A10 4.1.1-P8 Cli-Slb PDF
A10 4.1.1-P8 Cli-Slb PDF
A10 4.1.1-P8 Cli-Slb PDF
Command Line Interface Reference for ADC
for A10 Thunder™ Series and AX™ Series
28 March 2018
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Table of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................................... 17
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
hw-syn-rr ........................................................................................................................................ 47
l2l3-trunk-lb-disable ..................................................................................................................... 48
max-buff-queued-per-conn ........................................................................................................ 48
max-http-header-count ............................................................................................................... 49
msl-time ......................................................................................................................................... 49
mss-table ....................................................................................................................................... 50
no-auto-up-on-aflex ..................................................................................................................... 50
rate-limit-logging .......................................................................................................................... 51
reset-stale-session ....................................................................................................................... 52
scale-out ........................................................................................................................................ 52
snat-gwy-for-l3 .............................................................................................................................. 52
snat-on-vip ..................................................................................................................................... 53
sort-res ........................................................................................................................................... 53
stats-data-disable ........................................................................................................................ 55
stateless-sg-multi-binding .......................................................................................................... 55
use-mss-tab .................................................................................................................................. 55
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forward-proxy-bypass ...............................................................................................................120
forward-proxy-ca-cert ................................................................................................................121
forward-proxy-ca-key .................................................................................................................122
forward-proxy-cache-persistence ........................................................................................... 122
forward-proxy-cert-cache .........................................................................................................123
forward-proxy-cert-expiry .........................................................................................................124
forward-proxy-cert-ext ...............................................................................................................124
forward-proxy-cert-not-ready-action ...................................................................................... 125
forward-proxy-cert-revoke-action ...........................................................................................125
forward-proxy-cert-unknown-action ....................................................................................... 125
forward-proxy-cert-validity .......................................................................................................126
forward-proxy-crl-disable .......................................................................................................... 126
forward-proxy-decrypted dscp ................................................................................................127
forward-proxy-enable ................................................................................................................128
forward-proxy-failsafe-disable .................................................................................................128
forward-proxy-inspect ...............................................................................................................128
forward-proxy-log-disable .........................................................................................................129
forward-proxy-ocsp-disable .....................................................................................................130
forward-proxy-selfsign-redir .....................................................................................................130
forward-proxy-source-nat .........................................................................................................130
forward-proxy-ssl-version .........................................................................................................131
forward-proxy-trusted-ca ..........................................................................................................132
forward-proxy-verify-cert-fail-action .......................................................................................132
hsm-param .................................................................................................................................. 133
key .................................................................................................................................................133
non-ssl-bypass ............................................................................................................................134
ocsp-stapling ...............................................................................................................................134
renegotiation-disable .................................................................................................................135
server-name ................................................................................................................................135
server-name-regex .....................................................................................................................135
session-cache-size ....................................................................................................................137
session-cache-timeout .............................................................................................................137
session-ticket-lifetime ...............................................................................................................137
ssl-false-start-disable ................................................................................................................138
sslv2-bypass ...............................................................................................................................139
template .......................................................................................................................................139
version ..........................................................................................................................................140
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fail-close .......................................................................................................................................178
include-protocol-in-uri ...............................................................................................................178
min-payload-size ........................................................................................................................179
preview .........................................................................................................................................179
service-group ..............................................................................................................................180
service-url ....................................................................................................................................180
template .......................................................................................................................................181
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disable-with-health-check .........................................................................................................305
enable ...........................................................................................................................................306
extended-stats ............................................................................................................................306
external-ip ....................................................................................................................................307
health-check ................................................................................................................................307
health-check-disable ..................................................................................................................307
ipv6 ................................................................................................................................................308
port ................................................................................................................................................308
slow-start .....................................................................................................................................311
spoofing-cache ...........................................................................................................................312
stats-data-disable ......................................................................................................................312
stats-data-enable .......................................................................................................................313
template server ...........................................................................................................................313
weight ...........................................................................................................................................314
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dsr-l2-strict ..................................................................................................................................374
interval ..........................................................................................................................................374
method .........................................................................................................................................375
override-ipv4 ................................................................................................................................385
override-ipv6 ................................................................................................................................385
override-port ................................................................................................................................386
passive .........................................................................................................................................386
retry ...............................................................................................................................................387
ssl-ciphers ...................................................................................................................................388
strictly-retry-on-server-error-response ...................................................................................389
up-retry .........................................................................................................................................389
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This reference lists the ACOS CLI commands that apply specifically to ADC features.
NOTE: For information about system-level commands or about using the CLI,
see the main Command Line Interface Reference guide.
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The commands in this chapter configure SLB parameters. In some cases, the commands create an
SLB configuration item and change the CLI to the configuration level for that item.
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
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• slb common
• slb resource-usage
• slb server
• slb service-group
• slb ssl-module
• slb template
• slb transparent-acl-template
• slb transparent-tcp-template
• slb virtual-server
slb common
Description Access the SLB configuration level for system-wide SLB parameters.
This command changes the CLI to the SLB common configuration level for
system-wide SLB parameters, where the commands in “SLB Common
Configuration Mode Commands” on page 33 are available.
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slb resource-usage
Description Change the capacity of an SLB resource.
The following table lists the valid resource types and values.
Default The default maximum number for each type of system resource depends on
the specific device model. To display the defaults and current values for your
device, enter the show system resource-usage command.
Usage The maximum number you can configure depends on the resource type and
the specific ACOS device. To display the range of values that are valid for a
resource, enter a question mark instead of a quantity.
• For these SLB templates, the maximum is 256 each, and is not configu-
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• Policy (PBSLB)
• For RAM caching templates, the total number allowed is 128 each.
• The maximum number of health monitors is 1024 (not configurable).
• The total number of wildcard VIPs allowed is 200 and is not configu-
• For every type of system resource that has a default, the ACOS device
reserves one instance of the resource.
For example, the device allows 256 RAM caching templates. However,
the device reserves one RAM caching template for the default template,
which leaves a maximum of 255 additional RAM configurable caching
slb server
Description Configure a real server. Use the first command shown below in the example
to create or a delete a server. Use the second command to edit a server.
Parameter Description
server-name Server name, 1-63 characters.
After you have created a real server, you can use this command to rename the real
hostname Fully-qualified hostname, for dynamic real server creation.
ipaddr IP address of the server (IPv4 or IPv6). Required only if you are creating a new server.
Default N/A
Usage This command creates a new or edits an existing real server and changes
the CLI to the server configuration level. (“Config Commands: SLB Servers”
on page 301).
Example The following example creates a new real server with an IPv4 address:
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Example The following example creates a new real server with an IPv6 address:
Example The following commands configure a hostname server for dynamic server
creation using DNS, add a port to it, and bind the server template to it.
To create the temp-server template, use the slb template server command.
ACOS(config)# slb server s-test1 s1.test.com
ACOS(config-real server)# template server temp-server
ACOS(config-real server)# port 80 tcp
ACOS(config-real server-node port)# exit
ACOS(config-real server)# exit
slb service-group
Description Configure an SLB service group.
Parameter Description
group-name Name of the group, 1-127 characters.
tcp | udp Application type of the group.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a new or edits an existing service
group. The CLI changes to the configuration level for the service group. See
“Config Commands: SLB Service Groups” on page 315.
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Parameter Description
address Specifies the email addresses to which to send the notifica-
tions. You can specify up to 2 email addresses. Use a space
between them.
before days Specifies how many days before expiration to begin sending
notification emails. You can specify 1-60. The default is 5
interval days Specifies how many days after expiration to continue sending
notification emails. You can specify 1-5. The default is 2 days.
Usage One notification is sent per day. If a certificate is updated before expiration or
at least before the configured interval, no more notification emails are sent
for that certificate.
Parameter Description
add cert-name Adds a certificate to the exception list.
delete cert-name Removes a certificate from the exception list.
clean Removes all certificates from the exception list.
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Parameter Description
all Enable sampling of all forward-proxy event types.
cert_create Enable sampling of the rate at which certificates are cre-
cert_expr Enable sampling of the rate at which created certificates
are expiring.
cert_hit Enable sampling of the rate at which certificate requests
match cached certificates.
cert_miss Enable sampling of the rate at which certificate requests
di not match cached certificates.
conn_bypass Enable sampling the rate that SSL sessions bypassed
conn_inspect Enable sampling the rate that SSL sessions are
slb ssl-module
Description Disable the SSL acceleration module.
NOTE: This command only applies to virtual appliances and not to hard-
ware-based models.
Usage This command applies only to add-on SSL acceleration modules, not to the
on-board SSL processors.
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Default None
slb template
Description Configure an SLB template.
Parameter Description
template-type Type of template. For a list, enter the following command: slb
template ?
Default The templates have default settings, and some template types are automati-
cally added to a virtual port depending on its service type. For information,
see the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a new or edits an existing tem-
plate. The CLI changes to the configuration level for the template. See “Con-
fig Commands: SLB Templates” on page 57.
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slb transparent-acl-template
Description Set the idle timeout value for ACL-related pass-through TCP sessions.
Default The default idle timeout for pass-through TCP sessions is 30 minutes. The
default idle timeout in TCP templates is 120 seconds.
Usage Only the idle timeout setting in the specified TCP template is applicable to
pass-through TCP sessions. None of the other options in TCP templates
affect pass-through TCP sessions.
Example The following command configures the default TCP template, setting the idle
timeout value to 15000 seconds. This template (and thus, idle timeout value)
are then applied to ACL-related pass-through TCP sessions:
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slb transparent-tcp-template
Description Set the idle timeout value for pass-through TCP sessions.
Default The default idle timeout for pass-through TCP sessions is 30 minutes. The
default idle timeout in TCP templates is 120 seconds.
Usage Only the idle timeout setting in the specified TCP template is applicable to
pass-through TCP sessions. None of the other options in TCP templates
affect pass-through TCP sessions.
Example The following command configures the default TCP template, setting the idle
timeout value to 15000 seconds. This template (and thus, idle timeout value)
are then applied to pass-through TCP sessions:
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slb virtual-server
Description Configure a virtual server.
Parameter Description
name Virtual server name, 1-127 characters.
After you have created a virtual server, you can use this command to rename the virtual server
in order to associate this IP with a different name.
use-if-ip Use the IP address of the specified interface.
Use the acl acl-id option to specify IP addresses to be handled as wildcard VIPs. (For more
information, see the “Wildcard VIPs” chapter in the Application Delivery and Server Load Balanc-
ing Guide.)
After you have created a virtual server, you can use this command to change the IP address
associated with this name.
ipv4-addr IPv4 address of the virtual server.
Use the acl acl-id option to specify IP addresses to be handled as wildcard VIPs. (For more
information, see “Wildcard VIPs” chapter in the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing
After you have created a virtual server, you can use this command to change the IP address
associated with this name.
To configure a contiguous set of IPv4 VIPs, specify the subnet mask or mask length. The
specified ipv4-addr will be the starting IP address of this set of VIPs.
Default N/A
Usage The normal form of this command creates a new or edits an existing virtual
server. The CLI changes to the configuration level for the virtual server. See
“Config Commands: SLB Virtual Servers” on page 339.
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Example The following command configures a new virtual server named “vs1”:
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To access this mode, use the slb common command from global configuration mode:
Some commands in SLB common configuration mode are only available in the shared partition; com-
mands that are not available in L3V partitions are noted below.
• compress-block-size
• conn-rate-limit src-ip
• ddos-protection
• ddos-protection logging
• ddos-protection packets-per-second
• dns-cache-age
• dns-cache-enable
• dns-cache-entry-size
• enable-l7-req-acct
• extended-stats
• graceful-shutdown
• honor-server-response-ttl
• hw-compression
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• no-auto-up-on-aflex
• rate-limit-logging
• reset-stale-session
• scale-out
• snat-gwy-for-l3
• snat-on-vip
• sort-res
• stateless-sg-multi-binding
• use-mss-tab
Description Fine-tune thresholds for SLB buffer queues.
CAUTION: Do not use this command except under advisement from A10 Net-
Parameter Description
hw-buff num IO buffer threshold. For each CPU, if the number of queued entries
in the IO buffer reaches this threshold, fast aging is enabled and no
more IO buffer entries are allowed to be queued on the CPU’s IO
relieve-thresh num Threshold at which fast aging is disabled, to allow IO buffer entries
to be queued again.
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Parameter Description
sys-buff-low num Threshold of queued system buffer entries at which ACOS begins
refusing new incoming connections.
sys-buff-high num Threshold of queued system buffer entries at which the ACOS
device drops a connection whenever a packet is received for that
Default N/A
Description Change the default compression block size used for SLB.
The bytes option specifies the default compression block size, 6000-32000
Default 16000
Example The following example sets the compression block size to 16000 bytes:
conn-rate-limit src-ip
Description Configure source-IP based connection rate limiting.
All connection requests in excess of the connection limit that are received
from a client within the limit period are dropped. This action is enabled by
default when you enable the feature, and can not be disabled.
NOTE: For configuring connection rate limits on IPv6 traffic, use class lists.
For more information, see “class-list” in the Command Line Interface
Reference and “Understanding Class Lists” in the DDoS Mitigation
Guide for ADC.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Syntax [no] conn-rate-limit src-ip {tcp | udp} conn-limit per {100 | 1000}
[shared] [exceed-action [log] [lock-out lockout-period]]
Parameter Description
tcp | udp Specifies the Layer 4 protocol for which the filter applies.
conn-limit Specifies the connection limit. The connection limit is the maximum number of con-
nection requests allowed from a client, within the limit period. You can specify 1-
1000000 (one million).
per {100 | 1000} Specifies the limit period, The limit period is the interval to which the connection limit
is applied. A client is conforming to the rate limit if the number of new connection
requests within the limit period does not exceed the connection limit. You can spec-
ify 100 milliseconds or 1000 milliseconds.
shared Specifies that the connection limit applies in aggregate to all virtual ports. If you omit
this option, the limit applies separately to each virtual port.
exceed-action Enables optional exceed actions:
• log - Enables logging. Logging generates a log message when a client exceeds the
connection limit.
• lock-out lockout-period - Locks out the client for a specified number of sec-
onds. During the lockout period, all connection requests from the client are
dropped. The lockout period can be 1-3600 seconds (1 hour). There is no default.
Example The following commands allow up to 1000 connection requests per one-sec-
ond interval from any individual client. If a client sends more than 1000
requests within a given limit period, the client is locked out for 3 seconds.
The limit applies separately to each individual virtual port. Logging is not
Example The following commands allow up to 2000 connection requests per 100-mil-
lisecond interval. The limit applies to all virtual ports together. Logging is
enabled but lockout is not enabled.
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Description Enables hardware blocking of VIP traffic that is addressed to an unconfig-
ured virtual port.
Parameter Description
enable | disable Enables or disables hardware blocking of VIP traffic. Default value is disable.
Default disabled
ddos-protection logging
Description Enables logging of VIP traffic hardware blocking events.
Parameter Description
enable | disable Enables or disables hardware blocking. Default value is enable .
Default enabled
Example This example disables the logging of hardware blocking of traffic to uncon-
figured virutal ports.
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ddos-protection packets-per-second
Description Enables logging of VIP traffic hardware blocking events.
Parameter Description
tcp | udp Specifies the data type of traffic affected by command.
packet-rate Specifies data rate on virtual port that triggers hardware blocking. Value ranges from
0 to 65535. Default value is 200.
Example This example sets the device to begin hardward blocking for any unconfig-
ured TCP ports that exceed 1000 packets per second.
Description In cases where data packets smaller than a pre-configured size limit are
received, HTTP sessions may be deleted when the number of such packets
received exceeds a pre-defined threshold. This is the default behavior on an
ACOS device.
Description Stop the ACOS device from automatically reselecting a lower priority server
until a server with a higher priority is marked as Down or Disabled.
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Usage When server priority is configured, the ACOS device sends all traffic to the
highest priority server, until that server starts responding slowly or meets
other negative conditions. This feature stops the ACOS device from auto-
matically reselecting a lower priority server until a server with a higher prior-
ity is marked as Down or Disabled.
Description Configure the amount of time the ACOS device locally caches DNS replies.
DNS cache aging is applicable only when DNS caching is enabled, using the
dns-cache-enable command.
Parameter Description
seconds Number of seconds the ACOS device caches DNS replies. You can specify
1-1000000 seconds.
Default 300
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NOTE: Server response TTL is the minimum TTL of all resource records in
that response.
Example This example configures the ACOS device to cache DNS replies for 300 sec-
Example This example configures the age of global DNS cache to be the minimum
value between 600 seconds and the server response TTL:
Example This example configures the age of the global DNS cache to be 600 seconds:
Example This command configures the server response TTL to be used as the global
DNS cache TTL:
ACOS(config-common)# dns-cache-age
ACOS(config-common)# honor-server-response-ttl
Description Globally enable caching of replies to DNS queries.
Syntax [no] dns-cache-enable
round-robin [ttl-threshold seconds] |
single-answer [ttl-threshold seconds] |
ttl-threshold seconds
Parameter Description
round-robin For DNS replies that contain multiple IP addresses in the ANSWER
section, the ACOS device rotates the addresses when replying to
client requests. The DNS transaction ID (which is random) is used
to assist in the round-robin. This behavior is better for heavy traffic,
but the side effect is that it will not strictly follow the round-robin.
single-answer Caches only replies that have one IP address in the ANSWER sec-
ttl-threshold second Specifies the minimum Time-To-Live (TTL) a reply from the DNS
server must have, in order for the ACOS device to cache the reply.
You can specify 1-10000000 seconds.
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Default DNS caching is disabled by default. Disabled. When you globally enable DNS
caching, the round-robin and single-answer options are disabled by default.
The default TTL threshold is 0 (unset).
Usage When DNS caching is enabled, the ACOS device sends the first request for a
given name (hostname, fully-qualified domain name, URL, and so on) to the
DNS server. The ACOS device caches the reply from the DNS server, and
sends the cached reply in response to the next request for the same name.
The ACOS device continues to use the cached DNS reply until the reply times
out. After the reply times out, the ACOS device sends the next request for
that URL to the DNS server, and caches the reply, and so on.
Enabling the single-answer option prevents the caching of DNS replies that
have multiple IP addresses. For example, if a DNS response to a query for
“www.example1.com” and the DNS reply has only one IP address (,
then the reply will be cached on the ACOS device. However, if the DNS
response to a query for “www.example2.com” has two IP addresses (
and, then the entry would not be cached on the ACOS device.
If the ttl-threshold option is configured on the ACOS device, then DNS replies
will only be cached if they have a TTL value that is larger than the TTL
threshold configured on the ACOS device. This prevents the ACOS device
from caching DNS entries that will expire shortly thereafter.
For example, if the ACOS device’s TTL threshold is set to 7200 seconds and
the ACOS device receives a DNS response for a domain with a TTL of only 10
seconds, there would be little benefit in caching that DNS reply, since it will
soon expire. Despite the cached information, subsequent client requests for
that same domain would bypass the “stale” information cached on the ACOS
device to perform another DNS lookup just 10 seconds later.
DNS caching applies only to DNS requests sent to a UDP virtual port in a
DNS SLB configuration. DNS caching is not supported for DNS requests sent
over TCP.
Example The following example enables DNS caching on the ACOS device with all the
default values.
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Description Set the maximum size in bytes for DNS cache entries.
Replace num with the desired DNS cache entry size, in bytes (1 - 4096).
Default 256
Example The following example sets the DNS cache entry size to 3600 bytes:
Description This command causes the ACOS device to use round-robin to load balance
DNS stateless traffic to CPU threads.
Description When a virtual IP is down it can still respond to ping (ICMP_ECHO) requests.
With this enabled, a virtual IP that is down will not respond to ping requests.
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Description Enable health checking of the virtual server IP addresses instead of the real
server IP addresses in Direct server Return (DSR) configurations.
Example The following commands configure a Layer 3 health monitor for DSR health
checking, apply it to the real server ports, and enable DSR health checking:
Description Globally enable Layer 7 request accounting.
Example The example below shows how to enable Layer 7 request accounting.
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Description Globally enable collection of extended SLB statistics, including peak connec-
tion statistics.
Example This example shows how to enable the collection of extended SLB statistics.
Description Disable fast-path packet inspection.
Example The example below shows how to disable fast-path packet inspection.
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Description Enables gateway health monitoring.
Parameter Description
interval second Specifies time period between health check attempts, 1-180 sec-
Usage Gateway health monitoring uses ARP to test the availability of nexthop
gateways. When the ACOS device needs to send a packet through a gate-
way, the ACOS device begins sending ARP requests to the gateway.
• If the gateway replies to any ARP request within a configurable timeout,
the ACOS device forwards the packet to the gateway.
• The ARP requests are sent at a configurable interval. The ACOS device
waits for a configurable timeout for a reply to any request. If the gate-
way does not respond to any request before the timeout expires, the
ACOS device selects another gateway and begins the health monitoring
process again.
Example The following example enables gateway health monitoring. Health check
attempts will be made every 10 seconds, with a reply timeout of 20 seconds.
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Description Provides time for active sessions to terminate normally before closing a ser-
vice after deleting or disabling the real or virtual server or port providing the
Parameter Description
grace-period Number of seconds existing connections on a disabled or deleted
server or port are allowed to remain up before being terminated.
You can specify 1-65535 seconds.
server Limits the graceful shutdown to real servers only.
virtual-server Limits the graceful shutdown to virtual servers only.
after-disable Applies graceful shutdown to disabled servers and service ports,
as well as deleted servers. Without this option, graceful shutdown
applies only to deleted servers.
Default Graceful shutdown is disabled by default. When you delete a real or virtual
service port, the ACOS device places all the port’s sessions in the delete
queue, and stops accepting new sessions on the port.
Usage When graceful shutdown is enabled, the ACOS device stops accepting new
sessions on a disabled or deleted port, but waits for the specified grace
period before moving active sessions to the delete queue.
Example These commands enable graceful shutdown with a grace period of one hour:
Description TTL in server response is used as DNS cache TTL.
Example The following example configures the ACOS device to cache DNS replies for
300 seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enable hardware-based HTTP compression.
Description Enable distribution of client SYNs across multiple CPUs. This feature pro-
tects against CPU overload due to SYN floods, a common symptom of DDoS
Example The following example enables distribution of client SYNs across multiple
CPUs, using 250,000 TCP SYNs as the threshold.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable or re-enable trunk load balancing.
Usage When trunk load balancing is enabled, the ACOS device load balances
outbound Layer 2/3 traffic among all the ports in a trunk. The round-robin
method is used to load balance the traffic. For example, in a trunk containing
ports 1-4, the first Layer 2/3 packet is sent on port 1. The second packet is
sent on port 2. The third packet is sent on port 3, and so on.
If you disable trunk load balancing, the lead port will always used for
outbound traffic, and the other ports will act as standby ports in case the
lead port goes down.
Trunk load balancing applies only to Layer 2/3 traffic, and is enabled by
default. However, the CLI provides a command to disable trunk load
balancing, in case there is a need to do so. Disabling trunk load balancing
causes the ACOS device to use only the lead port for outbound traffic.
NOTE: Note: Trunk load balancing does not apply to Layer 4-7 traffic.
Description Set the maximum buffer threshold per connection.
Example The following commands set the maximum buffer value per connection to
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure the number of headers supported in an HTTP request.
Replace num with the maximum number of HTTP headers supported within a
request (90-255).
Default 90
Description Configure the maximum session life for client sessions. The maximum ses-
sion life controls how long the ACOS device maintains a session table entry
for a client-server session after the session ends.
The seconds option specifies the number of seconds a client session can
remain in the session table after session completion. You can specify 1-40
Default 2 seconds
Usage The maximum session life allows time for retransmissions from clients or
servers, which can occur if there is an error in a transmission. If a retrans-
mission occurs while the ACOS device still has a session entry for the ses-
sion, the ACOS device is able to forward the retransmission. However, if the
session table entry has already aged out, the ACOS device drops the retrans-
mission instead.
Maximum session life begins aging out a session table entry when the
session ends:
• TCP – The session ends when the ACOS device receives a TCP FIN
from the client or server.
• UDP – The session ends after the ACOS device receives a server
response to the client’s request. If the reply is fragmented, the maxi-
mum session life begins only after the last fragment is received.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
NOTE: For UDP sessions, the maximum session life is used only if UDP
aging is set to short, instead of immediate. UDP aging is set in the
UDP template bound to the UDP virtual port. The default setting is
Description Configure the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) allowed for client traffic.
This command globally changes the MSS. You also can change the MSS in
individual TCP-proxy templates. (See slb template tcp-proxy.)
The num option specifies maximum MSS allowed in traffic from clients. You
can specify 128-750.
Default 538
Usage Clients who can only transmit TCP segments that are smaller than the MSS
are unable to reach servers.
Description Prevent the health status of virtual ports that are bound to aFleX scripts
from being automatically marked Up.
Default This option is disabled by default. Virtual ports that are bound to aFleX
scripts are automatically marked Up.
Example The following commands prevent the health status of virtual ports that are
bound to aFleX scripts from being automatically marked Up.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
ACOS(config-common)# no-auto-up-on-aflex
Description Configure rate limiting settings for system logging.
Parameter Description
max-local-rate Specifies the maximum number of messages per second that can be sent to the
msgs-per-second local log buffer. You can specify 1-100. The default is 32 messages per second.
max-remote-rate Specifies the maximum number of messages per second that can be sent to
msgs-per-second remote log servers. You can specify 1-1,000,000. The default is 15000 messages
per second.
exclude-destination Excludes logging to the specified destination, local or remote. By default, logging
to both destinations is enabled.
Usage Log rate limiting is enabled by default and can not be disabled. The con-
figurable settings have the default values as described in the table above.
Example The following commands increase the maximum number of log messages
per second sent to remote log servers:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Send reset if a session in the delete queue receives a SYN packet.
Description Enable the Scaleout feature for SLB.
Description Use an IP pool’s default gateway to forward traffic from a real server.
When this feature is enabled, ACOS checks the server IP subnet against the
IP NAT pool subnet. If they are on the same subnet, then ACOS uses the
gateway as defined in the IP NAT pool for Layer 2 / Layer 3 forwarding. This
feature is useful if the server does not have its own upstream router and
ACOS can leverage the same upstream router for Layer 2 / Layer 3.
Example The following commands enable traffic forwarding using an IP pool’s default
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Globally enable IP NAT support for VIPs.
Usage Source IP NAT can be configured on a virtual port in the following ways:
• ACL-based source NAT (access-list command at virtual port level)
• VIP source NAT (slb snat-on-vip command at Configuration mode level)
• aFleX policy (aflex command at virtual port level)
• Non-ACL source NAT (source-nat command at virtual port level)
These methods are used in the order shown above. For example, if IP source
NAT is configured using an ACL on the virtual port, and the slb snat-on-vip
command is also used, then a pool assigned by the ACL is used for traffic
permitted by the ACL. For traffic not permitted by the ACL, VIP source NAT
can be used instead.
The current release does not support source IP NAT on FTP or RTSP virtual
Description Enable the sort display option for SLB configuration. When this option is ena-
bled, SLB resources in the configuration are listed in alphabetical order.
The sort feature takes effect only after you configure at least one SLB
resource, after you enable the sort feature. Before you configure at least one
new SLB resource, the SLB resources still appear in the order they were
Default This option is disabled by default. With this default behavior, SLB resources
of a specific type appear in the order they are configured.
Example The following command displays the configured SLB servers, before the sort
option is enabled and activated:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
These commands enable the sort option, configure a new SLB server, and
display the configured SLB servers. The slb server commands are
alphabetically sorted.
ACOS(config)# slb common
ACOS(config-common)# sort-res
ACOS(config-common)# exit
ACOS(config)# slb server s88
ACOS(config-real server)# port 80 tcp
ACOS(config-real server-node port)# show run | include slb server
slb server MSSQLServer02
slb server Server07
slb server Server08
slb server ee
slb server fsort2
slb server fsort88
slb server http1
slb server http2
slb server ldap-sr
slb server o1
slb server rs20_10
slb server rs_http
slb server s1
slb server s88
slb server srv238
slb server srv266
slb server woo
slb server zsort2
ACOS(config-real server-node port)#
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Globally disables periodic collection of statistical data for system resources,
including CPU, memory, disks and interfaces.
Example The following commands globally disable statistics collection for system
Description Globally enables the device to allow the binding of stateless service groups
by multiple virtual ports or virtual servers.
Default Disabled
Example The following commands enable the binding of stateless service groups to
multiple virtual ports or servers.
Description Configure ACOS to base the MSS in replies from VIPs to clients on the inter-
face MTU and MSS value received from clients in SYNs.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB configuration tem-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
template-name Name of the template (1-127 characters).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This command enters the SLB Cipher Template configuration mode where
the following commands are available.
[no] cipher [priority num]
Parameter Description
cipher The cipher can be one of the names listed in the A10 SSL Cipher Suites List file located on
the A10 Networks Support Portal:
You can remove (or re-add) one cipher in the template with a single command. Enter sepa-
rate commands for each cipher to remove or re-add.
priority The cipher priority value can be 1-100. The highest priority (most favored) is 100. More
than one cipher can have the same priority. In this case, the strongest (most secure) cipher
is used.
Platforms containing a first generation SSL card support only RSA ciphers.
Use the show hardware command to see your platform’s specifications. For
more information, refer to Technical Support Advisory: Recommend SSL
Templates for PFS (Perfect Forward Secrecy) Ciphers on the A10 Networks
Default The default priority is 1. All ciphers within a template are enabled by
Optionally, you can assign a priority value to each cipher in the template. It is
recommended that users do not leave this blank. The ACOS device uses
ciphers based on priority. If the client supports the cipher that has the
highest priority, that cipher is used. If the client does not support the highest-
priority cipher, the ACOS device attempts to use the cipher with the second-
highest priority.
• An SSL cipher template takes effect only when you apply it to a client-
SSL template or server-SSL template.
• When you apply (bind) a cipher template to a client-SSL or server-SSL
template, the settings in the cipher template override any cipher settings
in that client-SSL or server-SSL template.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following command binds the cipher template, cipher_tmplt1, to the cli-
ent-SSL template, SSLInsight_ClientSide.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] keep-alive-conn number Specifies the number of new reusable connections to open before begin-
ning to reuse existing connections. You can specify 1-1024 connections.
This option is applicable for both HTTP and SIP-over-TCP sessions.
By default, this option is not enabled in the template, but when activated,
the default value is 100.
[no] limit-per-server number Maximum number of reusable connections per server port. You can
specify 0-65535. 0 means unlimited.
Default “Default” connection reuse template defaults are listed in the command
Usage The normal form of this command creates a connection reuse template. The
no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one connection-reuse template to a virtual port. However,
you can bind the same connection-reuse template to multiple ports.
Due to the way the connection-reuse feature operates, backend sessions
with servers will not be reused in either of the following cases:
• The limit-per-server option is set to a very low value, lower than the
number of data CPUs on the ACOS device.
• The keep-alive-conn option is set to a lower value than the limit-per-
server option.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This command enters the SLB DBLB Template Configuration mode where
the following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] calc-sha1 password Displays the SHA1-encrypted version of a clear text string.
[no] class-list list-name Applies a class list of username-password pairs for DBLB client authentica-
tion to access the database server.
[no] server-version type Specifies the type of database system for the DBLB server that processes
database requests. For type you can specify one of the following:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] Specifies a custom AVP value to insert into Capabilities-Exchange-Request
avp avp-num messages sent by the ACOS device to Diameter servers.
{int32 | int64 | string}
value [mandatory] For each custom AVP value to insert, you must specify the following infor-
• mandatory – Sets the AVP mandatory flag on. By default, this flag is off
(not set).
You can configure up to 6 custom AVP values for insertion. Enter the com-
mand separately for each AVP value.
[no] customize-cea Replaces the AVPs in Capabilities-Exchange-Answer (CEA) messages with
the custom AVP values you configure before forwarding the messages.
[no] duplicate avp-num Duplicates Accounting-Request messages and sends them to a separate
pattern service-group service group. This option is useful for logging, accounting, and so on.
The default is 3.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] Specifies the number of minutes a Diameter session can remain idle before
idle-timeout minutes the session is deleted. You can specify 1-65535 minutes.
The ACOS device drops all other Diameter message codes by default.
[no] multiple-origin-host Prepends the CPU ID onto the origin-host string to identify the CPU used for
a given Diameter peer connection.
The ACOS device establishes a separate peer connection with each Diame-
ter server on each CPU. The multiple-origin-host option does not enable or
disable this behavior. The option simply shows or hides the CPU ID in the
origin-host string.
[no] Sets the value of Diameter AVP 264. This AVP can be a character string and
origin-host host.realm specifies the identity of the originating host for Diameter messages. Since
the ACOS device acts as a proxy for Diameter, this AVP refers to the ACOS
device itself, not to the actual clients. From the Diameter server’s stand-
point, the ACOS device is the Diameter client.
The host is a string unique to the client (ACOS device). The realm is the
Diameter realm, specified by the origin-realm option (described below).
[no] origin-realm string Sets the value of Diameter AVP 296. This AVP can be a character string and
specifies the Diameter realm from which Diameter messages, including
requests, are originated.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] product-name string Sets the value of Diameter AVP 269. This AVP can be a character string and
specifies the product; for example, “a10dra”.
[no] session-age minutes Specifies the absolute limit for Diameter sessions. Any Diameter session
that is still in effect when the session age is reached is removed from the
ACOS session table. You can specify 1-65535 minutes.
Default The configuration does not have a default Diameter template. If you config-
ure one, the template has the default values described in the table above.
Mode Configure
Usage The normal form of this command creates a Diameter template. The no form
of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one Diameter template to a virtual port. However, you can
bind the same Diameter template to multiple ports.
Example For configuration examples, see the “Diameter Load Balancing” chapter in
the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
This command enters the SLB DNS Template Configuration mode where the
following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] class-list name Applies a class list to the template.
[no] default-policy Specifies default action when a query does not match any class-list
[cache | nocache] entries. The default is nocache.
[no] disable-dns-template Disables template. The template remains in the configuration.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] dns-log-enable period Enables logging for DNS caching. The period option specifies how often
minutes log messages are generated. You can specify 1-10000 minutes.
[no] dns64 options Enable DNS64. Specify one of the following available options:
• enable - Enable DNS64. This option must be enabled before any other
DNS64 options are enabled.
NOTE: If DNS authentication also is enabled, the initial request is not only
redirected to TCP, but is then cached so that a second request is not
made to the DNS server.
[no] malformed-query Specifies the action to take for malformed DNS queries:
{drop |
forward service-group-name} • drop – Drops malformed queries.
With either option, the malformed queries are not sent to the DNS virtual
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] max-cache-entry-size Specifies the maximum number of bytes each cache entry can have,
num 1-4096.
This feature applies only to DNS port 53. For other load-balanced DNS vir-
tual ports, requests are load balanced based on the following:
Default DNS template options have the default settings described in the table above.
Mode Configure
Usage The normal form of this command creates a DNS template. The no form of
this command removes the template.
You can bind only one DNS template to a virtual port. However, you can bind
the same DNS template to multiple ports.
For DNS caching, bind the template to virtual port type dns-udp. Virtual port
type dns applies only to DNS security.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example This example configures the age of virtual port DNS cache using DNS tem-
plate dns1 will be the minimum value between 600 seconds and server
response TTL:
Example The following command means the age of the virtual port DNS cache using
DNS template dns1 will be 600 seconds:
Example The following command means the server response TTL will be used as the
virtual port’s DNS cache TTL using DNS template dns1:
Example The following example creates the dynamic-service template with the name
DNS_service1, and then binds it to the HTTPs vPort of Inside_VIP virtual
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] bypass-ip IPv4-address If configuring for ICAP-based Traffic Steering, specifies the controller IP
{/nn | netmask} address.
[no] failure-action Specifies the action performed by ACOS when any of the following types
{continue | drop | reset} of events occurs:
• The response from the external-service server does not contain HTTP
status code 200 or 403.
• drop – Silently drops connection and does not send a reset to the cli-
NOTE: If a TCP error occurs while ACOS is waiting for a response, ACOS
resets the connection. For example, this occurs in the case of a connec-
tion reset by a URL filtering server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] request-header-for- Enable forwarding of additional headers to the proxy server. If there are
ward header-name multiple headers with the same name from the client, then only the first
header instance will be forwarded.
The URL Filter server’s HTTP module parses the client request and saves
the results in the corresponding data structure. ACOS then inserts the
configured header when it forwards the HTTP request to the proxy server.
If the response from the proxy server is good, then ACOS connects to the
destination server. If the response from the proxy server is bad, then
ACOS closes the connection.
Only GET and POST methods are forwarded by the SLB “external-service”
template, so only these methods will forward the configured request-
headers to the proxy servers.
If there are multiple headers with the same name from the client, then only
the first header instance will be forwarded.
• drop – ACOS silently drops the connection and does not send a reset to
the client.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] type Specifies the traffic type to redirect:
[icap-traffic-steering |
url-filter] • icap-traffic-steering – Steers Internet Content Adaptation Proto-
col (ICAP) to external controllers.
Default The configuration does not have a default External Service template. If you
configure one, the template has the default values described in the table
This command enters the SLB FIX Template Configuration mode where the
following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] insert-client-ip Inserts an AVP with the original client IP address to the tag 11447. For exam-
ple, if the client IP address is, this option will modify the tag to
“11447=” when the server receives this client’s PUSH data.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] tag-switching Inspects the FIX message header for a SenderCompID or TargetCompID tag
[sender-comp-id | value and uses a specific service group if the tag matches the Equals keyword.
target-comp-id] The ACOS device can inspect FIX messages and perform service group
equals string switching with one of the following options:
service-group name
• sender-comp-id – Selects a service group for FIX requests based on the
value of the SenderCompID tag. This tag identifies the financial institution
that is sending the request.
If you select the Sender Comp ID or Target Comp ID radio button, the following
options are displayed:
NOTE: The keyword is case sensitive and must match exactly with the
SendCompID tag or TargetCompID tag. For example, “ABC” is different from
This command enters the SLB FTP Template Configuration mode where the
following commands are available.
[no] active-mode-port
If you plan to use a non-standard FTP port number, use this option to specify
the port number, 1-65535.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This command enters the SLB HTTP Template Configuration mode where
the following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] 100-cont-wait-for- When the server receives an HTTP Post request with an Expect:100 Con-
req-complete tinue, it considers all subsequent inbound packets as belonging to the
request until it receives the expected number of packets for the request.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] compression option Offloads Web servers from CPU-intensive HTTP compression operations.
Options for this command are:
• auto-disable-on-high-cpu percent
Configures an automatic disable of HTTP compression based on CPU
utilization. The percent option specifies the threshold. You can specify 1-
• content-type content-string
Specifies type of content to compress, based on a string in the content-
type header of the HTTP response. The content-string can be 1-31 charac-
ters long.
• exclude-uri uri-string
Excludes an individual URI from being compressed. The URI string can
be 1-31 characters. An HTTP template can exclude up to 10 URI strings.
• keep-accept-encoding enable
Configures the ACOS device to leave the Accept-Encoding header in
HTTP requests from clients instead of removing the header.
• level number
Specifies compression level. You can use compression level 1-9. Each
level provides a higher compression ratio, beginning with level 1, which
provides the lowest compression ratio. A higher compression ratio
results in a smaller file size after compression. However, higher compres-
sion levels also require more CPU processing than lower compression
levels, so performance can be affected.
Compression is supported only for HTTP and HTTPS virtual ports. Com-
pression is not supported for fast-HTTP virtual ports.
• minimum-content-length bytes
Specifies the minimum length (in bytes) a server response can be in order
to be compressed. The length applies to the content (payload) only and
does not include the headers. You can specify 0-2147483647 bytes.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] host-switching Selects a service group based on the value in the Host field of the HTTP
{starts-with | header. The selection overrides the service group configured on the virtual
contains | port.
host-string service-group
service-group-name • For host-string, you can specify an IP address or a hostname. If the
host-string does not match, the service group configured on the virtual
port is used.
The replace option replaces any client addresses that are already in the
header. Without this option, the client IP address is appended to the lists of
client IP addresses already in the header. For example, if the header already
contains “X-Forwarded-For:” and the current client’s IP address is, the replace option changes the field:value pair to “X-Forwarded-
For:”. Without the replace option, the field:value pair becomes “X-
[no] insert-client-port Inserts the source protocol port of the client’s request into the HTTP
[http-header-name] header. If no header name is specified, the X-ClientPort header is used.
The replace option allows you to replace the content of an existing header
that matches the configured name with the client’s port number. If no
header name is specified, the X-ClientPort header is used. If the replace
option is not specified, and there is a header that matches the configured
name, the client’s port number is added to the end of the specified header.
[no] keep-client-alive Keeps the session between ACOS and the session up even after the part of
the session between ACOS and the backend server is terminated.
[no] log-retry Logs HTTP retries. An HTTP retry occurs when the ACOS device resends a
client’s HTTP request to a server because the server did not reply to the first
request. (HTTP retries are enabled using the retry-on-5xx or retry-on-
5xx-per-req command in the HTTP template.)
[no] non-http-bypass Redirects non-HTTP traffic to a specific service group. By default, the ACOS
service-group group-name device will drop non-HTTP requests that are sent to an HTTP port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] redirect Automatically sends a redirect response to HTTP client requests. You can optionally
[location location |
secure | specify the following:
[secure] port portnum ] • location location
{301 | 302 | 303 | 307}]
A static location string to which the client will be redirected.
• port portnum
TCP port number to use for the redirect.
• response-code
The response code to apply. 302 Found is used by default. The following
response codes can be configured:
• 302 (Found)
• secure
To redirect clients to an HTTPS port other than the default, enter the follow-
ing command instead: redirect-rewrite secure port port-num
[no] req-hdr-wait-time Sets a request header wait time to prevent Slowloris attacks. All portions of
seconds a client’s request header must be received within the specified amount of
time. Otherwise, ACOS terminates the connection. You can specify 1-31
seconds. The default is 7.
[no] request-header-erase Erases the specified header (field) from HTTP requests.
[no] Inserts the specified header into HTTP requests. The field:value pair indi-
request-header-insert cates the header field name and the value to insert.
[insert-always | If you use the insert-always option, the command always inserts the
field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with the same
field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] Parses HTTP request lines with no case sensitivity.
[no] Replaces data in the HTTP response from the server. The original-con-
response-content-replace tent specifies the content to look for in server responses. The new-con-
original-content tent specifies the content to use to replace the original content. For each
new-content value, you can specify a string of 1-127 characters. If a string contains
blank spaces, use double quotation marks around the string.
For example, assume that a service group has three members (s1, s2, and
s3), and the retry is set to 1. In this case, if s1 replies with a 5xx status code,
the ACOS device reassigns the request to s2. If s2 also responds with a 5xx
status code, the ACOS device will not reassign the request to s3, because
the maximum number of retries has already been used.
If you use this command, the ACOS device stops sending client requests to
a service port for 30 seconds following reassignment. If you want the ser-
vice port to remain eligible for client requests, use the following command
instead. An HTTP template can contain one or the other of these com-
mands, but not both.
NOTE: The 5xx options are supported only for virtual port types HTTP and
HTTPS. They are not supported for fast-HTTP or any other virtual port type.
[no] retry-on-5xx-per-req This command provides the same function as the retry-on-5xx com-
num mand (described above). However, the retry-on-5xx-per-req command
does not briefly stop using a service port following reassignment. An HTTP
template can contain one or the other of these commands, but not both.
[no] Forces the ACOS device to perform the server selection process anew for
strict-transaction-switch every HTTP request. Without this option, the ACOS device reselects the
same server for subsequent requests (assuming the same server group is
used), unless overridden by other template options.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] template logging Specifies a logging template to use for external logging of HTTP events
template-name over TCP.
[no] Enables the ACOS device to terminate HTTP 1.1 client connections when
term-11client-hdr- the “Connection: close” header exists in the HTTP request. This option is
conn-close applicable to connection-reuse deployments that have HTTP 1.1 clients
that are not compliant with the HTTP 1.1 standard. Without this option, ses-
sions for non-compliant HTTP 1.1. clients are not terminated.
[no] url-hash-persist Enables server stickiness based on hash values. If this feature is config-
[offset offset-bytes] ured, for each URL request, the ACOS device calculates a hash value based
{first | last} bytes on part of the URL string. The ACOS device then selects a real server based
[user-server-status] on the hash value. A given hash value always results in selection of the
same real server. Thus, requests for a given URL always go to the same real
The offset option specifies how far into the string to begin hash calcula-
The first and last options specify which end of the URL string to use to
calculate the hash value.
The bytes option specifies how many bytes to use to calculate the hash
Optionally, you can use URL hashing with either URL switching or host
switching. Without URL switching or host switching configured, URL hash
switching uses the hash value to choose a server within the default service
group (the one bound to the virtual port). If URL switching or host switching
is configured, for each HTTP request, the ACOS device first selects a service
group based on the URL or host switching values, then calculates the hash
value and uses it to choose a server within the selected service group.
NOTE: This feature requires some custom configuration on the server. For
information, see the “URL Hash Switching” section in the “HTTP Options for
SLB” chapter of the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
[no] url-switching Selects a service group based on the URL string requested by the client.
{starts-with | The selection overrides the service group configured on the virtual port.
ends-with |
url-case-insensitive | • starts-with – matches only if the URL starts with url-string.
service-group • contains – matches if the url-string appears anywhere within the
service-group-name URL.
NOTE: You can use URL switching or Host switching in an HTTP template,
but not both. However, if you need to use both types of switching, you can
do so with an aFleX script.
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NOTE: For a list of media type strings, see the Internet Assigned Numbers
Authority Web site: http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types
NOTE: You can use URL switching or Host switching in an HTTP template,
but not both. However, if you need to use both types of switching,
you can do so with an aFleX script.
Default The configuration has a default HTTP template. In the template, most
options are disabled or not set.
Compression is disabled by default. When you enable it, it has the default
settings described in the table above.
To display the default HTTP template settings, use the show slb template
http default command.
Usage The normal form of this command creates an HTTP configuration template.
The no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one HTTP template to a virtual port. However, you can
bind the same HTTP template to multiple ports.
The starts-with, contains, and ends-with options are always applied in the
following order, regardless of the order in which the commands appear in the
configuration. The service group for the first match is used.
• starts-with
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• contains
• ends-with
If a template has more than one command with the same option (starts-
with, contains, or ends-with) and a host name or URL matches on more
than one of them, the most-specific match is always used. For example, if a
template has the following commands, host "ddeeff" will always be directed
to service group http-sgf:
slb template http http-host
host-switching starts-with d service-group http-sgd
host-switching starts-with dd service-group http-sge
host-switching starts-with dde service-group http-sgf
If a contains rule and an ends-with rule match on exactly the same string,
the ends-with rule is used, because it has the more specific match.
If you use the starts-with option with URL switching, use a slash in front of
the URL string. For example:
url-switching starts-with /urlexample service-group http-sg1
If a URL matches on more than redirect-rewrite rule within the same HTTP
template, the ACOS device selects the rule that has the most specific match
to the URL. For example, if a server sends redirect URL,
and the HTTP template has the redirect-rewrite rules shown below, the ACOS
device will use the last rule because it is the most specific match to the URL:
slb template http 1
redirect-rewrite match /00 rewrite-to http://
redirect-rewrite match /000.html rewrite-to /001.gif
redirect-rewrite match rewrite-to
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Example The following commands configure an HTTP template called “http-host” that
selects a service group based on the contents of the Host field in the HTTP
headers of client requests. Requests for hostnames that start with “Gossip”
are directed to service group “http-sg1”. Requests for hostnames that con-
tain “NewsDeskA” are directed to service group “http-sg2”. Requests for
hostnames that end with “weather.com” are directed to service group “http-
Example These commands configure an HTTP template to use URL hashing. Hash
values are calculated based on the last 8 bytes of the URL. In this example,
URL switching is also configured in the template. As a result, the ACOS
device uses URL switching to select a service group first, then uses URL
hashing to select a server within that service group. If the template did not
also contain URL switching commands, this template would always select a
server from service group sg3.
Example These commands configure an HTTP template that replaces the client IP
addresses in the X-Forwarded-For field with the current client IP address:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example These commands enter slb-port template configuration mode for the port
name xyz, then configures that port, upon receiving an HTTP request with an
Expect: 100 Continue, assigns all subsequent packets to that request until it
receives an expected number of packets.
Command Description
[no] cookie Matches based on cookie values. For descriptions of the other options,
match-option cookie-value see below.
template waf-template-name
[no] cookie-name Matches based on cookie names. For descriptions of the other options,
match-option cookie-name see below.
template waf-template-name
[no] geo-location string Matches the traffic source based on its geo-location.
{service-group group-name
[template waf template-name]
| template waf template-name
[service-group group-name]}
[no] host Matches based on host names. For descriptions of the other options, see
match-option host-name below.
template waf-template-name
[no] url Matches based on URL strings. For descriptions of the other options, see
match-option url-string below.
template waf-template-name
match-option Type of matching to perform:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage These match options are always applied in the order shown above, regard-
less of the order in which the rules appear in the configuration. The WAF
template associated with the rule that matches first is used.
If a template has more than one rule with the same match option (equals,
starts-with, contains, or ends-with) and a URL matches on more than one of
them, the most-specific match is always used.
Command Description
logindisabled When used, the server will expect the login to be in an encrypted format.
• enforced - for IMAP., only the CAPABILITY command can precede START-
TLS; all other commands are rejected. For POP3, no commands are
allowed before STARTTLS; all commands are rejected.
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This command enters the SLB Logging Template Configuration mode where
the following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] format string Configures a log string. Web logging is described in detail in the “Web Log-
ging for HTTP and RAM Caching” section of the Application Delivery and
Server Load Balancing Guide.
[no] local-logging {0 | 1} Enables or disables local logging:
• Use mask to specify a character to use as the mask for the matched pat-
tern; the default is “X”.
[no] service-group For remote logging, specifies the name of the service group that contains
group-name the log servers.
[no] template tcp-proxy Binds a TCP-proxy template to the logging template.
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Usage Logging over TCP also requires some additional configuration. See the Appli-
cation Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
Replace num with the identification number of the template. This can be a
number between 1 to 16.
This command enters the SLB Monitor Template Configuration mode where
the following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] action options Specifies the action to perform when a monitored event is
Default The ports within a given monitor entry are always ANDed. If you specify
more than one port (eth portnum option) in the same monitor entry, the
specified event must occur on all the ports in the entry. For example, if you
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
specify link-down eth 9 eth 11, the link must go down on ports 9 and 11, for
the link-state changes to count as a monitored event.
Usage The logical operator applies only to monitor entries, not to action entries. For
example, if the logical operator is OR, and at least one of the monitored
events occurs, all the actions configured in the template are applied.
You can configure the entries in any order. In the configuration, the entries of
each type are ordered based on sequence number.
Example The following example shows how to use the SLB link monitoring command
in a CGN shared partition:
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This command enters the SLB Persist Cookie Template Configuration mode
where the following commands are available.
Command Description
[no] domain domain-name Adds the specified domain name to the cookie.
[no] dont-honor-conn-rules Ignores connection limit settings configured on real servers and real ports.
This option is useful for applications in which multiple sessions (connec-
tions) are likely to be used for the same persistent cookie.
By default, this is disabled; the connection limit set on real servers and real
ports is used.
[no] expire expire-seconds Specifies the number of seconds a cookie persists on a client’s PC before
being deleted by the client’s browser. You can specify from 0 to
31,536,000 seconds (one year). (Do not enter the commas.) If you specify
0, cookies persist only for the current session.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] match-type Changes the granularity of cookie persistence.
{server [service-group] |
service-group} • server – The cookie inserted into the HTTP header of the server reply
[scan-all-members] to a client ensures that subsequent requests from the client for the
same VIP are sent to the same real server. (This assumes that all virtual
ports of the VIP use the same cookie persistence template with match-
type set to server.)
NOTE: To use URL switching or host switching, you also must configure
an HTTP template with the host-switching or url-switching com-
The default match type is port. (There is no port keyword. See “Usage”
for more information.)
[no] name cookie-name Specifies the name of the persistence cookie, 1-63 characters.
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The vport is the virtual port number. The rserverIP is the real server IP
address and the rport is the real server port number.
The port option is shown in parentheses because the CLI does not have
a “port” keyword. If you do not set the match type to server (see below),
the match type is automatically “port”.
• match-type server – Subsequent requests from the client for the same
VIP will be sent to the same real server, provided that all virtual ports of
the VIP use the same cookie persistence template with match-type set
to server. URL switching or host switching can be used only for the first
The cookie that the ACOS device inserts into the server reply has this
Set-Cookie: cookiename=rserverIP
The cookie that the ACOS device inserts into the server reply has the fol-
lowing format:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Set-Cookie: cookiename-vport-servicegroupname=rserverIP_rport
Command Description
[no] Ignores connection limit settings configured on real servers and real ports.
dont-honor-conn-rules This option is useful for applications in which multiple sessions (connections)
are likely to be used for the same persistent destination IP address.
This is disabled by default; the connection limit set on real servers and real
ports is used.
[no] hash-persist Enables hash-based persistence. Hash-based persistence provides the per-
sistence and performance benefits of hash-based load balancing, while allow-
ing use of advanced SLB features that require stateful load balancing.
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Command Description
[no] match-type Specifies the granularity of persistence:
{server | service-group}
[scan-all-members] • server – Traffic to a given destination IP address is always sent to the
same real server, for any service port.
To use URL switching or host switching, you also must configure an HTTP
template with the host-switching or url-switching command.
For SLB, by default, traffic to a given destination IP address and port is always
sent to the same real port. This is the most granular setting. (There is no port
[no] netmask ipaddr Specifies the granularity of IPv4 address hashing for initial server port selec-
• To configure initial server port selection to occur once per destination VIP
subnet, configure the network mask to indicate the subnet length. For
example, to select a server port once for all requested VIPs within a subnet
such as 10.10.10.x, 192.168.1.x, and so on (“class C” subnets), use mask SLB selects a server port for the first request to the given
VIP subnet, the sends all other requests for the same VIP subnet to the
same port.
Default The configuration does not have a default destination-IP persistence tem-
plate. If you configure one, it has the defaults specified in the table above.
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Usage The normal form of this command creates a destination-IP persistence tem-
plate. The “no” form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one destination-IP persistence template to a virtual port.
You can bind the a destination-IP persistence template to multiple ports.
Command Description
[no] Ignores connection limit settings configured on real servers and real ports.
dont-honor-conn-rules This option is useful for applications in which multiple sessions (connec-
tions) are likely to be used for the same persistent client source IP address.
This is disabled by default; the connection limit set on real servers and real
ports is used.
[no] Enables Source-IP Persistence Override and Reselect. When this feature is
enforce-higher-priority enabled, the ACOS device continually checks for the presence of higher-pri-
ority servers, even if source-IP persistence is enabled and sessions are
already established between client and server.
[no] hash-persist Enables hash-based persistence. Hash-based persistence provides the per-
sistence and performance benefits of hash-based load balancing, while
allowing use of advanced SLB features that require stateful load balancing.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] match-type Specifies the granularity of persistence:
{server [scan-all-members]
| service-group} • server – Traffic from a given client to the same VIP is always sent to the
same real server, for any service port requested by the client.
By default (without the server option), traffic from a given client to the
same virtual port is always sent to the same real port. This is the most
granular setting.
NOTE: To use URL switching or host switching, you also must configure an
HTTP template with the host-switching or url-switching command.
NOTE: The match type for FWLB is always server, which sets the granu-
larity of source-IP persistence to individual firewalls, not firewall groups or
individual service ports.
For SLB, by default, traffic from a given client to the same virtual port is
always sent to the same real port. This is the most granular setting. (There
is no port keyword.)
For FWLB, the default is server and none of the other match-type options
are applicable.
[no] netmask ipaddr Specifies the granularity of IP address hashing for server port selection.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] timeout minutes Specifies period the mapping remains persistent after the last time traffic
from the client is sent to the server. You can specify 1-2000 minutes (about
33 hours).
Default The configuration does not have a default source-IP persistence template. If
you configure one, it has the defaults described in the table above.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a source-IP persistence template.
The “no” form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one source-IP persistence template to a virtual port.
However, you can bind the same source-IP persistence template to multiple
If you use the incl-sport option, the IP address in the Forward Source
column of show session output is modified to include the source port. For
example, “” is shown as “”.
Using the Same VIP and Port Number for TCP and UDP Ports
When applying the source-IP persistence template to two virtual ports with
the same VIP and protocol port number but different Layer 4 protocols (TCP
or UDP), member lists for the ports must be identical in both TCP and UDP
service groups.
The configuration will not work if the member lists in the service groups are
different. For example, the configuration will not work if the TCP group's
member list is changed to either of the following:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
slb service-group 5060-tcp tcp
member s1 5061
member s2 5061
SSL session-ID persistence directs all client requests for a given virtual port,
and that have a given SSL session ID, to the same real server and real port.
For example, with SSL session-ID persistence configured, all client requests
for virtual port 443 on virtual server that have the same SSL session
ID will be directed to the same real server and port.
The persistence is based on the SSL session ID, not on the client IP address.
Command Description
[no] Ignores connection limit settings configured on real servers and real ports.
dont-honor-conn-rules This option is useful for applications in which multiple sessions (connections)
are likely to be used for the same persistent SSL session ID.
Disabled by default; the connection limit set on real servers and real ports is
[no] timeout minutes Specifies how many minutes the mapping remains persistent after the last
time traffic with the SSL session ID is sent to the server. You can specify 1-250
minutes. The default is 5 minutes.
Default The configuration does not have a default SSL session-ID persistence tem-
plate. If you configure one, it has the defaults described in the table above.
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Usage The normal form of this command creates an SSL session-ID persistence
template. The “no” form of this command removes the template.
You can bind one SSL session-ID persistence template to a virtual port.
However, you can bind the same SSL session-ID persistence template to
multiple ports.
To display SSL session-ID persistence statistics, use the show slb l4
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB cache templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
This command enters the SLB Cache Template Configuration mode where
the commands in SLB Cache Template Configuration Mode Commands are
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage The normal form of this command creates a RAM caching configuration
template. The no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one RAM caching template to a virtual port. However, you
can bind the same RAM caching template to multiple ports.
If a URI matches the pattern in more than one policy command, the policy
command with the most specific match is used. For example, if a template
has the following commands, content for page122 is cached whereas
content for page123 is not cached:
policy uri /page12 cache 300
policy uri /page123 nocache
Wildcard characters (for example: ? and *) are not supported in RAM Caching
policies. For example, if the string pattern contains “*”, it is interpreted
literally, as the “*” character.
Matching is performed based on containment; all URIs containing the
pattern string match the rule. For example, the following policy matches all
URIs that contain the string “.jpg” and sets the cache timeout for the
matching objects to 7200 seconds:
policy uri .jpg cache 7200
Example The following commands configure a RAM caching template. In this exam-
ple, all the default RAM cache settings are used.
Example The following commands configure some dynamic caching policies. The pol-
icy that matches on “/list” caches content for 5 minutes. The policy that
matches on “/private” does not cache content.
Example The following commands configure a RAM caching template that will only
cache content from www.xyz.com/news-clips.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• accept-reload-req
• age
• default-policy-nocache
• disable-insert-age
• disable-insert-via
• max-cache-size
• max-content-size
• min-content-size
• policy
• remove-cookies
• replacement-policy LFU
• template logging
• verify-host
To access these commands at the SLB cache template level, enter the slb template cache command.
Description Enables support for the following Cache-Control headers:
• Cache-Control: no-cache
• Cache-Control: max-age=0
When support for these headers is enabled, either header causes the ACOS
device to reload the cached object from the origin server.
Default Disabled.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies how long a cached object can remain in the ACOS RAM cache
without being requested.
NOTE: NOTE: his value is used if the web server specifies that the object is
cacheable but does not specify for how long. If the server does spec-
ify how long the object is cacheable, then the server value is used
Parameter Description
seconds Number of seconds (1-999999, about 11.5 days).
Default 3600 seconds (1 hour), if the server specifies that the object is cacheable but
does not specify for how long.
Description Changes the default cache policy in the template from cache to nocache.
This option gives you tighter control over content caching. When you use the
default no-cache policy, the only content that is cached is cacheable content
whose URI matches an explicit cache policy.
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Description Disables insertion of Age headers into cached responses.
Description Disables insertion of Via headers into cached responses.
Syntax [no] disable-insert-via
Description Specifies the size (in MB) of the RAM cache.
Parameter Description
num Maximum size (in MB) of the RAM cache (1-4096).
Default 80MB.
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Description Specifies the maximum object size that can be cached. The ACOS device will
not cache objects larger than this size. If you specify 0, no objects can be
Parameter Description
num Maximum object size in Bytes, 0-268435455 bytes (256MB).
Description Specifies the minimum object size that can be cached. The ACOS device will
not cache objects smaller than this size. If you specify 0, all objects smaller
than or equal to the maximum content size can be cached.
Parameter Description
num Minimum object size in Bytes, 0-268435455 bytes (256MB).
Description Configure a policy for dynamic caching.
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Parameter Description
local-uri Specifies the portion of a local URL string to match on (1-63 characters).
uri Specifies the portion of the URL string to match on (1-63 characters).
cache Caches the content.
Example The following commands configure some dynamic caching policies. The pol-
icy that matches on “/list” caches content for 5 minutes. The policy that
matches on “/private” does not cache content.
Description Removes cookies from server replies so the replies can be cached. RAM
caching does not cache server replies that contain cookies. (Image files are
an exception. RAM caching can cache images that have cookies.)
replacement-policy LFU
Description Specifies Least Frequently Used (LFU) policy is used to make room for new
objects when RAM cache is full. When RAM cache is more than 90% full,
ACOS device discards least-frequently used objects to ensure room for new
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template logging
Description Specifies a logging template to use for external logging of RAM caching
events over TCP.
Parameter Description
name Name of an existing logging template.
Example Specify a logging template “extlog1” that should be used for logging RAM
caching events:
Description Enables the ACOS device to cache the host name in addition to the URI for
cached content. Use this command if a real server that contains cacheable
content will host more than one host name (for example, www.abc.com and
Default By default, this is disabled. Host names are not cached along with URIs for
cached content.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P7 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB client SSL templates.
The following sections are available in this chapter:
To apply a template to a virtual port, use template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Default If none of the SSL Client template sub-commands in the preceding table are
configured, the default action of the SSL Client template is the combined
default actions of the individual SSL C;lient sub-commands.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P7 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage The normal form of this command creates a client-SSL configuration tem-
plate. The no form of this command removes the template.
For the forward-proxy-bypass option, match rules are always applied in the
following order:
• equals sni-string
• starts-with sni-string
• contains sni-string
• ends-with sni-string
The close-notify option can not be used along with the TCP-proxy template
force-delete-timeout option. Doing so may cause unexpected behavior
Example The following example shows how the certificate drop action is enabled in
the SSL Client template named, ClientSide_vRouter. Specifically, the drop
action occurs when OCSP reports the certificate is not currently valid.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P7 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• auth-username
• auth-username-attribute
• authorization
• ca-cert
• cert
• chain-cert
• cipher
• client-certificate
• client-certificate-Request-CA
• close-notify
• crl
• dh-param
• disable-sslv3
• ec-name
• enable-tls-alert-logging fatal
• forward-proxy-alt-sign
• forward-proxy-bypass
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ACOS 4.1.1-P7 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• forward-proxy-ca-cert
• forward-proxy-ca-key
• forward-proxy-cache-persistence
• forward-proxy-cert-cache
• forward-proxy-cert-expiry
• forward-proxy-cert-ext
• forward-proxy-cert-not-ready-action
• forward-proxy-cert-revoke-action
• forward-proxy-cert-unknown-action
• forward-proxy-cert-validity
• forward-proxy-crl-disable
• forward-proxy-decrypted dscp
• forward-proxy-enable
• forward-proxy-failsafe-disable
• forward-proxy-inspect
• forward-proxy-log-disable
• forward-proxy-ocsp-disable
• forward-proxy-selfsign-redir
• forward-proxy-source-nat
• forward-proxy-ssl-version
• forward-proxy-trusted-ca
• forward-proxy-verify-cert-fail-action
• hsm-param
• key
• non-ssl-bypass
• ocsp-stapling
• renegotiation-disable
• server-name
• server-name-regex
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• session-cache-size
• session-cache-timeout
• session-ticket-lifetime
• ssl-false-start-disable
• sslv2-bypass
• template
• version
To access these commands at the SLB client SSL template level, enter the slb template client-ssl com-
Description Specifies the field to check in SSL certificates from clients in order to find the
client name.
Syntax [no] auth-username {
Parameter Description
common-name Configuring this option causes the ACOS device to extract the client’s
common name from the certificate.
subject-alt-name-email Configuring this option causes the ACOS device to extract the Email
address from the client’s certificate. For example, if the client name is
“[email protected]” then the entire string “[email protected]” would
be extracted with this option
subject-alt-name-othername Configuring this option causes the ACOS device to extract the UPN infor-
mation from the certification. For example, if the client name is
“[email protected]” then the string “user” would be extracted with this
Usage Multiple options can be specified, but you must specify at least one.
If multiple options are specified, the ACOS device will attempt to extract the
username from the options in the order they are specified. For example:
auth-username subject-alt-name-email subject-alt-name-othername
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This command causes the ACOS device to first attempt to extract the
username from subject-alt-name-email, and only if not found, will it then
attempt to extract the username from subject-alt-name-othername.
Example Configure the ACOS device to extract the Email address from the client cer-
Description Specify attribute name of username for client SSL.
Parameter Description
string Attribute name (1-31 characters).
Default None.
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Description Specify an LDAP server to user for client SSL authorization.
Parameter Description
server-name Specifies the name of a previously configured ACOS LDAP authori-
zation server.
service-group service-group-name Specifies the name of a previously configured ACOS LDAP service
ldap-base-dn-from-cert Specifies that LDAP authorization process uses the Subject DN as
the LDAP search base DN.
ldap-search-filter filter-string Provides the LDAP filter used in the authorization process. The
syntax rules for this filter string are provided in RFC 4515.
Description Specify the name of the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to use for vali-
dating client certificates. The CA certificate must be installed on the ACOS
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ACOS 4.1.1-P7 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
If either of the ocsp options is included in the command line, ACOS checks
client’s SSL certificate via OCSP CA rather than using the CRL of the CA-
Parameter Description
cert-name CA certificate name (1-255 characters).
ocsp-server-name Name of the OCSP server.
ocsp-service-group-name Name of the OCSP service group.
Description Specifies the name of the certificate to use for terminating or initiating an
SSL connection. The certificate must be installed on the ACOS device.
Parameter Description
cert-name CA certificate name (1-255 characters).
Description Specifies a certificate-key chain.
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Parameter Description
chain-cert-name Chain certificate name (1-255 characters).
Description Specifies the cipher suite to support for certificates from clients.
Parameter Description
cipher-name CA certificate name (1-255 characters).
You can remove (or re-add) one cipher in the template with a sin-
gle command. Enter separate commands for each cipher to
remove or re-add.
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Description Specifies the action that the ACOS device takes in response to a client’s con-
nection request.
Parameter Description
Ignore The ACOS device does not request the client to send its certificate.
Require The ACOS device requires the client certificate. This action requests
the client to send its certificate. However, the SSL handshake does
not proceed (it fails) if the client sends a NULL certificate or the cer-
tificate is invalid.
Request The ACOS device requests the client to send its certificate. With this
action, the SSL handshake proceeds even if either of the following
Use this option if you want the request to trigger an aFleX policy for
further processing.
Default Ignore.
Description Specifies the name of a CA certificate used in requests for client authentica-
Default No default.
Example The following commands configure the ACOS device to request the client
certificate and to send the list of more than 10 CAs in the certificate request.
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Description Enables closure alerts for SSL sessions. When this option is enabled, the
ACOS device sends a close_notify message when an SSL transaction ends,
before sending a FIN. This behavior is required by certain types of client
applications, including PHP cgi. For this type of client, if the ACOS device
does not send a close_notify, an error or warning appears on the client.
Description Specifies the names of the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to use for ver-
ifying whether server certificates have been revoked. The CRLs must be
installed on the ACOS device first. (Use the import command for more
details). The CA certificate relevant to the CRL must also be specified.
When you add a CRL to a server-SSL template, the ACOS device checks the
CRL to confirm whether or not the servers’ certificates have been revoked or
not by the issuing Certificate Authority (CA).
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Parameter Description
file-name CRL file name (1-255 characters).
Example This example shows how to add CRL and CA certificates to a client-SSL tem-
NOTE: NOTE: If you plan to use a CRL, you must set the client-certificate
mode to Require. The CRL should be signed by the same issuer as
the CA certificate. Otherwise, the client and ACOS device will not be
able to establish a connection.
Description Specify Diffie-Hellman parameters.
Description Disables support for SSLv3 in client-SSL templates.
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NOTE: NOTE: If you disable SSLv3 support, when ACOS receives an SSL
Hello message from a client, ACOS responds by sending a TCP-FIN
to the client to end the session.
Description Specifies the Elliptic Curve name.
Syntax [no] ec-name {secp256r1 | secp384r1}
Default secp256r1
enable-tls-alert-logging fatal
Description Enables logging of TLS alerts that include the flow information such as
source IP address.
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Description Sets the forward proxy alternate signing certificate and certificate key.
Optionally sets a password phrase and corresponding encrypted password
If the SSL site requested by the client is not on the trusted list (set by the
forward-proxy-trusted-ca command), the inside ACOS device signs the cert
with the key specified by this command.
Parameter Description
cert-name Certificate name.
key-name Certificate key.
pass-phrase Password (1-128 characters).
encrypt-pw-string Encrypted password string (1-512 characters).
Example The keyword encrypted is only allowed in the no form of the command. For
Description Sets the match criteria for bypassing SSL Insight.
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equals sni-string |
starts-with sni-string |
web-category option
Parameter Description
case-insensitive Disables case sensitivity for SNI string matching.
class-list Bypasses SSLi when the SNI of the external server URL matches based on the speci-
fied AC class list or class-lists.
When enabled by the multi-class-list command option, you can enter the names
of up to 16 file-type class lists for each slb template client-ssl instance. If not
enabled by the multi-class-list command option, you can enter only one class list
client-auth Bypasses interception of client SSL authentication traffic. The class-list option
specifies an AC class list to use for SNI matching as a required additional criteria. The
sni-string options (equals, contains, ends-with, and starts-with) are described
below; these are SNI string criteria for matching as an additional criteria.
contains A string criteria that matches if the specified string appears anywhere within the SNI
value of the server URL.
ends-with String criteria that matches only if SNI value of the server URL ends with the specified
equals String criteria that matches only if SNI value of the server URL completely matches the
specified string.
starts-with String criteria that matches only if SNI value of the server URL starts with specified
web-category Bypasses traffic to URLs that are within the specified category.
Description Name of the CA-signed certificate. Specify the same name you specified
when you uploaded the certificate to the ACOS device. This command
applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device for the intercep-
tion of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
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Parameter Description
cert-name CA-signed certificate name (1-255 characters).
Description Name of the private key for the CA-signed certificate. Specify the same
name you specified when you uploaded the key to the ACOS device.
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
Parameter Description
key-name Key name (1-255 characters).
Description Specifies an Aho-Corasick (AC) class-list of SNIs of forged certificates that
are to be retained in the cache when ACOS is rebooted or whenever the
ACOS forward-proxy process is restarted. If an SNI in the certificate matches
an entry in this class list, it is retained; otherwise, it is dropped.
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This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
Parameter Description
name Class-list name (1-63 characters).
Default If a persist class list is not bound to a client-SSL template, the cached forged
certificates do not persist.
Description Configures forward proxy certificate cache options.
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
r Description
limit Specifies the certificate cache size limit in bytes (0-2147483647).
Set the timeout to 0 for the certificate cache to never timeout. A Cer-
tificate can remain in the cache up to the value set in cache timeout.
When a certificate exceeds that time, it is removed.
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Description The number of hours that the forward proxy certificates will be valid.
If the expiry occurs after the validity end-date, then this command will adjust
the validity end date.
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
r Description
hours Number of hours (1-168).
Default By default, the forged forward proxy certs have the same expiration as the
original certificates.
Description Specify the certificate extension for a Certificate Revocation List Distribution
Point (CRLDP) or an Authority Information Access extension for Online Cer-
tificate Status Protocol (OCSP) or Certificate Authority (CA) Issuer for certifi-
cate validation.
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
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Description Configures the action of the client connection if ACOS does not have the proxied cert ready.
Default By default, SSL proxy session is bypassed when the proxied cert is not ready.
Description Configures the action of the client connection if OCSP or CRL verification
determines the certificate is irreversibly revoked. The options available are
bypassing SSL Proxy, continuing with the connection, or dropping the con-
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
Default By default, SSL proxy is bypassed if OCSP or CRL verification determines any
certificate in the chain is unknown.
Description Configures the action of the client connection if OCSP or CRL verification
determines the certificate status is ‘unknown.’ The options available are
bypassing SSL Proxy, continuing with the connection, or dropping the con-
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
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Default By default, SSL proxy is bypassed if OCSP or CRL verification determines any
certificate in the chain is irreversibly revoked.
Description Specify the starting and ending certificate validation period in which the cer-
tificate status and information will be maintained.
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
Parameter Description
day Set the day of the month (1-31).
month Set the month (1-12).
year Set the year (2005-2035).
Default None.
Example The following example shows how to add the starting validation time of
November 1, 2005 for proxied certificates from the ACOS device.
Description Disable Certificate Revocation List (CRL) services for SSLi (forward-proxy).
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This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
forward-proxy-decrypted dscp
Description Sets the DSCP value for decrypted and bypassed traffic for SSLi configura-
Syntax [no] forward-proxy-decrypted dscp dscp_value_decrypted
Parameter Description
dscp_value_decrypted DSCP value for decrypted traffic. The
value ranges from 1 to 63.
dscp_value_bypassed DSCP value for bypassed traffic. The
value ranges from 1 to 63.
Default None.
Usage Use this command to set the DSCP value for encrypted and bypassed traffic
in an SSLi client template. If the service group has a template with DSCP
configured, this command takes precedence.
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Description Enable SSL Insight support.
Description Forward proxy (SSLi) failsafe enables SSLi traffic interception to be
bypassed when there is a handshake failure. The most common handshake
failures are due to servers only accepting elliptical ciphers.
Default This feature is enabled by default; use this command to disable SSLi failsafe.
Description Perform SSL Insight only if the traffic matches an entry in the specified class
list. and is not bypassed by any other matching criteria. Only Aho-Corasick
class-lists are supported by this command.
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Parameter Description
name Class-list name (1-63 characters).
Description Disable SSL forward proxy (SSLi) logging.
Default SSLi logging is enabled by default; use this command to disable SSLi log-
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Description Disable OCSP Stapling for SSL forward proxy (SSLi).
Description With this option enabled, ACOS redirects traffic away from the self-signed
site and to a warning page in which the client sees “The page you have tried
to reach uses an untrusted certificate, please contact your administrator.”
Description To provision the SSL-Client template for source NAT, enter this command with either
the auto or pool pool-name option.
When a fetched SSL session is connected and the source NAT pool
option is configured, the ACOS device replaces the client source IP
address of forwarded SSLi traffic with an address from the specified
NAT pool.
• auto
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When a fetched SSL session is connected and the source NAT auto
option is configured, the ACOS device replaces the client source IP
address of forwarded SSLi traffic with the address of the real server that
is forwarding traffic to the SSL server.
• precedence
Enables source NAT configuration that is defined in the client SSL tem-
plate to have a higher priority than the source NAT defined in the SLB
policy template.
Example The following example configures dynamic IP addresses for source NAT in
the SSL-Client template:
Example The following example configures static IP addresses for source NAT in the
SSL-Client template with precedence set for source NAT:
Description Specify the version of SSL to be used with SSL Insight.
Parameter Description
31 SSL/TLS v1.0.
32 SSL/TLS v1.1.
33 SSL/TLS v1.2.
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Description File in PEM format listing all the trusted CA certificates. When server verifica-
tion is configured using this list, the action is to drop client connections if the
certificate of the outside server is not on the trusted list.
This command applies only to the CA certs that are proxied for on the ACOS
device for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi (that is, forward-proxy)
Parameter Description
file Trusted CA file name (1-255 characters).
Description Configure the action of the client connection if CRL verification of any certifi-
cate fails. The options available are bypassing SSL Proxy, continuing with
the connection, or dropping the connection.
This command applies only to the certs that are forged on the ACOS device
for the interception of SSL sessions in SSLi configurations.
Syntax [no] forward-proxy-verify-cert-fail-action
{bypass | continue | drop}
Default By default, the client connection is dropped if CRL verification of any certifi-
cate in the chain is not successful.
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Description Specify HSM parameters.
Parameter Description
thales-embed Thales embed key.
thales-hwcrhk Thales hwcrhk key.
Description Specifies the key for the certificate, and the passphrase used to encrypt the
Parameter Description
key-name Key name (1-255 characters).
string Password phrase (1-128 characters).
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Description Specifies that non-SSL session traffic is redirected to the specified service
Parameter Description
name Service group name (1-127 characters).
Description Configure OCSP Stapling support.
Syntax [no] ocsp-stapling ca-cert cert-name ocsp
{auth-server-name | service-group group-name}
[period [days num | hours num | minutes num]
[timeout minutes]
Parameter Description
cert-name CA certificate name.
auth-server-name OCSP authentication server name (1-63 characters).
group-name OCSP authentication service-group name (1-127 charac-
period Specifies how often ACOS contacts the server or service
group for updates.
Default is 1 hour.
timeout Specifies the timeout for server retries, 1-65535.
Default is 30 minutes.
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Description Disable automatic TLS/SSL renegotiation.
Description Configure Server Name Indication (SNI) in the client Hello extension.
Syntax [no] server-name server-name cert cert-name key key-name
[pass-phrase string]
Parameter Description
server-name Server name string (1-63 characters).
cert-name Server certificate associated to SNI (1-255 characters).
key-name Server private key associated to SNI (1-255 characters).
string Help password phrase (1-128 characters).
Description Configure Server Name Indication (SNI) in the ClientHello extension with reg-
ular expressions. The wildcard support includes the following regular expres-
sion symbols:
^ $ . | * + [ {
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When a new connection request is made from client, the SNI from TLS
extension in ClientHello is captured and first checked against “server-name”
config with existing hash method. If no match found, it is compared with the
compiled regex string configured by server-name-regex. When multiple
server-name-regex entries match, the cert/key associated with the best
match is used.
Syntax [no] server-name server-name cert cert-name key key-name
[pass-phrase string]
Parameter Description
server-name Server name string (1-63 characters).
cert-name Server certificate associated to SNI (1-255 characters).
key-name Server private key associated to SNI (1-255 characters).
string Help password phrase (1-128 characters).
Example These commands configure a client-SSL template that uses a wildcard entry
as the fully qualified domain name, thereby binding many server names in
client hello extensions with one certificate and key configuration. In this
example, the regex characters allow a match on www.exaple.com or
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ACOS 4.1.1-P7 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Maximum number of cached sessions for SSL session ID reuse.
Parameter Description
entries Number of entries.
Description Sets the maximum number of seconds a cache entry can remain unused
before being removed from the cache. Cache entries age according to the
ticket age time. The age time is not reset when a cache entry is used.
Syntax [no] session-cache-timeout seconds
Parameter Description
seconds Number of seconds (0 - 604800 seconds).
Description Sets the lifetime for stateless SSL session ticketing. After a client’s SSL
ticket expires, they must complete an SSL handshake in order to set up the
next secure session with ACOS.
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NOTE: This option is only supported on vThunder systems, and is not sup-
ported on hardware A10 Thunder Series or AX Series devices
Parameter Description
seconds Number of seconds.
Description SSL False Start support for Google Chrome browser.
NOTE: The following ciphers are not supported for SSL False Start in the
current release:
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Description Redirects clients who request SSLv2 sessions to the specified service group.
Parameter Description
service-group-name Name of the service group (1-127 characters).
Description Name of a cipher or HSM template to bind to client-SSL and server-SSL tem-
plates. In this case, the settings in the cipher template override any cipher
settings in the client-SSL template.
Parameter Description
cipher SLB cipher template name (1-63 characters).
hsm HSM template name (1-63 characters).
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Description Downgrades or disables the TLS or SSL version specified in the client-SSL
Parameter Description
current_version Current TLS or SSLv3 version of the
client‐SSL certificate. The value ranges
from 30 to 33. The values are:
• 30-SSLv3.0
• 31-TLSv1.0
• 32-TLSv1.1
• 33-TLSv1.2
downgrade_version Downgraded TLS version of the client‐
SSL template.
Default The default version value is “33 31”, which means TLSv1.2 to TLSv1.0 is sup-
ported by default.
Usage SSLv3.0 is disabled by default. Run the command version 33 30 to enable support
for SSLv3.0.The disable-sslv3 command has higher precedence than the
version command.
Example Downgrade TLSv1.2 to TLSv1.1 for the client SSL template clientssl:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB policy templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
Default The configuration does not have a default SIP over UDP template.
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Usage The normal form of this command creates a PBSLB template. The no form of
this command removes the template.
You can bind only one PBSLB template to a virtual port. However, you can
bind the same PBSLB template to multiple ports.
The ACOS device also allows policy templates to be applied at the virtual-
server level. However, PBSLB does not take effect if you apply the policy
template at the virtual-server level. Only class lists are supported at the
virtual-server level. To use PBSLB, apply the policy template globally or on
individual virtual ports.
This template can be applied to the following virtual server at Layer 4 TCP:
ACOS(config)# slb virtual-server example-vs-tcp
ACOS(config-slb vserver)# port 80 tcp
ACOS(config-slb vserver-vport)# template policy sample-policy
ACOS(config-slb vserver-vport)# exit
ACOS(config-slb vserver)# exit
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For the “example-vs-http” virtual server, you must configure request limits
and request rate limits. For example:
ACOS(config)# slb template policy sample-policy-2
ACOS(config-policy)# class-list example-clist
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:example-cl...)# lid 1
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:example-cli...)# request-limit 10
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:example-cli...)# over-limit-action
forward log
Example These commands configure a PBSLB template and bind it to a virtual port:
Example The following example configures a bandwidth limit per source IP, using a
policy template and class list.
Configure the bandwidth limit (1 MB per second), and reset the connection
when the limit is exceeded.
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• bw-list id
• bw-list name
• bw-list over-limit
• bw-list timeout
• bw-list use-destination-ip
• class-list
• forward-policy
• geo-location full-domain-tree
• geo-location overlap
• geo-location share
To access these commands at the SLB policy template level, enter the slb template policy command.
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bw-list id
Description Specifies the action to take for clients using a Black/White list ID.
Parameter Description
id Group ID in the Black/White list (0-1023).
name Sends clients to the SLB service group with the specified name on the ACOS device.
drop Drops connections for IP addresses that are in the specified group.
reset Resets connections for IP addresses that are in the specified group.
logging Enables logging. The minutes option specifies how often messages can be generated. This
option reduces overhead caused by frequent recurring messages.
For example, if the logging interval is set to 5 minutes, and the PBSLB rule is used 100 times
within a five-minute period, the ACOS device generates only a single message. The message
indicates the number of times the rule was applied since the last message. You can specify a
logging interval from 0 to 60 minutes. To send a separate message for each event, set the
interval to 0.
PBSLB rules that use the service-group name option also have a fail option for logging.
This option configures the ACOS device to generate log messages only when there is a failed
attempt to reach a service group. Messages are not generated for successful connections to
the service group. The fail option is disabled by default.
The fail option is not available for rules with the drop or reset option, since any time a
drop or reset rule affects traffic, this indicates a failure condition.
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bw-list name
Description Binds the specified Black/White list to the virtual ports that use this tem-
Parameter Description
name Black/White list file name.
Example Bind the Black/White list “example-bw-list” to virtual ports using this tem-
bw-list over-limit
Description Specifies the action to take for traffic that is over the limit.
Parameter Description
lock-min Do not accept any new connections for the specified number of
minutes (1-127).
log-min Generates a log message when traffic goes over the limit. This
option specifies the log interval and can be 1-255 minutes.
reset Resets new connections until the number of concurrent connec-
tions on the virtual port falls below the connection limit.
Default Drop
For example, if the over-limit action is drop, and a client exceeds the
connection limit that is specified in the Black/White list, the ACOS device
continues to drop all connection attempts from the client until the lockup
By default, the lockup option is disabled. To enable it, you must specify a
lockup period of 1-127 minutes.
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The dynamic Black/White-list entry for a client does not age while the client
is locked up. After the lockup ends, the timeout for the entry is reset to its full
value and begins decreasing.
Example When traffic goes over the limit, do not accept any new connections for five
bw-list timeout
Description Number of minutes dynamic Black/White-list client entries can remain idle
before aging out.
Parameter Description
num Number of minutes (1-127).
Default 5 minutes
bw-list use-destination-ip
Description Matches Black/White list entries based on the client’s destination IP
address, instead of matching by client source address. Generally, this option
is applicable when wildcard VIPs are used.
Default Disabled by default; the ACOS device matches by client source IP address.
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Description Create a class-list or geo-location class-list within the template.
Parameter Description
name Name of the class-list (1-63 characters).
Command Description
[no] client-ip Specifies the IP address to use for matching entries in an IP class list.
{l3-dest | l7-header [name]}
Matches based on the destination IP address in packets from clients.
l7-header [name]
Matches based on the IP address in the specified header name in pack-
ets from clients. If you do not specify a header name, the X-Forwarded-
For header is used. This is available only with request-limit and
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure a forward policy of an slb policy template to specify permitted traf-
fic destinations and sources along with the actions to apply. Forward policy
is a required component when configuring an explicit HTTP proxy.
NOTE: In the case of transparent proxy with SSL or SSLi, the no-client-
conn-reuse command is not supported.
source source-name Command in forward-policy configuration mode to specify match rules for
traffic sources and destination rules to define what destinations clients are
allowed to access. Multiple source rules may be defined, but only a single
source rule of match-any may be defined. This command places you in a
sub-configuration mode, where the commands in Table 3 are available.
ssli-url-filtering Command in forward-policy configuration mode to change default actions
{bypassed-sni-disable | related to the ACOS device device being used as a transparent proxy in
intercepted-sni-enable | SSLi.The following options are available for this command at this level:
intercepted-http-disable |
• bypassed-sni-disable
By default, an SNI extension inspection is done on bypassed transparent
proxy SSLi traffic. Use this parameter to disable SNI inspection on
bypassed traffic.
• intercepted-sni-enable
By default, intercepted traffic is inspected only at the HTTP header level.
Use this parameter to enable SNI matching for intercepted transparent
proxy SSLi traffic.
• intercepted-http-disable
By default, intercepted transparent proxy SSLi traffic has the HTTP
header inspected. Use this parameter to disable http header inspection
for intercepted transparent proxy SSLi traffic.
• no-sni-allow
By default, if SNI filtering is enabled for bypassed or intercepted connec-
tions, and an SNI extension is not present, the packet is dropped. Use
this parameter to allow requests to be forwarded if SNI extension is not
found for transparent proxy SSLi traffic.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• fallback fallback-sg
Parameters that specify a service-group to send requests to for
approved destinations that the ACOS device device cannot resolve
• snat fb-snat-pool-name
Parameters that apply a configured source NAT for fallback
[no] Sub-command in forward-policy-action configuration mode to spec-
forward-to-service-group fwd-sg ify the service-group to send service-group traffic to. The following
[snat snat-pool-name] options are available in this command:
• snat snat-pool-name
Parameters that apply a configured source NAT.
forward-to-proxy fwd-sg [snat Sub-command in forward-policy-action configuration mode to spec-
snat-pool-name] ify the service-group to send HTTP proxy server traffic to. This
chains an ACOS device to an upstream proxy server when ACOS
acts as a proxy. The following options are available in this command:
• snat snat-pool-name
Parameters that apply a configured source NAT.
[no] log Sub-command in forward-policy-action configuration mode to pro-
vide log of actions taken.
[no] drop-message text Sub-command in forward-policy-action configuration mode. Follow-
ing the drop command, specify a message to appear. A default
“Access to this site is blocked by administrator” message appears if
nothing is specified.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• action action-name
Specify the action to take for requests not defined.
• web-category-list web-category-list-name
Specify the web-category-list to apply your action to.
• action action-name
Specify the action to take for the previously defined class-list or
• host | ip | url
Define if a match should be based on the HTTP host header, or
layer 3 IP address, or HTTP URL. The ip parameter is not applica-
ble to
web-category-list, and will not show up as an option for this
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• all
Gather the number of all requests.
• hits
Gather the number of requests that match the defined source
• destination-match-not-found
Gather the number of requests with no matching destination rule.
• no-host-info
Gather number of requests that failed to parse ip or host informa-
Usage The forward policy action command defines actions that can be taken,
and is normally used in conjunction with forward-policy source rules that
link destination and matching rules for an slb template policy.
forward-to-internet fw-sg is just a placeholder.
Example Configure the source list Any_Source to apply the Default_Deny action for
any requests that are not defined by a class-list or web-category-list
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example Configure the source s1 to match IPs from class-list Src-List and links the
destinations from class-list dest with rules to apply from the a1 action
sub template, using a url check with a priority of 10.
geo-location full-domain-tree
Description Checks current connection count for the client’s specific geo-location and
for all geo-locations higher up in the domain tree.
Default Disabled by default; when a client requests a connection, the ACOS device
checks the connection count only for the specific geo-location level of the cli-
ent. If the connection limit for that specific geo-location level has not been
reached, the client’s connection is permitted.
geo-location overlap
Description Enables overlap matching mode. If there are overlapping addresses in the
Black/White list or class list, use this option to enable the ACOS device to
find the most precise match.
Default Disabled
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geo-location share
Description Enables sharing of PBLSB statistics counters for virtual servers and virtual
ports that use the template. This option causes the following counters to be
• Permit
• Deny
• Connection number
• Connection limit
Default Disabled
• action
• bw-rate-limit
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• conn-limit
• conn-rate-limit
• over-limit-action
• request-limit
• request-rate-limit
• response-code-rate-limit
Description Specifies the ACOS behavior when a request matches the class list entry for
servers using the template.
Parameter Description
MATCH-ACTION Specifies the behavior. Valid options include:
• logging <1 to 60> event are logged at the specified interval (minutes).
Default value is three.
Example This example configures the device to forward matching requests to the ser-
vice group gp1 and create a log entry every 15 minutes.
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Description Configure the bandwidth rate limit for servers that use this template.
Parameter Description
num-bytes Rate limit in bytes (1-2147483647).
num-100ms Rate interval in number of 100ms increments (1-65535).
Example This example configures a bandwidth rate limit of 1,024,000 bytes per sec-
ond (10 100ms intervals):
Description Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed for a cli-
Parameter Description
num Maximum number of concurrent connections allowed (0-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies the maximum number of new connections allowed for a client
within the specified limit period.
Parameter Description
num-conn Maximum number of new connections allowed (1-
num-100ms Interval in number of 100ms increments (1-65535).
Example This example configures 1,000,000 new connections allowed per second (10
100ms intervals):
Description Specifies the action to take when a client exceeds one or more of the limits.
The command also configures lockout and enables logging.
Syntax [no] over-limit-action [forward | reset] [lockout minutes]
[log minutes]
Parameter Description
drop The ACOS device drops that traffic. If logging is enabled, the ACOS device
also generates a log message.
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Parameter Description
log Generates log messages when clients exceed a limit. When logging is
enabled, a separate message is generated for each over-limit occurrence, by
default. You can specify a logging period where the ACOS device holds the
repeated messages for the specified period, then sends one message at the
end of the period for all instances within the period. The logging period can be
0-255 minutes.
Description Specifies maximum number of concurrent Layer 7 requests allowed for a cli-
Syntax [no] request-limit num
Parameter Description
num Number of concurrent Layer 7 requests (1-1048575).
Description Specifies the maximum number of Layer 7 requests allowed for the client
within the specified limit period.
Parameter Description
num-req Maximum number of new requests allowed (1-4294967295).
num-100ms Interval in number of 100ms increments (1-65535).
Description Configure a limit for the number of times a specified range of server
response codes is received in a specified period of time.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
NOTE: This feature only works for SMTP virtual ports. See the example
Parameter Description
start-code-range Start rage of server response codes (100-600).
end-code-range End range of server response codes (100-600).
num Number of times there is a match on the specified
response code(s).
seconds Time limit interval, in seconds.
Example This example configures a policy template with a response code rate limit
and then applies the template to an SMTP virtual port. The response code
rate limit will be exceeded when there are:
If either limit is exceeded, the reset action is applies fro 10 minutes and
ACOS(config)# slb template policy pol1
ACOS(config-policy)# class-list clist1
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:clist1)# lid 1
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:clist1-lid:1)# over-limit-action reset lockout 10 log
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:clist1-lid:1)# response-code-rate-limit 500 - 590 2 per 20
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:clist1-lid:1)# response-code-rate-limit 300 - 390 15 per 127
ACOS(config-policy-class-list:clist1-lid:1)# end
ACOS# configure
ACOS(config)# slb virtual-server VS_SMTP1
ACOS(config-slb vserver)# port 25 smtp
ACOS(config-slb vserver-vport)# template policy pol1
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB real port templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default port template. This template can be modified
in the same way as any custom template-name you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
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CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all virtual ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a real port template. The no form
of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one real port template to a real port. However, you can
bind the real port template to multiple real ports.
Some of the parameters that can be set using a template can also be set or
changed on the individual port.
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in both a template and
on the individual port, the setting on the individual port takes prece-
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in a template but is
not set or changed from its default on the individual port, the setting in
the template takes precedence.
Example The following example configures a real port template named “common-
rpsettings”, enables slow-start in the template, and binds the template to a
real port:
• bw-rate-limit
• conn-limit
• conn-rate-limit
• del-session-on-server-down
• dest-nat
• down-grace-period
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• dscp
• dynamic-member-priority
• extended-stats
• health-check
• health-check-disable
• inband-health-check
• no-ssl
• request-rate-limit
• slow-start
• source-nat
• stats-data-disable
• stats-data-enable
• weight
To access these commands at the SLB port template level, enter the slb template port command.
Description Configure the bandwidth rate limit for ports that use this template.
Parameter Description
limnum Bandwidth rate limit number in Kbps (1-16777216).
resnum Resume port selection after bandwidth drops below this thresh-
old, in Kbps (1-16777216).
durnum Time period the rate limit needs to honor to both exceed bw-
rate-limit number and drop below resume number, in seconds
no-logging Do not log bandwidth rate limit related state transitions.
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Description Maximum number of connections allowed on the port using this template.
Parameter Description
max-num Maximum number of concurrent connections (0-8000000).
resume-num Maximum number of connections the port can have before the
ACOS device resumes use of the port (1-1048575).
no-logging Disables logging for this feature.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Limits the rate of new connections the ACOS device is allowed to send to
ports that use this template. When a port reaches its connection limit, the
ACOS device stops selecting the port for client requests.
Parameter Description
connections Maximum number of new connections allowed on a port. You can specify 1-1048575
per {100ms | 1sec} Specifies whether the connection rate limit applies to one-second intervals or 100-ms
intervals. The default is one-second intervals (1sec).
no-logging Disable logging when this feature is enabled.
Default By default this is not set; when enabled, the default sampling rate is per 1sec.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
Example Configure 1 million as the maximum number of new connections per sec-
ond, with no logging:
Description This command clears a port protocol session within 2 to 3 seconds if a ses-
sion server is disabled by ACOS command or the server fails an ACOS health
check at the service group level.
If a one or more real servers in a service group fails the health check and this
command is enabled for the session, ACOS clears the session.
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Description Enables destination Network Address Translation (NAT) on ports that use
this template.
Default Disabled.
Description Number of seconds the ACOS device will continue to forward packets to a
port that is down. This option is useful for taking servers down for mainte-
nance without immediately impacting existing sessions on the servers. You
can specify 1-86400 seconds.
NOTE: The service group must contain 2 or more servers for this feature to
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Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-86400).
Description Sets the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value in the IP header of a
client request before sending the request to ports that use this template.
Syntax [no] dscp num
Parameter Description
num DSCP value (1-63).
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4. Configure a virtual server named vip2 with virtual port 80 http and
port 443 tcp. Although the vp1 template is bound to both ports, outgo-
ing packets are marked with DSCP 4, because real ports take prece-
dence over virtual ports.
port 80 http
source-nat pool s2
service-group sg-80-6
template virtual-port vp1
port 443 https
source-nat pool s2
service-group sg-443-6
template server-ssl s1
template client-ssl cl-ssl1
template virtual-port vp1
Description Configure service-group priority settings for ports on dynamically created
servers. When configuring the service group, add the port template to the
Parameter Description
num Initial TTL for dynamically created service-group members (1-
The default is 0.
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Description Enables collection of SLB peak connection statistics for the port.
Default Disabled.
Description Enables health monitoring of ports that use this template.
Syntax [no] health-check name
Parameter Description
name Name of a configured health monitor.
Usage If you omit this command or you enter it without the monitor-name option,
the default TCP or UDP health monitor is used:
• TCP—Every 30 seconds, the ACOS device sends a connection request
(TCP SYN) to the specified TCP port on the server. The port passes the
health check if the server replies to the ACOS device by sending a TCP
• UDP—Every 30 seconds, the ACOS device sends a packet with a valid
UDP header and a garbage payload to the UDP port. The port passes the
health check if the server either does not reply, or replies with any type
of packet except an ICMP Error message.
Example Create health monitor “hm-dad” the enable health monitoring for ports using
this template, using “hm-dad” as the health monitor.
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Description Disable health checking for the port.
Description Supplements the standard Layer 4 health checks by using client-server traf-
fic to check the health of service ports.
Parameter Description
seconds Amount of time in seconds to bring up the server or port that is marked down (0-255).
In this case, the port remains down until the next time the port successfully passes a
standard health check. Once the port passes a standard health check, the ACOS device
starts using the port again and resets the reassign counter to 0. You can set the reassign
counter to 0-255 reassignments.
Default Disabled.
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Usage It is recommended that you continue to use standard Layer 4 health moni-
toring even if you enable in-band health monitoring. Without standard health
monitoring, a server port marked down by an in-band health check remains
Description Disables SSL for server-side connections. This command is useful if a
server-SSL template is bound to the virtual port that uses this real port, and
you want to disable encryption on this real port.
Using the double-negative form of the command (no no-ssl) enables SSL for
server-side connections..
Description Limits the number of new requests that can be received by the port.
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Parameter Description
num Maximum number of new connection requests allowed per the
specified interval (1-1048575).
per Interval for the rate:
Description Provides time for real ports that use the template to ramp-up after TCP/UDP
service is enabled, by temporarily limiting the number of new connections on
the ports.
Parameter Description
start-conn-limit Maximum number of concurrent connections to allow on the service port after it
first comes up. You can specify from 1-4095 concurrent connections. The default
is 128.
scale-factor Number by which to multiply the starting connection limit. For example, if the
scale factor is 2 and the starting connection limit is 128, the ACOS device
increases the connection limit to 256 after the first ramp-up interval. The scale
factor can be 2-10. The default is 2.
conn-increment Number of additional concurrent connections to allow. You can specify 1-4095
new connections.
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Parameter Description
interval Number of seconds between each increase of the number of concurrent connec-
tions allowed. For example, if the ramp-up interval is 10 seconds, the number of
concurrent connections to allow is increased every 10 seconds. The ramp-up
interval can be 1-60 seconds. The default is 10 seconds.
end-conn-limit Maximum number of concurrent connections to allow during the final ramp-up
interval. After the final ramp-up interval, the slow start is over and does not limit
further connections to the server. You can specify from 1-65535 connections.
The default is 4096.
Example Configure ramp-up for ports; 128 connections to start, increase every 15 sec-
onds, until 4096 connections are reached.
Description Specifies the IP NAT pool to use for assigning source IP addresses to client
traffic sent to ports using this template. When the ACOS device performs
NAT for a port that is bound to the template, the device selects an IP address
from the pool.
Parameter Description
name Name of the configured NAT pool.
Description Disables statistical data collection for ports that use this template..
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Description Enables statistical data collection for ports that use this template..
Description Specifies the load-balancing preference for ports that use this template. A
higher weight gives preference to the server and port relative to other servers
and ports.
Parameter Description
num Weight (1-100).
Default 1
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB REQMOD ICAP tem-
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Default ACOS does not have a default SLB REQMOD ICAP template.
Usage See the “Redirection of SSLi Sessions to ICAP Servers” section of the SSL
Insight Configuration Guide for an overview of ICAP and usage guidelines.
Example The following example creates a REQMOD ICAP template with the name
REQMOD_abcd, and then binds it to the HTTP vPort of a wildcard SLB virtual
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• allowed-http-methods
• fail-close
• include-protocol-in-uri
• min-payload-size
• preview
• service-group
• service-url
• template
To access commands at the SLB REQMOD ICAP template level, enter the slb template reqmod-icap
Description List of allowed HTTP methods.
The allowed methods that can be specified are GET, POST, HEAD, PUT,
Default If no methods are specified, the default is to allow all HTTP methods.
Example Use the no form of the command to return to the default where all HTTP
methods are allowed. The following example removes the restrictions of the
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
previous example that allowed only MKCOL and GET, and returns to the
default where all HTTP methods are allowed::
Example If ACOS does not recognize or allow the methods you enter in the command,
you will get the following error message listing the all allowed methods:
Description Mark the virtual port down when the template service group is down.
Syntax [no] fail-close
Description Include the protocol and port in the HTTP URI sent to the ICAP server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Set the minimum payload size sent to the ICAP server.
Parameter Description
num Set the minimum payload size. You can specify 1-65536.
Default 4096
Description Specifies the number of bytes that ACOS forwards to the ICAP server at the
beginning of a transaction.
If you do not configure a preview value, the ACOS device uses the preview
value obtained from the ICAP server.
Syntax [no] preview num
Parameter Description
num The number of bytes that ACOS forwards to the ICAP server at
the beginning of a transaction. This number applies only to the
encapsulated body (the HTTP payload).
Default 32768
Usage If you enter the default value of the command or use the no form of the com-
mand to remove the setting (no preview num), ACOS uses the preview value
obtained from the ICAP server. See RFC 3507 for further information.
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Description Specify the names of the ICAP service groups.
Parameter Description
service-group-name Name of a configured service-group.
Description Specify the URLs of the ICAP servers.
Syntax [no] service-url url
Parameter Description
url URL to send to the ICAP servers.
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Description Apply an ACOS template to this ICAP template.
Parameter Description
type The following templates can be applied:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB RESPMOD ICAP tem-
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Default ACOS does not have a default SLB RESPMOD ICAP template.
Usage See the “Redirection of SSLi Sessions to ICAP Servers” section of the SSL
Insight Configuration Guide for an overview of ICAP and usage guidelines.
Example The following example creates a RESPMOD ICAP template with the name
RESPMOD_abcd, and then binds it to the HTTP vPort of a wildcard SLB vir-
tual server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• fail-close
• include-protocol-in-uri
• min-payload-size
• preview
• service-group
• service-url
• template
To access these commands at the SLB RESPMOD ICAP template level, enter the slb template resp-
mod-icap command.
Description Mark the virtual port down when the template service group is down.
Syntax [no] fail-close
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Include the protocol and port in the HTTP URI sent to the ICAP server.
Description Set the minimum payload size.
Syntax [no] min-payload-size num
Parameter Description
num Set the minimum payload size. You can specify 1-65536.
Default 4096
Description Command to allow the ICAP server to preview to RESPMOD messages.
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If you do not configure a preview value, the ACOS device uses the preview
value obtained from the ICAP server.
Parameter Description
num The number of bytes the ACOS device forwards to the ICAP
server at the beginning of a transaction. This number applies
only to the encapsulated body (the HTTP payload).
Default 32768
Description Specify the names of the ICAP service groups.
Parameter Description
service-group-name Name of a configured service-group.
Description Specify the URLs of the ICAP servers.
Parameter Description
url URL to send to the ICAP servers.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Apply an ACOS template to this ICAP template.
Parameter Description
type The following templates can be applied:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB server templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default real server template. This template can be
modified in the same way as any custom template-name
you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all real ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a real server template. The no
form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one real server template to a real server. However, you can
bind the real server template to multiple real servers.
Some of the parameters that can be set using a template can also be set or
changed on the individual server.
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in both a template and
on the individual server, the setting on the individual server takes prece-
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in a template but is
not set or changed from its default on the individual server, the setting in
the template takes precedence.
Example The following commands configure a real server template called “rs-tmplt1”
and bind the template to two real servers:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• bw-rate-limit
• bw-rate-limit-acct
• conn-limit
• conn-rate-limit
• dns-query-interval
• dynamic-server-prefix
• extended-stats
• health-check
• health-check-disable
• log-selection-failure
• max-dynamic-server
• min-ttl-ratio
• slow-start
• spoofing-cache
• stats-data-enable
• stats-data-disable
• weight
To access these commands at the SLB server template level, enter the slb template server command.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure the bandwidth rate limit for servers that use this template.
Parameter Description
l-num Bandwidth rate limit number in Kbps (1-16777216).
r-num Resume port selection after bandwidth drops below this thresh-
old, in Kbps (1-16777216).
d-num Time period the rate limit needs to honor to both exceed bw-
rate-limit number and drop below resume number, in seconds
no-logging Do not log bandwidth rate limit related state transitions.
Description Configure the bandwidth rate limit accounting for servers that use this tem-
Parameter Description
TRAFFIC Specifies data limited by command. Options include:
• all – Account for all traffic sent to/received from real server
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Maximum number of connections allowed on real servers using this tem-
Parameter Description
max-num Maximum number of concurrent connections (0-8000000).
resume-num Maximum number of connections the server can have before
the ACOS device resumes use of the server (1-1048575).
no-logging Disables logging for this feature.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Limits the rate of new connections the ACOS device is allowed to send to
servers that use this template. When a real server reaches its connection
limit, the ACOS device stops selecting the server for client requests.
Parameter Description
connections Maximum number of new connections allowed on a server.
You can specify 1-1048575 connections.
per Specifies whether the connection rate limit applies to one-
{100ms | 1sec} second intervals or 100-ms intervals. The default is one-sec-
ond intervals (1sec).
no-logging Disable logging when this feature is enabled.
Default By default this is not set; when enabled, the default sampling rate is per 1sec.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
Example Configure 1 million as the maximum number of new connections per sec-
ond, with no logging:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies how often the ACOS device sends DNS queries for the IP
addresses of dynamic real servers.
Parameter Description
minutes DNS query interval in minutes (1-1440 minutes, or one day).
Default 10 minutes
Description Specifies the prefix added to the front of dynamically created servers.
Parameter Description
string Prefix string (1-3 characters).
Description Enables collection of peak connection statistics for a server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enables health monitoring of ports that use this template.
Parameter Description
name Name of a configured health monitor.
Usage If this command is not used, or is used without a specific monitor name, the
default ICMP health monitor is used; a ping is sent every 30 seconds. If the
ping fails 2 times consecutively, the ACOS device sets the server state to
Description Disables health monitoring of servers that use this template.
Description Enables real-time logging for server-selection failures.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Maximum number of dynamic real servers that can be created for a given
Parameter Description
num Maximum number of servers (1-1023).
Default 255
Description Minimum initial value for the TTL of dynamic real servers. The ACOS device
multiplies this value by the DNS query interval to calculate the minimum TTL
value to assign to the dynamically created server.
Parameter Description
num Initial value (1-15).
Default 2
Example Configure a DNS query interval of 30 minutes and minimum initial value of 3;
this will set the TTL of dynamic real servers to 90:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Provides time for real ports that use the template to ramp-up after TCP/UDP
service is enabled, by temporarily limiting the number of new connections on
the ports.
Parameter Description
starting-con-limit Maximum number of concurrent connections to allow on the server after it first
comes up. You can specify from 1-4095 concurrent connections.
The default is 2.
conn-incr As an alternative to specifying a scale factor, you can instead specify how many
more concurrent connections to allow. You can specify 1-4095 new connections.
interval Number of seconds between each increase of the number of concurrent connec-
tions allowed. For example, if the ramp-up interval is 10 seconds, the number of
concurrent connections to allow is increased every 10 seconds. The ramp-up inter-
val can be 1-60 seconds.
Usage If a normal runtime connection limit is also configured on the server (for
example, by the conn-limit command), and the normal connection limit is
smaller than the slow-start ending connection limit, the ACOS device limits
slow-start connections to the maximum allowed by the normal connection
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enables support for a spoofing cache server. A spoofing cache server uses
the client’s IP address instead of its own as the source address when obtain-
ing content requested by the client.
Default Disabled.
Description Enable statistical data collection for servers that use this template.
Syntax stats-data-enable
Description Disable statistical data collection for servers that use this template.
Syntax stats-data-disable
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Assigns an administrative weight to the server, for weighted load balancing.
Parameter Description
num Administrative weight assigned to the server. You can specify 1-
Default 1
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB Server SSL templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB Server-SSL Template Configuration Mode for
the specified server-ssl template. See “SLB Server-SSL Template
Configuration Mode Commands” on page 204 for more information.
Default The configuration does not have a default server-side SSL template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a server-SSL configuration tem-
In the following example, an ACOS system is configurred with two virtual-servers, SSL_Internet_vip_001 and SSL_In-
ternet_vip_003. And, each of these virtual servers are configured with an HTTP virtual port, port 8080 http.
1. A different SSL-template and a different service group is applied to each virtual port.
• The SSL-template, SSL_Internet_vip_001_server_ssl, and the service group, sg2, are applied to port
8080 http on SSL_Internet_vip_001.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• The SSL-template, SSL_Internet_vip_003_server_ssl, and the service group, sg1, are applied to port
8080 http on SSL_Internet_vip_003.
2. The preceding configuration is supported when each service group specifies a different real server. Service group sg1
specifies real server, rs1, and service group, sg2, specifies real server, rs2:
3. However, the configuration in step 1 is not supported when both service groups specify the same real server, rs1, as
shown in the following:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• ca-cert
• cert
• cipher
• close-notify
• forward-proxy-enable
• key
• server-certificate-error
• session-cache-size
• session-cache-timeout
• session-ticket-enable
• template cipher
• use-client-sni
• version
To access these commands at the SLB Server-SSL template level, enter the slb template server-ssl
Description Specifies the name of a CA certificate. A server-SSL template can have multi-
ple CA-signed certificates.
You can add the CA certificates to the server-SSL template in either of the
following ways:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
ca-cert-name Name of the CA certificate (1-255 characters)
ocsp-server-name Name of the OCSP server (1-255 characters)
ocsp-service-group-name Name of the OCSP service-group (1-255 charac-
Usage Note: If validation of the ca-cert fails, the connection to the server is termi-
Description Specifies the name of the certificate to use for terminating or initiating an
SSL connection. The certificate must be installed on the ACOS device.
Parameter Description
name Name of the certificate (1-255 characters).
Description Specifies the cipher suite to support for certificates from servers.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
You can remove (or re-add) one cipher in the template with a single
command. Enter separate commands for each cipher to remove or re-add.
Parameter Description
name Name of the cipher.
Description Enables support for close notification (close_notify) alerts. When this option
is enabled, the ACOS device sends a close_notify message when an SSL
transaction ends, before sending a FIN. This behavior is required by certain
types of applications, including PHP cgi.The close notification option may
not work if connection reuse is also configured on the same virtual port. In
this case, when the server sends a FIN to the ACOS device, the ACOS device
will not send a FIN followed by a close notification. Instead, the ACOS device
will send a RST.
NOTE: This command can not be used along with the TCP-proxy template
force-delete-timeout option. Doing so may cause unexpected
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
enable-tls-alert-logging fatal
Description Enables logging of TLS alerts that include the flow information such as
source IP address.
Description Enables SSL Insight support.
Description Specifies the key for the certificate, and the passphrase used to encrypt the
Parameter Description
name Name of the certificate for the key.
string Passphrase used to encrypt the key.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disables TLS/SSL renegotiation.
Description Specifies the ACOS response if there is a server certificate error.
Parameter Description
email Send an Email.
ignore Ignore the error and allow traffic.
logging Generate a log message.
trap Generate an SNMP trap.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Sets the maximum number of session-ID entries.
Parameter Description
num Number of session-ID entries.
Description Sets the maximum number of seconds a cache entry can remain unused
before being removed from the cache.
Cache entries age according to the ticket age time. The age time is not reset
when a cache entry is used. After a client’s SSL ticket expires, they must
complete an SSL handshake in order to set up the next secure session with
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enables stateless SSL session ticketing features.
template cipher
Description Name of a cipher template to bind to the server-SSL template. In this case,
the settings in the cipher template override any cipher settings in the server-
SSL template.
Parameter Description
name Name of the cipher template (1-63 characters).
Default Not set; the ciphers enabled in the server-SSL template are used.
Description Pass the client domain name to the server side of an SSL proxy configura-
Example The following example shows the server side template in an ACOS SSL proxy
configuration where the client domain name is passed through to the SSL
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specify the security version.
Parameter Description
30 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) v3.0.
31 Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.0.
32 Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.1.
33 Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.2.
Default 31
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB SIP templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB SIP (Over UDP) Template Configuration Mode
Commands for the specified SIP (over UDP) template.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Default The configuration does not have a default SIP over UDP template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a SIP configuration template. The
no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one SIP template to a virtual port. However, you can bind
the same SIP template to multiple ports.
Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB SIP (Over TCP/TLS) Template Configuration
Mode Commands for the specified SIP (over UDP) template.
Default The configuration does not have a default SIP over TCP/TLS template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a SIP configuration template. The
no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one SIP template to a virtual port. However, you can bind
the same SIP template to multiple ports.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• alg-dest-nat
• alg-source-nat
• call-id-persist-disable
• client-request-header erase
• client-request-header insert
• client-response-header erase
• client-response-header insert
• dialog-aware
• exclude-translation
• insert-client-ip
• keep-server-ip-if-match-acl
• registrar service-group
• server-request-header erase
• server-request-header insert
• server-response-header erase
• server-response-header insert
• timeout
To access these commands at the SLB SIP Over UDP template level, enter the slb template sip (over
UDP) command.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Translates the VIP address into the real server IP address in SIP messages,
when destination NAT is used.
Description Translates source IP address in to the NAT IP address in SIP messages,
when source NAT is used.
ALG support status does not affect IP layer address translation. IP layer
address translation is still performed, if applicable, even when ALG support is
Description Disables call-ID persistence.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
client-request-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
client-request-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into requests.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
client-request-header insert Max-Forwards:15
client-request-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
client-response-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
client-response-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into responses.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
client-response-header insert Max-Forwards:15
client-response-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enables multiple active client instance support with the same end-user login.
Description Disables translation of the virtual IP address and virtual port in specific por-
tions of SIP messages.
Syntax [no] exclude-translation {body | header string | start-line}
Parameter Description
body Does not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the
body of the message.
string Does not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the
specified header.
start-line Does not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the
SIP request line or status line.
Default Not set; the ACOS device does not translate addresses in any header except
the top Via header.
Example Do not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the message body:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Inserts an “X-Forwarded-For: IP-address:port” header into SIP packets from
the client to the SIP server. The header contains the client IP address and
source protocol port number. The ACOS device uses the header to identify
the client when forwarding a server reply.
Description Disables reverse NAT based on the IP addresses in an extended ACL. This
command is useful in cases where a SIP server needs to reach another
server, and the traffic must pass through the ACOS device.
registrar service-group
Description Specifies the name of a service group of SIP Registrar servers.
Parameter Description
name Service group name (1-127 characters).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
server-request-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
server-request-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into requests.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
server-request-header insert Max-Forwards:15
server-request-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
server-response-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
server-response-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into responses.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
client-response-header insert Max-Forwards:15
client-response-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies the number of minutes a SIP session can remain idle before the
ACOS device terminates the session.
Parameter Description
num Number of minutes (1-250).
Default 30 minutes
• alg-dest-nat
• alg-source-nat
• call-id-persist-disable
• client-keepalive
• client-request-header erase
• client-request-header insert
• client-response-header erase
• client-response-header insert
• dialog-aware
• exclude-translation
• failed-client-selection
• failed-server-selection
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• insert-client-ip
• server-keep-alive
• server-request-header erase
• server-request-header insert
• server-response-header erase
• server-response-header insert
• server-selection-per-request
• smp-call-id-rtp-session
• timeout
To access commands at the SLB SIP Over TCP/TLS template level, enter the slb template sip (over
TCP/TLS) command.
Description Enables SIP ALG support for the destination IP address.
Description Enables SIP ALG support for the source IP address.
ALG support status does not affect IP layer address translation. IP layer
address translation is still performed, if applicable, even when ALG support is
Syntax [no] alg-source-nat
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disables call-ID persistence.
Description Enables the ACOS device to respond to SIP pings from clients on behalf of
SIP servers. When this option is enabled, the ACOS device responds to a SIP
ping from a client with a “pong”. This option is disabled by default.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
client-request-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
client-request-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into requests.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
client-request-header insert Max-Forwards:15
client-request-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
client-response-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
client-response-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into responses.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
client-response-header insert Max-Forwards:15
client-response-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enables multiple active client instance support with the same end-user login.
Description Disables translation of the virtual IP address and virtual port in specific por-
tions of SIP messages.
Syntax [no] exclude-translation {body | header string | start-line}
Parameter Description
body Does not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the body of the message.
string Does not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the specified header.
start-line Does not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the SIP request line or status
Default Not set; the ACOS device does not translate addresses in any header except
the top Via header.
Example Do not translate virtual IP addresses and virtual ports in the message body:
Description Specifies the response when selection of an SIP client fails.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
string Message string to send to the server; for example:
“480 Temporarily Unavailable”
If the message string contains a space, use double quotation marks around the string.
drop Drop the traffic.
Default Not set; the ACOS device resets the connection when selecting an SIP server
Description Specifies the response when selection of an SIP server fails.
Parameter Description
string Message string to send to the client; for example:
“504 Server Time-Out”
If the message string contains a space, use double quotation marks around the string.
drop Drop the traffic.
Default Not set; the ACOS device resets the connection when selection of an SIP
server fails
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Inserts an “X-Forwarded-For: IP-address:port” header into SIP packets from
the client to the SIP server. The header contains the client IP address and
source protocol port number. The ACOS device uses the header to identify
the client when forwarding a server reply.
Description For configurations that use a connection-reuse template, this option speci-
fies how often the ACOS device sends a SIP ping on each persistent connec-
tion. The ACOS device silently drops the server’s reply. If the server does not
reply to a SIP ping within the connection-reuse timeout, the ACOS device
closes the persistent connection.
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (5-300).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
server-request-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only the first instance is
server-request-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into requests.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
server-request-header insert Max-Forwards:15
server-request-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
server-response-header erase
Description Erases the specified header.
Parameter Description
string Specify the header to erase.
all Erase all instances of the specified header. If not specified, only
the first instance is erased.
server-response-header insert
Description Inserts the specified header into responses.
Parameter Description
field:value Header field name and the value to insert.
Use a colon between the header name and the value. To use a blank space
between the header name and the value, use double quotation marks.
client-response-header insert Max-Forwards:15
client-response-header insert “Max-Forwards: 15”
insert-always Always inserts the field:value pair. If the request already contains a header with
the same field name, the new field:value pair is added after the existing
field:value pair. Existing headers are not replaced.
insert-if-not-exist Inserts the header only if the request does not already contain a header with the
same field name.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Forces the ACOS device to perform the server selection process anew for
every SIP request. Without this option, the ACOS device reselects the same
server for subsequent requests (assuming the same server group is used),
unless overridden by other template options. This option applies to SIP-TCP
and SIPS virtual ports. The option is unnecessary for SIP over UDP. Strict
transaction switching is automatically used for SIP over UDP.
Description Create a cross-CPU call-ID RTP session.
This feature enables your ACOS device to monitor RTP and SIP traffic. This
command creates a cross-CPU RTP session which can be matched by RTP
slb template sip test
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies the number of minutes a SIP session can remain idle before the
ACOS device terminates the session.
Parameter Description
num Number of minutes (1-250).
Default 30 minutes
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB Short Message Peer-to-
Peer (SMPP) templates. The following sections are available in this chapter:
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the virtual port configuration level.
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
Usage The normal form of this command creates an SMPP template. The no form
of this command removes the template.
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• client-enquire-link
• server-enquire-link
• server-selection-per-request
• user
To access these commands at the SLB SMPP template level, enter the slb template smpp command.
Description When enabled, ACOS replies to clients directly with an ENQUIRE_LINK mes-
sage. The ENQUIRE_LINK message prevents the client connection from tim-
ing out and serves the same purpose as a keepalive message.
Syntax [no] client-enquire-link
Description Prevents reusable connections to the SMPP server from aging out. When
this option is enabled, ACOS regularly sends an ENQUIRE_LINK message to
the SMPP server to maintain the client-to-server connection.
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds at which the keepalive message is sent (5-
Default 30 seconds.
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Description Forces ACOS to perform server selection process for each SMPP request.
Without this option, ACOS device selects same server for subsequent
requests, assuming same server group is used, unless overridden by other
template options.
Description Sets a username and password which the ACOS device uses to authenticate
SMPP clients.
If you configure a user and password, you must configure the same
username-password pair for all SMPP clients and servers. Otherwise, the
ACOS device will never open a TCP connection between the clients and
Parameter Description
username User name to use for SMPP client authentication (1-63 charac-
password Password to use for SMPP client authentication (1-63 charac-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB SMTP templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
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Usage The normal form of this command creates an SMTP template. The no form
of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one SMTP template to a virtual port. However, you can
bind the same SMTP template to multiple ports.
• client-domain-switching
• command-disable
• server-domain
• service-ready-msg
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• starttls
To access these commands at the SLB SMTP template level, enter the slb template smtp command.
Description Selects a service group based on the domain of the client. You can specify
all or part of the client domain name. This command is applicable when you
have multiple SMTP service groups.
Parameter Description
starts-with Matches only if the client’s domain name starts with string.
contains Matches if the string appears anywhere within the domain
name of the client.
ends-with Matches only if the client’s domain name starts with string.
name Name of the service group to use for matches.
Default Not set; all client domains match, and any service group can be used.
Usage The starts-with, contains, and ends-with options are always applied in the
following order, regardless of the order in which the commands appear in the
configuration. The service group for the first match is used.
• starts-with
• contains
• ends-with
If a template has more than one command with the same option (starts-
with, contains, or ends-with) and a client domain matches on more than one
of them, the most-specific match is always used.
If a contains rule and an ends-with rule match on exactly the same string,
the ends-with rule is used, because it has the more specific match. Here is
an example of a set of client-domain-switching rules in an SMTP template.
The numbers to the right indicate the precedence of the rules when
matching on client domain name “localhost”. In this case, the last rule is the
best match and will be used.
client-domain-switching contains localhost service-group sg-a (4)
client-domain-switching contains local service-group sg-b (5)
client-domain-switching ends-with host service-group sg-c (6)
client-domain-switching ends-with localhost service-group sg-d (3)
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Example This example directs clients to service group “smtp-sg1” if their domain con-
tains the string “hq”:
Description Disables support of the specified SMTP commands. If a client tries to issue a
disabled SMTP command, ACOS sends the following message to the client:
502 - Command not implemented
Parameter Description
expn Disable SMTP EXPN commands.
turn Disable SMTP TURN commands.
vrfy Disable SMTP VRFY commands.
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Description Specifies the Email server domain. This is the domain for which the ACOS
device provides SMTP load balancing.
Parameter Description
name Name of the Email server domain (1-31 characters).
Default “mail-server-domain”
Description Specifies the text of the SMTP service-ready message sent to clients. The
complete message sent to the client is constructed as follows:
200 - smtp-domain service-ready-string
Parameter Description
string Service-ready message (1-127 characters).
Example Set “Your ESMTP mail service is ready” as the service-ready message.
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Description Specifies whether or not use of STARTTLS by clients is required.
Parameter Description
client Configure client-side STARTTLS.
server Configure server-side STARTTLS.
optional Client or server can use STARTTLS but are not required to do
enforced Before any mail transactions are allowed, the client must issue
the STARTTLS command to establish a secured session. If the
client does not issue the STARTTLS command, ACOS sends the
following message to the client:
530 - Must issue a STARTTLS command first
Default Disabled.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB SSLi templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
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Parameter Description
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB SSLi Template Configuration Mode for the
specified SSLi template. For additional commands, see “SLB SSLi Template
Configuration Mode Commands” on page 249.
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• type
To access these commands at the SLB SSli template level, enter the slb template ssli command.
Description Specifies the service that is intercepted by SSLi.
Parameter Description
http HTTP service.
xmpp XMPP service.
smtp SMTP service.
pop POP service.
Default HTTP
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB TCP templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default TCP template. This template can be modified
in the same way as any custom template-name you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
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CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all virtual ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a TCP configuration template.
The no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one TCP template to a virtual port. However, you can bind
the same TCP template to multiple ports.
Example The following commands configure a TCP template named “test” that sets
the TCP window size to 1460 bytes, and bind the template to virtual service
port 22 on virtual server vs1:
Example The following commands configure a TCP template that quickly terminates
half-open sessions while allowing active sessions to continue.
• del-session-on-server-down
• force-delete-timeout
• force-delete-timeout-100ms
• half-close-idle-timeout
• half-open-idle-timeout
• idle-timeout
• initial-window-size
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• insert-client-ip
• lan-fast-ack
• qos
• reset-follow-fin
• reset-fwd
• reset-rev
To access these commands at the SLB TCP template level, enter the slb template tcp command.
Description This command clears a TCP session within 2 to 3 seconds if a session
server is disabled by ACOS command or the server fails an ACOS health
check at the service group level.
If a one or more real servers in a service group fails the health check and this
command is enabled for the session, ACOS clears the session.
Description Specifies the maximum number of seconds a session can remain active, and
forces deletion of any session still active after the specified number of sec-
This option is useful for small, fast transactions for which the completion
time of sessions is guaranteed. When used in combination with the reset-
fwd and reset-rev options, the force-delete-timeout option can help clean up
user connections with RSTs instead of allowing the connections to hang.
This command can not be used with the client-SSL or server-SSL template
close-notify option. Doing so may cause unexpected behavior
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Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-31).
alive-if-active Terminates half-open TCP sessions on the virtual port
while allowing active sessions to continue without being
Description Specifies the maximum time (milliseconds) a session can remain active.
Forces deletion of any session still active after the specified number of milli-
Syntax [no] force-delete-timeout-100ms num [alive-if-active]
Parameter Description
num Number of 100ms units (1-31).
alive-if-active Terminates half-open TCP sessions on virtual port while
allowing active sessions to continue without being termi-
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Description Enables aging of half-closed TCP sessions. A half-closed TCP session is a
session in which the server sends a FIN but the client does not reply with an
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (60-15000).
Default Not set; half-closed TCP sessions are kept open indefinitely.
Description Enables aging of half-open TCP sessions. A half-open TCP session is one in
which the client receives a SYN-ACK, but does not reply with an ACK.
Syntax [no] half-open-idle-timeout num
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-60).
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Description Specifies the number of minutes that a connection can be idle before the
ACOS device terminates the connection.
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-2097151, about 24 days).
• For values less than 31, ACOS uses the entered value.
• For values greater than 60, ACOS rounds down to the closest multiple of 60 seconds.
Description Sets the initial TCP window size in SYN ACK packets to clients. The TCP win-
dow size in a SYN ACK or ACK packet specifies the amount of data that a cli-
ent can send before it needs to receive an ACK.
The initial TCP window size applies only to the SYN ACKs sent to the client.
After the SYN ACK, the ACOS device does not modify the TCP window size
for any other packets in the session.
By default, the ACOS device uses the TCP window size set by the client or
Syntax [no] initial-window-size num
Parameter Description
num Window size in bytes (1-65535).
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Description Inserts the client IP address into an options field in the TCP header.
This option is useful for applications that require knowledge of the client IP
address, but that do not use HTTP or another protocol such as Financial
Information eXchange (FIX) that can include this information.
For example, insertion of the client IP address into the TCP header can be
useful for financial applications that do not use FIX.
When this feature is enabled, ACOS places the client IP address into a TCP
option field of type 0x1c, with a length of 7 bytes. For example, the value
placed by ACOS into the TCP header for client is
Description Increases performance of bidirectional peer sessions by acknowledging
receipt of data on behalf of clients and servers.
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Description Marks DSCP (Layer 3) and 802.1p priority (Layer 2) values in client-server
SLB traffic.
Parameter Description
num Values range between 1 to 63. Based on the value you specify, ACOS marks the traffic as fol-
• Layer 3 marking – ACOS sets Diffserv Control Point (DSCP) value in IP header to specified
• Layer 2 marking – ACOS sets 802.1p value in MAC header to the value you specify, divided by
Description enables closing a client or server connection with a reset (RST) on the first
FIN received from the client or server.
Syntax [no] reset-follow-fin
Usage This option alleviates the situation where a backend server receives the cli-
ent FIN, ACKs the FIN, enters CLOSE_WAIT but does not close the connec-
tion (no-FIN behavior), which can result in a build-up of CLOSE-WAIT
sessions and the subsequent resource exhaustion on the server.
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Description Sends a TCP RST to the real server after a session times out.
Description Sends a TCP RST to the client after a session times out.
This command does not send an RST if a server selection failure occurs. To
do this, use the reset-on-server-selection-fail option at the configuration
level for the service group or virtual port.
Parameter Description
STATE • disable - Send the TCP RST only when the server is Disabled.
Usage If the server is Down, the reset-rev option immediately sends the RST to the
client and does not wait for the session to time out.
When using reset-rev disable with the disable-with-hm command under SLB
server configuration, the server is not treated as “disabled” since persist
sessions continue to use the “disabled” server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB TCP Proxy templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default TCP proxy template. This template can be
modified in the same way as any custom template-name
you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB TCP Proxy Template Configuration Mode
Commands for the specified TCP-Proxy template.
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CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all virtual ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a TCP-proxy configuration tem-
plate. The no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one TCP-proxy template to a virtual port. However, you
can bind the same TCP-proxy template to multiple ports.
Example The following commands create a TCP-proxy template named “rst” and set
the idle timeout to 3000 seconds: When the idle timeout occurs, the ACOS
device will send an RST to the client. In cases where the server goes down,
the ACOS device will reset the connection.
• ack-aggressiveness
• backend-wscale
• del-session-on-server-down
• dynamic-buffer-allocation
• fin-timeout
• force-delete-timeout
• force-delete-timeout-100ms
• half-close-idle-timeout
• half-open-idle-timeout
• idle-timeout
• init-cwnd
• initial-window-size
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• insert-client-ip
• keepalive-interval
• keepalive-probes
• mss
• nagle
• qos
• receive-buffer
• reno
• reset-fwd
• reset-rev
• retransmit-retries
• syn-retries
• timewait
• transmit-buffer
To access these commands at the SLB TCP proxy template level, enter the slb template tcp-proxy com-
Description Specifies the cases in which the ACOS device sends an ACK to the client.
Parameter Description
high Send ACK for each packet.
medium Delayed ACK, with ACK on each packet with PUSH flag.
low Delayed ACK.
Default low
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Description Specifies the TCP window scaling factor for backend connections to servers.
The TCP window scaling factor is applicable to virtual ports for which the
ACOS device acts as a TCP proxy.
The TCP window scaling factor is used to calculate the TCP receive window,
which is the maximum amount of data (in bytes) the receiver on a TCP
connection will buffer. The sender is not allowed to send more than this
amount of data before receiving an acknowledgement that the data has
Parameter Description
num Scaling factor (1-14).
Default 1
Description This command clears a port protocol session within 2 to 3 seconds if a ses-
sion server is disabled by ACOS command or the server fails an ACOS health
check at the service group level.
If a one or more real servers in a service group fails the health check and this
command is enabled for the session, ACOS clears the session.
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Description Optimally adjusts the transmit and receive buffer sizes of TCP-proxy while
maintaining a constant sum of combined values.
Description Specifies the number of seconds that a connection can be in the FIN-WAIT
or CLOSING state before the ACOS device terminates the connection.
Parameter Description
num Timeout in seconds (1-60).
Default 5
Description Specifies maximum number of seconds a session can remain active, and
forces deletion of any session that is still active after the specified number of
This option is useful for small, fast transactions for which the completion
time of sessions is guaranteed. When used in combination with the reset-
fwd and reset-rev commands, this option can help clean up user
connections with RSTs instead of allowing the connections to hang.
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Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-31).
alive-if-active Terminates half-open TCP sessions on the virtual port while allowing active sessions to
continue without being terminated.
Description Specifies the maximum number of milliseconds a session can remain active,
and forces deletion of any session that is still active after the specified num-
ber of milliseconds.
Parameter Description
num Number of 100ms units (1-31).
alive-if-active Terminates half-open TCP sessions on the virtual port while allowing active sessions to
continue without being terminated.
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Description Enables aging of half-closed TCP sessions. A half-closed TCP session is a
session in which the server sends a FIN but the client does not reply with an
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (60-120).
Description Enables aging of half-open TCP sessions. A half-open TCP session is one in
which the client receives a SYN-ACK, but does not reply with an ACK.
Syntax [no] half-open-idle-timeout num
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-60).
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Description Specifies the number of minutes that a connection can be idle before the
ACOS device terminates the connection.
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-2097151, about 24 days).
• For values less than 31, ACOS uses the entered value.
• For values greater than 60, ACOS rounds down to the closest multiple of 60 seconds.
Usage See “keepalive-interval” on page 270 for more information about how the idle
timeout and keepalive values are related.
Description Specifies the maximum number of unacknowledged packets that can be
sent on a TCP connection. A large initial congestion-control window size
helps reduce HTTP response latency, especially for short web pages.
Parameter Description
num Number of unacknowledged packets (1-15).
Default 10
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Description Sets the initial TCP window size in SYN ACK packets to clients. The TCP win-
dow size in a SYN ACK or ACK packet specifies the amount of data that a cli-
ent can send before it needs to receive an ACK.
The initial TCP window size applies only to the SYN ACKs sent to the client.
After the SYN ACK, the ACOS device does not modify the TCP window size
for any other packets in the session.
By default, the ACOS device uses the TCP window size set by the client or
• If the virtual port is one of the service types that is proxied by the ACOS
device, initial TCP window size applies to SYN ACKs generated by the
ACOS device and sent to clients. By default, the ACOS device uses the
TCP window size in the client’s SYN. The following service types are
proxied by the ACOS device: HTTP, HTTPS, Fast-HTTP, SSL-proxy, and
• If the virtual port is not one of the service types that is proxied by the
ACOS device (for example, the tcp service type), initial TCP window size
applies to SYN ACKs generated by servers and forwarded by the ACOS
device to clients. By default, the ACOS device uses the TCP window size
in the server’s SYN ACK.
If SYN cookies are enabled, either globally or on the virtual service port, the
ACOS device acts as a TCP proxy even though the service type is not
normally proxied. In this case, the behavior is the same as for any of the
other service types TCP proxied by the ACOS device
Parameter Description
num Window size in bytes (1-65535).
Description Inserts the client IP address into an options field in the TCP header.
This option is useful for applications that require knowledge of the client IP
address, but that do not use HTTP or another protocol such as Financial
Information eXchange (FIX) that can include this information.
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For example, insertion of the client IP address into the TCP header can be
useful for financial applications that do not use FIX.
When this feature is enabled, ACOS places the client IP address into a TCP
option field of type 0x1c, with a length of 7 bytes. For example, the value
placed by ACOS into the TCP header for client is
Description Number of seconds a TCP-proxy session can remain idle before the ACOS
device sends a TCP ACK to the devices on both ends of the session.
Parameter Description
num Keepalive interval in seconds (60-12000).
Usage The keepalive feature, which for TCP-proxy templates, periodically verifies
that a TCP-proxy session is still up on both ends of the session. The
keepalive feature uses keepalive interval to establish the number of seconds
a TCP-proxy session can remain idle before the ACOS device sends a TCP
ACK to the devices on both ends of the session, and the keepalive probe
count allows you to set the maximum number of times the ACOS device
sends a keepalive ACK, before deleting the session.
The ACOS device sends the first keepalive ACK if a session remains idle for
the duration of the keepalive interval:
• If both devices respond with an ACK before the next keepalive interval
expires, the ACOS device resets the keepalive time to 0. This starts a
new keepalive interval.
• If either device does not respond with an ACK before the next keepalive
interval expires, the action taken by the ACOS device depends on the
setting of the keepalive probe count.
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• Keepalive probe count set to value greater than 1 – The ACOS device
sends another ACK to each device.
- If both devices respond, the ACOS device resets the keepalive time
to 0, to begin a new keepalive interval.
- If either device does not respond, the ACOS device sends another
ACK to each device. This action can be repeated up to the configured
maximum number of probes (the probe count).
• Keepalive probe count set to 1 – The ACOS device does not send
new probe ACKs. Instead, the ACOS device deletes the session.
By default, the keepalive interval is shorter than the idle timeout. In this case,
keepalive probes are triggered before the idle timeout expires.
• If both devices respond with an ACK before either of the following
occurs, the keepalive interval time and the idle time are both reset to 0.
• Idle timeout expires – If this occurs, the session is deleted, even if the
maximum number of keepalive probes have not been sent.
• Maximum number of keepalive probes are sent, but at least one of
the devices still does not respond – In this case, the session is
deleted even if the idle timeout has not expired.
If you change the keepalive or idle-timeout settings so that the idle timeout is
shorter than the keepalive interval, the keepalive mechanism is never
triggered. The idle timeout always expires first, causing the session to be
deleted. No keepalive probes are ever sent.
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Description Maximum number of times the ACOS device sends a keepalive ACK, before
deleting the session.
Parameter Description
num Number of keepalive probes (2-10).
Description Change the minimum supported TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS).
Parameter Description
num TCP maximum segment size in octets (128-1460).
Default 1460
Description Enables Nagle congestion compression (described in RFC 896).
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Description Marks the DSCP (Layer 3) and 802.1p priority (Layer 2) values in client-server
SLB traffic.
Parameter Description
num You can set a value between 1 to 63. Based on the value
you specify, ACOS marks the traffic as follows:
Description Specifies the maximum number of bytes addressed to the port that the
ACOS device will buffer.
Parameter Description
num Number of bytes to buffer (1-2147483647).
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Description Enables the TCP Reno congestion control algorithm, and disables Cubic.
Description Sends a TCP RST to the real server after a session times out.
Syntax [no] reset-fwd
Description Sends a TCP RST to the client after a session times out.
Parameter Description
STATE • disable - Send TCP RST only when the server is Dis-
Usage If the server is Down, the reset-rev option immediately sends the RST to the
client and does not wait for the session to time out.
When using reset-rev disable with the disable-with-hm command under SLB
server configuration, the server is not treated as “disabled” since persist
sessions continue to use the “disabled” server.
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Description Specifies the maximum number of times the ACOS device can retransmit a
data segment for which the ACOS device does not receive an ACK.
Syntax [no] retransmit-retries num
Parameter Description
num Number of retries (1-20).
Default 5
Description Specifies the maximum number of times the ACOS device can retransmit a
SYN for which the ACOS device does not receive an ACK.
Parameter Description
num Number retries (1-20).
Default 5
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Description Specifies the number of seconds that a connection can be in the TIME-WAIT
state before the ACOS device transitions it to the CLOSED state.
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-60).
Default 5 seconds
Description Specifies the maximum number of bytes sent by the port that the ACOS
device will buffer.
Parameter Description
num Number of bytes to buffer (1-2147483647).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB UDP templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default SLB UDP template. This template can be
modified in the same way as any custom template-name
you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all virtual ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a UDP configuration template.
The no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one UDP template to a virtual port. However, you can bind
the same UDP template to multiple ports.
• aging
• idle-timeout
• qos
• re-select-if-server-down
• stateless-conn-timeout
To access these commands at the SLB UDP template level, enter the slb template udp command.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies how quickly sessions are terminated when the request is received.
Parameter Description
immediate • Response Received—Session is terminated within 1 second.
NOTE: Best Practice is to explicitly set aging in UDP templates used by DNS
virtual ports.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies the number of seconds a connection can remain idle before the
ACOS device terminates the connection.
Parameter Description
num Number of seconds (1-2097151, about 24 days).
• For values less than 31, ACOS uses the entered value.
• For values greater than 60, ACOS rounds down to the closest multiple of 60 seconds.
The maximum idle timeout supported for TFTP virtual ports is 15300
seconds (255 minutes).
Description Marks the DSCP (Layer 3) and 802.1p priority (Layer 2) values in client-server
SLB traffic.
Parameter Description
num Sets a value between 1 to 63. Based on the value you specify, ACOS marks the traffic as fol-
• Layer 3 marking – ACOS sets Diffserv Control Point (DSCP) value in IP header to specified
• Layer 2 marking – ACOS sets 802.1p value in MAC header to the specified value divided
by 9.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configures the ACOS device to select another real server if the server that is
bound to an active connection goes down. Without this option, another
server is not selected.
By default, the device clears all UDP sessions from the server that goes
Parameter Description
disable-clear-session When this option is enabled, the device does not immediately clear sessions
from a server that goes down.
Example These commands configures the device to select another real server when a
server bound to an active connection goes down and clears all UDP sessions
for the disabled server.
Description Set the stateless current connection timeout value in seconds.
Parameter Description
num Stateless connection timeout value in seconds (5-120).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB virtual port templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the virtual port configuration level.
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default virtual port template. This template can be
modified similar to any custom template-name you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB Virtual Port Template Configuration Mode
Commands for the specified Virtual-Port template.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all virtual ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a virtual service port template.
The no form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one virtual service port template to a virtual service port.
However, you can bind the virtual service port template to multiple virtual
service ports.
Some of the parameters that can be set using a template can also be set or
changed on the individual virtual port.
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in both a template and
on the individual virtual port, the setting on the individual virtual port
takes precedence.
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in a template but not
set or changed from its default on the individual virtual port, the tem-
plate setting takes precedence.
Example These commands configure a virtual service port template named “com-
mon-vpsettings”, set the connection limit, and bind the template to a virtual
Example The following commands create real servers “s1” at (with a real port
range of 10), real server “s2” at (with a range of 25), and real server
“s3” at (which does not have a range configured and will not be used
for this feature). These real servers are then bound to a service group “sg1”,
which is in turn, bound to a VIP (“vip3”) at /24. A virtual port tem-
plate “vport1” is created, and the allow-vip-to-rport-mapping option is
used, and the template is bound to the “vip3”.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• aflow
• allow-syn-otherflags
• allow-vip-to-rport-mapping
• conn-limit
• conn-rate-limit
• drop-unknown-conn
• dscp
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• ignore-tcp-msl
• pkt-rate-limit
• reset-l7-on-failover
• reset-unknown-conn
• snat-msl
• snat-port-preserve
To access these commands at the SLB virtual-port template level, enter slb template virtual-port.
Description Enables aFlow control. aFlow helps avoid packet drops and retransmissions
when a real server port reaches its configured connection limit. aFlow con-
trol is triggered when either of the following occurs:
• If connection limit is configured on the real server or real port – The
backend real server or real port reaches its configured connection limit.
• If connection limit is not configured on the real server or real port – The
response time of the backend real server or real port increases dramati-
cally. The response time is the time between when the ACOS device for-
wards a request to the server, when the ACOS device receives the first
reply packet from the server.
NOTE: In the current release, it is recommended to use the first method for
triggering aFlow, by configuring connection limits on the real servers
or real ports. The second method of triggering aFlow is still being
refined and is considered to be in Beta status.
When aFlow is enabled, the ACOS device queues HTTP/HTTPS packets from
clients when a server port reaches a configured connection limit, instead of
dropping them. The ACOS device then monitors the port, and begins
forwarding the queued packets when connections become available again.
To prevent flooding of the port, the ACOS device forwards the queued
packets at a steady rate.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Allows initial SYN packet with other flags.
Description Enables the VIP to Real Port Mapping feature for a subnet VIP.
The virtual port template containing this option must be bound to the VIP,
and the VIP itself must use a subnet for the last octet (for
example, /24), or the feature will not work.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed on virtual ports that
use this template.
Parameter Description
connections Maximum number of concurrent connections, 0-8000000.
reset Specify the action to take for connections after the connection
limit is reached on the virtual port. By default, excess connec-
tions are dropped. If you change the action to reset, the con-
nections are reset instead. Excess connections are dropped by
no-logging Disable logging when this feature is enabled.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
Example Configure a connection limit of 10000 connections per second, and disable
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Limits the rate of new connections the ACOS device is allowed to send to vir-
tual ports that use this template. When a virtual port reaches its connection
limit, the ACOS device stops selecting the port for client requests.
Parameter Description
connections Maximum new connections allowed on a server. You can specify 1-1048575 connec-
per {100ms | 1sec} Specifies whether the connection rate limit applies to one-second intervals or 100-ms
intervals. The default is one-second intervals (1sec).
reset Send a reset (RST) to a client after the connection rate has been exceeded. By default
(without this option), the ACOS device silently drops the request.
If you configure a limit for a virtual server and also for an individual port, the ACOS
device uses the lower limit.
no-logging Disable logging when this feature is enabled.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the connection counter for the vir-
tual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may become
incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting configuration
until the virtual server or port does not have any active connections.
Example Configure a connection rate limit of 10000 connections per second, and dis-
able logging:
Description Drop the connection a TCP packet without a SYN or RST flag is received, and
the packet does not belong to any existing connections.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Sets the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value in client requests
before forwarding them to the server.
Parameter Description
num You can set the DSCP value to 1-63.
4. Configure a virtual server named vip2 with virtual port 80 http and
port 443 tcp. Although the vp1 template is bound to both ports, outgo-
ing packets are marked with DSCP 4, because real ports take prece-
dence over virtual ports.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
service-group sg-80-6
template virtual-port vp1
port 443 https
source-nat pool s2
service-group sg-443-6
template server-ssl s1
template client-ssl cl-ssl1
template virtual-port vp1
Description Immediately reuse TCP sockets after session termination, without waiting
for the SLB Maximum Session Life (MSL) time to expire.
Description Enables a TCP session to be created when the initial TCP packet is non-SYN.
Usage To guarantee the same backend server is selected after failover, use the src-
ip-only method.
This feature is only supported on TCP virtual ports and not supported when:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure packet rate limit for the virtual port.
Syntax [no] pkt-rate-limit TYPE rate pkt-rate [SAMPLE] [THOLD] [LOG] [RR]
Parameter Description
TYPE Specifies the rate limited source. Options include:
• <no parameter> — threshold is not set and TCP reset is never sent.
• reset rst-rate — TCP reset is sent when packet rate exceeds rst-rate (range is 1
to 1048575). The reset rate should be greater than the packet rate (pkt-rate).
LOG Specifies event logging frequency when packet rate is exceeded. Options include:
Example These commands configure a template with a packet rate limit such packets
are dropped when the rate from a source port exceeds 500 packets per sec-
ond; a TCP reset is sent to terminate the session when the source’s packet
rate exceeds 1000 packets per second.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Resets a Layer 7 connection upon failover.
Description Enables sending TCP Reset (RST) in response to a session mismatch, which
occurs when the ACOS device receives a TCP packet for a TCP session that
is not in the active session table on the ACOS device.
Description Set the Maximum Segment Life (MSL) for source-NAT connections. This
option is useful for servers that have older TCP/IP stacks, which wait up to
240 seconds (4 minutes) after a FIN before the endpoint can enter a new
Parameter Description
seconds You can set the MSL to 1-1800 seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
ACOS(config-vport)# snat-msl 45
Description Attempts to preserve the client’s source port for traffic destined for the vir-
tual port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands and subcommands for configuring SLB virtual server templates.
To apply a template to a virtual port, use the template command at the configuration level for the virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
DNS templates have the highest priority and are used first, followed by policy templates. Then the other
types of templates are used as applicable.
Parameter Description
default Edit the default virtual server template. This template can be
modified in the same way as any custom template-name
you specify.
template-name Template name (1-127 characters)
This command enters the SLB Virtual Server Template Configuration Mode
Commands for the specified Virtual-Server template.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
CAUTION: Before changing a default template, make sure the changes you plan
to make are applicable to all virtual ports that use the template.
Usage The normal form of this command creates a virtual server template. The no
form of this command removes the template.
You can bind only one virtual server template to a virtual server. However,
you can bind the virtual server template to multiple virtual servers.
Some of the parameters that can be set using a template can also be set or
changed on the individual virtual server:
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in both a template and
on the individual virtual server, the setting on the individual virtual server
takes precedence.
• If a parameter is set (or changed from its default) in a template but is
not set or changed from its default on the individual virtual server, the
setting in the template takes precedence.
Example The following commands configure a virtual server template called “vs-
tmplt1” that sets ICMP rate limiting and bind the template to a virtual server:
• conn-limit
• conn-rate-limit
• icmp-rate-limit
• icmpv6-rate-limit
• subnet-gratuitous-arp
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
To access commands at the SLB virtual-server template level, enter the slb template virtual-server
Description Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed on virtual servers
that use this template.
Parameter Description
connections Maximum number of concurrent connections, 0-8000000.
reset Specify the action to take for connections after the connection limit is reached on the
virtual server. By default, excess connections are dropped. If you change the action to
reset, the connections are reset instead. Excess connections are dropped by default.
no-logging Disable logging when this feature is enabled.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
Example Configure a connection limit of 10000 connections per second, and disable
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Limits the rate of new connections the ACOS device is allowed to send to
servers that use this template. When a real server reaches its connection
limit, the ACOS device stop selecting the server for client requests.
Parameter Description
connections Maximum of new connections allowed on a server. You can specify 1-1048575 con-
per {100ms | 1sec} Specifies whether the connection rate limit applies to one-second intervals or 100-ms
intervals. The default is one-second intervals (1sec).
reset Send a reset (RST) to a client after the connection rate has been exceeded. By default
(without this option), the ACOS device silently drops the request.
If you configure a limit for a server and also for an individual port, the ACOS device
uses the lower limit.
no-logging Disable logging when this feature is enabled.
Usage If you change the connection limiting configuration on a virtual port or virtual
server that has active sessions, or in a virtual-port or virtual-server template
bound to the virtual server or virtual port, the current connection counter for
the virtual port or server in show command output and in the GUI may
become incorrect. To avoid this, do not change the connection limiting con-
figuration until the virtual server or port does not have any active connec-
Example Configure a connection rate limit of 10000 connections per second, and dis-
able logging:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configures ICMP (v4) rate limiting for the virtual server, to protect against
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
Parameter Description
normal-rate Maximum number of ICMP packets allowed per second. If the
virtual server receives more than the normal rate of ICMP pack-
ets, the excess packets are dropped until the next one-second
interval begins. The normal rate can be 1-65535 packets per
max-rate Maximum number of ICMP packets allowed per second before
the ACOS device locks up ICMP traffic to the virtual server.
When ICMP traffic is locked up, all ICMP packets are dropped
until the lockup expires. The maximum rate can be 1-65535
packets per second. The maximum rate must be larger than the
normal rate.
lockup-time Number of seconds for which the ACOS device drops all ICMP
traffic to the virtual server, after the maximum rate is exceeded.
The lockup time can be 1-16383 seconds.
Default By default, this is not set. When enabled, specifying a maximum rate (lockup
rate) and lockup time is optional. If you do not specify them, lockup does not
Example Configure ICMP rate limiting to allow 5000 packets per second.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configures ICMPv6 rate limiting for the virtual server, to protect against
denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
Parameter Description
normal-rate Maximum number of ICMPv6 packets allowed per second. If the virtual server receives
more than the normal rate of ICMP packets, the excess packets are dropped until the
next one-second interval begins. The normal rate can be 1-65535 packets per second.
max-rate Maximum number of ICMPv6 packets allowed per second before the ACOS device
locks up ICMPv6 traffic to the virtual server. When ICMPv6 traffic is locked up, all
ICMPv6 packets are dropped until the lockup expires. The maximum rate can be 1-
65535 packets per second. The maximum rate must be larger than the normal rate.
lockup-time Number of seconds for which the ACOS device drops all ICMPv6 traffic to the virtual
server, after the maximum rate is exceeded. The lockup time can be 1-16383 seconds.
Default By default, this is not set. If you enable it, specifying a maximum rate (lockup
rate) and lockup time is optional. If you do not specify them, lockup does not
Example Configure ICMPv6 rate limiting to allow 5000 packets per second.
Description Enables gratuitous ARPs for all VIPs in subnet VIPs. A subnet VIP is a range
of VIPs created from a range of IP addresses within a subnet.
This option applies only to VIPs that are created using a range of subnet IP
addresses. The option has no effect on VIPs created with a single IP
Default This is disabled by default; the ACOS device sends gratuitous ARPs for only
the first IP address in a subnet VIP.
Example Send a gratuitous ARPs for every IP in the subnet virtual server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes commands that configure SLB servers. These commands apply to real servers,
not virtual servers, described in “Config Commands: SLB Virtual Servers” on page 339. Commands
available at all levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are described in the Command Line
Interface Reference. To display configured servers, use the show slb server command.
• alternate
• conn-limit
• conn-resume
• disable
• disable-with-health-check
• enable
• extended-stats
• external-ip
• health-check
• health-check-disable
• ipv6
• port
• slow-start
• spoofing-cache
• stats-data-disable
• stats-data-enable
• template server
• weight
To access this configuration level, enter the slb server server-name command at the global Config
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Assign an alternate server as a dedicated backup for a primary server.
Parameter Description
sequence-num Priority of the server as a backup. You can specify 1-16.
server-name Name of the alternate server.
Usage You can assign up to 16 alternate servers to a primary server. Only 1 alter-
nate server for a given primary server can be active at a time.
This feature places an alternate server into service only if the primary server
goes down. Other features such as connection limiting or connection-rate
limiting can not cause an alternate server to be used. Do not add alternate
servers to the service group.
For more information, see the “Alternate Servers for Server-specific Backup”
chapter in the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
The system log displays ports that are deleted by the clear command.
Block merge and replace modes do not support the removal of ports through
this clear command. The system log provides a Warning message when the
clear slb unused-server-port command is not successful.
Example The clear slb unused-server-ports command removes a tcp port (78) and
udp port (98) from the s1 real server. The show commands demonstrate the
effect of the clear command.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specify maximum number of concurrent connections allowed on a real
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Default 8000000
Usage If you set a connection limit, it is recommended that you also set the conn-
resume interval. (See “conn-resume” on page 304.)
You also can set the connection limit on individual protocol ports. In this
case, the limit specified for the port overrides the limit set at the server level.
Description Specify the maximum number of connections the server can have before the
ACOS device resumes use of the server. Use does not resume until the num-
ber of connections reaches the configured maximum or less.
Default By default, this option is not set. The ACOS device is allowed to start sending
new connection requests to the server when the number of connections on
the server falls below the connection limit threshold set by conn-limit.
Usage You also can set the conn-resume value on individual protocol ports. In this
case, the value specified for the port overrides the value set at the server
Example The following command sets the conn-resume option to 500,000 connec-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable a real server.
Default Enabled
Usage Disabling a real server that is a service-group member generates a log mes-
sage and an SNMP trap.
Description Disable a service-group member from normal server selection, but still main-
tain the health of the server.
This feature is ideal if you periodically need to take active servers out of
service pools for maintenance, but this maintenance is done through a
remote client. The feature allows you to access these servers using the
same front-end VIP in the presence of a persistent cookie template or
LB::reselect aFleX command.
Syntax disable-with-health-check
Usage In addition to real server configuration mode, this command is also available
from the following modes:
• Real server port configuration (see “port” on page 308)
• Service -group member (see “member” on page 319)
Example This example configures health monitor “hm1” to use ICMP transparent
health method and apply the monitor to a TCP port on real server “realserv-
er1”. Disable-with-health-check is enabled at the SLB server configuration
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
ACOS(config-health:monitor)# exit
ACOS(config)# slb server realserver1
ACOS(config-real server)# disable-with-health-check
ACOS(config-real server)# port 80 tcp
ACOS(config-real server-node port)# health-check hm1
ACOS(config-real server-node port)# exit
ACOS(config-real server)# exit
ACOS(config)# slb service-group sg1 tcp
ACOS(config-slb svc group)# member realserver1 80
ACOS(config-slb svc group-member:80)#
Description Re-enable a real server.
Default Enabled
Usage Enabling a real server that is a service-group member generates a log mes-
sage and an SNMP trap.
Description Enable collection of peak connection statistics for a server.
Default Disabled
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Assign an external Network Address Translation (NAT) IP address to the
server. The external IP address allows a server that has an internal IP
address to be reached from outside the internal network.
Default None
Description Enable health monitoring for a server.
Syntax [no] health-check monitor-name
Default ICMP ping (echo request), sent every 5 seconds. If ping fails 4 times consec-
utively (first attempt followed by 3 retries), ACOS device sets the server state
to DOWN.
Usage Entering the command at this level enables Layer 3 health checking. The
monitor you specify must use the ICMP method.
Example The following command sets a server to use the “RUthere” health monitor:
Description Disable health monitoring of the server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Assign an IPv6 address to the real server for GSLB.
Default None
Description Configure a TCP or UDP port on a server.
Parameter Description
port-num Protocol port number, 0-65534.
Port number 0 is a wildcard port used for IP protocol load balancing. For
more information, see the “IP Protocol Load Balancing” chapter of the Applica-
tion Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
tcp | udp Protocol type.
When configuring a port for NetFlow, use UDP. TCP is not supported for Net-
range num Specifies the range of real ports you want to create within the real server con-
figuration. This value can range from 0-254.
The specified port number is the base number for the range of real ports.
This command changes the CLI to the configuration level for the specified
port, where the following port-related commands are available:
Command Description
[no] alternate sequence-num Configure an alternate port for the primary port. Sequence-num and
server-name port portnum server-name can be 1-16. (For more information, see “Dedicated Backups
for Real Server Ports” in the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing
[no] authentication-server Binds an authentication-server profile to the port.
NOTE: This option applies to Application Access Management (AAM).
[no] conn-limit Specifies the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed on
max-connections the server for this port, 0-8000000 (eight million).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] conn-resume Specifies the maximum number of connections the service port can
connections have before the ACOS device resumes use of the port. Use does not
resume until the number of connections reaches the configured maxi-
mum or less. You can specify 1-1000000 (1 million) connections.
By default, this option is not set. The ACOS device is allowed to start
sending new connection requests to the service port as soon as the
number of connections on the port falls back below the connection limit
threshold set by the conn-limit command.
disable Disables the port.
disable-with-health-check Disable member service port, but maintain the server’s health check sta-
This feature is introduced in ACOS 2.7.2-P2 and later, and ACOS 4.0.1 to
allow you to disable a service-group member’s port from normal server
selection, but still maintain the health of the server.
This feature is ideal if you periodically need to take active servers out of
service pools for maintenance, but this maintenance is done through a
remote client. The feature allows you to access these servers using the
same front-end VIP in the presence of a persistent cookie template or
LB::reselect aFleX command.
enable Enables the port.
[no] extended-stats Enables collection of SLB peak connection statistics for the port.
[no] health-check monitor- Enables health monitoring of the port. The monitor-name specifies the
name name of a configured health monitor.
• UDP – Every 5 seconds, the ACOS device sends a packet with a valid
UDP header and a garbage payload to the UDP port. The port passes
the health check if the server either does not reply, or replies with any
type of packet except an ICMP Error message.
[no] health-check-follow- Specifies another real port upon which to base this port’s health status.
port port-num {tcp | udp} Both the real port and the port to use for the real port’s health status
must be the same type, TCP or UDP. By default, this option is not set.
[no] health-check-disable Disables health monitoring of the port.
[no] no-ssl Disables SSL for server-side connections. This command is useful if a
server-SSL template is bound to the virtual port that uses this real port,
and you want to disable encryption on this real port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] service-principal-name Specifies the Kerberos principal name of this server port. This is the
string [...] ACOS client name presented to the application server.
The real port template named “default” is bound to real ports by default.
Parameter settings in the default real port template automatically apply
to the port, unless you bind a different real port template to the port.
If a parameter is set individually on this port and also is set in a port tem-
plate bound to this port, the individual setting on this port is used
instead of the setting in the template.
Default No ports are configured by default. The defaults for the command options
are described with the options, above. Statistical data collection of load-bal-
ancing resources is enabled by default.
The no form of this command resets the port’s connection limit, health
monitoring, or weight to its default value. To collect statistical data for a
load-balancing resource, statistical data collection also must be enabled
globally. (See “slb common” on page 20.)
Usage Include the range option for each real server that will be included in the ser-
vice group, but only if you want that real server to be included in the mapping
feature. The service group can be “mixed”. That is, some real servers within a
service group can have the range option set, but it is not mandatory for all
servers in a service group to be configured for “VIP to real port mapping”.
Example The following commands configure server “terap” and add TCP port 69 to
the server. The health-check command is not entered, so by default the
ACOS device will check the service port’s health by sending a connection
request to 69 on terap every 30 seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following commands bind the server-SSL template directly to TCP port
80 on the real server at IP
Example The following example configures health monitor “hm1” to use the ICMP
transparent health method, and apply the monitor to a TCP port on real
server “realserver1”. The disable-with-health-check option is enabled at
the SLB server port configuration level.
Description Enable slow-start for a server. Slow start allows time for a server to ramp up
after the server is enabled or comes online, by temporarily limiting the num-
ber of new connections on the server.
Default Disabled
Usage Slow-start allows a maximum of 128 new connections during the first inter-
val (anywhere between 0 and 10 seconds). During each subsequent 10-sec-
ond interval, the total number of concurrent connections allowed to the
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
server is doubled. Thus, during the first 20 seconds, the server is allowed to
have a total of 256 concurrent connections. After 59 seconds, slow-start
ends the ramp-up and no longer limits the number of concurrent connec-
After the ramp-up period ends, the number of new connections is controlled
by the conn-limit setting. (See “conn-limit” on page 303 and the description
of conn-limit in “port” on page 308.)
Description Enable support for a spoofing cache server. A spoofing cache server uses
the client’s IP address instead of its own as the source address when obtain-
ing content requested by the client.
Default Disabled
Usage This command applies to the Transparent Cache Switching (TCS) feature.
For more information about TCS, including additional configuration require-
ments and examples, see the “Transparent Cache Switching” chapter in the
Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
Example The following commands configure a real server for a spoofing cache server:
Description Disable collection of statistical data for the server.
Syntax stats-data-disable
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enable collection of statistical data for the server.
Syntax stats-data-enable
Usage To collect statistical data for a load-balancing resource, statistical data col-
lection also must be enabled globally. (See “slb common” on page 20.)
template server
Description Bind a real server template to the server.
Default The real server template named “default” is bound to servers by default. The
parameter settings in the default real server template are automatically
applied to the new server, unless you bind a different real server template to
the server.
Usage If a parameter is set individually on this server and also is set in a server tem-
plate bound to this server, the individual setting on this server is used instead
of the setting in the template.
To configure a real server template, see “slb template server” on page 96.
Example The following commands configure a real server template called “rs-tmplt1”
and bind the template to two real servers:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Assign an administrative weight to the server, for weighted load balancing.
Replace num with the administrative weight assigned to the server. You can
specify 1-100.
Default 1
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands for configuring SLB service groups.
To access this configuration level, enter the slb service-group command at the Global configuration
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
• backup-server-event-log
• extended-stats
• health-check
• health-check-disable
• member
• method
• min-active-member
• priority
• priority-affinity
• reset auto-switch
• reset-on-server-selection-fail
• sample-rsp-time
• stats-data-disable
• stats-data-enable
• strict-select
• template
• traffic-replication-type
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enable log messages to indicate when a backup service-group member is
placed into service or is removed from service.
Default Disabled
By default, the backup servers are placed into service only when both
primary servers exceed their connection limits or go down. You can use the
min-active-member command to allow secondary servers to be placed into
service even when some primary servers are still available. (See “min-active-
member” on page 329.)
• slb server-conn-limit
• slb server-conn-resume
• slb service-conn-limit
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• slb service-conn-resume
When the backup member is removed from service, a message such as one
of the following is generated:
Disabled new connections on backup server(s) on group sg1, resume
primary server rs1 port 80
In the first message, the service group name is included. The service group
name is not included in the second message.
• If the primary server is a member of only one service group, or the ser-
vice group can otherwise be determined, the first message is used.
• If the primary server is a member of more than one service group, and
the service group can not be determined, the second message is used.
Description Enable collection of peak connection statistics for a service group.
Syntax [no] extended-stats
Default Disabled
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Use a health monitor to check the health of all members of the service
Default None
Usage The health monitor is used to test the health of all members of the service
group, including any members that are added in the future.
Service group health status applies only within the service group context.
Health checks of a port from different service groups can result in different
health status, depending on the resource requested by the health check.
Health checks can be applied to the same resource (real server or port) at
the following levels:
• In a service group that contains the server and port as a member
• In a server or server port configuration template bound to the server or
• Directly on the individual server or port
In cases where health checks are applied at multiple levels, they have the
following priority:
1. Health check on real server
2. Health check on real server’s port
3. Health check on service group
If a health check at the real server level (1) fails, the corresponding real
server, real server port, and service group members are marked Down.
However, if a health check on the service group level (3) fails, only that
service group member in that service group is marked Down.
Example These commands configure a health monitor and apply it to a service group:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable health monitoring of the service group.
Description Add a server to a service group.
Parameter Description
server-name portnum Name of the real server you want to add to the service group. This server must
already exist on the system.
portnum Protocol port number on the server.
Parameter Description
enable Enable the server and port for this service-group only.
disable Disable the server and port for this service-group only.
disable-with-health-check Disable the member server, but maintain the server’s health check status.
This feature is introduced in ACOS 2.7.2-P2 and later, and ACOS 4.0.1 to
allow you to disable a service-group member from normal server selection,
but still maintain the health of the server.
This feature is ideal if you periodically need to take active servers out of
service pools for maintenance, but this maintenance is done through a
remote client. The feature allows you to access these servers using the
same front-end VIP in the presence of a persistent cookie template or
LB::reselect aFleX command.
priority num Sets the preference for this server and port, 1-16. The highest priority is 16.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
sampling-enable param Enable baselining. The following parameters are available:
NOTE: The port template option slow-start is not supported if the port
template is applied using this command.
stats-data-disable Disable statistical data collection for the service-group member.
Default There are no servers in a service group by default. When you add a server
and port to the service group, the default state is enabled and the default pri-
ority is 1. Statistical data collection of load-balancing resources is enabled
by default.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
To configure a real port template, see “slb template port” on page 96.
Usage The normal form of this command adds a configured server to the service
group. The “no” form of this command removes the server from the group.
If you disable or re-enable a port, the state change applies only to this service
group. The state of the port is unchanged in other service groups.
Example The following commands add servers “s1” and “s2” to service group
Example The following command adds a member server and port to a service group
and binds a real port template to the port:
Example The following example configures health monitor “hm1” to use the ICMP
transparent health method, and apply the monitor to a TCP port on real
server “realserver1”. Then, the disable-with-health-check option is enabled
at the service group member configuration level.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description The method command is a service-group configuration mode command
that specifies the load balance method used to determine which server
receives an inbound data flow (session). After a server is selected for a ses-
sion, that server receives packets from the session until the timeout expiry,
defined as the period of time the load balancer does not receive at least one
packet of the session.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
lb-method Load-balancing method:
• dest-ip-hash – Calculates a hash value based on the destination IP address and proto-
col port of the client’s request.
• fastest-response – Selects the server with the fastest first data packet response time
(after three-way handshake) from end-user traffic requests.
The fastest-response method is not applicable in Direct Server Return (DSR) deploy-
For this and the other least-connection methods, if there is a tie, the default behavior is to
select the port (among those tied) that has the lowest number of request bytes plus
response bytes. If there is still a tie, a port is randomly selected from among the ones that
are still tied.
To override this tie-breaker behavior, use the pseudo-round-robin option. This option
selects the server that has not been selected for the longest time.
• odd-even-hash – Hash value is even-odd result of the sum of the source IP address
• src-ip-hash – Calculates a hash value based on the source IP address and protocol port
of the client’s request.
• src-ip-only-hash – Calculates a hash value based on only the source IP address of the
client’s request.
• least-request – Selects the real server port for which the ACOS device is currently pro-
cessing the fewest HTTP requests. This method is applicable to HTTP load balancing.
To use this method, you also need to assign weights to the servers. (See “weight” on
page 314.) If the weight value is the same on each server, this load-balancing method sim-
ply selects the servers in rotation.
The weighted-rr method uses only the server weight. Server port weight is not used.
(Instead, server port weight is used by the service-weighted-least-connection
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
lb-method Load balancing method (continued):
• round-robin – Selects servers in simple rotation.
These methods apply only to stateless SLB. See the “Usage” section for more information.
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Parameter Description
auto-switch You can configure the following options for this feature.
The stateless-lb-method option specifies the stateless load-balancing method to use if the
traffic reaches the configured threshold, and can be one of the following:
• stateless-dst-ip-hash
• stateless-per-pkt-round-robin
• stateless-src-dst-ip-hash
• stateless-src-dst-ip-only-hash
• stateless-src-ip-hash
• stateless-src-ip-only-hash
You can specify either of the following sets of thresholds:
• conn-rate rate duration – Rate of new connection requests per second at which the
load balancing method is changed. The rate applies collectively to all servers in the service
group. The threshold can be 1-1000000 connection requests per second.
For each set of thresholds, you can specify the following options:
Note: If no revert rate is specified, load balancing will remain stateless. For a switch to
stateful to occur, a revert rate must be specified.
• revert-duration – (Optional) Number of seconds during which the specified revert trig-
ger must continue to occur before the service group changes to stateful load balancing
again. You can specify 1-600 seconds.
NOTE: The grace period applies only to sessions that are active when the load balancing
change is triggered. The change applies immediately to new sessions that begin after the
change is triggered.
• log – Logs changes between stateful and stateless load balancing that occur due to this
feature. This is disabled by default.
Usage The fastest-response method takes effect only if the traffic rate on the serv-
ers is at least 5 connections per second (per server). If the traffic rate is
lower, the first server in the service group usually is selected.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Stateless SLB
Stateless SLB is not valid for the following features or traffic types:
• Rate limiting
• ACLs
• IP source NAT
• Session synchronization
• Application Layer Gateway (ALG)
• Layer 3 DSR
• aFleX
A given real server can be used in only one stateless SLB service group. A
real server that is in a stateless SLB service group cannot be used in any
other stateless service groups.
If the virtual port is on a wildcard VIP, destination NAT must be disabled on
the virtual port. To disable destination NAT, see “no-dest-nat” on page 359.
Mega-proxies may interfere with equal balancing of traffic load among the
multiple data CPUs. In this case, for DNS traffic only, try using the stateless-
per-pkt-round-robin method.
Example The following example sets the load-balancing method for a service group to
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following commands configure a stateless SLB service group for UDP
Example The following commands configure a service group that uses the stateless-
per-pkt-round-robin stateless load-balancing method. This method is used if
the rate of new connection requests to the virtual port bound to the service
group reaches 80,000 connections per second, and remains at least this
high for 300 seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Use backup servers even if some primary servers are still up.
Parameter Description
num Minimum number of primary servers that can still be
active (available), before the backup servers are used. You
can specify 1-63. There is no default.
dynamic-priority Dynamically adds lower-priority servers to the active list to
meet the min-active member requirement.
skip-pri-set Specifies whether the remaining primary servers continue
to be used. If you use this option, the ACOS device uses
only the backup servers and stops using any of the pri-
mary servers.
Default By default, the servers with the highest priority value are the primary servers.
All other servers are backups only, and are used only if all the primary servers
are unavailable.
When you use this command, the skip-pri-set option is disabled by default.
Usage Primary and backup servers are designated based on member priority (set
with the member command). For example, if a service group contains real
servers with the following priority settings, real servers s1, s2, and s3 are the
primary servers. Real servers s4 and s5 are backup servers.
• s1 – priority 16
• s2 – priority 16
• s3 – priority 16
• s4 – priority 8
• s5 – priority 8
Example The following commands add members with different priorities to a service
group, and configure promiscuous VIP to begin using backup servers if any
of the primary servers becomes unavailable:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure the ACOS device to respond to the failure of service-group mem-
bers of a certain priority by taking a designated action, such as dropping the
request or sending a TCP reset back to the client.
Syntax priority num
drop |
drop-if-exceed-limit |
proceed |
reset |
Parameter Description
num Priority of the port, ranging from 1-16. Higher-priority nodes are preferred over
nodes with lower numbers. There is no default.
drop Drops the request if all nodes with this same priority fail for any reason.
drop-if-exceed-limit Drops the request if all nodes with this same priority fail, and if one or more
nodes exceed the configured connection limit or connection-rate-limit.
proceed The ACOS device uses the node(s) with the next-highest priority if all nodes
with the currently-selected priority fail (this is the default behavior).
reset Sends a reset to the client if all nodes with this same priority fail for any reason.
reset-if-exceed-limit Sends a reset to client if all nodes with this same priority fail and if failure is due
to one or more nodes exceeding configured connection-limit or connection-
Default By default, the ACOS device will use the node(s) with the next-highest priority
if all nodes with the currently-selected priority fail.
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Usage Use this feature to define specific actions that should occur when higher-pri-
ority service-group members fail. By default, the ACOS device uses the high-
est priority service-group members until they are no longer available. When
the higher-priority nodes fail, the device fails over to the nodes with the next-
highest priority.
This priority option enables you to tie actions (drop, reset, and others) to a
general failure, such as service group members becoming disabled or failing
a health check. Alternatively, actions can be tied to connection-limits or
connection-rate-limits being exceeded.
Configuring the "priority option" feature allows you to prevent lower-priority
servers, which are presumably less robust than higher-priority servers, from
being overwhelmed by a flood of traffic when a failover occurs.
NOTE: The actions are mutually exclusive. Only one action can be config-
ured for each priority level.
The reset or drop actions can be triggered for the following reasons:
• If a health check fails
• If a user disables a server or port
• If another Load Balancing feature causes the currently-used priority to
become unavailable (for example, min-active-member feature)
• If a connection-limit or connection-rate-limit is exceeded
Example The following commands create the TCP service group “sg1” with several
servers with a priority of 10, and one server with a priority of 5. The com-
mands also assign the reset-if-exceed-limit action for members with pri-
ority 10, and assign the drop action for members with priority 5.
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Description Configure the ACOS device to continue using backup servers (servers with
lower priority) even when the primary (high priority) servers come back up.
The reset option resets the priority affinity feature so that the primary
servers can be used again.
Default Disabled.
By default, the ACOS device uses only the service-group members with the
highest priority. If all the highest-priority servers go down, the ACOS device
starts using the secondary (lower-priority) members. Also by default, when
one or more of the highest-priority servers comes back up, the ACOS device
returns to using only those highest-priority servers and stops using the
backup servers.
If the ACOS device stops using primary servers due to other features (such
as exceeding connection limits), priority affinity takes effect just as if the
switchover to the backup servers were triggered by a change in the status of
the primary servers. If those higher-priority servers become available due to
the number of connections dropping below the configured threshold, ACOS
will not use them, but will instead continue using the lower-priority backup
reset auto-switch
Description Reset load balancing from stateless back to the configured stateful method.
Default N/A
Mode Configuration
Usage This command is operational only and does not affect the configuration. The
command is not saved in the startup-config.
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Description Send a TCP reset (RST) to the client if server selection fails.
Default Disabled
Description View sample server response time information.
Parameter Description
rpt-ext-server Report the top 10 fastest or slowest servers.
report-delay mins Set the reporting frequency in minutes (1-7200).
top-fastest Report the top 10 fastest servers.
top-slowest Report the top 10 slowest servers.
Description Disable collection of statistical data for the service group.
Syntax stats-data-disable
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Description Enable collection of statistical data for the service group.
Syntax stats-data-enable
Usage To collect statistical data for a load-balancing resource, statistical data col-
lection also must be enabled globally. (See “slb common” on page 20.)
Description ACOS load balancing methods optimize for high performance, but some-
times this creates an imbalance in server selection, and some servers may
have more open connections than others. For the round-robin method of
load balancing, the imbalances can be corrected when the option of “strict”
is selected to ensure an exact round-robin distribution.
Default Disabled.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Apply a server or port configuration template to a service group.
Syntax template
{policy template-name | port template-name | server template-name}
Parameter Description
policy template-name Name of a policy template.
port template-name Name of a port template.
server template-name Name of a server template.
Default The settings in the server or port template applied to the server or port are
used, unless overridden by settings in the individual server or port configura-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Replicate or “mirror” traffic to one or more collector servers in a service
group using one of the traffic replication types.
Syntax traffic-replication-type {
mirror |
mirror-da-repl |
mirror-ip-repl |
mirror-sa-da-repl |
Parameter Description
mirror The ACOS device sends the packets “as is” to the collector server(s). Forwarding is
based on the IP address in the original packet. This mode does not change the
packet header at all. The original Layer 2 Destination Address (DA) or Source
Address (SA) and Layer 3 IP addresses are left intact.
mirror-da-repl Mirror Destination MAC Address replacement mode uses Layer 2 forwarding, with
the ACOS device replacing the destination MAC address on the incoming packet
with the destination MAC for each of the collector servers within the designated ser-
vice group.
mirror-ip-repl Mirror IP-replacement mode replaces the incoming packet’s IP address with the IP
address of the collector server(s) and then forwards the duplicated packet to those
servers. This option affects the packet at Layer 4, with minor changes made to the
L4 source and destination ports. This option is recommended for scenarios in which
collector servers are directly connected to the ACOS device.
mirror-sa-da-repl Mirror Source MAC Address and Destination MAC Address replacement mode
replaces both the source and destination MAC addresses at Layer 2 but does not
change the Layer 3 IP addressing information.
mirror-sa-repl Mirror Source MAC Address replacement mode replaces source MAC address on
incoming packets with the MAC address corresponding to virtual server on the
ACOS device.
In general, most of the traffic replication options modify the headers of the
duplicated packets at Layer 2 by changing the MAC address. Only one of the
Traffic Replication modes alters the packets’ IP address.
Default Disabled
Usage Traffic replication intercepts traffic feeds, such as SNMP or Syslog packets,
copies them to a buffer, and forwards duplicated packets to multiple collec-
tor servers, where data can be used to track users and devices. This is help-
ful for organizations needing Network Monitoring feeds replicated to
multiple destinations.
When configuring the feature, after defining the VIP and setting up the real
collector servers, configure a service group for the collector servers, add the
real collector servers to the service group, and specify the traffic which
replication mode will be used.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following commands configure a service group for the collector servers
and add the real collector servers to the service group. Then, the commands
specify that the mirror-da-repl traffic replication mode will be used to for-
ward duplicated network monitoring traffic to the collector servers.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands for configuring SLB virtual servers. The commands in this chap-
ter apply to virtual servers (also called “VIPs”), not to real servers. To configure real servers, see “Config
Commands: SLB Servers” on page 301.
To access this configuration level, enter the slb virtual-server command at the global Config level.
To display configured virtual servers, use the show slb virtual-server ? command.
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
• arp-disable
• description
• disable
• disable-when-all-ports-down
• disable-when-any-port-down
• enable
• extended-stats
• port
• redistribution-flagged
• stats-data-disable
• stats-data-enable
• template logging
• template policy
• template scaleout
• template virtual-server
• vrid
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable ARP replies from a virtual server.
Usage Use this command if you do not want the ACOS device to reply to ARP
requests to the virtual server’s IP address. For example, you can use this
command to put a VIP out of service on one ACOS device and use that
device as a switch or router for another ACOS device providing SLB for the
When you disable ARP replies for a VIP, redistribution of routes to the VIP is
automatically disabled.
Description Add a description to a VIP.
Syntax description string
Replace string with a description of the VIP (up to 63 characters long). The
string can contain blanks. Quotation marks are not required.
Default None
Description Disable a virtual server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Automatically disable the virtual server if all its service ports are down. If
OSPF redistribution of the VIP is enabled, the ACOS device also withdraws
the route to the VIP in addition to disabling the virtual server.
Parameter Description
when-all-ports-down Automatically disables the virtual server if all its service ports are down. If OSPF
redistribution of the VIP is enabled, the ACOS device also withdraws the route to
the VIP in addition to disabling the virtual server.
when-any-port-down Automatically disables the virtual server if any of its service ports is down. If OSPF
redistribution of the VIP is enabled, the ACOS device also withdraws the route to
the VIP in addition to disabling the virtual server.
Default Enabled.
Description Automatically disable the virtual server if any of its service ports is down. If
OSPF redistribution of the VIP is enabled, the ACOS device also withdraws
the route to the VIP in addition to disabling the virtual server.
Default Disabled.
Description Enable a virtual server.
Default Enabled
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Description Enable collection of peak connection statistics for a virtual server.
Default Disabled
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Description Configure a virtual port on a virtual server.
Parameter Description
port Port number, 0-65534.
service-type Service type of the port:
• http – HTTP
NOTE: HTTP2.0 is not supported in this command. If you enter http or https for the
service-type, only HTTP1.0 and 1.1 is supported.
• others – Wildcard port used for IP protocol load balancing. (For more information, see
the “IP Protocol Load Balancing” chapter of the Application Delivery and Server Load Bal-
ancing Guide.)
• radius – RADIUS
• reqmod-icap - ICAP
• respmod-icap - ICAP
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
service-type • sip – Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) over UDP
• sip-tcp – SIP over TCP
• smpp-tcp – Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP 3.3) load balancing over TCP
Default N/A
Usage The normal form of this command creates a new or edits an existing virtual
port. The CLI changes to the configuration level for the virtual port. (See
“Config Commands: SLB Virtual Server Ports” on page 349.)
The “no” form of this command removes the specified virtual port from
current virtual server.
The maximum number of virtual service ports allowed and the maximum
number per virtual server depend on the ACOS model.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Packets reaching a Layer 7 HTT{P virtual port are processed in the following
order of priority:
Example The following example creates a new (or edits an existing) virtual port:
Description Flag this VIP to selectively enable or disable redistribution of it by OSPF.
Usage Use this option if you want to redistribute only some of the VIPs rather than
all of them.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable collection of statistical data for the virtual server.
Syntax stats-data-disable
Description Enable collection of statistical data for the virtual server.
Syntax stats-data-enable
Usage To collect statistical data for a load-balancing resource, statistical data col-
lection also must be enabled globally. (See “slb common” on page 20.)
template logging
Description Bind a logging template to the virtual server.
Default None
template policy
Description Bind a PBSLB policy template to the virtual server.
Default None
Usage This command is applicable only for PBSLB policy templates configured for
IP limiting. (See the Application Access Management and DDoS Mitigation
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
template scaleout
Description Bind a Scale Out template to the virtual server.
Default None
template virtual-server
Description Bind a virtual server template to the virtual server.
Syntax [no] template virtual-server template-name
Default The virtual server template named “default” is bound to virtual servers by
default. The parameter settings in the default virtual server template are
automatically applied to the new virtual server, unless you bind a different
virtual server template to the virtual server.
Usage If a parameter is set individually on this virtual server and also is set in a vir-
tual server template bound to this virtual server, the individual setting on this
virtual server is used instead of the setting in the template.
Example The following commands configure a virtual server template called “vs-
tmplt1” that sets ICMP rate limiting, and bind the template to a virtual server:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Assign the virtual server to a VRRP-A VRID.
Use num to specify the VRID (1-31 in the shared partition, or 1-7 in an L3V
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
To access this configuration level, enter the port command at the configuration level for a virtual
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
• aaa-policy
• access-list
• aflex
• alternate
• bucket-count
• clientip-sticky-nat
• conn-limit
• def-selection-if-pref-failed
• def-selection-if-pref-failed-disable
• disable
• enable
• extended-stats
• force-routing-mode
• ha-conn-mirror
• ip-map-list
• ipinip
• message-switching
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• name
• no-auto-up-on-aflex
• no-dest-nat
• redirect-to-https
• reset-on-server-selection-fail
• rtp-sip-call-id-match
• service-group
• skip-rev-hash
• snat-on-vip
• source-nat auto
• source-nat pool
• stats-data-disable
• stats-data-enable
• syn-cookie
• template
• template virtual-port
• use-default-if-no-server
• use-rcv-hop-for-resp
Description Bind an AAM policy to the virtual port.
Description Apply an Access Control List (ACL) to a virtual server port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
acl-num | name acl-name Number of a configured IPv4 ACL (acl-num), or the name of a configured
IPv6 ACL (name acl-name).
source-nat-pool Name of a configured IP source NAT pool or pool group. Use this option
{pool-name | pool-group-name} to configure a policy-based source NAT. Source NAT is required if the
[sequence-number num] real servers are in a different subnet than the VIP.
The sequence-number option specifies the ACL position within the ACL
sequence associated with IP source NAT pools and are assigned to this
virtual port. The sequence number is important because the ACOS
device uses IP addresses in the pool associated with the first ACL
matching the traffic.
By default, the ACL sequence is based on the order in which you apply
them to the virtual port. The first ACL has sequence number 1, the sec-
ond ACL has sequence number 2, and so on. You can specify 1-32 as
the sequence number. To view the sequence, use the show running-
config command to view the configuration for this virtual port.
Default N/A
Usage The ACL must be configured before you can apply it to a virtual port. To con-
figure an ACL, use the “access-list (standard)” or “access-list (extended)”
commands, which are described in the “Command Line Interface Reference”
To permit or deny traffic on the virtual port, specify an ACL but do not specify
a NAT pool.
To configure policy-based source NAT, specify an ACL and a NAT pool. Use
an extended ACL. The source IP address must match on the client address.
The destination IP address must match on the real server address. The
action must be permit. The NAT pool is used only for traffic that matches the
ACL. This configuration allows the virtual port to have multiple pools, and to
select a pool based on the traffic.
Example The following commands configure a standard ACL to deny traffic from sub-
net 10.10.10.x, and apply the ACL to the inbound traffic direction on virtual
port 8080 on virtual server “slb1”:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Apply an aFleX policy to a virtual port.
Default N/A
Usage The normal form of this command applies the specified aFleX policy to the
port. The no form of this command removes the aFleX policy from the port.
For more information about aFleX policies, see the aFleX Scripting Language
Example The following command applies aFleX policy “aflex1” to a virtual port:
Description Enables switchover to another virtual port, based on specific conditions.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
port-num Port number of the alternate virtual port.
alt-port-service-type Service type of the alternate port, tcp or http.
switchover-event The event types that cause switchover from the primary port to the alternate
• when-down – Switches over if the service group for the primary port is
• when-down – Switches over if the service group for the primary port is
Description Configure the number of traffic buckets used in a Scale Out configuration.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure client stickiness for outbound Next Hop Load Distributor (NHLD).
Default Disabled
Usage Sticky NAT for outbound Next Hop Load Distributor (NHLD) provides a vir-
tual-port option to ensure the ACOS device always uses the same outbound
link for a given client’s traffic. You can enable it on individual virtual ports.
The Sticky NAT option applies only to NHLD. The option does not apply to
other features, such as SLB.
The sticky NAT option is not supported with the ip-rr (IP round-robin)
Description Set the connection limit for a virtual port.
Parameter Description
number Connection limit, 0-8000000 (8 million); 0 means no limit.
reset Sends a connection reset to the client, if the connection limit is reached. If
you omit this option, the connection silently drops and no reset is sent to the
no-logging Disables logging for this feature.
Default Not set. If you set a limit, the default action for any new connection request
after the limit has been reached is to silently drop the connection, without
sending a reset to the client. Logging is enabled by default.
Usage The normal form of this command changes the current port’s connection
The no form of this command resets the port connection limit to its default
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following command changes a virtual port’s connection limit to 10000:
Description Configure SLB to continue checking for an available server in other service
groups if all of the servers are down in the first service group selected by
Syntax def-selection-if-pref-failed
Default Enabled
Usage During SLB selection of the preferred server to use for a client request, SLB
checks the following configuration areas, in the order listed:
1. Layer 3-4 configuration items:
• aFleX policies triggered by Layer 4 events
• Policy-based SLB (black/white lists). PBSLB is a Layer 3 configura-
tion item because it matches on IP addresses in black/white lists.
2. Layer 7 configuration items:
• Cookie switching
• aFleX policies triggered by Layer 7 events
• URL switching
• Host switching
3. Default service group. If none of the items above results in selection of a
server, the default service group is used.
• In single service group configurations, this is the default service
• If the configuration uses multiple service groups, the default service
group is the one that is used if none of the templates used by the
configuration selects another service group instead.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
The first configuration area that matches the client or VIP (as applicable) is
used, and the client request is sent to a server in the service group that is
applicable to that configuration area. For example, if the client's IP address is
in a black/white list, the service group specified by the list is used for the
client request.
Description Disable the def-selection-if-pref-failed option. (See “def-selection-if-pref-
failed” on page 1.)
Syntax def-selection-if-pref-failed-disable
Description Disable a virtual port.
Default Enabled
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Description Enable a virtual port.
Default Enabled
Description Enable collection of peak connection statistics for a virtual port.
Default Disabled
Description Disables destination NAT, so that server responses go directly to clients.
Default Disabled
For IPv4 VIPs, DSR is supported on virtual port (service) types TCP, UDP,
FTP, and RTSP. For IPv6 VIPs, DSR is supported on virtual port types TCP,
UDP, and RTSP.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enable connection mirroring (session synchronization) for the virtual port.
Default Disabled.
Session synchronization applies only to certain virtual port types. The ha-
conn-mirror command is listed in the CLI help only for those virtual port
Description Applies an IP map list to the virtual port.
Description Enables IP-in-IP tunneling. This option is available only on the following port
types: TCP, UDP, RSTP, FTP, MMS, SIP, TFTP and Radius.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enable message switching.
Description Change the name assigned to the virtual port.
Syntax name string
Default The ACOS device assigns a name that uses the following format:
Description Disable automatic setting of an aFleX-bound virtual port’s state to Up.
Default Disabled. If an aFleX script is bound to the virtual port, the port is automati-
cally marked Up.
Usage This command applies only if an aFleX script is bound to the virtual port.
Description Disable destination NAT.
For wildcard VIPs, the port-translation option enables the ACOS device to
translate the destination protocol port in a client request before sending the
request to a server.
This option is useful if the real port number on the server is different from the
virtual port number of the VIP. Without this option, the ACOS device sends
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
the request to the server without changing the destination port number.
This option does not change the destination IP address of the request.
This option is supported only for virtual ports that are on wildcard VIPs.
Usage This option can be used for Direct Server Return (DSR) or for wildcard VIPs.
For virtual servers that have a specific virtual IP address (VIP), disabling
destination NAT enables Direct Server Return (DSR). When DSR is enabled,
only the destination MAC address is translated from the VIP’s MAC address
to the real server’s MAC address. The destination IP address is still the VIP.
In DSR topologies, reply traffic from the server to the client is expected to
bypass the ACOS device.
In the current release, for IPv4 VIPs, DSR is supported on virtual port types
(service types) TCP, UDP, FTP, and RTSP. For IPv6 VIPs, DSR is supported on
virtual port types TCP, UDP, and RTSP.
Wildcard VIPs
For wildcard VIPs (VIPs that can have any IP address), this option enables
the ACOS device to send the client request to the server without changing
the destination IP address of the request.
The destination port of the request also is unchanged, unless you use the
port-translation option. (See above.)
Depending on the network topology and the application, reply traffic from the
server to the client may or may not pass back through the ACOS device. If
the port-translation option is used, and reply traffic passes through the
ACOS device, the ACOS device translates the source port of the server reply
back into the destination port to which the client sent the request, before
forwarding the reply to the client.
The port-translation option is supported only for the following virtual port
types: TCP, UDP, and HTTP/HTTPS.
Description For Thunder integrations with the A10 Lightning Controller, this commands
configures the rate limit for Per Request logging. This is used to prevent the
Thunder devices from sending too many log messages to the Lightning Con-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
troller at a rate that would exceed the capability of the controller to accept
Default Disabled
Description In a single partition SSLi deployment, the forward direction steers layer 2
traffic from client to Internet on the specified interface.
Default Disabled
Usage This is only supported under the wildcard VIP for SSLi..
Example The following example shows using the redirect-fwd command to select
the forward direction for steering the layer 2 traffic from the client destined
for a traffic inspection device out Ethernet 3.
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Description In a single partition SSLi deployment, the reverse direction steers layer 2 traf-
fic from Internet to client on the specified interface.
Default Disabled
Usage This is only supported under the wildcard VIP for SSLi..
Example The following example shows the redirect-rev command to select the
reverse direction for steering the layer 2 traffic destined for the security
device from the Internet out Ethernet 5.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Responds to client HTTP requests with an HTTP redirect response with
response code 302 (Moved Permanently). The client is redirected to the
same host and URI they requested, but using HTTPS instead of HTTP.
Default Disabled
Description Send a TCP reset (RST) to the client if server selection fails.
Syntax [no] reset-on-server-selection-fail
Default Disabled
Usage The TCP template reset-rev option also can be used to send a RST to cli-
ents. In AX releases prior to 2.2.2, the reset-rev option would send a RST in
response to a server selection failure. In AX Release 2.2.2 and later, this is no
longer true. The reset-on-server-selection-fail option must be used
Description Causes RTP traffic try to match the real server of an SIP SMP call-id session.
slb template sip test
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
slb virtual-server vv
port 0 udp
service-group win
port 5060 sip
service-group winms
template sip test
Description Bind a virtual port to a service group.
Default N/A
Usage The normal form of this command binds the virtual port to the specified ser-
vice group. The “no” form of this command removes the binding.
One virtual port can be associated with one service group only, while one
service group can be associated with multiple virtual ports. The type of
service group and type of virtual port should match. For example, a UDP
service group can not be bound to an HTTP virtual port.
Description Will not insert reverse tuple into the hash for lookup. This is used with aFlex
with stateless load-balancing methods.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Enable IP NAT support for the virtual port.
Default Disabled
Usage Source IP NAT can be configured on a virtual port in the following ways:
1. ACL-based source NAT (access-list command at virtual port level)
2. VIP source NAT (slb snat-on-vip command at global configuration
3. aFleX policy (aflex command at virtual port level)
4. Non-ACL source NAT (source-nat command at virtual port level)
These methods are used in the order shown above. For example, if IP source
NAT is configured using an ACL on the virtual port, and the slb snat-on-vip
command is also used, then a pool assigned by the ACL is used for traffic
that is permitted by the ACL. For traffic that is not permitted by the ACL, VIP
source NAT can be used instead.
The device does not support source IP NAT on FTP or RTSP virtual ports.
source-nat auto
Description Configure Smart NAT, to automatically create NAT mappings using the
ACOS interface connected to the real server.
This option is applicable if standard NAT pools are also used by the virtual
port. In this case, using the precedence option causes Smart NAT to be used
before the standard NAT pools are used.
Default Disabled
Usage Up to 45 K mappings per real server port are supported. The ACOS device
can use the same ACOS interface IP address and port for more than one
server connection. The combination of ACOS IP address and port number
(source) and server IP address and port (destination) uniquely identifies
each mapping.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Smart NAT can be used along with standard NAT pools or pool groups. In
this case, by default, the standard pool addresses are used first. Smart NAT
is used only when the standard pools can not support any more mappings.
You can change this behavior so that Smart NAT is used first.
Additional Notes
• Smart NAT applies only to ACOS devices deployed in route mode (“gate-
way” mode). The feature is not applicable to devices in transparent
• Smart NAT uses only the primary IP address on an interface, even if
multiple addresses are configured on the interface.
• Smart NAT uses protocol ports 20032-65535.
• Smart NAT is not supported on SIP, SIP-TCP, or SIPS virtual ports.
• VRRP-A support:
• A floating IP addresses is required for session synchronization.
• Bind the service group to only a single virtual port. If this is not possi-
ble, ensure all virtual ports bound to the service group have the same
source-nat pool
Description Enable source NAT. Source NAT is required if the real servers are in a differ-
ent subnet than the VIP.
Parameter Description
pool-name Specifies the name of an IP pool of addresses to use as
source addresses.
pool-group-name Specifies the name of a group of IP address pools to use
as source addresses.
Default Disabled.
Usage This command enables source NAT using a single NAT pool or pool group,
for all source addresses. If you want the ACOS device to select from among
multiple pools based on source IP address, configure policy-based source
NAT instead. See “access-list” on page 1.
Example The following example enables source NAT for the virtual port:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable collection of statistical data for the virtual port.
Syntax stats-data-disable
Description Enable collection of statistical data for the virtual port.
Syntax stats-data-enable
Usage To collect statistical data for a load-balancing resource, statistical data col-
lection also must be enabled globally. (See “slb resource-usage” on
page 497.)
Description Enable software-based SYN cookies for a virtual port. SYN cookies provide
protection against TCP SYN flood attacks.
The expand option enables expanded SYN cookie support. When enabled, the
ACOS device can encode values for the following TCP options in the SYN-
These options are described in RFC 1323, TCP Extensions for High
Default Disabled.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
The ACOS device includes the Sack-Permitted option in TCP SYN health
check packets sent to servers.
• If all up servers in the service group reply with a TCP SYN-ACK that con-
tains a SACK option, the ACOS device uses SACK with the software-
based SYN-cookie feature, for all servers in the service group.
• If any of the up servers in the service group does not send a SACK
option, the ACOS device does not use SACK with the software-based
SYN-cookie feature, for any servers in the service group.
The software-based SYN-cookie feature cannot enable SACK. When
upgrading an ACOS device, SACK option is ignored even when specified by
The lowest MSS value supported by any of the servers in the service group is
the MSS value used by the ACOS device for software-based SYN-cookies.
Description Apply an SLB configuration template to a virtual port.
Parameter Description
template-type Type of template. The template types that are available depend on the service type of
the virtual port. To list the available template types, enter the following command: tem-
plate ?
For information about the virtual-port template type, see “template virtual-port” on
page 369.
template-name Name of the template.
Default If the ACOS device has a default template that is applicable to the service
type, the default template is automatically applied. The ACOS device has a
default virtual-port template, which is applied to a virtual port when you cre-
ate it.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage The normal form of this command applies the specified template to the vir-
tual port. The no form of this command removes the template from the vir-
tual port but does not delete the template itself.
A virtual port can be associated with only one template of a given type.
However, the same template can be associated with more than one virtual
port. To bind a virtual-port template to the port, see “template virtual-port” on
page 1.
template virtual-port
Description Bind a virtual service port template to the virtual port.
Default The virtual port template of “default” is bound to virtual ports by default.
Parameter settings in this default template are automatically applied to the
new virtual port, until a different virtual port template is bound to the virtual
Usage If a parameter is set individually on this virtual port and also is set in a virtual
port template bound to this virtual port, the individual setting on this port is
used instead of the setting in the template.
Example These commands configure a virtual service port template named “com-
mon-vpsettings”, set the connection limit, and bind the template to a virtual
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Forward client traffic at Layer 3, if SLB server selection fails.
Usage This command applies only to wildcard VIPs (VIP address
Description Force the ACOS device to send replies to clients back through the last hop
on which the request for the virtual port's service was received.
Parameter Description
src-dst-ip-swap-persist Creates a persistent session after the source IP and destination IP have
been swapped. The new persistent session that is created should match
both the source IP and the destination IP. This option should be used with
the incl-dst-ip option for the ALG FWLB feature. This option cannot be
used for the SIP protocol, because a SIP transaction may involve three or
more parties.
use-src-ip-for-dst-persist Creates a destination persistent session based on the source IP.
use-dst-ip-for-src-persist The ACOS device uses the destination IP to create source-IP persistent
sessions for SIP or FTP sessions. With enabled, the response packet go
through the same firewall as the client’s request packet, and the SIP ses-
sion and communication sessions will be load balanced through the
same firewall node.
Default Disabled.
Usage For simple protocols, load balancing across a firewall is relatively easy. How-
ever, load balancing Application Layer Gateway (ALG) protocols, such as SIP
and FTP, which have multiple connections that can originate from either side
of the firewall deployment can be more challenging. The lack of predictability
that occurs with ALG protocols can cause the protocol’s control connection
and data connection to be sent to different firewalls, thus causing the appli-
cation to break.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
For more information, refer to the “ALG Protocol FWLB Support for FTP and
SIP” chapter in the Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the CLI commands available to configure SLB health monitors:
• disable-after-down
• dsr-l2-strict
• interval
• method
• override-ipv4
• override-ipv6
• override-port
• passive
• retry
• ssl-ciphers
• strictly-retry-on-server-error-response
• up-retry
To access this configuration level, enter the health monitor command at the global configuration level.
For more information about health monitors, see the “Health Monitoring” chapter of the Application
Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Disable the target of a health check if the target fails the health check.
Default Disabled
Usage This command applies to all servers, ports, or service groups that use the
health monitor. When a server, port, or service group is disabled based on
this command, the server, port, or service group’s state is changed to dis-
able in the running-config. If you save the configuration while the server,
port, or service group is disabled, the state change is written to the startup-
The server, port, or service group remains disabled until you explicitly enable
Description In Layer 2 DSR environments, this option ensures that health check packets
are only sent to servers in the same Layer 2 network as the ACOS device.
Servers not in the same Layer 2 network are marked as DOWN by the health
Default Disabled
Description Number of seconds between health check attempt, 1-180 seconds. A health
check attempt consists of the ACOS device sending a packet to the server.
The packet type and payload depend on the health monitor type. For exam-
ple, an HTTP health monitor might send an HTTP GET request packet.
Parameter Description
interval seconds Period between health check attempts, 1-180 seconds. Default is 5 seconds.
timeout seconds Period that ACOS waits for a reply to a health check, 1-12 seconds. The
default is 5 seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Configure a health method.
Parameter Description
compound sub monitor-name Configures a compound health monitor. A compound health monitor
[sub monitor-name ...] consists of a set of health monitors joined in a Boolean expression
Boolean-operators (AND / OR / NOT). For more information, see the “Compound Health
Monitors” section in the “Health Monitoring” chapter of the Application
Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
[no] database database-type Configures a database health monitor. The ACOS device sends a data-
db-name name base query to the specified server.
username username-string
password password-string • database database-type – Specifies the type of database to test:
• mssql
• mysql
• oracle
• postgresql
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
dns Sends a lookup request to the specified port number for the specified
{ipaddr | domain domain-name} domain name. By default, expects reply with code 0. You can specify a
[options] domain name or a server IP address as the target of the health check.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
ftp Sends an FTP login request to the specified port. Expects OK message,
[[username name or Password message followed by OK message. Unless you use anon-
password string] ymous login, the username and password must be specified in the
port port-num] health check configuration.
http [options] Sends an HTTP request to the specified TCP port and URL. Expects OK
message (200).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
http [options] • port port-num – Specifies the protocol port on which the server lis-
(cont.) tens for HTTP traffic. Use this option if the server does not use the
default HTTP port, 80.
• url string – Specifies the request type and the page (url-path) to
which to send the request. By default, GET requests are sent for “ / ”,
the index.html page. You can specify one of the following:
• GET url-path
• HEAD url-path
• POST url-path postdata string
• POST / postfile filename
In a postdata string, use “=” between a field name and the value you
are posting to it. If you post to multiple fields, use “&” between the
fields. For example: postdata fieldname1=value&field-
name1=value. The string can be up to 255 bytes long.
The cert cert-name and key key-name options are used to add an
SSL certificate and key to an HTTPS health monitor. When you use this
option, the ACOS device uses the certificate and key during the SSL
handshake with the HTTPS port on the server.
The certificate you plan to use with the health monitor must be present
on the ACOS device before you configure the health monitor.
icmp [transparent ipaddr] Sends an ICMP echo request to the server. Expects ICMP echo reply
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
kerberos-kdc kinit Configures a method to check accessibility of the KDC for obtaining a
principal password TGT.
{kdc-hostname | kdc-ipaddr}
[port port-num] • principal – Name of the Kerberos principal. This is the ACOS cli-
ent name presented to the server.
For information about the other options, see the descriptions for ker-
beros-kdc kinit (described above).
kerberos-kdc kpasswd Configures a method to check accessibility of the Kerberos server for
principal password user password change.
{kdc-hostname | kdc-ipaddr}
[port port-num] • {pwd-hostname | pwd-ipaddr} [port port-num] – Hostname
{pwd-hostname | pwd-ipaddr}
[port port-num] or IP address of the Kerberos server. The port option specifies the
UDP port on which the server listens for user password-change
requests. The default UDP port is UDP port 464.
For information about the other options, see the descriptions for ker-
beros-kdc kinit (described above).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
ldap Configures a method to check accessibility the KDC for obtaining a
[StartTLS] TGT.
[binddn dn-string password]
[overssl] • StartTLS – Begins the health check by sending a StartTLS request.
[port port-num]
[run-search options]
• binddn dn-string password – DN name and password.
• port port-num – UDP port on which the server listens for user
password-change requests. The default UDP port is UDP port 464.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
sip Sends a SIP request to the SIP port. Expects 200 OK in response by
[register] default. The request is an OPTION request, unless you use the regis-
[port port-num] ter option to send a REGISTER request instead.
[expect-response-code values]
The expect-response-code option specifies a set of SIP status
codes. In this case, a SIP health check is successful only if the server
reply includes one of the specified SIP status codes. You can specify
any or a combination of individual code numbers and code ranges.
Use commas as delimiters, with no spaces. Use a dash and no spaces
to delimit the lower and upper values of a range. Examples:
expect-response-code 100,101,121,200
expect-response-code 100-121,200
expect-response-code any
The tcp option configures the health method for SIP over TCP/TLS.
Without this option, the health method is for SIP over UDP.
smtp Sends an SMTP Hello message to the specified server in the specified
domain domain-name domain. Expects reply with OK message (reply code 250).
port port-num
[mail-from sender An SMTP message is generated after establishing a TCP connection
rcpt-to receiver]
[starttls] with the server. The message is sent only after the ACOS device sends
the “HELO” message and receives the expected response. Use the
mail-from option to specify the SMTP sender of this message, and
the rcpt-to option to specify the recipient of this message.
You can optionally specify a specific port number, and also check for
STARTTLS support when the Hello message is received.
snmp [port port-num] Sends an SNMP Get or Get Next request to the specified OID, from the
[community string] specified community. Expects reply with the value of the OID. The OID
[oid oid-name] can be sysDescr, sysUpTime, sysName, or another name in ASN.1
[operation {get | getnext}] style.
Although you can enter these objects in ASN.1 format, only MIB-2 OIDs
are supported.
tacplus username username Configures a method to check server availability by passing the
password password TACACS+ parameters, with secret and password encrypted.If authenti-
secret shared-secret cation is correct, a success message is returned that keeps the server
[port portnum] status marked as up.
[type inbound-ascii-login]
• username – Specify the username to authenticate (1-31 characters).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
tcp Sends a connection request (TCP SYN) to the specified TCP port on
port port-num the server. Expects TCP SYN ACK in reply.
[send send-string By default, ACOS responds to the SYN ACK by sending an ACK. To con-
response contains
response-string] figure ACOS to send a RST (Reset) instead, use the halfopen option.
Use the send and response contains options to send and receive
text strings in TCP health checks.
The send-string is the string the ACOS device sends to the TCP port
after the three-way handshake is completed. The response-string is the
string that must be present in the server reply.
• server reply from the specified UDP port, with any type of packet.
The server fails the health check only if the server replies with an ICMP
Error message.
Default The configuration has a default “ping” health monitor that uses the icmp
method. The ACOS device applies the ping monitor by default. The ACOS
device also applies the TCP or UDP health monitor by default, depending on
the port type. These default monitors are used even if you also apply config-
ured monitors to a service port.
If you specify the protocol port number in the health monitor, the protocol
port number configured in the health monitor is used if you send an on-
demand health check to a server without specifying the protocol port. (See
the “health-test” command in the Command Line Interface Reference. After
you bind the health monitor to a real server port, health checks using the
monitor are addressed to the real server port number instead of the port
number specified in the health monitor’s configuration. In this case, you can
override the IP address or port using the override commands described
later in this chapter.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example These commands apply health monitor “ping” to server “rs0”. The ping moni-
tor is included in the ACOS device’s configuration by default and does not
need to be configured.
Example The following commands configure health monitor “hm1” to use the TCP
health method, and apply the monitor to a TCP port on real server “rs1”. The
TCP health checks are sent to TCP port 23 on the server.
Example The following commands configure health monitor “hm2” and set it to use
the HTTP method. The health monitor is applied to port 80 on real server
Example These commands configure a TCP health monitor that sends an HTTP GET
request to TCP port 80, and expects the string “200” to be present in the
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This health monitor sends an HTTP GET request to TCP port 80 on the target
server. This particular request uses the following header fields:
• Host – Specifies the host (server) to which the request is being sent.
• User-Agent – Identifies the entity (user agent) that is sending the
request. In this example, the sending entity is “a10”.
• Accept – Specifies the types of media that are allowed in the response.
This example uses wildcards (*/*) to indicate that any valid media type
and range are acceptable.
If the string “200” is present anywhere in the reply from the port, the port
passes the health check.
Example The following commands configure a RADIUS health monitor that accepts
response code 2 or 3 as passing (healthy) responses from a server:
• Perl
• Shell
Utility commands such as ping, ping6, wget, dig, and so on are supported.
For Tcl scripts, the health check parameters are transmitted to the script
through the predefined TCL array ax_env. The array variable
ax_env(ServerHost) is the server IP address and ax_env(ServerPort) is the
server port number. Set ax_env(Result) 0 as pass and set the others as fail.
TCL script filenames must use the “.tcl” extension.
To use the external method, import the program onto the ACOS device. The
script execution result indicates server status, which is stored in
The following commands import external program “ext.tcl” from FTP server, and configure external health method “hm3” to use the
imported program to check the health of port 80 on the real server:
ACOS(config)# health external import "checking HTTP server"
ACOS(config)# health monitor hm3
ACOS(config-health:monitor)# method external port 80 program ext.tcl
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
For additional information and more examples, see the “External Health
Method Examples” section in the “Health Monitoring” chapter of the
Application Delivery and Server Load Balancing Guide.
Description Send the health check to a specific IPv4 address, instead of sending the
health check to the IP address of the real server or GSLB service IP to which
the health monitor is bound. This command and the other override com-
mands are particularly useful for testing the health of remote links.
Default By default, a health check is addressed to the real server IP address of the
server to which the health monitor is bound.
Description Send the health check to a specific IPv6 address, instead of sending the
health check to the IP address of the real server to which the health monitor
is bound.
Default By default, a health check is addressed to the real server IP address of the
server to which the health monitor is bound.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Send the health check to a specific protocol port, instead of sending the
health check to the server port to which the health monitor is bound.
Default By default, a health check is addressed to the protocol port number to which
the health monitor is bound.
Description Configures inband health monitoring based on HTTP status code.
Parameter Description
status-code-2xx | Healthy status code numbers – These status codes indicate the HTTP ser-
status-code-non-5xx vice is healthy. You can specify any 2xx status code or any status code except
a 5xx code.
passive-interval seconds The health-monitor interval that is used when passive health monitoring is
activated. For proper operation of the feature, the passive interval should be
longer than the health monitor’s interval. You can specify 1-180 seconds.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following commands create a new health monitor, and enable passive
health-monitoring mode:
The following commands configure a real server, service group, and virtual
server. The HTTP health monitor configured above is applied to the TCP port
on the real server.
ACOS(config)# slb server ser1
ACOS(config-real server)# no health-check
ACOS(config-real server)# port 80 tcp
ACOS(config-real server-node port)# health-check http-passive
ACOS(config-real server-node port)# exit
ACOS(config-real server)# exit
ACOS(config)# slb service-group sg1 tcp
ACOS(config-slb svc group)# member ser1 80
ACOS(config-slb svc group-member:80)# exit
ACOS(config-slb svc group)# exit
ACOS(config)# slb virtual-server vs1
ACOS(config-slb vserver)# port 80 tcp
ACOS(config-slb vserver-vport)# service-group sg1
Description Maximum number of times ACOS will send the same health check to an
unresponsive server before determining that the server is down. You can
specify 1-5.
Default 3
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Specify the ciphers to use in the health check of a real server or real server
Parameter Description
openSSL- The OpenSSL Project ciphers command.
For information on the OpenSSL Project ciphers command,
see the ciphers manpage in the OpenSSL Project documenta-
Example Configure a health monitor to use the default OpenSSL Project cipher suite
with the exclusion of EDH ciphers.
Example Bind the hm-https health monitor to the s1 real server on its network
Example Bind the hm-https health monitor to the TCP port 80 of the s1 real server on
its network interface. Also apply the Server_SSL1 server-SSL tem-
plate to the same port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Description Force the ACOS device to wait until all retries are unsuccessful before mark-
ing a server or port Down.
Default Disabled. For some health method types, the ACOS device marks the server
or port Down after the first failed health check attempt, even if the retries
option for the health monitor is set to higher than 0.
Usage This command is applicable only to some types of health monitors, such as
HTTP health monitors. For example, this command applies to HTTP health
monitors that expect a string in the server reply. By default, if the server’s
HTTP port does not reply to the first health check attempt with the expected
string, the ACOS device immediately marks the port Down.
Example The following commands configure an HTTP health monitor that checks for
the presence of “testpage.html”, and enable strict retries for the monitor.
Description Number of consecutive times the device must pass the same periodic health
check, in order to be marked Up. You can specify 1-10.
Default 1
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
This chapter describes the commands for configuring Web Category classification.
Common commands available at all configuration levels (clear, debug, do, end, exit, no, show, write) are
described in the Command Line Interface Reference.
Description Configure the operation of web category classification.
This command changes the CLI to configuration level for Web Category
classification, where the following commands are available:
Command Description
[no] category-list category-list-name Create a list of web categories to provide criteria used in con-
figuration forward-policy source destination rules. See the
destination command under the forward-policy com-
Default: database.brightcloud.com
[no] db-update-time hh:mm Time of day at which ACOS requests an updated web cate-
gory database from the BrightCloud server.
Disabled by default.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Command Description
[no] port portnum Protocol port where the BrightCloud server listens for
Default is 80.
[no] proxy-server Command in web-category configuration mode that speci-
fies a proxy-server to use for querying the BrightCloud data-
base server. This command places you in a sub-
configuration mode, where the commands in Table 5 are
[no] remote-syslog-enable Enables data plane logging to a remote syslog server.
[no] rtu-update-disable Disables realtime updates.
Default: service.brightcloud.com
[no] server-timeout seconds Maximum number of seconds to wait for BrightCloud server
to respond to a query from ACOS. You can specify 1-300
Default is 15 seconds.
[no] ssl-port seconds Protocol port where the BrightCloud server listens for SSL
Default is 443.
[no] use-mgmt-port Uses the management interface for all communication with
BrightCloud servers, including downloading the database
and any lookup queries.
• hostID
Proxy server’s hostname or the proxy server’s IP address in
either IPv4 or IPv6 format.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• port-num
Port number of the proxy server to connect to through HTTP
protocol. If https-port is not configured, both HTTPS and HTTP
communication will be handled through the configured HTTP
[no] https-port port-num Sub-command in web-category-proxy-server configuration mode
to specify the proxy server port to connect to through HTTPS pro-
tocol. If no HTTPS port is specified, HTTP protocol will be used.
• port-num
Port number of the proxy server to connect to through HTTPS
protocol. If http-port is not configured, both HTTPS and HTTP
communication will be handled through the configured HTTPS
[no] username proxy-auth-username Sub-command in web-category-proxy-server configuration mode
to specify the username to use for authentication when connect-
ing with the proxy server.
• proxy-auth-username
• proxy-auth-password
• basic
Specify BASIC authentication protocol.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Default N/A
ACOS(config)# web-category
ACOS(config-web-category)# proxy-server
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# proxy-host
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# http-port 3128
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# https-port 8080
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# auth-type ntlm domain example
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# username exampleadmin
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# password 0e1x2a3m4p5l6e7
ACOS(config-web-category-proxy-server)# exit
Example Configure the web-category list Mail_Categories, then apply that list to the
configuration of the forward-policy source list Any_Source. Any request
whose destination is in the Web_Mail_List web-category-list is forwarded.
ACOS(config)# web-category
ACOS(config-web-category)# enable
Please check the show log output for Web category enable status
ACOS(config-web-category)# category-list Web_Mail_List
ACOS(config-web-category-category-list)# web-based-email
ACOS(config-web-category-category-list)# exit
ACOS(config-web-category)# exit
ACOS(config-policy-forward-policy)# source Any_Source
ACOS(config-policy-forward-policy-source)# match-any
ACOS(config-policy-forward-policy-source)# destination web-category-list Web_Mail_List
action ForwardMail
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
ACOS(config)# web-category
ACOS(config-web-category)# enable
ACOS(config-web-category)# exit
ACOS-Inside(config)# slb template client-ssl SSLInsight_ClientSide
ACOS-Inside(config-client ssl)# forward-proxy-bypass web-category financial-services
ACOS-Inside(config-client ssl)# forward-proxy-bypass web-category educational-institu-
ACOS-Inside(config-client ssl)# forward-proxy-bypass web-category health-and-medicine
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
The show slb commands display information for Server Load Balancing (SLB).
To automatically re-enter a show slb command at regular intervals, use the repeat command.
In addition to the command options provided with some show commands, you can use output modifi-
ers to search and filter the output. See “Searching and Filtering CLI Output” in the Command Line Inter-
face Reference.
NOTE: For information about other show commands, see the “Show Commands”
chapter in the Command Line Interface Reference.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
• show slb l4
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail List separate counters for each CPU in the statistics output.
Mode All
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
SYN cookie snt Number of TCP SYN cookies sent.
SYN cookie snt ts Number of expanded TCP SYN cookies sent.
SYN cookie snt fail Number of TCP SYN cookie send attempts that failed.
SYN cookie chk fail Number of TCP SYN cookies for which the responding ACK failed the SYN cookie
SYN attack Total number of SYN connections that did not receive an ACK from the client and
assumed to be SYN attack.
Option Description
entries vip-name port-num Shows a list of the cached objects for the specified VIP and virtual
You can specify a url to further refine the statistics shown for each
cached entry/URL maintained under a cache template that is bound to
a virtual port.
If certain headers are present in the server response, such as Age, Via,
Connection, they will be removed and the ACOS device will add a sepa-
rate header for them before the response is stored in cache. Similarly if
the cache template has the remove-cookies option set, any cookie
header in the server response will be removed before saving the same
in cache.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage If you do not use any of the optional parameters, RAM caching statistics are
displayed. This is equivalent to entering the show slb cache stats com-
- Total Requests 0
- Cacheable Requests 0
- No-cache Requests 0
- IMS Requests 0
- Cached 0
- Replaced 0
- Aged Out 0
- Cleaned 0
- Create failures 0
- Successes 0
- Failures 0
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
- URI nocache 0
- URI cache 0
- URI invalidate 0
- Content Too Big 0
- Content Too Small 0
Field Description
Cache Hits Number of times a requested page was found in the cache and served from the
Cache Misses Number of times a requested page was not found in the cache.
Memory Used Amount of RAM currently used by cached content.
Bytes Served Number of bytes served.
Requests Contains the following conters:
• Total Requests – Total number of requests received on all virtual server ports on
which caching is configured.
• 200 OK - Cont Len – Number of “200 OK - Cont Len” responses sent to clients.
• 200 OK - Chnk Enc – Number of “200 OK - Chnk Enc” responses sent to clients.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Responses (from Contains the following counters:
• 304 Not Modified – Number of “304 Not Modified” responses sent from the cache.
• 200 OK - Gzip – Number of “200 OK - Gzip” responses sent from the cache. This
indicates that an object was compressed using gzip. Gzip is an encoding format
produced by the file compression program “gzip” (GNU zip) as described in RFC
1952 (Lempel-Ziv coding [LZ77] with a 32 bit CRC).
• 200 OK - Deflate – Number of “304 Not Modified” responses sent from the cache.
This indicates that an object was compressed using deflate. Deflate is the “zlib”
format defined in RFC 1950 in combination with the “deflate” compression mecha-
nism described in RFC 1951.
• Other – Number of “Other” responses sent from the cache. This indicates that an
object was compressed using compress. Compress is the encoding format pro-
duced by the common UNIX file compression program “compress” (adaptive Lem-
pel-Ziv-Welch coding [LZW]).
Entries Contains the following counters:
• Replaced – Number of cached items that were removed to make room for newer
entries, per the replacement policy.
• Aged Out – Number of entries that were removed because they are older than
their expiration time.
• Cleaned – Number of cached objects that have aged out and therefore been
removed from the cache.
• URI nocache – Number of times requested content was not cached due to a URI
• URI cache – Number of times a request was cached due to a URI policy.
• URI invalidate – Number of times a request was invalidated due to a URI policy.
• Content Too Big – Number of cacheable items that were not cached because the
file size was larger than the configured maximum content size.
• Content Too Small – Number of cacheable items that were not cached because
the file size was smaller than the configured minimum content size.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
cached-vip Virtual port number on which RAM caching is enabled.
Host IP address of the content server.
Object URL URL from which the cached object was obtained by the ACOS device.
Bytes Length of the cached object.
Type Indicates whether the cached object has a Content-Length header, is compressed, or is
The value after the comma indicates the type of compression used:
• No – Object is uncompressed.
• Gz – Object was compressed using gzip. Gzip is an encoding format produced by the
file compression program “gzip” (GNU zip) as described in RFC 1952 (Lempel-Ziv
coding [LZ77] with a 32 bit CRC).
• Df – Object was compressed using deflate. Deflate is the “zlib” format defined in RFC
1950 in combination with the “deflate” compression mechanism described in RFC
Status Status of the entry:
• FR – Fresh
• ST – Stale
• IN – Incomplete
• FA – Failed
• UN – Unknown
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
The output shows the distribution of requests for the cached entries. Entries
listed for 1/256 (one in 256 requests) are the least requested, whereas
entries listed for 128 are the most requested.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Option Description
virtual-server Show HTTP compression statistics for the specified virtual
port-num server only.
Mode All
Parameter Description
detail List separate counters for each CPU in the statistics output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Pause request 0
Pause request fail 0
Resume request 0
Not remove from list 0
Field Description
Open persist Number of new client connections directed to the same server as previous connec-
tions by the persistence feature.
Active persist Number of currently active connections that were sent to the same real server by the
persistence feature.
Total established Total number of established connections to the backend server.
Total terminated Total number of terminated connections to the backend server.
Total terminated by err Total Number of backend connections terminated due to an error.
Total bind Total number of client persistent connections bound to the backend server.
Total unbind Total number of client persistent connections unbound from the backend server.
Delayed unbind Number of connections whose unbinding was delayed.
Mode All
Example This command shows statistics for source-IP based connection rate limit-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
The following table describes the fields in the show command output.
Field Description
Sessions allocated Number of sessions allocated.
Sessions freed Number of sessions freed.
Too many sessions con- Number of times too many sessions were consumed.
Out of sessions Number of times the device ran out of sessions.
Threshold check count Number of times the ACOS device has checked for connection-limit violations.
Honor threshold count Number of requests permitted because they were within the connection limit.
Threshold exceeded count Number of requests denied because they exceeded the connection limit.
Lockout drops Number of requests dropped because a client was locked out.
Log messages sent Number of log messages generated by this feature.
DNS requests re-transmitted Number of re-transmitted DNS requests detected. These are DNS requests for
which no response was received by the ACOS device.
No DNS response for request Number of DNS requests for which no response was received.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage The following table describes the fields for the show command output:
Field Description
Address The destination IP address that traffic is matched to.
L4 The Layer 4 protocol type. In the above example, L4 17 indicates UDP traffic.
Port The specific destination IP port that traffic is matched to.
HW? This indicates whether or not the entry is programmed into the hardware. A “Y” means
the entry is programmed into the hardware, and an “N’” means it is not.
Pkts in last 10 sec The number of packets that match the IP address and the given port in the last 10 sec-
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
device Devi- If the ACOS device is a member of an aVCS virtual chassis, use
ceID this option to specify the device ID to which to apply this com-
mand. If you omit this option, the command is applied to the
Mode All
Example The following command shows statistics for Diameter load balancing:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
asr in 0
asa out 0
asa in 0
other out 0
other in 0
mismatch fwd session id
mismatch rev session id
unknown command code
no session id drop
no fwd tuple drop
no rev tuple drop
cross cpu fwd send
cross cpu fwd rcv
cross cpu rev send
cross cpu rev rcv
cross cpu fail
retry client req
retry client req fail
reply unknown session id
Field Description
Current proxy conns Number of active Diameter connections using the ACOS device as an Diameter
Total proxy conns Number of Diameter connections that used the ACOS device as an Diameter
client fail Number of times selection of a client failed.
server fail Number of times selection of a server failed.
Server selection failure Number of times selection of a real server failed.
no route failure Number of failures due to no route.
Source NAT failure Number of source NAT failures.
concurrent user-session Number of concurrent user sessions.
acr out Number of Accounting-Request messages sent by the ACOS device.
acr in Number of Accounting-Request messages received by the ACOS device.
aca out Number of Accounting-Answer messages sent by the ACOS device.
aca in Number of Accounting-Answer messages received by the ACOS device.
cea out Number of Capabilities-Exchange-Answer messages sent by the ACOS device.
cea in Number of Capabilities-Exchange-Answer messages received by the ACOS device.
cer out Number of Capabilities-Exchange-Request messages sent by the ACOS device.
cer in Number of Capabilities-Exchange-Request messages received by the ACOS
dwr out Number of Device-Watchdog-Request messages sent by the ACOS device.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
dwr in Number of Device-Watchdog-Request messages received by the ACOS device.
dwa out Number of Device-Watchdog-Answer messages sent by the ACOS device.
dwa in Number of Device-Watchdog-Answer messages received by the ACOS device.
str out Number of Session-Termination-Request messages sent by the ACOS device.
str in Number of Session-Termination-Request messages received by the ACOS device.
sta out Number of Session-Termination-Answer messages sent by the ACOS device.
sta in Number of Session-Termination-Answer messages received by the ACOS device.
asr out Number of Abort-Session-Request messages sent by the ACOS device.
asr in Number of Abort-Session-Request messages received by the ACOS device.
asa out Number of Abort-Session-Answer messages sent by the ACOS device.
asa in Number of Abort-Session-Answer messages received by the ACOS device.
other out Number of other types of Diameter messages (other codes) sent by the ACOS
other in Number of Diameter messages of other types received by the ACOS device.
ccr out Total Credit-Control-Request messages sent.
ccr in Total Credit-Control-Request messages received.
cca out Total Credit-Control-Answer messages sent.
cca in Total Credit-Control-Answer messages received.
ccr initial Total Credit-Control-Request-initial messages received.
ccr update Total Credit-Control-Request-update messages received.
ccr termination Total Credit-Control-Request-termination messages received.
cca termination Total Credit-Control-Answer-termination messages received.
term session on cca-t Total sessions ACOS terminated for Credit-Control-Answer-Termination.
mismatch fwd session id Client session ID does not match Diameter session table.
mismatch rev session id Server session ID does not match Diameter session table.
unknown command Drop Diameter session because of unrecognized command code.
no session id drop Cannot find session ID AVP in the message, drop request.
no fwd tuple drop Cannot match client L4 session, drop message.
no rev tuple drop Cannot match server L4 session, drop message.
cross cpu fwd send Number of client messages sent to server using different CPU.
cross cpu fwd rcv Number of client messages received by different CPU and sent to server.
cross cpu rev send Number of server message sent to client using different CPU.
cross cpu rev rcv Number of server message received by different CPU and sent to client.
cross cpu fail Number of failures during cross CPU process.
retry client req Number of times reselect is performed and a different server is chosen.
retry client req fail Failure counter for retry client features.
reply unknown session id Total unknown-session-id messages sent with error-code 5002.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
server-name port Show statistics for the specified server and port only.
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
page 413
ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Curr Proxy Conns Number of currently active connections using the fast-HTTP proxy.
Total Proxy Conns Total number of connections that have used the fast-HTTP proxy.
HTTP requests Number of HTTP requests received by the fast-HTTP proxy.
HTTP requests(succ) Number of HTTP requests successfully fulfilled (by establishing a connection to
a real server).
No proxy error Number of proxy errors.
Client RST Number of times TCP connections with clients were reset.
Server RST Number of times TCP connections with servers were reset.
No tuple error Number of tuple errors.
Parse req fail Number of times the HTTP parser failed to parse a received HTTP request.
Server selection fail Number of times selection of a real server failed.
Fwd req fail Number of forward request failures.
Fwd req data fail Number of forward request data failures.
Req retransmit Number of retransmitted requests.
Req pkt out-of-order Number of request packets received from clients out of sequence.
Server reselection Number of times initial selection of a real server for an HTTP request failed (for
example, due to a TCP Reset sent by the server).
Server premature close Number of times the connection with a server closed prematurely.
Server conn made Number of connections made with servers.
Source NAT failure Number of source NAT failures.
Request over limit Number of times the request limit was exceeded.
Request rate over limit Number of times the request rate limit was exceeded.
Out RSTs Number of TCP RSTs sent out.
Full proxy tot Total number of full proxy HTTP sessions.
Full proxy POST Total number of full proxy sessions for HTTP POST request.
Full proxy pipeline Total number of pipelined requests.
Full proxy fpga err Total number of FPGA errors.
Close on DDoS Number of times session is closed due to Denial of Service attack.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
Field Description
Current proxy conns Number of currently active connections using the FIX proxy.
Total proxy conns Total number of connections that have used the FIX proxy.
Client fail Number of times that the connection was terminated due to an error on the client
Server fail Number of times that the connection was terminated due to an error on the server
Server selection failure Number of times selection of a real server failed.
no route failure Number of times FIX failed due to a route lookup failure.
Source NAT Failure Number of source NAT failures.
Insert client IP Number of times that the ACOS inserted the client’s IP address into tag 11447 and
forwarded the recalculated request packet to the FIX server.
Default switching Number of times that the ACOS parsed the tag value from a client’s request and
selected a service-group based on a match with the configured tag keyword.
Sender ID Switching Instances of content switching based on the sender’s identification tag (SenderCom-
Target ID Switching Instances of content switching based on the receiver’s identification tag (Target-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Mode All
Field Description
Total Control Sessions Total number of FTP control sessions load-balanced by the ACOS device.
Total ALG packets Total number of Application Layer Gateway (ALG) packets.
ALG packets rexmitted Number of ALG packets that have been retransmitted.
Out of Connections Number of times an FTP control session could not be established because none of
the real servers had available connections.
Total Data Sessions Total number of FTP data sessions load-balanced by the ACOS device.
Out of Connections Number of times an FTP data session could not be established because none of
the real servers had available connections.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
Option Description
virtual-server-name Displays geo-location information for only the specified virtual server.
port-num Displays geo-location information for only the specified virtual port.
bad-only Displays only the invalid entries.
depth num Specifies how many nodes in the geo-location data tree to display. For exam-
ple, to display only continent and country entries and hide individual state and
city entries, specify depth 2. By default, the full tree is displayed. You can spec-
ify 1-5.
id group-id Displays geo-location information for only the specified black/white-list group
ip ipaddr Displays geo-location database entries for only the specified IP address.
location location-name Displays geo-location database entries for only the specified location.
statistics Displays statistics for the specified geo-location.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Max Depth: 3
Success: 3
Geo-location M ID Permit Deny Conn Last
US.CA.SJ v 3 1 1 1
Total: 1
Option Description
detail Lists separate counters for each CPU.
virtual-server Displays counters for HTTP response codes. For the virtual-
port-num server port-num, enter the name of a virtual server and its port.
The port-num can be 1-65534.
Mode All
page 418
ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Curr Proxy Conns Number of currently active HTTP connections using the ACOS device as an
HTTP proxy.
Total Proxy Conns Total number of HTTP connections that have used the ACOS device as an HTTP
HTTP requests Total number of HTTP requests received by the HTTP proxy.
HTTP requests(succ) Number of HTTP requests received by the HTTP proxy that were successfully
fulfilled (by connection to a real server).
HTTP requests(CONNECT) Number of CONNECT requests received by the HTTP proxy.
HTTP requests enter SSLi Number of HTTP requests directed to SSLi.
HTTP req (cache succ) Number of HTTP requests received by the HTTP proxy that were successfully
fulfilled from the cache.
No proxy error Number of proxy errors.
Client RST Number of times TCP connections with clients were reset.
Server RST Number of times TCP connections with servers were reset.
No tuple error Number of tuple errors.
Parse req fail Number of times parsing of an HTTP request failed.
Server selection fail Number of times selection of a real server failed.
Fwd req fail Number of forward request failures.
Fwd req data fail Number of forward request data failures.
Req retransmit Number of retransmitted requests.
Req pkt out-of-order Number of request packets received from clients out of sequence.
Server reselection Number of times a request was forwarded to another server because the current
server was failing.
Server premature close Number of times the connection with a server closed prematurely.
Server conn made Number of connections made with servers.
Source NAT failure Number of source NAT failures.
Tot data before compress These counters show statistics for HTTP compression, in bytes.
Tot data after compress
Request over limit Current request number exceeds the limit defined in policy template.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Request rate over limit Request rate exceeds the limit defined in policy template.
Close on DDoS Connection was forced to close due to a DDoS attack.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
status 203 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 204 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 1xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 3xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 301 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 303 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 304 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 305 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 306 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 307 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 4xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 401 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 402 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 403 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 405 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 407 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 408 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 416 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 420 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
status 426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 5xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 506 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 508 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 6xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
app serv conn no pcb err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
app serv conn err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
chunk1 hdr err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
chunk2 hdr err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
chunk bad trail err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
no payload next buff err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
no payload buff err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
resp hdr incomplete err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
serv sel fail err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
start icap conn fail err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
prep req fail err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icap ver err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
icap line err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
encap hdr incomplete err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
no icap resp err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
resp line read err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
resp line parse err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
resp hdr err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
req hdr incomplete err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
no status code err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
http resp line read err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
http resp line parse err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
http resp hdr err 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
status 409 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 410 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 413 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 414 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 415 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 416 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 418 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 419 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 422 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 423 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 424 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 425 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 426 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 449 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 5xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 501 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 502 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 503 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 504 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 506 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 507 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 508 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 510 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
status 6xx 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
show slb l4
Description Show Layer-4 SLB statistics.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
Example The following command shows summary statistics for Layer 4 SLB:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
page 426
ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
TCP no SLB 0
UDP no SLB 0
SYN Throttle 0
Inband HM retry 0
Inband HM reassign 0
Auto-reselect server 0
Fast aging set 0
Fast aging reset 0
TCP invalid drop 0
Out of sequence ACK drop 0
SYN stale sess drop 589824
Anomaly out of sequence 0
Anomaly zero window 0
Anomaly bad content 0
Anomaly pbslb drop 0
No resource drop 0
Reset unknown conn 0
RST L7 on failover 0
TCP SYN Other Flags Drop 0
TCP SYN With Data Drop 0
ignore msl 0
NAT Port Preserve Try 0
NAT Port Preserve Succ 0
BW-Limit Exceed drop 0
BW-Watermark drop 0
L4 CPS exceed drop 0
NAT CPS exceed drop 0
L7 CPS exceed drop 0
SSL CPS exceed drop 0
SSL TPT exceed drop 0
SSL TPT-Watermark drop 0
L3V Conn Limit Drop 0
L4 server handshake fail 0
L4 AX re-xmit SYN 0
L4 rcv ACK on SYN 0
L4 rcv RST on SYN 0
TCP no-Est Sess aged out 0
no-Est CSYN rcv aged out 0
no-Est SSYN snt aged out 0
L4 rcv rexmit SYN 589824
L4 rcv rexmit SYN (delq) 589824
L4 rcv rexmit SYN|ACK 0
L4 rcv rexmit SYN|ACK DQ 0
L4 rcv fwd last ACK 0
page 427
ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
IP out noroute Number of IP packets that could not be routed. These packets are dropped by the
ACOS device.
TCP out RST Number of TCP Resets sent.
TCP out RST no SYN Number of Resets sent for which there was no SYN.
TCP out RST L4 proxy Number of TCP Reset packets the ACOS device has sent as a Layer 4 proxy.
TCP out RST ACK attack Number of TCP Resets sent in response to a TCP ACK attack.
TCP out RST aFleX Number of TCP Reset packets the ACOS device has sent due to an aFleX policy.
TCP out RST stale sess This counter is incremented each time the following occurs:
• “reset on terminated session SYN packet” is enabled in the delete queue (this is
enabled by default)
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
TCP SYN cookie expd Number of TCP SYN cookies with expanded options that were sent.
NOTE: Expanded SYN cookie options are disabled by default but can be enabled.
(See “syn-cookie” on page 367.)
TCP SYN cookie snt fail Number of TCP SYN cookie send attempts that failed because delivery to the client
TCP received Number of subsequent packets ACOS received from a client during a particular
session. Counter includes the following types of packets: SA, A, FINACK, PSHACK.
UDP received Number of UDP packets received.
L2 DSR received Number of reply packets received for Layer 2 DSR sessions.
L3 DSR received Number of reply packets received for Layer 3 DSR sessions.
Server sel failure Number of times selection of a real server failed.
Source NAT failure Number of times a source NAT failure occurred.
Source NAT no fwd Number of times there was no route to the destination for Layer 3 NAT traffic.
Source NAT no rev route Number of times there was no route to the source for Layer 3 NAT traffic.
Source NAT ICMP Pro- Number of times an ICMP error related to source NAT occurred.
Source NAT ICMP No Number of times an ICMP error related to source NAT occurred, and there was no
Match matching session for the traffic.
Auto NAT ID mismatch Number of times a mismatch has occurred between a Smart NAT resource and a
TCP SYN cookie failed Number of times a TCP SYN cookie validate failure occurred when the client never
sent an ACK packet to complete the TCP three-way handshake.
L4 SYN attack Total number of TCP SYNs received by the ACOS device that were not followed by
a valid client ACK to establish the connection.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Conn Limit resets Number of connections reset because the server connection limit had been
Conn rate limit drops Number of connections dropped by connection rate limiting.
Conn rate limit resets Number of connections reset by connection rate limiting.
Proxy no sock drops Number of packets dropped because the proxy did not have an available socket.
aFleX drops Number of packets dropped due to an aFleX policy.
Session aged out Total number of TCP (TCP Session aged out), UDP (UDP Session aged out) and
other (Other session aged out) sessions that aged out.
TCP Session aged out Number of TCP sessions that aged out, including both half-open and established
UDP Session aged out Number of UDP sessions that have aged out.
Other Session aged out Number of sessions of other types (not TCP or UDP) that have aged out.
TCP no SLB This counter is deprecated and is no longer used.
UDP no SLB Number of non-SLB UDP packets received by the ACOS device.
SYN Throttle If the count of buffers allocated from system memory is higher than currently avail-
able free system buffers, a flag is enabled to ‘throttle SYN’. For TCP connections,
this means that incoming packets for new TCP connections are dropped to avoid
queuing more buffers for processing.
Inband HM retry Number of times the ACOS device retried an inband health check, because a SYN-
ACK was not received for the previous SYN.
Inband HM reassign Number of times the ACOS device reassigned a client’s traffic to another server,
because the initial server exceeded the maximum number of retries allowed by the
inband health check.
Auto-reselect server Number of times the ACOS device has reperformed server selection automatically
because the initially selected server did not respond to the TCP-SYN from the
ACOS device.
NOTE: In the current release, this counter applies only to traffic on HTTP/HTTPS
virtual ports.
Fast aging set Number of times fast aging of idle connections was automatically enabled by the
ACOS device due to factors such as low availability of I/O buffers, number of ses-
sions or amount of available memory.
Fast aging reset Number of times fast aging of idle connections was disabled. This occurs after a
sufficient number of buffers become available again.
TCP invalid drop Number of TCP packets received by the ACOS device that did not conform to the
standard format for TCP packets. For example, this counter is incremented if the
ACOS device receives a packet whose total length is less than the following:
Internet-Header-Length * 4 + TCP-data-offset *4
Out of sequence ACK Number of TCP ACKs that were dropped because they were out of sequence.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
SYN stale sess drop This counter is incremented each time the following occurs:
• “reset on terminated session SYN packet” is enabled in the delete queue (this is
enabled by default)
NOTE: This feature is enabled using the reset-unknown-conn option in virtual port
templates. See “slb template virtual-port” on page 97.
RST L7 on failover Number of Layer 7 sessions that were reset following VRRP-A failover.
TCP SYN Other Flags Number of TCP SYN packets that were dropped by the ACOS device because they
Drop contained a flag other than the SYN flag.
TCP SYN With Data Number of TCP SYN packets that were dropped by the ACOS device because they
Drop contained data.
Ignore MSL Number of times a SYN packet reaches the MSL limit (default is 2 seconds) during
a time-wait state and does not get dropped due to the “ignore-tcp-msl” option being
configured in the virtual-port template.
Note: This feature is enabled using the snat-port-preserve option in virtual port
templates. See “slb template virtual-port” on page 97.
NAT Port Preserve Succ Number of times the client port preservation feature successfully preserved a cli-
ent’s source port for traffic destined to a virtual port.
BW-Limit Exceed drop Number of times traffic was dropped because a configured bandwidth limit was
BW-Watermark drop Number of times traffic was dropped because a configured bandwidth watermark
was exceeded.
L4 CPS exceed drop Number of times traffic was dropped because the maximum allowed number of
Layer 4 connections per second (CPS) was exceeded.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
NAT CPS exceed drop Number of times traffic was dropped because the maximum allowed number of
NAT CPS was exceeded.
L7 CPS exceed drop Number of times traffic was dropped because the maximum allowed number of
Layer 7 CPS was exceeded.
SSL CPS exceed drop Number of times traffic was dropped because the maximum allowed number of
SSL CPS was exceeded.
SSL TPT exceed drop Number of times SSL traffic was dropped because SSL throughput exceeded the
maximum allowed by a system-resource template.
SSL TPT-Watermark Number of times SSL traffic was dropped because SSL throughput exceeded the
drop configured watermark.
L3V Conn Limit Drop Number of times Layer 3 traffic was dropped because a configured connection
limit was exceeded.
L4 server handshake fail Number of times traffic was dropped because the Layer 4 handshake with a server
L4 AX re-xmit SYN Number of times the ACOS device needed to retransmit a TCP SYN.
L4 rcv ACK on SYN Number of SYN-ACKs (ACKs in response to TCP-SYNs) received by the ACOS
L4 rcv RST on SYN Number of TCP Resets (RST) the ACOS device received in response to a SYN.
TCP no-Est Sess aged Number of half-open sessions on the ACOS device. A half-open session means the
out ACOS device received a SYN packet, forwarded it to the backend server but there
was no SYN-ACK from the backend server, resulting in a half-open session on the
ACOS device. These sessions are created with a session age time of 60 seconds. If
the session is idle for more than 60 seconds, ACOS terminates the session and
removes it from the session table and increments this counter.
no-Est CSYN rcv aged Number of times the ACOS device received a SYN from a client and forwarded it to
out the server. This can create a half-open session on the ACOS device if there is no
SYN-ACK from the server for a period exceeding 60 seconds. If this happens, ACOS
kills the session and increments this counter.
no-Est SSYN snt aged Number of TCP sessions that aged out before a SYN was received from the server,
out and therefore could not be established.
L4 rcv rexmit SYN Number of times the client does not get a SYN-ACK from the server. This causes
the client to retransmit same SYN packet that it sent earlier. This counter will incre-
ment each time such a re-transmission of the SYN packet occurs.
L4 rcv rexmit SYN (delq) Number of times the client SYN packet matches an existing session currently in
the delete queue. When this occurs, both the “L4 rcv rexmit SYN” and “L4 rcv rexmit
SYN (delq)” counters are incremented.
L4 rcv rexmit SYN|ACK Total number of retransmitted SYN-ACKs received by the ACOS device.
L4 rcv rexmit SYN|ACK Number of retransmitted SYN-ACKs received by the ACOS device for sessions that
DQ had already been moved to the delete queue.
L4 rcv fwd last ACK Number of final ACKs (last ACKs of a given TCP session) received by the ACOS
device from clients.
Note: In this field and the following fields, the following terms describe the traffic
origination and direction:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
L4 rcv rev last ACK Number of final ACKs (last ACKs of a given TCP session) received by the ACOS
device from servers.
L4 rcv fwd FIN Number of TCP FINs received from clients.
L4 rcv fwd FIN dup Number of times more than one FIN packet is received from the client.
An example of this would be if the server did not reply to a FIN-ACK in time, thus
causing the client to send another FIN.
L4 rcv fwd FIN|ACK Number of TCP FIN-ACKs received from clients.
L4 rcv rev FIN Number of TCP FINs received from servers.
L4 rcv rev FIN dup Number of duplicate TCP FINs received from servers.
L4 rcv rev FIN|ACK Number of TCP FIN-ACKs received from servers.
L4 rcv fwd RST Number of TCP RST packets that the ACOS device received from a client and for-
warded to the server.
L4 rcv rev RST Number of TCP RST packets that the ACOS device received from a server and for-
warded to the client.
L4 UDP reqs no rsp Number of port 53 UDP requests received to which there was no response.
L4 UDP req rsps Number of port 53 UDP requests received to which there was a response.
L4 UDP req/rsp not Number of mismatches between port 53 UDP requests and responses.
L4 UDP req > rsps Number of port 53 UDP requests received for which there was no corresponding
L4 UDP rsps > reqs Number of port 53 UDP responses received for which there was no corresponding
L4 UDP reqs Total number of port 53 UDP requests received by the ACOS device.
L4 UDP rsps Total number of port 53 UDP responses received by the ACOS device.
L4 TCP Established Number of established sessions that completed a 3-way TCP handshake.
Skip Insert-client-ip Number of times client IP insertion into TCP option failed due to lack of space.
DNS query id switch Number of requests load balanced based on DNS query ID.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
page 433
ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Current Proxy Connections Number of currently active connections that use the DBLB proxy.
Total Proxy Connections Total number of connections that have used the DBLB proxy.
Current BE Encryption Connec- Number of currently active, encrypted connections on the back-end (BE),
tions between the ACOS device and server which process database queries.
Total BE Encryption Connections Total number of encrypted connections on the back-end (BE), between
the ACOS device and server which process database queries.
Current FE Encryption Connec- Number of currently active, encrypted connections on the front-end (FE),
tions between the ACOS device and a client.
Total FE Encryption Connections Total number of encrypted connections on the front-end (FE), between
the ACOS device and a client.
Client FIN Number of TCP connections that were closed on the client side.
Server FIN Number of TCP connections that were closed on the server side.
Session Error Total number of session errors that occurred while processing DBLB
DB Queries Total number of received database queries.
Note: This counter corresponds to the number of instances that the aFleX
DB_QUERY event was triggered.
DB Commands Reply Total number of received database commands.
Note: This counter corresponds to the number of instances that the aFleX
DB_COMMAND event was triggered.
page 434
ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Authentication Success Number of successful AUTH commands.
Authentication Failure Number of failed AUTH commands.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
Field Description
Current Proxy Connections Number of currently active connections that use the DBLB proxy.
Total Proxy Connections Total number of connections that have used the DBLB proxy.
Current BE Encryption Connec- Number of currently active, encrypted connections on the back-end (BE),
tions between the ACOS device and server which process database queries.
Total BE Encryption Connections Total number of encrypted connections on the back-end (BE), between the
ACOS device and server which process database queries.
Current FE Encryption Connec- Number of currently active, encrypted connections on the front-end (FE),
tions between the ACOS device and a client.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Total FE Encryption Connections Total number of encrypted connections on the front-end (FE), between the
ACOS device and a client.
Client FIN Number of TCP connections that were closed on the client side.
Server FIN Number of TCP connections that were closed on the server side.
Session Error Total number of session errors that occurred while processing DBLB
DB Queries Total number of received database queries.
Note: This counter corresponds to the number of instances that the aFleX
DB_QUERY event was triggered.
DB Commands Reply Total number of received database commands.
Note: This counter corresponds to the number of instances that the aFleX
DB_COMMAND event was triggered.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Option Description
FWcpi Shows only Firewall connections per interval.
interval Automatically refreshes the output at the specified interval. The interval can be 1-32
number seconds. If you omit this option, the output is shown one time. If you use this option,
the output is repeatedly refreshed at the specified interval until you press ctrl+c.
detail Lists separate counters for each CPU.
l4cpi Shows only Layer 4 connections per interval.
l7cpi Shows only Layer 7 connections per interval.
l7tpi Shows only Layer 7 transactions per interval.
natcpi Shows only Network Address Translation (NAT) connections per interval.
sslcpi Shows only SSL connections per interval.
detail This option is not used in the current release.
Mode All
Field Description
Refreshing SLB perfor- Interval at which the statistics are refreshed.
mance every # seconds
CPU Usage Utilization on each data CPU.
Each number is the utilization on one data CPU. In the example shown above,
the ACOS model has three data CPUs, and the utilization on each one is 1%.
L4cpi Layer 4 connections per interval.
L7cpi Layer 7 connections per interval.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
L7tpi Layer 7 transactions per interval.
SSLcpi SSL connections per interval.
Natcpi NAT connections per interval.
FWcpi FW connections per interval.
Time System time when the statistics were collected.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
URL hash persist(pri) Number of requests successfully sent to the primary server selected by URL hash-
ing. The primary server is the one that was initially selected and then re-used
based on the hash value.
URL hash persist(sec) Number of requests that were sent to another server (a secondary server) because
the primary server selected by URL hashing was unavailable.
URL hash persist fail Number of requests that could not be fulfilled using URL hashing.
SRC IP persist ok Number of requests successfully sent to the same server as previous requests
from the same client, based on source-IP persistence.
SRC IP persist fail Number of requests that could not be fulfilled by the same server as previous
requests from the same client, based on source-IP persistence.
SRC IP hash persist(pri) Number of requests successfully sent to the primary server selected by source IP
hashing. The primary server is the one that was initially selected and then re-used
based on the hash value.
SRC IP hash persist(sec) Number of requests that were sent to another server (a secondary server) because
the primary server selected by source IP hashing was unavailable.
SRC IP hash persist fail Number of requests that could not be fulfilled using source IP hashing.
DST IP persist ok Number of requests that were sent to the same resource, based on destination-IP
DST IP persist fail Number of requests that could not be sent to the same resource, based on desti-
nation-IP persistence.
DST IP hash persist(pri) Number of requests successfully sent to the primary server selected by destina-
tion IP hashing. The primary server is the one that was initially selected and then
re-used based on the hash value.
DST IP hash persist(sec) Number of requests that were sent to another server (a secondary server) because
the primary server selected by destination IP hashing was unavailable.
DST IP hash persist fail Number of requests that could not be fulfilled using destination IP hashing.
SSL SID persist ok Number of requests successfully sent to the same server as previous requests
that had the same SSL session ID, based on SSL session-ID persistence.
SSL SID persist fail Number of requests that could not be fulfilled by the same server as previous
requests that had the same SSL session ID, based on SSL session-ID persistence.
Cookie persist ok Number of requests successfully sent to the same server as previous requests
based on a persistence cookie.
Cookie persist fail Number of requests that could not be fulfilled by the same server as previous
requests based on a persistence cookie.
Persist cookie not found Number of requests in which a persistence cookie was not found in the request
Persist cookie Pass-thru Number of requests that contained a pass-through cookie.
Enforce higher priority Number of times the enforce-higher-priority option overrode server persistence
and selected another server.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
Field Description
Total log times Total number of times log rate limiting has been used.
Total log messages Total number of log messages generated by the ACOS device.
NOTE: The ACOS device combines repeated messages into a single message.
For this reason, the Total log times count will differ from the Total log messages
Local log messages Total number of log messages in the ACOS device’s log buffer. These messages
can be displayed using the show log command.
Remote log messages Total number of log messages the ACOS device has sent to external log servers.
Local rate (per sec) Number of messages sent to the ACOS device’s log buffer during the most
recent one-second interval.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Remote rate (per sec) Number of messages sent to external log servers during the most recent one-
second interval.
Log message too big Number of log messages dropped by the ACOS device because they were too
No route Number of log messages dropped by the ACOS device because the device did
not have a route to the log server.
Buffer alloc fail Number of times the ACOS device was unable to allocate a buffer for sending a
log message to an external log server.
Buffer send fail Number of times the ACOS device was unable to send a log message that had
been placed in the buffer for sending to an external log server.
Log-session alloc Number of times the ACOS device allocated a log session for repeated log mes-
Log-session free Number of times the ACOS device freed a log session that was allocated for
repeated log messages.
Log-session alloc fail Number of times the ACOS device was unable to allocate a log session for
repeated log messages.
No repeat message Number of times there was no repeated message for a log session allocated for
repeated messages.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
show slb server
[server-name [port-num]
[all-partitions | partition {shared | name} | detail] |
[all-partitions | partition {shared | name}] |
[all-partitions | partition {shared | name}] |
[all-partitions | partition {shared | name}]
Parameter Description
server-name [[port-num] detail Shows information only for the specified server or port. If you omit
this option, information is shown for all real servers and ports.
The detail option shows statistics for the specified server or port.
This option also displays the name of the server or port template
bound to the server or port.
bindings Shows the bindings for real server ports.
config Shows the SLB configuration of the real servers.
connection-reuse Shows connection-reuse state information and statistics for the real
auto-nat-stats Shows statistics for Smart NAT.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
all-partitions Show SLB server configuration for all partitions.
partition {shared | name} Show SLB server configuration for either the shared partition, or the
specified L3V partition name.
Mode All
Example The following command shows the output for the basic show slb server
command. The “State”
Example The following command shows SLB statistics for real server “http1”. This
server is in a service group that is bound to an HTTP virtual port:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following table describes out fields for the show slb server command.
The output from this command includes statistics for health check fields.
Keep in mind that these health check fields only appear in the output for
HTTP traffic. The counters begin when the health check is configured and
increment until the statistics are cleared or the health check is deleted.
Field Description
Total Number of Services Total number of services configured on the ACOS device (if a server name is
configured not specified) or on the specified server.
Service Real server name, service protocol port, and transport protocol (TCP or UDP),
and Status (Up/Down/Disabled)
Forward packets Number of request packets received for the service.
Reverse packets Number of response packets sent on behalf of the real server.
Forward bytes Number of request bytes received for the service.
Reverse bytes Number of response bytes sent on behalf of the real server.
Current Current number of connections to the service.
Persistent connections Number of persistent connections to the service.
Current requests Current number of requests to the service.
Total requests Total number of requests to the service.
Total connections Total number of connections to the service.
Total requests succ Total number of requests to the service successfully received.
Response time Server response time.
Peak-conn Peak connection rate.
Note: Peak connection statistics are collected only if the extended-stats option
is enabled. To enable extended-stats, see the following:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Wait for HTTP response Indicates whether the ACOS device is still waiting for a response to the HTTP
L4 conn made Total number of Layer 4 connections made to the destination TCP port for
health checking.
L4 errors Total number of Layer 4 errors that occurred during health checking.
Health-check average RTT The average length of time it took for each health check. The time is expressed
in microseconds (us).
NOTE: The same health check fields appear in the output for the show slb
service-group group-name and similarly only apply to HTTP traffic.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Server name Name of the server.
Server IP address IP address of the server.
Server gateway ARP Server ARP value (if directly connected) or nexthop ARP value (if connected through a
State Current state of the service:
• Up
• Down
• Disabled
Server template Name of the real server template bound to the server.
Health check Name of the health monitor used to check the health of the real port.
Current connection Current number of connections to the port.
Current request Current number of HTTP requests being processed by the port.
Note: In this field and the Total request and Total request success fields, Layer 7
requests are counted only if Layer 7 request accounting is enabled. See “slb common”
on page 20.
Total connection Total number of connections that have been made to the port.
Total request Total number of HTTP requests processed by the port.
Total request suc- Total number of HTTP requests that were successful.
Total forward bytes Number of request bytes forwarded to the port.
Total forward packets Number of request packets forwarded to the port.
Total reverse bytes Number of request bytes received from the port.
Total reverse packets Number of request packets received from the port.
Peak connection Peak connection count.
Note: Peak connection statistics are collected only if the extended-stats option is
enabled. To enable extended-stats, see the following:
Example The following command shows details for a real port on a server:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Current connection: 53
Current request: 42
Total connection: 10011
Total request: 20090
Total request success: 20089
Total forward bytes: 36378463
Total forward packets: 378463
Total reverse bytes: 463784638
Total reverse packets: 3784638
Peak connection: 24411
Field Description
Server name Name of the server.
Server IP address IP address of the server.
Server gateway ARP Server ARP value (if directly connected) or nexthop ARP value (if connected
through a gateway).
Port Real port number.
State Current state of the service:
• Up
• Down
• Disabled
Port template Name of the real port template bound to the port.
Health check Name of the health monitor used to check the health of the real port.
Current connection Current number of connections to the port.
Current request Current number of HTTP requests being processed by the port.
In this field and the Total request and Total request success fields, Layer 7
requests are counted only if Layer 7 request accounting is enabled. See “slb com-
mon” on page 20.
Total connection Total number of connections that have been made to the port.
Total request Total number of HTTP requests processed by the port.
Total request success Total number of HTTP requests that were successful.
Total forward bytes Number of request bytes forwarded to the port.
Total forward packets Number of request packets forwarded to the port.
Total reverse bytes Number of request bytes received from the port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Total reverse packets Number of request packets received from the port.
Peak connection Peak connection count.
Example The following command displays detailed information for a dynamic host-
name server. The configuration details are shown first, followed by details
for the dynamically created servers.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example The following command shows SLB configuration information for real serv-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Total Number of Services config- Total number of SLB services configured on the ACOS device.
Service Real server name, service protocol port, and transport protocol (TCP or
Address Real IP address of the server.
H-check Health check enabled for the service:
• Default – The default health monitor for the service type was automati-
cally applied to the service by the ACOS device.
• Enable
• Disable
Max conn Maximum number of connections allowed to the service.
Wgt Administrative weight assigned to the service.
Example The following command shows connection-reuse state information and sta-
tistics for real servers:
1_cybozu:80/tcp Up 0
win20:25/tcp Down 0
win21:25/tcp Up 0
win21:110/tcp Up 0
win21:80/tcp Up 0
win21:443/tcp Down 0
linux22:25/tcp Disb 0
linux22:80/tcp Up 0
linux22:53/udp Disb 0
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Total Number of Services config- Total number of SLB services configured on the ACOS device.
Service Real server name, service protocol port, and transport protocol (TCP or
State Current state of the service:
• Up
• Down
• Disabled
Persistent-Conn Number of connections sent to the server by the persistence feature.
In this example, both virtual ports are using Smart NAT. The Nat Address,
Port Usage, Total Used, Total Freed, and Failed columns show the same
information shown in show ip nat pool statistics output. (See the CLI
The Service column lists the server, protocol port, and Layer 4 protocol. The
HA/VR ID column lists the HA group ID or VRRP-A VRID, if applicable. In this
example, the ACOS device is deployed as a standalone device, so “0” is
shown in this column.
The following table describes the fields in the command output.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Service Real server name and port number, and the Layer 4 protocol (TCP or UDP).
HA/VR ID The HA group ID or VRRP-A VRID, if applicable.
NAT Address The IP address used for the NAT mapping.
Port Usage Number of mappings currently in use by sessions.
Total Used Total number of sessions that have been NATted for the source address.
Total Freed Number of NATted sessions that have been terminated, thus freeing up a port for another ses-
Failed Number of times a mapping attempt failed. Generally, this type of error occurs if the system
does not have any resources for new mappings.
• sg-8080
• linux:8080
The VIP bindings are indicated by “+=>”. In this example, “rs1” has the
following bindings:
The state of each service group is shown. In this example, service group “sg-
8080” is All Up. This indicates all service ports on all real servers in the
service group are up. Service group “linux:8080” is Functionally Up. The
service is up on at least one real server in the service group, but not on all the
servers in the group.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
group-name Shows information only for the specified service group. If you omit this option, infor-
mation is shown for all service groups configured on the ACOS device.
brief Shows a summary view of the configured service groups and their operational status.
If you specify a service-group name, summary information is displayed for only that
group. Otherwise, summary information for all groups is displayed.
config Shows the SLB configuration of the service groups.
all-partitions Show SLB service group information in all partitions.
partition Show SLB service group information in the specified partition only.
Mode All
Example The following command shows statistics for SLB service groups:
Field Description
Number of Service Groups config- Total number of SLB service groups configured on the ACOS device.
Service Group Name Name of the service group.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
State Indicates the state of the service group:
• All Up – All service ports on all real servers in the service group are
• Down – Either all service ports are down, or some (not all) are Dis-
Example The following command shows configuration information and statistics for
SLB service group “louis”:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
NOTE: A separate set of health check fields appears in the show slb service-
group command output for HTTP traffic.
Field Description
Service group name Name of the service group.
State Indicates the state of the service group:
• All Up – All service ports on all real servers in the service group are up.
• Functional Up – Each service port number is up on at least one real server in the
service group.
• Down – Either all the service ports are down, or some but not all of them are Dis-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Current requests Current number of HTTP requests being processed by the server.
In this field and the Total Requests and Total requests success fields, Layer 7
requests are counted only if Layer 7 request accounting is enabled. See “slb com-
mon” on page 20.
Total requests Total number of HTTP requests processed by the server.
Total connections Total number of connections to the service.
Response time Server response time.
Total requests succ Total number of HTTP requests that were successful.
Peak conn Peak connection count.
Example The following command shows configuration information for SLB service
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Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Failed 0
Field Description
SIP Session created Total number of SIP sessions created.
SIP Session freed Total number of SIP connection freed.
Curr SIP Proxy Current number of SIP connections between the ACOS device and SIP servers.
Total SIP Proxy Total number of SIP connections between the ACOS device and SIP servers.
Client message rcvd Total number of SIP messages received from clients:
• Sent to server — Number of SIP messages received from client and forwarded to
• Failed — Number of SIP messages received from clients not forwarded to servers.
Server message Total number of SIP messages received from servers:
• Sent to client — Number of SIP messages received from server and forwarded to cli-
• Drop — Number of SIP messages received from servers that were not forwarded to
Server conn created Total number of connections made with servers:
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Curr SMPP Proxy 0
Total SMPP Proxy 0
Client message rcvd 0
Sent to server 0
Incomplete 0
AX responds directly 0
Drop 0
Connecting server 0
Failed 0
Server message rcvd 0
Sent to client 0
Incomplete 0
Drop 0
Failed 0
Server conn created 0
Created successfully 0
Failed 0
Client conn selection 0
Select by request 0
Select by roundbin 0
Select by conn 0
Select failed 0
Server conn selection 0
Select by request 0
Select by roundbin 0
Select by conn 0
Select failed 0
Field Description
SMPP msg mem allocated Total amount of memory currently in use for SMPP connections.
SMPP msg mem cached Total amount of memory cached for SMPP connections.
SMPP msg mem freed Total amount of memory freed after an SMPP connection has closed.
SMPP msg payload allocated Total amount of memory allocated for the SMPP packet payload.
SMPP msg payload freed Total amount of memory freed from the SMPP packet payload.
Curr SMPP Proxy Number of currently active connections using the SMPP proxy.
Total SMPP Proxy Total number of connections that have used the SMPP proxy.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Client message rcvd Total number of SMPP messages received from clients.
• Failed to parse
• Failed to process
• Failed to SNAT
• Exceeded buff
• Failed to send
• Failed to parse
• Failed to process
• Failed to SNAT
• Exceeded buff
• Failed to send
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Server conn created • Created successfully – Number of server connections created suc-
• Failed to SNAT
• Failed to construct
• Failed to reserve
• Failed to start
• Failed to insert
Message parsing failed Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS failed to parse. The following
sub-counters describe the cause:
• The packet size too small – Number of SMPP messages that were not
parsed because the message size was less than 4 bytes.
• Select failed – Number of times the ACOS failed to select a client for
the SMPP connection.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Server conn selection The following counters apply to SMPP server selection:
• Select failed – Number of times the ACOS failed to select a server for
the SMPP connection.
Bind client and server Number of times the ACOS successfully forwarded the initial BIND mes-
sage from a client an SMPP server.
Unbind client and server Number of times the ACOS disconnected the client to an SMPP server.
Receive enquire_link Total number of ENQUIRE_LINK messages that the ACOS received from
the SMPP client or server.
Receive enquire_link_resp Total number of ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP messages that the ACOS received
from the SMPP client or server.
Send enquire_link Total number of ENQUIRE_LINK messages that the ACOS device has
Send enquire_link_resp Total number of ENQUIRE_LINK_RES messages that the ACOS device
has sent.
Fail to bind server Total number of times the ACOS device received a BIND message and
failed to connect the client to an SMPP server.
Single message Total number of single messages that were sent to the ACOS and did not
require a response.
Transfer msg from L4 to L7 CPU Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS transferred from a Layer 4
CPU to a Layer 7 CPU.
Fetch msg from L7 CPU Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS transferred from the Layer 7
CPU to a Layer 4 CPU.
Transfer msg from proxy to conn Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS transferred from the proxy
CPU CPU to the connection CPU.
Fetch msg from conn CPU Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS transferred from the connec-
tion CPU to the proxy CPU.
Transfer msg from L7 to L4 CPU Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS transferred from a Layer 7
CPU to a Layer 4 CPU.
Transfer msg from conn to proxy Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS transferred from the connec-
CPU tion CPU to the proxy CPU.
Alloc mem failed Number of times a connection failed because the ACOS device did not
have access to sufficient memory resources.
Unexpected error Number of unexpected errors that are not categorized by the other count-
AX holds msg Number of messages that the ACOS device has received from a client or
server and has yet to forward.
Splited packet Number of times the ACOS split TCP packets which contain multiple
SMPP messages.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Message in pipeline Number of SMPP messages that the ACOS processed using an HTTP
Client RST Number of times TCP connections with clients were reset.
Server RST Number of times TCP connections with servers were reset.
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Current proxy conns Number of currently active SMTP connections using ACOS device as an SMTP
Total proxy conns Number of SMTP connections that have used the ACOS device as an SMTP
SMTP requests Total number of SMTP requests received by the SMTP proxy.
SMTP requests (success) Number of SMTP requests received by the ACOS device that were successfully
fulfilled (by connection to a real server).
No proxy error Number of proxy errors.
Client reset Number of times TCP connections with clients were reset.
Server reset Number of times TCP connections with servers were reset.
No tuple error Number of tuple errors.
Parse request failure Number of times parsing of an SMTP request failed.
Server selection failure Number of times selection of a real server failed.
Forward request failure Number of forward request failures.
Forward REQ data failure Number of forward request data failures.
Request retransmit Number of retransmitted requests.
Request pkt out-of-order Number of request packets received from clients out of sequence.
Server reselection Number of times a request was forwarded to another server because the current
server was failing.
Server premature close Number of times the connection with a server closed prematurely.
Server connection made Number of connections made with servers.
Source NAT failure Number of source NAT failures.
Init server starttls Number of STARTTLS sessions initiated with the server.
Real server starttls disable Number of times the server was unable to negotiate a STARTTLS session.
Server starttls fail Number of times a server STARTTLS session failed due to a TCP error event.
Example This command shows detailed SMTP SLB statistics for each data processor
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
debug Show debug information.
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Server FIN 0
Stream close 0
Session close 0
Stream err 0
Session err 0
Control frame rcvd 0
SYN stream 0
SYN reply 0
Setting 0
Ping 0
Goaway 0
Headers 0
Window update 0
Data frame rcvd 0
Dt no stream found 0
Dt no stream & goaway 0
Dt no str&gw & cl ses 0
Est callback no tuple 0
Dat callback no tuple 0
Contex alloc fail 0
FIN close session 0
Serv RST close stream 0
Stream found 0
Clse St ses not found 0
Clse St str not found 0
Clsing closed stream 0
Str cl session close 0
Clsing closed session 0
Max conc stream limit 0
Stream alloc fail 0
HTTP conn alloc fail 0
Req/Header alloc fail 0
NV tot len exceed 0
NV zero name length 0
NV ivld http version 0
NV connection 0
NV keep alive 0
NV proxy-connection 0
NV transfer encoding 0
NV no must have 0
Decompress fail 0
SYN after goaway 0
Stream id < previous 0
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
counters Shows the number of successes and failures for key exchange methods, and SSL/TLS
version. Shows the session cache count for new, hits, missed, and expired. Shows the
average handshake time and total renegotiations.
error Shows errors such as cookie mismatch, wrong signature length, unsupported cipher,
incorrect public key, no certificate returned, etc.
stats Shows statistics for SSL modules.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
SSL Module “Hardware” indicates SSL processing occurs in hardware
modules. “Software” indicates SSL processing occurs in
ACOS software.
Number of SSL modules Total number of SSL processing modules on the ACOS
SSL module n ID number of the SSL module to which the following statis-
tics apply.
number of enabled crypto engines Number of SSL encryption/decryption processing engines
that are enabled.
number of available crypto engines Number of SSL encryption/decryption processing engines
that are available on the device.
number of requests handled Number of SSL requests handled by the SSL processing
Current clientside SSL connections Number of currently active SSL client-side SSL sessions
(sessions between ACOS and clients).
Total clientside SSL connections Total number of SSL client-side sessions since the last time
statistics were cleared.
Current serverside SSL connections Number of currently active SSL server-side SSL sessions
(sessions between ACOS and servers).
Total serverside SSL connections Total number of SSL server-side sessions since the last time
statistics were cleared.
Total times of reusing SSL sessions(IDs) in cli- SSL session-ID reuse statistics.
ent ssl
Total times of reusing SSL sessions(IDs) in
server ssl
Failed SSL handshakes Number of SSL sessions in which the SSL security hand-
shake failed.
Failed crypto operations Number of times an encryption/decryption failure occurred
for an SSL record.
Dropped serverside SSL connections Total number of SSL server-side sessions dropped since the
last time statistics were cleared.
SSL memory usage Amount of memory in use by the SSL processing module.
SSL server certificate errors Total count of certificate errors.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
SSL fail CA verification Number of times an SSL session was terminated due to a
certificate verification failure.
HW Context Memory Total Count Total amount of hardware available for SSL context memory
HW Context Memory in Use Total amount of hardware in use for SSL context memory
HW Context Memory alloc failed Number of times the encryption processor was unable to
allocate memory.
HW ring full Number of times the ACOS software was unable to enqueue
an SSL record to the SSL processor for encryption/decryp-
tion. (Number of times the processor reached its perfor-
mance limit.)
Record too big Number of times the ACOS device received an SSL record
that spanned across more than 64 packets.
Total client ssl context malloc failures Number of times ACOS failed to allocate memory for client
SSL context memory.
Bypass Failsafe SSL sessions Number of bypassed SSL sessions
Bypass SNI sessions Number of bypassed SSL sessions based on SNI criteria
specified in the ACOS configuration.
Bypass Client Auth sessions Number of bypassed SSL sessions based on client authentic
criteria specified in the ACOS configuration.
Failed in SSL handshakes Number of SSL sessions in which the SSL security hand-
shake failed.
Failed in crypto operations Number of times an encryption/decryption failure occurred
for an SSL record.
Failed in TCP Number of TCP sessions that failed.
Failed in Certificate verification Number of SSL sessions in which the SSL security hand-
shake failed.
Failed in Certificate signing Number of times an SSL session was terminated due to a
certificate verification failure.
Invalid OCSP Stapling Response Number of times an SSL session was terminated due to a
certificate verification failure message in the OCSP stapling
Revoked OCSP Response Number of times an SSL session was terminated due to a
certificate verification failure message in the OCSP response.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
OCSP requests: 0
OCSP responses: 0
OCSP connection errors: 0
OCSP URI not found: 0
OCSP URI https: 0
OCSP URI unsupported: 0
OCSP response status good: 0
OCSP response status revoked: 0
OCSP response status unknown: 0
OCSP cache status good: 0
OCSP cache status revoked: 0
OCSP cache miss: 0
OCSP cache expired: 0
OCSP other errors: 0
CRL requests: 0
CRL responses: 0
CRL connection errors: 0
CRL URI not found: 0
CRL URI https: 0
CRL URI unsupported: 0
CRL response status good: 0
CRL response status revoked: 0
CRL response status unknown: 0
CRL cache status good: 0
CRL cache status revoked: 0
CRL other errors: 0
Field Description
OCSP stapling response good Number of times the OCSP stapling response was good.
Certificate chain status good Number of times the certificate chain status was good.
Certificate chain status revoked Number of times the certificate chain status was revoked.
Certificate chain status unknown Number of times the certificate chain status was unknown.
OCSP requests Number of OCSP requests.
OCSP responses Number of OCSP responses.
OCSP connection errors Number of OCSP connection errors.
OCSP URI not found Number of times the OCSP URI was not found.
OCSP URI https Number of times the OCSP URI was HTTPS.
OCSP URI unsupported Number of times the OCSP URI was unsupported.
OCSP response status good Number of times the OCSP response status was good.
OCSP response status revoked Number of times the OCSP response status was revoked.
OCSP response status unknown Number of times the OCSP response status was unknown.
OCSP cache status good Number of times the OCSP cache status was good.
OCSP cache status revoked Number of times the OCSP cache status was revoked.
OCSP cache miss Number of times the OCSP cache was missed.
OCSP cache expired Number of times the OCSP cache was expired.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
OCSP other errors Number of times OCSP had other errors.
CRL requests Number of CRL requests.
CRL responses Number of CRL responses.
CRL connection errors Number of CRL connection errors.
CRL URI not found Number of times the CRL URI was not found.
CRL URI https Number of times the CRL URI was HTTPS.
CRL URI unsupported Number of times the CRL URI was unsupported.
CRL response status good Number of times the CRL response status was good.
CRL response status revoked Number of times the CRL response status was revoked.
CRL response status unknown Number of times the CRL response status was unknown.
CRL cache status good Number of times the CRL cache status was good.
CRL cache status revoked Number of times the CRL cache status was revoked.
CRL other errors Number of times CRL had other errors.
Field Description
vserver Specifies virtual server name. 1 to 127 characters.
vport Specifies virtual port ID. Integer from 0 to 65534. No default
Example In this example, the TPS device is configured with two virtual servers, vip1
and vip2, each of which is bound to two virtual ports each, 443 and 444.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Renegotiation Counters
Total renegotiations = 0
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
TLS1.2 2 0
Renegotiation Counters
Total renegotiations = 0
----Retrieved CRL----
Issuer: /C=FR/O=Certplus/CN=Class 2 Primary CA
Status: Not expired
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Status: Expired
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
----End of CRL----
17 CRL retrieved
Mode All
Parameter Description
name Wildcard VIP name.
num Virtual port number to which clients send requests (for example, 443).
ipaddr | all Displays entries for the certificate associated with a specific server IP address or for all
server IP addresses. The default is all.
sni The full or partial SNI of the server from which the inside ACOS device imported the
self-signed certificate and private key.
• If you enter the IP address of the server, sni must be an exactly the same as in the
certificate cache. You must enter the full SNI that is exactly the same as in the certif-
icate cache. sni, The hashing activity for only that specific certificate is reported.
• If you enter the keyword all, sni can be a partial match to the full server name. If a
group of servers meets this partial match, all servers in this group are reported.
Usage The following field values appear in the output of this command :]
Field Description
Real Server • This field specifies the gateway IP address and protocol port of the server that clients
are trying to connect to.
Server Name • This field specifies the URL or SNI of the server that clients are trying to connect to.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
state • state: cert verifying
The certificate of the server specified by the Real Server and Server Name fields is in
the process of being verified.
The ACOS device is forging the certificate it will use for SSL sessions with clients try-
ing to reach the specified server.
The ACOS has verified the specified server’s certificate is not revoked, and it is ready
to forge certificates it will use for SSL sessions with clients trying to reach the speci-
fied server.
• state: ready
The forge certificate is in the ACOS cache.
hit times The number of occurrences that a new session matches this certificate.
idle time The amount of time since the previous hit.
timeout after The certificate will be removed after this amount of idle time without any hits.
expires after The certificate is removed after this amount of time has passed since the certificate
was created.
Default None
Mode All
Example The following example displays the status of the SSL forward proxy certifi-
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Example In the following example, the virtual server name is vsn1. Its protocol port is
443. The IP address of the real server is And, EnterpriseABC-
server is the SNI of the real server the ACOS device proxies for.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Default None
Mode All
Example The following example shows the counter fields provided by the show slb
ssl-forward-proxy-stats command.
Default None
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Usage The following table describes the fields in the command output:
Field Description
Total The total number of cached requests is listed.
Common Name The common certificate name is listed.
Status Good, revoked or unknown will appear to indicate certificate status.
Example The following example displays the contents of the SSL OSCP cache:
Default None
Mode All
Usage The following table describes the fields in the command output:
Field Description
Total The total number of certificates in the ACOS cache
Name Certificate name
Subject Certificate subject name
Length: Length of the certificate in bytes
URI: URI of the certificate owner
Expire: Time in seconds remaining before the certificate expires
Hits: Number of times certificate was called from the cache by SSL proxy handshake with a
Example Use command to display information on SSL OCSP cache, including the
name of the company, status, subject, length, URI, expiration, and number of
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Name: Company1 Internet Authority G2
Status: Good
Subject: /C=US/O=Company1 Inc/CN=Company1 Internet Authority G2
Length: 1012
URI: http://a.example.com/
Expire: 17731488
Hits: 760
Parameter Description
detail Shows statistics per individual CPU in the output.
ethernet port-num Shows statistics only for the specified Ethernet port.
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
L2 Forward When the ACOS device is acting as a Layer-2 switch and receives a packet
that has the destination MAC address in its MAC table, ACOS sends the
packet to the outgoing interface (as per the MAC table entry) and increments
this counter.
L3 IP Forward Number of packets that have been Layer 3 routed.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
IPv4 No Route Drop Number of IPv4 packets that were dropped due to routing failures.
L3 IPv6 Forward Number of IPv6 packets that have been Layer 3 routed.
IPv6 No Route Drop Number of IPv6 packets that were dropped due to routing failures.
L4 Process Number of packets that went to a VIP or NAT for processing.
Incorrect Len Drop Number of packets dropped due to incorrect protocol length.
Note: A high value for this counter can indicate a packet length attack.
Prot Down Drop • Number of IPv6 packets received on an interface for which there was no
IPv6 address configured.
An oversized ICMP packet can trigger Denial of Service (DoS), crashing, freez-
ing, or rebooting.
Anomaly All Frag Drop Number of IP fragments dropped.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Anomaly TCP noFlag Drop Number of TCP packets dropped because they had no flags set.
TCP packets are normally sent with at least one bit in the flags field set.
Anomaly SYN Frag Drop Number TCP SYN fragments dropped that had the fragmentation bit set.
A SYN fragment attack floods the target host with SYN packet fragments. An
unprotected host will store the fragments, in order to reassemble them. By not
completing the connection, and flooding the server or host with such frag-
mented SYN packets, the attacker can cause the host’s memory buffer to fill
up eventually.
Anomaly TCP SYNFIN Drop Number of TCP packets dropped that had TCP SYN and FIN bits set.
An attacker can send a packet with both bits set to determine what kind of
system reply is returned, and then use the system information for further
attacks using known system vulnerabilities. Also, some older devices will let
such packets through even though there is an established ACL defined and
the state of the TCP connection is not considered to be established.
Anomaly Any Drops Total number of packets dropped by IP anomaly filtering.
BPDUs Received Number of Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) received.
BPDUs Sent Number of Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) sent.
ACL Denys Number of times traffic was not forwarded due to a deny rule in an Access
Control List (ACL).
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
L2 Default VLAN FWD Drop Number of times The DLF packets were dropped because the ACOS is config-
ured to disallow flooding on the default VLAN (VLAN1).
BW Limit Drop Number of packets dropped because they exceeded the bandwidth limit.
Example The following command shows detailed SLB switching statistics for Ether-
net port 1:
Mode All
Mode All
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Parameter Description
detail Show statistics per CPU in the output.
Mode All
Field Description
Currently EST conns Current number of established TCP connections being
handled by the proxy.
Active open conns Number of active connections open.
Passive open conns Number of passive connections open.
Connect attemp fail- Number of TCP connection attempts that failed.
Total in TCP packets Total number of TCP packets received by the TCP
Total out TCP packets Total number of TCP packets sent by the TCP proxy.
Retransmitted packets Number of TCP packets retransmitted by the TCP
Resets rcvd on EST Number of TCP Resets received for established con-
conn nections.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Reset Sent Number of TCP Resets sent by the ACOS device.
TCPIP out noroute Number of times request failed to send due to route
Parameter Description
template-type The type of SLB template configure.
Mode All
Example The following command shows the template configuration commands in the
running-config on an ACOS device:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
slb template policy name The name of the policy template the forward-policy is bound to.
Source NAT failure The count of source NAT failures.
Unresolved DNS The count of DNS requests for the IP address of the downstream server that could
requests not be resolved.
Outstanding DNS The current number of queued DNS requests.
Hits The count of the matches to the source IP address specified in the forward-policy.
Requests forward to Number hits that have been forwarded to the Internet URL requested by the cli-
Internet ents.
Requests forward to Ser- The count of hits that have been forwarded to service-group specified in the for-
vice Group ward-policy.
Requests forward to Number of hits forwarded to another HTTP proxy server in the forward-policy.
Requests dropped The count of client connection requests dropped.
Source Match not found Number of client connection requests where the source IP address could not be
Expected Client HELLO The count of client connection requests in which the HELLO message was absent
requests not found or could not be parsed.
Example The policy template defines what actions are applied to upstream traffic by
the client-facing virtual server on the ACOS device. A configuration of this
policy template follows:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
action Permit_to_Internet
forward-to-internet FW1_Inspect_SG snat Internet_Pool log
source Any_Source
destination any action Permit_to_Internet
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Option Description
virtual-server-name Shows information only for the specified virtual server.
• The vport-num port-type option shows information only for the specified vir-
tual port on the virtual server.
You can optionally specify the specific partition for which you want to view this
partition Show information for a specific partition.
Mode All
Usage To display virtual-server information for a specific partition, use the parti-
tion option; use partition shared for the shared partition, or partition
name, where name is a specific L3V partition.
Example The following command shows summary information for all virtual servers:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Total Number of Virtual Services config- Total number of virtual services (virtual server ports) configured on
ured the ACOS device.
Virtual Server Name Name of the virtual server.
Underneath the virtual server name, each of the virtual ports on the
server is listed, followed by the service groups in which the virtual
server and the virtual port are members.
In the example above, virtual server “v-server” has two virtual ports,
HTTP port 80 and UDP port 53. HTTP port 80 is a member of ser-
vice group “abctcp”, and UDP port 53 is a member of service group
For each VIP, its VRRP-A state on the ACOS device is shown by
one of the following:
The primary servers are listed under the virtual port. If alternates
are configured for a primary server, the alternates are listed under
the primary server. If an asterisk is shown at the end of an alter-
nate server name, the primary server is down and the alternate
server is active instead.
IP Virtual IP address of the virtual server.
Current connection Current number of connections to the virtual service port.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Service-Group Service group bound to the virtual service.
Service Virtual service port number and service type.
Example This command shows status information for SLB virtual server “v-server”:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Virtual Name of the virtual server.
State State information is shown separately for virtual servers and for individual virtual ports.
• Functional Up – Some of the virtual ports are Running or Functional Running, but at least
one of them is not Running.
• Partial Up – At least one virtual port is Running or Functional Running, but at least one other
virtual port is Down.
• All Up – All members (real servers and ports) in all service groups bound to the virtual port
are up.
• Functional Up – At least one member in a service group bound to the virtual port is up, but
not all members are up.
• Down – All members in all service groups bound to the virtual port are down.
NOTE: Peak connection statistics are collected only if the extended-stats option is enabled. To
enable extended-stats, see the following:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Total Number of Virtual Services con- Total number of virtual services (virtual server ports) configured on
figured the ACOS device.
Virtual server Name Name of the virtual server.
Address Virtual IP address of the virtual server.
member Real server bound to the virtual server. The number at the end is
assigned by the ACOS device for this show command output.
Under the member name, the NAT pools and SLB templates bound
to the virtual server are listed.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Virtual server name Name of the virtual server.
Virtual server IP IP address of the virtual server.
Virtual server MAC MAC address of the VIP.
Virtual server template Name of the virtual server template bound to the virtual server.
Current connection Current number of connections to the virtual port.
Current request Current number of HTTP requests being processed by the virtual port.
NOTE: In this field and the Total request and Total request success fields, Layer 7
requests are counted only if Layer 7 request accounting is enabled. See “slb com-
mon” on page 20.
Total connection Total number of connections that have been made to the virtual port.
Total request Total number of HTTP requests processed by the virtual port.
Total request success Total number of HTTP requests that were successful.
Total forward bytes Number of request bytes forwarded to the virtual port.
Total forward packets Number of request packets forwarded to the virtual port.
Total reverse bytes Number of request bytes received from the virtual port.
Total reverse packets Number of request packets received from the virtual port.
Peak connections Peak connection count.
Example The following command shows details for a virtual port on a virtual server:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
Field Description
Virtual port name Name of the virtual server, virtual port, and port type.
Virtual port number IP address of the virtual server and protocol port number of the virtual port.
Virtual port template Name of the virtual port template bound to the virtual port.
Current connection Current number of connections to the virtual port.
Current request Current number of HTTP requests being processed by the virtual port.
In this field and the Total request and Total request success fields, Layer 7 requests
are counted only if Layer 7 request accounting is enabled. See “slb common” on
page 20.
Total connection Total number of connections that have been made to the virtual port.
Total request Total number of HTTP requests processed by the virtual port.
Total request success Total number of HTTP requests that were successful.
Total forward bytes Number of request bytes forwarded to the virtual port.
Total forward packets Number of request packets forwarded to the virtual port.
Total reverse bytes Number of request bytes received from the virtual port.
Total reverse packets Number of request packets received from the virtual port.
Peak connections Peak connection count.
NOTE: Peak connection statistics are collected only if the extended-stats option
is enabled. To enable extended-stats, see the following:
Example The following command shows service group and port bindings:
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series
In this example, virtual port 80 on virtual server SanJose is bound to real port
80 on real server rs-http in service group sg-80-1. Likewise, virtual port 80 on
virtual server Chicago is bound to real port 80 on real server rs-http-2 in
service group sg-80-2.
For each VIP, its VRRP-A state on the ACOS device is shown by one of the
Example The following example shows the information displayed if alternate (backup)
servers are configured:
The primary servers are listed under the virtual port. Under each primary
server, that server’s alternate servers are listed.
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ACOS 4.1.1-P8 Command Line Interface Reference for ADC for A10 Thunder Series and AX Series
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