MySQL Assignment

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Assignment: III

Problem Statement

In this assignment you will create the database and the tables to store the user data.
This document contains information about the database and tables that you need to
● Create a database called store, this database contains the following tables:
a. items: This table contains the item information such as its id, name
and price.
b. users: This table contains the user specific information such as name,
email id, password, contact number, city and address.
c. users_items: This table stores the information about the item orders by
the users. Columns are id, user_id, items_id and status.

● Create following tables:

items: Consists of 3 columns with pid as the primary key (to identify items
uniquely) and has the following table structure:
users: Consists of 7 columns with id as the primary key and has the following
table structure:

users_items: Consists of 4 columns and has the following table structure:

● Insert the following data in the items table

PID name price

1 Canon EOS 36000
2 Nikon DSLR 40000
3 Sony DSLR 45000
4 Olympus DSLR 50000
5 Titan Model #301 13000
6 Titan Model #201 3000
7 HMT Milan 8000
8 Faber Luba #111 18000
9 H&W 800
10 Luis Phil 1000
11 John Zok 1500
12 Jhalsani 1300

● This is a sample dataset, you can name and price the product as per your
● The table and columns name are case sensitive i.e Name, NAME and name
are considered as differently.
● You can change the names of the tables and columns also. Make sure you
give relevant names according to the context of use to avoid confusion.

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