m3 d2 - Evaluation Document
m3 d2 - Evaluation Document
m3 d2 - Evaluation Document
Compared to the professional banner and media account I think mine looks
more professional as I have used better graphics and more colourful images
this makes my poster stand out and look eye catching which I feel will appeal
to a big audience. I also used bold fonts so that when further away the
audience would be able to read the poster from a distance, this was effective
as it was still getting across to people even when not face to face with the
poster. When creating my banner I also used the same characters and
background on the banner. This was an easy part of the creating of the banner
as I only had to use the re-size tool to make them fit in nicely with the banner
size and just add some more information.
When creating my social media campaign I had to use the software Photoshop
as it had a variety of tools. An example of one of the tools that I used is the
magic eraser. I used this to edit and cut off any white backgrounds from the
image that I had selected. Another tool that I had used was text, I used this so I
could add in catchy slogans and titles. I stuck with the main colours of greens
and browns representing life and death as it was contrasting and gave a more
effective look.
The general codes and conventions of my media platform is it will reach a
wider audience as a lot of people use social media especially the target
audience I am aiming at which is 15+, using social media would be easier to get
a message across than print based advertising. This is an advantage as social
media is worldwide meaning it would spread quickly to anywhere in the world.
This could gain me many viewers.
One of the social Medias I am using will be is face book. For me to make my
media posts look professional and to see if they would be effective in that
media choice, I had to search other professional media accounts to get ideas. I
searched for a face book page to find a template that I so I could screen shot
my pictures and edit them onto it. I did this using Photoshop as a way to see
what the finished product will be like.
Sourcing assets
Asset Primary/ Source Copyright
secondary obtained
Cartoon Secondary jpeg www.cartooncharacters.com Permission
characters granted
Picture of secondary jpeg www.cigarette.com Permission
cigarette granted
Picture of Primary Jpeg Photoshop Permission
life and and granted
death sign text
Draft discussion
I used wire frames for a most of my drafts and my print based designs. I
sketched it up therefore I could play around with the layout of the product,
this was helpful as I could then have a clear idea where I wanted everything to
be set out. However I market it up and realised that not everything had fit to
scale so I went back and changed the text and images slightly. When in
Photoshop to create my final product in the size of an international paper so
that when it came to resizing my poster and printing it out it would still contain
a higher quality format.
Quality of product