A Control Method For Linear Permanent Magnet Electric Submersible Pumps in A Modified Integrated Drive-Motor System
A Control Method For Linear Permanent Magnet Electric Submersible Pumps in A Modified Integrated Drive-Motor System
A Control Method For Linear Permanent Magnet Electric Submersible Pumps in A Modified Integrated Drive-Motor System
978-1-5090-4281-4/17/$31.00 2017
Recently, a new technology which combines the ESP and
beam pump has been introduced for stripper wells. The
rotating ESP configuration is modified to have a linear ESP
system. In this case, a linear motor is used instead of a rotating
motor and a centrifugal pump is replaced with a reciprocating
pump as shown in Figure 4. The main advantages of the linear
ESP system compared to the sucker rod pump are:
1) The ability to be used in deviated wells.
2) Requires smaller footprint on the surface which allow it to
be used in off-shore applications.
3) Eliminate the gear reducer, the crank and beam system and
the sucker rod.
Integrated Drive-Motor (IDM) shows promising advantages
[8]-[9]. In IDM systems, an electric motor is combined with
the VSC in a single enclosure downhole as shown in Figure 5.
Section II, presents a modified IDM system which shows
some advantages compared to the conventional IDM. In sec-
tion III, the variable speed control of the modified IDM. The
experimental results are shown in Section IV.
The paper discusses the control system for the linear motor
which drives the reciprocating pump. In this study, a perma-
nent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is used because of
its higher efficiency and smaller physical size compared to
induction motors [10]. The motor is desired to have variable
speed and is controlled using vector control scheme. The
discussion is focused on the variable speed control system
Where Idc Rcable is the total voltage drop across the two- Finally, the calculated reference speed is used as the pos-
wire DC cable resistance. itive and negative limit values of the output of the position
controller in the vector control algorithm.
B. Downhole controller The minimum required DC bus voltage given in (6) will
The next step is done downhole where a voltage sensor is cause the inverter to run at its maximum voltage limit. Prac-
used to measure the DC bus voltage at the inverter input down- tically, any curve above the minimum required voltage curve
hole. The desired reference speed could be reverse calculated may be used to relate the DC bus voltage to the command
by solving (6) without the DC cable voltage drop term as: speed. In this case, the surface controller selects the DC bus
voltage for a given speed. Then the downhole controller will
Vp = Vdc / 3 (7) use the DC bus voltage and current measurements to calculate
the speed command.
Then the desired reference speed could be found by re-
arranging (5) and solving for ω ∗ in the following quadratic IV. S IMULATION R ESULTS
equation, The block diagram shown in Figure 7 was simulated in
MATLAB/SIMULINK including the inverter and linear motor
(λ2pm +L2 Irated
)ω ∗2 +2RIrated λpm ω ∗ = Vp2 −R2 Irated
(8) models.The surface controller was added to the system model.
The downhole controller was used to limit the output of the
position controller to the reference speed.The DC bus voltage
50 was selected to be 600 time the commanded speed. The system
was simulated at three different commanded speeds. Figure 9
shows the simulated reference and measured speeds at 150V.
40 Figure 10 shows the same speeds at 90V while the results at
30V are shown in Figure 11. Table I shows system parameters
Motor Peak Phase Voltage [V]
values .
Parameter Symbol Value Unit
Fig. 10. Simulation results for commanded and actual speeds at 90V.
In this paper, a speed control method for Linear Electric
30 Submersible Pumps used in a modified Integrated Drive-Motor
Simulated system is proposed. In this system, the rectifier was placed on
20 the surface while the inverter was placed downhole with the
The DC bus voltage was varied to control the speed of
the pump without any additional signal cables. Experimental
Speed [cm/s]
[1] J. Speight, Introduction to enhanced recovery methods for heavy oil and
tar sands, 2nd ed. Cambridge, MA: Gulf Professional Publishing, 2016.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 [2] V. Alvarado and E. Manrique, Enhanced Oil Recovery: An Update
time [sec]
Review, Energies, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 15291575, Aug. 2010.
[3] R. K. O’Neil, ”Application and selection of electric submergible pumps,”
Fig. 11. Simulation results for commanded and actual speeds at 30V. presented at the Rocky Mountain Region Annual Meeting, AIME-SPE,
SPE 5907, Casper, WY, May 1975.
[4] G. Skibinski, S. Breit, ”Line and load friendly drive solutions for long
V. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS length cable applications in electrical submersible pump applications,” in
Petroleum and Chemical Industry Technical Conference, 2004, pp.269-
In order to perform an experimental test of the modified 278.
IDM system in the lab environment, a DC regulated power
Fig. 12. Experimental setup including the linear motor, Trans-Rotary Magnetic Gear and rotating generator.
Fig. 13. Reference and measured speeds (8 cm/s /div) at 150V. Fig. 15. Reference and measured speeds (8 cm/s /div) at 30V.