ENGR 210 Lab 12 Frequency Response of Active RC Filters: A. Background 1. Band Pass Filter With An Op Amp Buffer
ENGR 210 Lab 12 Frequency Response of Active RC Filters: A. Background 1. Band Pass Filter With An Op Amp Buffer
ENGR 210 Lab 12 Frequency Response of Active RC Filters: A. Background 1. Band Pass Filter With An Op Amp Buffer
1. Band Pass Filter with an Op Amp Buffer
You should have built and measured the performance of a band pass filter that consisted of
a high pass filter in series with a low pass filter, as shown in Figure 1, in the previous lab.
The frequency response for this filter is significantly different from a simple sum of the
separate filter responses since the second circuit loads the first. One of the great
applications of the operational amplifier is to use an op amp buffer amplifier to isolate two
circuits so that the second is not loaded by the first. In this lab you will examine a bandpass
filter where the two filter sections are isolated by inserting an op amp buffer, as shown in
Figure 2.
2. Active Filters
An active filter is a circuit that includes an op amp as well as having the characteristics of a
filter. Recall the circuits for passive high pass and low pass filters. Their circuit diagrams
are shown in Figure 3. Note that in each case a load resistor, RL , has been added to the
circuit to make it describe a more realistic situation (there will always be a load on the output
of a filter circuit). The frequency characteristics of the filter are dependent upon the load
resistor, which is hardly a desirable feature. In this lab you will study a variation of the low
pass filter, namely, an active low pass filter as shown in Figure 4. Active filters include an op
amp as an integral part of the circuit. The effect of the op amp is two-fold. First, it serves as
the source of current for the load that follows the filter, thus eliminating the effect of the
load resistance on the characteristics of the filter and, second, it permits adding positive gain
to the filter.
Figure 2. Buffered Band pass filter
Note that in the circuit of Figure 4 there is a capacitor in the feedback loop. This circuit will
behave similar to the low pass filter of Figure 3, but with a different cutoff frequency. (Note
that the component values in the circuit of Figure 4 are not the same as those in Figure 3.)
This is primarily because of non-ideal characteristics of the 741 op amp.
The filter circuits of Figure 3 and Figure 4 are called first order filters and they have similar
abilities to reject frequencies past the cutoff frequency, i.e., their frequency response rolls
off at the same rate. There will be occasions when you would like to have better frequency
rejection than is provided by a first order filter. (Perhaps the signal that you are interested in
is corrupted by lots of noise.) A filter such as that shown in Figure 5 can provide this
increased attenuation of the high frequencies. Note that this filter includes a capacitor in the
input network as well as in the feedback network. Such a filter is called a second order
Figure 4. First Order Active low pass filter.
The hum in Figure (a) has been removed by a “notch” filter. A notch filter is a circuit
having a very high attenuation for a selected frequency and very little attenuation for other
frequencies. A notch filter is the inverse of a bandpass filter. There are many types of
notch filters and they are typically named after their inventor. One such filter, called a Wein
bridge circuit, is shown in Error! Reference source not found.. You will study the Wien
Bridge circuit in this lab. You may wish to determine the transfer characteristic of this circuit
to test your understanding of phasor analysis, although this is not required.
Transfer functions are typically very tedious to derive so they are provided here for you.
However, you will be required to determine the frequency dependent behavior of their
magnitude and phase.
The transfer function, H(jω), for the active low-pass filter circuit in Figure 4 can be
mathematically shown to be
Vout R 1− jω R2 C
=− 2• (1)
Vin R1 1 + (ωR2 C)2
where R1 is the sum of the input resistances and R2 is in parallel with the capacitor C
across the op-amp. The resultant expressions for the magnitude and angle of H(jω) are
given in Data Table 1.
NOTE: The inverting input of the op-amp introduces a 180˚ phase shift at the output in
addition to the phase shift due to the filter.
The transfer function, H(jω), for the buffered band pass filter shown in Figure 2 can be
mathematically shown to be
Vout ω R1C1 ( R1 C1 + R2 C2 ) + jω R1C1 (1 − ω R1C1 R2 C2 )
2 2
= (2)
(1 − ω 2 R1C1R2C2 ) + ω 2( R1C1 + R2C2 )2
where R1 and C1 are the input components; R2 and C2 are the output components. The
phase angle goes from +90 degrees for very low frequencies to -90 degrees at very high
frequencies. The peak output occurs at about 4650 Hz. The expressions for the magnitude
and angle of H(jω) are given in Data Table 1.
The phase of the output wave relative to the input wave can be determined using a procedure
similar to that used for measuring the period of a wave. Figure 6 shows two waveforms
which represent the input to and output from a circuit displayed on an oscilloscope. Note
first that the two signals have the same period and, therefore, the same frequency; however,
they are shifted in time relative to each other. You will measure this time shift between the
two signals, and then calculate the corresponding phase shift.
As shown in Figure 6, set the t1 time cursor at a location where the input signal crosses the
time axis with a positive slope. Then set the t2 time cursor to the first following point at
which the output signal crosses the time axis with a positive slope. Since, in one period the
phase of a periodic wave changes by 2π radians or 360˚, the phase shift, ∆φ, is given by
t1 − t2
∆ φ (radians) = × 2π (3)
t1 − t2
∆ φ (degrees) = × 360°. (4)
In this lab you will always measure t2 for the output waveform, and t1 for the
input waveform. The resulting phase shift is often called the delay of a filter.
Figure 6. Measurement of phase shift.
VERY IMPORTANT: Be careful of the sign of the time delay in calculating delay. Note
that the scope will calculate t2-t1, which is the opposite sign of the expression in equations
(3) and (4). Also, many times you will get angles between -270˚ and -360˚ when the actual
angle should be their complement, i.e., -270˚+360˚=+90˚ and -360˚+360˚=0˚ respectively.
When in doubt as to whether you need to take a complement look at the results you derived
for these filters.
Note: This lab will require the special “noise” functions of the function generators
(USHUM) as used in lab 8. Some units do not have this feature, so be sure to check the
function generator before getting too comfortable.
1 8
V- - 7 +Vcc
V+ Vo
3 6
-Vcc 4 5
2. Set up CH1 of the oscilloscope for AC coupling and an x10 probe. Set the probe itself
to x10 if it has a switch. Connect the CH1 probe to the output of your circuit. Connect
the output of the Function Generator to CH2 using a BNC Tee and a BNC cable. Set
the Waveform Generator output impedance to HIGH Z.
3. Connect the Function Generator to the input of your circuit using the BNC to clip
adapter in your cable kit. Set the generator output to produce a 100 Hz, sinusoidal, 5
4. Measure and record Vi n , P P, Vo u t , P P, the period of the input signal that you are using, and
the time shift between the output and input at the frequencies listed in Data Table 2.
Record your measured data for all listed frequencies there.
(a) Signal with 250 mV hum (b) Signal with hum removed
Figure 9. Example of effect of 60 Hz hum on 500 mV, 5 Hz signal.
Part 3: 60 Hz Notch Filter
1. Build the circuit shown in 8.
2. Connect the oscilloscope and Function Generator as before. Set the Function Generator
to produce a 10 Hz, 5 VP P output. Note that the oscilloscope’s autoscale feature may
not work for low frequencies such as this.
3. Slowly scan the output frequency of the function generator while monitoring the output
of the circuit on the oscilloscope (CH2). Determine the notch frequency of your filter.
(60 Hz is the nominal frequency, but it is unlikely that your circuit will have its
minimum output at exactly 60 Hz. Various versions that we have built operated with
notch frequencies from 49 Hz to 78 Hz!)
4. Measure Vi n , P P and Vo u t , P P at the frequencies listed in Data Table 5. You should modify
the listed frequencies in the 40 Hz to 150 Hz range to get a good plot of the notch that
your filter provides. Record your measurements in Data Table 5. You should
determine appropriate frequencies to test in the mid-range depending on the notch
frequency of your filter. The higher resolution of data points near the notch will give a
better insight into the performance of the notch filter.
5. After determining the actual notch frequency of your circuit you will test its ability to
remove "hum" from a circuit. The H-P Function Generators have been pre-
programmed with some signals similar to those shown in figure 9. Determine the output
of your notch filter for each of the following waveforms (see Table 1) from the
arbitrary waveform menu of the Function Generator. Detailed instructions on how to
select one of these waveforms on the function generator are given below. Print the
oscilloscope display which shows the input and output of your filter circuit for
the ONE hum that the filter works best on.
These have been chosen to be typical of the "hum" you might find at various locations around the
world. Determine for which waveform your filter best removes the "hum." For only this waveform
which best removes the "hum", print the oscilloscope display which shows the input and output of
your filter circuit.
1. Press the SHIFT button on the H-P 33120A Function Generator.
2. Press the ARB LIST button.
3. Use the RIGHT or LEFT arrow keys to find
4. Press ENTER to select one of the above arbitrary waveforms.
5. Set frequency to 5Hz
6. Set output level to 750 mV.
(a) Signal with 250 mV hum (b) Signal with hum removed
Figure 9. Example of effect of 60 Hz hum on 500 mV, 5 Hz signal. (USHUM)
NOTE: We decided to give you this Data Table since they were tedious to derive.
Data Table 4. Second Order Active Low Pass Filter Characteristics
Frequency Vin Vout 20log |H(jω)| Period
t1-t2 ∆φ (deg)
1.0 kHz
Data Table 5. Notch Filter Characteristics
Frequency Vin Vout 20log1 0|H(jω)|
10 Hz
1. For the buffered bandpass filter (data in Data Table 2), plot both 20log1 0|H(jω)|
(magnitude response) and ∆φ(jω) (phase) as functions of log1 0ω on the two graphs
below. You can use the graphs below for this. IT IS RECCOMENDED THAT YOU
MAKE THESE PLOTS ON A COMPUTER. Be sure to use the dB scale, and
the units on the axes match up to the graphs provided for hand-plotting.
Determine the cutoff* frequencies from your plot and compare them with calculated
values from equation (2).
Discuss the differences between your calculated and measured cutoff frequencies.
NOTE: Remember from class that this is the frequency at which the magnitude of the frequency response
drops to 0.707 of its maximum value. A low-pass or high pass filter has one cutoff frequency. A notch or
bandpass filter has two cutoff frequencies. Break frequency is another term for cutoff frequency.
Phase (From data table 2)
2. Plot your data for log1 0|H(jω)| (magnitude response) and ∆φ (jω) (Phase) for the first
and second order active low pass filters as functions of log1 0ω. Use the graphs provided
THESE PLOTS. Be sure to use the dB scale, and the units on the axes match up
to the graphs provided for hand-plotting. Be sure to denote which line
corresponds to which filter. Draw best fit asymptotic (straight line) approximations for
each of the two gain curves. This simply means that you should use a straight edge and
draw a good fit to the passband and stop band parts of your frequency response curve.
From your plots determine the cutoff frequencies and the slopes (this is also called the
roll-off) for the two curves. Note that we are not interested in any slight slope in the
passband; we are only interested in the slope in the stop band.
Magnitude Response (First AND Second order active low pass filter)
Phase (First AND Second order active low pass filter)
3. Plot 20log1 0|H(jω)| as a function of log1 0ω for the notch filter. Use the graph provided
below for this.
What are the notch frequency and the maximum attenuation that you obtained with your
circuit? The maximum attenuation would be the ratio of the output to input voltage
computed at the notch frequency. Note that this should be computed in decibels.
dB -20
101 102
4. Recall the statement in part B that the inverting input of the op-amp introduces a 180˚
phase shift at the output in addition to the phase shift due to the filter. Explain what this
statement means. (HINT: Compare the phase of your circuit to that of a passive low
pass filter.) Does this change how you calculate the ∆φ (deg) column in
Data Table 3 and Data Table 4.