Lee Colortran Zoom Mini Ellipse Spec Sheet 1988

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Architectural Applicalions:
Special effecls projection
and beam shaping capabilities
make the Zoom Mini perfect for
dramatically isolating objects
wilhin a custom shaped area of illumination.
ll will precisely irame paintings, phoiographs,
signs and hlghlighl other speclal interest a.eas.

o Ccpy:;ght Decen'ber i988, IEE Co orlrar

4Ai',65 From LEE Colortran a {amily
4AOltt$ liiitiiiit 25lgl -
of variable locus ellipsoidal
n5tg0 spotlights with the besl price to
pedormance ratio available. The
Zoom N,4ini family is designed to
benefit the user. . .from a totally
For any application, from a rcle new long life lamp, cooled by a Un que design ol accessory holder accommodaies
al a 7' rnrow o a 9'c.cle ar a 35 revolutlonary airdam system, to do" g1.r pdlrF rs rr 'ro-rl poche \atrrle olowirq r .
throw, there's a Zoom lvlinl exactly a fully enclosed color lilter slot to be mounled lo back side cavity w th a sinqie
right for you. without exposed labs lo break.

Lateral/ external fins Air dam

for maximum runntng
die cast
heat dissipalion
tlonger lamp life)
Pasitive locking
clutch m-ochanism
(freeze free)

Drop in
iris slat

Smoolh-glide action
for precise lens

Die cast lens

holders for precision
optical alignment

Extruded aluminum

Computer Fastener-
lens system /ens access
halder no erposed (won't apen
holder tabs to break upside down)

Remember, you can st I run four Zoom lvl ni fixtures on a standard 2400 watt
dimmer, but with a I the benefrts of much higher I ght output in a long lfe lamp.
A revolut onary new 600 watt amp increases light
output by nearly 500/0 over convent ona 500 watt
screw based systems. A un que amp house design
a lows constant orientation of the I ameft support
b'dge tor d rora ( o'rpd, I ligl soLrce '"led'r 1q
greater effic ency and h gher ight output.

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Spol Focus Flood Focus

3 4.5 6 7,5 Drsraice t,2 2.4 3,0 3.9

4.4 5,5 Fre d D amerer 1.5 2.7 3.4 5.0

3573 1588 a$ 372 rrlmrrar on 51ao 2ola 989 !r85

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d Oiameter z3 10.9 14.6 18.2 Freld D amerer 5.1 a,9 12.f 16.11

nrnalro. 322 143 ao 51 llllm nar on 556 1A2 89 53

n{jP 49fjl ii: . . n.-: i3t75 il1i |i.93

Spol Focus Flood Focus

O€lance 4.5 6 7.5 9 Dislance 1,5 3 4.5 6

F eld Diamele. 2,0 2,1 3.3 4,0 F erd Dramerer 1.4 2.4 4,2 5.6

rluninarion 2420 !361 a7l 605 rruminarion 8122 2031 902 508

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D slance 15 20 25 30 Distance 5 10 15 20

Field oamerer 6.? 8_9 !1,1 13,3 F eld Orameler 4,7 9,3 14.0 10.6

lluminarion 21a i23 78 s4 lrumrnalion 731 1a3 al

lii' 6l;Cil t-ri :.:ij i ,. ,,,

Spol Focus Flood Focus
O stance 6.0 7.5 9.0 10,5 6 7.5 9

F elc Diameter 1.6 2,O 2.4 2,6 F eld O,amele. 2.4 4.0 4,4

ll',minalror '1711 1095 760 554 rr!mrn3l'o. 2197 1236 791 549

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D slaice 20 25 30 35 t5 20 30
Field D ameter 5.? 6.G 7,5 9.2 F eld Dramele/ B.O 10,7 13.4 16,',|

i um naron t54 99 6A 50 111 71 49

r'' .-, r'l4,.,.rc,,:: th€ LEE Cotortran Trademark

Housing shall consist of die cast and Each unit is provided with a pattern slot, and Lens Housing assembly shall contain plano
extruded aluminum components- Finish shall an opt onal accessory holder as specified by convex lenses mounted ln dle cast lens
be high temperature black. catalog number; a socket assembly designed holders, secured by push on tasteners. The
for rapid filament alignment through exter- lens holders move withln ralls of the bottom
Optical Train shall consist of a two pln pre-
nally fitted adjustment handles to perm t extrusion, sliding on Torlon glides. The
focus lampholder accommodating 300 or 600
watl lamps, a specular double flatted reflector
peak/flat fleld control without use of tools. hinged extruded housing allows immediate
The entire lamp assembly shall be eas ly accesslbllity to optical components for
and plano convex lenses of low expansion
glass. Each lens system is continuously removpd for lan'p 'eplacemenl Each lFns is nai'lte1a1ce. witl'oul usage or any e,(lerior
cont nuously adjustable to achieve soft or fasteners. The top housing (with lntegral
adjustable to achieve A field angles through
hard fieid quality. All operator handles shall handle) shall be secured by two interna
B lens configuration.
be thermally lnsulated. spring actuated tasteners.
This gate assembiy shall contain four adjust-
Sockei shall be preclsion aligned, type TP-27 Mounling Lrnit shall be provided with a heavy
able stainless steel shutters, each operating
wlthin its own independent plane. Each shut or equal UL lsted, steatlte insulated, with steelyoke, a painted malleable iron C-Ciamp,
ter shall rotate plus or minus 30o within the silver plated brass contacts. The socket shall adjustable for up to 2" l.D. pipe, with a
gate, for a total angular rotation between be rated for 1000 watts, 600 volts, and 250'C tapped and threaded steel hanger pln. Color-
contlnuous operation. Rated lamp seal frame holder shall be located internally, with
adjacent shutter blades of 120'. These blades
temperatures shall not be exceeded. no exposed mounting surfaces.
shall be equlpped with thermally insulated
handles with finger holes. Perlormance with a 600 watt,2000 hour wlth Accessory holder (optlonal) holds either 3"
A field shall be C beam candlepower (See diameter or 4" width rectangular patterns,
reference chart). All performance data is plus provides means for mountilg the:ris
measured ln cosine locus. where the beam (custorner installed). The accessory holder
angle is 2/3 of the field angle. shall flt dlrectly into the pattern slot, provided
in each tixture.

Zoom Mini Photometric Data

Ordering lnlormation
Cal. No. A Field Angle B Lens Conllguratlon
Designation Catalog No. Welghls
ffi 213-305 40"-65" 2-(4V,"x6")
zoom Mini25/50 213-315 15.5 lb. 213-315 25.-50" 1 - (4Y," x6Y," & 4'h" x9" )

Zoom Mini 15/30 213-325 16.0 lb. 213-325 15'-30' 1 - (41/," x10" & 4Y," x 13" )

Connector Codes Zoom Mini 40/65 Mini 15/30

Example 213-302 is a Zoom Mln 40/65 with 2 type termination... Spot Peak Coaine Peak Cosine
which is a 20 Amp, 2 pole, 3 wire groundlng pin connector. C Beam Candlepower 52000 60 67000 49000 70400 61600
Beam Angle 170 26.7. 9.so 16.70 10.
Code Sufiix Field Angle 400 40. 25" 25" 150 150

Zoom N4in j with a 20 Amp, 2 pole, 3 wire Flood

grounding pin connector. 58000 44500
Same with 3 wire lead only.
Beam Angle 18. 33.30 11. 20.
-2 6 Same with 20 Amp, 2 pole,
Field Angle 50. 50. 300 306

3 wire twistlock NEN,A L5 20P.

-5 7 Same with variation on standard (described).

Catalog Description
138-006 Accessory Holder
138-011 lris Kit
120 012 Color Frame
138-0s9 Safety Cable

Recommended Lamps
LEEcolortran ANSI Color Llle
Wattage Code
Ordering Code Temp (h6J
600 176-104 FMR 3000.K 2000
300 176-105 300 o/CL 3000.K 2000

Nole; Two patterns plus the iris may be used simultaneously lf the customer desires.

Ll l0l5 Chest.Lrt 5l Burbonk. (B 91506 9983

(818) B4l 1900 ! Te er, 825398 TLBTN UF ! FFI (BlB) 9s4 8590
L== Colortran,lnc. l,l 40 B aommer(e Ll.lo9 Tolou-ro. N.l 0751t
(20r) 956 7666 ! FFI (90r) t56 08BS

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