Nursery Lesson Plan (Teaching Slot) : Praktikum

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Class : Preschool SJK (C) Bercham

Year : 6 Years Old

Date : 27 June 2019 (Thursday)

Time : 08.40 am – 09.10 am (30 minutes)

Number of children : 25 pupils ( 14 boys, 11 girls)

Module : Theme

Theme : The World of Technology

Sub Theme : Occupations

Topic : Help The Teacher! What’s Missing?

Field : Communication ( English Language )

Integration of Field : Tunjang Perkembangan Fizikal dan Estetika

Content Standard : BI 2.2 Apply sounds of letters to regconise words.

FK 1.1 Meneroka pelbagai aktiviti yang melibatkan motor halus.

Learning Standard : BI 2.2.1 Recognise letters of the alphabet by their name.

FK 1.1.2 Menunjukkan koordinasi mata dan tangan dan kemahiran motor halus melalui pelbagai aktiviti.

Learning Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students will be able to :

1). Pronounce the words “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”.

2). Recognise “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor” by their name.

3). Help the teacher guess the missing words cards with pictures (“farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”,


Previous Experience : Children have seen the pictures of “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”.

Thinking Skills (KBKK) : Linking, generating idea.

Added value : Discipline.

Teaching Aids : Video “What Do You Do? - Occupations”, Slide Power Point words and pictures of “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”,

“nurse”, “doctor”, word cards with pictures (“farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”), worksheets, video

about “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”, video “Fireman Big and Strong”

Multiple Intelligence : Verbal linguistic, Musical, kinestetic.

Vocabulary : “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”.


Perancangan Pengenalan Isi Pembelajran
(Penyediaan RPH) Perkembangan Pengajaran Strategi Pengajaran


Set Induction Video “What Do You Do ? - Occupations” 1. Children watch the video “What Do You Teaching Aids : Video
( 5 minutes ) Do? - Occupations”. “What Do You Do? -
2. When the video shows the first animal Occupations”
that appear in the video, teacher attracts
children to say their name. Thinking Skills : Linking.
3. Teacher will ask some questions about

Sample questions : the video. Multiple Intelligence :

1. Who did you saw in this video? 4. Children will give respond and try to Verbal- linguistic.

2. Where we can find the doctor? answer the questions.

3. Where we can find the pilot? 5. Teacher related the video to the topic of
today which is “Occupations”
Step 1 Introduce about Occupations 1. Teacher introduce the words “farmer”, Teaching Aids : Slide
( 6 minit ) “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, Power Point words and
“doctor” by using the Slide Power Point pictures of “farmer”,
and show the video about “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”,
“fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “policeman”, “nurse”,
“doctor” to children. “doctor”, word cards with
2. Teacher shows the word cards “farmer”, pictures “farmer”,
“fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “fireman”, “pilot”,
“doctor” and stick to the whiteboard. “policeman”, “nurse”,
3. Teacher guides children to pronounce “doctor”, video about
those words. “farmer”, “fireman”,
4. Children pronounce those words.

5. Teacher asks some questions about the “pilot”, “policeman”,

pictures of “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “nurse”, “doctor”.
“policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”.
6. Children answer teacher questions. Thinking Skills :
7. Teacher explains the features of Generating idea.
“farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”,
Slide Power Point words and pictures of
“nurse”, “doctor”. Multiple Intelligence :
“farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”,

Word cards with pictures (“farmer”, “fireman”,

“pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”)

Video about “farmer”, “fireman”, “pilot”,

“policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”.
Sample questions :
1. Do you have seen doctor before?
2. What does doctor wear? What colour is
3. Do you have seen pilot before?
Step 2 Activity “Help The Teacher! What’s Missing?” 1. Teacher will announce the game Teaching Aids : Word
( 8 minutes ) “Help The Teacher! What’s Missing”. cards with pictures
“farmer”, “fireman”,

2. Teacher place the word cards with “pilot”, “policeman”,

pictures on the board and ask “nurse”, “doctor”.
children to look at them carefully for
one minute. Thinking Skills :
3. Mime and say “Close your eyes”. Generating idea, linking.
4. Teacher will take a word cards with
pictures (farmer) away and say Added Value : Discipline
“Open your eyes!” and ask children
to guess what’s missing? Multiple Intelligence :
5. Children have to guess what is Verbal linguistic.
6. Teacher will keep asking until
chldren discover which flashcards
with pictures is missing.
7. Step 3 will be repeated by using the
flashcards with pictures (“farmer”,
Word cards with pictures “farmer”, “fireman”, “fireman”, “pilot”, “policeman”,
“pilot”, “policeman”, “nurse”, “doctor”. “nurse”, “doctor”.)
Step 3 Worksheet 1. Children complete the worksheet by Teaching Aids :
( 6 minutes ) look at the pictures. Find and circle the Worksheets.
words in the puzzle.
Closure Let’s Dance Together ! 1. Teacher plays the video “Fireman Teaching Aids : Video
( 5 minutes ) Big and Strong” “Fireman Big and

2. Teacher guides children to do Multiple Intelligence :

creative movements under the Musical, kinestetic.
guidance of teacher.
3. Teachers draw conclusions about
teaching today.

Reflection Of Trainee :

Kekuatan :



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