Questão 1. Unusual People Unusual Jobs: Professor: Nome: Nº: Série: Turma: Data: VALOR: 10,0 Nota

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1° ANO

QUESTÃO 1. a) Mrs. Brown is a nurse.

b) Stella is an electronic engineer.
Steve and Stella Baker live in California. d) Steve is a doctor.
They’ve got two small children, and they are e) Steve is a pilot.
an average American family, except for one
thing: she goes to work, he stays at home and 3 - Choose the alternatives which contain a
looks after the children. Our reporter spoke to correct answer for the question:
Steve and Stella at their home in San Diego: Where do they live?
“My wife has a very good job. She’s an a) Mrs. Brown lives in Japan.
electronics engineer, and she works for the b) Jim lives in England.
US Navy here. So she works, and I stay at c) Steve lives in Oxford.
home and look after the children.” d) Mrs. Brown’s son lives in Japan.
Jim Macartney is a helicopter pilot. He’s e) Stella lives in Africa.
British, but he lives and works in Africa. “I
work for the hospital here. I take a doctor and QUESTÃO 2
two nurses in my helicopter to the jungle.
There are no roads in the jungle, only rivers.
People go by helicopter or by boat, or they
Mrs. Betty Brown is sixty-two. She’s a
housewife, and a grandmother and a student!
Mrs. Brown lives in Oxford, England, and
goes to the University there. She studies
Japanese, and she is the first in her class. We
asked Mrs. Brown how she learns Japanese.
“My son lives in Japan, he teaches English in
Tokyo and sends me Japanese magazines A utilização do texto não-verbal para a
and newspapers, videos of Japanese TV compreensão desse aviso é
programmes and cassettes of Japanese
radio programmes.” A) desnecessária, pois torna a mensagem óbvia em
1 - According to the text, chose the correct demasia.
alternative: B) fundamental, pois complementa a mensagem.
C) indiferente, pois a linguagem verbal já torna clara
a) Stella and Steve have two big children. a mensagem.
b) Stella Baker is sixty-two. D) redundante, pois repete a mensagem do texto
c) Steve looks after his wife. verbal.
d) Mrs. Brown’s son teaches English.
e) Steve works in an office. QUESTÃO 3

2 - Choose the alternative that correctly Nelson Mandela death: World mourns South
describes the people’s occupations:
Africa's first black president Carol: Oh! What a big box! What is it?
By Arwa Damon and Faith Karimi, CNN-US Kevin: Try to guess
December 6, 2013 -- Updated 1619 GMT (0019 Carol: Is it a bag?
Everybody: No it isn’t.
HKT) Carol: Is it a pen?
Laura: Oh, come on. Of course not.
Carol: Is it a DVD?
Nelson Mandela, the prisoner-turned-president
Everybody: No!
Who reconciled South Africa after the end of
Carol: I’m a curious girl, tell me!
apartheid, died on Thursday, December 5, David: Open the box and see…
according to the country's president, Jacob Carol: Wow! An MP4 player. Thanks a lot.
Zuma. Mandela was 95.Tributes planned
A state funeral will be held December 15 in his Vocabulary: Try to guess – Tente
Ancestral hometown of Qunu in the Eastern adivinhar; Of course not – claro que não;
Cape province. curious - curiosa
"I woke up and was shocked when I saw it on
television," said Wilson Mudau, a cabdriver in QUESTÃO 5. Mark (T) for true sentences
Johannesburg. "It's sad, but what can we do? or (F) for false.
Let him rest in peace. It's time ... Madiba has
a) Today is Colin’s birthday. ( )
worked so hard to unite us."
( Acesso: 08/12/2013.) b) There is a present in a big box. ( )
Qual o local e a data de publicação desse texto? c) The present is a pen drive. ( )
A) África do Sul, 08/12/2013. d) Carol isn’t a curious girl. ( )
B) África do Sul, 15/12/2013. e) The present isn’t a DVD. ( )
C) Estados Unidos, 05/12/2013.
f) It is a surprise party. ( )
D) Estados Unidos, 06/12/2013. g) The present is an MP4 player. ( )

QUESTÃO 4. Complete the sentences in

the AFFIRMATIVE FORM of the verb am, QUESTÃO 6 Coloque as frases da
is, are: questão 4 nas formas negativas e
a) My book _____________blue.
a) Int.:
b) My teacher ____________from
b) Int.:
c) We ______________from New York.
d) I ________________ reading the
c) Int.:
Read the text and answer the questions:
d) Int.:
A Surprise Party

Everybody: Happy
Birthday Carol!
Good job!!
Carol: Thanks. What
Best wishes,
a surprise!
Colin: Here is our

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