Council Minutes October 30 2018

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Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario

Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

CALL TO ORDER – 6:12pm, Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The GSA recognizes and acknowledges that the lands on which we live, work, and study belong
to the Algonquin nation.

The Algonquin nation, whose territories comprise the entire Kichi Sibi (Ottawa River) watershed
and include the city of Ottawa, never ceded or surrendered its territories to Canada. The
Canadian state laid claim to these territories through violent systems of colonization that
resulted and continue to result in the dispossession, marginalization, and impoverishment of
Algonquin people and the overexploitation of land and waters within their territory.

The GSA commits to fully supporting Algonquin struggles and Algonquin assertions of self-
determination and nationhood. We are not innocent in the ongoing colonization of these lands
and we resolve to challenge the presence of colonialism in our words, actions, and communities.
We extend our ongoing solidarity to the Algonquin nation with our words, actions, time, skills,
and resources.

Hemant Grupta (Computer Science)
Jana Sarran (Civil Engineer)
Saan Sarran (Civil Engineer)
Bridgette Desjardins (Legal Studies)
Taryn Hepburn (Legal Studies)
Itai Gibli (NPSIA)
Jay Jennings (Institute of Cognitive Science)
Simon Vodrey (Communication)
Kendra Landry (English)
Leiqn Dunn (Psychology)
Gathy Agyemang (Institute of Cognitive Science)
Gyathia Amanynose (Economics)
Abigail Curlew (Sociology and Anthropology)
Alexa Dodge (Legal Studies)
James Patriquin (Political Science)
Tariqa Tander (Political Science)
Lauren Thompson (Pscyhology)
Annika Mazzarella (Art History)
Jennifer Liu (Journalism)
Saram Tari (Social Work)
Melissa Pullara (English)
Sang Hwan Lee (Mech & Aero)
Jesse Umattam (Political Economy)
Farima Afar (MPPA)
Fatimah El Feitori (NPSIA)
Michael Hoyik (MPPA)

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Hesam Farahani (ALDS)

Breudan Smith (Cognitive Science)
Dlivia Atsin (Women and Gender Studies)
Jay Ramasubramanyam (President)
Miranda Leibel (VP-Operations)
Ashley Courchene (VP-Finance)
Phil Robinson (Executive Coordinator)
Mohammad Akbar (Office Communications Coordinator)

a. Announcement of Proxies
 Hope Tohme appointed Melissa Pullara
 Carmen Warner appointed Simon Vodrey

Moved: Simon Vodrey
Seconded: Jay Ramasubramanyam


a. Minutes from September 27, 2018
Moved: Hemant Gupta
Seconded: Helyeh Doutaghi

a. Council Meeting Dates – Mark Your Calendars:
Wednesday, November 21, 6 PM
Monday, December 3, 6 PM
b. Corporate Meeting
c. Councilor Credits and Funding Opportunities for Grad Events


a. Opening comments from Carleton University President Bacon, followed by a question
and answer period.
 Abigail: would you be the first president to give the GSA the list of emails of
Graduate Students to help facilitate communication between graduate students?
Bacon: Jay has raised this topic earlier with me and we are still studying the

 Jay: Do you have a vision from you past experience about international student
Bacon: I have not been able to find a student strategy for international student yet.
It is a broad topic, including tuition, help, and space. But we will be working on

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

how to attract and maintain students. We are building our strength, but we need to
strategize better.

 Simon Vodrey: How long do you think a PhD student should take to finish their
program? Movement enforcing time to start and finish in five years.
Bacon: The question is if the student can or cannot finish; it is a shared
responsibility between the student, the professor, and the department.

b. Presentation on the review of the Sexual Violence Policy with Bailey Reid, Equity
Advisor and Coordinator of Sexual Assault Services.

a. President (Jay Ramasubramanyam)

International Graduate Student Working Group

The International Graduate Student Working Group met on the 2nd of October to discuss more
issues surrounding international grad students. We spoke a little bit about the implementation of
the International Doctoral Excellence Program and the International Doctoral Tuition Bursary.
There are some questions being raised by some faculty members around academic integrity, but
there are issues around how this is being framed. Please ask me any questions if you may have

Search Committees

Several search committees have been launched. As much as executives are being requested to sit
on these committees it would be good to have the membership represent the GSA. We have the
Provost Search Committee and the Dean of FGPA Search Committee looking for reps.

Senate Committees

Last council meeting you may remember a hand out which had the list of Senate Committees.
We would really like some of you to volunteer for these committees please. These are important
opportunities and would be awesome if we can have some of you represent. If you would like to
get involved please let me know ([email protected]).

Collaboration with Equity Services

On the 15th of October we had Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard come to Carleton to speak on the
topic “Barriers and Brilliance: Being Black in the Academy”. It was a very well attended event
and the GSA was given an opportunity to collaborate with Equity Services on this.

b. VP Finance (Ashley Courchene)

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Graduate Students’ Association Audit

The GSA audit has released and I will be making a presentation on it later in this meeting. Long
story, short: After providing full disclosure to the auditing company, they report that our finances
are clean. They also reported a surplus of $59,000, retained for future use. Again, I’ll explain the
audit in detail later.

Mike’s Place Revitalization

Due to the CFS referendum and other priority items on our mandate, this objective has taken a
back seat. However, now that things have settled down, we as a team are going to refocus our
energies on ensuring that Mike’s Place gets the attention it deserves. Starting next week, staff
and executives, alongside George, our Mike’s Place Manager, are going to sit down and devise a
timeline as to when we are going to complete our goals, which include:
 Food costing and portion control
 Front of house decorating (TV and art)
 Monthly events


I announced this campaign last month but ReconciliAction was officially launched on Oct 15
with a good turnout of people who came to the event. The purpose of ReconciliACTION is to
strengthen Indigenous language education on our campuses across Ontario. The working group
was established by the GSA, the CUSA Mawandoseg Centre, and members of the First Peoples’
Council. At the launch we released our position paper and are looking for coalition partners to
get our objectives met. If you would like to join this Working Group (you don’t need to be
native, but want to show your support), please let me know after tonight’s meeting and I will let
you know about our next steps.

Canadian Federation of Students

I just returned from the Ontario Executive Committee (OEC) as the Circle for First Nations,
Inuit, and Metis students representative. For anyone who doesn’t know what that means, it’s
okay… neither did I until I got to the meeting. The OEC is basically the board member meeting
for the CFS organization. Just like the GSA holds its board of director meetings under the
Ontario Not-For-Profit Act, so too does the CFS. The OEC is the Federation’s board of directors
 So there were a few issues raised at the OEC, which included:
 Rising tuition fees;
 Doug Ford’s “Free Speech” Policy;
 Municipal Election;
 The Local 1 (CUSA) referendum, and;
 The organization’s budget (which looks like is in good form)

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Free Speech Policy

We are extremely concerned with the way that Carleton phrased its draft Free Speech Policy. We
released our statement about Doug Ford’s mandate in September but more action is needed. This
is why we are going to strike a subcommittee on the matter in the next Political Action
Committee (PAC) meeting, taking place this Thursday at 5:30PM at the GSA boardroom (6th
floor UC).

We encourage you all to come to this meeting as the free speech policy has some very serious
implications for student unions, not only here on campus but across the province. As we are
seeing from Doug Ford’s policies, the livelihoods of students are being threatened and so we
need to strategize as a unit. Please make some time to come to the next PAC meeting.

c. VP Operations (Miranda Leibel)

Consent Culture Committee Updates

The Consent Culture Committee has been meeting regularly the Fall semester to represent
graduate student interests throughout the ongoing Sexual Violence Policy Review. As a result of
our collaborations, we have decided on two actions related to the review process:

1) Graduate student letter in response to the policy, including specific policy demands, and;
2) The creation of a Carleton Community Informal Database, which will be a space for
different groups on campus to demonstrate the number of disclosures they receive.

The creation of a community database is a direct response to the SVP promise that Carleton will
maintain publicly accessible statistics regarding reports and disclosures of sexual violence. In the
process of our discussions, we realized that Carleton in fact only monitors formal reports through
the policy—which means that Carleton claims only 3 incidents of sexual violence happened in
the last academic year.

We will be meeting with campus partners next week (November 8th), including unions, CUSA
representatives and service centres, and OPIRG to discuss the creation of this community
database, which will be completely anonymous and confidential.

Our next Consent Culture Committee meeting is happening November 5th from 4-6pm in the
GSA Boardroom.

Sexual Assault Awareness Week

Carleton’s Sexual Assault Awareness Week will take place in mid-January 2019. We are
currently planning our involvement in a number of activities for this week. A coalition of campus
and community partners (including Equity Services and CUSA Womxn’s Centre, as well as the
Ottawa Coalition to End Violence Against Women and the Feminist Twins) are working to bring

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement as a keynote guest for the Survivors Speak

We are currently seeking additional partners to help cover the cost of the event. If you know of
anyone who would be interested in getting involved, please contact me at [email protected]

Herongate Tenant Coalition

In our 2017-18 Council year, Councillors voted in favour of supporting the grassroots organizing
action of the Herongate Tenant Coalition to resist the mass evictions happening to tenants in the
Herongate community. It is with great sadness that I share that the eviction deadline has now
passed and tenants have been forcibly relocated out of their homes, following a prolonged period
of abuse at the hands of TimberCreek.

However, the organizing efforts of the Tenant Coalition have not stopped, and the GSA
continues to support this work. Currently, the Tenant Coalition is seeking student volunteers who
might be able to help them translate the community newsletter into Arabic or Somali. As many
of the residents in the neighbourhood are newcomers, this will support the grassroots movement
to better represent the needs of the community. If you, or someone you know, is able to support
these efforts, please contact me at [email protected]

Student Mental Health Advisory Committee

The Student Mental Health Advisory Committee met for the first time in 2018-19 on October
26th to discuss Carleton’s progress towards fulfilling the mandate of the Mental Health
Framework 2.0.

The committee highlighted the success of piloting two new peer support programs, one of which
will be run exclusively for graduate students out of the GSA office. They also noted that three
new counselor positions have been hired, and emphasized that one of the position will be
working part-time with graduate students, specifically out of the GSA or the FGPA. We are
finalizing the details with Health and Counselling now.

We are also working with Health and Counselling to running a Supporting Students in Distress
and Mental Health workshop/teach-in for graduate student Teaching Assistants and Contract
Instructors. We have been told that this session would count as paid pedagogical training.

The Student Mental Health Advisory Committee has proposed that an Implementation
Committee be established to monitor the progress of various aspects of the framework. More
details to come.

We can also expect a consultation and review of the framework sometime in 2019.

Graduate Peer Support Program

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I have been working closely with the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs and
the Office of the Vice President Students and Enrollment to ensure that the commitment for the
peer support program will be honoured.

We have conducted interviews and are reaching out to the successful candidate to sign the
contract, with the intention of having the facilitator start by November 1st. The facilitator will use
the Fall semester to conduct group focused workshops on mental health, as well as the process of
recruiting and training volunteers.

If you are interested in participating as a graduate student peer support volunteer, please contact
me at [email protected]. Please also spread the word with your colleagues and peers.

Graduate Student Mental Health Working Group

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs has announced that the first meeting of
the Graduate Student Mental Health Working Group will happen on November 14th. I will have
more to report on that at the November council meeting.

Upstander: Bystander Intervention Training

The GSA is hosting a Bystander Intervention Training/Train the Trainer session on November
12th from 10am-3pm. Danielle Carr, a PhD student from Western University will be facilitating
this workshop. The session aims to provide participants with not only the skills to become active
bystanders, but also to facilitate bystander intervention trainings on their own. It is therefore
intended to be a sustainable model of bystander intervention training that we will be able to
participate in for years to come.

The Upstander program is a provincially funded bystander intervention training platform being
piloted for free across campuses in Ontario. We are excited to be a part of this program and look
forward to reporting more after the session. Due to the incredibly popular nature of the event, we
will consider hosting future sessions. We are pleased with the amount of interest we have
received, and the event is currently at capacity.

New Sexual Assault Outreach Coordinator Hired

We have hired our second Sexual Assault Outreach Coordinator for the 2018-19 year. We are
pleased to announce that Jessica Wilson, an MA student in Law and Legal Studies has joined our
Outreach team. We look forward to the work that Bridgette and Jess will be able to accomplish
this year, and we would like to thank them both for all the work they have already done as
members of the Consent Culture Committee.

Equity Peer Support Updates

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

In May, the GSA reached an agreement with Equity Services to pilot drop-in peer support hours
for graduate students in the GSA boardroom. Now that Equity Services has finished training
their peer supporters for the year, we are pleased to announce that drop-in hours will begin this

Equity’s peer support service aims to provide anonymous, confidential, and non-judgmental
service for survivors of sexual violence and their supporters. The intention of grad student
specific drop-in hours is to alleviate some of the barriers that exist in seeking support following
sexual violence. The peer supporter is a graduate student themselves, and will offer hours in the
GSA space. This drop-in program will begin this Thursday, November 1st, from 2:3-4:30pm, and
will be recurring each Thursday afternoon throughout the Fall semester. Winter semester hours

Department Societies

We encourage graduate students in all departments to register their graduate student

departmental society with the GSA. Many of our councillors this year were self-nominated,
rather than elected through department societies. Having a departmental society offers graduate
students in their departments opportunities for formal and informal community building, events,
and other forms of support.

When a departmental society is registered with the GSA, we are also able to provide a range of
supports, including event planning and room booking support, funding, and social media
visibility. If you are interested in having a department society registered with the GSA, please
contact me at [email protected]

15&Fairness Campaign: Precarity is Scary

Most of you likely received an email from me yesterday regarding our work with the
15&Fairness campaign happening at Carleton tomorrow. This campaign is a response to the Ford
government’s announcement that minimum wage will be frozen at $14, and that other labour
rights will be impacted.

We are asking any councillors who are willing to support this campaign to please pick up some
of the petition sheets that we have available tonight, and to bring them back to your department
and encourage your colleagues and peers to sign. Those who are interested in taking on a more
active role are also encouraged to meet at the OPIRG office (3rd floor UC) tomorrow morning at
11am. The organizers have planned a Halloween theme with media stunts to highlight that
“Precarity is Scary.”

Inside Out Film Festival

The GSA has purchased 30 tickets to the Inside Out Film Festival for our members. The Inside
Out Film Festival is Ottawa’s queer film festival, and will begin on November 9th. We will be

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

attending three screenings: Splinters (November 9, 7:15pm); The Fruit Machine (November 10,
12:00pm), and Rafiki (November 10, 7:15pm).

If you would like to reserve a ticket, please email [email protected] and let me know which
screening you would like to attend.

This is part of an ongoing effort at the GSA to increase the space available for our queer
members to come together and build community. We hope to be able to continue offering this
kind of programming.

Indigenous and Diasporic Friendship Festival

The GSA was happy to work in collaboration with the Indigenous and Diasporic Friendship
Festival this year to host a panel event on Indigenous and Refugee Solidarity. The event was
attended by graduate and undergraduate students, as well as community members.

We continue to value collaborative initiatives with community organizers, and are happy to offer
our space and resources for these kinds of events.

d. VP Academic (Vacant)

 Nothing to report

e. VP External (Helia Doutaghi)

Hoda Katebi Event

The second event of our social justice speaking series with Hoda Katebi was a great success.
Over 100 tickets were sold and the room was packed. We will be continuing with this series and
invite more activists and speakers throughout the year.

Political Action Committee

The Political Action Committee (PAC) is happening on November 1st. If you are interested in
getting politically involved at the GSA about issues that our students face , please consider

Freedom of Speech Policy

We have met with the President and discussed several issues and raised our concerns about the
Freedom of Speech Policy as well as our membership list. Please take the time to read the
Senate’s draft on this policy and voice your opinion, and ask your colleagues to do the same. It is
really important that the working group and the university is aware of the Student’s concerns
around this issue. On the membership list, we have provided the president with a briefing to

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

update him on the history of the ongoing issue between the GSA and the university admin and
are awaiting a response.

Anti-War Campaign

We are working closely with OPIRG and other community members to conclude the phase one
of our initial research. We will be discussing this and our next steps at PAC this week.

Canadian Federation of Students National General Meeting

The Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) National General Meeting is happening later in
November. The GSA will be following up on our previous motions and we are on the final steps
of submitting our new motions. If there is any motion/issues you would like us to highlight in the
meeting please feel free to contact me at [email protected] - otherwise I will have more
updates next month.

Canadian Federation of Students Carleton Referendum

We welcome the undergraduate student's decision to remain united as part of the student
movement to collectively fight alongside half a million students across the country for their
rights. We are looking forward to working with CUSA on building a better and safer campus for
all of our members.

f. Questions

 Nothing to report

a. Senate & Senate Committees

 Alexa: Free policy – the first draft came from the Senate. A working group,
including faculties, created the original draft to protect human freedom. However,
policies created are not as powerful as agreements, which means policies cannot
overrule agreements.

b. Graduate Residence Caucus (GRC)

 Nothing to report

c. Graduate Faculty Board (GFB)

 Nothing to report

d. Canadian Union of Public Employees 4600 (CUPE 4600)

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

 Nothing to report

e. Board of Governors (BOG)

 There has been one board meeting from last time. One thing they are trying to
push is no gender washroom on campus.

f. Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA)

 Nothing to report

g. Questions


 Environmental Engineer: About academic writing, the GCEE has run a workshop
for international and domestic students. The presentation gave the students ideas
about writing, thinking, and plagiarism, as well as provided guiding books. The
event was highly favored by the professors.

a) Election for the Position of Vice-President Academic
i. Presentation by Nominated Candidates
ii. Questions
iii. Voting

b) Motion 30.10.2018 - 01: Motion to Ratify In-Council Election for VP-Academic

under Section 9.2 of the Constitution
Moved: Miranda Leibel (VP Operations)
Seconded: Ashley Courchene (VP Finance)

Whereas Trycia Bazinet has formally resigned from the position of Vice-President Academic of
the GSA effective October 19th, 2018, and;

Whereas Article 9.2 of the GSA Constitution states:

9.2 If an Executive member is unable to complete their term of office, or should no

candidate come forward to run for an Executive position, or should members vote against
electing an unopposed candidate, Council may, at its discretion, appoint a replacement
officer for the duration of the term of office, or hold a by-election. Council may choose to
appoint an interim officer to hold the position until a permanent replacement is made.

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Whereas GSA Council voted on September 27, 2018, to hold an in-Council election at its
October 2018 meeting, with nominations due by October 17, 2018, therefore;

Be It Resolved that GSA Council ratify the election of Farima Afaq to the position of Vice-
President Academic effective immediately for a term ending April 30, 2019.

c) Nomination and Selection of one (1) GSA Member to the Carleton University
Graduate Faculty Board

d) Motion 30.10.2018 - 02: Motion to Elect one (1) GSA Member to the Carleton
University Graduate Faculty Board
Moved: Jay Ramasubramanyam (President)
Seconded: Miranda

Whereas one student representative has had to resign, and the vacant seat for a GSA member on
the Carleton University Graduate Faculty Board needs to be filled, and;

Whereas GSA Council has had the opportunity to nominate and vote for a replacement,

BIRT GSA Council ratify the election of Jay from Institute of Cognitive Science as a
representative to the Carleton University Graduate Faculty Board.

e) Motion Referred From 27.09.2018-05: Motion to Accept a Collective Response to

Ontario’s Announcement of a Campus Free Speech Policy
Moved: Jay Ramasubramanyam (President)
Seconded: Ashley Courchene

Whereas GSA Council voted on September 27, 2018, to postpone voting on a motion regarding
Ontario’s Campus Free Speech Policy until the language could be clarified, and;

Whereas the language has been redrafted, and addresses developments since the September 27
meeting, and;

Whereas on August 30th, the Ontario Government released a statement calling on all publicly
assisted Colleges and Universities to develop a policy on Freedom of Speech by January 1st,
2019, and;

Whereas the Province has indicated that operating grant funding will be affected depending on
the severity of non-compliance, and suggests Universities and Colleges to police the speech of
Students’ Unions, and;

Carleton University Graduate Students’ Association, Ottawa, Ontario
Robertson Hall, Senate Chamber - 6:00 pm – Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Whereas the creation of such a policy has many dangerous implications on freedom of speech,
open discussion, free inquiry and academic freedom, and;

Whereas this policy couches itself with language that presents itself as a policy that promotes
free speech and expression, but in reality, represents a limitation on free speech;

Whereas on October 19th, Carleton University’s Senate released a draft Freedom of Speech
policy, and;

Whereas Carleton’s proposed free speech policy has raised concerns around student
organizations being recognized by the University, and;

Whereas the creation of such a policy has implications on the autonomy of student organizations
like the GSA, therefore;

Be it resolved that the GSA Council support efforts to protect student union autonomy, as well as
teaching and research academic freedoms.

Be it resolved that the GSA elicit input from Council and membership on Carleton's draft free
speech policy.

Be it further resolved that such steps be taken to ensure the best interests of marginalized
members are taken into consideration.

Be it further resolved that the GSA strongly encourage members to vocalize any and all
opposition at attempts by the provincial government to police the lawful speech of students, staff
and faculty.



 Nothing to report

11. ADJOURNMENT to GSA Carleton Inc. Meeting

Moved by: Ashley
Seconded by: Simon

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.


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