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Semi Automatic Donning and Doffing Mechanism

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Semi-Automatic Doffing/Donning


Senior Design Project Report


Syed Muhammad Shuja

Talha Majeed
Waleed Hafeez
Wamiq Ali

Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Wasim Ahmad Khan

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology

May 2017
Semi-Automatic Doffing/Donning

Senior Design Project Report


Syed Muhammad Shuja 2013389

Talha Majeed 2013406
Waleed Hafeez 2013425
Wamiq Ali 2013426

Supervised by
Prof. Dr. Wasim Ahmad Khan

submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

bachelor of science

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

GIK Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology

May 2017
Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology

Senior design project report

Approved as to style and content by:

Name and
signature of Advisor(s):

FYP Coordinator (For Formatting):


The Doffing and donning process in the spinning in textile industry is largely manual. The
manual operations are cost, labor and time intensive. The cost of automation is huge
furthermore the automation requires radical changes in infrastructure. The best approach to the
solution of the problems arising from manual doffing is to devise a semi-automatic mechanism
that decreases the human interaction during the process. The project developed novel
mechanisms mounted on a mobile platform powered by an operator to perform the doffing and
donning operation. The mechanism consists of a

(i) Trolley
(ii) Locating/Timing Mechanism
(iii) Doffing Mechanism
(iv) Donning Mechanism

The design carefully takes into consideration that in order to be applicable in Pakistani textile
industry the final product must be

(i) Simple to operate

(ii) Simple to maintain
(iii) Cheap in cost
(iv) Must not compromise on the quality of the process

Table of Contents

Abstract I
Table of Content II

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Statement 1
1.3 Scope and Expected Outcomes 2
1.4 Report Outline 2
1.5 Project Schedule and Deadlines 2
1.6 Individual and Team Contribution 2

Chapter 2 Literature Review 4

2.1 Literature Review 4
2.2 Interferences Drawn out of Literature Review 4
2.2.1 Crane Type 5
2.2.2 Frame Type 5
2.2.3 Wagon Type 6
2.3 Literature Review Summary 7

Chapter 3 Design and Analysis 8

3.1 Design Methodology 8
3.1.1 Problem Defined 8
3.1.2 Restrictions at Hand / Feasibility Criteria 9
3.1.3 Preliminary Design 9

3.1.4 Justification of the Design Proposed 10

3.1.5 Design Process Flowchart 11
3.2 Governing Equations/Mathematical Modelling 12
3.2.1 The Locating Mechanism (Rack and Pinion Arrangement) 12
3.2.2 Human Force/Motor Force 13
3.2.3 The doffing mechanism chain/sprocket Calculations 13
3.2.4 Centre to Centre Distance of the Sprockets Axles 14
3.2.5 Timing Calculation for Locating/Donning/Doffing Mechanism 15
3.3 Geometric Modelling and Design 15
3.3.1 Doffing Mechanism 15
3.3.2 Donning Mechanism 16
3.3.4 Trolley as per Spinning Machine Dimensions 17
3.3.5 Doffing/Donning Trolley and Spinning Machine Assembly 17
3.4 Analysis 18
3.4.1 Model Information 18
3.4.2 Study Properties and Assumptions 21
3.4.3 Material Properties 21
3.4.4 Loads and Fixtures 22
3.4.5 Mesh Information and Details 23
3.4.6 Resultant Forces 24
3.4.7 Study Results 24
3.4.8 Conclusion 25
3.5 Summary 25

Chapter 4 Physical Model Development and Testing 27

4.1.1 Manufacturing of Trolley 28 Drawings for Trolley Structure 28 Wheel selection 30 Manufacturing of Locating Mechanism 30
4.1.2 Manufacturing of Doffing Mechanism 33 Manufacturing of Spatial Cam 34
IV Manufacturing of Support Structure 38 Manufacturing of Gripper Assembly 41
4.1.3 Manufacturing of Donning Mechanism 43
4.2 Testing and Experimental Procedure 49
4.3 Summary 52

Chapter 5 Results and Discussions 53

5.1 Results 53
5.2 Analysis and Discussion 54
5.3 Summary 54

Chapter 6 Impact and Economic Analysis 55

6.1 Social Impact 55
6.2 Sustainability Analysis 57
6.2.1 Suitability Analysis Chart 57
6.2.2 Sustainability Explained in Reference with Doffing/Donning 58 Goals 58
6.3 Environmental impact 62
6.3.1 Manufacturing Environment 62
6.3.2 Environmental Friendly Lifecycle 62
6.3.2 Lubrications and Running 63
6.4 Hazard Identification and Safety Measures 63
6.4.1 Hazards 63
6.4.2 Safety Measures 63
6.5 Summary 64

Chapter 7 Conclusion 65
7.1 Summary 65
7.2 Future Considerations 66

References 67

Appendices 68

Chapter 1


1.1 Background and Motivation

Textile industry is a major industry of Pakistan. The textile sector contributes to 55% of
Pakistan’s exports and 38% of Pakistan’s workforce (Hathiringe, 2012). However, recently the
sector has been suffering at the hands of outdated technology and manual practices that are
costly in terms of both time and manpower. One of the most important process in the textile
industry is the process of making cotton Yarn.

The Yarn is the crudest form of thread made as the result of basic processing of the cotton bale.
The most important processes in the yarn making are the processes of Doffing of Cops (The
filled bobbins) and the Donning of empty bobbins. The processes of Doffing and Donning are
largely manual in Pakistan. There exist some automatic machines but they are expensive and
require extensive up gradation of the infrastructure of the factory floor. Also the extent of the
use of manual machines is of such a magnitude that the automation of all the prevailing
machines would be almost impossible for the already struggling industry.

Therefore there is a need for development of such a mechanism that replaces the human from
the process while requiring minimum changes to the existing machines and achieving the
desired outcome at the minimum cost.

1.2 Problem Statement

The problem at hand is that the existing machines available at the factory floors of the Textile
Spinning mills in Pakistan are largely manual. The industry is struggling due to growing
international competition therefore they need to adopt automation at a minimum cost while
having no need to develop new infrastructure to incorporate automation.

The solution must have the following features:

1. The solution must be cheap.

2. The solution must be independent of the spinning machines.
3. The solution must be simple to operate and maintain.
4. The solution must be mobile and maneuverable to negotiate the obstacles at the factory

1.3 Scope and Expected Outcomes

The Scope of the project is to solve the industrial problem at hand while keeping in mind the
constraints and developing a working prototype of the solution. The expected outcome of the
project is to come up with a working prototype that could demonstrate the proof of concept
and could help the group attract potential sponsors who may invest in the development of the
industrial grade final machine that could be commercially implemented.

1.4 Report Outline

The report is structured to give the reader an insight into how the concept of the project was
developed and then takes the reader through the design, manufacturing and testing phase of the
project before concluding with the outcomes of the project. The chapter 2 introduces the reader
to the literature used to develop the knowledge base to undertake the project. Then the chapter
3 discusses the design calculations and methodologies undertaken to develop the concept.
Chapter 4 focuses on design for manufacturing and the manufacturing of the project. Chapter
5 discusses the outcomes of the project and the failures encountered. Chapter 5 also states the
guidelines for anyone pursuing further work on the project. Later chapter 6 discusses the
different aspects of the project and chapter 7 serves as the summary of the whole project cycle.

1.5 Project Schedule and Deadlines

The Project Schedule and Deadline are given in form of a Gantt chart in appendix.

1.6 Individual and Team Contribution


Table 1 - 1: Individual and Team Contribution

Assignment Resource/Person Status
Literature Review Combined Done
Concept Design Selection Combined Done
Doffing Mechanism Syed Muhammad Shuja Done
Donning Mechanism Waleed Hafeez Done
Spinning Machine/Chain Wamiq Ali Done
Sprocket/ Trolley
Trolley (ANSI Standard) Talha Majeed Done
Engineering Design / Combined Done
Governing Equations
Manufacturing Stage Combined Done

Chapter 2


2.1 Literature Review

The topic of Automation of spinning process is a well addressed field. However most of the
work was done in the late fifties and early sixties so digital data is limited and the literature is
extremely difficult to get hold off. The research was mostly carried by the Japanese so the data
that is available is in the Japanese language and is not understandable for the English speakers.
The modern research that is being carried out is being carried out in China. The Chinese
journals are very difficult to access due to geo-political reasons therefore the group had to
undergo extreme difficulty to get hold of substantial literature on the topic.

A paper “Auto Doffer as Means of Automation” by Yorikazu Shimotsuma and Kazuhiko

Sakaguchi was found that addresses the types of auto doffers and their classifications in detail.
This paper was used to understand the different options that could be used as a possible solution
to the problem. Using the information gained from this paper further research was done and
another paper (“A Novel Continuous Single-Spindle Doffing Robot with a Spatial Cam and
Multiple Grippers” by Sicheng Yand and others) that discusses the development of a
continuous auto doffer was discovered. Efforts were made to contact the writer of this paper
who further guided the group on the topic and shared his personal findings on the topic. This
paper was made bases for the project and the knowledge of this paper was built upon to develop
a novel solution to the problem at hand.

2.2 Interferences Drawn out of Literature Review

The types of Auto-Doffers could be classified on the bases of builds as following (Shimotsuma
& Sakaguehi, 1965):

1. Crane Type
2. Frame Type
3. Wagon Type

2.2.1 Crane Type

The crane type consist of overhead crane that can either move along the line on some type of
a rail or could consist of a single large piece of equipment that doffs and dons all bobbins at
once. The crane type auto doffers can be very complicated and expensive. They require
extensive modifications to the machine therefore making it a difficult solution to implement.
The crane type however are extremely efficient in terms of time, manpower required and space.

Fig 2-1: Crane Type Doffer

2.2.2 Frame Type

The frame type auto doffer are the most common type of auto doffers. The Frame type auto
doffers are the standard type used on all new completely automated spinning machines. The
frame type are generally called the Group Auto doffer and consist of a four-bar or six-bar
mechanism together with a conveyor belt. The mechanism lifts the gripers to position to doff
the Cops and then brings the gripers to the level of the conveyor where the Cops are placed to
be transported away. The mechanism then lifts the empty bobbins from the conveyor to their
respective spindles. The Frame type auto doffers are extremely expensive and complicated in
terms of operation and maintenance. They require special spinning machines to complement
their operation and cannot be used as a retrofitting option.

Fig 2-2: Frame Type Doffer

2.2.3 Wagon Type

The Wagon Type auto doffers are the simplest and most mobile of all the types of auto doffers.
They consist of a mechanism mounted on top of a trolley that could be pushed/guided by an
operator. The wagon type auto doffers could be classified into the following two types:

1. Intermittent type
2. Continuous type
The intermittent require the trolley to stop at certain intervals and perform the doffing and
donning and then move to the next stations to be doffed. This type has a problem of rapid
acceleration and deceleration that causes forces to be exerted on the structure making it
unstable thus making it’s designing difficult. Also the timing of the mechanism presents a
different kind of challenge that further increases the complications associated with the auto

The continuous auto doffers doff the Cops and don the bobbins while keeping their motion.
This kind of auto doffers could be further classified into double disk and spatial cam types.
The continuous auto doffer is relatively easy to design and operate. However the double disk
type may damage the spindles of the spinning machine. Also the gripper may grip the Cop
while coming in contact with the yarn that may damage the yarn and render it useless.

Fig 2-3: Wagon Type Doffer

2.3 Literature Review Summary

The conclusion from the literature review turns out to be that the Spatial Cam type Continuous
Wagon Type auto doffer could be the best solution of our problem at hand. If designed properly
the spatial cam type auto doffer could be made in such a way that it does not damage the yarn
and has a motion such that it remains relatively stationary with respect to the spindles thus
preventing damage to the spindles.

There has been considerable research in the domain of continuous type and Toyoda had
developed a successful model on this concept(Watanabe, 1965). A paper (“A Novel
Continuous Single-Spindle Doffing Robot with a Spatial Cam and Multiple Grippers” by
Sicheng Yand and others) deals with the designing of a Novel Continuous auto doffer and
discusses the results of a successful experiment carried out on the model.

The paper by Sicheng was made the bases of all the further work on the project and a design
was developed based on ideas presented in the paper.

Chapter 3

3.1 Design Methodology

The design methodology drawn is directly related to the problem defined which is the
doffing and donning process. The doffing process is the removal of the thread wrapped
bobbins and donning process being the installation of the empty bobbins.

Fig 3-1: Demonstration of Bobbins

3.1.1 Problem Defined

The problem at hand is to put the wrapped bobbins from the machine into basket and put
the empty bobbins on the spinning machine. The spinning machine position and dimensions
play an important role in the whole design process.

Fig 3-2: Spinning Machine in Action


You can see a spinning machine in action, the goal is to remove and install bobbins from
this machine. The problem at hand was using workforce to accomplish this task. Several
new machines can do this installation/removal process automatically. Though, to replace
machines with new ones is not a cost effective option.
The motive was to create a machine which may be cost effective as well as time saving to
install and remove bobbins at the same time. Factory was considered in this problem
definition which was “Saif Textile Mill” with several visits and literature review the
following items play an important role to define the design methodology.

3.1.2 Restrictions at Hand / Feasibility Criteria

The following things and factors are very important in the design methodology which are
going to play a vital role in our engineering design.
1. Shop Floor space and space between different spinning machines.
2. A tracking mechanism to know the exact position of the bobbins on concerned
spinning machine.
3. Portability of the machine, because the space between corresponding machines was
less, which is the case in every factory.
4. A mechanism to perform the doffing/donning in the limited space available.
Because merely 20cm vertical distance is present in most machines to remove and
install the bobbins.

3.1.3 Preliminary Design

Keeping in view the restrictions and feasibility criteria, the literature review was conducted
in section 2 of this report, which gave us a lot of insights into overcoming these restrictions
and come up with a solid design which we may be able to carry forwards and finalize that
into a product. The preliminary design consisted of the following components:
1. A gear based tracking mechanism to keep track of the wrapped bobbins position on
the machine.
2. A trolley which may be moveable and steerable in order to use the small space
present between the adjacent machines. This trolley will be mounting the Doffing
and Donning mechanism.

3. A doffing mechanism consisting of gripper which may follow a spatial cam path to
grip the bobbin and move upward in order to remove it from the machine, as we are
talking about wrapped bobbin.
4. A donning mechanism where the bobbins may be present and may fall on the empty
pins. Empty bobbins in this case.
5. Time the whole mechanism of doffing and donning with the tracking mechanism
discussed at point one.
6. Timing might be done with belts and chains. The scenario of timing is like “Bobbins
may be removed” – “the trolley moves forward” – “The empty bobbins may be
filled from the removed bobbins area” – “The trolley keeps moving forward
removing and adding bobbins”
These points from 1 – 6 actually show the whole mechanism decided as an outcome of
literature review. Thus, it is a “Semi-Automatic Trolley cum Doffing/Donning
Mechanism”. This idea is easy to assemble while also easy to move around. This also saves
time and is easy to repair at the same time too, while involving the least number of stresses.

3.1.4 Justification of the Design Proposed

There are as discussed in literature some doffing mechanisms being used in the world. But
due to the installation costs and space problems, the design proposed is very well justified.
A trolley can easily fit into the tight space of 40cm in between the spinning machines.

Ring Frame Auto Doffing/Machine Installed Gadget Doffing – It’s like an addition of
a whole comb which may be responsible for adding and removing bobbins, which also
requires heavy machine changes. Thus, this method is not suitable

Reiter Automatic Doffer – This is a complete machine solution, which has an automatic
electric control, this reduces the labor but in this case the whole machine needs to be
replaced, or needs some technical changes in machine.
The other methods being used either require machine modifications, space limitations or
are costly enough to not give a cost limited perfect solution. Thus, an external gadget
addition is the best at hand possible solution. Following issues are solved:

1. Portability Issue is not a concern in this trolley.

2. Due to small in size it can be inter-moved with ease.

3. The tracking wheel solution fits perfectly on the pins base (location where bobbins
are installed)
4. The doffing and donning mechanism sits perfectly on the top of the trolley, allowing
simultaneous removal and addition.
5. The trolley can be connected with motor or can also be strolled with a person.
6. The strength issues can be handled by increasing the strength of material used in
trolley construction.

3.1.5 Design Process Flowchart

Problem Defined

Concepts and Ideas

Factory Visits For Determination of
(As discussed in
Dimensions limitations
literature view)

Selection of Design Tracking

Mechanism Determining Gear
Concept (Trolley
Selection to track Ratios
Bobbins position

Designing Spatial
Designing Doffing Design Donning
Mechanism Mechanism
r to pull out bobbins

Designing Timing Motion of trolley

Spring/Slider/Genev Donning/Doffing relative to spinning
a to add bobbins. with Tracking machine.

3.2 Governing Equations/Mathematical Modelling

Any mechanism to work properly without hit and trial with optimized settings, equations
and theoretical calculations play an important role. The doffing/donning mechanism at
hand has a careful timing mechanism which is needed to be timed as per the machine
movements along the spinning machine. Following important components are needed to be
well timed.

3.2.1 The Locating Mechanism (Rack and Pinion Arrangement)

The main theme of the locating mechanism is to actually locate the position of the bobbins
placed on machine.

Fig 3-3: Locating Mechanism Meshing with Spinning Machine

The locating mechanism is mounted on the trolley. This arrangement is called as rack and
pinion. Similar to being used in cars. The rack in this case is the spinning machines bobbin
pins base, and pinion is the trolleys gear.

Circular Pitch of Rack:

The circular pitch for rack is the linear distance between the two teeth centre. In this case
we have a rack already specified.
Circular Pitch of Rack = 7 cm

Circular Pitch of the Locating Gear:

The circular pitch of the locating gear is the distance between the two teeth at the pitch
Circular Pitch of the Locating Gear = Linear Pitch of the Rack = 7cm

Pitch Diameter Calculation:

We need to calculate the module of the gear, which is the Circular Pitch converted into
Module of Locating Gear = CP x25.4 = 70 mm
Pitch Diameter = Number of Teeth of Locating Gear * Module of Locating Gear
= 18 * 7 = 130cm
So, here we have number of teeth as variable!

3.2.2 Human Force/Motor Force to Doff On Side of Spinning Machine

Since, Force plays an important role, thus we have done calculations for the force to doff a
single side of spinning machine.

Expected Average Velocity of the Push by a Human/Motor = x m/s

The Optimal time required to Doff = 60 s
Acceleration of Trolley = v/60 m/s^2
The Weight of trolley = w N
Mass of Trolley = w/9.81 Kg
The force generated as a Result = F = mass * acceleration = y newton

Similarly, we can find motor torque required, as well as the fatigue factor of human.

3.2.3 The doffing mechanism chain/sprocket Calculations

In order to connect the locating mechanism rotating shaft with the doffing mechanism we
had to use pulleys and belts. The belt and pulley in turn provides the power to the doffing
mechanism which is mounted on the top of the trolley.

Fig 3-4: Doffing Mechanism Mounted on Trolley with Chain Sprockets

The chain and sprockets calculations are necessary. The chain selected in this mechanism
is ANSI 40 and the sprockets selected are also ANSI 40 since the chain should be able to
mesh well with the sprockets. The size of chain sprocket is subjected to change upon further
research during manufacturing.

3.2.4 Centre to Centre Distance of the Sprockets Axles

Since the sprockets selected are of ANSI Standard. This means that the centre to centre
distance is to be kept in a limit of +/-3 cm thus that depends upon the number of the teeth
of sprockets along with the links of the chain. Since, chain follows a curved path.

Fig3-5: Chain Nomenclature (P = Chain Pitch)

Number of the Sprocket Teeth = 50 (ANSI #40)

Number of the Links in Chain = 86

Chain Pith = 0.50 Inch (ANSI #40 Chain)


Centre to Centre Sprocket Distance = (L – n (90 – a / 180) – N (90 + a / 180)) / 4 cos(a)

Where: a = alpha = 0 degrees ( For Modelling Purpose)

L = Number of Links in Chain
N = Number of teeth on sprocket

Centre to Centre Sprocket Distance = 9

3.2.5 Timing Calculation for Locating/Donning/Doffing Mechanism

The timing is the most crucial part in our mechanism, the mechanical timing is being used,
and the locating mechanism in Figure 3-3 is actually to be timed with donning mechanism
and doffing mechanism.
The Bobbins pins covered by locating gear in one revolution = 18
The Bobbins pin covered by Donning Pulley in one revolution = 4
The ratio = 18/4 = 4.5
The speed of donning pulley must be 4.5 times greater than locating mechanism.

If, ω – locating mechanism = 20 rpm

then ω – donning pulley = 4.5 * ω – locating mechanism

3.3 Geometric Modelling and Design

Geometric models are actually made right after the equations used above, and literature
review. The design is made using the selected concept. The software used for the modelling
purpose is SolidWorks.

3.3.1 Doffing Mechanism

Below the doffing mechanism CAD model can be seen, with mounted chains and sprockets.
The gripper can be seen mounted as well, on the spatial CAM. The gripper is moved with
the mounted rods on the chain, the sprockets are driven by the locating mechanism.

The shaft of the sprockets is attached to the locating mechanism driving power with the
help of the pulleys and belts. The locating mechanism is rotated with the rack and pinion
mechanism through the spinning machine, which as a result gives turn to the sprockets.

The chain is a mounting type, which is attached to the rod of the gripper, thus in turn gripper
rotates with the chain. The gripper then follows a special path of the spatial cam. This
enables one gripper to grip the wrapper bobbin (as shown in figure 3-1) and then pull it out
of the spinning machine.

Fig 3-6: Doffing Mechanism with Single Gripper

3.3.2 Donning Mechanism

The donning mechanism works with bobbins being rolled out of the chamber as shown in
figure through a spring. Then properly allowing it to fall on the spinning machine.

Fig 3-7: Donning Mechanism


We’ve used the Geneva mechanism inside the donning mechanism to give a delay or gap
time for bobbins to fall perfectly on the pins present on the spinning machine, as was shown
in the Figure 3-2. Now, below you can see the bottom view of the Figure 3-8 to get an

Fig 3-8: Geneva Mechanism and Donning

3.3.4 - Trolley as per Spinning Machine Dimensions

The trolley was to be made as per the shop floor available space and keeping in mind the
portability in mind, the SolidWorks weldments function is used in order to use the ANSI
standard pipes.

Fig 3-9: Trolley with Spinning Machine

3.3.5 Doffing/Donning Trolley and Spinning Machine Assembly

The below assembly shows the relative motion of the Doffing/Donning trolley with the
spinning machine. The spinning machine in this model is on the ground, same as the

machine present in the factory, and doffing/donning trolley is going to perform its operation
on spinning machine.

Fig 3-10: Relative Movement of Doffing/Donning

The alone gadget can be seen below without the spinning machine.

Fig 3-11: Semi-Automatic Doffing/Donning

3.4 Analysis
3.4.1 Model Information
There are two basic operations i.e. doffing the cops and donning the bobbins. There are
some requirements to be fulfilled during the process of doffing the cops.

(a) The relative motion trend in the horizontal direction between the cop and the spindle is
not allowed for protecting spindles before the cop leaves the spindle totally.
(b) Grippers cannot touch the yarn, so as not to damage the yarn.

Doffing Mechanism
The grippers capture the cops from the top to avoid the damaging of the yarn as there is no
yarn in the top region of the cop.

Fig 3-12: Doffing Mechanism

The grippers are attached to the sliding blocks. Furthermore, the sliding blocks are attached
to the vertical guide rail and move up and down along the rail. The sliding blocks are also
sleeved on the space curve guide rail and follow the path of the space curve guide rail. The
vertical guide rails are fixed to the mechanical chain through fixed hinges. The distance
between the two consecutive vertical rails is constant and moves along the mechanical
chain. The sliding block will follow the horizontal motion of vertical guide rails and also
move up and down following the path of space curve guide rail. In this way, the gripper
attains the three dimensional motion.

The horizontal component of the grippers’ velocity is equal to the velocity v1 of the
mechanical chain in the linear direction. When the velocity v1 of the mechanical chain is
equal to the velocity v0 of the frame, the gripper and spindle would be relatively static and
will do the doffing of cops.

Fig 3-13: Doffing Mechanism Illustration

Locating Mechanism
The locating mechanism is a gear type toothed disc, meshed up with the base of spindles,
providing the proper linear motion of the trolley so that doffing of cops and donning of
bobbins can be done in an excellent way. The toothed disc is mounted on the solid
shaft/input shaft which is fixed in between the upper and lower sheets of the trolley. The
input shaft is also connected to another shaft/output shaft through the belt and pulley
mechanism. The output shaft is further connected to the doffing system. As the output shaft
rotates, the doffing system starts its work.

Fig 3-14: Locating Mechanism


Donning Mechanism
There is a spring attached from the back side of the box. The spring pushes the bobbins
towards the disc in which there are round holes. Thee bobbins get trapped into these holes.
As the disc rotates, the bobbins also rotate and reach their position where they have to fall.
Then, the installed Geneva mechanism gives dwell so that the empty bobbins can fall on
the spindles properly. In this way, the donning mechanism is achieved.

Fig 3-15: Donning Mechanism

3.4.2 Study Properties and Assumptions

The analysis type is the static one as the sheet is constrained by the weldments from all the
four sides. There is no any motion in either side. There are thermal effects included as in
the real life problem there is some high temperature in the zone where the trolley is to be
operated. Friction is neglected in our analysis.

The method used in our case is the adaptive method to get the results of stresses being
applied on the sheet.

3.4.3 Material Properties

The material used is the alloy steel whose properties are given as follows:

Table 3 - 1: Material Properties Table

3.4.4 Loads and Fixtures

As the sheet is covered by the weldments from all the four sides, top of the sheet is free
from the weldments so it is fixed from all the four sides and there is a fixed support in the
middle of the sheet from the bottom side so the reaction forces in x, y and z components
are given below:

Table 3 - 2: Loads and Fixtures Table


On the top of the sheet, there lies doffing and donning mechanisms so, the forces applied
on the sheet by these two mechanisms are as follows:

Table 3 - 3: Loading

3.4.5 Mesh Information and Details

The purpose of meshing is to obtain the accurate results in the analysis. The meshing is
done by converting the whole object into very small elements. The mesh type is solid mesh.
The element size that we have used is 1.97208 cm. The tolerance level is 0.0986039 cm.
The meshing quality used is high.

Table 3 - 4: Mesh Details


Fig 3-16: Mesh Model

3.4.6 Resultant Forces

The resultant forces on the entire sheet as a result of the fixed constraints from the
weldments and a fixed support from the bottom and due to the forces exerted by the doffing
and donning mechanisms are given as:

3.4.7 Study Results

The highest value of stress (von-Mises) is 6.096e+04 N/(m^2) and it exists on the
circumference of the hole made for the shaft on which the locating mechanism is mounted
and also on the upper surface of the sheet in the region closer to the hole and to the
weldment of one side. These two regions are the critical regions. The least value of stress
is 3.198e-04 N/(m^2) which lies in the regions that are far away from the loading.

Fig 3-17: Stress Distribution

3.4.8 Conclusion
From the analysis, it is concluded that the circumference of the hole made for the shaft on
which the locating mechanism is mounted and the upper surface of the sheet closer to the
hole and to the weldment of one side are the critical regions. As the shaft, mounted with
locating mechanism, has to rotate continuously so the wear will occur at this position
first. The maximum value of the stress (von-Mises) is 6.096e+04 N/(m^2) and the yield
strength of the material is 6.204e+08 N/(m^2) so, the sheet is still in the safe zone. We
have done our analysis on the upper sheet of the trolley because the number of forces is
acting on it and hence, the stress applied on it. The other parts are not comprises of such
number of forces so we have not performed the analysis on those parts.

3.4 Summary
The overall calculations required to complete the concept design are shown which include
governing mechanisms to take bobbins out and add new empty bobbins on the spinning

machine. Later, after the perfecting timing of these mechanisms with spinning machine, a
better idea is given through CAD models which are embedded in this section.
The trolley moves over the spinning machine making sure the wrapper bobbins are
removed from spinning machine and empty bobbins are installed. The whole trolley is
pushed by a human and as proposed can be automated too with motors.

Chapter 4

4.1 Development Process

The complete development of the project was carried out at Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering Workshop and CNC Lab. The CAD model was discussed with technicians at
the Workshop and CNC Lab. The technicians guided the group on the off the shelf solutions
available for various parts modeled in CAD. Also the technicians discussed the constraints
of the machines available at the Workshop and CNC Lab. After getting the feedback from
the technicians the group revisited the CAD models and remodeled them as per the
specifications achievable at the Workshop and CNC Lab. The part drawings of the CAD
models were developed in Solid Works once the technicians approved of the revised design.
The machine was divided into modules and each module was developed individually and
later assembled to make the complete machine.

The modules were as follows:

1. Trolley
a. Main Frame
b. Wheels
c. Locating Mechanism
i. Locating wheel
ii. Transmission Pulley
iii. Shaft
iv. Bearing and housing
2. Doffing Mechanism
a. Main Structure
i. Top Plate
ii. Bottom Plate
iii. Support Rods

b. Transmission Shafts
c. Spatial Cam
d. Chain and Sprocket
e. Gripper Assembly
i. Attachments
ii. Gripper Shaft
iii. Gripper
3. Donning Mechanism
a. Main Structure
b. Bobbin magazine
c. Geneva Mechanism
d. Transmission Shaft
e. Transmission Pulley

4.1.1 Manufacturing of Trolley

The trolley was broken down into Structure, Locating Mechanism and wheels. The wheels
were first selected and based on the dimensions of the wheels the dimensions of trolley
structure were set. The drawings for the structure were generated and were used for
fabrication of the trolley. The trolley was made using 40x40 ISO standard weldments. Once
the trolley structure was completed the wheels were welded onto the structure and the
dimensions for locating mechanism were set accordingly. Then the drawings for locating
mechanism were generated and the mechanism was fabricated assembled and mounted onto
the main structure. Drawings for Trolley Structure

Fig 4-1: Trolley Cad Model


Fig 4-2: Engineering Drawing of Trolley

30 Wheel selection

The market was visited and wheels with appropriate dimensions were bought that would
enable us to match the height of our trolley such that the locating mechanism would mesh
with the spinning machines.

Fig 4-3: Trolley Wheel Manufacturing of Locating Mechanism

The dimensions of the trolley were matched with the dimensions of the spinning machine
and the locating mechanism assembly was remodeled. Also it was realized that the old
configuration of the locating mechanism required a locating wheel that could not be
manufactured in the FME Workshop. So the configuration of the locating mechanism was
adjusted such that the locating wheel could be brought in dimensions that could be handled
in the Workshop.

Fig 4-4: Locating Mechanism


Fig 4-5: Locating Disc

Fig 4-6: Transmission Shaft


Fig 4-7: Engineering Drawing of Locating Disc


The group researched about bearing housings for mounting the locating assembly on the
trolley. In the end it was decided to use UC205 universal flanged bearings. The CAD model
for UC205 was generated and the complete CAD model was tested by meshing it with the
CAD model of spinning machine to ensure the dimensional accuracy.

Fig 4-8: UC205

4.1.2 Manufacturing of Doffing Mechanism

The manufacturing of doffing mechanism was divided into manufacturing of support
structure, spatial cam, chain and sprocket and gripper assembly. The manufacturing of
doffing mechanism was started from the selection of chain and sprockets since the center
to center distance based on chain pitch and sprocket diameter was crucial for deciding the
dimensions of the spatial cam. The chain cannot be custom built so off the shelf solutions
were sought after. After rigorous market research it was decided to use 420 number chain
and 41T standard sprocket used in motorcycle transmission system.

Fig 4-9: Sprocket and Attachment Chain

Calculations were performed to calculate the nearest center to center distance to the
design center to center distance that could be achieved using the selected chain and
sprockets. The center to center is distance of 9 in was chosen as the final value. The
special cam was remodeled to achieve to desired center to center distance.

Fig 4-10: Chain Length Calculator Manufacturing of Spatial Cam

The spatial cams CAD model was discussed with the technicians at FME Workshop. The
technicians discussed the limitations of machining facilities and the spatial cam was
remodeled to accommodate for the limitations. The spatial cam was broken down into
components and then assembled. The material used for Spatial Cam was MDF wood.

Fig 4-11: Spatial Cam


Fig 4-12: Engineering Drawing of Spatial Cam


Fig 4-13: Engineering Drawing of Spatial Cam Middle


Fig 4-14: Engineering Drawing of Spatial Cam Top

38 Manufacturing of Support Structure

The support structure consists of top plate, bottom plate, support rods, transmission shafts
and the bearings. The top plate and bottom plates were modeled using the dimensions of
spatial cam and sprockets as the bases. The bearings were procured off the shelf. After
market research UC204 bearings were selected and later modeled in Solid Works. The
shafts and connecting rods were manufactured on lathe. The material used for support
structure was Mild Steel.

Fig 4-15: Support Structure


Fig 4-16: Engineering Drawing of Bottom Plate


Fig 4-17: Engineering Drawing of Top Plate


Fig 4-18: UC205 Manufacturing of Gripper Assembly

The gripper assembly was the most difficult to manufacture portion of the whole project.
The first main problem was adding attachments to the chain. The main issue in adding
attachment was the welding involved. The welding required precision which was not easily
achievable in the workshop. Secondly the linear bearings needed for enabling the sliding
motion of the gripper were not easily available. The gripper could not be machined from
metal due to the limitations of the machines available at the Workshop therefore MDF
wood was used to manufacture the gripper.

Fig 4-19: Cad Model of Gripper Mechanism


Fig 4-20: Engineering Drawing of Gripper


4.1.3 Manufacturing of Donning Mechanism

The Donning mechanism was the third module of the project. Donning mechanism required
precision because of the complex geometries involved in the mechanisms used in it.
Therefore, the donning mechanism was completely fabricated in the CNC Lab using CNC
machines. The G codes were generated of the each parts and uploaded on the CNC
machines to manufacture the mechanism. Since the machines in the CNC lab can only work
on wood therefore MDF wood was used as the material of choice. The Donning mechanism
consisted of Magazine, Main structure, Geneva mechanism and the transmission shaft.

Fig 4-21: Cad Model of Donning Mechanism


Fig 4-22: Engineering Drawing of Donning Mechanism


Fig 4-23: Engineering Drawing of Donning Mechanism


Fig 4-24: Engineering Drawing of Magazine


Fig 4-25: Engineering Drawing of Geneva Mechanism


Fig 4-26: Engineering Drawing of Geneva Wheel


4.2 Testing and Experimental Procedure

The meshing of the trolley with the spindles on the spinning machine is very critical for the
operation of the whole mechanism. The locating disk is the interface between the
mechanism and the spinning machine. After the fabrication of locating disk it was taken to
Saif Textile Mills Gadoon and the meshing was checked. The diametric pitch of the locating
disk matched to the linear pitch of the spindles of the spinning machine. The locating disk
meshed perfectly with the spinning machine.

After the fabrication of the trolley the dimensions of the trolley were matched with the
dimensions of the spinning machine. The height of the trolley was as per the intended

The donning mechanism and the doffing mechanism were tested in the Workshop by giving
manual input. The donning mechanism exhibited the intended intermittent motion and the
bobbins were donned as intended. The doffing mechanism however showed some problems
as discussed in detail in Chapter 5.

Fig 4-27: Complete Cad Model


Fig 4-28: Complete Physical Model

Fig 4-29: Doffing Physical Model


Fig 4-30: Geneva Mechanism Physical Model

Fig 4-31: Donning Physical Model


Fig 4-32: Complete Physical Model

4.3 Summary
To sum it all up the whole machine was broken down into modules based upon the intended
function of each module. The modules were then broken down into parts. The order of
precedence between modules was developed i.e. trolley was manufactured first then based
on its dimensions doffing and donning were manufactured. The drawings for each part of
the each module were generated and later using the drawings the parts were manufactured
in the Workshop and CNC lab at FME. The part models were iterated and remodeled at
each phase to make up for the limitations in terms of facilities and of the shelf solutions

Chapter 5


5.1 Results
Once the modules were completed each module was tested for its specific desired
performance indicators. The critical performance indicators for the each module were as

Table 5 - 1: Result

Module Performance indicators

Donning - Intermittent motion of magazine

- Smooth transition of bobbins from bobbin holding
compartment to magazine

Doffing - The smooth tracking of gripper in the spatial cam

- Smooth vertical movement of gripper in the gripper
support rods
- Smooth transmission of Chain and Sprocket mechanism

Trolley - The height of the trolley must be such to ensure meshing

of locating disk and the spindles

The donning mechanism met all of its desired performance indicators. The intermittent
motion was perfectly executed. The transition of bobbins from bobbin holding
compartment to magazine was initially not smooth. After filling of edges and slight
modifications in design the transition was made smooth.

The trolley also met all its performance indicators the height was matched with the
spinning machine using a yard stick to model the height of the spinning machine.

The Doffing mechanism had some issues mainly due to unavailability of sufficient
machining facilities and desired attachment chain. However the prototype was insightful

in revealing certain aspects of design that could not be otherwise realized in the computer
environment. The doffing met the requirements of smooth vertical motion of the gripper
in the gripper support rods and the smooth transmission of chain and sprocket with the
exception of slight flex due to small pitch of the chain and non-specialized attachments.

5.2 Analysis and Discussion

The failures encountered in the Doffing mechanism were mainly a result of selection of a
high angle for the spatial cam that was justified in the computer environment. In any
further iteration the angle must be carefully chosen keeping in view the experience gained
from the prototype. The computer simulations must not be trusted as the physical
dynamics change as result of manufacturing constraints so only iterating till perfection is
achieved is the only option. The chain needs to be replaced by attachment chain so that
the problem of flex in the chain could be eliminated. To sum it up the project requires
rigorous iterations to achieve perfection so in any future work is undertaken it must be
focused mainly on manufacturing.

5.3 Summary
Overall the first iteration of the design was somewhat successful in achieving the desired
requirements. Certain design concepts were proven and groundwork was laid for any
further work on the project. The problems that could not be understood in the computer
environment were revealed and solutions for them were developed. Design is an iterative
process so every lesson learnt is a success.

Chapter 6

6.1 Social Impact

What so ever product is made and launched in the market, the social impact of the product
must be measured and every aspect of social impact must be accounted.
The social impact is something to which any product must give key importance. It’s the
society which is the ultimate user of the product. The social impact describes the social
sustainability of the product, that whether in given social environment the product can
survive or it can’t survive.
Any product when launched, first the social metrics are considered and then the harmony
of these social metrics with the international metrics are considered, just so that the standard
protocol and procedures are followed.
Various methods for the social accountability of product are created which ensure that the
standards are well followed.

Stake Holders for Semi-Automatic Doffing Donning:

1. Producers – The manufacturing company

2. Workers – The people working at the factory floor in textile
3. Consumers – The factory itself

The analysis of these stake holder for the social impact goes from cradle to grave, when it
comes to the product.

Social Impact Relationship for Workers/Consumers:

Stake Holders Social Impact/Topics Result/Expectation

Job Satisfaction Done


Time Saving Done

Accurate Results Done


Less Labor Done


Home Made

Job Satisfaction: The doffing machine helps to remove the wrapper/filled bobbins from
the machine, and the involvement of machines ensures quick and to the mark Job. This
quick and perfect delivery of work with various options to tweak actually gives the Job
satisfaction to the workers. The same goes for the consumers, which in this case is the

Time Saving: The time can be largely allowed not to be wasted with the addition of a smart
machine, just like the advent of the technological gadgets the time is saved a lot, this semi-
automatic doffing/donning mechanism allows the workers to doff the spinning machine
with quite an ease and in no time. This ensures that least amount of their time is utilized

and they are able to invest this time on something better inside the factory which keeps the
employer happy.

Accurate Results: The other aspect is the accuracy satisfaction, with the machine one can
tweak enough to make the whole process automated. This helps the workers and the
consumers get the accurate results.

Less Labor Intensive: Any work which gets more labor intensive, the good spirits of the
workers are doomed. Human nature works well if the job is in accordance with the mind.
If the mind is not relaxed and the workers are doing work just because they have to do it,
despite being labor intensive or not labor intensive. However, with this product, the labor
intensity is reduced a lot, which is a positive social impact.

Home Made Utility: The thing made in home from top to the bottom, as compared to a
hidden foreign formula thing, the one made at home is preferred more. The people value
domestic things more, and same is the social impact of this product.

6.2 Sustainability Analysis

The sustainability of any project and resultant service/product as a result is something
which makes a huge difference, let’s assume that a product is made but once it’s in hand of
consumer, they want some part which is worn out. Now, if the sustainable plan is not
considered, he won’t’ he able to give life to machine again. Because the non-sustainable
product won’t have a sustainable spare parts market. So, the product must have the
sustainability analysis on hand which makes sure that the product is survivable in the
current environment and working conditions of the product are fair enough to help it
survive in the longer run.

6.2.1 Suitability Analysis Chart

The following steps are important outlines which will serve as a base for the suitability
analysis, though we can’t cover everything in the analysis but still the critical most parts
are well discussed in these major points.

Goals of the Product: The definite goal which product serves, which in our case is the
automation of the spinning machines bobbins.
Analysis of the Market: The consumer analysis and the needs of the market related to the
product. Includes regional as well as the technological aspect.
Sustainability Points: The criterions over which the sustainability of the product is
analyzed, decided only after the analysis of the market.
Sustainability Assessment: The final assessment of the sustainability of the product is
done to ensure that everything goes in the right direction towards the proper survival of the

Table 6 - 1: Sustainability Analysis

Sustainability Sustainability
Goals Analysis of
Points Assessment
Automation Required by Textile Reliability Yes
Doffing Easy Availability of Sustainability Yes
Spare Parts
Donning Technology Ready Serviceability Yes
Economical Manufacturing Easy Assembly Yes
Process Ready
Easy Assembly Required Cost Economics Yes

6.2.2 Sustainability Explained in Reference with Automatic Doffing/Donning Goals
The goals of the machine developed and the designed made are to automate a manual
process which is labor intensive in nature and time consuming. The goal also includes that
something to be made which is easily assembled inside the factory environment. The goal
of doffing/donning automation with the ease of making the automatic machine on the
factory floor.

Fig 6-1: Doffing/Donning Mechanism Analysis of Market

The market analysis the main thing, the consumers which are going to use the product, the
availability of the parts and other aspects. Because if there is no need of the product in the
shape of the consumers then there is no good in making the product and the product won’t
survive so long. Thus, the product must ensure that it has potential demand in the market. Easy Availability of Parts: is one sustainability criteria which must be fulfilled
if the product serviceability character has to be kept in mind. Without the parts availability
the production of the factory floor might get delayed which can have some negative impact.
The materials mostly used in the Doffing/Donning robot are of standard qualifications and
are readily available in even low market demand areas like Gadoon. Below is the
breakdown of the parts used:

Doffing Mechanism Parts:

1. Housing Bearing – Readily Available in Local Market
2. Sprockets for Gripper Rotation – 14 T Standard Bikes Sprocket
3. Shaft for Gripper – Readily available 8mm
4. Gripper – Can be 3D printed
5. The Spatial Cam – Profile can be made through Wood (Laminated) /
Through the metallurgical methods
Donning Mechanism Parts:
1. The housing can be readily made through laminated wood, as we did in the
project or to add more strength the aluminum/mild steel can also be used.
2. Use of CNC/Turning is involved.

3. With CAD Drawings the automation of the parts manufacturing can be

4. Bearings – Readily available 1.5mm inner / 2.8 mm External Dia
5. The Geneva wheel/Geneva gear to be house made through Milling.
6. Springs readily available in market
The supporting trolley for movement:
1. The trolley can be made with weldments in house.
2. Wheels are readily available in market. Technology Ready: is another aspect because a lot of manufacturing and

availability of parts is made sure after the CAD models are properly translated into rapid
prototyping. Thus, the factory floor or the joined manufacturing area must have the
technology acceptance in place. The technology will help in the quick understanding of the
mechanism through simulations and will aide in the manufacturing phase. Manufacturing Process: is something which is closely related to the technology.

The use of CNC is largely used to make things like Geneva mechanism and give smooth
profile to various parts. The accuracy of the CNC is unmatched, so for the suitability
approach the manufacturing ready is one of the aspects which can be forgotten. Required Technicians: is the workface which understands the working of the
automation. If the technicians at the factory floor don’t understand the whole process than
the life of the product is heavily impacted. The P/PC is the formula to increase the life, if
we keep on taking production (the numerator) and don’t add to the production capacity (the
denominator) then the product is going to retire too soon. Thus, the technicians with proper
training must be a part of the cycle. Sustainability Assessment/Points

The assessment of the sustainability can only be done in light of the points discussed above.
The ready availability of the parts makes the life cycle of the product long. The availability
of the required level of the technology from welding to the milling criterions, makes the
manufacturing and assembly of the parts possible. The availability of the trained work force
keeps the serviceability problems at distance. The easy assembly depends on the design
and the cad models shows the various aspects of the assembly.

The maintenance of the semi-automatic doffing/donning is not something which may

involve electrical components. Due to the non-involvement of the electrical component,
the maintenance merely depends upon the mechanical parts which as explained before are
readily available in the market. A replacement set can also be kept on the factory floor to
make sure the timely replacements.The Cost economics involved are good, because the
parts are locally available and some parts can be manufactured with ease, this ensures that
the product is kept at the barely minimum price.

Table 6 - 2: Bill OF Material (BOM)

Component Unit Cost Unit Quantity Total Cost

Ply wood Sheets 250 sqft 10 2,500.00
Acrylic 1inch PKR
thick 3500 sqft 5 17,500.00
Shape Form PKR
Cutter 8000 Piece 2 16,000.00
Cup Cutter 1000 Piece 2 2,000.00
Sprocket 8inch 1000 Piece 4 4,000.00
Attachment Chain 180 ft 10 1,800.00
Linear Bearings 200 Piece 28 5,600.00
Bearings 1cm ID 100 Piece 10 1,000.00
Bearings 2cm ID 130 Piece 10 1,300.00
Wheels 10cm Dia 100 Piece 2 200.00
Wheels 7cm Dia 80 Piece 2 160.00
Steel Billets for PKR
Shaft 450 Kg 10 4,500.00
Timing Pulley 600 Piece 6 3,600.00
Timing Belts 250 ft 20 5,000.00
Mild Steel 130 Kg 30 3,900.00
Contingencies 10,000.00
TOTAL PKR 79,060.00

The easy assembly makes sure that every component is taken apart and a new is installed
with ease.

6.3 Environmental impact

The product made must be environmental friendly because the ecosystem of the overall
earth should not be disturbed. These ecosystems are largely incorporated into greater
ecosystems. Thus if the basic point of disruptions causes some harm to smaller level
ecosystem then there come the issues in the larger ones too, because these all systems
combine to form on large organism which survives on the better state of parameters.

6.3.1 Manufacturing Environment

The materials used and the method used to create this first prototype of donning/doffing
are actually environmental friendly and can be recycled later. The wood used as an
alternative to the metal in some places gives the best form on recyclable organic material.
The wood has been used conservatively, best suited where needed. The large portion of
wooden sheets were synthetic just to make sure that there is least environmental impact.
The automatic doffing donning mechanism used the manufacturing techniques like CNC
and manual labor which have zero level of emissions to the environment. The
manufacturing environment barely uses welding to assemble the base moving mechanism,
and the two mechanism mounted on this base mechanism use the
spinning/milling/drilling/jigsaws to make the parts from the base material into the final one.
The mild steel used also poses no threat to the environment and is totally recyclable into
other products after the end state of the particular product.

6.3.2 Environmental Friendly Lifecycle

The lifecycle of the product actually takes into account the time from the cradle to the
grave. If a product is not harmful to the environment in any aspect than this means that it’s
best suited for the environment during its lifecycle.
The semiautomatic donning/doffing could have utilized some power input to keep things
easy and at hand. But the design was best suited and created after multiple iterations to the
environment avoiding the use of any input power which may produce emissions for the
environment. The source of power could have been two stroke smaller engines for the full
automation or could have been electric motor. Engines on the other hand produce hazardous

materials like soothe in case of diesel powered and other gases. But, instead the machine
was kept fully human powered, which helps workers remain mentally fit and active and
also supports the closed environment of the factory.
The whole lifecycle of machine till the grounding time has environmental friendly base.

6.3.2 Lubrications and Running

The lubrication is needed for the spatial cam movement and the sprockets movement over
the chain. The oil used can be of any grade with minimum required viscosity to ensure the
smooth operation of the machine. This oil is least required to stop any kid of leakage. We
don’t need to put any oil reservoir to keep things more complex and bad for environment
upon dumping.

6.4 Hazard Identification and Safety Measures

Moving machines always pose a threat because of involvement of the moving parts. Proper
safety is always to be taken in order to make sure that the moving parts don’t become a
hazard for the human in charge.

6.4.1 Hazards
1. Sprockets are a hazard as the rotating teeth can cause harm.
2. Geneva mechanism can pose threat, because of the gear.
3. The trolley due to unbalanced weight.
4. The metallic wheels.
5. Gripper for gripping the bobbins.
6. The chain over the sprocket teeth.
7. The lubricating oil

6.4.2 Safety Measures

1. The operator must know the position of the sprockets and must wear gloves with
solid boots during the operation.
2. The operator must know the position of the Geneva mechanism, and the mechanism
may be covered inside a metallic box.
3. The trolley upper mechanisms must be properly balanced so that there unbalance
may not cause problems.

4. The wheels must have a cover on their top surface.

5. Gripper must be handled with care, and during operation safe distance must be kept
with machine. The gripper can cause tear in human flesh.
6. The chain must be covered beneath the mounting profile.
7. The oil must be kept at safe distance, the gloves must be used.

6.5 Summary
The Social Impact ensures that the criterion to be applied actually gives us sound outputs
to the consumer as well as workers group. The workers get satisfaction and time safety in
terms of perfection. The workers are able to do more and this gives them job surely and
security which is a huge social impact and on the whole the product is increased giving
boost to overall lives of people involved.
The sustainability analysis ensures that the parts and the manufacturing process is well
recognized at the factory and local market level so that the replacement of the parts and
things like sustainability and serviceability are well pursued. The sustainability of the
product ensures a long lasting life cycle. The automatic doffing/donning in this case has
been made and designed on common principle of availability and easy assembly.
Due to non-usage of any hazardous emissions and making sure the material used is
biologically recycled, makes this product earth friendly.
The safety measures and the identification of hazards like oil, sprockets and moving gears
and suggestions to avoid any injury with impact are actually outlines in detail to ensure the
smooth working of the machine.

Chapter 7


7.1 Summary
The problem at hand was that the existing machines available at the factory floor of the
textile spinning mills in Pakistan were largely manual. So the aim of the project was to
develop a solution for automating the process of doffing and donning of bobbins from the
spindles of the spinning machines. After some primary research it was found that the
solution must have the following features:

1. The solution must be cheap.

2. The solution must be independent of the spinning machines.
3. The solution must be simple to operate and maintain.
4. The solution must be mobile and maneuverable to negotiate the obstacles at the
factory floor.

The group underwent a mechanical design exercise to develop a novel solution to the
problem. Some concepts were developed and after careful examination of each concept
the Spatial Cam based concept was finalized. A model of spinning machine was
generated in Solid Works. Initial CAD models were generated for the concept and tested
in Solid Works motion study. The dimensions were iterated and modifications were made
to improve model performance. Once the CAD models were finalized the drawings of
parts were generated and the parts were manufactured in FME Workshop and CNC Lab.
The parts were then assembled to form the individual modules. The modules were tested
for their intended aim by manual input and meshing with the actual spinning machine at
the factory floor. The modules were then assembled into a single machine.

The Donning mechanism worked perfectly fine and the dropping of bobbins was
successfully demonstrated. However, the doffing mechanism developed minor problems
mainly due to the limitations faced in terms of machining facility for spatial cam and
unavailability of attachment chain. The spatial cam angle turned out to be too steep and
the forces in real life were much greater than those in the simulations.

7.2 Future Considerations

Due to the time constraint the group was only able to perform only single design iteration.
The first iteration brought many small details into the designer’s considerations that were
otherwise ignored. The designers didn’t realize the effect of change of angle of spatial
cam on the force required by the operator in any future iteration the angle would be kept
less steep. Secondly the flex of the chain was ignored mainly because the designers
intended to use an attachment chain with longer pitch however due to financial
consideration the off the shelf solution was sought which resulted in poor performance.
Any future work must not compromise on the type of chain being used no matter what the
cost as it would directly affect the system performance. It was also realized that the
design of bobbin magazine in the donning mechanism needs to be optimized to prevent
the bobbins to be jammed at the point of entry. Since the design is not optimized in the
present state it can’t be tested on the original machine yet so the actual performance
cannot be predicted. Any future work must focus on undertaking as many design
iterations as possible since the theoretical ground has been laid and the problem has been
well understood now it’s all about finishing with perfection.


1. Hathiringe, G. (2012). Keeping pace: How Pakistan can benefit from textile automation. Express
2. Shimotsuma, Y., & Sakaguehi, K. (1965). Auto-doffer* as a Means of Automation. Journal of the
Textile Machinery Society of Japan, 11(5-6), 170-172.
3. Watanabe, E. (1965). Toyoda Continuous Auto-doffer. Journal of the Textile Machinery Society
of Japan, 11(5-6), 213-216.


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