Public Finance-Meaning:
Carl Plehn regards Public finance as, “The science which deals with the
activity of the statesman in obtaining and applying the material means
necessary for fulfilling the proper functions to the state”.
Prof. Taylor states, “Public finance deals only with the finances of
government include the raising and disbursement of government funds.
These refer to three objectives of the budgetary policy, i.e. the use of
fiscal instruments.
The scope of public finance may be divided into following four parts:
1) Public Revenue
2) Public Expenditure
3) Public Debt
4) Financial Administration
Public finance is used for the benefit of the people of an economy while
the private finance is used for the benefit of an individual or his family.
Public finance and the private finance are differentiated as under:
Why is there market failure with public goods? The main reason is that
private sector producers will not supply public goods to people because
they cannot be sure of making an economic profit. This is due to the
characteristics of public goods outlined earlier. Consumers can take a
free ride without having to pay for the good or service. The obvious
solution is that these goods are provided collectively by the government,
and then financed through taxation of individual households and
At point P2, the marginal social sacrifice S2Q2 is greater than marginal
social benefit P2Q2. Therefore, beyond the point P, any further increase
in the level of taxation and public expenditure may bring down the
social advantage. This is because; each subsequent unit of additional
taxation will increase the marginal disutility or social sacrifice, which
will be more than marginal utility or social benefit. This shows that
maximum social advantage is attained only at point P & this is the point
where marginal social benefit of public expenditure is equal to the
marginal social sacrifice of taxation.
Market failure:
The very basic problem with a free market economy is that it is based on
Greed and not Need.
"Free-trade agreements”:-
They are usually far, far from that: the bigger country gets open access
and often even more market-share without the smaller country getting
commensurate treatment and markets in the bigger country.
"Level-playing field":-
Ideas about the best tools for stabilizing the economy changed
substantially between the 1960s and the 1990s. A period of high
inflation, high unemployment, and huge government deficits weakened
confidence in fiscal policy as a tool for regulating the overall pace of
economic activity. Instead, monetary policy -- controlling the nation's
money supply through such devices as interest rates -- assumed growing
prominence. Monetary policy is directed by the nation's central bank,
known as the Reserve Bank of India, with considerable independence to
evolve its policy frame from time to time.
‘Market Failure’ occurs when some costs and/or benefits are not fully
reflected in market price. Market failure occurs when private decisions
based on these prices or lack of them; do not generate an efficient
allocation of recourses. Market failure can occur due to any or all of the
following: lack of or weak property rights, public goods and/ or common
property characteristics, externalities, asymmetric information and
Weakness of the free market economy.
1. Define ‘public finance’.
II. Quiz
a) decreasing b) increasing
c) evaded d) avoided
4. ‘Market Failure’ occurs when some costs and/or benefits are not fully
reflected in ------------.
c) Investment d) Sacrifice
1. Public goods
2. Private goods
3. increasing
4. market price
5. Maximum Social Advantage
Gupta, S.B. (1994), Monetary Economics, S. Chand & Company, New Delhi.
Mithani, D.M. (1981), Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Oxford & IBH, New
Musgrave, R.A. and P.B. Musgrave (1976), Public Finance in Theory and Practice,