High and Low Temperature Performance of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
High and Low Temperature Performance of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
High and Low Temperature Performance of Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen
Supervisor team:
Prof. dr. ir. Sandra Erkens, TU Delft
Daily Supervisors: Dr. Xueyan Liu, MSc Haopeng Wang, ing. Marco Poot, ing. Michele Van Aggelen
Interrelation with other ongoing projects: Yes/No
There is an inter-relation with the ongoing PhD project, which aims at developing warm mix
rubberized asphalt concrete technology. The results and findings of this MSc thesis topic will provide
characterization of the high and low temperature performance of prepared rubber modified
bitumen and further contribute to optimizing the designed product.
Project involves work packages outside TUD? Yes/No
Specific details:
Potential benefits: trips, opportunities, internship fees, sponsorships etc