Keynote Speech - Mr. Napoleon B. Imperial
Keynote Speech - Mr. Napoleon B. Imperial
Keynote Speech - Mr. Napoleon B. Imperial
• CHED and AACCUP tackle together some challenges in
both the homefront and in our global participation.
• CMO No. 55 s.2016 – Policy Framework and
Strategies on the Internationalization of
Philippine Higher Education
Reminder against foreign HEIs and other entities that
offer inbound TNE and/ or confer honorary and other
degrees and credentials
CHED Quality Assurance Framework
CMO No. 46, series 2012 entitled “Policy Standard to Enhance
Quality Assurance (QA) in Philippine Higher Education through
an Outcomes-Based and Typology-Based QA”
Institutional Institutional
Program Level
Level Level
Private HEIs Private & Private HEIs Private & Private HEIs Private HEIs
Government Public HEIs None Public HEIs None - Vertical
Authorization - COE/COD - ISO (Int’l Typology
(CHEDROs & (CHED-OPSD) Public HEIs Bodies) SUCs
CHEDCO) - Accreditation - ISO (for SUCs) - ISA (CHED) SUCs/LUCs
- Horizontal
(Private Orgs) – ISA (for State - PQA (DTI) Classification - Amalgamation or
Public HEIs Colleges to be - Accreditation - SUC Levelling Complementation
Certificate of Converted (Private
Program into State Accrediting LUCs
Compliance Universities) Agencies) - Recognition
(CHEDROs & - SUC PBB - Horizontal
Thank You!