Study On Surgical Management of Acute Intestinal Obstruction in Adults
Study On Surgical Management of Acute Intestinal Obstruction in Adults
Study On Surgical Management of Acute Intestinal Obstruction in Adults
of acute bowel obstruction.4 After admission of the patient, Patients who showed a reduction in the abdominal distension
clinical data were recorded according to the proforma. and improvement in the general condition especially in those
The diagnosis was mainly based on clinical examination with postoperative adhesions,8,9 conservative treatment was
and often supported by haematological and radiological confined (by extending the supportive treatment) for next 24
examinations.11-17 hours, those who showed improvement by moving bowels
Methods or reduction in pain/tenderness were considered for further
Study has been divided into conservative treatment and such individuals were excluded
a. Clinical study from this study. Patients with clear-cut signs and symptoms of
b. Investigations acute obstruction had been managed by appropriate surgical
c. Treatment procedure after initial resuscitation. Surgery adopted and the
Study has been conducted under the following headings: criteria for deciding the procedure were noted, e.g. release
a. History taking of a band or an adhesion,20 reduction and caecopexy for
b. Physical examination intussusception, resection and anastomosis for gangrenous
c. Laboratory examination intestine and release and repair for strangulated obstruction.
d. Radiological examination – Plain X-ray abdomen – Histopathological examination of the specimen of resection/
erect view. biopsy was undertaken whenever necessary.
e. Ultrasound examination in selected cases The postoperative period had been monitored carefully and
f. Surgical treatment and results all the parameters were recorded hourly or fourth hourly basis
g. Follow-up depending on the patient’s general condition and toxemia.
i. History taking Postoperatively Nasogastric tube aspiration, intravenous
fluids and antibiotics were administered. Any complications
History taking were noted and treated accordingly.
complete detailed history was obtained from the patient and Postoperative follow-up after the discharge of patients was
the complaints were entered in the proforma in a chronological done in majority of the patients till 6 months. Most of the
order. Each complaint in the history of presenting illness has patients did not turn up for follow up after one or two visits.
been documented in detailed enquiry. The results are tabulated stressing on the following points like
Physical examination age, sex, symptoms, examination findings, investigations,
(i) General physical examination – evidence of dehydration abnormalities, possible causative factors, operative findings
and its severity were looked into and vital parameters and operative procedure that is adopted and complications
were recorded. if any.18-23
(ii) Local examination – Abdominal examination was done Statistical Methods
under the standard headings inspection, palpation, Chi-square and Fisher Exact test has been used to find the
percussion and auscultation. Per rectal examination was significance of proportion of postoperative complications in
done and findings were noted. association with etiology of acute Intestinal Obstruction. The
(iii) Systemic examination – All other systems were Statistical software namely SPSS 11.0 and Systat 8.0 had
examined carefully to rule out any associated anomalies been used for the analysis of the data and Microsoft word
and to assess the fitness for surgery. and Excel have been used to generate graphs, tables, etc.
Laboratory examination RESULTS
(i) Haemoglobin
(ii) TC and DC The incidence of acute bowel obstruction in adult age group
(iii) Bleeding and clotting time was studied from the cases admitted in Department of
(iv) Blood grouping and Rh typing Surgery of Thanjavur Medical College Hospital attached to
(v) Urine for albumin estimation and microscopy the thanjavur Medical College, Thanjavur during the period
1st March 2015 to 31st December 2016. The data on the
Radiological examination symptoms and the signs and laboratory investigations has
Erect abdomen X-ray is done in all cases, barium enema and been adopted in 50 cases during this study period. During
ultrasound examination is done in selected cases. the period of 20 months, the total number of admissions
Surgical management in surgery were 12, 233 patients. Of which 228 cases with
Immediately after the admission along with above procedure, acute intestinal obstruction were treated during this period
resuscitation with IV fluids especially ringer lactate and which comprise 1.9% of the total admissions. Among
normal saline infusion were started till the hydration and these surgically managed cases, 50 cases were randomly
urine output become normal. Nasogastric decompression selected for the present study. Table 1 and 2 shows the age
with rylestube insertion was carried out and antibiotic distribution of the patient and gender percentage of the
prophylaxis initiated. A close observation of all bedside sample. Socioeconomic status, Diet and Symptoms and
parameters (like pulse rate, BP, RR, urine output, abdominal Signs are represented in table 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Causes
girth, bowel sounds and tenderness and guarding) were done. of Intestinal Obstruction in Adults are depicted in table 5.
Emergency Blood transfusion was given in required cases. Post operative Complications including mortality is shown
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2017 | ICV: 77.83 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Vanathi, et al. Surgical Management of Acute Intestinal Obstruction
common cause of intestinal obstruction, which can be resection and anastomosis for many of the cases of obstructed/
comparable with the other study groups Playforth et al. with strangulated hernia where the viability of the intestine was
54%. Although the incidence of obstructed/ strangulated doubtful and also for ischaemic bowel 22%, release of the
hernia is more in developing countries, in this study group, constricting agents and herniorrhaphy was done in 18% of
it is the second most common aetiology for the intestinal the obstructed/strangulated hernia cases. Derotation of the
obstruction. It may be because of the awareness of public, the volvulus and sigmoidopexy was done in around 4% of the
availability of good surgical facilities in the periphery for the cases.5,2 Resection and anastomosis and herniorrhaphy was
hernia repair, the hernias are managed early (table-10).10-15 done in 8% of the cases. Reduction of intussusception was
Clinical features done in one case. Two cases were managed with Hartman’s
The clinical feature of intestinal obstruction like abdominal procedure and one patient with a transverse loop colostomy.
pain, vomiting, abdominal distension and constipation were Complications
not present in all cases.2 Pain abdomen was present in 88% In the present group out of the 50 cases, complications like
of the patients in the present study, where as vomiting was septicemia occurred in 5 cases, respiratory tract infection
present in 78% of the patients. Abdominal distension was in 2 cases, wound infection occurred in two cases. The
present in 66% and constipation was present in 54% of the complication of septicemia was more in the patients with
cases. malignancy and one case with mesenteric ischaemia wherein
In the present study, the clinical features of abdominal pain there was already sepsis at the time of admission. Bowel
was 88%, vomiting was 78%, which comparable with the surgeries were done in unprepared bowel in such cases. In
other study groups (SouvikAdhikari et al. and Jahangir Two cases – one with obstructed inguinal hernia and one with
Sarwar Khan et al). Only about 66% of the patients in the carcinoma rectum, the patients already had prior co-morbid
present study group had Abdominal distension. It may be conditions of COPD, and they suffered from respiratory tract
due to an early approach to the hospital by patients in the infection.
present study. The abdominal mass on palpation is present
in 24% of the total study, more in Malignancy and ileocaecal CONCLUSION
tuberculosis. Visible peristalsis is present in only 60% of Acute intestinal obstruction remains to be an important
the intestinal obstruction patients. The rectal examination surgical emergency in the surgical field. Success in the
did not reveal any abnormality except in four patients of management of acute intestinal obstruction depends largely
intussusception (8%) and 2 cases of malignancy (4%) upon the early Diagnosis, killful management and treating
where in red currant Jelly and rectal growth were the rectal the pathological effects of the obstruction as much as the
examination findings respectively.10-12 cause itself. Erect abdomen X-ray is a valuable investigation
Surgical Management in the diagnosis of acute intestinal obstruction.
The surgical management in the present study group includes Post-operative adhesions are the common cause to produce
release of adhesions for postoperative adhesions 22%, intestinal obstruction. Clinical, radiological and operative
Age and Sex Symptoms Operative Findings Operative Procedure Cause of Death
prior to
75/F (Cases no. 8) 3 days Carcinoma sigmoid colon Resection and anastomosis Septicemic shock
72/M (Cases no. 11) 8 days Carcinoma rectum Hartman’s procedure Respiratory Tract Infection
65/M (Cases no. 21) 5 days Mesenteric ischemia Resection anastomosis Septicemic shock
45/M (Case no. 36) 3 days Carcinoma caecum Resection and anastomosis RTI
38/F (Case no. 37) 5 days Carcinoma ovary with sigmoid Transverseloop colostomy Septicemic shock
colon infiltration
63/M (Case no. 39) 3 days Carcinoma rectum Hartman’s procedure Septicaemia
55/M (Case no. 43) 4 days Carcinoma colon Resection and anastomosis septicaemia
Table-9: Cause of death
Causes Souvik Adhikari Jahangir Brooks Arshad Playfroth Cole and m. Present study
Adhesions 16% 34% 54% 5% 40%
Hernia 36% 5% 4% 9% 18% 30%
Volvulus 6% 1% 24% 12% - 4%
Tuberculosis 14% 3% 2% - 54% 4%
Malignancy 17% 6% - 23% 23% 14%
Intussusception 2% 2% 10% 25% 3% 6%
Mes.ischaemia 9% 41% 10% 1% - 2%
Table-10: Comparison of etiology with other studies
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 4 | Issue 9 | September 2017 | ICV: 77.83 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Vanathi, et al. Surgical Management of Acute Intestinal Obstruction
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