Anatomy One Liners PDF
Anatomy One Liners PDF
Anatomy One Liners PDF
Palatal muscles:
All muscles of soft palate supplied by vagus nerve thru pharyngeal plexus except tensor
velipalati supplied by mandibular nerve
pharyngeal muscles:
All muscles of pharynx are supplied by vagus nerve except stylopharyngeus supplied by
Glossopharyngeal nerve
All muscles of larynx supplied by recurrent laryngeal nerve except cricothyroid supplied
by external laryngeal nerve (superior LN)
Most frequently fractured bone of body: Clavicle
Most frequently dislocated carpal bone: Lunate
Most frequently fractured carpal bone:Scaphoid
Osseous structure palpated deep to "anatomical snuff box": Scaphoid
Fracture of distal radius that produces "dinner fork" appearance: Colles' fracture
Nerve injured with fracture of surgical neck of humerus: Axillary
Nerve injured with fracture of shaft of humerus: Radial
Nerve injured that results in wrist drop: Radial
Nerve injured with fracture of medial humeral epicondyle: Ulnar
Muscle that is the chief flexor and chief extensor at shoulder joint: Deltoid
Muscles innervated by axillary nerve: Deltoid and teres minor
Muscle that initiates abduction of arm: Supraspinatus
Most commonly torn tendon of rotator cuff: Supraspinatus
Two muscles that rotate scapula for full abduction of arm: Trapezius and serratus
Tendon that courses through shoulder joint: Long head of biceps
Chief supinator muscle of hand: Biceps brachii
Primary (major) flexor of the forearm: Brachialis
Orientation of structures located in the cubital fossa-Lateral to Medial: Tendon biceps
brachii, brachial a., median n.
Injury to what nerve causes winged scapula: Long thoracic nerve
Spinal levels of axillary nerve: C5 and C6
Spinal levels of innervation to muscles of the hand: C8 and T1
Dermatome of thumb: C6
Nerve to thenar compartment: Recurrent branch of Median
Innervation of adductor pollicis: Ulnar (deep br.)
Innervation to all interosseous muscles: Ulnar (deep br.)
Innervation to nail bed of middle finger: Median nerve
Innervation to nail bed of ring finger: Ulnar and median
Region affected by upper trunk injury of brachial plexus (C5-C6): Shoulder
Region affected by lower trunk injury of brachial plexus (C8-T1): Intrinsic hand muscles
Nerve compressed with carpal tunnel syndrome: Median
Nerve affected by cubital tunnel syndrome: Ulnar
Paralysis of which muscles results in total "claw" hand: Lumbricals
Dermatome around nipple: T4
Rationale for aspirated small objects to go to right primary bronchus: Wider diameter,
shorter and more vertical
Needle location for therapeutic pleural tapping: Superior to 12th rib, posteriorly
Name given to portion of right ventricle prior to beginning of pulmonary trunk: conus
arteriosum or infundibulum
Site for auscultation of mitral valve: Left 5th interspace, mid-clavicular line
Major vessel that drains the musculature of the heart: Coronary sinus
Veins that unite to form superior vena cava: Right and left Brachiocephalic
Structures that lie to right and left of thoracic duct: Azygos veins, aorta
Thoracic structures that can compress the esophagus: Left bronchus, aorta and
Two muscles which close lateral pelvic wall: Obturator internus and piriformis
Innervation of trigone
: Sympathetics (Pregang. lesser, least, lumbar splanchnic nn.)
Name given to orientation where uterus and vagina intersect at angle of 90 degrees:
Name given to orientation where uterine body and cervix intersect at angle of 10-15
degrees: Anteflexion
Structure that separates deep and superficial perineal spaces: Perineal membrane
Lymphatic drainage for area superior to pectinate line of anal canal: Internal iliac,
inferior mesenteric nodes
Lymphatic drainage for area inferior to pectinate line of anal canal: Superficial inguinal
Muscles which meet at the perineal body: Superficial and deep perineal,
bulbospongiosus, external anal sphincter, pubococcygeus
Fracture of distal radius that produces “dinner fork” appearance: Colle’s fracture
Muscle that is the chief flexor and chief extensor at shoulder joint: Deltoid
Two muscles that rotate scapula for full abduction of arm: Trapezius and serratus
Dermatome of thumb: C6
Region affected by lower trunk injury of brachial plexus (C8-T1): Intrinsic hand muscles
Nerve compressed with carpal tunnel syndrome: Median
Structures that course throughout entire length of adductor canal: Femoral artery and
Structures that course through only portion of adductor canal: Saphenous nerve, nerve
to vastusmedialis, descending genicular vessels
Muscle that prevents pelvis from tilting when walking: Gluteus medius
Nerve affected when pelvis tilts to unsupported side during gait: Superior gluteal n.
Muscles which extend the thigh and flex the leg: Hamstrings
Joints for movements of inversion and eversion: Subtalar and transverse Tarsal
Nerve affected with fracture of head and neck of fibula: Common fibular
Cutaneous innervation to dorsal aspect of web between toes 1 and 2: Deep fibular