CHURCH & MISSION *How did God reveal to us? dictates of their conscience (inner voice); the Father over the Son (Subordinationism)
3 KINDS OF CHURCH 1.) CREATION may achieve eternal salvation.” - combatted by the Council of Nicea I (325 AD)
1.) Triumphant Church (saints) - natural sign of God - council wanted to teach very clearly that Christ
2.) Militant Church (alive) - Gen 1:26 “let us make man in our image, FAITH is “consubstantial” or “one being” with the
3.) Suffering Church (souls in purgatory) after our likeness” - humanity’s response to God’s revelation Father (Nicene Creed)
*mission: - creation was perfect before sin - we believe; “walk by faith, not by sight”
- they inherit the Kingdom of God - consequence of sin: death - PCPII 36: Christian faith is to know, to love, and *Judaism – only believe in Old Testament
- militant (mediator) prays for the suffering 2.) IN SCRIPTURE/BIBLE follow Jesus Christ in His body the Church (2nd - 5 books (Tanakh)
- through salvation history Plenary Council of the Philippines)
SUBJECT MATTER: - Old Testament: God made covenant with 2.) PNEUMATOMACHI (324 AD)
*How Jesus reveals Himself to us Noah, Abraham, Moses 3 ESSENTIAL DIMENSIONS - Greek name means “the killer of the spirit”
*Jn 14: 16 *covenant (lifetime) 1.) mind; believing - “pneuma” = spirit
1.) He is the veritas TRUTH (doctrine; 1 creed) *contract (limited) 2.) heart; trusting - “mache” = battle”
2.) He is the via WAY (10 commandments) - New Testament: God sent His only Son to 3.) will/strength; doing -latin: “anima Christi” = “soul of Christ”
3.) He is the vita LIFE (7 sacraments) be our Savior -aka Macedonians or Semi-Arians
*Dei Verbum #4: “Jesus is the unique, *religious mystery - can be justified by revelation -founder: Macedonius (bishop)
JESUS IS THE WAY irrevocable, and definitive revelation *monotheistic – one God -teaching: denied the divinity of the Holy
10 Commandments: of God.” Spirit because HS is only a mere angel
1.) You shall have no other gods before Me. 3.) CHURCH SCUTUM FIDEI (latin) or SHIELD OF FAITH -combated by the Council of Constantinople
2.) You shall not make idols. - Ecclesia “baptized people of God”
3.) You shall not take the name of the LORD your - continued to spread the Word with the
God in vain. power of the HS
4.) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5.) Honor your father and your mother.
6.) You shall not murder.
7.) You shall not commit adultery.
8.) You shall not steal.
9.) You shall not bear false witness against your - Christ reveal Himself in the sacraments Explanation: “There are 3 distinct person yet one in
neighbor. *Eucharistic essence and substance. They are co-eternal, co-equal,
10.) You shall not covet. 1.) Transubstantiation (sacred and consubstantial.
species; body & blood) *consubstantial (Council of Nicea)
2 Main Commandments: 2.) Word of God
1.) Love your God with all your mind, soul, and 3.) People gathered (Mt. 18:20) TRUTH (doctrine) or CREED
heart 4.) Proper minister (alte christos = - latin word “credo” which means “I believe”
2.) Love your neighbor as you love yourself like Christ) -purpose: to provide a summary statement of faith
4.) OTHER RELIGION - structure: structured on the fundamental belief
JESUS IS THE LIFE - Ecumenism – gathering of Christian in the trinity and the works proper to each of the 3
Sacrament of Initiation: religions persons:
1.) Baptism - Nominal Catholic (catholic by name) - Father & Creation
2.) Eucharist - other religions monopolize salvation - Son & Redemption
3.) Confirmation - God revealed in everything/everyone - Holy Spirit & Sanctification
Sacrament of Service: - do the non- Christians receive God’s
1.) Matrimony revelation? Yes. HERESY (false doctrine)
2.) Holy Order - Lumen Gentium (light of the nation) #16: 1.) ARIANISM (256-376 AD)
Sacrament of Healing: “Even non-Christians who do not know the - founder: Arius
1.) Reconciliation Gospel of Christ or His Church but who - Christian Presbyter
2.) Anointing of the Sick nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart - born in Libya
and moved by the grace try in their actions - priest in Alexandria, Egypt