Service Manual: Dana Spicer Single Drive Axles September 2007

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Dana® Spicer® Single Drive Axles

More time on the road ™

Service Manual
Dana Spicer Single Drive Axles
September 2007
Eaton Axle Service and Maintenance Instructions
Eaton Controlled Traction Differentials
Eaton Corporation, Axle & Brake Division In this manual, instructions for both CTD
presents this publication to aid in design types are the same except where
maintenance and overhaul of Eaton single specified otherwise. This manual includes
reduction axles equipped with a biasing-type, specific instructions for single reduction,
controlled traction differential. In this differential carriers (both single drive and
manual, this unit is termed Controlled tandem axles) equipped with Controlled
Traction Differential (or CTD). Traction Differentials. For service instructions
Two design types are available: medium- covering other axle parts and adjustments,
duty and heavy-duty. refer to the appropriate Eaton axle service
manuals (see back cover).
Medium-duty CTD. Medium-duty CTD.
Designed for single- Designed for single-
drive axels 19,000 to drive axels 23,000 to
22,000 lbs. and 30,000 lbs. and
tadems 34,000 to tadems 44,000 to
45,000 lbs. capacity 52,000 lbs. capacity
(see chart below). (see chart below).

Type Illustrated.

Controlled Traction Differential (CTD) Applications

Axle Models Friction Plates (qty.) Clutch Pack Kit
Medium Duty CTD

17401, 17421, 21421, 22421 (8) Splined O.D. (7) Splined I.D. Total Plates 15
DC381 (P), DC401-P Part No. 111027 Part No. 111028 Part No. 118291
DC402(P), DC451-P

Heavy Duty CTD

23105C, 26105C, 30105C (9) Tanged O.D. (8) Splined I.D. Total Plates 17
Part No. 113972 Part No, 113971 Part No. 121704

*23421 , 26421, 23085 (13) Tanged O.D. (12) Splined I.D. *Total Plates 25
DC460-P, DC480-P Part No. 82446 Part No, 82445 Part No. 211361
DC461-P, DC521-P
(11) Tanged O.D. (10) Splined I.D. *Total Plates 21
Part No, 82446 Part No. 82445 Part No, 084827

*NOTE: Original equipped clutch pack may Include 21 or 25 friction plates. The packs are Interchangeable.
Individual plates are identical in both clutch packs. The 25-plate clutch pack will produce a higher biasing
torque. Eaton recommends using the 25-plate clutch pack for replacement.

2 Price $3.50

Model Variations
Description and Operation.
Checking Effectiveness of Controlled Traction Differential
Clutch Pack Lubrication
Driver-Controlled CTD Shift Unit
CTD Adjustments
Shifting Seasonal CAD
Fastener Tightening Specifications
All Types
Remove Differential Carrier Assembly from Axle Housing
Remove Differential and Clutch Pack Assembly from Carrier
Medium-Duty CTD
Remove and Disassemble Clutch Pack
Assemble and install Clutch Pack
Heavy-Duty CTD
Remove and Disassemble Clutch Pack .
Assemble and install Clutch Pack
All Types
install Differential and Clutch Pack Assembly in Carrier
Adjust Differential Bearing Preload
Install Differential Carrier Assembly in Axle Housing
Functional CTD Check (After Repair or Overhaul)
Driver-Controlled Type
CTD Shift System (Single Axles)
Troubleshooting (Single Axles)
CTD Shift System (Tandem Axles)
Troubleshooting (Tandem Axles)
Selector Valves
Air Shift Unit

For Service Instructions covering other Axle Parts and Adjustments,

refer to the appropriate Eaton Axle Service Manual ... See back cover.

Eaton Controlled Traction Differentials (All Types)

Description and Operation

Eaton Controlled Traction Differen- The Medium-duty CTD clutch

tials (or CTD) incorporate a friction pack includes internal-splined
plate assembly designed to transfer and external-splined plates. The
torque from the slipping wheel to external-splined plates (engaged
the one with traction. Engaged, the with internal teeth of the ring gear)
Eaton CTD converts to a biasing drive the axle shafts through the
differential and assists in overcom- internal-splined plates, thereby
ing adverse operating conditions. limiting differential action.
Disengaged, it restores convention- In operation, the clutch pack resists
al differential action for normal spin-out and directs torque to the
road conditions. wheel with better traction.
The CTD unit is basically multiple-
disc clutch designed to slip above Operating Types
predetermined torque values. This
controlled slipping characteristic The CTD is available in three
at higher torque values enables the operating types:
vehicle to negotiate turns in a nor- 1. Driver-Controlled CTD.
mal manner. Resistance to slippage Engagement is controlled by a
at lower torque values enables the Medium-Duty CTD with Optional
cab-mounted air valve using an Fork for Seasonal or Driver-
vehicle to maintain an appreciable Eaton straight-air shift system.
amount of tractive effort when one Controlled Engagement.
See Shift System Section of this
wheel encounters relatively poor Manual for description, service
traction. and maintenance.
The Controlled Traction Differential 2. Seasonal Engagement. Manual
friction plate assembly (clutch pack) adjustment in the shop.
is under constant spring pressure.
3. Permanent Engagement.
The Heavy-duty CTD clutch pack Constantly engaged.
includes tanged and splined friction
plates. The tanged plates, attached
to the differential case, drive both
axle shafts through the splined
plates, thereby limiting differential

Heavy-Duty CTD with Optional

Fork for Seasonal or Driver-
Controlled Engagement.

Checking Effectiveness of Controlled Traction Differentials

(to determine friction plate condition)

The bias torque of a new unit will Check bias torque values as follows: d. Using a torque wrench, rotate
check out at approximately 4,000 pinion and note torque reading.
a. Disconnect drive shaft at drive
ft-lbs. (or higher) for Heavy-duty pinion. e. Formula: Torque times axle ratio
CTD, 3,000 ft-lbs. (or higher) for equals bias differential torque.
Medium-duty CTD. If bias torque b. Block one wheel or otherwise
value drops to 1,500 ft-lbs. (or less), restrain vehicle.
replace the clutch pack. c. Jack up other wheel free of the
Clutch Pack Lubrication

Axle lube provides lubrication for

the clutch pack through a unique
system of distribution channels.
The diagram (to the right) illus-
trates how the lube is forced
through the wheel differential
and clutch pack.

Controlled Traction
Differential Lube System

Driver-Controlled CTD Shift Unit

The driver-controlled type traction
differential is usually engaged and
disengaged by an air-type shift unit,
operated from the vehicle cab.
Shift units are activated by air. Typical Air Shift Unit
For details, see Shift System for Driver-Controlled
Section of this manual. Traction Differential

Shift Unit Lubrication Lubricant Check and Level

Use SAE 10 motor oil for tempera- Each 20,000 miles or 6 months,
tures above 0o F (-18o C). For tem- remove pipe plug in shift unit
peratures below 0o F (-18o C), mix housing cover to check lubricant
three parts of SAE 10 motor oil level. Oil should be level with
with one part of kerosene. This cold bottom of filler hole.
weather mixture can be safely used
up to 32oF (OoC). Lubricant Change
At least once a year, remove shift
NOTE: Commercially available unit housing cover and drain old
automatic transmission fluid may lubricant. Wash parts thoroughly Air-Shift
be used in place of SAE 10 motor and air dry. Reinstall cover. Unit Oil
oil. Automatic transmission fluid Remove pipe plug in cover. Fill Filler Hole
can be used for all temperatures. through pipe plug opening until
Do not mix kerosene with auto- lubricant is level with bottom of
matic transmission fluid. filler hole.

CTD Adjustments
No specific adjustments are required for the controlled traction differential unit itself. If clutch plates are worn
excessively, replace clutch pack.

Shifting Seasonal C T D
Provisions are made for engaging
or disengaging this type CTD with
a simple manual shop adjustment.

Procedure for Engaging and

Disengaging Seasonal CTD

Engaging — To engage, remove the shift fork cover Disengaging — To disengage, remove the shift fork
retainer. Push the protruding end of the shift fork cover retainer. Push the protruding end of the shift
away from the carrier. If the shift fork will not move, fork toward the carrier. If the shift fork will not move,
lift both wheels off the ground (leave vehicle trans- lift both wheels off the ground (leave vehicle trans-
mission in gear and release parking brake). While mission in gear and release parking brake), then
pushing on the shift fork, rotate the wheel on the push on the shift fork. The shift fork should now
shift fork side of the carrier very slowly. The shift move to the disengaged position.
fork should now be in the engaged position. To reassemble, place the shift fork cover retainer on
To reassemble cover retainer, the adjusting screw the carrier so that the adjusting screw is facing away
must be backed out several turns. This is done so from the carrier. The adjusting screw may need to
that the shift fork cover retainer bolt holes align with be backed out of the shift fork cover retainer several
the studs on the carrier. Once the shift fork cover turns so that the shift fork cover bolt holes align with
retainer is in place (adjusting screw facing carrier), the studs on the carrier. Once the shift fork cover is
tighten the shift fork cover retainer nuts to the speci- in place, tighten the shift fork cover nuts to the speci-
fied torque (see chart). Now turn the adjusting screw fied torque (see chart). Now turn the adjusting screw
in until it contacts the shift fork. While holding the in until it contacts the shift fork. while holding the
adjusting screw with a wrench, tighten the locknut adjusting screw with a wrench tighten the locknut
to the torque specified (see chart). to the torque specified (see chart).

Fastener Tightening Specifications

Size Ft-lbs. N.m
Ring Gear to Support Case
Bolt/Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4-16 (Grade 8) 275-300 373-407
5/8-18 (Grade 8) 195-245 264-332

Shift Unit Stud/Nut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/16-20 (Grade 8) 55-61 74-82

Shift Fork Cover Cap Screw . . . . . . . . . 7/16-14 (Grade 5) 35-45 47-61

(Permanent CTD only)

Shift Fork Cover Retainer Stud/Nut . . . 7/16-20 (Grade 8) 55-61 74-82

(Seasonal CTD only)

Adjusting Screw Locknut . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2-20 30-40 41-54

(Seasonal CTD only)

Other Axle Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refer to appropriate Eaton Service Manual (See back cover).

CTD Overhaul (All Type.)

Remove Differential Carrier Assembly from Axle Housing

IMPORTANT: Detailed procedures for each type, capacity or
model axle may vary. For specific service instructions on your
axle, refer to the appropriate Eaton Service Manual. The following
instructions are applicable to axles equipped with Controlled
Traction Differentials.

1. Driver-Controlled CTD: Remove 2. Seasonal CTD Remove nuts 3. Permanent CTD: This type CTD
shift unit nuts and flat washers. Dis- and washers from shift fork cover is always engaged. No procedure
connect air line to permit removal retainer, then remove cover retainer. is necessary.
of shift unit. Place sliding clutch Place sliding clutch in the engaged 4. All Types CTD: Drain lubricant.
in the engaged position. (Sliding position. (Sliding clutch must be Disconnect drive shaft and remove
clutch must be engaged to allow engaged to allow removal of carrier axle shafts. Remove differential
removal of carrier from housing. ) from housing.) carrier to axle housing cap screws
and lockwashers or stud nuts.
Remove differential carrier.

Remove Differential and Clutch Pack Assembly from Carrier

NOTE: If the gear set is to be
reused, check tooth contact pattern
and ring gear backlash before
beginning disassembly. Best over-
haul results are obtained when
used gearing is adjusted to run
in established wear patterns. Omit
this step if the gear set is to be
When reusing the gear set, remove
the left-hand bearing cap, adjuster
and lock as a unit. This will help
return the gear set to its original
adjustment during reassembly.

Removing Shift Fork Shaft Removing Sliding Clutch

1. Mount the differential carrier in 2. Driver-Controlled and Seasonal 3. Driver-Controlled and Seasonal
a repair stand. CTD Only: Remove shift fork seal CTD Only: Disengage shift fork
and spring. Remove expansion yoke from sliding collar. Then
plugs, then working at the lower remove clutch and shift fork.
(or small) plug hole, drive out the
shift fork shaft.

CTD Overhaul (All Types)

Remove Differential and Clutch Pack Assembly from Carrier (Cont'd)

6. On back-side of ring gear, cut

lockwire and remove bearing cap
4. If reusing gear set, punch mark 5. On teeth-side of ring gear, cut screws. If the gear set is to be
bearing adjusters for reference lockwire and remove bearing cap reused, remove bearing cap,
during assembly. screws. Remove cap, adjuster and adjuster and lock as an assembly.
lock. This will facilitate correct position-
ing of ring gear during reassembly.

7. Remove bearing cups, then lift

ring gear and differential assembly
out of carrier.

Remove Drive Pinion

1. For pinion instructions, refer
to appropriate Eaton Axle Service
Manual covering your specific axle
model. (see back cover).

CTD Overhaul (Medium-duty Type)

Remove and Disassemble Clutch Pack

1. Place differential assembly 2. Remove two self-locking nuts

(clutch pack up) on workbench. and bolts (180o apart) fastening
WARNING: TAKE PRECAUTION- support case cover, then temporar-
ARY MEASURES TO PREVENT ily install two clamping bolts and
PERSONAL INJURY OR PARTS nuts (see photo).
DAMAGE DURING REMOVAL OF NOTE: These clamping bolts will
GEAR SUPPORT COVER (Step 2) hold cover in position while remov-
THE COVER IS UNDER SPRING ing the other cover self-locking
PRESSURE AND MAY POP OFF bolts and nuts.
WHEN THE LAST LOCKNUT IS Remove cover self-locking bolts
REMOVED. and nuts.

Removing Case Cover

(with clamping nuts
and bolts installed)

CTD Overhaul (Medium-duty Type)

Remove and Disassemble Clutch Pack (ContÍd)

3. With cover self-locking bolts

and nuts removed, alternately
loosen and remove the two clamp-
ing nuts and bolts.

4. Lift off cover and remove springs.

Removing Clamping Nuts and Removing Support Case Cover

5. Driver-Controlled and Seasonal 6. Permanent CTDs Only: This

CTDs Only: With cover and springs type unit includes a driver to en-
removed, the pressure plate and gage internal-splined friction plates
clutch pack (friction plates) can be to the differential side gear. With
withdrawn or lifted out of ring gear cover and springs removed, the
bore. If difficulty is experienced, pressure plate, clutch plate and
first remove pressure plate then lift driver can be withdrawn or lifted
out friction plates individually. out of the ring gear bore. The indi-
vidual parts can then be separated.
The snap ring on the friction plate
driver acts as a stop for the plates.
Remove snap ring if replacement
is necessary.

Removing Clutch Pack

7. If necessary, the ring gear can 8. If necessary, remove bearing 9. Inspect Friction Plates. With
be removed from its mounting on cone from support case cover using plates removed, inspect surfaces
the differential and gear support suitable puller. for deeply scored or burned condi-
case (flanged case half). If difficulty NOTE: Holes are provided in the tion. If a faulty condition is found
is encountered, loosen gear by tap- cover to enable removal of bearing or if torque check indicates a worn
ping on opposite sides with a soft- cone with a punch. Tap alternately condition (see "Checking Effective-
nosed hammer. through each hole until cone is ness of the Controlled Traction
removed. Differential," page 4), replace
the clutch pack:

1. For procedure, refer to the

appropriate Eaton Axle Service
Manual covering your specific axle
model (see back cover).

Assemble and Install Clutch Pack
NOTE: The clutch pack can be installed in differential and gear sup-
port case with wheel differential assembled or disassembled. With dif-
ferential assembled, proceed as follows:

1. All Medium-duty CTD. Place dif-

ferential assembly on a work bench
(clutch pack mounting area up).
Install ring gear on support case
flange, aligning bolt holes with two
temporarily-installed alignment
Remove alignment bolts.

Installing Clutch Plates Individually installing Clutch Pack and Driver

(Permanent CTD Only) Assembly (Permanent CTD Only)

2. Install Friction Plates and Driver 3. Install Friction Plates Individually 4. Install Driver and Clutch Pack
(Permanent CTD Only). (Permanent CTD Only). as an Assembly (Permanent CTD
NOTE: Brush surface of each plate, a. If removed, install snap ring on Only).
as it is assembled, with heavy appli- friction plate driver. Then, install a. If removed, install snap ring
cation of axle lube (SAE 90). driver assembly (snap ring down) on friction plate driver. Then, place
NOTE: To assemble friction plates, in bore of support case, engaging driver (snap ring down) on work
one of two procedures can be used: teeth of differential side gear. bench.
Install driver and plates individually b. Place one external-splined plate b. Place one external-splined plate
(Step 3) or install driver and clutch in ring gear bore (engaging gear on driver. Brush plate with lube.
pack as an assembly (Step 4). internal teeth). Brush plate with c. Place one internal-splined plate
lube. on top of the external-splined plate.
c. Place one internal-splined plate Brush plate with lube.
on driver splines and on top of the d. Repeat this procedure until
external-splined plate. Brush plate fourteen (14) friction plates (seven
with lube. external-splined and seven internal-
d. Repeat this procedure until splined) are installed. Then install
fourteen (14) friction plates (seven the last external-splined plate and
internal-splined and seven external- pressure plate.
splned) are installed. e. Rotate external-splined plates as
e. Install the last external-splined necessary to align the teeth. Then
plate and pressure plate. Then in- grasp the entire assembly by hand
stall springs and cover (see Step 6). (see photo) and install it in the
ring gear.
NOTE: As the assembly is installed,
maneuver plates with external
splines to align them with the ring
gear teeth. Also make sure the
driver engages teeth of the differ-
ential side gear.
f. Install compression springs
and case cover (Step 6).

CTD Overhaul (Medium-duty Type

Assemble and Install Clutch Pack (Cont'd)


5. Install Friction Plates (Driver-Controlled and Seasonal CTD Only).

NOTE: During friction plate (internal-splines) installation, align each
plate as it is installed in ring gear, using the sliding clutch. If plates are
not in alignment, it will be difficult to install sliding clutch, after clutch
pack is assembled. Also, as each plate is installed, brush top of plate
with a heavy application of axle lube (SAE 90). Proceed as follows:
a. Place one external-splined plate
in ring gear bore (engaging gear
internal teeth). Brush plate with
b. Place one internal-splined plate
on top of the external-splined plate
and brush plate with lube. For
alignment purposes, temporarily
insert sliding clutch to engage
side gear and plate splines.
Remove clutch.
c. Repeat this procedure until
fourteen (14) friction plates (seven
internal-splined and seven external- Installing
External-Splined Friction AIigning internal-Splined Friction
splined) are installed. Plate with Sliding Clutch
d. Install the last external-splined
plate and the pressure plate. And,
again, insert sliding clutch to make
sure internal-splined plates are in
alignment. Install springs and case
cover (see Step 6).

6. Install Compression Springs and Cover (All Types CTD).

a. Install springs on pressure plate,

positioning them in the smallest
circle possible (see photo). b. Place support case cover over springs and temporarily install two
alignment bolts (heads up).

c. Temporarily, install two clamping

nuts and bolts (nuts up). Remove
alignment bolts. Alternately, tighten
clamping nuts until cover is in
mounting position on ring gear.

d. Install bolts and self-locking

nuts that fasten cover to ring gear.
Remove the temporarily-installed
clamping nuts and bolts and install
the remaining cover bolts and self-
Iocking nuts. Torque nuts to
275-300 ft-lbs. (373-407 N.m).

CTD Overhaul (Heavy-duty Type)
Remove and Disassemble Clutch Pack

1. Place differential and gear

support case (clutch pack up) on
DURE (Step 2 below). THE GEAR
2. Remove self-locking nuts and
bolts, then lift off gear support case
cover and compression springs.

Removing Gear Support Case Cover

CTD Overhaul (Heavy-duty Type)

Remove and Disassemble Clutch Pack (ContÍd)

(Heavy-duty Type)

Removing Clutch Pack

3. Lift up and remove clutch pack

assembly from the differential and Compressing Clutch Pack in a
gear support case (see photo), Press (with clutch pack installed
in support case) Removing Tanged and Splined
4. If ring gear had an interference Friction Plates
fit and did not fall off as previously 5. Disassemble Clutch Pack. To
mentioned in the warning note for
disassemble clutch pack, use a 6. If necessary, remove "rectangu-
Step 2, tap ring gear alternately press and suitable adapters. lar" snap ring from friction plate
on opposite sides with soft-nosed driver.
hammer until ring gear is free of NOTE: This procedure can be
accomplished with clutch pack 7. If necessary to remove bearing
gear support case flange. cone from differential case cover,
removed from or installed in sup-
port case (see photo). place pilot punch in holes provided
and tap on bearing cone inner race
Compress clutch pack, then remove alternately through each hole until
"round" snap ring. Remove pres- cone is removed.
sure plate, then alternately remove
tanged and splined friction plates
from friction plate driver.

8. Inspect Friction Plates. With plates removed, inspect surfaces for

deeply scored or burned condition. If a faulty condition is found or if
torque check indicates a worn condition (see "Checking Effectiveness
of the Controlled Traction Differential," page 4), replace the clutch

Disassemble and Reassemble Wheel Differential

1. For procedure, refer to the
appropriate Eaton Axle Service
Manual covering your specific axle
model (see back cover).

Assemble and Install Clutch Pack
NOTE: The clutch pack can be installed in gear support case with
wheel differential assembled or disassembled. With differential
assembled, proceed as follows:

NOTE: Ring gear may fit loosely or have an interference fit on the gear
support case. Proceed as necessary to assemble ring gear to support
case (Step 1 or 2).

1. Install Ring Gear with interfer- 2. Install Ring Gear with Loose Fit.
ence Fit. Place gear support case Place ring gear in press (gear teeth
assembly on bench with clutch down) on hard wood blocks. Posi-
pack side down. Position ring gear tion blocks to the outside of the
(gear teeth up) on gear support ring gear to allow clearance for
case and align bolt holes. Tempo- installation of the gear support case
rarily, install two ring gear bolts assembly and two alignment bolts.
to assure alignment, then tap ring Place gear support case assembly
gear alternately on opposite sides in ring gear and align bolt holes.
with a soft-nosed hammer until Install two alignment bolts in
gear is fully seated against gear mounting holes, then proceed with
support case flange. Turn assembly reassembly procedures in Step 3.
over, then place in press (gear teeth
down) on hard wood blocks. Posi- Installing Friction Plate Driver
tion blocks to the outside of the
ring gear to allow clearance for 3. Install snap ring in square ring
installation of two alignment bolts. groove of friction plate driver. Place
Install alignment bolts, then pro- friction plate driver (with snap ring
ceed with reassembly procedures down) in center of gear support
in Step 3. case.

4. Place one tanged friction plate 5. Repeat procedures in Step 4

over friction plate driver, position- until there are an equal amount of
ing tangs into slots in gear support friction plates of each (tanged and
case (see photo). Brush top of fric- splined) mounted on the friction
tion plate with a heavy application plate driver (see note below).
of axle lube (SAE 90). Place one NOTE: Clutch pack friction plates
splined friction plate over friction vary with axle models (see chart
plate driver and brush top of this on page 2 for detailed information).
plate with lube.

Installing Friction Plates

CTD Overhaul (Heavy-duty Type)

Assemble and Install Clutch Pack (ContÕd)

(Heavy-duty CTD)

6. Place last tanged friction plate

and pressure plate over friction
plate driver. Then using a press
and suitable adapters, compress
clutch pack and install round snap
ring in groove of friction plate
7. If removed, press bearing cone
on gear support case cover.

Compressing Clutch Pack

in a Press

Positioning Compression Springs on Pressure Compressing Springs to Assemble Ring Gear,

Plate Case and Cover

8. Place compression springs in 9. Compress springs until gear

smallest possible circle on pressure case cover bottoms against gear
plate. Place gear support case support case. With press pressure
cover over springs and temporarily still applied, install ring gear bolts
install two alignment bolts. Reach (all bolt heads on ring gear side)
through hole in gear support case and locknuts. Remove assembly
cover and move compression from press, then tighten locknuts
springs radially outward as far to correct torque (195-245 ft-lbs.,
as they will go. 264-332 N.m).

CTD Overhaul (All Types)

Install Drive Pinion

NOTE: If the drive pinion was removed, refer to the appropriate
Eaton Service Manual covering your specific axle for instructions.

Install Differential and Clutch Pack Assembly in Carrier (All Types CTD) Ñ

2. If the same gear set is used, 3. Install and tighten bearing cap
install the assembled bearing cap, screws finger-tight. If this is diffi-
adjuster and lock on the backface cult, use hand wrench.
side of the ring gear. Otherwise
NOTE: The assembly is now ready
install adjuster and cap separately.
for adjustment of differential bear-
NOTE: When installing cap, it may ing preload, ring gear backlash
be necessary to tap it lightly with a and gear tooth contact.
NOTE: Lubricate bearings during hammer. Be sure cap is fully
the following assembly procedure:
seated and threads are aligned
1. Place ring gear and differential properly. If trouble is encountered,
assembly in carrier Insure that check for cross-threading of bear-
ring gear and drive pinion mesh ing adjuster and carrier threads.
On teeth side of ring gear, install
During installation, tilt carrier to the other adjuster and bearing
allow support case pilot to rest in cap, observing same precautions
carrier bore, then install bearing to avoid cross-threading.
cup as shown in photo. Also
install bearing cup on opposite
side of differential

CTD Overhaul (All Types)

Adjust Differential Bearing Preload:

1. At the teeth-side of ring gear, position bearing adjuster until its first
thread is visible.
2. At the back-face side of ring gear, tighten adjuster until there is no
3. At the teeth-side of ring gear, tighten adjuster until it contacts the
bearing cup. Continue tightening adjuster two or three notches. This
will preload bearings and provide backlash.
4. Check Ring Gear Backlash. Measure backlash with a dial indicator.
Specifications are listed below.

Ring Gear Backlash Specifications

USED GEARING - Reset to backlash recorded before disassembly.
NEW GEARING - Backlash should be as follows:
Axles with 16 1/2" (419.10 mm) or smaller Adjusting Bearing Adjuster
ring gear diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..0.006" to 0.016"
(0.152 to 0.406 mm)
Axles with 18" (457.20 mm) ring gears . . . . . . . . . . . ...0.008" to 0.018"
(0.203 to 0.457 mm)
5. Check Ring Gear Tooth Contact. Paint ring gear teeth and check
tooth contact pattern. Correct tooth patterns are illustrated below.
NOTE: For detailed instructions on checking and adjusting procedures,
refer to the appropriate Eaton service manual covering your specific axle.

Checking Ring Gear Backlash

6. With ring gear and pinion adjusted correctly, align 7. Seasonal and Driver-Controlled CTD Only: Posi-
adjusters and locks, then tighten differential bearing tion shift fork in carrier opening, then install-sliding
cap screws to correct torque. Install cotter pin in one clutch. With clutch installed, engage shift fork yoke
adjuster lock. Install cap screws in opposite adjuster with clutch collar. Then install shift fork shaft. Install
lock and tighten to correct torque. Lockwire bearing expansion plugs to seal openings. Install shift fork
and adjuster lock cap screws. seal and spring over end of shift fork. Move shift fork
to place sliding clutch in engaged position. (Sliding
clutch must be engaged to allow installation of car-
rier on housing. )

Install Differential Carrier Assembly in Axle Housing (All Types)

IMPORTANT: The following instructions cover single drive axles and Silicone Gasket Compound
tandem rear axles. For tandem forward axles (cliff. with power divider), Pattern Differential Carrier
refer to the appropriate Eaton Axle Service Manual. Mating Surface.
IMPORTANT: Before installing carrier assembly, inspect and thor-
oughly clean interior of axle housing.
NOTE: Use silicone rubber gasket compound on axle housing mating
surface as shown in the illustration. Compound will set in 20 minutes.
Install carrier before compound sets or reapply.
1. Install differential carrier assembly in axle housing. Install stud nuts
and lockwashers, tighten to correct torque.
2. Install axle shafts and stud nuts. (If used, also install lockwashers and
taper dowels.)
3. Connect driveline.
Torque Chart
4. Fill axle with correct lube to correct level.
Ft-lbs. N.m
5. Driver-Controlled CTD: Install shift unit on carrier, engaging swivel Shift Unit
with slot in shift fork shaft. Install mounting nuts and flat washers. STUD/NUT
Torque nuts (see chart). Connect air line to unit. 7/16-20 55-61 74-82
(Grade 8)
6. Seasonal CTD: Position sliding clutch in the engaged or disengaged
Shift Fork Cover
position, then install shift fork cover retainer and secure with self- (Permanent CTD only)
Iocking nuts and washers. Torque nuts (see chart). CAP SCREW
7/16-14 35-45 47-61
NOTE: Shift fork cover retainer can be installed in two different posi- (Grade 5)
tions; one to keep the sliding clutch engaged and the other to keep
Shift Fork Cover Retainer
it disengaged. In the engaged position the shift fork cover retainer will (Seasonal CTD only)
have the adjusting screw facing the carrier, and away from the carrier in STUD/NUT
the disengaged position. Refer to page 6 for adjusting procedure. 7/16-20 55-61 74-82
(Grade 8)
Adjusting Screw
(Seasonal CTD only)
1/2-20 30-40 41-54

Functional CTD Check (After Repair or Overhaul) (Single Or Tandem Axles)

NOTE: This is an operational 5. With the CTD selector valve 8. If shift unit installation and align-
check during or after servicing all moved to the engaged position, the ment was correct in Step 7, check
single and tandem CTD equipped wheels will not turn independent the unit itself for proper function-
axles. of one another. ing. With the shift unit removed,
The following procedure can be 6. If the wheels turn independently check it for proper travel by cycling
in Step 5, the CTD is not function- the CTD selector valve. Travel
used to determine whether the
CTD is shifting in and out of the ing. Proceed to check for full sys- should be 15/16” (23.8 mm). With
engaged mode. This functional tem air pressure at shift unit. pin in each position, pry with a
check should be performed at any screwdriver against the pin. This
NOTE: The unit operates at full pin should not move when apply-
time the shift system components reservoir pressure.
or axle CTD components are ing moderate force.
repaired or replaced. 7. Remove shift unit and check to 9. if all of the above checks are
see if the shift unit pin and block made and found satisfactory, the
1. Block the vehicle wheels to pre- were properly positioned into the failure of the CTD to properly
vent rolling. shift fork opening. engage involves internal axle parts.
2. Place transmission in neutral NOTE: It is possible to install the With the shift unit removed, the
and release parking brake. shift unit and miss the fork open- CTD can be shifted in and out of
ing. If this occurs, the CTD will be engagement manually. With the
3. Jack up both rear wheels of the locked in either the engaged or dis-
drive axle. shift fork away from the carrier
engaged position and will not shift. (engaged) the wheels should not
4. With CTD selector valve in the If this situation is found, reinstall rotate together.
disengaged position, the wheels the unit while carefully aligning pin
will roll independent of one into fork. Then repeat Steps 5 and
another. 6 to verify proper function.

CTD Shift System (Single Axle)

CTD Shift System (Single Axles)

Description and Operation

This system provides the option of operating with
the Controlled Traction Differential engaged or
disengaged with the use of an in-cab mounted
pneumatic selector valve.

Engagement. When the selector valve lever is moved Disengagement. When the selector valve lever is
to the engaged position, the selector valve is opened moved to the disengaged position, the selector valve
and air pressure is applied to the shift unit. The shift is closed. Air pressure in the shift unit is exhausted.
unit is connected to a shift fork and sliding clutch. The sliding clutch retracts and disengages the Con-
The sliding clutch moves to engaged the Controlled trolled Traction Differential. In the disengaged posi-
Traction Differential. In the engaged position, the tion, the wheel differential functions with conven-
wheel differential acts a biasing differential. tional differential action.

. . .
Troubleshooting (Single Axle Shift System)

IMPORTANT: Before starting a wheel rotates, go to Step 6. If tion. Turn the wheel that is off the
system check, operate engine until wheel will not rotate, proceed to ground. Neither the wheel or the
full system air pressure (reservoir the next step. drive shaft should rotate. If the
pressure) is built up in the system. 3. Verify that there is no air pres- wheel rotates, proceed to next step.
CAUTION: HIGH AIR PRESSURE sure at the shift unit by disconnect- 7. Verify that there is full system air
MAY BE PRESENT WHEN DIS- ing the air line. If air pressure at the pressure at the shift unit. If no air
CONNECTING AIR LINES DUR- shift unit is present, check for pos- pressure is present, selector valve is
ING SYSTEM CHECK. EXERT sible exhaust port blockage at the defective and needs replacement.
CAUTION TO PREVENT POSSl- CTD selector valve. If no blockage
BLE PERSONAL INJURY. is found, the CTD selector valve is 8. If there is air pressure at shift
defective and needs replacement. unit, remove the shift unit by first
Check for Air Pressure and Air placing the selector valve in the
Leaks 4. If there is no air pressure at the disengaged position. Then have an
A simple method for quickly locat- shift unit, remove the shift unit and assistant move the selector valve
ing trouble in a shift system can be have an assistant move the CTD back and forth. The shift unit link-
accomplished by listening for pos- selector valve back and forth. The age should move accordingly. If
sible air leaks and for sound (or shift unit linkage should move linkage does not move, disassembly
feel by hand) which would indicate accordingly. If linkage does not shift unit and repair (see page 26).
mechanical shifting, move, disassemble shift unit and If the shift unit functions properly,
Check Controlled Traction repair (see page 26). If the shift move the protruding end of the shift
Differential System unit functions properly, proceed fork from side to side. If the shift
1. Start the system check by plac- to Step 5. fork will not move, remove differen-
ing the controlled traction selector 5. With the shift unit removed, tial carrier and check components.
valve in the disengaged position. move the protruding end of the
Release the parking brake and shift fork from side to side. If shift
place transmission in neutral. fork will not move, the problem is
2. Lift the wheel on the shift unit in the carrier assembly. Remove
side of the axle off the ground. Turn carrier and inspect components.
the wheel. Both the wheel and the 6. Have an assistant move the NOTE: For CTD Functional
drive shaft should rotate. If the selector valve to the engaged posi- Check, see page 19.

CTD Shift System Axles)

Description and Operation

The CTD Shift System provides the option of operation with t he Controlled Traction Differential engaged or
disengaged with the use of an in-cab pneumatic valve.
Two shift units (one on each axle) engage or disengage the C ontrolled Traction Differentials. A quick release
valve in the system provides fast release of air pressure fr om the shift units.
There are two types of CTD Shift Systems for tandem axles: ( 1) a One-Selector Valve System controlling
operation of the Inter-Axle Differential and both Controlled Traction Differentials, or (2) a Two-Selector Valve
System which offers independent control of the Inter-Ax/e Di fferential and the Controlled Traction Differen-
tials. These systems are illustrated on the next page.
Instruction in this manual are the same for both systems unl ess specified otherwise.

Engagement. When the selector valve lever is moved Disengagement. When the selector valve lever is
to the engaged position, the selector valve is opened moved to the disengaged position, the selector valve
and air pressure is applied to the shift unit (or units). is closed. Air pressure in the shift unit (or units) is
Each shift unit is connected to a shift fork and sliding exhausted. The sliding clutch retracts and disengag-
clutch. The sliding clutch moves to engage the Con- es the Controlled Traction Differential. in the disen-
trolled Traction Differential. In the engaged position, gaged position, the wheel differential functions with
the wheel differential acts a biasing differential. conventional differential action.

In the One-Selector Valve System, the CTD and in the One-Selector Valve System, both CTD wheel
Inter-Axle Differential are controlled by one valve and differentials and Inter-Axle Differential are disen-
both are engaged when the selector valve is in the gaged when the selector valve is in the disengaged
engaged position. position.

In the Two-Selector Valve System, both CTD differ- In the Two-Selector Valve System, both CTD differ-
entials and the Inter-Axle Differential are engaged entials and the Inter-Axle Differential are disengaged
independently. independently.

CTD Shift Unit. For detailed description and operation, refer to page 25.
Inter-Axle Differential Lockout Shift Unit. For detailed description and operation, refer to the appropr iate
Eaton Axle Service Manual covering your axle model (see back cover).

CTD Shift System (Tandem Axles)

One-Selector Valve CTD Shift System

In the One-Selector Valve System,
all three differentials are engaged
or disengaged by a single selector

Two-Selector Valve CTD Shift System

The Two-Selector Va/ve System
provides independent control of
both CTD Differentials and Inter-
Axle Differential Operation.

Except where specified otherwise, Disengage Inter-Axle Differen- selector valve) is defective and
the following instructions cover tial (Two-Selector Valve System) needs replacement.
Controlled Traction Shift Systems For vehicles equipped with two 4. If no air pressure is present at
with one or two selector valves. selector valves, one for operating the shift unit, remove the shift unit
IMPORTANT: Before starting a the inter-axle differential shift unit and have an assistant move the
system check, make sure the inter- and the other for the CTD shift CTD selector valve back and forth.
axle differential is disengaged. units, the following steps must be The shift unit linkage should move
Also, operate engine until full taken to make sure the inter-axle accordingly. If the linkage does
system air pressure (reservoir differential is disengaged. not move, disassemble shift unit
pressure) is built up in the system. 1. Release the parking brake and and repair (see page 26). If the shift
Check for Air Pressure and Air place the vehicle transmission in unit functions properly, proceed to
neutral. Step 5.
A simple method for quickly locat- 2. Place the inter-axle differential 5. With the shift unit removed,
ing trouble in a shift system can be selector valve in the disengaged move the protruding end of the
accomplished by listening for pos- position. shift fork from side to side. If the
sible air leaks and for sound (or shift fork will not move, the problem
3. Lift both wheels of the rear axle is in the differential carrier assem-
feel by hand) which would indicate off the ground.
mechanical shifting. bly. Remove carrier and inspect
4. Rotate the inter-axle drive shaft. components.
Disengage Inter-Axle Differen- If the shaft turns, the inter-axle 6. Two-Valve System. Move the
tial (One-Selector Valve System) differential is disengaged. If it does CTD selector valve to the engaged
For vehicles equipped with a sys- not turn, the inter-axle differential position.
tem that engages both CTD differ- shift mechanism is not functioning
entials when the inter-axle differ- properly. Refer to the appropriate One-Valve System. Move inter-axle
ential is engaged, the following Eaton Axle Service Manual for differential selector valve to the
steps must be taken to make sure disassembly and repair. engaged position.
the inter-axle differential is disen- Both Systems. Turn the wheel that
gaged before checking the CTD Check Controlled Traction is off the ground. Neither wheel or
shift system. Differential Shift System) the inter-axle drive shaft should
1. Start the system check by releas- 1. Two-Valve System. Start the rotate.
ing the parking brake and place system check by placing the CTD 7. If the wheel rotates, check to
transmission in neutral. selector valve in the disengaged make sure that there is full system
2. Place the inter-axle differential position (the inter-axle differential air pressure at the rear axle shift
selector valve in the disengaged selector valve should still be in the unit by removing the air line. If no
position. disengaged position). air pressure is present, the CTD
One-Valve System. Make sure the selector valve (or inter-axle differ-
3. Lift both wheels of the rear axle ential selector valve) is defective
off the ground. inter-axle differential selector valve
is still in the disengaged position. and needs replacement.
4. Rotate the inter-axle drive shaft. 8. If air pressure is present at
If drive shaft turns, the inter-axle Both Systems. Make sure the park-
ing brake is released and the trans- the shift unit, remove the unit by
differential is disengaged. If it does first placing the CTD selector valve
not turn, the inter-axle differential mission is in neutral.
in the disengaged position. Once
shift mechanism is not functioning 2. Lift the wheel on the shift unit the shift unit is removed, have an
properly. Refer to appropriate side of rear axle off the ground. assistant move the CTD selector
Eaton Axle Service Manual for Turn the wheel. Both the wheel valve back and forth. The shift unit
disassembly and repair. and the inter-axle drive shaft should linkage should move accordingly.
5. After confirming that the inter- rotate. If the wheel rotates, go to If the linkage does not move, dis-
axle differential is disengaged, dis- Step 6. If wheel will not rotate, assemble the shift unit and repair
connect the air line connected to proceed to the next step. (see page 26). If the shift unit
the inter-axle differential lockout CAUTION: HIGH PRESSURE MAY functions properly, move the pro-
shift unit and plug the end of the BE PRESENT WHEN DISCON- truding end of the shift fork from
line. NECTING AIR LINE. EXERT side to side. If the shift fork will not
CAUTION TO PREVENT POSSl- move, remove differential carrier
BLE PERSONAL INJURY. and check components.
3. Verify that there is no air pres- 9. Use same procedure to trouble-
sure at the rear axle shift unit by shoot forward axle controlled trac-
CAUTlON: HIGH PRESSURE removing the air line. If air pressure tion differential.
MAY BE PRESENT WHEN DIS- is present, check for blockage of
CONNECTING AIR LINE. EXERT exhaust port at selector valve. If
CAUTION TO PREVENT POSSl- none is found, the CTD selector NOTE: For CTD Functional
BLE PERSONAL INJURY. valve (or inter-axle differential Check, see page 19.

CTD Shift System Components
Selector Valves


Typical Selector Valve Controlled Traction Diff.

for Driver-Controlled CTD or Operating Instructions
Inter-Axle Differential Lockout. ● Engage at any speed but never when
wheels are spinning
● Do not operate engaged on dry pavement Instruction
Use only when additional traction I S
needed under adverse road conditions

Valve Plate

Lockout Instructions Inter-Axle

● Engage lockout only when stopped or al
slow speeds and never when wheels are Differential
● Do not operate lockout on dry pavement
for prolonged duration Use only when
additional traction IS needed under
adverse road conditions Plate

Inter-Axle Differential Lockout Shift Unit

For information and service
instructions, refer to the appro-
priate Eaton Axle Service Manual
(see back cover).

Air Shift Unit (Single or Tandem Drive Axles)

Identification and Mounting

CTD-Equipped Single Axles and Tandem Rear Axles - Part No. 73503.
NOTE: This unit is the same as the standard Eaton 2-Speed Single Axles.
When installed, the shift unit cylinder will be positioned away from the carrier. In this application, the shift
mechanism is sprung to disengagement and will be shifted to engage the CTD with air application.
CTD-Equipped Tandem Forward Axles - Part No. 73507.
NOTE: This unit is the same as the standard Eaton Dual Range Tandem Forward Axles.
When installed, the shift unit cylinder will also be positioned away from the carrier. In this application, the
shift mechanism is sprung to disengagement and will be shifted to engage the CTD with air application.

Description and Operation and sliding clutches to engage or ward against a compression spring,
The Piston Air Shift Units are disengage CTD. transferring motion through a push
engineered for efficient per- rod and actuating lever to the shift
formance and built for reliable, The unit consists of an air cham- fork, engaging CTD. Exhaust of air
service-free operation. her, piston, compression spring pressure permits the heavy-duty
Operation of each unit is as fol- and mechanical linkage. When air spring to return the CTD to the
lows: The shift units are mechani- is admitted to the chamber or disengaged position.
tally connected to the shift forks cylinder, the piston travels down-

CTD Shift System Components
Air Shift Unit Replacement
Remove Unit Install Unit
Disconnect air line at shift unit 1. Lubricate shift fork. Slide seal 3. When axle is installed in vehi-
cover. Remove nuts, flat washers and spring assembly over fork and cle, fill shift unit housing to level
and piston air-shift unit from differ- seal on differential carrier studs. of filler plug with SAE 10 oil or
ential carrier. Shift axle into Low Range. automatic transmission fluid (see
NOTE: When shift unit is removed, 2. Place shift unit on mounting Lubrication on following page).
provide container to catch oil that studs and make certain shift fork Coat threads of filler plug with
escapes from reservoir. Remove actuating lever engages slot in shift sealer and install plug.
shift fork seal and spring. fork. Install flat washers and stud 4. Connect air lines to shift unit
nuts. Tighten nuts to 55-61 ft-lbs. cover.
(74-82 N.m).

Air Shift Unit Overhaul

Disassemble Unit Parts Inspection
Shift Fork Seal - Inspect shift fork
seal for defects and tight fit on
shift fork. A spring is used to
assure a closer fit of seal around
shift fork. If this spring is not
present on axle being serviced,
install one when reassembling unit.
"O" Rings, Felt Oilers and Gasket -
Replace "O" rings, felt oilers
and cover gasket when piston air-
shift unit is disassembled for repair.
Compression Spring - Inspect
spring for distortion, cracks, or
other visual defects. Replace a
faulty spring.
Actuating Lever and Pins -
Inspect lever pins and bearings
for worn or grooved condition.
Inspect actuating lever and push
rod for worn or elongated holes
1. Remove cap screws, lock 4. Remove compression spring at point where they are connected.
washers, cover and gasket from and piston stop from bore of shift Replace faulty parts.
housing. Drain lubricant. unit housing. Piston - Inspect piston friction
2. Remove bolts, locknuts, cover 5. Remove clevis pin, then remove surface for worn, grooved or
at piston end of housing. push rod from shift unit housing. damaged condition which will
Remove "O" ring. Remove "O" Ring from push rod. affect the piston movement in
CAUTION: DURING THE cylinder. Replace a faulty piston.
3. Remove locknut, flat washer,
and piston from push rod.
Remove "O" ring and felt oilers
from piston.

6. Remove actuating lever and pin

assembly from shift unit housing.
Do not disassemble actuating lever.

Air Shift Unit Overhaul (Contêd)

Assemble Unit Lubrication

NOTE: Prior to assembly, the Lubricant - Use SAE 10 motor oil*
piston felt oilers should be soaked for temperature above 0oF (-18oC).
in SAE 10 oil for one hour. Lubri- For temperatures below 0oF
cate "O" rings with a high-viscosity (-18oC), mix three parts of SAE
silicone oil or barium grease "O" 10 motor oil with one part of kero-
ring lubricant. sene. This cold weather mixture
can be safely used up to 32oF
1. Assemble pin to actuating lever (0oC).
and install this assembly in shift
unit housing. *NOTE: Commercially available
automatic transmission fluid may
2. Assemble "O" ring and piston be used in place of SAE 10 motor
to push rod and fasten with flat oil. Automatic transmission fluid
washer and locknut. Tighten nut can be used for all temperatures.
to a torque of 120-150 IN-LBS. Do not mix kerosene with auto-
(14-17 N.m). Install felt oilers and matic transmission fluid.
"O" ring in piston.
CAUTION: DURING THE Lubricant Check and Level -
FOLLOWING PROCEDURE Each 20,000 miles or six months,
USING A PRESS, MAKE CERTAIN remove pipe plug in shift unit hous-
COMPONENTS ARE PROPERLY ing cover to check lubricant level.
ALIGNED IN PRESS TO PREVENT Lube should be level with bottom
OR DAMAGE TO PARTS. Lubricant Change - At least once
Shift Unit Housing in Press.
3. Insert piston stop and compres- a year remove shift unit housing
sion spring in shift unit housing. cover and drain old lubricant.
Place piston and push rod assem- Wash parts thoroughly and air dry.
bly in housing. Position housing Reinstall cover. Remove pipe plug
assembly in arbor press. in cover. Fill through pipe plug
4. Apply pressure to piston until opening until lube is level with
actuating lever is in alignment bottom of filler hole.
with push rod end. Install clevis
pin. Release press.
5. Place cover gasket in position
on shift unit housing then install
cover and bearing assembly and
fasten with cap screw and lock-
washers. If necessary, use a sealer
on threads of cap screws to pre-
vent any leaking. Tighten screws
to a torque of 90-110 IN-LBS.
(10-12 N.m).
6. Place "O" ring in groove of
shift unit housing, then install
housing cover and secure with
bolts and locknuts. Tighten lock-
nuts evenly to a torque of 108-132
IN-LBS. (12-15 N.m).
Installing Push Rod Clevis Pin.
7. Fill shift unit with SAE 10 oil or
automatic transmission fluid (see
Lubrication) when axle is installed
in vehicle.

Single Axle Model No. Variation

Current Production Example: Older Model Example: NOTE: Controlled Traction

Differentials can be Identified by CT
before the production assembly
number on the carrier,

Tandem Axle Model No. Variation

Current Production Example: Older Model No:

“S” indicated single reduction and an
asterisk(*) was used to identify
Controlled Traction Differential.

Service Manuals
Single Reduction, Single Drive Axles
■ 15,000 - 30,000 lbs. (15040 - 30105S/D) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EA-48
Single Reduction Tandem Drive Axles
■ 34,000 - 45,000 lbs. (Axle Serles 340 - 402,451) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EA-41
■ 44,000 - 58,000 lbs. (Axle Series 440, 460 - 651) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. EA-42

Parts Books
Single Reduction Drive Axles (with Controlled Traction Differentials)
■ Single Axles 17,000 - 34,000 lbs. (17401 - 30105C)
Tandem Axles 34,000 - 52,000 lbs. (DC341 - DC521-P) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EA-84

These publications may all be ordered through the Eaton publications order system. An order form may be
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obtained by calling Eaton Roadranger Service Support. Phone numbers are listed below.

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Unique Eaton Roadranger Service Support
Call 1-800-TCM-HELP [U.S.A.]
Eaton Corporation
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Axle & Brake Division
P.O. BOX 4008
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