Economics 100 Homework Assignments 2006-2007
Economics 100 Homework Assignments 2006-2007
Economics 100 Homework Assignments 2006-2007
Consider Palomar College as a business. (If you are new to Palomar College, consider instead
your high school or any other business with which you are familiar.)
4. We have defined opportunity cost as the value sacrificed whenever a decision is made. You
have made a decision to attend Palomar College this semester. Make an estimate of the total
opportunity cost of your decision. This will depend on how many units you are taking and how
many days of the week you attend. Be sure to consider the value of time spent studying.
5. Consider the War in Iraq. It has been going on since 2003. What are the full opportunity
costs to the United States as a whole from engaging in this war? Do not provide a dollar
estimate. But do list as many aspects as you can in which the United States as a whole has
sacrificed because the War in Iraq was fought.
One of the opportunity costs to the United States as a whole is that American military
personnel and contractors were killed or seriously injured. How would one place a dollar value
on a human life lost at age 22?
6 Private industrial timber companies own 15% of all timberland in the United States (9% in the
West). At some point, the trees are cut, transported to a mill, processed into either paper or
lumber products, and then sold. Assume that the trees are already planted. Two costs will be
incurred before the trees are to be cut. First, in ten years, there must be a commercial thinning.
This means that workers will be hired and machines purchased to reduce the amount of
undergrowth so that nutrients can be concentrated in the trees. Second, in ten years and again in
twenty years, the trees will be chemically fertilized through aerial spraying.
The trees will grow very quickly for 50 to 60 years. After this, they grow slowly. The slow
growth produces a wood that is free of knots and sap and therefore sells for a much higher price
in the market.
Use the principles of rational decision-making from Class 2 to explain how a timber
company would go about making the decision as to the best time for it to cut the trees.
Homework Assignment #2
1. In the chapter, it was argued that the demand for airline travel was relatively elastic. Explain
why this would be so using the three factors discussed in this section.
2. The California State University System has raised its fees by 10%.. Would the demand for
these universities (such as San Diego State University or CSU – San Marcos) be relative elastic
or inelastic? Use the three factors to explain why.
3. In 2006, the fees at community colleges will fall from $26 to $24 per unit. Is the demand for
community college courses relatively elastic or relatively inelastic? Use the three factors to
explain why. Based on your answer, what will happen to the revenues of community colleges?
4. The Post Office raised the price of a first class stamp from 37 cents to 39 cents. In this range,
is the demand to send a first class letter relatively elastic or relatively inelastic? Why?
5. In each case, state whether you believe the demand for the product is relatively elastic or
relatively inelastic? Then, provide reasons for your conclusion.
a. A company buying advertising during the Super Bowl
b. Wheat used to make bread and flour
c. Services of a dentist to bleach teeth to make them very white
d. A new automobile when the interest rate to borrow money to buy the automobile goes to
e. Use of cigarettes when the state of California raised the cigarette tax by $1.10
f. Buying gasoline when the price rose from $2.00 to $3.00 per gallon
g. Electricity when the prices tripled in just a few months
6. In Chapter 4, you were given the following demand curve for homes:
Price Quantity Demanded Total Revenue
$340,000 0
1 $320,000 1000
2 $300,000 2000
3 $280,000 3000
4 $260,000 4000
5 $240,000 5000
6 $220,000 6000
7 $200,000 7000
8 $180,000 8000
9 $160,000 9000
10 $140,000 10000
Fill in the table to calculate the total revenue. In doing so, ignore the three zeros on the price and
the three zeros on the quantity demanded. Your result will be in millions of dollars.
In what price range is the demand for homes relatively inelastic?_______________
*Internet Assignment*
This chapter has considered factors that affect the demand for homes. Consider the
demand for homes in California. Go to the site for the California Statistical Abstract
linked on my web site..
In each of the following cases, describe what the data say has been happening over time.
Then, explain how these changes would affect the demand for homes in California.
1. The population of California (Table B1)
2. The per capita income of California (You can get the income data in Table D4. You
then have to divide by the population from question 1 to have the per capita income.)
3. The prices of homes in California (Table I11) The table gives only the prices of
existing homes. But the prices of new homes have been changing in the same
4. Rents on Apartments (Table I2)
5. Mortgage Interest Rates. (Interest rates in California are basically the same as in
the rest of the country. You can find current mortgage rates in any newspaper.
6. Then, write a brief conclusion. What has been happening to the demand for homes
in California (see Table I3)? Based on your answers above, why might this have
been happening?
(1) Is the demand for grains relatively elastic or relatively inelastic with respect to the price?
Explain why.
(2) Is the demand for grains relatively elastic or relatively inelastic with respect to income?
Explain why. (This means that if income rises, will the demand for grains increase a small
amount or a large amount?)
(3) On the graph below, draw the demand curve as you have described it. Draw a normal supply
curve. Show the equilibrium price and quantity.
0 Quantity of Grains
(4) Over time, the demand for wheat or corn has shifted to the right. Why has this occurred?
(5) Over time the supply of wheat or corn has shifted to the right. Why has this happened?
(6) Which do you believe has shift more over the past century: the demand curve or the supply
curve? Explain why. Then, show these two shifts on the graph.
(8) As a result of these two shifts, the price of wheat or corn will ____________ (rise or fall?)
Because of the price elasticity of demand for wheat or corn, total revenues received by
farmers will __________________(rise or fall?)
The result is that the total profits of farmers will _________________(rise or fall?)
(9) The market is sending a signal to the farmer. What is it telling the farmer to do?
Pick out the stock of a particular company (any company). Find the value of the stock of
that company in the most recent week. You will find this information either in a
newspaper or on the Internet. Then, find the value of that stock one year ago (or as close
to that date as you can).
You will need to do some research as to what has been happening concerning this
company. You know that the price is affected by the demand for and the supply of that
stock. Demanded are those who wish to buy the stock. Suppliers are those who own the
stock and are considering selling. There are six possible determinants of the demand and
four possible determinants of the supply. Based on your research, explain what might be
responsible for the change in the price you have discovered. Show your reasoning on the
graph below.
Ethics Questions
(1) Some people advocate a plan for educational vouchers. In its extreme form, this plan would
give to the parents of each child in California a voucher for the money currently spent on
schooling (about $4,500 per child). The parents could then use that voucher to buy schooling for
the child at any school in California. In some plans, the parents could pay more than the amount
of the voucher if they desire. The voucher could not be used for any purpose other than school.
This would replace the current system in which the money goes to the school and, with a few
exceptions, each child goes to the school in the neighborhood. Thus, in effect, schools would
become private businesses that would compete for students in a market.
Use the principles of the “invisible hand” and the benefits of a market to argue in favor of
replacing the current system with educational vouchers.
Then, argue against the replacement of the current system with education vouchers by naming
some of the problems that a system of education vouchers might cause. (In this answer, consider
whether education is a different kind of good than those typically sold in markets, such as cars,
and clothes.)
The following has arguments both for and against educational vouchers:
The following has arguments against educational vouchers:
The following sites consider the use of educational vouchers in the city of Milwaukee:
(2) In April of 1995, the television show 60 Minutes had a feature on a small town in Vermont.
The town was one of many towns that were trying the stop Wal-Mart from opening a store ten
miles outside of town. (Wal-Mart used to locate primarily in rural areas.) The town was
complaining that Wal-Mart would ruin many of the local businesses. As those local businesses
failed, their owners and workers would reduce buying at the other businesses, such as barbers or
gasoline stations. The whole community of the small town would be lost. People would have to
move. Because people would have less income, they would pay less in taxes, reducing the money
available for schools, roads, police, and so forth. Other towns have complained that Wal-Mart
creates traffic congestion and that Wal-Mart raises the county’s health care costs because it does
not insure its workers.
Write a brief response to the town justifying the coming of the Wal-Mart. Base your response
on the principles of the "invisible hand".
Then, write a brief response to Wal-Mart. Explain what problems are likely to result if the
"free market" is allowed to work in this case (that is, if Wal-Mart is allowed to open its store).
Let us consider an orange grove. When the grove began in the 1950s, the orange trees were
planted. Today, you have purchased the grove. The trees must be watered and fertilized. You
have drip irrigation on timers to take care of the watering. You hire workers to do the fertilizing.
Workers also keep the area clear of competing vegetation, using a small tractor. Herbicides may
be applied by the workers. Workers also remove trees that have died and plant new ones from
seedlings. The main chore for the workers is the picking of the oranges and the hauling of them
to the processor. There are some buildings needed to keep the tractor and other equipment.
Let us examine the costs. Let us assume that we hire six full-time workers (or the equivalent).
Each is paid $12,000 per year ($1,000 per month), making the labor cost equal $72,000. The
company has buildings. It has machinery, such as the tractor, the trucks, saws, shovels, and so
forth, as well as buildings. Our measure of cost here is the part of the building and machines used
up during the year (called depreciation). Let us assume that the cost of all of this capital for the
year is $16,000. Let us assume that the owner paid $400,000 for the grove and the capital; this
money could have been earning 5% interest. We will assume here that owner does not work in
this business.
The orange grove has its land, buildings, and machinery. These are the fixed factors of
production. Let us focus on only one of the variable factors of production: labor. The following
table describes the relation between the number of pounds of oranges sold per year and the
number of workers hired. Assume that all oranges are the same. This relation is the production
B. Using the table, up to how many pounds of oranges are there increasing marginal returns?
Think of the example of an orange grove. Give some reasons why there might be increasing
marginal returns.
C. Using the table, show where there are diminishing marginal returns. Think of the example
of an orange grove. Give some reasons why there might be diminishing marginal returns.
D. Ignore the cost of the capital, the cost of the natural resources, and the opportunity costs of
the owner and focus only on the cost of the hired labor. Assume that each worker is paid $12,000
per year ($1,000 per month). What is the marginal cost for the first 10,000 pounds of oranges per
year? Ignoring the other costs for now, the first 10,000 pounds require the hiring of one worker.
That worker is paid $12,000. Thus, each pound costs $1.20 worth of labor to produce ($12,000
divided by 10,000). The total variable cost is calculated as $12,000 times the number of workers.
The marginal cost was the change in the total cost from producing one additional pound of
oranges. What is the marginal cost of the next 30,000 pounds of oranges? And so on. Use this to
fill in the following table:
E. Examine your two tables. When the marginal physical product is rising, the marginal cost is
________________. And when the marginal physical product is falling, the marginal cost is
Go back to the case of the orange grove in Assignment #7. Assume that the company sells its
product in perfect competition at a market price of $0.60 per pound. Using the principles
described in the reading, the profit-maximizing quantity is __________________ and the
economic profit is $________________________SHOW ALL CALCULATIONS
Quantity Total Revenue Marginal Revenue Marginal Cost
10,000 $1.20
40,000 .40
90,000 .24
130,000 .30
180,000 .60
192,000 1.00
198,000 2.00
200,000 6.00
(The marginal cost was calculated in Assignment #7 and is repeated in the table.)
2. Now assume that the company sells its product in perfect competition at a market price of
$0.40 per pound. Using the principles described in the reading, the profit-maximizing quantity is
__________________ and the economic profit is $________________________SHOW ALL
Quantity Total Revenue Marginal Revenue Marginal Cost
10,000 $1.20
40,000 .40
90,000 .24
130,000 .30
180,000 .60
192,000 1.00
198,000 2.00
200,000 6.00
Since the company is making an economic loss, should it continue to produce in the short-run or
should it shut down? Why?
3. Now assume that the company sells its product in perfect competition at a market price of
$0.30 per pound. Using the principles described in the reading, the profit-maximizing quantity is
__________________ and the economic profit is $________________________SHOW ALL
Quantity Total Revenue Marginal Revenue Marginal Cost
10,000 $1.20
40,000 .40
90,000 .24
130,000 .30
180,000 .60
192,000 1.00
198,000 2.00
200,000 6.00
Economics 100 Homework Assignment #8 --- Page 2
Fill-in the following table. Assume that there are 1000 orange groves and that they are identical.
(Remember, in your answer, at some point the company may shut down.)
Price Supply of One Grove Industry Supply Quantity Demanded
$0.30 200,000,000
$0.40 190,000,000
$0.60 180,000,000
$1.00 170,000,000
$2.00 120,000,000
$6.00 80,000,000
The equilibrium price is $____________ and the equilibrium quantity of oranges is __________.
Homework Assignment #9
Return to the case of the orange grove from the previous homework (see above). Assume
that all orange groves sell their oranges through one cooperative. This cooperative acts
as a pure monopoly. Assume that, at a price of $1.50 per pound, the monopoly
cooperative will sell 10,000 pounds of oranges. Every time the price is lowered by 5
cents per pound, another 10,000 pounds will be sold. This is shown below. Fill in the
table. The average total cost and the marginal cost are repeated from the previous
homework assignments for the numbers that you calculated. You will not need any of the
numbers that have been left blank.
Quantity Price Total Revenue Marginal Revenue Average Total Cost Marginal Cost
The quantity that the monopolist will choose in order to maximize profits is _______.
Explain the reason that this quantity will be produced.
The economic profits that this monopolist will earn will equal $_________________.
Show Calculations.
Do the following three questions. You are encouraged to work in groups and turn in one set of
1. Ethics Question
Two people can go to a restaurant. They can have the same meal at the same time. One is
over 65 and the other is under 65. The one who is over 65 will often pay a lower price. Is this a
fair and reasonable practice on the part of the restaurant? Explain your position.
2. California is now often cited as an example of “how not to do deregulation”. Write a short
essay describing to someone unfamiliar with Economics exactly what went wrong with
California’s deregulation. (You can get the material you need from Microeconomics, Chapter 19,
Page 12 on.)
3. On the 2005 November ballot, there was a proposition made to return back to the traditional
regulation of public utilities that existed prior to 1996. What arguments can you give in favor of
such a proposition? What arguments can you give against such a proposition? (The proposition
was defeated.)
A Municipal Utility District (MUD) is a public utility that is government owned instead of
investor owned. There is one in Sacramento (SMUD), in Los Angeles (Department of Water and
Power), and in Seattle (Seattle Light). In 2001, San Francisco defeated an attempt to create one.
Go to the Internet. Get the information you need to answer the following (you might go to the
arguments surrounding the San Francisco vote in November, 2001): what are the advantages and
what are the disadvantages of a Municipal Utility District as compared to an investor-owned
In Chapter 14, you were given homework concerning an orange grove. The following
table described the relation between the number of pounds of oranges sold per year and
the number of workers hired. This was the production function. You were asked to
calculate the marginal physical product (MPP). Refer back to that homework.
Number of Workers Number of Pounds Per Year Marginal Physical Product (MPP)
0 0
1 10,000
2 40,000
3 90,000
4 130,000
5 160,000
6 180,000
7 192,000
8 198,000
9 200,000
10 200,000
11 190,000
You were also given that the price of oranges was $0.60 per pound and that the wage paid
to each worker was $12,000 per year. Assume that oranges are sold in a perfectly
competitive product market and that the workers are hired in a perfectly competitive
labor market.
In the table below, calculate the marginal revenue product & the marginal resource
Workers MPP Price Marginal Revenue Product Wage Marginal Resource Cost
1 $0.60 $12,000
2 $0.60 $12,000
3 $0.60 $12,000
4 $0.60 $12,000
5 $0.60 $12,000
6 $0.60 $12,000
7 $0.60 $12,000
8 $0.60 $12,000
9 $0.60 $12,000
10 $0.60 $12,000
11 $0.60 $12,000
The following are the shares of sales of tobacco for the main tobacco companies:
1980 1995
Lorillard 10% 8%
* Brown and Williamson acquired American Tobacco. The 1995 share for American is included
in the Brown and Williamson share.
3. Based on your answers to questions 1 and 2, plus a perusal of the data above, draw a
conclusion as to what happened to the competitiveness of the tobacco industry between 1980
and 1995.
4. Use the data for 1980 from Question 1. Show how the Merger Guidelines would be used to
allow the merger of Brown and Williamson with American Tobacco.
5. In the 1860s, the Homestead Act was passed. This granted land in the West to people who
would settle it (up to a limit of 160 acres). In 1891, the Forest Reserve Act was passed, allowing
the government to buy up land for the protection of trees. But much of the West is hot, dusty, and
rocky. It has been called “the land that nobody wanted”. Settlers did not claim the land because
its productivity was low. The federal government did not want the land because it was not
forested and was not especially spectacular. Thus, this land was not private property and was not
regulated by the government.
The land did, however, have value as marginal grazing land. From the 1850s until 1934,
people grazed their cattle and sheep on this land that they did not own. They did so with no
government regulation. Use the principles discussed in the chapter to explain what would result
on this land and why it would result.
In the class, there were several functions of government noted under laissez faire. For each of the
following, state under which of the functions is it acceptable in laissez faire? Then, state why
the government should provide this function.
I. The reading describes the U.S. Forest Service. A similar bureaucracy, the National Park
Service, is part of the Department of the Interior. It manages some 400 national parks and 87
million acres. The most famous are Yellowstone and Yosemite. Others you may be familiar with
are the Grand Canyon, Sequoia - Kings Canyon, Death Valley, and Cabrillo Monument on Point
Loma. The National Park Service has a budget of about $1.5 billion, funded by Congress. Below
are some of the criteria by which the National Park Service is run. What do you believe will
result from these criteria? WHY?
(1) The total amount of money appropriated by Congress is divided among the parks
according to the number of visitors in each park.
(2) Congress specified that charges to users of the park be low. The average park charges
users about $0.60 per visitor day. It has been estimated that the market value is actually $14 per
visitor day. The Park Service is only allowed to keep a small part of the fees collected by the
(3) There are about 500 businesses that have concessions in the national parks. They run
hotels, stores, restaurants, tour guides, etc. At present, they pay about 2.5% of their sales receipts
to the Park Service for the right to operate in the parks. Payments of 10% to 15% are commonly
charged in other activities. The Park Service is not allowed to keep any of the concession
II. Many of the national parks are facing severe ecological damage. In addition, maintenance has
been deferred in many parks, leading to roads, sewage, and buildings in disrepair. (In
Yellowstone, 90% of trails and 80% of roads are in need of repair.) Yet, while this was occurring,
33 new areas were added to the national park system. And hundreds of millions of dollars were
spent on visitors' centers (each about the size of three large homes and costing about $8 million).
Use the principles of Public Choice to explain what would seem to be inefficient spending
occurring while other, more important, spending is not done.
1. In 1997, the poverty rate for the United States was 13.3%. But the poverty rate for
California was 16.8%. Based on what you know about the causes of poverty and the
type of people likely to be poor, what hypotheses can your group develop to explain
why the poverty rate is higher in California?
2. Read the description of the creation of the great fortunes in the text. In magazines, books, or
on the Internet, find the story of a billionaire who is not mentioned in the text. You may use
one who is currently alive or an historical person. Write a brief description of the source of
this person’s great wealth. (If the wealth was inherited, go back to discover the original
source of the wealth.) To what extent is your description of the source of this person’s great
wealth consistent with the description in the text?
Ethics Question
3. Resolved: the United States government should tax the very rich (those with incomes of
$500,000 per year and up) and transfer the money to the very poor (those with incomes of
$10,000 and under).
1. Using the tax table in the text, in 1980, in what tax bracket would you be in if your adjusted
gross income were $20,000? $40,000? $100,000? What tax bracket would you be in as of 2005?
2. Use the principle concerning the sales tax to explain why each of the following taxes is
1. the gasoline tax 2. the cigarette tax
3. Assume a person has a taxable income of $10,000. How much tax would the person have had
to pay in 1980? Now recalculate the tax that would have to be paid by the person in 1985 with an
income of $10,000. How much would this person have saved from the 1981 change in the tax
Now, recalculate the tax that would have to be paid in 1992 by the same person if his or her
income were $10,000. How much would this person’s taxes have changed because of the 1986
change in the tax law?
Finally, recalculate the tax that would have to be paid by the same person in 2000 if his or her
income were $10,000. How much would this person’s taxes have changed as of 2000 compared to
4. Go over this chapter. Evaluate each of the following taxes as “good” or “bad” according to the
three criteria.
Equity Ease of Administration Incentive Effects
Personal Income Tax
Corporate Profits Tax
Social Security (FICA) Tax
Sales Tax
Property Tax
1. Assume that there are only three goods produced. The following represent the prices
and quantities sold in the base year (2000) and the current year (2006):
B $ 50 40 $ 80 50
C $ 25 20 $ 50 20
What was the Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2000? Show
What was the Nominal Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2006? Show
What was the Real Gross Domestic Product (Real GDP) in 2006? Show
2. Is economic growth really a good thing? Economic growth refers to the increase in the
standard of living generated by an increase in Per Capita Real GDP. The question is: does a
greater wealth really buy greater happiness? If so, why? If not, why not? (Consider economic
growth starting from the standard of living already experienced by the United States, not the
standard of living experienced today by a very poor country.)
What is the total civilian labor force? What is the total number of people unemployed?
How many (and what percent) of the unemployed have been unemployed 27 weeks or longer?
What is the unemployment rate for males age 20 and over? for females age 20 and over?
What is the unemployment rate for whites overall? for blacks overall? for Hispanics overall?
for people age 16 to 19?
What was the San Diego unemployment rate for this month?
1. What is the most recent month? What is the CPI in this month?
2. Considering the January figure alone, a market basket that cost $9.80 in 1913 would cost how
much in the most recent month?
3. What was the last year that prices fell from January to January?
What was the last time that prices fell for two + consecutive years from January to January?
4. By approximately what percent did prices rise from January, 1970 to January, 1980?
(You need to calculate this.)
5. How many years did it take for prices to triple from their January, 1913 value?
How many years did it take for prices to triple from their January, 1970 value?
6. In June, 1965, I started working at an accounting firm for $7,200 per year. I was straight out
of college and had no significant work experience. Assume that you begin your work career in
the most recent month noted. What starting salary do you need to have now to have the same
purchasing power as I had in June, 1965?
2. Assume that you are a policy maker for the American government. Assume that, today, the
unemployment rate is 6% and the inflation rate is 5% (both reasonably high numbers). You can
undertake a set of policies that would lower the unemployment rate to 4%. But if you did so, the
inflation rate would rise to 10%. Or you can undertake a set of policies that will lower the
inflation rate to 0%. But if you did so, the unemployment rate would rise to 10%. Consider the
problems to society that result from unemployment (see Chapter 3) and the problems to society
that result from inflation (see Chapter 4). Assume that you must choose one of these two sets of
policies. Which one do you choose? Explain why.
Economics 100 Name_________________________
1. Assume that, there is only one product produced, which we will call a "widget". If there were
full-employment, production would equal 1,000 widgets to sell at $100 per widget. Therefore
production in the United States is valued at $100,000. Domestic income also must equal
$100,000. This income involves 10 workers being paid $10,000 per year. (Ignore profits for
now.) Each worker produces 100 widgets.
Of their $100,000 of income, the workers pay $10,000 in taxes, save $10,000, spend
$70,000 on consumer goods produced in the United States, and spend $10,000 on imports.
Businesses wish to spend $5,000 on private business investment spending, that is, on capital
goods produced in the United States.
If the government spent the same amount that it raised in taxes ($10,000), what would
happen to production in this economy? Why?
If the government decided to spend $30,000, without raising taxes, what would happen to this
economy? Why?
In order to avoid any problem of unemployment or inflation, how much should the
government spend? Why?
If it did so, the government would have a budget deficit equal to $_________________.
Where would the government get the money to pay for this deficit?
There you will find several documents concerning the budget proposal of President Bush
for the most recent year. On the site , you may find information
about President Bush’s tax plan.
Write a one page essay (preferably as a group) characterizing President Bush’s fiscal
policy. First explain the changes he proposed. Then, use the material of this course to
analyze the likely results if all of his proposals were passed.
3. Mary buys the car from Joan. Joan deposits Mary's check for $8,000 in her account
in Bank B. Show the changes on the balance sheet for both Bank A and Bank B
Bank A Bank B
Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities
4. Assuming no currency is held, how much money (M-1) will ultimately be created as a
2. Then, categorize monetary policy in the 1980s and 1990s. When was monetary policy
expansionary and when was it contractionary? You can do this first by following the
trend in the money supply. The Fed focused on M-2. You can also do this by
focusing on the trend in interest rates. You can get this information at the following
site: Pages 9 and Page 12 will give
you a picture of the trend in interest rates. Page 9 and Page 13 will give you a picture
of the trend in the money supply. (If the web site changes, the instructor will provide
you an updated web site address.)
3. Go any site that has recent comments of Chairman Ben Bernanke. You might want to
start with Google. You can also find these in daily newspapers.
a. Does Chairman Bernanke believe the economy is doing well or poorly?
b. What predictions does Chairman Bernanke make about changes in Real GDP in
the near future? About changes in inflation rates in the near future?
c. What does Chairman Bernanke say about Fed policy regarding the money supply
or interest rates?
d. Is the Fed considering any action with regard to the money supply or interest rates
at the present time?
1. In 1998, two factors happened regarding Russia. First, prices in Russia were rising at a very rapid rate
(hyperinflation) while prices in the United States were hardly rising at all. Second, for a variety of reasons,
those who had made portfolio investments in Russia decided to take their money elsewhere. This means
that they demanded that the loans they had made in Russia be paid off. When the loans were repaid, the
money was not loaned to people in a different country. On the graph below, show the demand for and the
supply of Rubles as of 1997. Then, show the results of these two events in 1998. Make the appropriate
shifts in either demand or in supply or in both. State what would happen to the Russian Ruble. Finally,
state what would happen to the Russian economy as a result of this change in the exchange rate.
P1 E1
0 Quantity of Rubles
2. In each case below, show the foreign exchange market between dollars and Japanese Yen in
equilibrium. Then, assume that there is an inflation in the United States but not in Japan.
a. Show the effects in the foreign exchange market assuming that there are freely floating
exchange rates. Explain why you made the changes that you did.
b. Show the effects in the foreign exchange market assuming that the world is on a system of
fixed exchange rates. Explain why you made the changes that you made.