Stewardship Sunday (Tithing Your Finances) Cultural Resources
Stewardship Sunday (Tithing Your Finances) Cultural Resources
Stewardship Sunday (Tithing Your Finances) Cultural Resources
I. History
The black church is unequivocally the most service-based and philanthropic organization in the
black community.1 Since its inception the principle of giving as a means to meet the needs of the
least of these has been central to the identity and overall purpose of the black church. This spirit
of giving precedes the formation of the black church in America—it extends back to life in the
African village where the essence of life included helping one’s neighbor and caring for those
who were unable to care for themselves. Among our African ancestors there was a deep belief
that God is concerned about all elements of human life. Believers in this God were called to
share in God’s concern for humanity and to respond in kind. Though much of African culture
was stripped from our ancestors when they arrived in the Americas, meeting the needs of all
remained an integral part of life for blacks in the Americas. The pioneers of the black church
understood that consistent financial contributions in the form of tithes, offerings, and dues were
essential to effectively impact the quality of black people’s lives.
The principle of tithing has been important to the roots
of the black church. Though blacks did not possess
much material wealth, they knew and understood the
importance and power of pooling their meager
resources in order to accomplish God’s purposes for
their lives and communities. In addition, the people
were wise and creative in how they made their money
stretch to meet personal needs while they also
consistently gave to the church. Amazingly, during
slavery and in the reconstruction era, times of abject
poverty and economic scarcity, blacks purchased land
and founded and established many churches and operated schools that aided in the economic
uplift of the race.2
Black churches did not have the benefit of outside funding that many white and affluent churches
had. As C. Eric Lincoln and Lawrence H. Mamiya rightly note, “…very few black churches have
any endowment income to sponsor programs.”3 This reality, however, did not deter them in their
financial commitment to the church. All these faithful pioneers had were themselves and their
ability to generate financial gain creatively for the survival and overall improvement of the
community. Many of these churches built with the nickels and dimes of these pioneers still exist
When the earliest black churches were formed in the Americas its members mainly were slaves
and later sharecroppers or tenant farmers. They had few resources, certainly much less than most
of us possess today. However, they understood their spiritual service and worship to the Lord
within the context of giving. They were good stewards of their resources so as not to forsake
their responsibility to give. Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly contributions were and must
continue to be given with regularity.4 During the infancy stages of the black church, its members
gave from their hearts in faith, believing that God would meet their individual and collective
In order to adequately meet the needs of members of the community—the poor, the
disenfranchised, the abused, the orphan, the widow, and all who dwell inside and outside the four
walls of the church—financial contributions have always been and continue to be crucial. Many
black churches, whether huge edifices or storefronts, have historically been located in areas of
great economic distress. Consequently, they are geographically positioned to perceive such needs
and to give their tithes and offerings in direct response to those needs. It has been within the
context of the church that African Americans have historically taken the principle of giving to
facilitate community development and to create health programs, missionary societies,
benevolent funds, mutual aid societies, and food pantries. Indeed, none of these entities could
have been established and operated without the monetary gifts and donations of those who sit in
the pews. Each of these entities and many more continue to be necessary in the church and
community. Therefore, continued emphasis on the importance of tithing as the most effective
way to operate churches remains critical to improve the lives of all members of the community.
Finally, beyond the practical elements of tithing, it is important to note that tithing for members
of the black church is a spiritual act of worship. It is out of one’s relationship with God that
anything is rendered unto God, even financial resources. This relationship with God drives the
heart of the giver to give. This relationship motivates the giver to give cheerfully, not grudgingly
or out of necessity, because God loves a cheerful giver. This relationship empowers the giver to
behave as the widow who gave her mite though it was all she had. This relationship operates
within the boundaries of trust that God will supply all needs according to God’s riches in glory.
This relationship allows the Holy Spirit to lead in the giving process; it moves the giver from the
moment the giver purposes within his or her heart to give, to the moment when their dollars or
coins are placed in the offering plate. Though giving ten percent is a sacrifice, members of the
black church who embrace the principle of tithing have historically done so with a spirit of
gratitude for the ability to give and with the conviction that God will bless them to give again.
In a time of economic crisis and scarcity in the country and certainly in the black community,
tithing may be a very challenging concept for many. Though economic progress has been made
since the onset of the economic recession in 2008, the reality is that blacks were struggling
financially before the recession and continue to struggle. Those in both the lower and middle
classes continue to struggle financially as joblessness and layoffs continue to plague our nation
and the black community in particular. It may not seem financially feasible to give ten percent of
one’s income to the church when such giving could interfere with making ends meet on the home
Another challenge that may impact the act of tithing for many congregants is that of materialism.
With the acquisition of material possessions being glorified in all forms of media—music,
television, magazines, and even by churches—giving does not hold the same level of importance
that it did for our ancestors. The concept of giving for the sake of giving without the expectation
of material gain is losing ground in contemporary American society. As consumerism reigns
supreme, the principle of tithing can be lost amidst our rush to obtain the latest fashion fads and
electronic and vehicular upgrades. When the global economic downturn began in 2008, all
economists made clear that Americans were over-consuming on non-essential goods that they
could not afford. Credit card and related debt was out of control. This was also true in the black
community, but we suffered twice as much for our lack of fiscal responsibility. Being good
stewards over financial resources has stiff competition as we continue to see limited financial
frugality and economic responsibility even as the recession drags on. By the time Sunday
morning arrives and the time for tithing is at hand, for many there may not be much left to render
in the aftermath of the acquisition of material possessions.
A third challenge that causes skepticism for some who are considering tithing is the concern
about the use of church funds by pastors. While there are many people in the church who tithe
their finances with the belief that their contributions will be used appropriately, there are also
those who do not possess such confidence. For those who experience the preacher as being much
more financially well off than the people he or she serves, tithing can be a major challenge. Also,
as prosperity preaching continues to maintain a foothold in the religious landscape of our times,
distrust can have a major influence on the decisions of parishioners to give or not to give to the
Church as they watch too many ministers who live economically extravagant lives.
Preach a sermon series on tithing over the course of several weeks. Address the biblical
mandate of tithing, dispel myths about tithing, and promote the individual and corporate
benefits of tithing.
Use Bible study as a companion to the sermon series to delve deeper into the spiritual
meaning and practical need for tithing.
Expose members to the history of giving by the black church. Use images and music.
Show pictures of the schools and benevolent associations that black churches built and
operated in the late 1800s through the mid 1900s.
Launch a major stewardship campaign after you have completed the sermon series and
Bible Study on tithing. Make sure that the campaign concerns a great need that the church
and/or community has. Perhaps a survey should be done to determine the need. If you do
not know how to launch a stewardship campaign, there are good books and websites that
will aid you. See the resources listed at the end of this cultural resource unit and at the
end of today’s Lectionary Commentary.
You can even do a new campaign each year. One campaign may raise funds to help low-
income seniors pay their utility bills. Another could help the church provide backpacks
and school supplies for low-income elementary school students. Still another could help
raise funds so that your church can work collaboratively with another major organization
and contribute financially to stemming a community problem such as gun violence or
illiteracy. And of course there are the standard stewardship campaigns that provide for
church refurbishment and repair.
Include brief personal testimonies during the Sunday worship service that highlight the
blessings experienced by a tither in the church who gave not expecting anything in return.
Offer regular slide shows, other visual aids, newsletters, and pastoral emphases on how
tithes and offerings are being used in your church. Examples of this could include
benevolent donations to families in need, pictures of families being presented with food
baskets during the holidays, and pictures of high school and college graduates who
received scholarships. Providing people with information on how their contributions are
being used will empower some to continue to tithe as well as plant seeds in the hearts of
others to begin tithing.
One of the most profound ways in which I have experienced the power of tithing to advance the
work of the Kingdom occurred at the church where my husband and I recently became the
pastors. We had been serving as pulpit supply at Shaker Heights Community Church for eight
months, preaching every third and fourth Sunday. Though we lived two hours away from the
church we were excited to have the opportunity to minister as a husband and wife team. The
church had been without a pastor for two years. In addition, there had been several major
transitions in pastoral leadership over the past ten years that left the church vulnerable and in a
perpetual state of instability. As we shared the Word of God with the people, interacted with
them, and grew to care deeply for them our hearts began to ache for this small church that was
trying to do its very best to keep on keepin’ on.
Shaker Heights Community Church consists in large majority of senior saints who committed to
be faithful and remained at the church even when more than seventy-five percent of the
congregation withdrew their membership. Beyond Sunday morning worship there was very little
the church could render in terms of programming, outreach, and other forms of ministry. The one
thing that they so desperately wanted was a pastor who would lead them, ultimately stay with
them, and cast a vision that would restore their former glory. However they were barely staying
afloat financially. They could not afford to compensate a pastor to facilitate healing and growth
in the church. At the same time, the members of the church had a strong conviction that the only
way they would heal and grow was to have strong leadership in the form of a pastor to facilitate
healing and growth.
After my husband and I had served as pulpit supply for Shaker Heights for about eight months
we were approached by the Church Moderator. She wanted to know if we were looking for a
permanent church home and pastoral positions. She shared with us that though they were a small
church and had very few resources they were led by God to call not one of us but both of us to
serve as the pastors of the church. The members had a heart to serve God and felt that part of
their service in this particular season was to bring us on board as pastors. They called a
congregational meeting which resulted in each member committing to tithing every Sunday in
order to present us with a humble financial package that they believed would grow with time.
Though many of these senior saints have fixed incomes and live in a time of economic scarcity
and distress, they collectively made a decision to step out on faith and trust God with their
finances in their desire to advance the Kingdom of God. There are far larger churches with
greater resources who would not consider the very real financial strain of hiring more than one
pastor. Indeed, there is wisdom in such a decision, and all churches should evaluate their
financial obligations carefully as well as be prayerfully discerning about how God is leading
them. In the case of Shaker Heights Community Church, the membership moved in the direction
that God was leading them through tithing their finances. Since my husband and I became
pastors of Shaker Heights less than a year ago, God has been working and moving in powerful
ways. We can all clearly see that through this small church with a big vision and a heart for God,
indeed the Kingdom of God is advancing in ways that continue to astound and amaze us each
and every day.
V. Songs
The legendary Shirley Caesar sings very directly about the importance of giving tithes and
offerings. We will be blessed as a result of giving to the poor. Indeed, God will open the
windows of heaven and bless us as a result of our obedience and sacrifice.
Encouraging believers to give from their hearts is a very important element of giving. While the
temptation may be to prompt people to give in order to receive God’s blessings, Ron Kenoly’s
“Give to the Lord” does not place its focus there. Instead, the song focuses on the inner love, joy,
and gratitude that can create a desire within to give.
Give and it will
Come back to you
Good measure pressed down
Shaken together and
Running over
Give and it will
Come back to you
When you give
Give to the Lord
Verse 1:
Give in love
Give in faith
Give the joy and the
Smile on your face
Give as the Lord
Has given to you
How you give is a
Reflection of your gratitude
Verse 2:
From your heart
Give your best
Give unto God
And you will be blessed
Don’t be stingy
And don’t be tight
Learn from the widow
In the Bible
Who gave her last dime
Verse 3:
People rob God when they
Don’t give tithes and offerings
And they don’t understand why
They’ve been cut off
From heavenly blessings
But abundant life and prosperity
Begins when you prove
Your love to God by
Giving to Him
When you give
Give to the Lord6
Giving cheerfully is so important when it comes to tithing and offering. The biblical mandate is
clear: we are not to give grudgingly or out of obligation, but because we want to give. Joe Pace’s
“Running Over” is an upbeat song full of energy and meaning that can tap into the giving spirit
of all. There are blessings that will undoubtedly run over in the life of all who freely give.
Running Over
by Joe Pace
Ross, Charles. God’s Plan for Your Financial Success. Nashville, TN:
Nelson, 1998.
Watley, William D. Bring the Full Tithe: Sermons on the Grace of Giving.
Valley Forge, PA: Judson Press, 1995.
wnloads/(F08) %20Successful%20Management%20in%20Lean%20Times%20-
%20Powerpoint2.PDF. This site contains the discussion paper by Laurie E. Paarlberg, a
professor in the public administration program of the University of North Carolina
Wilmington, entitled “Nonprofits and the Economic Recession.”
1. Byrd, Alicia D. Philanthropy and the Black Church. Washington: Council on Foundations,
Inc., 1990. p. xi.
2. Lincoln, C. Eric and Lawrence H. Mamiya. The Black Church in the African American
Experience. Durham: Duke University Press, 1990. p. 244.
3. Ibid., p. 254.
4. Floyd Massey Jr. and Samuel Berry McKinney, Church Administration in the Black
Perspective. Valley Forge: Judson Press, 2003. p. 108.
5. Caesar, Shirley. “Tithes and Offerings.” …He Will Come. New York, NY: Sony, 1995.
6. Kenoly, Ron. “Give to the Lord.” High Places: The Best of Ron Kenoly. New York, NY:
Sony, 1997.
7. Pace, Joe. “Running Over.” Joe Pace Presents: Sunday Morning Service. New York, NY:
Sony, 2004.