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B. Inggris - 2 - Bahan UTS

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Read the text about business and answer the questions below:

Business is an organized approach to providing customers with the goods and

services they want. The word business also refers to an organization that provides
these goods and services. Most businesses seek to make a profit - that is, they aim
to achieve revenues that exceed the costs of operating the business. Prominent
examples of for-profit businesses include Mitsubishi Group, General Motors
Corporation, and Royal Dutch/Shell Group. However, some businesses only seek to
earn enough to cover their operating costs. Commonly called nonprofits, these
organizations are primarily nongovernmental service providers. Examples of
nonprofit businesses include such organizations as social service agencies,
foundations, advocacy groups, and many hospitals.

Business Operations

A variety of operations keep businesses, especially large corporations, running

efficiently and effectively. Common business operation divisions include (1)
production,(2) marketing, (3) finance, and (4) human resource management.

Production includes those activities involved in conceptualizing,designing, and

creating products and services. In recent years there have been dramatic changes in
the way goods are produced. Today, computers help monitor, control, and even
perform work. Flexible, high-tech machines can do in minutes what it used to take
people hours to accomplish. Another important development has been the trend
toward just-in-time inventory. The word inventory refers to the amount of goods a
business keeps available for wholesale or retail. In just-in-time inventory, the firm
stocks only what it needs for the next day or two. Many businesses rely on fast,
global computer communications to allow them to respond quickly to changes in
consumer demand. Inventories are thus minimized and businesses can invest more
in product research, development, and marketing.

Marketing is the process of identifying the goods and services that consumers
need and want and providing those goods and services at the right price, place, and
time. Businesses develop marketing strategies by conducting research to determine
what products and services potential customers think they would like to be able to
purchase. Firms also promote their products and services through such techniques
as advertising and personalized sales, which serve to inform potential customers and
motivate them to purchase. Firms that market products for which there is always
some demand, such as foods and household goods, often advertise if they face
competition from other firms marketing similar products. Such products rarely need
to be sold face-to-face. On the other hand, firms that market products and services
that buyers will want to see, use, or better understand before buying, often rely on
personalized sales. Expensive and durable goods - such as automobiles,
electronics, or furniture - benefit from personalized sales, as do legal,financial, and
accounting services.

Finance involves the management of money. All businesses must have enough
capital on hand to pay their bills, and for-profit businesses seek extra capital to
expand their operations. In some cases, they raise long-term capital by selling
ownership in the company. Other common financial activities include granting,
monitoring, and collecting on credit or loans and ensuring that customers pay bills on
time. The financial division of any business must also establish a good working
relationship with a bank. This is particularly important when a business wants to
obtain a loan.

Businesses rely on effective human resource management (HRM) to

ensure that they hire and keep good employees, and that they are able to respond to
conflicts between workers and management. HRM specialists initially determine the
number and type of employees that a business will need over its first few years of
operation. They are then responsible for recruiting new employees to replace those
who leave and for filling newly created positions. A business’s HRM division also
trains or arranges for the training of its staff to encourage worker productivity,
efficiency, and satisfaction, and to promote the overall success of the business.
Finally, human resource managers create workers’compensation plans and benefit
packages for employees.

Discuss the following questions:

1. Give definition to the word ‘business’.

2. What is the difference between for-profit and non-profit organizations? Support
your answer with relevant examples.
3. What is production?
4. What is marketing?
5. What does the HRM involve?


 Work in pairs. Discuss these questions:
 What impression do you try to give in an application letter?
 Should an application letter be handwritten, typed, or laser-printed?
 Do you always tell the absolute truth in application letters?

Writing application letter

A letter of application should create enough interest to make the potential employer want
to look at your application in greater detail by reading your CV and hopefully invite you for
an interview. Your application letter, however, should not contain too much detail about
your experience and qualifications because that is the job of the CV.

Layout and style

The letter should be limited to one page and a few paragraphs will normally be sufficient. It
is better to address a letter to a specific person, e.g. Dear Miss Chan, rather than to Dear Sir
or Madam. However, in some job advertisements the name of the person you are writing to
is not given. It is good practice to try to find out the following information before you write
your letter:

 the full name of the person you are writing;

 their title - Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms, Dr, Professor, etc, and;
 their position - Personnel Manager, Human Resources Manager, etc.

All this information can be obtained by a quick phone call to the company. Remember,
never write Dear Miss W. Chan. It should be Dear Miss Chan. Do not use the initial except in
the address. If you start with Dear Sir/Madam, it is accepted practice to finish with Yours
faithfully. Whereas, if you start with Dear Miss Chan, you may finish with Yours sincerely.
Your letter should be neat and free from careless mistakes. You can follow the blocked and
open punctuation style. Whichever layout style you choose to use, you should use it
consistently throughout the letter.

Structure of the letter

Paragraph 1
It should state clearly why you are writing and where you saw the job advertised.

1. I would like to apply for the post of ... as advertised in today’s issue of..
2. With reference to your advertisement in ... on .., I am writing to apply for the position of ...

Paragraph 2
It should give a little information about your qualifications and experience. Make sure the
information you give is relevant to the job that you are applying for.

1. As you can see from my enclosed CV, I have worked in my present position for five years.
During this time I have gained invaluable experience in ...

2. I am currently a student at TPU studying ........ I am due to graduate in.......

Although I have been studying full time, I have had a number of summer jobs which have
helped me to gain experience in ...

3. My experience over the past two years has been at the managerial level, where I have had
responsibility for ...

Paragraph 3
It should say why you believe you are suited to the job and what you can offer the
company. Those currently employed can state the reason for wishing to change their
present job. However, you should not sound critical of your present employer.

1. I am currently working as a receptionist in ...The reason for my seeking a new position is
that I wish to pursue a secretarial career. Unfortunately, there are no openings for
advancement in my present employment.

2. For the last two years I have been working as a receptionist in ...Unfortunately the
company is moving its main offices overseas and I have therefore decided to look for a new
position. I believe that the experience I have gained in ... has given me the qualities you are
looking for ...

3. I believe I would be an asset to your company. I will be able to bring with me my

experience of ... which I believe would be useful in this position…

4. I feel that my ability to ... will help/enable me to ...

Paragraph 4
It should tell the reader when you are available for an interview and how to contact you.

1. I would like to have the opportunity to talk to you further about my application. I am
available for interview at any time and I can be contacted at/on ...

2. I am available for an interview at any time but would appreciate two days notice. I can be
contacted on/at ... I look forward to hearing from/meeting you soon.

3. As requested in the advertisement, I enclose a copy of my resume together with a recent

photograph. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss my application further. I am
available ... and can be contacted on/at ...

Remember you might have to give a bit more detail than in the above examples. You can
also combine the language in these examples. Also, it is sometimes useful to gather
information about the company so that you know more about its background and policies.
This may help you present yourself in the best light.
Read the following information about CV writing:

Format for a Curriculum Vitae (CV)

A Curriculum Vitae, commonly referred to as CV, includes a summary of your educational
and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications,
presentations, awards, honors, and affiliations. International employers often expect to
read the type of personal information on a curriculum vitae that would not be included on a
resume. When writing a CV for graduate school or academia the personal information
included in this curriculum vitae template would be omitted.

The following curriculum vitae template will give you an example of what to include in your
CV and show the appropriate format for a curriculum vitae.

Sample Curriculum Vitae Template

Cell Phone
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Visa Status
Optional Personal information:
Marital Status
`Spouse’s Name
Work History
Academic Positions
Research and Training
High School
Graduate School
Post-Doctoral Training
Certifications and Accreditations
Computer Skills

Having a well written, effective resume at one’s disposal is an excellent tool in today’s ever
changing job market. A strong resume may be the sole difference in getting a call for an
interview or simply having your resume tossed into the proposed employer’s sludge pile.
Simply put, an effective resume may win you a job interview. In the world of academia, a
strong resume, known as a curriculum vitae (CV) may open the door towards a tenured

Rewrite this letter in a suitably formal style. Some sentences may have to be left out
altogether. Check your version with another student:

11 Oakwood Road
Stanhope, Birmingham
8th October

Dear Mr. Scott,

I am writing because you said you wanted a Service technician in The Evening Mail of 7th
October. I’ve put my life story in with this letter. If you look at it you’ll see I know a lot about
engineering because I’ve been a maintenance engineer for six years. So I’ve learnt a lot
about servicing manual and electrical systems. I took a conversion course the other day, all
about pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical systems. It was pretty easy. Now I’m going to
evening classes in the same things, and I hope I’ll pass the exams at the end!

I liked your comment in the ad about “good prospects” because I’m not just in it for the
money. I want a job that’ll mean something. I’m sure you’ll understand. Get in touch if
there’s anything else you need to know. Give me a ring at work, it’s 423419. In the evenings,
you can always get me at my mother’s in King Oak. I can come and see you at any time
except Tuesdays, which are a bit awkward.

Best wishes,
Richard Walters


A job interview is your chance to show an employer what he or she will get if you’re
hired. That is why it is essential to be well prepared for the job interview. There exist
five basic types of interviews:

1.The Screening Interview

This is usually an interview with someone in human resources. It may take place in
person or on the telephone. He or she will have a copy of your resume in hand and
will try to verify the information on it. The human resources representative will want
to find out if you meet the minimum qualifications for the job and, if you do, you will
be passed on to the next step.

2. The Selection Interview

The selection interview is the step in the process which makes people the most
anxious. The employer knows you are qualified to do the job. While you may have
the skills to perform the tasks that are required by the job in question, the employer
needs to know if you have the personality necessary to “fit in.” Someone who can’t
interact well with management and co-workers may disrupt the functioning of an
entire department. This ultimately can affect the company’s bottom line.

3. The Group Interview

In the group interview, several job candidates are interviewed at once. The
interviewer or interviewers are trying to separate the leaders from the followers. The
interviewer may also be trying to find out if you are a “team player.” The type of
personality the employer is looking for determines the outcome of this interview.
There is nothing more to do than act naturally.

4. The Panel Interview

The candidate is interviewed by several people at once. It can be quite intimidating

as questions are fired at you. You should try to remain calm and establish rapport
with each member of the panel. Make eye contact with each member of the panel as
you answer his or her question.

5. The Stress Interview

It is not a very nice way to be introduced to the company that may end up being your
future employer. It is, however,a technique sometimes used to weed out those that
cannot handle adversity. The interviewer may try to artificially introduce stress into
the interview by asking questions so quickly that the candidate doesn’t have time to
answer each one. The interviewer may also ask weird questions, not to determine
what the job candidate answers, but how he or she answers.

Preparing for the Interview

Before you begin to think about how you will dress for the interview, or answer
questions, you should gather as much information about the employer as you can.
Not only will you appear informed and intelligent, it will also help you make a
decision if a job offer is eventually made.
You might also want to prepare for answering questions by listing some of your
attributes. Talk to former co-workers with whom you worked closely. Ask them to list
some traits about you that they most admired - work related, of course. You want to
seem somewhat spontaneous, but you also want to appear self-confident. The way
to do that is to rehearse, not exactly what you will say, but how you will say it. A
great method is to rehearse in front of a video camera. Study your posture, the way
you make eye contact, and your body language.

Dressing for the Interview

Appearance is very important and whether we like it or not, it is the first thing people
notice about us. You should match your dress to employees in the workplace in
which you are
interviewing and probably take it up a notch. If dress is very casual, those being
interviewed should wear dress pants and dress shirts or skirts and blouses. Don’t
choose a Friday, since many offices have “casual Fridays.”

Your hair should be neat and stylish. Your nails should be well manicured and clean.
Men’s nails should be short. Women’s nails should be of a reasonable length and
polished in a neutral color. Also for women, makeup shouldn’t be heavy. Perfume or
cologne should be avoided as some people find certain scents offensive.

Establishing Rapport

Since the interviewer’s job is to make sure that not only your skill, but your
personality as well, is a good match, you must establish rapport with the person or
persons interviewing you. That begins the instant you walk in the door. Let the
interviewer set the tone. Nothing is as awkward as offering your hand and having the
gesture not returned by the other person. Therefore you should wait for the
interviewer to offer his or her hand first, but be ready to offer your hand immediately.

Body Language

They say that body language gives more away about us than speech. Eye contact is
very important but make sure it looks natural. A smiling, relaxed face is very inviting.
Hands resting casually in your lap rather than arms folded across your chest also is
more inviting.

Answering Questions

When it comes down to it, isn’t this the main point of the interview? Speak slowly and
clearly. Pause before you answer a question. Your answers will seem less rehearsed
and it will give you a chance to collect your thoughts.
Asking Questions Usually toward the end of the interview, the person conducting it
will ask you if you have any questions. You should have some. You should ask about
what a typical day would entail. You could also ask what special projects you would
be working on. As in every other aspect of the job search, you are trying to show the
employer how you can fill their needs.

Illegal Questions

We have all heard horror stories of interviewers asking job candidates inappropriate
questions, such as those about marital status, age, and family status. These
questions should not be asked, but it is up to you whether to answer them.

Money Questions

Money is a very sensitive topic. The candidate shouldn’t bring it up. However, the
interviewer may bring it up first. He or she may ask what salary you hope to earn.
You must prepare for this question before the interview. Find out what others in the
same position are earning. Always give a range, not an exact number. This will help
keep you from pricing yourself out of a job. You don’t want the employer to think they
can’t afford you, but you also don’t want them to think you are a cheap commodity.
After the Interview This is something that is too often neglected. It’s the thank you
note or follow-up letter. It is your chance to reiterate something you mentioned on the
interview or bring up something you forgot to mention. It is also a nice gesture and a
simple matter of politeness.

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