control people by making reading andwriting against the law.
America did something similar, they controlled what schools were teaching
students so that students never had enough knowledge to understand that they
are still slaves and that they are still being controlled and manipulated. And
people have no idea that this is happening because they lack the knowledge and
information to see it. Ignorance is blinding.
Sha'uri, please come back to earth. I would travel the universe and live on
almost any planet to have your love, but earth is pretty nice.
Tabula Rasa refers to the epistemological idea that individuals are born
without built-in mental content and that therefore all knowledge comes from
experience or perception. I believe that people are born with a certain amount of
information, just not enough. Thus they can never overcome being abandoned
or left alone.
You could say that Learning is a Gift from God, or you could even say
that learning is a gift from life itself, because Life itself wanted to survive, as
it has from the beginning. So maybe life figured it out that if we can quickly
learn to adapt to changes, we will have a much better chance avoiding
extinction. Because 99% of all life has gone extinct since the beginning of our
planet. And after each extinction life has always bounce back a little stronger,
and a little smarter. And here we are today. Let us not forsake our gift to learn,
we have it for a reason.
Learn to Learn
Learning How to Learn
There's a lot to know about learning because it does not always come natural.
Most of the time you have to chose to learn because learning is a process that
you have to initiate. And if you don't understand the process of learning, you
will not learn effectively.Learning is more then just remembering. Though at
times learning may seem effortless, it does not mean that you have learned
effectively or correctly. So just knowing that you can learn, and proving it
with good grades, says absolutely nothing about your understanding of
learning, or how effective you are as a learner. We have to create a test that
would be a measurement of learning, and not just your ability to remember
facts. So not only will you understand How to Learn, you will also know Why you
Learn, When you Learn, and Where you Learn.
"Learning is like climbing a mountain, the higher you climb the more you can
see, and the more you can see the more you can learn, and the more you can
learn about what is beyond the horizon, the more visible things will become."
It's like talking to someone who speaks a different language then you, you don't
understand a word they say. That's because you don't have the necessary
knowledge, information and experience with that particular language in order to
understand it. But anyone can learn to understand a new language, because the
brain has the ability to learn new languages, and learn anything. Anything that
can be communicated through language can be learned. That is why knowing
how to read effectively is so extremely important.
Learning works best when you can request information and knowledge as you
need it. But what if you don't know what information and knowledge is needed?
That is why having a teacher, mentor or tutor can be so valuable.
It's great when you learn something new for the first time, especially when you
learn something that you know is valuable or beneficial, that's a great feeling.
Now imagine learning something valuable everyday. Imagine always having
something to look forward to everyday. Something that will make your day.
Something that will give you a better understanding of yourself and the world
around you. Imagine becoming a little smarter each day, a little more wiser each
day, a little more intelligent each day, and become more aware, with more
abilities, and more possibilities. Imagine being able to solve every problem on
the planet. Imagine having more freedom and more control over your life.
Imagine a world full of endless possibilities. Imagine that you are starting your
learning journey today.
Visit this website once a day, or visit this website once a week and copy and
paste a weeks worth of reading, or link to a few films to watch.
"If you can learn anything you want, then you can be anything you want, learn
to be."
"When learning, you don't always feel the benefits when it's happening.
Sometimes there is a delayed reaction. Because we have to process
"Everyone can learn, but not everyone learns in the same way, or at the same
speed, or at the same time, or do they learn the same things as you."
"Too many people take learning for granted, and too many people don't even
understand how important learning is, that is the failure of our education
system. Our ability to learn is one of the most important aspects of human life."
“if reading itself is a skill, it must be possible to break this down into different
level of component skills categories.”
"Everything can be explained, maybe not in the same amount of time that was
used for other people, or in the same way as other people, but everything that is
explained can be explained. So if you don't understand it now, don't worry,
because you will eventually understand it because that is a fact of learning, but
only if you keep learning."
"Not wanting to learn is a learning disability, but luckily it's one of the easiest
learning disabilities to correct."
"Most people love to have experiences, but not many people enjoy the
experience of learning, why?..they're both extremely important."
"Learning benefits you in similar ways that eating healthy benefits you. When
you eat good food you are rewarded with energy and good health. When you
learn something new that improves your abilities and your understanding, you
are rewarded with a more potential and a more improved life. And learning
accumulates, so it will continue to be rewarding, just like always eating healthy."
Though there are many different ways that a person can learn, the important
thing is, to be able to learn in multiple ways. So no matter how the information
is presented, you will still have the ability to analyze the information correctly,
so that you can maximize the benefits and increase your potential.
The fact is You can learn anything you want. As long as you are given the
time and the necessary information in the correct sequence, you can learn
anything. So whether you're learning in a classroom, online, or anywhere, the
place where you learn is not so important, what's important is before you start
learning 'anything' is knowing How will the information be Presented? Will the
information be in the correct sequence based upon your current level of
knowledge and understanding? Can you correctly analyze if the information
presented needs to be reorganized to match your current level of knowledge and
Can you correctly identify what related information is needed that would help
you better understand the information presented so that you can use this
information effectively and efficiently? And, do you have access to related
information that you will need that is not presented in this particular course,
book or lecture? If you have struggled with learning in your past it's because you
have not understood the questions above. And when you have understood the
questions above there are still a few more questions you need to answer
because Knowing How to Learn is just one thing. You have to know what to
learn? When to learn it? Where to learn it? And you have to know, Why you need
to learn it? And after that you should also know the answers to these other
important questions too...
Is the information relevant to your current needs? Do you know what your
current needs are?
Does obtaining this new skill set match your current Goals? Experience.
Is the information relevant to the current needs of your family and
your Community?
Is the information relevant to the current needs of your Planet? Risk
What problems are you planning to solve with this information that you will gain
from this particular course, book or lecture?
If you were the teacher how would you present this information differently, and
Why would you present this information differently?
Purposes of Education
Education Reform Ideas
So now you are ready to learn, and you are also now ready to improve yourself
and improve the world around you.
"Learning can be as easy as breathing, you don't need to think about it, you just
do it. Breathing keeps you alive, and so does continually learning."
Learning should not be a chore or be boring. The only time that learning
is boring is when you're in school. Outside of school learning is awesome
because you're learning things that you want to learn, and you're learning things
when you want to learn them. 80% of the most valuable knowledge and
information is outside schools, this is why continually learning is absolutely
necessary. But you're not going to learn much outside school unless you know
how to find the most valuable information and knowledge. So you have to be
active everyday in your search for knowledge. When you wake up you should be
saying "what new and interesting things will I learn today?" But remember,
knowledge and information is not looking for you, or will it magically appear, so
you have to be actively explore all the right sources of information you can find.
So no more worrying about passing a test that proves very little, because Life is
the test of your knowledge, and when life is a struggle, or when life becomes to
good to be true, then that means that more learning is necessary. Don't
associate learning with being in school because you learn very little in school,
and also, schools give learning a bad name because they make learning seem
boring, which it isn't. You should associate learning as an opportunity to acquire
a new skill that gives you more abilities. Learning is a gift that keeps on giving
long after you have learned something new, because you can recall it from your
memory. Learning is supposed to be fun, if it isn't, then you're probably not
doing it right, or you're not learning something important, or you have other
things that are more important to learn first.
"If the brain becomes more connected and integrated after learning, and as a
result, the person also becomes a more effective learner, then what should a
person be learning? What knowledge and information would the brain best utilize
as it becomes more connected and more integrated?"
"People usually want to learn things that are important to them, but that's only
when people accurately understand what's important to them. It's not just
knowing how to learn, it's knowing what to learn and when to learn it. When
learning is fragmented it becomes more difficult to learn, and this is one of the
reasons why too many people get discourage from learning because it becomes
to much of a chore for them. This is what our current education is doing, and
this is why we need to improve education."
Your mind is something that you can fully control, but you have to learn how to
control your mind, and that takes time and knowledge. The language is the
same, but some of the words will have different meanings because they are
internally translated into the correct chemical responses or electrical signals in
the brain, signals that will be used to activate the correct response or activate
the correct action that is needed.
The way information and knowledge is presented to a person is one of
the most important elements of the teaching process. It's part logic and part
mind mapping. It's showing relevant and related information by grouping them
together in certain categories and subcategories, so that the person can quickly
and easily determine if more information is needed that would give an overall
better understanding of the information and knowledge presented. But certain
knowledge described in a certain way may not match your understanding. So
you have to arrange the information in a way that helps you to understand it
better. So you must learn that when information is presented to you, you might
have to rearrange that particular knowledge in order to help you personally
understand it better. Choose your Medium well.
Home Organized Personalized Education, it's a great way to learn. You may
hear the terms Learning Menus, Customizing Content and Curriculum
Mapping, but remember the most important factors are, is the information and
knowledge relevant to your learning needs and priorities?
Sometimes you need to change your learning methods and thinking styles in
order to understand a particular knowledge. It's up to you to find out which
learning method, or methods, works best.
"If something feels over whelming and you can't understand something enough,
don't worry, that's normal. It's just your minds way of saying "Hey we need
more information", in order to understand this correctly. So that feeling you get
from not knowing is not to alarm you, it's just a way of making you aware so
you can ask questions like "How important is this new void of information?",
and, what would be the first step towards understanding this new information?"
"if you teach something that can be interpreted in the wrong way, then that is
ineffective teaching. Many things can be interpreted in the wrong way, so
defining the interpretation, and also defining the misinterpretations, will make
knowledge and information a higher chance of being understood more
Linear Learners
Linear learners learn most thoroughly and efficiently, when material is
presented to them in a logical, ordered progression. They will often attack
problem solving with a series of ordered steps. They often will understand in
part before understanding the whole. They prefer to start off with the simplest
concept or part of a problem, and work through to the more difficult parts until
the whole solution is found. Many teachers and instructors follow a linear
progression. Suggestions: If your instructor moves from one topic to another,
make sure you rewrite your notes, and fill in the gaps in your notes. This may
require borrowing another student's notes, or actually visiting the professor
outside of the classroom. If the instructor skips around and does not follow a
logical or chronological progression, you may want to rewrite the subject matter
according to a logical progression that makes sense to you. Always outline the
subject matter.
Lineal Thinking
Holistic Learners
Holistic learners work through material most thoroughly and efficiently in "fits
and starts." They may often feel overwhelmed with confusion for a while, but
understanding will often suddenly click. When the material does suddenly click in
understanding, the holistic learner will usually not only see the big picture, but in
a more clear and creative perspective that other learners may not. Often, holistic
learners will take more time to understand information than their peers. This can
often be so discouraging, that a holistic learner may be more tempted to give up
on a particular subject. However, when holistic learners do finally understand the
material given, more extensively. Holistic learners are usually
extremely creative.
Suggestions: Remember you are not slow or stupid; rather, you just think
differently than other students. Maintain confidence! If you stick to it, you will
get it, and most likely retain the information and be able to practically apply the
subject matter the rest of your life. Read all the subheadings, summaries, and
glossary or bold-face terms before reading the chapter. Pay special attention to
the chapter outline or overview. Set aside an entire evening for one subject and
plunge into that subject. Once you have finished with that subject, move on to
the next subject. Do not try to study one chapter of one subject, and then one
chapter of another. Try taking subjects that are hard for you in summer school
when you are juggling fewer courses. Relate the subject matter to the other
subjects, concepts, or ideas of which you are understand or in which you are
confident. Personalize and apply the subject matter to your world.
First relax for a few moments, then take a deep breath at a count of 4, hold
that breath for 4 seconds, then exhale that breath for a count of 4 seconds, and
then repeat these deep breaths 4 more times.
There are other Breathing Exercises that may work better for you, so you will
have to do some research.
Breathing through the nose aids Memory Storage. When breathing through
the nose between the time of learning and recognition, they remembered the
smells better. Receptors in the olfactory bulb detect not only smells but also
variations in the airflow itself. In the different phases of inhalation and
exhalation, different parts of the brain are activated. But how
thesynchronisation of breathing and brain activity happens and how it affects
the brain and therefore our behaviour is unknown.
Now that you have done your deep breathing exercise, it's time to quite your
thoughts. Now focus and keep your attention on breathing normally through
the nose. Calmly and comfortably breath in and out. Your brain will naturally
release Endorphins,Benzodiazepines and other Neuropeptides that bring
you into a tranquil and alert state of mind. (7 cps).
Mozart Effect are a set of research results indicating that listening to Mozart's
music may induce a short-term improvement on the performance of certain
kinds of mental tasks known as "spatial-temporal reasoning".
For some the best sound for Productivity is Silence. Or take a break every few
hours and listen to music for 15 minutes.
You will have to experiment with different types of music to see which
ones inspire learning without distracting you.
Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beats Are So Effective For Focus - How Focus Music Hacks
Your Brain - Cheddar Explains (youtube)
Study Music: Brain Music for Studying, Brain Power Focus Music,
Concentration Music for Learning (youtube)
SAMUEL BARBER - Adagio for Strings, Op. 11
Chet Baker ~ Every Time We Say Goodbye (youtube)
Study Music Alpha Waves: Relaxing Studying Music, Brain Power, Focus
Concentration Music, 161 (youtube)
Study Music for Concentration, Instrumental Music, Classical Music,
Work Music, Relax, E103 (youtube)
Classical Study Music | Mozart with Alpha Study Aid Embedded - Alpha
BiNaural Beats (youtube)
Space Sound Odyssey | Deep White Noise For Focus, Power Naps or
Sleep (youtube)
Philip Glass - Glassworks (complete)
FAST (youtube)
Jurassic Park Theme 1000 percent Slower (sound cloud)
Justin Beiber - U Smile (800% Slower) [HQ] (youtube)
Bach - Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major BWV1007 - Mov. 1-3/6 (youtube)
Practicing right before you go to sleep, and learning one hour before you go
to Sleep.
Memory Consolidation
Words are powerful, as long as you learn them in the right order at the right
time. Just like computer code it has to be in the right order and at the right
I like Structure but I also like knowing the details and the Complexities of
different learning methods.
Teaching Resources
Online Schools
Information Literacy
"We all have brains, but not everyone has enough knowledge in order to use the
brain correctly so that would it fully utilize the brains incredible potential." -
Keep Learning My Friends
"Remember that schools and colleges are mostly just basic job skills. The real
education is outside school. 80% of the worlds most important information and
knowledge is beyond the classroom walls."
Thinking is the process of using your mind to consider something carefully. The
activity of Processing Information. Endowed with the capacity
to reason. To judge or regard something. To look upon. To Expect, believe, or
suppose. To use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to
make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments. To
recallknowledge from memory and have a recollection.
To imagine or visualize. To Focus one's attention on a certain state. To have
in mind as a purpose. To decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting. To
dispose the mind in a certain way. To have or formulate in the mind. To
be capable of conscious thought. To bring into a given condition by mental
Thought can refer to the ideas or arrangements of ideas that result from
thinking, the act of producing thoughts, or the process of producing
thoughts. You are what you think.
Language and Thought, we think in the language we speak. Can you think
without using words or Language?
Outline of Thought are the mental process in which beings form psychological
associations and models of the world. Thinking is manipulating information, as
when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, reason and make decisions.
Thought, the act of thinking, produces thoughts. A thought may be an idea, an
image, a sound or even an emotional feeling that arises from the brain.
Black Box is a device, system or object of inputs and outputs (or transfer
characteristics), in which a person has no knowledge of its internal workings.
Almost anything might be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm,
or the human brain.
Brain Processing
Systems Thinking
Lineal Thinking
Lineal is to arranged in a line. Intend (something) to move towards a certain
goal. Give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction. Direct the
course. Straightforward in means or manner or behavior or language or action.
Similar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity without
deviation. Non-Linear is something that does not progress or develop smoothly
from one stage to the next in a logical way. Instead, it makes sudden changes,
or seems to develop in different directions at the same time.
Holistic Learners
Parallel Processing
"We rarely give much thought to certain things, even though our brains never
stop thinking. Why?"
Intelligence - Knowledge
Problem Solving - Thinking Styles
Underlying Reasons refers to the things that are below or beneath what we
can see or understand, things that are hidden but important, things that shape
the meaning or the effect of something else, without being explicit itself. Cause
and Effect.
Call Stack is a stack data structure that stores information about the
active subroutines of a computer program.
High and Low Level are terms used to classify, describe and point to specific
goals of a systematic operation, though its uses also vary depending on the
context. high-level is used to describe operations that are more abstract in
nature, where overall goals and systemic features are typically more concerned
with the wider, macro system as a whole. Alternatively, a low-level description is
one that describes more specific individual components of a systematic
operation, focusing on the details of rudimentary micro functions rather than
macro, complex processes. Low-level classification is typically more concerned
with individual components within the system and how they operate.
Layer in object-oriented design is a group of classes that have the same set
of link-time module dependencies to other modules. In other words, a layer is a
group of reusable components that are reusable in similar circumstances. In
programming languages, the layer distinction is often expressed as "import"
dependencies between software modules.
Everyone is on different levels. Even though you may feel that your on the
top level, there are always levels above you that are undiscovered. Computers
have all these layers of information, or code. And you can interact with
different levels while working on a single plane. Desktop Windows is one
example, or when using imaging software where you can work on many layers of
information all at once.
"I always liked thinking. I love to spend hours just thinking. And one of the
things I learned about thinking is that the more I learned the more enjoyable my
thoughts became, and also the more productive my thoughts became. Learning
is extremely important to thinking."
Problem Solving
Perineurium in the peripheral nervous system, the myelin sheath of each axon
in a nerve is wrapped in a delicate protective sheath known as the endoneurium.
Within the nerve, axons targeting the same anatomical location bundled
together into groups known as fascicles, each surrounded by another protective
sheath known as the perineurium. Several fascicles may be in turn bundled
together with a blood supply and fatty tissue within yet another sheath, the
epineurium. This grouping structure is analogous to the muscular organization
system of epimysium, perimysium and endomysium. Perineurium.
Modular brains help organisms learn new skills without forgetting old
Thinking (thought)
Levels in video gaming is the total space available to the player during the
course of completing a discrete objective.
Application Layer is an abstraction layer that specifies the shared protocols
and interface methods used by hosts in a communications network. The
application layer abstraction is used in both of the standard models of computer
networking: the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) and the Open Systems
Interconnection model (OSI model).
Neural top down control of physiology concerns the direct regulation by the
brain of physiological functions (in addition to smooth muscle and glandular
ones) This regulation occurs through the sympathetic and parasympathetic
system (the autonomic nervous system), and their direct innervation of body
organs and tissues that starts in the brainstem. There is also a noninnervation
hormonal control through the hypothalamus and pituitary (HPA). These lower
brain areas are under control of cerebral cortex ones. Such cortical regulation
differs between its left and right sides. Pavlovian conditioning shows that brain
control over basic cell level physiological function can be learnt.
Hierarchical Model is a data model in which the data is organized into a tree-
like structure. The data is stored as recordswhich are connected to one
another through Links. A record is a collection of fields, with each field
containing only one value.
Minto Principle is the powerful and compelling process for producing everyday
business documents – to-the-point memos, clear reports, successful proposals,
or dynamic presentations.
Systems Thinking
Link Layer is the lowest layer in the Internet Protocol Suite, commonly
known as TCP/IP, the networking architecture of the Internet. It is described in
RFC 1122 and RFC 1123. The link layer is the group of methods and
communications protocols that only operate on the link that a host is physically
connected to. The link is the physical and logical network component used to
interconnect hosts or nodes in the network and a link protocol is a suite of
methods and standards that operate only between adjacent network nodes of a
local area network segment or a wide area network connection.
Scientists demonstrate that the brain operates on many dimensions, not just
the 3 dimensions that we are accustomed to. Scientists have uncovered a
universe of multi-dimensional geometrical structures and spaces within
the networks of the brain.
Just Scratching the Surface suggests that you actually know that there is a
lot more below the surface, and that you are barely beginning to see and do only
a fraction of what is possible. Let the Truth be told. Connecting the Dots.
Half Truth is just Seeing only Half of the Picture, or hearing only half of a
sentence or reading only half of a book.
Grand Scheme is the totality of the situation approached objectively. The big
picture. All things considered and known.
Standing to close to an Elephant is when you miss the entire picture of the
situation because your focus is to narrow, you can't actually see the elephant, all
you see is it's skin and the enormity of the elephant close up overwhelms the
entire picture. So You need to stand back in order to see the whole picture.
Stepping Back can give us the ability to gain a greater and higher perspective.
For example, if we’re irritated and angered by something or someone, and we
step back from that experience, we can explore how the experience was created,
what triggered it, what went on inside of us that generated our response, how it
fits or doesn’t fit with our larger purposes and values, how useful or ecological
the experience is, and what we could do to alter our response. The mental-
emotional step back gives us new perspective, understanding, insight, and
Related Subjects
Beyond the Senses - Creative Thinking
Comprehension - Context
Reasoning - Decision Making
Intelligence (definitions)
Simultaneous Subject Learning
Intrapersonal Intelligence (people smart)
Tiny Machines - Very Low Frequency
Time Loop is a plot device in which periods of time are repeated and re-
experienced by the characters, and there is often some hope of breaking out of
the cycle of repetition. Time loop is sometimes used to refer to a causal loop;
although they appear similar, causal loops are unchanging and self-originating,
whereas time loops are constantly resetting: when a certain condition is met,
such as a death of a character or a clock reaches a certain time, the loop starts
again, with one or more characters retaining the memories from the previous
loop. Stories with time loops commonly center on the character learning from
each successive loop through time.