Student Attendance System by Barcode Scan: Features
Student Attendance System by Barcode Scan: Features
Student Attendance System by Barcode Scan: Features
The project is a system that takes down students' attendance using barcode. This
is an interesting concept set forth to automate the traditional attendance system
by using authentication technique. The traditional system requires a register
maintained for manually marking attendance for the students which is time
consuming. Hence this proposed project eliminates the need of maintaining
attendance sheet.
The proposed system uses barcode method for authenticating students with a
unique barcode that represents their unique id. Every student is provided with a
card that contains the barcode. Students just have to scan their cards using
barcode reader and the system notes down their attendance as per dates. System
then stores all the students' attendance records and generates defaulter list and
reports for admin. Such kind of application is very useful in school as well as in
college for taking daily attendance.
Admin login: Admin is provided with a login from where he monitors and
administers all the students' information and records.
Barcode Reading: Students have to scan their card through barcode reader
and the id thus read by the system is stored for that particular day.
Defaulter list: The system generates defaulter list in excel sheet for
specified period provided by admin.
Report generation: At the end of attendance process system automatically
generates overall report for the class in excel sheet.
Search option: Admin can even search for particular student's attendance
details using search option in the system.
Software Requirements:
Windows Xp, Windows 7(ultimate, enterprise)
Sql 2005
Visual studio 2008
Hardware Components:
Processor – i3
Hard Disk – 5 GB
Memory – 1GB RAM
Barcode Reader
The only disadvantage is that every class requires a barcode reader to access the
1. The system can be used for schools, college, or universities for taking down