Camera Ready Paper
Camera Ready Paper
Camera Ready Paper
Akash Kamble, 2Vivek Chaudhary, 3Adesh Dhakane, 4Abhijit Ghorpade
Student, 2Student, 3Student, 4Student
Department of Computer Engineering,
Sinhgad Academy of Engineering, Kondhwa(Bk.), Pune, India
[email protected],2 [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
Multi-document summarization is used for generating the summary of the documents
which will provide the central idea about the documents in short. As large amount of
information is available on internet, there is a need of system that can provide
informative summary in a short time period. In this paper, we have proposed a system
generating the summary of multiple documents related to a particular topic as well as it
will show summary of particular document. In our proposed system, we use tokenization
and stop-word removal method as a preprocessing step of latent dirichlet allocation
(LDA) model. Our approach also uses sentence clustering and term frequency algorithm
for generating short text summary.
As large number of documents are available on the internet, it seems difficult to get
the required information related to a particular topic. In order to solve this problem, we
have proposed a multiple documents summarization using sentence clustering. Using this
summarization system, user gets the short informative summary related to a particular
topic from multiple documents. Instead of reading number of documents for particular
topic, user can make use of this system to get topic related information. It will save the
reading time of user and user will get the lot of topic related information in short time
period. This system generates the summary of multiple documents of .txt and .pdf file
formats. Also user gets the summary for multiple topics if all that topics present in a
particular document. System also provides the documents related to a searched topic
among the collection of documents before generating the summary. For generating
summary, we use following steps:-
Considering topic related search by the user, we have used term frequency
algorithm to count multiple occurrence of words in a document and then
accordingly calculate the relevant score of each document for arranging them
as per their relevant score.
By using sentence level clustering, clusters of sentences are formed from
given documents. It makes the clusters of sentences which are relatively
similar based on a particular word.
1. To summarize multiple documents into a short informative summary related to a
particular topic and save the time of users.
2. To generate summary of the multiple documents that can be easily readable and
understandable by the user.
3. To generate the topic related summary of documents supporting more than one file
4. To provide the documents related to particular topic to the user.
Wei Li(2010) was proposed a summarization system in which BSU semantic link
network is used to generate the summaries. The approach used in this paper was very
effective for extraction of information and providing good summaries. Baotian Hu(2015)
had written a paper on a text summarization in which summary of Chinese text is
generated using recurrent neural network. Jason Weston(2015) was proposed a model for
the summarization of sentences and provides a short summary.
Figure 4.1
5.1 Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)
Latent dirichlet allocation is one of the widely used topic modeling technique.
Topic modeling is used to discover the abstract topics which are in a set of
documents. In data preprocessing steps of LDA, we use tokenization and stop
word removal method for the keyword extraction.
1. Tokenization :- It splits the text data into sentences and generated sentences into
words. Also it converts uppercase letters to lowercase and remove punctuations.
2. Stop-word removal method :- The process of removing stop-words helps to save
the time and reduces the computation. For extraction of keyword, we remove the
stop-words by comparing them with the words in stop-words list given
Figure 5.3.1
Hardware requirements:
Processor : Intel I3 Processor.
Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
RAM : 4 GB
Software requirements:
Operating system : Windows 7 or Above
Coding Language : JAVA
IDE : Eclipse IDE
Database : SQL
In our summarization system, it generates the summary of .txt and .pdf files. So first of
all, we upload .txt and .pdf files and submit to the system. Then the users enter the topic
of their interest and click on “Search” button. After searching for particular topic by the
system, it displays only that documents which include a topic searched by user and if
topic related information does not found in uploaded documents, then system displays
“No Results” to users. Finally when users click on “Summary” button, system generates
informative summary related to the topic given by user.
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