02 CAS-4-Format
02 CAS-4-Format
02 CAS-4-Format
Statement of Cost of production of Draw die lower manufactured during the F.Y. ------------
Particulars Details
Name of the Product
Quantity Produced
CETA of the Product
Despatched for self consumption/ Stock Transfer
(Rs) (Rs)
1 Material Consumed:
2 Direct Wages & Salaries
3 Direct Expenses
4 Works Overhead
5 Quality Control Expenses
6 Research & Development
7 Administrative Overheads ( relating to Production)
8 Total ( 1 to 7)
9 Add: Opening WIP
10 Less: Closing WIP
11 Total ( 8+9+10)
12 Less : Credit for Recovery of Wastage / Scrap/ Misc.Income
13 Packing Cost
14 Cost of Production ( 11-12-13+14)
15 Add: Inputs received free of Cost
16 Add: Amortised cost of Moulds Tools , Dies & Patterns etc received free of Cost
17 Cost of Production of Goods Produced for Captive Consumption
( 15+16+17)
18 Add: Op.Stock of Finished goods
19 Less: Closing Stock of Fin. Goods
We , have verified above data on test check basis with reference to the books of account, cost accounting records &
other explanations given to us , and on the basis of generally accepted cost accounting principles and practices
followed by the industry , We certify that the above cost data reflect true and fair view of the cost of production.