Keynote Speech - Mr. Napoleon B. Imperial

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Deputy Executive Director IV
• We want QA to be pervasive. It should engulf as many
institutions and programs.

• We want our accrediting agencies to shine well among

international partners.

• We want a bigger critical mass of accreditation

professionals and related workers. This means we need
more QA workers –competent and well trained
professional assessors.

• CHED and AACCUP tackle together some challenges in
both the homefront and in our global participation.

• As partners pursuing common endgoals we both mean

and operationalize “quality assurance as not merely
specifying the standards or specifications against
which to measure or control quality. Rather, quality
assurance is about ensuring that there are
mechanisms, procedures and processes in place to
ensure that the desired quality is delivered.”

• CMO No. 55 s.2016 – Policy Framework and
Strategies on the Internationalization of
Philippine Higher Education

Reminder against foreign HEIs and other entities that
offer inbound TNE and/ or confer honorary and other
degrees and credentials

1. Due diligence in determining whether a foreign HEI has, among

others, accreditation or certification, legal standing in the
country of origin, and academic reputation in academic
communities before entering into agreements
2. If the Philippine HEI will serve as Philippine-based agent,
franchiser or partner of a foreign HEI, submit the proposed
existing MOA to CHED’s International Staff Office
3. For Philippine HEI officials to refrain from accepting honorary
doctorate degrees, certificate, and other degrees or titles from
foreign HEIs without authority to operate TNE
• CMO No. 62, series of 2016- “Policies,
Standards and Guidelines (PSGs) for
Transnational Education”

CHED Quality Assurance Framework
CMO No. 46, series 2012 entitled “Policy Standard to Enhance
Quality Assurance (QA) in Philippine Higher Education through
an Outcomes-Based and Typology-Based QA”

Goal: to enhance the quality assurance systems of both private and

public HEIs in the Philippines through learning competency based
standards and an outcomes-based system of quality assurance that is
differentiated by type of HEI.

Outcomes-Based QA Approaches Typology-Based

Institutional Institutional
Program Level
Level Level

Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory Voluntary

Private HEIs Private & Private HEIs Private & Private HEIs Private HEIs
Government Public HEIs None Public HEIs None - Vertical
Authorization - COE/COD - ISO (Int’l Typology
(CHEDROs & (CHED-OPSD) Public HEIs Bodies) SUCs
CHEDCO) - Accreditation - ISO (for SUCs) - ISA (CHED) SUCs/LUCs
- Horizontal
(Private Orgs) – ISA (for State - PQA (DTI) Classification - Amalgamation or
Public HEIs Colleges to be - Accreditation - SUC Levelling Complementation
Certificate of Converted (Private
Program into State Accrediting LUCs
Compliance Universities) Agencies) - Recognition
(CHEDROs & - SUC PBB - Horizontal

Fitness for Purpose Culture of Quality Excellence/Exceptional

Office of Institutional Quality Assurance and Governance (OIQAG)

CHED and AACCUP’s continued partnership
1. CHED and AACCUP are equally committed to promote access to higher
education BUT that should be access to education of superior quality and

2. By its typologies policy, there is greater access to relevant undergraduate

education in QA-compliant professional institutes and upgraded liberal arts
colleges, hence, the Universityhood and the colleges and schools conversion
need not be the end-all and be-all.

3. In the aegis of internationalization, what matter most are not mere

documentary compliance hastily done but clear evidence of substantive
compliance; hence HEIs really need to demonstrate quality as “fitness for
purpose.” It requires the translation of the institution’s HEIs vision,
mission, and goals into learning outcomes, programs, and systems.

Thank You!

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