Understanding FMCSA's Cargo Securement Rules
Understanding FMCSA's Cargo Securement Rules
Understanding FMCSA's Cargo Securement Rules
Safety Administration’s
Cargo Securement Rules
cargo securement rules
commodities in bulk that lack structure or fixed shape on a ramp at the posted advisory speed is in the range
(e.g., liquids, gases, grain, liquid concrete, sand, gravel, 0.05-0.17 g. Loaded vehicles with a high center of gravity
aggregates) and are transported in a tank, hopper, box or roll over at a lateral acceleration above 0.35 g. Lightly
similar device that forms part of the structure of a loaded vehicles, or heavily loaded vehicles with a lower
commercial motor vehicle. center of gravity, may withstand lateral acceleration forces
greater than 0.5 g.
Generally, motor carriers are not required to conduct loose, unfastening, opening or releasing while the vehicle
testing of cargo securement systems to determine is in transit. All tiedowns and other components of a cargo
compliance with the performance requirements. The new securement system used to secure loads on a trailer
rules explicitly state that cargo immobilized or secured in equipped with rub rails must be located inboard of the rub
accordance with the general securement rules, or the rails whenever practicable. Also, edge protection must be
commodity-specific rules, are considered to meet the used whenever a tiedown would be subject to abrasion or
performance criteria. cutting at the point where it touches an article of cargo.
The edge protection must resist abrasion, cutting and
Requirements for Securement Devices crushing.
The new rules require that all devices and systems used to
secure cargo to or within a vehicle must be capable of Use of Unmarked Tiedowns
meeting the performance criteria. All vehicle structures, The new rules do not prohibit the use of unmarked tiedown
systems, parts and components used to secure cargo must devices. Although many of the participants in the public
be in proper working order when used to perform that meetings and numerous commenters to the rulemaking
function with no damaged or weakened components that proposal argued the rules should include such a
could adversely affect their performance. prohibition, FMCSA believes it is inappropriate to prohibit
unmarked tiedowns at this time.
The cargo securement rules incorporate by reference
manufacturing standards for certain types of tiedowns However, in view of the potential safety hazards of motor
including steel strapping, chain, synthetic webbing, carriers misidentifying unmarked tiedowns, there is a
wire rope, and cordage. FMCSA has updated the rules provision that unmarked welded steel chain be
to reference the November 15, 1999, version of the National considered to have a working load limit equal to that
Association of Chain Manufacturers’ (NACM) Welded Steel of grade 30 proof coil, and other types of unmarked
Chain Specifications. The agency notes that some of the tiedowns be considered to have a working load limit equal
working load limit values in the 1999 version differ slightly to the lowest rating for that type in the table of working
from the previous edition of this publication. Also, the 1999 load limits.
version includes working load limits for a new grade of
alloy chain, grade 100. Unrated and Unmarked Anchor Points
The agency also changed its reference for synthetic FMCSA’s cargo securement rules do not require rating and
webbing from the 1991 edition to the 1998 edition of marking of anchor points. While the agency encourages
the Web Sling and Tiedown Association’s publication. manufacturers to rate and mark anchor points, the new
Generally, the working load limits are the same as rules do not include a requirement for ratings and
those in the 1991 publication. markings.
cargo securement rules
Summary of the General against movement must be at least one-half the weight of
Cargo Securement Rules the article or group of articles. The aggregate working load
The new cargo securement rules include general limit is the sum of:
securement rules applicable to all types of articles of One-half the working load limit of each tiedown that goes
cargo, with certain exceptions, and commodity-specific from an anchor point on the vehicle to an attachment point
rules covering commodities that are considered the most on an article of cargo; and
difficult to determine the most appropriate means of
The working load limit for each tiedown that goes from an
securement. Requirements concerning securement,
anchor point on the vehicle, through, over or around the
working load limits, blocking and bracing are applicable to
cargo and then attaches to another anchor point on the
all commodities being transported.
The commodity-specific requirements take precedence over
the general rules when additional requirements are given Minimum Number of Tiedowns
for a commodity listed in those sections. This means all
The cargo securement system used to restrain articles
cargo securement systems must meet the general
against movement must meet requirements concerning the
requirements, except to the extent a commodity-specific
minimum number of tiedowns. This requirement is in
rule imposes additional requirements that prescribe in
addition to complying with rules concerning the minimum
more detail the securement method to be used.
working load limit.
When an article of cargo is not blocked or positioned to Commodity-Specific
prevent movement in the forward direction, and the item Securement Requirements
is longer than 10 ft in length, then it must be secured by FMCSA has adopted detailed requirements for the
two tiedowns for the first 10 ft of length, and one additional securement of the following commodities: logs;
tiedown for every 10 ft of length, or fraction thereof, beyond dressed lumber; metal coils; paper rolls; concrete
the first 10 ft. An example of this is provided below. pipe; intermodal containers; automobiles, light trucks and
vans; heavy vehicles, equipment and machinery; flattened
or crushed vehicles; roll-on/roll-off containers; and large
boulders. During public meetings concerning the
development of the model regulations, participants said
that these commodities cause the most disagreement
between industry and enforcement agencies as
to what is required for proper securement.
§393.116 - Logs
cargo securement rules
§393.118 - Dressed Lumber and Similar Building Products §393.122 – Paper Rolls
The rules for securing paper
rolls are
applicable to
shipments of
paper rolls which,
individually or
together, weigh
2,268 kg (5,000
lbs) or more.
The rules in this section apply to the transportation of Shipments of
bundles of dressed lumber, packaged lumber, building paper rolls that
products such as plywood, gypsum board or other weigh less than
materials of similar shape. Lumber or building products 2,268 kg (5,000 lbs),
that are not bundled or packaged must be treated as loose and paper rolls that are unitized on a pallet, may either be
items and transported in accordance with the secured in accordance with the rules in this section or the
general cargo securement rules. For the purpose of this general cargo securement rules.
section, the term “bundle” refers to packages of lumber,
building materials or similar products which are unitized
for securement as a single article of cargo.
§ 393.126 – Intermodal Containers § 393.130 Heavy Vehicles, Equipment and Machinery
cargo securement rules
PA R T 3 9 3 – PA R TS A N D AC C E S S O R I E S N E C E S S A RY F O R S A F E O P E R AT I O N
Subpart I
Protection Against
Shifting and Falling Cargo
cargo securement rules
(1) Tiedowns and securing devices must not (c) Cargo placement and restraint.
contain knots.
(1) Articles of cargo that are likely to roll must be
(2) If a tiedown is repaired, it must be repaired in restrained by chocks, wedges, a cradle or other
accordance with the applicable standards in equivalent means to prevent rolling. The means
paragraph (e) of this section, or the manufac- of preventing rolling must not be capable of
turer’s instructions. becoming unintentionally unfastened or loose
while the vehicle is in transit.
(3) Each tiedown must be attached and secured in
a manner that prevents it from becoming loose, (2) Articles or cargo placed beside each other and
unfastening, opening or releasing while the secured by transverse tiedowns must either:
vehicle is in transit.
(i) Be placed in direct contact with each other,
(4) All tiedowns and other components of a or
cargo securement system used to secure loads
(ii) Be prevented from shifting towards each
on a trailer equipped with rub rails, must be
other while in transit.
located inboard of the rub rails
whenever practicable. (d) Minimum strength of cargo securement devices
and systems. The aggregate working load limit
(5) Edge protection must be used whenever a
of any securement system used to secure an
tiedown would be subject to abrasion or
article or group of articles against movement must
cutting at the point where it touches an
be at least one-half times the weight of the article
article of cargo. The edge protection must
or group of articles. The aggregate working load
resist abrasion, cutting and crushing.
limit is the sum of:
cargo securement rules
Table to §393.104(e)
Manufacturing Standards for Tiedown Assemblies
(1) Steel strapping 1,2 Standard Specification for Strapping, Flat Steel and Seals, American Society
for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D3953-97, February 1998.4
(3) Webbing Web Sling and Tiedown Association's Recommended Standard Specification
for Synthetic Web Tiedowns, WSTDA-T1, 1998.4
(4) Wire rope 3 Wire Rope Technical Board's Wire Rope Users Manual, 2nd Edition,
November 1985.4
(v) C-1, Double Braided Nylon Rope Specifications DBN, January 1984.4
1. Steel strapping not marked by the manufacturer with a working load limit will be considered to have a working load limit equal to
one-fourth of the breaking strength listed in ASTM D3953-97.
2. Steel strapping 25.4 mm (1 inch) or wider must have at least two pairs of crimps in each seal and, when an end-over-end lap joint is
formed, must be sealed with at least two seals.
3. Wire rope which is not marked by the manufacturer with a working load limit shall be considered to have a working load limit equal to one-
fourth of the nominal strength listed in the manual.
4. See §393.7 for information on the incorporation by reference and availability of this document.
(e) (1) Wire rope which is not marked by the
§393.108 How is the working load limit of a tiedown
manufacturer with a working load limit shall be
considered to have a working load limit equal to
(a) The working load limit (WLL) of a tiedown, one-fourth of the nominal strength listed in the
associated connector or attachment mechanism Wire Rope Users Manual.
is the lowest working load limit of any of its
(2) Wire which is not marked or labeled to enable
components (including tensioner), or the working
identification of its construction type shall be
load limit of the anchor points to which it is
considered to have a working load limit equal to
attached, whichever is less.
that for 6 x 37, fiber core wire rope.
(b) The working load limits of tiedowns may be
(f ) Manila rope which is not marked by the
determined by using either the tiedown
manufacturer with a working load limit shall be
manufacturer’s markings or by using the tables in
considered to have a working load limit based on its
this section. The working load limits listed in the
diameter as provided in the tables of working load
tables are to be used when the tiedown material is
not marked by the manufacturer with the working
load limit. Tiedown materials which are marked by (g) Friction mats which are not marked or rated by the
the manufacturer with working load limits that differ manufacturer shall be considered to provide
from the tables, shall be considered to have a resistance to horizontal movement equal to 50
working load limit equal to the value for which they percent of the weight placed on the mat.
are marked.
cargo securement rules
Tables to §393.108
[Working Load Limits (WLL), Chain]
WLL in kg (lbs)
Size mm Grade 30 Grade 43 Grade 70 Grade 80 Grade 100
(inches) proof high test transport alloy alloy
1. 7 (1/4) 580 (1,300) 1,180 (2,600) 1,430 (3,150) 1,570 (3,500) 1,950 (4,300)
2. 8 (5/16) 860 (1,900) 1,770 (3,900) 2,130 (4,700) 2,000 (4,500) 2,600 (5,700)
3. 10 (3/8) 1,200 (2,650) 2,450 (5,400) 2,990 (6,600) 3,200 (7,100) 4,000 (8,800)
5. 13 (1/2) 2,030 (4,500) 4,170 (9,200) 5,130 (11,300) 5,400 (12,000) 6,800 (15,000)
6. 16 (5/8) 3,130 (6,900) 5,910 (13,000) 7,170 (15,800) 8,200 (18,100) 10,300 (22,600)
Example 1 3 4 7 8 10
Example 2 30 43 70 80 100
Manila Rope WLL Nylon Rope WLL
Diameter mm (in) WLL kg (lbs) Diameter mm (in) WLL kg (lbs)
cargo securement rules
(2) Two tiedowns if the article is: (a) Applicability. The rules in this section are applicable
to commercial motor vehicles transporting articles
(i) 5 feet (1.52 meters) or less in length and
of cargo that are in contact with the front end
more than 1,100 lbs (500 kg) in weight; or
structure of the vehicle. The front end structure on
(ii) Longer than 5 feet (1.52 meters) but less these cargo-carrying vehicles must meet the
than or equal to 10 feet (3.04 meters) in performance requirements of this section.
length, irrespective of the weight.
(b) Height and width.
(3) Two tiedowns if the article is longer than 10 feet
(1) The front end structure must extend either to a
(3.04 meters), and one additional tiedown for
height of 4 feet above the floor of the vehicle or
every 10 feet (3.04 meters) of article length, or
to a height at which it blocks forward movement
fraction thereof, beyond the first 10 feet (3.04
of any item of article of cargo being carried on
meters) of length.
the vehicle, whichever is lower.
(c) If an individual article is required to be blocked,
(2) The front end structure must have a width which
braced or immobilized to prevent movement in the
is at least equal to the width of the vehicle or
forward direction by a headerboard, bulkhead, other
which blocks forward movement of any article of
articles which are adequately secured or by an
cargo being transported on the vehicle,
appropriate blocking or immobilization method, it
whichever is narrower.
must be secured by at least one tiedown for every
3.04 meters (10 feet) or article length, or fraction (c) Strength. The front end structure must be capable of
thereof. withstanding the following horizontal forward static
(d) Special rule for special purpose vehicles.
The rules in this section do not apply to a (1) For a front end structure less than 6 feet in
vehicle transporting one or more articles of height, a horizontal forward static load equal to
cargo such as, but not limited to, machinery or one-half (0.5) of the weight of the articles
of cargo being transported on the vehicle (2) Loads that consist of no more than four
uniformly distributed over the entire portion processed logs may be transported in
of the front end structure that is within 4 feet accordance with the general cargo securement
above the vehicle’s floor or that is at or below a rules of §§393.100 through 393.114.
height above the vehicle’s floor at which it
(3) Firewood, stumps, log debris and other such
blocks forward movement of any article of the
short logs must be transported in a vehicle or
vehicle’s cargo, whichever is less; or
container enclosed on both sides, front, and rear
(2) For a front end structure 6 feet in height and of adequate strength to contain them.
or higher, a horizontal forward static load equal Longer logs may also be so loaded.
to four-tenths (0.4) of the weight of
(b) Components of a securement system.
the articles of cargo being transported on
the vehicle uniformly distributed over the entire (1) Logs must be transported on a vehicle
front end structure. designed and built, or adapted, for the
transportation of logs. Any such vehicle must
(d) Penetration resistance. The front end structure
be fitted with bunks, bolsters, stakes or
must be designed, constructed, and maintained
standards, or other equivalent means, that
so that it is capable of resisting penetration
cradle the logs and prevent them from rolling.
by any article of cargo that contacts it when
the vehicle decelerates at a rate of 20 feet per (2) All vehicle components involved in securement
second, per second. The front end structure must of logs must be designed and built to withstand all
have no aperture large enough to permit any anticipated operational forces without failure,
article of cargo in contact with the structure to accidental release or permanent
pass through it. deformation. Stakes or standards that are
not permanently attached to the vehicle
(e) Substitute devices. The requirements of this
must be secured in a manner that prevents
section may be met by the use of devices
unintentional separation from the vehicle
performing the same functions as a front end
in transit.
structure, if the devices are at least as strong as,
and provide protection against shifting articles (3) Tiedowns must be used in combination with the
of cargo at least equal to, a front end structure stabilization provided by bunks, stakes and
which conforms to those requirements. bolsters to secure the load.
cargo securement rules
(3) The center of the highest outside log on each must be anchored to resist that force.
side or end must be below the top of each stake,
(6) If two stacks of shortwood are loaded side-by-
bunk or standard.
side, in addition to meeting the requirements of
(4) Each log that is not held in place by contact with paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(5) of this
other logs or the stakes, bunks, or standards section, they must be loaded so that:
must be held in place by a tiedown. Additional
(i) There is no space between the two stacks
tiedowns or securement devices must be used
of logs;
when the condition of the wood results in such
low friction between logs that they are likely to (ii) The outside of each stack is raised at least
slip upon each other. 2.5 cm (1 in) within 10 cm (4 in) of the end of
the logs or the side of the vehicle;
(d) Securement of shortwood logs loaded crosswise on
frame, rail and flatbed vehicles. In addition to the (iii) The highest log is no more than 2.44 m (8 ft)
requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this above the deck; and
section, each stack of logs loaded crosswise must (iv) At least one tiedown is used lengthwise
meet the following rules: across each stack of logs.
(1) In no case may the end of a log in the lower tier (e) Securement of logs loaded lengthwise on flatbed
extend more than one-third of the log’s total and frame vehicles. In addition to meeting the
length beyond the nearest supporting structure requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
on the vehicle. section, each stack of shortwood loaded lengthwise
(2) When only one stack of shortwood is loaded on a frame vehicle or on a flatbed must be secured
crosswise, it must be secured with at least two to the vehicle by at least two tiedowns.
tiedowns. The tiedowns must attach to the (f ) Securement of logs transported on pole trailers.
vehicle frame at the front and rear of the load,
(1) The load must be secured by at least one
and must cross the load in this direction.
tiedown at each bunk, or alternatively, by at
(3) When two tiedowns are used, they must be least two tiedowns used as wrappers that
positioned at approximately one-third and two- encircle the entire load at locations along the
thirds of the length of the logs. load that provide effective securement.
(4) A vehicle that is more than 10 meters (33 feet) (2) The front and rear wrappers must be at least
long must be equipped with center stakes, or 3.04 meters (10 feet) apart.
comparable devices, to divide it into sections
(3) Large diameter single and double log loads
approximately equal in length. Where a vehicle
must be immobilized with chock blocks or other
is so divided, each tiedown must secure the
equivalent means to prevent shifting.
highest log on each side of the center stake, and
must be fastened below these logs. It may be (4) Large diameter logs that rise above bunks must
fixed at each end and tensioned from the be secured to the underlying load with at least
middle, or fixed in the middle and tensioned two additional wrappers.
from each end, or it may pass through a pulley
or equivalent device in the middle and be §393.118 What are the rules for securing dressed
tensioned from one end. lumber or similar building products?
(5) Any structure or stake that is subjected to an (a) Applicability. The rules in this section apply to the
upward force when the tiedowns are tensioned transportation of bundles of dressed lumber,
packaged lumber, building products such as ensures that the spacer performs as a
plywood, gypsum board or other materials of similar single piece of material.
shape. Lumber or building products which are not
(iv) The arrangement of the tiedowns for the
bundled or packaged must be treated as loose items
bundles must be:
and transported in accordance with §§393.100
through 393.114 of this subpart. For the purpose of (A) Secured by tiedowns over the top tier of
this section, “bundle” refers to packages of lumber, bundles, in accordance with the general
building materials or similar products which are provisions of §§393.100 through 393.114
unitized for securement as a single article of cargo. with a minimum of two tiedowns for
bundles longer than 1.52 meters (5 ft);
(b) Positioning of bundles. Bundles must be placed side
by side in direct contact with each other, or a means
must be provided to prevent bundles from shifting (B) Secured by tiedowns in accordance with
towards each other. the general provisions of §§393.100
through 393.114 over the second tier or
(c) Securement of bundles transported using no more
over a middle tier of a maximum height of
than one tier. Bundles carried on one tier must be
1.85 meters (6 ft) above the trailer deck,
secured in accordance with the general provisions of
whichever is greater, for each stack of
§§393.100 through 393.114.
bundles composed of more than two
(d) Securement of bundles transported using more than tiers; or
one tier. Bundles carried in more than one tier must
(4) Secured by tiedowns over each tier of bundles,
be either:
in accordance with §§393.100 through 393.114
(1) Blocked against lateral movement by stakes on using a minimum of two tiedowns over each of
the sides of the vehicle and secured by tiedowns the top bundles longer than 1.52 meters (5 ft),
laid out over the top tier, as outlined in the in all circumstances.
general provisions of §§393.100 through
393.114; or §393.120 What are the rules for securing metal coils?
(2) Restrained from lateral movement by blocking (a) Applicability. The rules in this section apply to the
or high friction devices between tiers and transportation of one or more metal coils which,
secured by tiedowns laid out over the top tier, as individually or grouped together, weigh 2,268 kg
outlined in the general provisions of §§393.100 (5,000 lbs) or more. Shipments of metal coils that
through 393.114; or weigh less than 2,268 kg (5,000 lbs) may be
(3) Placed directly on top of other bundles or on secured in accordance with the provisions of
spacers and secured in accordance with the §§393.100 through 393.114.
following: (b) Securement of coils transported with eyes vertical
(i) The length of spacers between bundles must on a flatbed vehicle, in a sided vehicle or
provide support to all pieces in the bottom intermodal container with anchor points —
row of the bundle. (1) An individual coil. Each coil must be secured by
(ii) The width of individual spacers must be tiedowns arranged in a manner to prevent the
equal to or greater than the height. coils from tipping in the forward, rearward, and
lateral directions. The restraint system must
(iii) If spacers are comprised of layers of
include the following:
material, the layers must be unitized
or fastened together in a manner which (i) At least one tiedown attached diagonally
cargo securement rules
from the left side of the vehicle or intermodal unintentionally unfastened while the vehicle
container (near the forwardmost part of the is in transit; and
coil), across the eye of the coil, to the right
(iv) Tiedowns must be arranged to prevent
side of the vehicle or intermodal container
shifting or tipping in the forward, rearward
(near the rearmost part of the coil);
and lateral directions.
(ii) At least one tiedown attached diagonally
(c) Securement of coils transported with eyes
from the right side of the vehicle or
crosswise on a flatbed vehicle, in a sided vehicle or
intermodal container (near the forwardmost
intermodal container with anchor points —
part of the coil), across the eye of the coil, to
the left side of the vehicle or intermodal (1) An individual coil. Each coil must be secured by
container (near the rearmost part of the the following:
coil); (i) A means (e.g., timbers, chocks or wedges, a
(iii) At least one tiedown attached transversely cradle, etc.) to prevent the coil from rolling.
over the eye of the coil; and The means of preventing rolling must
support the coil off the deck, and must not
(iv) Either blocking and bracing, friction mats or
be capable of becoming unintentionally
tiedowns must be used to prevent longitudinal
unfastened or loose while the vehicle is in
movement in the forward direction.
transit. If timbers, chocks or wedges are
(2) Coils grouped in rows. When coils are grouped used, they must be held in place by coil
and loaded side by side in a transverse or bunks or similar devices to prevent them
longitudinal row, each row of coils must from coming loose. The use of nailed
be secured by the following: blocking or cleats as the sole means to
secure timbers, chocks or wedges, or a
(i) At least one tiedown attached to the front of
nailed wood cradle, is prohibited;
the row of coils, restraining against
forward motion, and whenever practicable, (ii) At least one tiedown through its eye,
making an angle no more than 45 degrees restricting against forward motion, and
with the floor of the vehicle or intermodal whenever practicable, making an angle no
container when viewed from the side of more than 45 degrees with the floor of the
the vehicle or container; vehicle or intermodal container when viewed
from the side of the vehicle or container; and
(ii) At least one tiedown attached to the rear of
the row of coils, restraining against (iii) At least one tiedown through its eye,
rearward motion, and whenever practicable, restricting against rearward motion, and
making an angle no more than 45 degrees whenever practicable, making an angle no
with the floor of the vehicle or intermodal more than 45 degrees with the floor of the
container when viewed from the side of the vehicle or intermodal container when viewed
vehicle or container; from the side of the vehicle or container.
(iii) At least one tiedown over the top of each coil (2) Prohibition on crossing of tiedowns when coils
or transverse row of coils, restraining against are transported with eyes crosswise. Attaching
vertical motion. Tiedowns going over the top tiedowns diagonally through the eye of a coil to
of a coil(s) must be as close as practicable to form an X-pattern when viewed from above the
the eye of the coil and positioned to prevent vehicle is prohibited.
the tiedown from slipping or becoming
(d) Securement of coils transported with eyes (v) Either blocking, or friction mats to prevent
lengthwise on a flatbed vehicle, in a sided vehicle or longitudinal movement.
intermodal container with anchor points —
(2) An individual coil — option 2. Each coil must be
(1) An individual coil — option 1. Each coil must be secured by:
secured by:
(i) A means (e.g., timbers, chocks or wedges, a
(i) A means (e.g., timbers, chocks or wedges, a cradle, etc.) to prevent the coil from rolling.
cradle, etc.) to prevent the coil from rolling. The means of preventing rolling must
The means of preventing rolling must support the coil off the deck, and must not
support the coil off the deck, and must not be capable of becoming unintentionally
be capable of becoming unintentionally unfastened or loose while the vehicle is in
unfastened or loose while the vehicle is in transit. If timbers, chocks or wedges are
transit. If timbers, chocks or wedges are used, they must be held in place by coil
used, they must be held in place by coil bunks or similar devices to prevent them
bunks or similar devices to prevent them from coming loose. The use of nailed
from coming loose. The use of nailed blocking or cleats as the sole means to
blocking or cleats as the sole means to secure timbers, chocks or wedges, or a
secure timbers, chocks or wedges, or a nailed wood cradle, is prohibited;
nailed wood cradle, is prohibited;
(ii) At least one tiedown attached straight
(ii) At least one tiedown attached diagonally through its eye from the left side of the
through its eye from the left side of the vehicle or intermodal container (near the
vehicle or intermodal container (near the forward-most part of the coil), to the left side
forward-most part of the coil), to the right of the vehicle or intermodal container (near
side of the vehicle or intermodal container the rearmost part of the coil), and, whenever
(near the rearmost part of the coil), making practicable, making an angle no more than
an angle no more than 45 degrees, whenever 45 degrees with the floor of the vehicle or
practicable, with the floor of the vehicle or intermodal container when viewed from the
intermodal container when viewed from the side of the vehicle or container;
side of the vehicle or container;
(iii) At least one tiedown attached straight
(iii) At least one tiedown attached diagonally through its eye, from the right side of the
through its eye, from the right side of the vehicle or intermodal container (near the
vehicle or intermodal container (near the forward-most part of the coil), to the right
forward-most part of the coil), to the left side side of the vehicle or intermodal container
of the vehicle or intermodal container (near (near the rearmost part of the coil), and
the rearmost part of the coil), making an whenever practicable, making an angle no
angle no more than 45 degrees, whenever more than 45 degrees with the floor of the
practicable, with the floor of the vehicle or intermodal container when viewed
vehicle or intermodal container when viewed from the side of the vehicle or container;
from the side of the vehicle or container;
(iv) At least one tiedown attached transversely
(iv) At least one tiedown attached transversely over the top of the coil; and
over the top of the coil; and
(v) Either blocking or friction mats to prevent
longitudinal movement.
cargo securement rules
(3) An individual coil — option 3. Each coil must be (ii) At least one tiedown over the top of each coil
secured by: or transverse row, located near the
forward-most part of the coil;
(i) A means (e.g., timbers, chocks or wedges, a
cradle, etc.) to prevent the coil from rolling. (iii) At least one tiedown over the top of each coil
The means of preventing rolling must or transverse row, located near the rearmost
support the coil off the deck, and must not part of the coil; and
be capable of becoming unintentionally
(iv) Either blocking, bracing or friction mats
unfastened or loose while the vehicle is in
to prevent longitudinal movement.
transit. If timbers, chocks or wedges are
used, they must be held in place by coil (e) Securement of coils transported in a sided vehicle
bunks or similar devices to prevent them without anchor points or an intermodal container
from coming loose. The use of nailed without anchor points. Metal coils transported in a
blocking or cleats as the sole means to vehicle with sides without anchor points or an
secure timbers, chocks or wedges, or a intermodal container without anchor points must be
nailed wood cradle, is prohibited; loaded in a manner to prevent shifting and tipping.
The coils may also be secured using a system of
(ii) At least one tiedown over the top of the coil,
blocking and bracing, friction mats, tiedowns, or a
located near the forward-most part
combination of these to prevent any horizontal
of the coil;
movement and tipping.
(iii) At least one tiedown over the top of the coil
located near the rearmost part of the coil; §393.122 What are the rules for securing paper rolls?
(a) Applicability. The rules in this section apply to
(iv) Either blocking or friction mats to prevent shipments of paper rolls which, individually or
longitudinal movement in the forward direction. together, weigh 2,268 kg (5,000 lbs) or more.
(4) Rows of coils. Each transverse row of coils Shipments of paper rolls that weigh less than
having approximately equal outside diameters 2,268 kg (5,000 lbs), and paper rolls that are
must be secured with: unitized on a pallet, may either be secured in
accordance with the rules in this section or the
(i) A means (e.g., timbers, chocks or wedges, a
requirements of §§393.100 through 393.114.
cradle, etc.) to prevent each coil in the row of
coils from rolling. The means of (b) Securement of paper rolls transported with eyes
preventing rolling must support each coil off vertical in a sided vehicle.
the deck, and must not be capable of (1) Paper rolls must be placed tightly against the
becoming unintentionally unfastened or walls of the vehicle, other paper rolls, or other
loose while the vehicle is in transit. If cargo, to prevent movement during transit.
timbers, chocks or wedges are used, they
(2) If there are not enough paper rolls in the
must be held in place by coil bunks or
shipment to reach the walls of the vehicle,
similar devices to prevent them from
lateral movement must be prevented by filling
coming loose. The use of nailed blocking or
the void, blocking, bracing, tiedowns or
cleats as the sole means to secure
friction mats. The paper rolls may also be
timbers, chocks or wedges, or a nailed wood
banded together.
cradle, is prohibited;
(3) When any void behind a group of paper rolls, (c) Securement of split loads of paper rolls transported
including that at the rear of the vehicle, exceeds with eyes vertical in a sided vehicle.
the diameter of the paper rolls, rearward
(1) If a paper roll in a split load is not prevented
movement must be prevented by friction mats,
from forward movement by vehicle structure or
blocking, bracing, tiedowns, or banding to other
other cargo, it must be prevented from
forward movement by filling the open space, or
(4) (i) If a paper roll is not prevented from tipping by blocking, bracing, tiedowns, friction mats, or
or falling sideways or rearwards by vehicle some combination of these.
structure or other cargo, and its width is
(2) A friction mat used to provide the principal
more than two times its diameter, it must be
securement for a paper roll must protrude from
prevented from tipping or falling by banding
beneath the roll in the direction in which it is
it to other rolls, bracing, or tiedowns.
providing that securement.
(ii) If the forwardmost roll(s) in a group of paper
(d) Securement of stacked loads of paper rolls
rolls is not prevented from tipping
transported with eyes vertical in a sided vehicle.
or falling forwards by vehicle structure
or other cargo and it is restrained against (1) Paper rolls must not be loaded on a layer of
forward movement by friction mat(s) alone, paper rolls beneath unless the lower layer
and its width is more than 1.75 times its extends to the front of the vehicle.
diameter, it must be prevented from tipping (2) Paper rolls in the second and subsequent
or falling forwards by banding it to other layers must be prevented from forward,
rolls, bracing, or tiedowns. rearward or lateral movement by means as
(iii) Otherwise, when a paper roll or the allowed for the bottom layer, or by use of
forwardmost roll in groups of rolls that a blocking roll from a lower layer.
are not prevented from tipping or falling (3) The blocking roll must be at least 38 mm
forwards by vehicle structure or other cargo (1.5 in) taller than other rolls, or must be raised
and its width exceeds 1.25 times at least 38 mm (1.5 in) using dunnage.
its diameter it must be prevented from
(4) A roll in the rearmost row of any layer must not
tipping or falling by banding it to other rolls,
be raised using dunnage.
bracing or tiedowns.
(e) Securement of paper rolls transported with eyes
(5) If paper rolls are banded together, the rolls must
crosswise in a sided vehicle.
be placed tightly against each other to form a
stable group. The bands must be applied tightly, (1) The paper rolls must be prevented from rolling
and must be secured so that they cannot fall off or shifting longitudinally by contact with vehicle
the rolls or to the deck. structure or other cargo, by chocks, wedges or
blocking and bracing of adequate size, or by
(6) A friction mat used to provide the principal
securement for a paper roll must protrude from
beneath the roll in the direction in which it is (2) Chocks, wedges or blocking must be held
providing that securement. securely in place by some means in addition to
friction, so they cannot become unintentionally
unfastened or loose while the vehicle is in
cargo securement rules
(3) The rearmost roll must not be secured using the (g) Securement of paper rolls transported with the eyes
rear doors of the vehicle or intermodal lengthwise in a sided vehicle.
container, or by blocking held in place by those
(1) Each roll must be prevented from forward
movement by contact with vehicle structure,
(4) If there is more than a total of 203 mm (8 in) of other cargo, blocking or tiedowns.
space between the ends of a paper roll, or a row
(2) Each roll must be prevented from rearward
of rolls, and the walls of the vehicle, void fillers,
movement by contact with other cargo, blocking,
blocking, bracing, friction mats, or tiedowns
friction mats or tiedowns.
must be used to prevent the roll from shifting
towards either wall. (3) The paper rolls must be prevented from rolling
or shifting laterally by contact with the wall of
(f ) Securement of stacked loads of paper rolls
the vehicle or other cargo, or by chocks, wedges
transported with eyes crosswise in a sided vehicle.
or blocking of adequate size.
(1) Rolls must not be loaded in a second layer
(4) Chocks, wedges or blocking must be held
unless the bottom layer extends to the front of
securely in place by some means in addition to
the vehicle.
friction, so they cannot become unintentionally
(2) Rolls must not be loaded in a third or higher unfastened or loose while the vehicle is in
layer unless all wells in the layer beneath are transit.
(h) Securement of stacked loads of paper rolls
(3) The foremost roll in each upper layer, or any roll transported with the eyes lengthwise in a
with an empty well in front of it, must be sided vehicle.
secured against forward movement by:
(1) Rolls must not be loaded in a higher layer if
(i) Banding it to other rolls, or another roll will fit in the layer beneath.
(ii) Blocking against an adequately secured eye- (2) An upper layer must be formed by placing paper
vertical blocking roll resting on the floor of rolls in the wells formed by the rolls beneath.
the vehicle which is at least 1.5 times taller
(3) A roll in an upper layer must be secured against
than the diameter of the roll being blocked,
forward and rearward movement by any of the
means allowed for the bottom layer, by use of a
(iii) Placing it in a well formed by two rolls on the blocking roll, or by banding to other rolls.
lower row whose diameter is equal to or
(i) Securement of paper rolls transported on a flatbed
greater than that of the roll on the upper
vehicle or in a curtain-sided vehicle.
(1) Paper rolls with eyes vertical or with eyes
(4) The rearmost roll in each upper layer must be
secured by banding it to other rolls if it is
located in either of the last two wells formed by (i) The paper rolls must be loaded and secured
the rearmost rolls in the layer below. as described for a sided vehicle, and the
entire load must be secured by tiedowns in
(5) Rolls must be secured against lateral movement
accordance with the requirements of
by the same means allowed for the bottom layer
§§393.100 through 393.114.
when there is more than a total of 203 mm (8 in)
of space between the ends of a paper roll, or a (ii) Stacked loads of paper rolls with eyes
row of rolls, and the walls of the vehicle. vertical are prohibited.
(2) Paper rolls with eyes crosswise. and two pieces must be placed on the opposite
side, one at each end of the pipe.
(i) The paper rolls must be prevented from
rolling or shifting longitudinally by contact (3) Blocking must be placed firmly against the pipe,
with vehicle structure or other cargo, by and must be secured to prevent it moving out
chocks, wedges or blocking and bracing of from under the pipe.
adequate size, or by tiedowns.
(4) Timber blocking must have minimum
(ii) Chocks, wedges or blocking must be dimensions of at least 10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 in).
held securely in place by some means
(d) Arranging the load.
in addition to friction so that they cannot
become unintentionally unfastened or loose (1) Pipe of different diameter. If pipe of more than
while the vehicle is in transit. one diameter are loaded on a vehicle, groups
must be formed that consist of pipe of only one
(iii) Tiedowns must be used in accordance
size, and each group must be separately
with the requirements of §§393.100 through
393.114 to prevent lateral movement.
(2) Arranging a bottom tier. The bottom tier must be
arranged to cover the full length of the vehicle,
§393.124 What are the rules for securing concrete pipe?
or as a partial tier in one group or two groups.
(a) Applicability.
(3) Arranging an upper tier. Pipe must be placed
(1) The rules in this section apply to the only in the wells formed by adjacent pipes in the
transportation of concrete pipe on flatbed tier beneath. A third or higher tier must not be
trailers and vehicles, and lowboy trailers. started unless all wells in the tier beneath are
(2) Concrete pipe bundled tightly together into filled.
a single rigid article that has no tendency (4) Arranging the top tier. The top tier must be
to roll, and concrete pipe loaded in a sided arranged as a complete tier, a partial tier in one
vehicle or container must be secured in group, or a partial tier in two groups.
accordance with the provisions of §§393.100
(5) Arranging bell pipe.
through 393.114.
(i) Bell pipe must be loaded on at least two
(b) General specifications for tiedowns.
longitudinal spacers of sufficient height to
(1) The aggregate working load limit of all tiedowns ensure that the bell is clear of the deck.
on any group of pipes must not be less than half
(ii) Bell pipe loaded in one tier must have the
the total weight of all the pipes in the group.
bells alternating on opposite sides of the
(2) A transverse tiedown through a pipe on an vehicle.
upper tier or over longitudinal tiedowns is
(iii) The ends of consecutive pipe must be
considered to secure all those pipes beneath on
staggered, if possible, within the allowable
which that tiedown causes pressure.
width, otherwise they must be aligned.
(c) Blocking.
(iv) Bell pipe loaded in more than one tier must
(1) Blocking may be one or more pieces placed have the bells of the bottom tier all on the
symmetrically about the center of a pipe. same side of the vehicle.
(2) One piece must extend at least half the (v) Pipe in every upper tier must be loaded with
distance from the center to each end of the pipe, bells on the opposite side of the
cargo securement rules
vehicle to the bells of the tier below. (B) One transverse tiedown must be used for
every 3.04 m (10 ft) of load length. The
(vi) If the second tier is not complete, pipe in the
transverse tiedowns may be placed
bottom tier which do not support a pipe
through a pipe, or over both longitudinal
above must have their bells alternating on
tiedowns between two pipes on the top
opposite sides of the vehicle.
(e) Securing pipe with an inside diameter up to 1,143
(C) If the first pipe of a group in the top tier
mm (45 in). In addition to the requirements of
is not placed in the first well formed
paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section, the
by pipes at the front of the tier beneath,
following rules must be satisfied:
it must be secured by an additional
(1) Stabilizing the bottom tier. tiedown that runs rearward at an angle
(i) The bottom tier must be immobilized not more than 45 degrees to the
longitudinally at each end by blocking, horizontal, whenever practicable. This
vehicle end structure, stakes, a locked pipe tiedown must pass either through
unloader, or other equivalent means. the front pipe of the upper tier, or
outside it and over both longitudinal
(ii) Other pipe in the bottom tier may also be
tiedowns; and
held in place by blocks and/or wedges; and
(D) If the last pipe of a group in the top tier is
(iii) Every pipe in the bottom tier must also
not placed in the last well formed by
be held firmly in contact with the adjacent
pipes at the rear of the tier beneath, it
pipe by tiedowns though the front and
must be secured by an additional tiedown
rear pipes:
that runs forward at an angle not more
(A) At least one tiedown through the front than 45 degrees to the horizontal,
pipe of the bottom tier must run aft at an whenever practicable. This tiedown must
angle not more than 45 degrees with the pass either through the rear pipe of the
horizontal, whenever practicable. upper tier or outside it and over both
(B) At least one tiedown through the rear longitudinal tiedowns.
pipe of the bottom tier must run forward (f ) Securing large pipe, with an inside diameter over
at an angle not more than 45 degrees 1,143 mm (45 in). In addition to the requirements of
with the horizontal, whenever paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section, the
practicable. following rules must be satisfied:
(2) Use of tiedowns. (1) The front pipe and the rear pipe must be
(i) Each pipe may be secured individually with immobilized by blocking, wedges, vehicle end
tiedowns through the pipe. structure, stakes, locked pipe unloader, or other
equivalent means.
(ii) If each pipe is not secured individually with a
tiedown, then: (2) Each pipe must be secured by tiedowns through
the pipe:
(A) Either one 1/2-inch diameter chain or wire
rope, or two 3/8-inch diameter chain or (i) At least one tiedown through each pipe in
wire rope, must be placed longitudinally the front half of the load, which includes the
over the group of pipes; middle one if there is an odd number, and
must run rearward at an angle not more than than 1.27 cm (1/2 in) to the left, or more than
45 degrees with the horizontal, whenever 2.54 cm (1 in) vertically.
(3) The front and rear of the container must be
(ii) At least one tiedown through each pipe in secured independently.
the rear half of the load, and must run
(c) Securement of loaded intermodal containers
forward at an angle not more than 45
transported on vehicles other than container chassis
degrees with the horizontal, whenever
practicable, to hold each pipe firmly in
contact with adjacent pipe; and (1) All lower corners of the intermodal container
must rest upon the vehicle, or the corners must
(iii) If the front or rear pipe is not also in contact
be supported by a structure capable of bearing
with vehicle end structure, stakes, a locked
the weight of the container and that support
pipe unloader, or other equivalent means, at
structure must be independently secured to the
least two tiedowns positioned as described
motor vehicle.
in paragraphs (f )(2)(i) and (ii) of this section,
must be used through that pipe. (2) Each container must be secured to the
vehicle by:
(3) If only one pipe is transported, or if several
pipes are transported without contact between (i) Chains, wire ropes or integral devices which
other pipes, the requirements in this paragraph are fixed to all lower corners; or
apply to each pipe as a single front and rear (ii) Crossed chains which are fixed to all
article. upper corners; and,
cargo securement rules
(3) The empty intermodal container must not provisions of this section, with §393.128, or in
interfere with the vehicle’s maneuverability; accordance with the provisions of §§393.100
through 393.114.
(4) The empty intermodal container is secured to
prevent lateral, longitudinal, or vertical shifting. (b) Preparation of equipment being transported.
(3) Tiedowns that are designed to fit over or §393.132 What are the rules for securing flattened or
around the wheels of an automobile, light truck, crushed vehicles?
or van must provide restraint in the lateral,
(a) Applicability. The rules in this section apply to the
longitudinal and vertical directions.
transportation of vehicles such as automobiles, light
(4) Edge protectors are not required for synthetic trucks, and vans that have been flattened or
webbing at points where the webbing comes in crushed.
contact with the tires.
(b) Prohibition on the use of synthetic webbing. The use
of synthetic webbing to secure flattened or crushed
§393.130 What are the rules for securing heavy vehicles is prohibited.
vehicles, equipment and machinery?
(c) Securement of flattened or crushed vehicles.
(a) Applicability. The rules in this section apply to the Flattened or crushed vehicles must be transported
transportation of heavy vehicles, equipment and on vehicles which have:
machinery which operate on wheels or tracks, such
(1) Containment walls or comparable means on four
as front end loaders, bulldozers, tractors, and power
sides which extend to the full height of the load
shovels and which individually weigh 4,536 kg
and which block against movement of the cargo
(10,000 lbs) or more. Vehicles, equipment and
in the forward, rearward and lateral directions; or
machinery which is lighter than 4,536 kg (10,000
lbs) may also be secured in accordance with the
(2) container carried on a vehicle which is not equipped
with an integral securement system must be:
(i) Containment walls or comparable means on
three sides which extend to the full height of (1) Blocked against forward movement by the
the load and which block against movement lifting device, stops, a combination of both
of the cargo in the forward, rearward and the or other suitable restraint mechanism;
lateral direction for which there is no
(2) Secured to the front of the vehicle by the lifting
containment wall or comparable means, and
device or other suitable restraint against lateral
(ii) A minimum of two tiedowns are required per and vertical movement;
vehicle stack; or
(3) Secured to the rear of the vehicle with at least
(3) one of the following mechanisms:
(i) Containment walls on two sides which (i) One tiedown attached to both the vehicle
extend to the full height of the load and chassis and the container chassis;
which block against movement of the cargo
(ii) Two tiedowns installed lengthwise, each
in the forward and rearward directions, and
securing one side of the container to one of
(ii) A minimum of three tiedowns are required the vehicle’s side rails; or
per vehicle stack; or
(iii) Two hooks, or an equivalent mechanism,
(4) A minimum of four tiedowns per vehicle stack. securing both sides of the container to the
vehicle chassis at least as effectively as the
(5) In addition to the requirements of paragraphs
tiedowns in the two previous items.
(c)(2), (3), and (4), the following rules must be
satisfied: (4) The mechanisms used to secure the rear
end of a roll-on/roll off or hook lift container
(i) Vehicles used to transport flattened or
must be installed no more than two meters
crushed vehicles must be equipped with
(6 ft 7 in) from the rear of the container.
a means to prevent loose parts from falling
from all four sides of the vehicle which (5) In the event that one or more of the front stops
extends to the full height of the cargo. or lifting devices are missing, damaged or not
compatible, additional manually installed
(ii) The means used to contain loose parts may
tiedowns must be used to secure the container
consist of structural walls, sides or
to the vehicle, providing the same level of
sideboards, or suitable covering material,
securement as the missing, damaged or
alone or in combinations.
incompatible components.
(iii) The use of synthetic material for
containment of loose parts is permitted.
§393.136 What are the rules for securing large
§393.134 What are the rules for securing roll-on/roll-off
(a) Applicability.
or hook lift containers?
(1) The rules in this section are applicable to the
(a) Applicability. The rules in this section apply to the
transportation of any large piece of natural,
transportation of roll-on/roll-off or hook lift
irregularly shaped rock weighing in excess of
5,000 kg (11,000 lbs) or with a volume in excess
(b) Securement of a roll-on/roll-off and hook lift of 2 cubic-meters on an open vehicle, or in a
container. Each roll-on/roll-off and hook lift vehicle whose sides are not designed and rated
cargo securement rules
(2) Pieces of rock weighing more than 100 kg (1) Only chain may be used as tiedowns to secure
(220 lbs), but less than 5,000 kg (11,000 lbs) large boulders.
must be secured, either in accordance with this
(2) Tiedowns which are in direct contact with the
section, or in accordance with the provisions
boulder should, where possible, be located in
of §§393.100 through 393.114, including:
valleys or notches across the top of the boulder,
(i) Rock contained within a vehicle which is and must be arranged to prevent sliding across
designed to carry such cargo; or the rock surface.
(ii) Secured individually by tiedowns, provided (d)Securement of a cubic shaped boulder. In addition to
each piece can be stabilized and adequately the requirements of paragraphs (b) and (c) of
secured. this section, the following rules must be
(3) Rock which has been formed or cut to a
shape and which provides a stable base for (1) Each boulder must be secured individually with
securement must also be secured, either in at least two chain tiedowns placed
accordance with the provisions of this section, transversely across the vehicle.
or in accordance with the provisions of
(2) The aggregate working load limit of the
§§393.100 through 393.114.
tiedowns must be at least half the weight of the
(b) General requirements for the positioning of boulders boulder.
on the vehicle.
(3) The tiedowns must be placed as closely
(1) Each boulder must be placed with its flattest as possible to the wood blocking used to
and/or largest side down. support the boulder.
(2) Each boulder must be supported on at least two (e) Securement of a non-cubic shaped boulder — with a
pieces of hard wood blocking at least 10 cm x 10 stable base. In addition to the requirements of
cm (4 in x 4 in) side dimensions extending the paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the following
full width of the boulder. rules must be satisfied:
(3) Hardwood blocking pieces must be placed as (1) The boulder must be secured individually with
symmetrically as possible under the boulder at least two chain tiedowns forming an “X”
and should support at least three-fourths of the pattern over the boulder.
length of the boulder.
(2) The aggregate working load limit of the
(4) If the flattest side of a boulder is rounded or tiedowns must be at least half the weight of the
partially rounded, so that the boulder may roll, boulder.
it must be placed in a crib made of hardwood
(3) The tiedowns must pass over the center of the
timber fixed to the deck of the vehicle so that
boulder and must be attached to each other
the boulder rests on both the deck and the
at the intersection by a shackle or other
timber, with at least three well-separated points
connecting device.
of contact that prevent its tendency to roll in any
direction. (f ) Securement of a non-cubic shaped boulder — with
an unstable base. In addition to the requirements of
(5) If a boulder is tapered, the narrowest end must
paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, each boulder
point towards the front of the vehicle.
must be secured by a combination of chain tiedowns
as follows:
(1) One chain must surround the top of the
boulder (at a point between one-half and
two-thirds of its height). The working load limit
of the chain must be at least half the weight of
the boulder.
cargo securement rules
cargo securement rules
On December 31, 2003, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety FMCSA shares CCMTA’s concerns about safety but the
Administration issued a memorandum to its Field agency does not believe, given the limited amount cargo
Administrators and Division Administrators outlining securement-related crash data available, there is a basis
interim enforcement policies for certain sections of the for establishing more stringent working load limit
new cargo securement regulations to be implemented requirements than the agency adopted on September 27,
on January 1, 2004. The memorandum explained that 2002. The agency believes cargo securement systems
until the agency has the opportunity to address these should be designed, installed, and maintained to ensure
ambiguities in the regulations through notice-and- that the maximum forces acting on the devices and
comment rulemaking, the policies outlined below will systems do not exceed the working load limit of the
remain in effect. The memorandum represents the tiedowns, but only under normal operating conditions.
agency’s best judgement on fair and reasonable This is because working load limit is defined in §393.5 as
enforcement policies. “the maximum load that may be applied to a component of
a cargo securement system during normal service.” The
Issue 1: §393.102(c) – Prohibition on exceeding breaking performance criteria of §393.102(a) do not represent
strength and working load limit ratings. normal service or operating conditions. Specifically, 0.8 g
deceleration in the forward direction is not a routine force
Agency Policy: Cargo securement devices and systems
that commercial motor vehicles are subjected to on a
must be designed, installed, and maintained to ensure that
regular basis.
the maximum forces acting on the devices or systems do
not exceed the manufacturer’s breaking strength rating
Issue 2: § 393.102(d) – Equivalent means of securement.
under the conditions listed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this
section. Cargo securement devices and systems must also Agency Policy: The means of securing articles of cargo are
be designed, installed, and maintained to ensure that the considered to meet the performance requirements under
forces acting on the devices or systems under normal §393.102(a) if the cargo is:
operating conditions do not exceed the working load limit
1. Immobilized; or
for the devices. For the purposes of this enforcement
policy, normal operating conditions should be considered 2. Fills a sided vehicle that has walls of adequate
to include a deceleration up to 0.4 g in the forward strength, and each article of cargo within the vehicle
direction, 0.5 g acceleration in the rearward direction, and is in contact with, or sufficiently close to a wall or
0.25 g acceleration in the lateral direction. other articles, so that it cannot shift or tip if those
articles are also unable to shift or tip; or
Discussion: During the Commercial Vehicle Safety
Alliance’s 2003 Fall Conference, senior technical staff from 3. Secured in accordance with the applicable
CCMTA expressed concern that the rule requiring the requirements of §§393.104 through 393.136.
aggregate working load limit be at least one-half times the Discussion: Currently, §393.102(d) states that loads that
weight of the article being secured does not ensure are immobilized, or secured in accordance with the
compliance with the prohibition against exceeding the applicable requirements of §§393.104 through 393.136 are
working load limit when the performance criteria (0.8 g considered to meet the performance requirements. Certain
deceleration in the forward direction, 0.5 g in the rearward industry groups believe §393.102(d) should be revised to
and lateral directions) are applied. To correct this provide a third option regarding equivalent means of
discrepancy in the current regulatory language, CCMTA securement that would satisfy the performance criteria.
staff believes the working load limit formula needs to be They believe that if the cargo fills a sided vehicle equipped
adjusted to increase cargo restraint capacity. with walls of adequate strength, and each article of cargo
is positioned so it does not shift or tip inside the vehicle,
the loading arrangement or securement system should be
considered to satisfy the performance requirements under set a zero-tolerance standard that could result in
§393.102. unnecessarily tough enforcement practices. The agency
believes that the language in this policy, combined with
FMCSA intended the term “immobilized” to be construed
the use of uniform enforcement tolerances such as the
to include what the industry recommends as a third option.
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s “Cargo Securement
However, the agency acknowledges that the absence of an
Tie-Down Guidelines” will ensure consistent and
explicit reference to situations in which the cargo fills a
appropriate enforcement actions.
sided vehicle may result in inconsistent enforcement
practices. Therefore, enforcement officials should construe
the rule to mean that when cargo fills a sided vehicle with Issue 4: §393.106(d) – Determining the aggregate working
walls of adequate strength, it is considered to meet the load limits for tiedowns.
performance criteria. Agency Policy: The aggregate working load limit of
tiedowns used to secure an article or group of articles
Issue 3: §393.104(b) and (c) – Prohibition on the use of against movement must be at least one-half times the
damaged securement devices. weight of the article or group of articles. The aggregate
working load limit is the sum of:
Agency Policy: All tiedowns, cargo securement systems,
parts and components used to secure cargo must be in 1. One-half the working load limit of each tiedown that
proper working order when used to perform that function goes from an anchor point on the vehicle to an
with no damaged or weakened components, such as but attachment point on an article of cargo; and
not limited to, cracks or cuts, that will adversely affect
2. The working load limit for each tiedown that goes
their performance for cargo securement purposes,
from an anchor point on the vehicle, through, over or
including reducing the working load limit. Vehicle
around the cargo and then attaches to another
structures, floors, walls, decks, tiedown anchor points,
anchor point on the vehicle.
headerboards, bulkheads, stakes, posts and associated
mounting pockets used to contain or secure articles of Discussion: Based on numerous telephone inquiries from
cargo must be strong enough to meet the performance FMCSA field offices, State enforcement agencies, and
criteria of § 393.102, with no damaged or weakened industry groups, FMCSA has determined that the intent of
components, such as but not limited to, cracks or cuts, §393.106(d) is not easily understood. During the notice-
that will adversely affect their performance for cargo and-comment rulemaking process, the agency proposed
securement purposes, including reducing the working certain requirements that would necessitate the distinction
load limit. between what were referred to as “direct tiedowns” and
“indirect tiedowns.” After reviewing the docket comments,
Discussion: Currently, both §393.104(b) and (c) include
the agency attempted to adopt a more straightforward
reference to vehicle structures. This creates confusion
approach for calculating the aggregate working load limit,
because paragraph (b) pertains to securement devices,
while preserving the potential safety benefits of making
such as tiedowns, used to attach cargo to vehicles, while
the distinction between the two types of tiedowns. While
paragraph (c) is intended to cover vehicle structures and
the language in the Final Rule is easier to understand than
anchor points. The reference in paragraph (b) to “vehicle
the proposed rule, it is still not sufficiently clear. This
structures” should be disregarded.
policy provides an effective approach for adding working
Several industry groups have expressed concern that load limits for individual tiedowns in a cargo securement
the wording in both paragraphs (b) and (c) could be system, and yields the same answer as the current
misconstrued as prohibiting all cracks and cuts, regardless regulatory language.
of whether these imperfections will adversely affect the
performance of the securement devices, vehicle structures
or anchor points. FMCSA agrees the wording appears to
cargo securement rules
provided that the aggregate working load limit for all tipping or falling by banding it to other rolls,
tiedowns must be no less than one-sixth the weight of the bracing, or tiedowns.
stack of logs, for logs transported lengthwise. However,
Discussion: The agency has received several telephone
when the final rule was drafted, paragraphs (d)(2) and (3),
inquiries from FMCSA field offices, State enforcement
and (f )(4) and (5) were inadvertently omitted. FMCSA
agencies, and industry groups about the intent of
intends to correct those errors.
§393.122(b)(4). These inquiries have resulted in a
With regard to allowing the use of one tiedown per bunk comprehensive review of the minutes of the North
for shortwood logs loaded lengthwise between the first American Cargo Securement Model Regulations
two standards and between the last two standards, FMCSA harmonization group, and draft versions of the model
believes one tiedown is sufficient given the standards used regulations. In addition, the agency reviewed information
to protect against lateral movement. from individuals responsible for drafting the portion of the
model regulations upon which §393.122 is based. FMCSA
Issue 7: § 393.122 – Commodity-specific rules for has made a preliminary determination that the language
paper rolls. in §393.122(b)(4) is confusing and clarification is needed
to ensure the proper use and enforcement of the rules.
Agency Policy: Section 393.122(b)(4), concerning
FMCSA believes the enforcement policy will provide
protection against tipping of the paper rolls transported
effective guidance in the implementation of
with eyes vertical, should be construed to mean the
§393.122(b)(4), and will ensure the safe transportation
of paper rolls.
(1) If a paper roll is not prevented from tipping or falling
sideways or rearwards by vehicle structure or other Issue 8: §393.126 – Commodity-specific rules for
cargo, and its width is more than 2 times its intermodal containers.
diameter, it must be prevented from tipping or
Agency Policy: Section 393.126(b), concerning the
falling by banding it to other rolls, bracing, or
securement of intermodal containers transported on
container chassis vehicle(s), should be construed to mean
(2) If the forwardmost roll(s) in a group of paper rolls that all lower corners of the intermodal container must be
has a width greater than 1.75 times its diameter, and secured to the container chassis with securement devices
it is not prevented from tipping or falling forwards or integral locking devices that cannot unintentionally
by vehicle structure or other cargo, then it must be become unfastened while the vehicle is in transit.
prevented from tipping or falling forwards by
Discussion: Section 393.126(b) does not explicitly require
banding it to other rolls, bracing, or tiedowns.
that all lower corners of intermodal containers transported
(3) If the forwardmost roll(s) in a group of paper rolls on container chassis to be secured. As currently written,
has a width 1.75 times its diameter, or less, and it is the requirements could be misconstrued as allowing an
restrained against forward movement by friction intermodal container to be transported on a chassis with
mat(s) alone, then banding, bracing, or tiedowns are one or more defective or missing integral locking devices.
not required to prevent tipping or falling forwards. To avoid potential enforcement problems, FMCSA believes
(4) If a paper roll or the forwardmost roll in a group of it is necessary to clearly state that all lower corners must
paper rolls has a width greater than 1.25 times its be secured to the chassis with securement devices or
diameter, and it is not prevented from tipping or integral locking devices.
falling forwards by vehicle structure or other cargo,
and it is not restrained against forward movement
by friction mat(s), then it must be prevented from
cargo securement rules
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Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Vehicle and Roadside Operations Division (MC-PSV)
400 Seventh Street, SW
Washington, DC 20590