Carbon Group Remedies The Homoeopathic Simillimum
Carbon Group Remedies The Homoeopathic Simillimum
Carbon Group Remedies The Homoeopathic Simillimum
Archana . Akula ,
ROLL NO: 02 , IV BHMS , BATCH(2018-19),
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A Thorough study of carbon group characteristics and carbon group
The main objective is to know briefly about carbon group characteristic
Introduction to carbon group
Review of Literature
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1. The human body contains large amounts of this element which is utilized for
various functions.
2. Carbon is a macronutrient and is present in every part of the body.
3. Carbon dioxide in blood plays an important role in the body as it helps in
maintaining the pH of blood.
4. It is a non metallic element
5. Carbon is the vital component of all known living systems and without it life
could not exist
Constitution - CarbonitrogenoidConsintution,
Venous congestion, scrofulous Constitution
Vitality too low, sluggish and slow
On one hand 'Rigid Straight',robust and intelligent & on other hand mentally and
physically weak
MIASM: Psora
1. Loss of vital fluids
2. Emotional stress
3. Physical / Mental stress
4. Over lifting
5. Sexual excess
6. Open air
7. Exercise &overheating
8. Sprains and strains
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1. CVS
2. GIT
3. Glands
4. Lymphatic system
6. Skin
7. Male and Female Reproductive system
1. MIND: Slows down mental activity -Sluggishness
2. LYMPHATICS & GLANDS: Offensive discharges , cancerous enlargement, hard
stony swellings
3. VENOUS CIRCULATION: varicosities, ulcers, non coagulable bleeding
4. GIT: Gastric ulcers, gastralgia,haemorrhoids,prolapse of rectum,malignancy
5. ♀ REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM: Atonicity of uterus delays mensturation , profuse
leucorrhoea, sterility.
6.SKIN: Unhealthy, doesn't retain stitches with eczematous eruptions , intertrigo
Multiple boils ,prickly heat. <heat of bed
Black discoloration , loss of hair over skin,dandruf
Erythema from friction
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1. Burning all over body ,soles &palms
2. Pains are smarting and burning character.Burning as if from smoke flushes of heat
in vertex ,behind sternum
3. This destroys muscular strength
4. Offensiveness is the other characteristic feature of all discharges in carbon family
5. Ulcers and varicosities ,no rapid cure of ulcers
6. Venous congestion, Phlebities ,venous bleeding - non coagulable , Insufficient
capillary circulation, Abscess are sluggish ,indurated
7. Glandular affection, cancerous enlargement, hard and sore indurated glands
8. Unhealthy skin ,tendency to multiple boils &carbuncles. Septic states ,with
offensive discharges
9. Mucous membrane and catarrhal condition of GIT flatulence ,constipation,
heartburn, foul derivations ,inactivity of bowels ,constipation ,multiple gastric ulcers
1. 7p.m,Night
2. During menses
3. Getting feet wet
4. Exertion , climbing stairs
5. Warmth of bed , scratching
6. Fatty food
1. Open air
2. Touch
3. Rest
4. Eating
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1. Angina.
2. Atherosclerosis
3. Apoplexy
4. Aneurysms
5. Cancerous growths
6. Venous congestion
7. leucorrhoea
8. Ulcers
10. Carbuncles,boils,
11. Septic states
12. Phlebities
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Study of Petroleum and it’s Evolution :
1. Petroleum Is a highly carbonaceous oil, but not a pure carbon
1. from eating cabbage
2. Sea sickness
3. Travelling sickness
4. Change of weather
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1. It is adapted to persons with light haired complexion and skin
2. Suitable to lean and slender persons who suffer from cutaneous eruptions and
G.I.T disorders
3. TEMPERAMENT : Irritable , quarrelsome ,vexed on everything and easily
offended by triffels
5. DIATHESIS: scrofulous diathesis
Heaviness like lead in the occiput, also beating and pressure.(3,6)
Petroleum is suitable in old stubborn occipital headaches. Petroleum has also
offensive foot sweat; offensive sweats all over, and especially so in the axilla,
where it is so pungent that it can be observed on the patient entering the
The pain often remains in the occiput, but when very severe it extends up over
the top of the head to the eyes and forehead , Petroleum is not so closely related
to Silicea as it is to Graphites and Carbo veg., which are carbonaceous
substances; and all carbonaceous products affect the back of the head. "Pain
from occiput over head to forehead and eyes, with transitory blindness; he gets
stiff; loses consciousness.(1,2)
It suits occipital headache from riding on the ears, or from such motions, with
nausea like seasickness,(1)
The Petroleum constitution produces a peculiar vertigo which comes on under
regular circumstances, when on ship-board, or riding in a carriage, or on the
ears.(1,2,3) Nausea; train and seasickness; during pregnancy, must stoop.(4)
Dryness in ears.(4) Hardness of hearing in old people.(6)
Discharge of pus and blood from the ears.(4)
Moist spots behind the ears.(4)
Itching deep in the ears, in eustachian tubes.(1,2,3,4)
Offensive smell, like garlic.(2,4)
Old catarrhal complaints of the nose, crusts, thick yellow discharge, foetid odor
from the nose.(1)
The nose, posterior nares and pharynx become thickened and there is an
accumulation of thick mucus, especially in the morning.(1)
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The larynx is involved and there is loss of voice, and the trouble extends to the
chest, causing a catarrhal condition with cough(1)
He coughs especially at night, and there is emaciation of the body with pain
and soreness of the chest. (1)
Emaciation esp. of chest.(1, 2,3,4)
Dry, hacking cough, alternating with copious expectoration; emaciation about
the chest. (1)
A striking feature of this drug is that the cough is worse at night, and the
diarrhea is worse during the day.(1)
Ulcerous patches in the throat; aphthous patches in the mouth. There is
inflammation of the mucous membranes everywhere, producing watery and
finally thick yellow discharges.(1)
Catarrh of the stomach and bowels. Catarrh of the rectum, much mucus with
the stools. Diarrhœa during the day time, ameliorated at night, while the patient
is quiet and at rest.(1)
Catarrh of the bladder and urethra; chronic catarrhal discharge chronic
gonorrhea. Itching is common to the internal skin, and a striking feature in
gonorrhea is the itching in the posterior half of the urethra with the discharge. It
almost drives him wild, keeps him awake at night.(1)
He cannot eat without pain, but he has a gnawing hunger which drives him to
eat. There is an "all-gone," hungry feeling after stool, which drives him to eat.
With the diarrhea there is constant hunger, yet he cannot eat without pain;
Dirty hard, Rough, Thickened; like parchment; it gets raw, won't heal; agg. in
All eruptions itch violently and one must scratch until they bleed; part
becomes cold after scratching(1,2,4)
Painful sensitiveness of skin of whole body; all clothing is painful; slight injury
suppurates (5)
Skin of hands rough, cracked, tips of fingers rough, cracked, fissured, every
winter; tenderness of the feet, which are bathed in foul-smelling sweat. (5)
Herpes: of genital organs extending to perineum and thighs; itching, redness;
skin cracked, rough, bleeding; dry or moist. (2,5). Sweat and moisture of
external genitals, both sexes. (2,5)
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Painful, itching chilblains and chapped hands < in cold weather(1,2,3,4,5)
There is a special tendency to produce vesicular eruptions about the back of the
When the crust dries down it indurates, and this induration takes place at the
margin and builds up little rings about the margin(1)
It is suitable when there are cracks about the ends of the fingers and on the
backs of the hands.(1)
The skin ulcerates and the ulcers eat and spread. All eruptions itch violently.
He can not rest until he scratches the skin off, when the part becomes moist,
bloody, raw and inflamed.(1)
There is also itching with no visible eruption. He scratches the skin until
moisture oozes forth, and keeps on scratching until the skin bleeds and the part
becomes cold.(1)
The mucous membrane, or internal skin, has little patches of ulcers, with
induration about the patch, and hence Petr. is useful in syphilitic (1)
Constant dribbling of urine after micturation(4)
Ill effects of sprains; suppressed eruptions.(4)
Wooden feeling(4).
Paretic conditions, especially left-sided., Weakness of muscles, weakness of
the lower extremities, especially left-sided(1,3)
Stiffness in the back. Pain in the back on rising from a seat.(1)
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Fever(2,3,4,5)Shivering with headache, and coldness in hands and face,
Chilliness in open air. Frequent shivering over whole body, and, on becoming
warm, excessive itching of skin .Shivering or coldness, generally in evening
(with heat at the same time), and sometimes with blueness of nails. Sweat
immediately after shivering .Intermittent fever: Violent chilliness and coldness
of hands and face at 10 a.m.; half all hour later heat in the face, esp. in the eyes,
with thirst. Shaking fits, 7 p.m., followed by perspiration, first in face, later all
over, except in legs, which are quite cold. Fever in evening, with hot face and
cold feet, after shivering. Frequent flushes of heat. Heat after midnight and in
morning in bed. Fever, with full pulse and burning sensation in skin. Pulse
accelerated from every exertion; as soon as reposing, pulse becomes again
slow. Nocturnal heat and sweat.
Chilly with dry mouth.
Palms and soles hot.
Sweat in spots; foul on feet or axillae.
Flushes of heat all over in frequent attacks during day
Motion; of Cars; Carriage; Boat.
Weather -cold; winter; changing; thunderstorms.
Touch, even of clothes.
Warm air.
Dry weather.
Lying with head high.
Compare: Carbo; Graph; Sulph; Phos.
Complementary: Sepia.
Antidotes: Nux; Coccul.
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1. James Tyler Kent’s
Lecture on Homoeopathic Materia Medica
3. William Boericke’s
A New Manual Of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica And Repertory
4. S.R.Phatak’s
Materia Medica Of Homoeopathic Medicines
5.H.C. Allen’s
Keynotes And Characteristics With
Comparisions Of Some Of The Leading Remedies Of the
Materia Medica With Bowel Nosodes
6. E.B. Nash’s
Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics With
Grouping And Classification
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Op number -7600 Date :4/9/2018
A female patient named Mrs.xx aged 38yrs , illiterate , feild worker by occupation,
hailing from Santhoshnagar came with the chief complaint of
1. Swelling in palms more in fingers since 10 years
2. Cracks in soles since 5 yrs
3. Hoarseness attacks frequently since childhood
H/O presenting illness:
Patient complaining of eeuptions on the palms more on fingers with itching in palms
worse during winter and on washing clothes for the last 10 yrs. Also complaining of
cracks in soles occassionaly with heel pain worse during winter and on washing heel
pain worse in the morning for the last 5 yrs Also complaining of recurrent attacks of
hoarseness with sneezing worse with least draft of air from childhood onwards
No history of fever, no burning , no discharges , no bleeding
1.LOCATION: Skin - Extremities- palms- since 10 yrs
SENSATION: erruptions with itching
MODALITIES : <winter ,<washing clothes
2.LOCATION: Skin -Extremities- Soles since 5 yrs
SENSATION: heel pain and itching
<washing clothes
3.LOCATION :Throat
SENSATION: Hoarseness
MODALITIES:< least draft of air
Past history: no significant illness history
TREATMENT HISTORY: Used allopathic medicines for chief complaint for more
than 5 yrs but got only temporary relief
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FAMILY HISTORY : Mother :apparently healthy
Father: hypertensieve
Appetite: Satisfactory
Thirst: low, 1-2 lit/day
Aversions: Sweets
Sleep : refreshed , sleeps on side wise
Dreams: of God
LMP: 24/8/2018
Cycle -regular ,28days
Irritable 1 day before menses
P2 A0 L2
2 full term normal deliveries
Moderately built and nourished
No signs of pallor ,icterus, cyanosis , clubbing ,lymphadenopathy, oedema
VITALS : Pulse: 80bpm, regular rhythm, full volume
B.P. 120/80 mm of hgv
O/E : Skin: erruptions on palms +,dry eruptions
More on fingers
No redness , warmth, discharges, Tenderness
PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS : ?Contact dermatitis
Differential diagnosis : Eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis
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INVESTIGATIONS: Complete blood picture with ESR
FINAL DIAGNOSIS: Contact dermatitis
1. Dreams of God
2. Erruptions on palms
3. Erruptions mostly on fingers
4. Itching+3 < in winter+3, and on washing clothes
5. Cracks in soles with heel pain
6. Cracks worse in winter and on washing
7. Hoarseness < least draft of air
8. Thermally : chilly
9. Thirst low
10. Aversions to sweets
1.Erruptions on palms especially on fingers
2.itching <winter and washing clothes
3. Cracks <winter
4. Cracks with heel pain
5. Hoarseness <least draft of air
6. Thermally chilly
FINAL PRESCRIPTION : 1. Petroleum200 5-0-5
2. N.S 6x 0-2-0
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Date: 5/10/2018 Erruptions on palms Prescription
reduced50% Petroleum200 5-0-5
Itching and scalling of skin also N.S. 6x 0-3-0
reduced 45%
Heel pain reduced since 3
10/11/2018 Erruptions reduced >75% Petroleum200 3-0-3
Heel pain + + increased
Hoarseness no change
5/12/2018 Erruptions reduced Petroleum 200
Hoarseness reduced 3-0-3
Heel pain present
CONCLUSION: As most of the symptoms are better with petroleum ,it will be the
best indicated remedy in this case and will improve the case
Date: 25/11/18 OP no:11437
Preliminary data
A female patient aged 50 yrs housewife by occupation hailing from mahaboobnagar
came with the complaints of
1.Skin erruptions on whole body since 1yr
2.Eructations since 1 yr
Patient was apparently healthy before 1 yr but now complaining of erruptions all over
body with severe itching , with scaling all over body without discharge associated
with burning ,itching worse in winter better in summer erruptions more on neck region
and palms for the last 1 yr. Also complaining of eructationsWithout retrosternal
burning but with occ vomiting , lumbar back pain and loose motions during severe
eructations for the last 1yr
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1.LOCATION: Skin- all over body more on neck and palms since 1yr
SENSATION: itching ,burning,scaling
MODALITIES: <winter,>summer
2.LOCATION: G.I.T since1yr
SENSATION: eructations, vomiting (occ), low back ache and loose motions
Appetite: Satisfactory
Thirst: 2-3 lit/day,normal
Aversions :sweets, milk
Bowel and bladder : clear ,regular,no complaints
Perspiration :scanty
Sleep : refreshed
No significant past history of illness ,surgery and treatment history
FAMILY HISTORY: Mother and father passed away with diabetes
LMP: 11/11/18
Cycle -regular ,28days duration 3day flow: more on lying down only
no complaints before ,during, after menses
Obs h/o: P2A0L2
MENTAL GENERALS: Prefers consolation, gets irritated easily
Moderately built and nourished
No signs of pallor ,icterus, cyanosis , clubbing ,lymphadenopathy, oedema
VITALS : Pulse: 65bpm, regular rhythm, full volume
B.P. 110/80 mm of hg
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O/E SKIN: Erruptions more on neck and palms
Scaly erruptions all over body,no discharges , no bleeding,no redness
PROVISIONAL DIAGNOSIS : ?psoriasis (plaque)
Differential diagnosis :contact dermatitis ,scabies
Investigations :1. CBP ESR
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Date : 10/12/18 Complaints are same Petroleum 0/1 1 tsp
Date:11/12/18 OP no: 11526
A female patient of age 39years, housewife, hails from village ameerpet
,Reg. No.1471, D.O.C: 15/4/18, complains of
1. itching on face, forearms, legs(foot) since 1 month.
2.Also complains of edema of face in the morning.
History of presenting illness:
1. LOCATION: face, forearms, legs(foot) since 1 month.
SENSATION:Itching+3,, Scratches until the part becomes raw.No bleeding
or any discharges from the eruptions.
2. LOCATION: face
SENSATION: Sensation of something biting on face.
MODALITY: agg. Morning.
Past history:
History of typhoid 3 yrs ago.
History of malaria 1 yr ago.
Family history:
Father: expired . Cause unknown.
Mother: Diabetes mellitus.
4 elder brothers: apparently healthy.
2 elder sisters and 2 youger sisters : apparently healthy.
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Physical generals:
Diet: mixed. Perspiration: scanty, non offensive.
Appetite: good. Sleep: sound, refreshed.
Thirst: 2-3 lit/day Bowels: soft, regular
Bladder: clear
Menstrual history:hysterectomised 4yrs ago.
General examination:
Appearance: lean,dark complexion.
Built and nourishment: moderately built and nourished.
No signs of pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy.
Edema of face present.
Tongue: clean, moist. Vitals:
Nose: NAD. Temperature: afebrile
Ear: no wax. Pulse: 70bpm,regular, good volume.
Throat: no congestion. B.P. : 120/90 mm of Hg. In sitting
Glands: no enlargements.R/R : 16 breaths/minute.
Local examination:
O/E of Skin: papular eruptions present with dryness of skin. No bleeding and
no discharge. On face , forearms, legs.
Probable diagnosis: ? Atopic dermatitis.
Differential diagnosis: psoriasis, erythema.
Final diagnosis:Atopic dermatitis.
1. Itching in face, forearms, legs(foot).
2. Scratches until the part becomes raw.
3. Edema of face in the morning. Sensation of something biting on face
Prescribing Totality.
1. Itching in face, forearms, legs(foot).
2. Scratches until the part becomes raw.
3. Edema of face in the morning. Sensation of something biting on face
Final drug with potency and dosage: Graphites 200 , 3-0-4* 15 days.
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Date: 27/12/2018 Itching on face amel. 30% Prescription: Graphites 200, 3-
Edema of face amel. 20%. 0-4 * 7 days
Physical generals- normal.
Date: 20/6/18 OP no:11243
Preliminary data:
A male patient of 20 years, studying 1 st year, hails from mekalabanda
village REG. NO. Date of complaints :17/4/18
1. Itching on the hands, thighs, left axilla since 5-6 days.
History of chief complaints:
Location: hands, thighs, left axilla since 5-6 days.
Sensation: Itching. Eruptions initially started as vesicles with thick watery
Modalities: Itching worse on scratching, and at night+3. Better by cold water
No burning pain, no bleeding.
Concomitants: Sleep disturbed due to itching.
Past history:
History of injury to left middle toe with pus discharge. 1 month ago.
No specific surgical history.
Used allopathic medicine for injury to toe and got relieved.
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Family history:
Father and mother are apparently healthy. Younger sister apparently healthy.
Physical generals:
Diet: mixed Bladder: clear, no difficulty.
Appetite: good Bowels: soft, regular.
Thirst: moderate, 2-3 lit/ day. Sleep: disturbed due to complaints.
General examination:
Appearance: tall, white complexion.
Built and nourishment: moderately built and nourished.
No signs of pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, edema, lymphadenopathy.
Nose: no DNS, no enlarged turbinates.
Tongue: clean, moist
Throat: no congestion
Ear: no wax.
Probable diagnosis: ? Atopic dermatitis
Differential diagnosis: psoriasis.
Final diagnosis: Atopic diagnosis.
1. Itching on hands, thighs, left axilla.
2. Vesicular eruptions with thick watery discharge.
3. Itching worse by scratching, night.
4. Better by cold water bathing.
5. Sleep disturbed due to itching
Prescribing Totality:
1. Itching on hands, thighs, left axilla.
2. Vesicular eruptions with thick watery discharge.
3. Itching worse by scratching, night.
4. Better by cold water bathing.
5. Sleep disturbed due to itching.
Final drug with potency and dosage:
Graphites 200, 3-3-3* 14 days.
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Date: 20/7/2018 Itching on right wrist, left Prescription: Graphites 200, 3-
thigh, left axilla. Amel.40% 3-3* 7 days
Scratching <.
Agg. Night,
Amel. Cold water bathing.
Date:22/7/18 OP no:8500
Preliminary Data:
A female patient of 23 years, studied upto intermediate, housewife, married,
hails from mehedipatnam, came with the complaints of
1.Frequent micturition. Recurrent episodes. Since 2-3 months.
2.White discharge per vagina. Offensive. Thick white. Since 2-3 months.
History of chief complaints:
1.LOCATION: genitor urinary system.
SENSATION: increased urge for urination. Vague pain in pubis.
MODALITIES:>flexing knees on her abdomen.
CONCOMITANTS: appetite reduced, weight reduced.
2. LOCATIN : female genitalia.
SENSATION: thick white discharge per vagina. Offensive.
Pain during coition, as if raw spot with in.
Backpain during coition. Itching and burning.
MODALITIES: < coition after.
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Past history:
No significant illness history.
No significant surgical history.
Used allopathic medicine for chief complaints, but has partial relief.
Family history:
Father: hypertension.
Mother apparently healthy.
Elder sister apparently healthy.
Physical generals:
Appetite: diminished. Perspiration: on exertion.
Thirst: moderate. Sleep: sound, refreshed.
Bowels: soft,regular.
Bladder: clear, before the complaints.
General examination:
Pallor- pale+, No signs of icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, edema, lymphadenopathy.
Skin: NAD.
Nose: no DNS, no enlarged turbinates.
Nails: NAD.
Ear: no wax.
Glands: no enlargements.
Local examination:
On examination of abdomen,
On inspection, no swellings, no scars, no redness.
On palpation, tenderness in the suprapibic region.+2
Systemic examination:
1. Respiratory system: normal vesicular breath sounds heard. No added sounds.
2. CVS: S1, S2 heard normally. No added sounds.
3. Musculoskeletal: no deformities.
Probable diagnosis: ? Cystitis with PID.
Differential diagnosis: cervicitis, UTI.
Final diagnosis: Cystitis with PID.
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1. Appetite: diminished.
2. Pain abdomen> double bending.
3. Generalities,female,itching, leucorrhoea from.
4. Pain abdomen, dull, coition during.
5. Generalities, female, leucorrhoea, coition from.
6. Pain abdomen cramping.
7. Generalities, female, leucorrhoea, thick.
8. Urethra pain burning, coition during.
9. Urination painful coition after.
10. Generalities female, vagina, coition during.
11. Urine, urging, frequent
.Prescribing totality:
1.Generalities,female,itching, leucorrhoea from.
2.Pain abdomen, dull, coition during.
3.Generalities, female, leucorrhoea, coition from.
4.Pain abdomen cramping.
5.Generalities, female, leucorrhoea, thick.
6.Urethra pain burning, coition during.
7.Urination painful coition after.
Final drug : Kreosote 200, O.D. for 15 days.
Date: 25/8/2018 Frequent micturition, recurrent Prescription: Kreosote 200, 1
episodes reduced. > 40% dose, for15 days.
Pubic pain reduced.>40%
Appetite: improved.
White discharge per vagina,
offensiveness> 30%.
Backache SQ.
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Date:5/2/19 OP no:11888
A female patient named Mrs.xxz aged about 35 yrs farmer by occupation
hailing from kandukuru came with the complaints of
1. White discharge per vagina Since 3months
2. Breathlessness on exertion since 2 months
Patient was apparently healthy before 3 months now complaining of white
thick non stringy offensive discharge per vagina with itching in vagina with
burning in vagina and abdomen associated with low back ache pain worse on
exertion and 1 st movement. Discharge worse before and after menses .Also
complaining of breathlessness worse on exertion
No h/o fever , vomiting, burning urination
1.LOCATION: female genitalia – vagina
SENSATION: white thick offensive discharge, itching,burning in vagina and
abdomen ,low back ache
MODALITIES: < exertion, 1stmoment,before and after menses
2.LOCATION: Respiratory system
SENSATION: breathlessness
MODALITIES: < exertion
Past history: no significant illness history
TREATMENT HISTORY: no significant treatment history
FAMILY HISTORY : Mother :apparently healthy
Father: hypertensieve
Appetite: Satisfactory
Thirst: 2-3 lit/day,normal
Sleep : refreshed
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LMP: 2/2/2019
Cycle -regular ,28days duration 3day flow: more on lying down only
no complaints during menses, back ache and low abdominal pain worse after menses
P2 A0 L2
2 full term normal deliveries
Thermally: chilly (can’to tolerate open air and cold weather better in warm weather)
Moderately built and nourished
No signs of pallor ,icterus, cyanosis , clubbing ,lymphadenopathy, oedema
VITALS : Pulse: 65bpm, regular rhythm, full volume
B.P. 110/80 mm of hg
O/E :abdomen : no scars, no sinuses, no visible pulsations
No abdominal tenderness,noorganomegaly
O/E: lumbar spine : no deformity no lumbar tenderness, no restricted movements ,
SLR Test negative
Differential diagnosis : Vaginitis , PID, IVDP
1. Thick, offensive, white discharge per vagina
2. Itching and burning in vagina
3. Discharge worse before and after menses
4. Back ache and abdominal pain after menses
5. Back ache associated with white discharge per vagina < on 1st motion
6. Menstrual flow worse on lying down only
7. Breathlessness on exertion
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Prescribing Totality:
1. Thick, offensive, white discharge per vagina
2. Itching and burning in vagina
3. Discharge worse before and after menses
4. Back ache and abdominal pain after menses
5. Back ache associated with white discharge per vagina < on 1st motion
6. Menstrual flow worse on lying down only
Conclusion:Patient initially felt better with 2 doses of kreosot 200 later no change in
the complaints so prescribed kreos 1m 1 dose of this dose not bring change as per the
symptoms Arsalb will be next drug complementary to it.
Case- 7
Date: 5/3/19 Reg.No:135263
Preliminary data: A male patient age of 17 years studied up to intermediate,
student by occupation,hails from mailardevpally, came with the complaints of:
1.Generalised weakness since 4 months
2. Headache since 4 months
3. Indigestion since 4 months
History of presenting illness :
1.Location:Whole body(generalised).
Sensation: weakness. Loss of weight of 5 kgs.
2.Location:Occipital region.
Sensation: Heaviness accompanied with giddiness.
Modalities: worse at 4-5 pm and by noteating.
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3.Location: GIT-abdomen.
Sensation: fullness of abdomen ,distention of abdomen.
Nausea and vomiting.
Modalities: worse after eating,better by eructation.
nausea and vomiting- worse after fat food,non veg and sour food.
patient ha history of fever for 15 days 4 months ago never well since that
Concomitant: Sudden coldness of body wants open air.
Past history:
Medical history: fever 4 months ago
Previous treatment: allopathic medicine
Physiological generals:
Appetite:alternately increased and decreased
Thirst :desires cold water
Desires: chicken, sour food.
Aversion: fat food
Thermal :cannot tolerate both extreme.
2.Consolation amelioration
3.Anger suppressed
4.Fear of darkness
6. Shyness
General physical examination:
General appearance: lean , NURISHMENT: poorly nourished ,No cynosis,
No lymphadenopathy,edema,glandular enlargement.
Blood pressure :120/80, pulse :84 beats /min, temparature :afebrile ,R.R:18
Systemic examination:
Respiratory system :NADCardiovascular system: NAD
Central nervous system: NAD Gastrointestinal system: NAD
Diagnosis:Flatulent dyspepsia.
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Totality of symptoms:
1. Fear of darkness.
2. Consolation amelioration.
3. Shyness. .
5.Never well since.
6.Colness of body
7.Desires open air.
8.Desires sour,cold water.
9. Aversion: fatty food
10.Cannottolerateextremeweathers .
11. Heaviness in occiput <not eating.
. 12. Distension of abdomen < after eating ,. > eructations
13. Nausea, vomiting, < fat food. Non veg, sour food.
Remedy prescription: Carbo-veg 200. 2-0-2. For 2 days.
Saclac 200. Fror 15 days.
Follow up:
Date Complaints Prescription
20/3/19 Heaviness in occiput > by Saclac 200.
50%. 2_0-2. For 15 days.
Distension of abdomen >
by 50%.
Nausea and vomiting > by
10/4/19 All complaints > by 80%. Saclac 200. 2-0-2. For 15
Conclusion: Complaints reduced by 80% next dose of carboveg may relieve
the complaints completely
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Case- 8
Date:20/1/19 OP no:11140
Preliminary data:
A male patient of age 54 years, studied upto 10class , factory worker by
occupation, hails from mahabubnagar, complains of:
1.Pain in abdomen since 2 months. Increased since 2 days.
Location: abdomen-right iliac region. Sudden onset. Duration: 1-2 hrs, on and
Sensation: twisting pain with distension of abdomen.-b
pain extends upwards.
Modalities: better by rest, pressure,passing flatus and stools. By eructation.
Past history:
Medical history: H/O Renal calculi 1 year ago.
Treatment history: Used homoeopathic medicines for renal calculi now relieved.
Physiological generals:
Aversion: fish, milk
Bowels: 2 times/day.
General physical examination:
No signs of cyanosis, clubbing, edema, lymphadenopathy, glandular enlargement.
NOSE: bilateral turbinates enlarged.
MOUTH: poor oral hygiene ,teeth with blackish deposits.
TONGUE: flabby, trembling.
PULSE: 84beats/min, regular.
R.R: 14 breaths/min.
Systemic examination:
Respiratory system: NAD
Cardiovascular system : NAD
Central nervous system: NAD
Gastro intestinal system:
Inspection: -distension of abdomen.
Palpation- soft, tenderness at right iliac region.
No organomegaly.
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Probable Diagnosis: Flatulentcolic.
Differential diagnosis:. APD,
Investigations: CBP.
Final diagnosis: flatulent colic.
Totality of symptoms:
1. Distension and pain in abdomen.
2.Desires sour.
3.Aversion fish ,milk.
Prescribing totality:
1. Distension and pain in abdomen.
2.Desires sour.
3.Aversion fish ,milk.
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Case- 9
Date: 23/7/18 OP no:70430
A female patient of 50 years, illiterate, daily labourer by occupation, married,
Hindu by religion, hails from pedda golkonda, came with the complaints of:
1. Dragging pain in the lower limbs since 3 months.
2. Swelling in the back of ear since 2 months.
History of chief complaints:
1. Location: Lower limbs- thigh to knees.
Sensation: dragging pain.
Modalities: < walking, exertion.
2. Location: Ear.- back of the ear.
Sensation: swelling. Mild burning pain. Swelling increasing gradually. Hard
Modalities: worsein evening.
Past history:
No significant illness history.
H/o hysterectomy 10 years ago.
No significant treatment history.
Family history:
Mother: expired due to old age. Had hypertension.
Father: expired due to old age. Had diabetes.
Elder brother: apparently healthy.
Physical generals:
Appetite: good.
Thirst: large quantities at small intervals.
Bowels: soft, regular.
Bladder: clear.
Perspiration: scanty
Sleep: disturbed since 2 months.
Menstrual history:
Menarche at 14 yrs of age.
Menorrhagia profuse before hysterectomy. So hysterectomy was done.
Dark blood with clots. Profuse.
Obstetric history: P5, A0, L5, D0. 2 sons- normal delivery, 3 females- LSCS.
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General examination:
Appearance: moderately built and moderately nourished.
No signs of pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, edema, lymphadenopathy.
Ears: no wax. Nose: no DNS, no enlarged turbinates.
Throat: no congestion. No glandular enlargements.
Tongue: coated white.
Vitals: pulse: 78 bpm, regular, good volume. Temperature: afebrile
RR: 14. Breaths/ min. BP: 130/80 mm of hg.
Local examination:
O/E of back of ear: Inspection: hard swelling without redness and sinuses.
Palpation: mild pain..and burning. No discharge. No bleeding.
Systemic examination:
Respiratory system:. Normal vesicular breath sounds heard. No added sounds.
CVS: S1, S2 heard normally. No added sounds.
GIT: Soft, non tender. No oraganomegaly.
CNS: Well oriented with time, place and person. Higher functions intact.
Motor functions normal.
Probable diagnosis: Cystic swelling behind ear.
Final diagnosis: Cystic swelling behind ear.
1. Dragging pain from knees to thighs.
< Walking.
2.Cystic swelling behind the ear with burning pain.
3.Swelling gradual increase in size. Hard swelling.
< Evening.
First prescription: Carbo animalis 30, 1 p, HS, 3 days.
Saclac 200, 2-0-2, 15 days.
Date Complaints Prescription
22/8/18 Dragging pain in lower Carbo animalis 30, 1p, Hs,
limbs > by 60% 3 days.
Cystic swelling behind ear Saclac 2-0-2
> by 20%.
23/9/18 Dragging pain in lower Baryta carb 30, 1 dose,
limbs > by 85% tonight.
Cystic swelling behind ear Saclac 3-0-3 . For 15 days.
Conclusion: Patient has improved with regards to knee pains in first follow
up, and has mild improvement of ear swelling. So he has been prescribed
baryta carb in the second follow up. Later patient hasnt returned yet.
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CASE- 10
Date:10/12/17 Reg. No.V-3775
A female patient of age 28 years, studied upto degree , housewife, hails from
Kothur , came with the complaints of:
1. Nodule on tongue since 4 months.
History of presenting illness :
Patient complaining of nodule on tongue since 4 months. It started as a soft
Mass on the anterior surface , later it became hard and firm it is immobile, non-
tender, no discharges, no discoloration of surROunding area,no hellitosis
Past History :
Medical history Nothing significant
Treatment history: Nothing significant
Family history: Mother Breast carcinoma,,All are apparently healthy
Personal history :
Diet Mixed
Appetite: Satisfactory
Thirst : -3 tres day
Desires Not specific Aversions: Not specific Disagrees ! Not specific
Bowers Regular, satisfactory Bladder : Clear
Menstrual history:
cycle: 28 days
Flow: Profuse
Duration: 7 days
character : clots occasionally
color: Dark red.
Complaints: No complaints before, during and after menses.
Obstetric History: Gravida 0 Para : 1 Abortion: 0 living : 1
Type of delivery: full term normal vaginal delivery. No complaints during and
after delivery
Thermals Chilly patient
Sleep: sound
Dreams Not specific
Mentals :
Home sickness
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General physical examination:
Appearence: Lean
Nourishment & Built : Moderate
Conjunctiva: Pale
No signs of icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy , edema
Mouth: good oral hygiene
Throat: No congestion
B.P. 110/80 mm Hg, sitting position, right arm
Pulse : 74 bpm
Respiratory rate : 14 bpm
Local examination: (oral cavity- Tongue:
Inspection: Peanut sized nodule No discharges.
Palpation: Immobile, non tender.
Systemic examination .
Respiratory system: Normal vesicular breath sounds heard. No added sounds
CVS:S1,S2 heard normally. No added sounds.
GIT: Soft, non tender. No oraganomegaly.
Probable diagnosis : ? Haemorrhagic cyst
Final diagnosis: Haemorrhagic cyst.
Totality of symptoms:
1.Nodule on tongue
2.Family /o carcinoma
4.chilly patient
First prescription: : Carbo animalis 200 I dose, tonight.
Date Complaints Prescription
7/1/18 Profuse menses, bleeding Carbo animalis 30, 2-0-2,
reduced by 50%. 2 days. Tonight.
Size of nodule on tongue Saclac 3-0-3, 15 days.
> by 30%.
10/2/18 Menorrhagia > by 80% Saclac 3-0-3, 15 days.
Size of nodule on tongue
> by 70%
Conclusion: Menorrhagia reduced by 80% and size of the nodule also reduced
by 70% almost all the complaints better with carbo animalis
Base on the totality concerned the indicated remedy always works depending on the
affinity of the remedy. This works same with whatever group of remedy , the selected
simillimum works only when its affinity is present.