Pediatrics Slo Clinical Instructors Precepting Handbook 1516
Pediatrics Slo Clinical Instructors Precepting Handbook 1516
Pediatrics Slo Clinical Instructors Precepting Handbook 1516
― Hippocrates
1. Table of Contents
2. Description
3. Requirements
4. Materials
5. Evaluation and Grading
6. History and Physical Template
7. Goals and Objectives
i. Medical Knowledge:
i. Week 1: Recommended Review Topic Objectives
ii. Week 2: Recommended Review Topic Objectives
iii. Week 3: Recommended Review Topic Objectives
iv. Week 4: Recommended Review Topic Objectives
ii. Patient Care:
iii. Interpersonal and Communication Skills:
iv. Practice-Based Learning and Improvement:
v. Systems-Based Practice:
vi. Professionalism
vii. Osteopathic Philosophy and Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
8. Required Reading
9. Supplemental Reading and Learning Resources
10. Pediatric Journals
11. Shelf and Board Exams
Pediatrics (Third Year): 1 block rotation (4 weeks): During your 4 week rotation Pediatrics rotation you are expected
to meet and exceed the following requirements and challenge yourself, to be proactive learners and ask questions.
The role of the pediatrician in prevention of disease and injury and the importance of collaboration between the
pediatrician and other health professionals is stressed. Pediatrics involves recognition of normal and abnormal
mental and physical development as well as the diagnosis and management of acute and chronic problems. As one
of the core clerkships during the third year of medical school, pediatrics shares with family medicine, internal medicine,
obstetrics/gynecology, psychiatry, and surgery the common responsibility to teach the knowledge, skills and attitudes basic to the
development of a competent general physician.
Most students will spend most of their time in the outpatient setting while others might take care of patients on the inpatient
setting as well. It is important to learn how to obtain a complete pediatric history and perform physical examinations on children of
various ages. Students should become proficient in assessing childhood development and in giving anticipatory guidance to children
and their families. There is a lot of material that you are expected to know and 4 weeks might not seem enough, but if you study
correctly you will be just fine. Also remember that there is more than studying for “BOARDS.” Just because the topics covered either
in the readings or online questions are not “BOARD” relevant does not mean you should not know it or be expected to know it. The
boards likely will not expect you to memorize the immunization schedule but you are expected to know it. This curriculum should be
used as a supplemental resource while on your clinical clerkships. It should not be used as the only educational resource for your
boards and shelf exams. If there is a problem with one of the questions please email me directly, [email protected].
Complete all reading requirements (PDFs and textbook).
o Students our encouraged to supplement required readings with additional readings based on your specific rotation
Complete the Weekly Online Questions of the Day in the coursework section
Complete the online End of Rotation Quiz (Worth 20% of your final grade)
Students MUST adhere to the ACGME rules regarding the workweek, which include working no more than 80 hours per
week, no more than 24 hours continuously, except an additional 6 hours may be added to the 24 to perform wrap-up duties,
and have at least one of every 7 days completely off from educational activities.
Extended absences from the clerkship are not permitted. Any absence from the clerkship must be pre-approved by the
regional campus dean prior to the beginning of the clerkship.
Patient’s, Parent’s or Guardian’s Initials: (do NOT use patient’s name - this is potentially a HIPAA violation)
Informant: (Generic – patient, mother, father, etc.)
Primary Care Physician: Referring Physician (if not Primary Care Physician):
Chief Complaint: Include the patient’s age, ethnic origin, sex, and reason for admission.
Present Illness: Elicit the facts of the illness, particularly the time and nature of the onset. Arrange these facts in a chronological
order and relate them in a narrative fashion, tracing the course of events up to the time of the visit. What was done for the child;
what drugs were given and what were the results of such treatment? Pay special attention to recording “pertinent negative” data as
well as pertinent positive information. This includes physical exams, laboratory evaluations and treatments which occurred before
the present admission. How has the illness affected the patient’s lifestyle? The HPI should conclude with a description of the visit to
clinic or emergency department which resulted in the present admission.
Past History:
Prenatal/Perinatal: Duration of pregnancy, maternal illness prior or during pregnancy, maternal conditions during pregnancy. Details
of labor and delivery. Condition of infant at birth. APGAR scores (if available). Gestational age. Drugs taken during pregnancy.
Birth and Neonatal Period: Condition and vigor of infant at birth. Birth weight, postnatal problems such as neonatal cyanosis,
jaundice, convulsions, skin eruptions, initial feedings, etc.
Feeding History: Initial feeding, breast or bottle, what kind of feedings. Tolerance for feeds. Weaning. Addition of solid foods.
Current dietary intake, balance, and child’s attitude toward eating. Vitamin supplements. Usually discussed in detail when patient
less than 2-3 years old.
Growth and Development: Birth weight, length and head circumference. History of dentition. When did anterior fontanelle close.
Weight at different ages (if known to informant.) Developmental landmarks: First smile, held head erect, rolled over, recognized
people, sat alone, stood with support, stood alone, crawled, walked, used words and sentences. If the child is greater than 4-5 years,
a global statement such as “the developmental history is normal” is acceptable.
Infectious disease (measles, rubella, mumps, chicken pox, pertussis diphtheria, poliomyelitis, scarlet fever), details of onset, severity
and complications or residuals.
Respiratory system: Functional status. Details of otitis media, tonsillitis, repeated URI’s, allergy, bronchitis, pneumonia, cervical
adenitis, chronic cough, croup, mouth breathing, persistent fevers, sleeping patterns.
Gastrointestinal system: History of early feeding difficulties, diarrhea, constipation, stool abnormalities, vomiting in relation to
infections and emotional difficulties.
Cardiovascular system: Inquire about cyanosis, dyspnea, excessive sweating in infancy, fatigability, syncope, joint paints and
Genitourinary system: Significant items are infections of urinary tract, hematuria, dysuria, frequency, urgency, dribbling, enuresis,
edema oliguria. Repeated bouts of unexplained fever.
Nervous system: Inquire about convulsions (get details if they have occurred), tics, habit spasms, emotional liability, tremors and
Psychological: Inquire (appropriate to age) for restlessness, tantrums, night terrors, tics. How does child get along with his associate
at play, in nursery school, in school. Some indication of the parent’s attitude toward the child can be obtained from these and other
Surgical History: Dates, nature of and complications from any operations.
Accidents/Injuries: Date, nature of and complications of any injuries. Mention only if relevant to the present illness or serious in
Immunizations: tabulate dates of all immunizations and tests for immunity. This may be summarized as: “immunizations are up-to-
Current Medications: Name, dosage form, dose, frequency, and how long patient has taken it if germane to presenting problem.
Family History: Age, physical condition and state of health of each parent and sibling. List mother’s pregnancies in chronological
order, giving details and outcome of each. If siblings have died, given the nature of the condition leading to the death and the results
of postmortem or other examinations. Recent acute illnesses in the family need to be described. Chronic illnesses among members
of the family need to be noted. If the CC and PI suggest the possibility of a heritable condition, explore the family for the pattern of
similar conditions within the immediate family and forbears. Check for parental consanguinity. Mention only if clearly relevant to the
current admitting problem.
Social History: Explore the living conditions for the family to obtain knowledge of the environment in which the patient lives in order
to appreciate the chance for exposure to specific infections, poisons and toxic substance, as well as to appreciate pertinent
psychological and emotional factors which might be involved in the present illness.
General information: for example: “in general the patient was a health appearing, chubby infant no acute distress.”
Vital signs:
Weight and Height: Record for this patient and give percentiles from comparison against normal range for age.
Head Circumference: Record for this patient and give percentiles from comparison against normal range for age. Mention in any
child less than 2-3 years old.
Temperature (when taken)
Pulse rate:
Respiratory Rate:
Blood Pressure:
General Inspection: Habitus, Choice of posture. Type and amount of spontaneous movement. Restless, irritable, calm, apprehensive,
drowsy, apathetic, stuporous, comatose. Signs of pain. Nature and quality of breathing. Color of skin and lips (Cyanotic, pale,
flushed) Nature of cry (short catchy cry of pneumonia, hoarse cry of laryngitis, sharp painful cry of acute inflammatory process of
fracture when body or bed is touched.)
Head: Sutures and fontanels; open or closed. Craniotabes. Scalp (lesions, edema, hair distribution, parasites). Shape normal or
Eyes: Condition of conjunctivae and lids. Ptosis, strabismus, other paralysis. Pupillary reactions and asymmetry. Corneal ulcers or
opacities. Scleral appearance (jaundice, blue, inflamed). Gross visual acuity in older children.
Ears: Examine external canals for lesions and infection, tympanic membrane for inflammation, bulging, retraction, perforation,
serous fluid behind drum, mobility.
Nose: Appearance of mucous membranes and presence of foreign bodies, purulent or serous drainage, blood-tinged drainage. Nasal
Mouth: Appearance of mucous membranes of lips, gums and buccal areas. Number of teeth, presence of caries. Look for
enanthemata. Condition of tonsils, soft and hard palate, posterior oropharynx. Presence of exudates, membranes, petechial or
vesicular of ulcerous lesions.
Neck: Mobility, head tilt, limitation of motion, nuchal spasm or rigidity. Position of trachea. Presence of masses or swellings.
Chest: Shape and symmetry in relation to patient’s age. Symmetry of movements with respiration. Suprasternal, infrasternal or
intercostal retractions.
Lungs: Quality of breathing, breath sounds, voice sounds should be described. Variations of symmetry of transmission or quality of
these sounds should be described. Presence of advential sounds such as crackles, wheezes or rubs.
Heart: Description of rate, rhythm, quality of heart sounds, location of PMI, presence and location of murmurs, description of
murmurs (intensity, quality, transmission) sometimes the heart is examined first in apprehensive infants.
Abdomen: Symmetry. Status of umbilicus. Presence or absence of palpable organs or masses. Tenderness. Distention. Presence of
signs of ascites. Percussion note. Quality of bowel sounds.
Males: phimosis, paraphimosis, meatal stenosis, hypospadias descent of testes, inguinal hernia, And hydrocele.
Females: Perforate hymen, normal location of urethra, vaginal discharge (nature and quantity). Presence of any dermatitis. Position,
tone and appearance of anus. Trunk and Spine: Symmetry, presence of spinal curvature (describe)
Extremities: Look for clubbing, cyanosis, venous engorgement, nail abnormalities, lesions of skin, palms and soles, edema,
hemorrhage, and contusion. Check for asymmetry or deformities. Check for presence and strength of central and peripheral pulses.
Check for capillary refill. Skin: Rashes, turgor, edema, erythema, cyanosis, pallor
Superficial Lymph Nodes: Cervical, axillary, inguinal, and epitrochlear. Size, consistency, tenderness (measure with tape).
Neurological: Status of cranial nerves. Check DTR’s, clonus, Babinski response, abdominal and cremasteric reflexes. Check for touch
and pain sensation. Mental status (orientation). Cranial nerves II thru XII. Motor. Sensory (pain, light touch). Reflexes. Coordination
and gait. Infants the primitive reflexes, including moro. Tonic neck, Parachute, etc.
List pertinent diagnoses or problems in order of importance beginning with problem that most directly resulted in the patient’s
admission. Include the appropriate ICD-9 code for each. For each problem, list your differential diagnoses beginning with most likely
1) Wheezing (786.07) Differential diagnosis: asthma, bronchiolitis, cystic fibrosis, or gastroesophageal reflux disease
2) Allergic rhinitis (477.5)
1) Status asthmaticus (493.9)
2) Acute respiratory failure (518.81) 3) Influenza virus infections (??)
List your treatment plan as you would if you were writing orders to admit this patient.
Give a brief two-paragraph rationale for your differential diagnosis and selection of most likely diagnosis and for your treatment plan.
List a pertinent clinical question that remains regarding diagnosis and plan for treatment.
Diagnostic Studies are traditionally mentioned after the physical exam; however, some attendings may prefer a discussion of the
assessment and plan prior to mentioning lab results. Remember that if lab results are obtained prior to patient’s arrival at the
current hospital, they are appropriately mentioned in the HPI.
The following topic objectives below are recommended for review while on your 4week rotation. They are broken down into
weekly blocks of topics and you should have review each of them during your rotation. Most of these topics are covered in your
PowerPoint PDFs which are located in the required reading section.
o Adolescent Medicine
Puberty, Eating Disorders, anorexia nervosa, Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, Binge Eating Disorder,
Bulimia nervosa, PICA, Rumination Disorder
Substance Use and substance abuse: Alcohol, THC, MDMA, Cocaine/Amphetamines, Phencyclidine (PCP),
Hallucinogens (LSD), Heroin, Inhalants, Anabolic Steroids
Violence in the Adolescent Population: HEADSS
Education (i.e., school),
o Neonatal Medicine
Complete Newborn Exam: APGAR scoring
Prenatal Teratogens: Alcohol, Cocaine, Heroin/Methadone ,Cannabis, Tobacco
Birth Trauma : Cephalohematoma, Caput Succedaneum, Clavicle Fracture, Erb-Duchenne palsy, Prematurity
Low-birth weight infants and Very low birth weight infants <1500g
Neonatal Respiratory Distress: Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS), Meconium Aspiration, Persistent
Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn
Gastrointestinal Disease: Jaundice (Hyperbilirubinemia) , Indirect, Physiologic, Hemolytic (immune, drug or red
blood cell defects), Breast milk jaundice, Direct, Hyper alimentation cholestasis, Necrotizing Enterocolitis,
Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Duodenal Atresia, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Omphalocele, and
Perinatal infections: Neonatal hepatitis, Sepsis, Disorders of bilirubin metabolism: Gilberts, Crigler-Najar, and
Endocrine Disorders: Hypothyroidism, Maternal Diabetes, Hypopituitarism
CNS Diseases: Apnea of prematurity: Central vs obstructive, Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Neonatal seizures
Metabolic dysfunction, Drug intoxication or withdrawal, CNS hemorrhage, CNS infection, Genetic syndromes
such as tuberous sclerosis
Hematological Disorders: Thrombocytopenia, Hydrops Fetalis, Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn,
Dermatology (common neonatal rashes): Milia, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Mongolian Spots, Perinatal Infections
Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum
Congenital/Perinatal Infections : Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, CMV, Herpes Simplex Virus, Syphilis, Parvovirus, VZV,
HIV, and Chlamydia
o Nutrition/Diet:
Breastfeeding, Preterm breast milk, Dietary Recommendations, Expected Growth, Failure to Thrive, Feeding
Intolerance, Fluid Maintenance, Fluoride Supplementation, Infant Formulas
Malnutrition, Newborn Diet, Newborn Weight Gain
Nutrition Overview: Solid Diet, Vitamin Supplementation, Vitamin D Deficiency (Rickets)
o Dermatology
Acne Neonatorum, Acne Vulgaris, Alopecia Areata, Bullous Impetigo, Contact Dermatitis, Diaper Rash,
Erythema Multiforme, Erythema Toxicum Neonatorum, Giannoti-Crosti Syndrome, Granuloma Annulare
Hand Foot Mouth, Herpangina, Impetigo Contagiosa, Infantile Hemangiomas, Lyme Disease, Measles
(Rubeolla) Rash, Molluscum Contagiosum, Mongolian Spot, Pityriasis Rosea, Staphylococcal Scalded Skin
Syndrome, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Tinea Capitis , Kerion, Tinea Corporis, Tinea Versicolor, Toxic
Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)
Unilateral Thoracic Exanthem, Varicella, Herpes Zoster, Verrucae (Warts)
o Cardiology
Arrhythmias: Tachyarrhythmia’s, Bradyarrhythmias
Congenital Heart Disease:
Cyanotic Heart Diseases: Ebstein’s anomaly, Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Pulmonary atresia with
intact ventricular septum, Tetralogy of Fallot, Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection,
Transposition of the great vessels, Tricuspid atresia, Truncus arteriosus
Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease: Aortic Stenosis, Atrial septal defect, Coarctation of the Aorta,
Interrupted Aortic Arch, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, Pulmonary Artery Stenosis, Ventricular septal defect
Coronary Heart Disease, Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Endocarditis, Heart Murmurs, Hypertension, Hypertrophic
Obstructive Cardiomyopathy, Rheumatic Heart Disease, Rheumatic Fever, Kawasaki Disease, Myocarditis
Pediatric Basic Life Support
Brief resolved unexplained events (BRUE) (Formerly Apparent life-threatening event (ALTE)}, Foreign Body
Aspiration, Normal Pediatric Respiratory Physiology, Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Upper Airway Disease: Choanal atresia, Croup, Epiglottitis, Laryngeal papillomatosis , Laryngeal webs,
Laryngomalacia, Mandibular Hypoplasia, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Retropharyngeal Abscess, Subglottic
stenosis/masses, Vascular compression, Vocal cord paralysis
Lower Airway Obstructive Disease: Asthma, Bronchiolitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Foreign body aspiration, GE reflux
with aspiration, Primary ciliary dyskinesis, Tracheal or bronchial tumors/granulation tissue, Tracheal Stenosis,
Tracheobronchomalacia, Tracheoesophageal fistula, Vascular ring, mediastinal lymph nodes or masses
Restrictive Lung Diseases: Pleural effusions, chylothorax, hemothorax, chest wall tumors, mediastinal masses,
congenital lobar emphysema, cystic adenomatous malformations, diaphragmatic hernias, and pulmonary
sequestration. Pectus Excavatum/ Carinatum
Interstitial lung diseases: chronic interstitial lung disease, desquamative interstitial pneumonitis, lymphocytic
interstitial pneumonitis (LIP), recurrent aspiration, and sarcoidosis
Scoliosis, Neuromuscular Diseases such as Guillain-Barre, Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Muscular Dystrophy,
Pulmonary Hemosiderosis
Alagille Syndrome, Appendicitis, Celiac Disease, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Constipation, Crohn’s
Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Diarrhea, Esophageal Atresia/Tracheoesophageal fistula, Functional Abdominal Pain,
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Omphalocele, Pyloric Stenosis
Gastroschisis, Hirschsprung's Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Intestinal Atresia/ Duodenal Atresia,
Intussusception, Malrotation and Volvulus, Meckel's Diverticulum
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Steatohepatitis (NAFLD/NASH)
o Infectious Disease
Bacteremia and Sepsis, Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO), Gastroenteritis, Genitourinary Infections, Bacterial
Vaginosis, Vaginal Candidiasis, STDs: Trichomonas Vaginalis, Syphilis, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis,
Upper Respiratory Infections, Epiglottitis, Herpangina, Otitis Media, Rhinosinusitis, Streptococcal Pharyngitis
Lower Respiratory Infections, Croup, RSV Bronchiolitis, Bordetella pertussis, Pneumonia (viral and bacterial
Lyme Disease, Meningitis, Measles, Pinworm infection, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Mononucleosis,
o Hematology
Alpha Thalassemia, Anemia of Chronic Disease, Iron Deficiency Anemia, Normocytic Anemia, Macrocytic
Anemia, Microcytic Anemia Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia, Fanconi Anemia, Physiological Anemia of the
Newborn, Sickle Cell Anemia, Thalassemia Major, Thalassemia Minor, Hemolytic Anemia
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, Erythroblastosis fetalis, G6PD Deficiency, Hemophilia A and B,
Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS), , Thrombosis (DVT/PE), Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood, Vitamin K
deficiency, Von Willebrand Disease
Thrombocytopenia: Immune Thrombocytopenia, Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia
o Oncology
Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia, , Hodgkin Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
CNS Tumors: Astrocytoma, Brainstem Glioma, Cerebellar Astrocytoma, Medulloblastoma, Optic Glioma,
Pinealoma, Supratentorial Ependymona, Neuroblastoma
Osteosarcoma, Retinoblastoma, Wilms Tumor, Ewing Sarcoma
o Endocrinology
Ambiguous Genitalia, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism Precocious Puberty,
Primary Adrenal Hyperplasia, Pubertal Delay, Short Stature, Hypercalcemia, Hypocalcemia,
Diabetes Mellitus Type I and II, Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetic Ketoacidosis, Hypoglycemia
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s Disease), Hypoadrenocorticism (Adrenal Insufficiency)
o Neurology
Assessment of Infantile Reflexes
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger’s Disorder, Autistic Disorder,
PDD NOS, Breath Holding Spells , Cerebral Palsy, Common Behavioral Abnormalities, Common
Developmental Milestones, Congenital Neurologic Syndromes, Acute Cerebellar ataxia, Adrenoleukodystrophy,
Ataxia Telangiectasia
Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy, Friedrich's Ataxia, Hereditary neuropathy, Neurofibromatosis, Spinal
Muscular atrophy, Sturge-Weber Syndrome, Tuberous Sclerosis, von Hippel-Lindau Disease, Guillain-Barre
Headaches: Cluster, Migraine, Tension, Sinus
Hydrocephalus, Myasthenia Gravis, Neural Tube Defects, Anencephaly, Chiari malformation,
Encephaloceles, Myelomeningoceles, Spina Bifida, Spina Bifida Occulta
Seizures: Generalized, Petit Mal, Infantile Spasms, Febrile Seizure,
Speech Disorders, Tourette’s Complex
o Orthopedics
Structural abnormalities presenting in childhood, Achondroplasia, Developmental Hip Dysplasia, Blount
Foot Deformities: Pes planus (flat feet), Pes cavus (fixed high arch), Metarsus adductus, Talipes equinovarus,
Positional Calcaneovalgus Feet, Positional Clubfoot “Talipes equinovarus”
Fractures/Injuries Children: Greenstick fracture, Toddler Fractures, Buckle Fractures, Compartment Syndrome,
Subluxation of the radial head (Nursemaid's elbow), Supracondylar Fracture, Salter classifications I,II,III,IV
Rotational Deformities of the Legs: Internal Tibial Torsion “In-Toeing”, External Tibial Torsion “Out-Toeing”,
Genu Varum “Bow-legged”, Genu Valgum “Knock-Knees”
Growing Pains, Legg-Calve Perthes disease, Limp Evaluation, Neuromuscular scoliosis, Osgood-Schlatter
disease, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteomyelitis, Septic Arthritis, Transient Synovitis
o Genetics
Lysosomal Storage Diseases: Gaucher Disease, Niemann-Pick Disease, Tay-Sachs disease (gangliosidosis),
]Glycogen storage disease: Type I: von Gierkes (glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency), Type II: Pompe's
(Lysosomal alpha glucosidase deficiency), Type III: Forbes (Debranching enzyme deficiency), Type IV:
Andersen's (Branching enzyme deficiency), Type V: McArdle: Muscle Phosphorylase deficiency, Type VI-VIII are
less important and less dangerous
Autosomal Recessive Disorders: Cystic fibrosis: 1:5,000-1:15,000, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: 1:2000,
Galactosemia disorder: 1:60,000, Gaucher disease: 1:2,500 in Ashkenazi Jews, Infantile Polycystic Kidney
Disease: 1:14,000, Phenylketonuria: 1:14,000, Sickle Cell Disease: 1:625 African Americans, Tay-Sachs disease:
1:3,000 in Ashkenazi Jews, Wilson disease: 1:200,000
Autosomal Dominant Syndromes: Achondroplasia, Adult polycystic kidney disease, Familial
Hypercholesterolemia, Hereditary angioedema, Hereditary spherocytosis, Marfan syndrome,
Neurofibromatosis, Protein C deficiency, Tuberous sclerosis, Von Willebrand’s disease
Chromosomal Syndromes: 22 q11.2 deletion syndrome, Anglemann's Syndrome, Charge Syndrome, Cri du chat
syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome 47 XXY, Prader-Willi Syndrome, Trisomy 13: Patau Syndrome, Trisomy 18:
Edwards Syndrome, Trisomy 21: Down Syndrome, Turner's Syndrome (45 XO)
X-Linked Disorders: Bruton agammaglobulinemia, Chronic Granulomatous Disease, Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy, Fragile X syndrome, Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, Hemophilia A and B, Lesch-Nyhan
Syndrome, Ornithine trancarbamylase deficiency
o Ophthalmology
Strabismus, Amblyopia, Infectious Conjunctivitis, Hordeolum, Chalazion, Periorbital Cellulitis, Orbital Cellulitis
Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction, Approach to the child with leukocoria, Red eye in the infant, Chemical
irritation, Chlamydia, and Gonorrhea
o Vaccines
DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis: 2,4,6,15 months, and then at 4 years
Hepatitis A: PRN foreign travel, Hepatitis B: Birth, 1 and 6 months
Hib (haemophilus influenzae type B): 2,4,6,12 months
Influenza: Yearly
IPV (inactivated polio): 2,4,6, and then at 4 years
MMR: 12 months , 4 years
PCV (pneumococcal): 2,4,6,12 months
Td (tetanus): Every 10 years after 4 years of age
Varicella: 1st dose: 12 through 15 months: 2nd dose: 4 through 6 years (may be given earlier, if at least three
months after the 1st dose)
Professionalism should imbue all aspects of your performance. Medicine as a whole will continue to evolve and change but this
aspect of your character will stick with you forever. Each student should understand and be able to demonstrate these professional
o A commitment to caring for all patients regardless of their medical diagnoses or social factors.
o Accepting responsibility for your patients
o Acknowledge and demonstrate respect for the child and their parents or caretakers throughout the interaction
o Actively seek to broaden education and experience beyond clerkship requirements
o Avoid complaining
o Avoiding confrontations
o Be dependable
o Be prepared and on-time
o Communicate cases to colleagues, supervisors and consultants clearly and succinctly
o Convey humility
o Demonstrate a commitment to carrying out professional responsibilities, adherence to ethical principles, and
sensitivity to a diverse patient population.
o Demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning by showing intellectual curiosity, initiative, honesty, integrity,
and dedication.
o Demonstrate tolerance of family attitudes, beliefs (religious and otherwise), cultural and socioeconomic influences
o Displaying good manners
o Displaying sensitivity to cultural differences
o Effectively communicates empathy
o Employ effective and proper strategies when confronted with problems relative to patient care responsibilities
o Give feedback (including filling out course and teaching evaluations in a timely manner)
o Honor the principles of compassion, empathy, and respect including respect for modesty, privacy and
o Learn how to talk with children of different ages and their families both to get complete, accurate histories, and to
explain clinical findings and plans. Learn how to reassure.
o Not passing others’ work off as your own
o Puts patients’ needs above own (altruism)
o Reliable attendance and participation
o Satisfactorily perform an oral presentation to house officers and attending physicians.
o Showing discernment while avoiding deception when communicating with patients and their families
o Showing intellectual curiosity
o Strive for excellence
o Take ownership of your patients – know the history, exam, and lab results at any given time.
o Talk to families about prevention, including immunizations, safety, violence, sex, and substance use. Using the CDC
chart, know what immunizations a child needs at a given age.
o Treat all patients, staff, and colleagues with respect.
o Use appropriate dress, behavior and language in dealing with children, parents or caretakers, staff, peers and
other health care workers
Each student must be familiar with the following OMM learning objectives which are taken from text: American Osteopathic
Association, and Anthony Chila. Chapter 58: The Child with Ear Pain. Foundations of Osteopathic Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp. 918-930.
• How to effectively evaluate, diagnose, demonstrate a constructive clinical approach, and apply OMT in the treatment of the
pediatric patient with asthma and the child presenting with ear pain.
• Be familiar with the following different etiologies that can cause ear pain in children and understand that they can be
caused by diseases and processes both within the ear structure, and referred to the ear from distant structures:
Dental Problems
Eustachian tube dysfunction
Otitis externa
Otitis media
• Be familiar with the structural, environmental, genetic, ethnic, and other factors that make some children “otitis prone.”
• Understand the distorted dynamic balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic influences in the lungs of the
pediatric patient with asthma.
• Be familiar with the factors that may precipitate an asthma attack as well as the mechanical injuries.
• From an osteopathic perspective, be familiar with the specific musculoskeletal areas that may contribute or exacerbate a
patient’s breathing difficulties.
• Apply the five pathophysiologic models used in osteopathic patient care for an pediatric patient with asthma and a child
with ear pain:
Biomechanical model:
Respiratory-circulatory model:
Neurological model:
Metabolic-energy model:
Behavior model:
• Describe the anatomy and physiology of middle ear, various factors that can result in ear pain as well as the role of the
structural exam in the differential diagnosis of ear pain.
• Describe the relationship between the cranial base and Eustachian tube.
• Demonstrate how non-otic structures that cause ear pain, how the structural issues that can impede middle ear drainage,
and demonstrate how dysfunction of the above structures can be diagnosed and treated.
• Identify and understand the recommended osteopathic treatments for acute otitis media and be familiar with the following
treatment objectives in the treatment of otitis media:
Improve lymphatic drainage from the inner ear
Decrease inner ear effusion
Improve function of the Eustachian tube
Improve cranial and temporal bone motion
Decrease pain
• Understand the goals of using OMT in the treatment of the child with asthma.
• Be familiar with the unique challenges of treating children with OMT.
• Be familiar with the diagnosis of colic, the usual presentation, typical osteopathic exam findings, and recommended OMT
treatment options.
• Identify and understand the recommended osteopathic treatments for the asthmatic patient
Myofascial release
Balanced ligamentous tension
Rib raising techniques
Soft tissue techniques: Paraspinal inhibition of the cervical region and suboccipital release
Osteopathy in the cranial field
• List and perform the following key OMT techniques that are utilized in the treatment of ear pain in a child:
Condylar decompression
Gallbreath mandibular drainage
Lymphatic pump techniques
Myofascial release of the cervical musculature, thoracic outlet, and abdominal diaphragm
Occipitomastoid decompression
Release thoracic inlets
Rib raising
Temporal Decompresion
Soft tissue: knead, stretch, paraspinal inhibition
During your 4 week rotation in addition to your daily text book readings you are should be familiar with the following Power
Points. There is an associated PDF PowerPoint that correlates with the topics and will be the focus of your weekly quizzes and end
of rotation quiz.
Week 1 PowerPoint Readings
1. Adolescent Medicine
2. Neonatal Medicine
3. Pediatric Developmental Milestones
4. Pediatric Dermatology
5. Pediatric Nutrition/Diet
1. Pediatric Cardiology
2. Pediatric Gastroenterology
a. DiGiovanna, Eileen L.; Schiowitz, Stanley; Dowling, Dennis J. (Eds.). (2005). Chapter 114: Gastrointestinal
Applications. An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins. pp. 637-638.
3. Pediatric Hematology
4. Pediatric Pulmonology
a. American Osteopathic Association, and Anthony Chila. Chapter 54: Uncontrolled Asthma. Foundations of
Osteopathic Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp. 883-888.
b. DiGiovanna, Eileen L.; Schiowitz, Stanley; Dowling, Dennis J. (Eds.). (2005). Chapter 112: Pulmonary Applications.
An Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp.
5. Pediatric Infectious Disease
a. American Osteopathic Association, and Anthony Chila. Chapter 58: The Child with Ear Pain. Foundations of
Osteopathic Medicine, 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011, pp. 918-930.
1. Pediatric Oncology
2. Pediatric Neurology
3. Pediatric Endocrinology
4. Pediatric Orthopedics
5. Pediatric Immunology, Allergy, and Rheumatology
a. DiGiovanna, Eileen L.; Schiowitz, Stanley; Dowling, Dennis J. (Eds.). (2005). Chapter 111: HEENT Applications. An
Osteopathic Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. pp. 614-
1. Pediatric Genetics
2. Pediatric Ophthalmology
3. Pediatric Nephrology and Urology
4. Pediatric Poisoning, Burns, and Injury Prevention
5. Pediatric Vaccinations
Pediatric Blueprints Notes
AAP: Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media
The Diagnosis and Management of Acute Otitis Media
Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis
Interpreting conjugated bilirubin levels in newborns
Choice and Duration of Antimicrobial Therapy for Neonatal Sepsis and Meningitis
Haemophilus influenzae type b
8/16 - PBL Pediatrics Take Home Points (Pyloric Stenosis)
Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Aged 0 Through 18
Prevention of pneumococcal diseases in the post-seven valent vaccine era
2013- Vaccination Schedule
Pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease
American Academy of Pediatrics News
Pediatric Cases By Disease
Pediatric Respiratory Emergencies PPT
General Pediatrics
MedPage Today Pediatrics
Medscape Pediatric News
The Royal Children's Hospital Clinical Resources & Guidelines
University of Hawaii Cased Based Pediatrics
Acute Otitis Media in Children: Getting It Right
Diagnosing AOM: Test Yourself
Otitis Media –videos of the tympanic membrane & pathologies
Congenital Heart Disease
Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Exam
Pediatric Rare Diseases/Syndromes/Genetic disorders
Neonatal Information:
o Ballard Scoring (new version):
Advances in Pediatrics
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
BMC Pediatrics
Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Contemporary Pediatrics
Indian Pediatrics
International Journal of Pediatrics
European Journal of Pediatrics
Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Database
Pediatrics in Review
PEDIATRICS Subspecialty Collections
Journal of Pediatrics
Physician Tasks
Pediatrics Resources
1. BRS Pediatrics: Very complete resource in outline format. Very cumbersome book. Has everything that could ever be tested
on the subject exam, but would be difficult to use unless you are very dedicated. Excellent tables and charts. If ambitious,
you could obtain >90th percentile using this book.
2. Blueprints: Pediatrics: Contains high yield peds subject matter in paragraph format. Very thorough resource. Contains
practice questions at the end of the book.
3. Case Files: Pediatrics: Presents common pediatric subjects in the form of clinical vignettes similar to the subject exam.
Relatively complete. Probably the 2nd best subject exam resource. Not as much info as Blueprints. Not separated into body
systems, just random case.