Cómo Cambiar El Diseño

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Workshop 3

Recommendation How to apply it in a process Example


It is better to prevent waste than to treat Avoid routes or process that generate An alternative route to make propylene
or clean up waste after it is formed streams of waste or pollution. oxide based on hydrogen peroxide
eliminated most of the waste and greatly
reduced water and energy use compared to
the conventional process.

Chemical processes should be designed to Selecting a route or process that generate the manufacture of phenol by the old
maximize the incorporation into the final chemical products with high value in process (assuming sodium sulfite is waste)
product of all the materials used in the addition to the principal product had an advantage of 37%, changing the
process chemical route we can reach a 100%, being
produced by benzene and propene,
producing phenol and propanone, being the
propanone a chemical product of high

Energy and mass integration should be Taking into account process integration in In a Bioethanol separation process, process
incorporated separations processes. integration helps to reduce the overall
Implementation of recycle strategy. energy required in the reboilers based on
energy integration and additionally to
diminish the amount of required solvent
based on mass integration.
Chemical processes should generate Searching new routes of process, that don’t The polycarbonate is manufactured by a
substances little toxic or no toxic for need to use toxic substances. condensation reaction between bisphenol A
human health and the environment and either carbonyl chloride or diphenyl
carbonate.The process for the production of
polycarbonate that uses diphenyl carbonate
is less hazardous than that using carbonyl

Recommendation How to apply it in a process Example


The use of auxiliary substances (solvents, find a different kind of process where do Get biodiesel without washing agents, get
separation agents, etc.) should be made not need that solvent or separation agent, biodiesel with supercritical conditions instead.
unnecessary whenever possible, and innocuous maybe other operating conditions or
when used change unit operating.

Product, processes and systems should be Implement moleculas , processes, Plastic lumber from used polymer packaging
designed to maximize mass, energy, space and products and systems afterlife as a raw material.
time efficiency material of other product to reduce the
waste and reused.
Chemical process closer to ambient temperature prefer the process at atmospheric pressure the production of ammonia generates both
and atmospheric pressure should be preferred using catalysts or fermentation processes, waste heat and carbon dioxide, both derived
and having polygeneration processes from fossil fuel. One UK manufacturer pipes
these to large commercial tomato greenhouses,
greatly extending the season during which the
plants may be grown economically.

Recommendation How to apply it in a process Example


A raw material feedstock should be To select chemical routes where To produce surfactants from vegetable
renewable rather than depleting whenever renewable resources are the raw oils: ethoxylated fatty alcohols or
technically and economically practical materials sulphonated fatty acid methyl esters rather
than LABS

Chemical products should be designed so that at To design a product with a life cycle fast To produce Biofuels. The raw material of
the end of their function they do not persist in and moldable for the company. We need biofuels are sustainable carbon source like
the environment and break down into innocuous determinate the life cycle of the product farming or waste that they are obtained by the
degradation products needing for a sustainable process, where transformation of gases products of the use the
final product is the raw material of our bio fuels.
Substances used in a chemical process should be to select the substances less dangerous for change Plasticizer toxic like DEHP for another
chosen so as to minimize the potential for the physical and health also for no toxic like bio plasticizer.
physical, health and environmental hazards environment through matriz of selection
and a good judgment. complying with the
economic, technology, social, politics and
environmental standard.

Adapted from: Jimènez-Gonzales, Constable D, Green Chemistry and Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2011

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