Developmental Reading EXAM
Developmental Reading EXAM
Developmental Reading EXAM
Developmental Reading
Directions: Read the statements carefully and encircle the best answer that suits the
2. The reading process that the child is able to describe pictures in books and able to
follow verbal directions.
a. Advanced Picture Reading
b. Making Early Connections - Describing Pictures
c. Transitional Picture Reading
d. Forming a Story by Connecting pictures
3. A kind of reader that can deal with more complex issues and topics.
a. Fluent reader c. Proficient reader
b. Emergent reader d. Independent reader
4. Which does not belong in the foundational skills of the Beginning Reading Stage?
a. Print Awareness c. Syntax
b. Phonics d. Comprehension
5. The person who developed a Skills Ladder to put emphasis on certain skills at a
a. Grace Goodell c. Kenneth Goodman
b. James Gee d. Roy Harris
6. Various experts have been recognized for their effort of unlocking the mysteries
behind the reading process. Who among them is not included?
a. David Dun c. Diane Henry Leipzig
b. Robert Ruddell d. Ruth Schoenbach
8. "The murder happened at the cemetery.," is what kind of comprehension level?
a. Literal c. Interpretive
b. Applied d. Schema
a. Achieved c. Talkative
b. Cordial d. Mature
In March, the weather is usually pacific, unlike the bad and stormy weather during
the months of June and July.
12. Choose the corresponding meaning of the idiom, "a finger in every pie."
a. Unsuccessful action
b. Something is genuinely what it appears to be.
c. Expresses praise to someone for doing something.
d. Involved in many activities
considered its own field within education, environmental studies, environmental science
and policy, ecology, or human/cultural ecology programs." -Wikipedia
15. What character trait can,be inferred from this famous line?
-Flor Contemplacion
a. Hopeless c. Sarcastic
b. Righteous d. Defensive
Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.
a. Cigarette c. Match
b. Fire d. Gas
Rain is very important. If there were no rain, there would be life only in the sea. In parts
of the world where there is no rain, there is no life. Rain is treasured and prayed for in
countries where there is not enough of it. Rain is something that cleans and washes the
air, nourishes vegetable life on which our own life depends, and insures a continuous
supply of fresh water.
a. Understatement c. Metonymy
b. Synecdoche d. Alliteration
a. Cordial c. Unrecognizable
b. Rationality d. Mature
Key to Correction
1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. B
10. C
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. D
20. C