Sika-Trocal Single Ply Roofing
Sika-Trocal Single Ply Roofing
Sika-Trocal Single Ply Roofing
Uniclass EPIC
L5243:P7113 E341:X724
(47) Tn6
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I Air leakage targets can be met with simple I Items of plant, such as air conditioning and
detailing; in fact buildings with Sika-Trocal roofs machinery, can be accommodated on a flat roof.
have been routinely tested over the past 15 years This provides more useable floor area.
with results better 5 m3/h/m2 at 50 Pa being
regularly recorded. I Access onto, and movement across, flat roofs is
generally easier than alternatives. This can avoid
I Internal volume of the building is minimised, the need for scaffolding, ladders or hoists to
contributing to carbon reduction by cutting carry out simple maintenance tasks.
heating and cooling costs.
I Flat roof areas can be used for amenity purposes
I Roofs can be very light in weight, saving on the by creating a terrace or green roof, enhancing the
supporting structure and reducing environmental working environment and improving the buildings
impact. ‘green’ credentials.
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Where thermal insulation is used it is important that Extensive systems use lightweight growing mediums
suitable insulation boards are used to ensure and sedum to provide a meadow like finish requiring
compatibility between the adhesive, the face and the minimal maintenance.
insulant core.
A Biodiverse system is generally specified to replicate
When bonding to an existing substrate the quality and the natural habitat of specific flora and fauna.
suitability of the substrate is critical to the success of
this system and the weakest lamination in any build
up must always be considered.
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Sika-Trocal Type SG
Type SG is a UV stabilised membrane for use on
concave roof surfaces with a radius of 20 metres or
less. In these applications the addition of an internal
matrix of random glass fibres to the Sika-Trocal Type
S makes the membrane ideal for mechanically
fastened application or detailing work with the Sika-
Trocal Type SGK membrane.
Sika-Trocal Metal
Galvanised steel sheet with a layer of Sika-Trocal Sika-Trocal Type P Fleece
Type S membrane factory laminated to it. Sika-
A 300 g/m² polyester fleece for use as a protection or
Trocal Metal is used to fabricate upstands, perimeter
separation layer.
profiles and other details.
Sika-Trocal SBv Fleece
PVC skinned polyester fleece sheet for use as a heavy
duty protection or separation layer.
S-Vap 500E
Polyethylene vapour control layer for mechanically
fastened applications.
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Sika-Trocal membranes require no maintenance
themselves. However, it is considered good roofing
practice to monitor the overall condition of the roof
throughout its life. Sika-Trocal recommends that the
construction itself, along with associated parapet
upstands, counter flashings and mastic seals, are
inspected on a bi-annual basis. During these
inspections rainwater outlets, leaf guards and gutters
should be inspected and cleared as required.
Sika® Capabilities
Additional Information
The information, and, in particular the recommendations relating to the application and end use of Sika® products, are given in good
faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal
conditions. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site conditions are such that no warranty in respect of
merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
either from this information or from any written recommendations or from any other advice offered. The proprietary rights of third
parties must be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users should always refer to the
most recent issue of the Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.
Our promise Steel Protection
Sika® is a global company with a world-wide network of Protective finishes available for factory or site application along
subsidiaries active in the fields of speciality chemicals and with a range of primers. Specialist finishes that can be applied
products for construction and industry. to galvanised steel without primers. Finishes based on PVC
acrylic, two-part epoxy including the anthracne type, one-part
Sika® is committed to quality, service, safety and PU alkyds, two and one-part polyurethane.
environmental care. Our world-leading branded products are
all proven solutions and are based on our core capability in the Sealing, Rigid Bonding and Strengthening
following areas. Permanent solutions for the repair or renovation of existing
concrete or steel structures including:
Admixtures for Concrete
Additives designed to provide control over, and improve the I The reinforcing of major concrete or steel structures such
performance of concrete mixes. The Sika® range includes as bridges or beams, increasing their load potential or
water reducers, high performance and super plasticisers, correcting deficiencies.
retarders and accelerators, air entraining and permeability I The prevention of water penetration through concrete or
reducers. masonry construction through the application of
specialist mortars and renders.
Sealing and Bonding
Polyurethane and silicone based sealants for a range of The creating of waterproof concrete through a
applications in buildings, including structural glazing, joints in combination of additives and specialist water bars.
curtain wall panels and masonry, also for fire resistant I Swellable sealants and profiles, cavity drainage systems
applications. Now includes the AT, (Advanced Technology), and re-injectable joint sealant systems.
range of high performance sealants.
Concrete repair and protection Sika’s wide range of materials for flooring applications
Products to renovate or upgrade existing or damaged floors in includes:
any application, from car park decks to concrete floors in
factories, warehouses and retail units I Dry shake hardeners and resin finishes for cementitious
floors, achieving a wide variety of performances and
Specialist screed mixtures and resins. appearances.
I Mortars for the renovation of damaged cladding and I Specialist treatments such as hardeners, sealers,
structural concrete. dustproofers, curing agents, primers and coatings.
I Decorative waterproof coatings. I Self smoothing mortar screeds, including polymer based
I Corrosion prevention treatments for concrete products.
reinforcement. I The creation of specialist mixes and treatments to form
chemically resistant and anti-static flooring.
Grouting and Anchoring I Adhesives for bonding timber based flooring materials
Cementitious and epoxy resin grouts for a wide variety of that include sound deadening properties.
applications. The product range includes:
Further information on all Sika® products, or the details of your
Polyester and epoxy grouts for anchoring applications.
local Area Sales Manager, can be obtained from our office at
Elastomeric anti-vibration rail grouts. Welwyn Garden City.
All orders are accepted subject to our current terms of sale and delivery. Users should always refer to the most recent issue of the Product Data Sheet for
the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.