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Usability of computer optimizing program

for road alignment in the planning process

A case study of road 56
Master of Science Thesis in the Master’s Programme Infrastructure and
Environmental Engineering


Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Division of GeoEngineering
Road and Traffic Research Group
Göteborg, Sweden 2013
Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Usability of computer optimizing program for road

alignment in the planning process
A case study of road 56
Master of Science Thesis in the Master’s Programme Infrastructure and
Environmental Engineering

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Division of GeoEngineering
Road and Traffic Research Group
Göteborg, Sweden 2013
Usability of computer optimizing program for road alignment in the planning process
A case study of road 56
Master of Science Thesis in the Master’s Programme Infrastructure and
Environmental Engineering


Examensarbete / Institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknik,

Chalmers tekniska högskola 2013:78

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Division of GeoEngineering
Road and Traffic Research Group
Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg
Telephone: + 46 (0)31-772 1000

An illustration of different alignments generated by Trimble Quantm on a satellite
photo (Trimble, 2011).

Chalmers reproservice / Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Göteborg, Sweden 2013
Usability of computer optimizing program for road alignment in the planning process
A case study of road 56
Master of Science Thesis in the Master’s Programme Infrastructure and
Environmental Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Division of GeoEngineering
Road and Traffic Research Group
Chalmers University of Technology

The designer’s task in a road construction project is to find a route in plan and profile
that takes into account all the requirements, conditions, restrictions and locking points
that provide the lowest cost. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the
usability of the computer software Trimble Quantm in the planning process. The
program take into account design standards, terrain, geological, and hydrological data,
environmental areas, property ownership together with cost information and creates
an optimal alignment between two points. A literature survey, describes how new
roads are planned and designed together with information of environmental issues and
requirements on the construction. In cooperation with WSP a case study was
performed on the suggested new road outside the town Äs located along road 56
between Norrköping and Gävle. Using the optimizing software to find the optimal
corridor and alignment for the stretch and compare that with the actual corridors that
have been chosen for the stretch in order to evaluate the software. The outcome of the
case study indicated that the software suggest approximately the same path for the
corridor as the one made by the designers, although the software can’t replace an
experience designer since the result still needs to be assessed. The software is user
friendly and easy to learn. The calculations are fast which enables the designers to
investigate and calculate a large number of possible alternatives in less time. The
software offers tools that can illustrate how the design of the alignment is influenced
by environmental values and by areas of possible geotechnical problem.

Key words: Trimble Quantm, Optimizing, Horizontal and vertical alignment,

Planning process, Four stage principle, Road plan, Road 56


1.1 Background 1
1.2 Aim 1
1.3 Method 1
1.4 Limitations 1

2.1 From planning to construction of a new road 2
2.1.1 Four-stage principle 2
2.1.2 Planning process 3
2.1.3 Construction document 4
2.1.4 Environmental impact assessment 4
2.2 Governing regulations 5
2.3 Road construction and functions 6
2.4 Geometric design 7
2.4.1 Cross section 7
2.4.2 Road alignment 8


3.1 Introduction 10
3.1.1 Local geology 11
3.1.2 Sensitive environmental areas 11
3.2 Data collection methods 12
3.2.1 Study of maps of the area 12
3.2.2 Interviews 12
3.2.3 Data provided by WSP 12
3.3 Usage of Quantm 13
3.4 Construction of the model 14
3.5 Data input 14
3.5.1 General input data for Trimble Quantm 14
3.5.2 Costs for environmental and geotechnical issues 17
3.5.3 Digital terrain model 18
3.5.4 Possible geotechnical issues 19
3.5.5 Cultural environment 20
3.5.6 Landscape environment 21

CHALMERS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.5.7 Natural environment 22
3.5.8 Other areas that needs to be avoid 23
3.5.9 Technical specification for the road 24
3.6 Possible corridors chosen by WSP 25

4.1 Corridor generated by Quantm 26
4.2 Intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones 26
4.2.1 For corridors given by WSP 27
4.2.2 For corridor generated by Quantm 31
4.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor 32
4.3.1 For corridors given by WSP 32
4.3.2 For corridor generated by Quantm 40
4.4 Summary of result for all corridors 42

5.1 Corridor generated by Quantm 44
5.2 Intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones 44
5.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor 45
5.4 Summary of results for all corridors 47
5.5 The usage of Trimble Quantm 48
5.5.1 Evaluation of the software 48
5.5.2 Usability of the software in the planning process 49






CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

This master thesis has been carried out by Magnus Olsson as author and University
Lecturer Gunnar Lannér as examiner at the Road and Traffic Research Group at
Chalmers Technical University. This master’s thesis has been written during the
period between January to May 2013 under the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, Division of GeoEngeering, Road and Traffic Research
Group at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
I would like to thank Anders Markstedt at WSP that came up with the idea for the
master teases. I also would like to thank Karolina Wettermark at WSP that provided
all necessary data together with valuable information during the time for the project.
Göteborg June 2013
Magnus Olsson

CHALMERS Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

DTM Digital terrain model
ECW Enhanced Compression Wavelet
kkr Thousand kronor
SEK Swedish currency
SHP Shapefile shape format
TIF Tagged Image File
USD United States dollar
WSP Company name

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The designer’s task in a road construction project is to find a route in plan and profile
that takes into account all the requirements, conditions, restrictions and locking points
that provide the lowest cost. The number of possible routes is unlimited and in
practice, there is not enough time and resources in the planning phase of the design to
investigate and calculate more than a few possible routes for the final design. As a
result the experience of the designer is an important factor to ensure that the most
efficient routes are considered and calculated.
By using support from computers is a great opportunity to test a larger number of
possible routes, and from that information examine the optimum route. From this
information it is possible to achieve significant savings in the design of a road
construction for a small cost.
1.2 Aim
The task will be to investigate the usability of computer optimizing software for road
alignment in the planning process.
1.3 Method
In a first step a literature survey, that are relating to the production of a road, the
environmental issues, requirements and the construction. The literature survey also
describes how new roads are planned, designed and built.
A case study of a specific part of road 56 between Norrköping and Gävle will be
performed, using alignment optimizing software to find the most optimal corridor and
alignment for the stretch and compare that with the actual corridors that have been
The investigation of the optimal corridor and alignment will be done by using the
computer software Trimble Quantm. The program take into account design standards,
terrain, geological, and hydrological data, environmental areas, property ownership,
and cost information.
The input data to the program will be obtained from data bases, interviews with
professional designers, information found on the internet and in literature.
1.4 Limitations
The investigation to find the possible corridors and the optimal alignment within the
corridors will be limited to the program Trimble Quantm. The performed
investigation and calculations have only been conducted on the road 56. There have
been no considerations of intersecting roads.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

2 Literature survey
This chapter will explain the basic knowledge on how the designers plans a new road
taking to account all the requirements, conditions, restrictions and locking points that
provide the lowest cost. The planning process is a procedure that is done in multiple
2.1 From planning to construction of a new road
The planning of a new road starts when there have been identified deficiencies in the
transport system. The comprehensive planning process is implemented to answer the
question on what needs to be done to solve the problem. First a study called four stage
principle is made followed by the feasibility study and the work to develop a road
plan. The four stage principle should treat and answer the question of what kind of
measures can solve the transport system problem and why it’s needed. The process to
develop a road plan, treats the question of where the road should be built and how it
will be constructed. Before the construction of the project can start the final technical
design needs to be described in a construction document. The planning process is
illustrated in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1 Illustrate the process from planning to construction.

2.1.1 Four-stage principle

When there has been a problem identified in the transport system, the comprehensive
planning process can start. To investigate how these problems can be fixed, the four
stage principle is implemented, this is a new planning process for road projects that
were introduced by the Swedish Transport Administration 1 January 2013
(Trafikverket, 2012 (b)). The four stage principle treats the measures that are
considered possible to solve the transport system problem. The analysis of the study is
made in four steps:
 Step one: Is there any other solution that can be implemented to solve the
problem? Can the current demand of transport for the stretch be reduced, is it
possible to lower the demand of transportation for the stretch or can other
modes of transportation be used to solve the problems. Examples of ways to
reduce the need of transportation on the stretch can be to investigate if it is
possible to move some of the transportations to railway or if it is possible to
develop the public transportation.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

 Step two: Is it possible to optimize? Can the current road network be used in
a more efficient way, by for example introduce speed control measures,
variable speed or by traffic regulations.
 Step three: Is it possible to rebuild current route? Is there a possibility to
solve the problem by making improvements or rebuild the current stage. These
changes can for example be widening of the existing road, reinforcement and
straightening of curves.
 Step four: Is there a need of constructing a new road? Is there a need for
large reconstruction of the road or should there be an investment in a new road
to solve the problem.

The four stage principle will give the answer to why a road project is needed. The
study investigates how deficiencies in the transport system can be solved. Primary the
problems are trying to be solved with the first two steps, if the problem can’t be
solved with these steps, step three and four are used which are a more concrete
building measure (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
2.1.2 Planning process
A new road will be planned according to a process that is governed by laws and which
ultimately leads to a road plan. This process is called the planning process and work
to develop a road plan. The planning process starts after the result of the four stage
principle shows that a new road or a major reconstruction of the current road is
needed. The process is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The planning process investigates
where and how the road should be built. The time for the process depends on the
number of studies required, if there are alternative routes, how large the available
budget is and if there are some opponents to the project. The result of the planning
process is the basis of the work that finally is presented in a road plan (Trafikverket,

Investigative work Possible Presentation of

The road plan is
(Where should the new road be permissibility of proposal for the
and how should it be designed) the government road plan

Figure 2.2 Shows the planning process.

During the investigating work the planners consider the conditions for the
construction and the problems that must be solved. The planners try to create a good
understanding of the values and interests that are located in the area together with
areas that can cause conflicts. In areas where a new road needs to be built in order to
solve the transport problem, alternative routes are investigated. The investigation
includes a description of the consequences for each the alternative routes. Great effort
is put on the general interests when selecting the alternative route, for example the
land use, road safety, availability and environment. In the investigating work the
planners studies different proposals for the designs of the road for example the width
of the road, number of lanes, tunnels and bridges together with the types of
intersections that are going to be used. Usually actions on the existing road are
included as an option. There are also preliminary surveys and studies done in adjacent
to the planned route to receive for example information on the geotechnical conditions
or archaeological remains (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
In the early stage of the planning process there must be documents developed that
describe how the project may affect the surrounding environment. After these
documents have been developed the provincial government decide if there is a
significant effect on the environment, if so there need to be an environmental impact
assessment developed which describes the project's environmental impact and suggest
precautionary and protective measures. Information on environmental impact
assessment can be found in Chapter 2.1.4. During the process there are dialogues with
government agencies, organizations and other stakeholders to obtain their views and
knowledge (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
According to the environmental act some major road projects needs to receive an
authorization from the government before the work with the road plan can start. The
planners rank the alternatives and present a report to the government with a
description of the different alternatives together with an associated environmental
impact assessment for each of the alternatives. The government decides if the road is
allowed to be built in a certain location. After the decision the work continues to
develop a more detailed location and design for the road (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
The road plan will include a map of the area that describe in detail the alignment for
the road along with information of the land that will permanently be used for the
structure. The road plan also will include information of the land used for the roads
that are temporarily needed during the construction together with a consultation report
that shows all the consultations that have been made and how these has influenced the
design of the road, for example reduction of noise pollutions. The report also needs to
include a description of the aspects that not have been considered and information of
safety measures that have been assessed not to be justified (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
After the road plan is finished and the project has available funding, the road plan will
be sent to be determined by the transport administration. The project will be
determined if the transport administration concludes that the benefits of the project are
larger than the inconvenience caused on individual interest.
2.1.3 Construction document
The constructions documents describe the final technical design for the road project.
The documents must follow the information presented in the road plan. There are only
a limited deviation allowed, if there are larger changes of the project the road plan
may need to be revised in order to be valid and new constructions documents needs to
be made (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
2.1.4 Environmental impact assessment
The purpose of an environmental impact assessment is to contribute to the
environmental adaption of the project and through consultation with the stakeholders
provide relevant knowledge and ability to influence the project. The environmental
impact assessment includes identifying and describing the project's possible
environmental impact. The assessment is used to support the environmental adaption
in the planning process and present a basis that can be used for the overall assessment
on the impact on the environment and human health (Trafikverket, 2011 (b)).

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2.2 Governing regulations
The most important regulations for road constructions are presented in this chapter.
The requirement is to ensure that the construction and function of the road will last for
a long time from both the structural and environmental standpoint.
 According to 1 chapter 10 § in the road act (1971:948) With building of roads
referred to construction of a new road or reconstruction of a road. New road
may be build, if the road is needed for general means of communication or
otherwise likely to have particularly importance for the public. A road may be
rebuilt, when justified in the public interest. An action on an existing road is
not considered to be road construction if
1. Action results in only marginal additional impact on the environment.
2. The property owners or holders of special rights in writing admitted that
land or other space may be utilized.
 According to 1 chapter 11 § in the road act (1971:948) Question about road
construction is tested by the Swedish Transport Administration, after
consultation with the provincial government. If the Transport Authority and
the provincial government have different views, referred the question to the
 According to 1 chapter 13 § in the road act (1971:948) When a road is built it
should be given a position and be designed so that the purpose of the road is
achieved with minimum damage and inconvenience without unreasonable
expense. Consideration should be given to urban and landscape together with
the natural and cultural values.
 According to 6 chapter 3 § in the Environmental Code (1998:808) The
purpose of an environmental impact assessment is to identify and describe the
direct and indirect effects of a proposed activity or action may result in partly
on humans, animals, plants, soil, water, air, climate, landscape and cultural
environment, the management of land, water and the physical in general,
partly on other management of materials, raw materials and energy. Then, an
overall assessment of these effects on human health and the environment are
described based on the findings in an environmental impact assessment.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

2.3 Road construction and functions
The design of a road structure consists of different parts, the foundation, substructure,
terrace surface, superstructure and slopes. The different parts of a road structure are
illustrated in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 A traditional cutting of a simple road structure.

The foundation consists of the existing ground that the proposed road is supposed to
rest on. In Sweden the foundation usually consist of rock, clay or moraine. The
substructure is the surface that is used to compliment the foundation to obtain the
terrace surface at the desired level. The foundation has restrictions on the durability,
to achieve these requirements there are some reinforcement methods that can be used:
reducing the pressure on the surface, bring down the pressure to firmer materials and
by backpressure. Reducing the pressure on the surface can be done thru excavation,
usage of light filling material or a combination of both methods. Bring down the
pressure to firmer materials can be done by excavation and backfill, filling by
depressing/displacement, piling or by usage of lime cement columns. Backpressure
can be done by usage of pressure banks (Granhage, 2009).
The superstructure usually consists of three different layers: the subbase, base course
and wearing course. The different layers are illustrated in Figure 2.4. The
reinforcement layer acts as a protective and drainage layer to prevent moisture and
fine material to penetrate into the base course. The base course and the subbase are
used to distribute the load evenly over the subgrade. The base course supports the
wearing course, which means that the layer also supports the traffic load; the base
course can either be bound or unbound. The bound base course is hold together with
different mixtures of bitumen, which is the most common type of base course. The
unbound base course is most common on smaller roads that has no bitumen layer and
is often called gravel roads (Granhage, 2009).

Figure 2.4 The basic design of the superstructure, containing the distribution of
the most common layers.

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2.4 Geometric design
The geometric design means the design of road in a holistic perspective. The basics of
geometric design is to have knowledge of road design requirements for geometry and
knowledge of what type of traffic that is intended to use the road. Additional factors
that will be added for the design is the use of traffic control, such as road markings
and signposts. Furthermore the design should take into account quality, good
environment and aesthetics. Since roads mostly are financed by public funds, the
economic valuation is very important. There are different design standards when
designing a road. According to the Swedish guidelines the design levels are good, less
good or low (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004).
The geometric design is usually divided into three major areas: cross section,
horizontal and vertical alignment. The cross section takes into account how wide the
road needs to be, which cross fall that should be used and how the design of the
trenches and slopes should look like. The horizontal alignments describe the design in
plan or in a map. It shows the route through the countryside with curves and straight
lines. The vertical alignment shows the design of the road in height along the stretch.
It shows vertical curves, slopes of hills, valleys and crest. The alignment is three-
dimensional and for the final design of the alignment, a combination of the horizontal
and vertical alignment is used. In traditional alignment design these lines are treated
separately, but this does not mean that they are independent of each other. When
designing the alignment it is important to work and make adjustments with both lines
simultaneously or alternately (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004).
2.4.1 Cross section
The general principles when designing the cross section is that the width of the road
should be minimized in order to reduce the construction and the maintenance cost of
the road, still the road needs to maintain the level of service that it is designed for.
When selecting the width of a road there are different factors that needs to be taken in
to account: classification of the road, traffic, vehicle dimensions and vehicle speed
(Robinson & Thagesen, 2004).
The classification of the road means which level of service the road will be designed
for, higher level of classification means higher level of service is expected which
results in that the road needs to be wider. When taking into account the traffic means
that the volumes of heavy traffic affect how wide the road needs to be. If the amount
of heavy traffic are high the overtaking of slow vehicles are more frequent. Vehicle
dimensions are also affecting the dimensions of the road. Tracking errors and normal
steering deviations on particularly heavy vehicles results in that the clearance between
passing vehicles can be reduced, which leads to that the road needs to be wider. When
the speed of the vehicle increases the driver has less control of the vehicle leading to
reduced clearance between the vehicles, with the consequence that a wider road is
needed (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004).

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

2.4.2 Road alignment
The designer has the opportunity to adjust the alignment of the road through the
landscape to make it as safe and economical as possible while still fulfil the technical
requirements of the construction. The alignment should be adjusted so that it blends in
with the surroundings, by allowing it to follow the natural lines in the terrain. This
also has economic benefits because the need of excavation and the amount of material
needed can be decreased. There is also a goal to design the road to provide good
visual management as well as clear signals to the users about appropriate driving
behaviour and speed (Vägverket, 2004).
When working with the design for a road project the first step is to set a main
direction for the road (often east or north). This enables more easily to define right or
left curves and up or down hills etc. there is also a possibility to introduce sign rules
to enable simpler calculations (Wengelin, Berntman, & Lannér, 2000).
When selecting the alignment for a new road, the designer normally starts to define a
number of possible corridors between the suggested start and finish points for the new
road. Next step is to select the best corridor and within it define one or more different
alignments. These alignments are then compared, and a final selection is made for
design purposes. The process involves continuous searching and selecting, using
increasingly more detailed knowledge at each decision-making stage (Robinson &
Thagesen, 2004).
Horizontal alignment
The horizontal alignments basic elements are a series of intersecting tangents and
circular curves that are connected with or without transition curves. An example on
the design of the horizontal alignment for a road can be seen in Figure 2.5. The aim is
to design the horizontal alignment to an economic standard that is consistent with the
topography to minimize the earthworks needed and to provide good drainage. The
design selected are based on a given standard of the road, this means that the design
should extend throughout a section of the road without no sudden changes from easy
to sharp curves to achieve a uniform operating speed. Where sharp curves are
unavoidable, the recommendation is to design a series of curves with decreasing
radius (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004).

Figure 2.5 Shows an example of the horizontal alignment for a road.

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Vertical alignment
The basic elements of the vertical alignment are the gradient and vertical curvature.
An example of the design for the vertical alignment can be seen in Figure 2.6. The
gradient is related to the level of service and the vertical curvature is related to
comfort criteria and the sight distance. The vertical alignment influences the
construction cost, traffic safety and the vehicle operating cost. The goal is to design
the vertical alignment to an economic standard consistent with the topography and
need of traffic (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004).
As for the horizontal alignment the recommendation is to try to design the alignment
as uniform as possible, having as large radius as possible without any sudden changes.
Although this is a recommendation, it has not the same importance as for the
horizontal alignment, since the vertical curves does not have the same impact on the
speed of a vehicle. A risk when using to large radius is that the drainage can be
insufficient since the flat inclination can limit the runoff (Wengelin, Berntman, &
Lannér, 2000).

Figure 2.6 Shows an example of the vertical alignment.

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3 Case study of road 56
The chapter describes the area around the town of Äs where the case study will be
performed. The method for the case study together with information of the
environmental aspects, possible issues, requirements and technical information for
road 56 will also be described.
3.1 Introduction
The case study has been performed on Road 56 between Bie and Stora Sundby. Road
56 is the main road between Norrköping in the south and Gävle in the north. The road
is a part of the Swedish national road network called the straight line. The total length
of the road is 295 kilometre and is part of a developing program for collision-free
road. To increase the safety, the road is rebuilt in stages (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)).
The stage between Bie and Stora Sundby is trafficked by 4000 vehicles per day with a
proportion of 20 percentage heavy traffic; this indicates that the road has an important
role as freight route. On the stretch there is a proposal to build a new road that will
pass outside the town Äs, which is located between Bie and Stora Sundby, see Figure
3.1. WSP has been commissioned to develop possible corridors for the new road
outside Äs. The new road will be approximately 7 kilometres depending on which of
the corridor that are selected. The area around Äs offers many challenges where
different environment aspects and interests need to be accounted for when suggesting
where the new road could be built.
This makes the stage an excellent object for studying if there are some other possible
corridor and alignment that make smaller impact on the environmental values and
avoiding the possible geotechnical problem zones.

Figure 3.1 Shows the stretch between Bie and Stora Sundby and also a zoomed in
picture of the area around Äs (modified after (Hitta.se, 2013)).
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
3.1.1 Local geology
The description of the local geology is based on SGU earth map, see Figure 3.2.
Around Äs there are large areas of agricultural land. The area west of the existing
road 56 is dominated by silt and glacial clay, east of the road and around the lake
Aspen the area is dominated by sandy moraine and bedrock. The existing road 56
follows a glaciofluvial esker that is surrounded by portions of sand (Trafikverket,
2011 (a)).

Figure 3.2 Shows the earth map of the area within the geographical boundary
(SGU, 2013).

3.1.2 Sensitive environmental areas

In the area around Äs there are many different issues to consider. There are cultural,
landscape and natural environmental values that need to be accounted for when
planning the new road. There are also areas with possible geotechnical issues around
Äs. The goal is to avoid these areas as much as possible. There are different
conservation value for the areas making it possible to optimize the corridor and the
alignment to interfere as little as possible with the sensitive areas. The impact in
environmental zones are considered to be limited when reconstructing existing road
(Trafikverket, 2011 (a)). The cultural, landscape and natural environment values for
the target area are described in the Chapters 3.5.5-3.5.7 together with a description of
the possible geotechnical issues in Chapter 3.5.4.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.2 Data collection methods
The different methods that have been used for collection of data is study of maps of
the target area, interviews of persons involved in the project and drawings provided
by WSP, these are briefly discussed below.
3.2.1 Study of maps of the area
The maps studied for data collection for the cultural-, landscape- and natural
environmental areas and the maps describing where the possible geotechnical issues is
located where provided by WSP. The soil map was provided by the geological survey
of Sweden.
3.2.2 Interviews
The search for information was done by e-mail and telephone interviews with persons
involved in the project together with persons that have knowledge within the field of
geotechnical issues and road construction.
3.2.3 Data provided by WSP
WSP provided the digital terrain model for the area together with digital files with
information of where the sensitive areas are located. The digital terrain model where
given in DTM format and the data files for the environmental areas which include the
areas of natural, cultural and landscape environmental issues and areas where there
are possible geotechnical issues were given in SHP files. The files could be directly
imported into Trimble Quantm. WSP also provided SHP files with the suggested
corridors that will be examined together with files in DWG format with the existing
roads, rivers and lakes within the target area. Aerial photos of the area where also
provided by WSP, these where given in TIF format.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.3 Usage of Quantm
The optimizing process has for a long time been an important factor and is widely
used when designing a new road. The models assist the designer and planners to
evaluate and choose between different possible alignments between two points. Since
there is an unlimited number of a lines in space between two points the task of
selecting the most appropriate alignment, that’s consider all the specifications and
environmental requirements is a difficult task (Jha, Schonfeld, Jong, & Kim, 2006).
Due to the development of computers and the growing availability of high resolution
digital terrain models has made the usage more realistic and practical. The models
help provide a large number of paths (Akay, Karas, Sessions, Yuksel, Bozali, &
Gundogan, 2004).
For the study purpose Trimble Quantm version is utilized. Trimble Quantm
is a system that in a simultaneous analysis takes engineering, environmental, social
and economic factors into account when planning a new road. Trimble Quantm allows
the planners to examine all alternative routes between two points and select the most
appropriate alignment and corridor based on the total cost for the project (Trimble,
A visualization of the Trimble Quantm desktop can be seen in Figure 3.3 which
illustrating the different tools that are used when constructing a model.

Figure 3.3 An overview of Trimble Quantm desktop window and tools used for
construction of the model.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.4 Construction of the model
The construction of the model was done in multiple steps explained below. The model
was constructed with a combination of already completed files for the zones with
possible environmental or geotechnical issues and files that where done by hand in the
software Trimble Quantm.

1. The digital terrain model was imported into Trimble Quantm, for more
information of the digital terrain model. More detailed information of the
digital terrain model can be found in Chapter 3.5.3.
2. The format of the satellite photos where changed to ECW format using the
software Global Mapper version 13.00 to make it possible to import the photos
into Trimble Quantm.
3. The start and finish points where entered together with the template for the
road. Detailed information of the start and finish point together with the
template can be found in Chapter 3.5.9.
4. The general costs parameters together with the geometric parameters where
entered. The parameters are shown in Chapter 3.5.1.
5. The SHP files for the possible cultural- (see Chapter 3.5.5) landscape- (see
Chapter 3.5.6) natural- (see Chapter 3.5.7) environmental values were
imported to the model together with the possible geotechnical issues (see
Chapter 3.5.4). These where entered as avoid zones with different status of
high or medium.
6. Rivers, the lake Aspen and the existing roads are drawn in the software using
the satellite photo.
7. The town Äs, houses outside the town and the lake Aspen where identified
using the satellite photo, after identification they were given avoid zones. The
avoid zones can be found in Chapter 3.5.8.
8. The area cost zones were imported using the SHP files for the possible
cultural- landscape- natural- environmental values and the geotechnical issues.
The increase of cost when entering a zone can be found in Chapter 3.5.2.
9. The corridors given by WSP were imported to the model.
3.5 Data input
The chapter will present the value for the geometric and cost parameters used in the
model. The digital terrain model together with the data for the environmental and
geotechnical issues are presented. Furthermore the avoid areas and the technical
specifications are presented.
3.5.1 General input data for Trimble Quantm
The input values for the basic cost parameters are presented in Table 3.1. The
parameters are entered under the “cost parameters” toolbar in the software.
Parameters for the geometric design of the horizontal curves together with the type
end length of the transition curves are presented in Table 3.2. The geometric
parameters for the vertical design can be found in Table 3.3. The parameters are
entered under the “geometric parameters” toolbar. In the tables there is a description
for the different parameters together with the value. The values given from (Trimble,
2012) are converted from USD to SEK with an exchange course of 6,58 SEK for 1

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Table 3.1 Shows the basic cost parameters that were used in Trimble Quantm.

Cost parameters

Pavement Value Unit Description and source of value

Pavement 1750 Kr/m3 The pavement cost is the cost of placing

one cubic meter of pavement and
compacting it to the specified thickness
(Markstedt, 2013).


Rate 10 Kr/m3 (Trimble, 2012).

Side slope 55 % (Trimble, 2012).

Step height 6 m (Trimble, 2012).

Step width 2 m (Trimble, 2012).

Earth movement

Haul 3 Kr/m3/km Haul is the cost of transporting one cubic

meter of usable material along the
alignment to the point where it is needed
(Markstedt, 2013).

Dump 9 Kr/m3 Dump is the cost of removing excess or

unusable material (Markstedt, 2013).

Borrow 94 Kr/m3 Borrow is the cost of purchasing material

and transporting it from an external site
(Markstedt, 2013).


Culvert 987 Kr/m The cost per meter for the culvert
(Markstedt, 2013).

Portal 1645 Kr The cost for the portal (Trimble, 2012).


Bridge 65800 Kr/m2 The costing of bridges assumes a fixed

cost per unit area of deck (Markstedt,

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78


Tunnel 329000 Kr/m The material excavated from the tunnel is

assumed to be entirely usable for fill
(Markstedt, 2013).

Portal 2102600 Kr The cost for the portal (Markstedt,



Wall 1974 Kr/m3 The costs associated with a retaining wall

(Markstedt, 2013).


Silt/loam 13 Kr/m3 The cost for the material (Trimble, 2012).

Clay 43 Kr/m3 The cost for the material (Trimble, 2012).

Broken rock 51 Kr/m3 The cost for the material (Trimble, 2012).

Table 3.2 Shows the basic geometric parameters for the horizontal curves
together with the transition type and length used in Trimble Quantm.

Geometric parameters

Horizontal Value Unit Description and source of value


H rad 700 m Minimum horizontal radius of

curvature. The value determines how
closely the alignment follows the
natural surface (Trafikverket, 2012 (a)).

Super 4 % The super elevation for the minimum

radius (Trafikverket, 2012 (a)).


Type Clothoid The type of transition curve

(Trafikverket, 2012 (a)).

Trans. Length at min rad 250 m Transition length at minimum radius

(Trafikverket, 2012 (a)).

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Table 3.3 Shows the basic geometric parameters for the vertical design used in
Trimble Quantm.

Geometric parameters



Downhill -6 % Maximum gradient downhill (Trafikverket, 2012


Uphill 6 % Maximum gradient uphill (Trafikverket, 2012


Sights dist. 100 m Minimum sight distance (Trafikverket, 2012 (a)).


Crest 6000 m Minimum vertical radius (Trafikverket, 2012


3.5.2 Costs for environmental and geotechnical issues

The increase of the cost per square meter, when entering zones with possible cultural-,
natural-, landscape environment values together with the possible geotechnical issues
are presented in Table 3.4.
Using the SHP files for the possible environmental or geotechnical issues, the zones
where given an area cost. This will increase the cost for the new road if the alignment
for the road will pass through a zone. The increase of the cost will depend on how
much intrusion there is in the zone.
Table 3.4 Shows the extra cost when entering a zone with either environmental
value or geotechnical issues.

Area cost type Value Unit Description


Geotechnical issues 30% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).

Cultural environment 20% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).

Natural environment 5% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).

Landscape environment 5% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.5.3 Digital terrain model
The digital terrain model was provided by WSP. The model is illustrated in Figure
3.4. The model where constructed from laser scanning of the area made by
Lantmäteriet (Wettermark, 2013).
A digital terrain model is a digital representation of the surface area. The model
consists of an irregular network of triangles between the points where each triangle is
regarded as a flat surface. The points together with the lines between the points are the
input when creating a digital terrain model (Klang, 2006).

Figure 3.4 Show the digital terrain model used in the study.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.5.4 Possible geotechnical issues
The identified areas where there are possible geotechnical issues are illustrated in
Figure 3.5. In the area west and north of Äs there are large areas of agricultural land,
this area may cause geotechnical problems (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)).
This data were given by WSP as an SHP file, when imported into Trimble Quantm the
zones where entered as an avoid zone with the status high which means that the
program will not enter the zone, if there are no other possibility the program will give
a warning that the zone has been entered. The zones are given the status high due to
the possible increase of cost when entering the zone.

Figure 3.5 Show the zones where there are possible geotechnical issues.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.5.5 Cultural environment
The identified areas where there are possible cultural environmental values are
illustrated in Figure 3.6. The area around Äs is of national interest for the heritage
sectors. Heritage sites are found adjacent to the existing road 56. Within the study
area there are also mansions with long avenues together with landscapes that are
characterized by agriculture that can be traced back to the middle age. Findings of
national interest from the Stone Age together with remains from the bronze and Iron
Age can also be found. (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)).
The data on where the possible cultural values are located was provided by WSP in
SHP file format. When imported into Trimble Quantm the zones where entered as an
avoid zone with the status high with exception for the zone that are in conflict with
the finish point. This zone were given the status medium to make it possible to run the
model, The status medium means that the program will enter the zone however it will
try to do it as little as possible. Since the environmental and geotechnical avoid zones
are impossible to not interfere with.

Figure 3.6 Show the zones where there are possible cultural values.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.5.6 Landscape environment
The identified zones of landscape environmental values within the area are illustrated
in Figure 3.7. The area is mainly dominated by forest. Around the town Äs the
landscape opens up and small areas of agricultural land mostly with diary farms can
be found (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)).
The data on where the possible landscape values are located were provided by WSP
as an SHP file. When imported into Trimble Quantm the zones where entered as an
avoid zone with the status medium which means that the program will try to avoid the
zones as much as possible. The status medium where given due to that the increase of
the cost when entering a zone are not as high compared with the cultural and
geotechnical zones.

Figure 3.7 Show the zones where there are landscape environmental issues.

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3.5.7 Natural environment
The identified areas of natural environmental value within the area are shown in
Figure 3.8. The area around the lake Aspen including the inlet in the south are both
listed in the natural conservation program. The outlet from the lake is identified as a
wetland and a key habitant. There are also several other natural values and swamp
forests around the lake (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)).
The data on where the possible natural environmental issues are located were
provided by WSP as an SHP file. When imported into Trimble Quantm the zones
where entered as an avoid zone with the status medium which means that the program
will try to avoid the zones as much as possible. The status medium where given due to
that the increase of the cost when entering a zone are not as high compared with the
cultural and geotechnical zones.

Figure 3.8 Show the zones where there are natural environmental issues.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.5.8 Other areas that needs to be avoid
I addition to the possible environmental and geotechnical issues there are other
sites within the area that needs to be avoided. The other avoid zones are illustrated
in Figure 3.9. The zones are the town Äs, houses located outside the town and the
lake Aspen. The houses and the town Äs where identified by studying the satellite
photos given by WSP. The houses and the town where given an avoid zone with
the high status together with the lake Aspen that also where given a high status
due to environmental causes.

Figure 3.9 Shows the avoid zones where there are houses together with the avoid
zone for the lake Aspen.

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3.5.9 Technical specification for the road
The chapter presents the technical specifications for the new road. The coordinates for
the start and finish points for the road can be found in Table 3.5 together with the
parameters for the design of the superstructure that are found in Table 3.6.
Table 3.5 Shows the coordinates for the start and finish points for the alignment.

Design speed 100 Km/h (Trafikverket, 2011 (a))

Total with of the 12,25 meters (Trafikverket, 2011 (a))


Minimum 700 meters (Trafikverket, 2012 (a))

horizontal radius

Minimum vertical 6000 meters (Trafikverket, 2012 (a))


Width of the road 12,25 meters (Trafikverket, 2011 (a))

Start/Finish Coordinates [X;Y;Z] (Wettermark, Bearing Grade [%]

Points 2013)

Start 128204.191;6558575.277;56.612 338.1 -2.41

Finish 127987.6;6562417.4;65.027 334.4 -1.78

Table 3.6 Shows the input parameters for the template.



With 6,125 m With of left lane

Thickness 0,5 m Thickness of pavement left lane

(Trafikverket, 2004)


With 6,125 m With of right lane

Thickness 0,5 m Thickness of pavement right lane

(Trafikverket, 2004)

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

3.6 Possible corridors chosen by WSP
There have been four possible corridors chosen by WSP for the new road outside Äs;
the corridors are illustrated in Figure 3.10. One of these corridors will be used for the
construction of the new road outside the town.
For corridor one, two and three the new road will follow the current route until that
one have passed the lake Aspen, thereafter the corridors divides in to three different
possible paths for the new road. The first and second corridor passes close to the east
side of the town Äs and then merge and follow the current route again, see Figure
3.10. The third corridor turns to the right making a new path for the road within the
area of interests, see Figure 3.10. With corridor number four the new road will follow
a completely new path for the entire stretch, the corridor passes on the east side of the
lake Aspen and then merge with the third corridor to connect to the current route in
the end of the area of interest, which can be seen in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.10 Illustrate path for the four corridors given by WSP.

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4 Results
This chapter presents the results from the case study which includes the corridors
generated by Trimble Quantm, the optimized alignment within the corridors and the
intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones. The chapter also presents the
results of the optimized alignments within the corridors given by WSP.
4.1 Corridor generated by Quantm
The software identified one corridor that runs to the west of lake Aspen close outside
the town Äs. The corridor is shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1 Shows the corridors generated by Trimble Quantm.

4.2 Intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones

The chapter presents the results of the possible impact to the environmental and
geotechnical zones for each corridor generated by Trimble Quantm and the corridors
given by WSP.

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4.2.1 For corridors given by WSP
Corridor 1
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 1 is shown in Figure 4.2. The results of the area in square meters that are
affected by the corridor and the predicted extra costs associated with each zone are
shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.2 Shows where corridor 1 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.

Figure 4.3 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 1.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Corridor 2
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 2 is shown in Figure 4.4. The results of the area in square meters that are
affected by the corridor and the predicted extra costs associated with each zone are
shown in Figure 4.5.

Figure 4.4 Shows where corridor 2 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues

Figure 4.5 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 2
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Corridor 3
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 3 is shown in Figure 4.6. The results of the area in square meters that are
affected by the corridor and the predicted extra costs associated with each zone are
shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.6 Shows where corridor 3 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.

Figure 4.7 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 3.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Corridor 4
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 4 is shown in Figure 4.8. The results of the environmental and geotechnical
areas in square meters affected by corridor 4 and the predicted extra costs associated
with each zone are shown in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.8 Shows where corridor 4 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.

Figure 4.9 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 4.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
4.2.2 For corridor generated by Quantm
Corridor Q1
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor Q1 is shown in Figure 4.10. The results of the environmental and
geotechnical areas in square meters affected by corridor 4 and the predicted extra
costs associated with each zone are shown in Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.10 Shows where corridor Q1 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.

Figure 4.11 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor Q1.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
4.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor
The chapter presents the optimized alignments for the corridor provided by WSP
along with the corridor generated by Trimble Quantm.
4.3.1 For corridors given by WSP
Corridor 1
The results for the optimised alignment generated by Trimble Quantm for WSP
corridor number 1. The alignment in plan is illustrated in Figure 4.12 and the
alignment in profile is illustrated in Figure 4.13. A detailed summary of the alignment
which shows the quantity and cost for the activities associated with the alignment can
be found in Figure 4.14. An illustration of how the alignment is affected by the avoid
zones of environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues, see
Appendix A.

Figure 4.12 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 1 generated by Trimble
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Figure 4.13 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor 1.

Figure 4.14 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 1.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Corridor 2
The results for the optimised alignment generated by Trimble Quantm for WSP
corridor number 2. The alignment in plan is illustrated in Figure 4.15 and the
alignment in profile is illustrated in Figure 4.16. A detailed summary of the alignment
which shows the quantity and cost for the activities associated with the alignment can
be found in Figure 4.17). An illustration of how the alignment is affected by the avoid
zones of environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues, see
Appendix A.

Figure 4.15 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 2 generated by Trimble

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Figure 4.16 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor 2.

Figure 4.17 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 2.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Corridor 3
The results for the optimised alignment generated by Trimble Quantm for WSP
corridor number 3. The alignment in plan is illustrated in Figure 4.18 and the
alignment in profile is illustrated in Figure 4.19. A detailed summary of the alignment
which shows the quantity and cost for the activities associated with the alignment can
be found in Figure 4.20. An illustration of how the alignment is affected by the avoid
zones of environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues, see
Appendix A.

Figure 4.18 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 3 generated by Trimble

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Figure 4.19 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor 3.

Figure 4.20 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 3.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Corridor 4
The results for the optimised alignment generated by Trimble Quantm for WSP
corridor number 4. The alignment in plan is illustrated in Figure 4.21 and the
alignment in profile is illustrated in Figure 4.22. A detailed summary of the alignment
which shows the quantity and cost for the activities associated with the alignment can
be found in Figure 4.23. An illustration of how the alignment is affected by the avoid
zones of environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues, see
Appendix A).

Figure 4.21 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 4 generated by Trimble

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Figure 4.22 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor 4.

Figure 4.23 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 4.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

4.3.2 For corridor generated by Quantm
Corridor Q1
The results for the optimised alignment generated by Trimble Quantm for corridor
Q1. The alignment in plan is illustrated in Figure 4.24 and the alignment in profile is
illustrated in Figure 4.25. A detailed summary of the alignment which shows the
quantity and cost for the activities associated with the alignment can be found in
Figure 4.26. An illustration of how the alignment is affected by the avoid zones of
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues, see Appendix A. An
illustration of the alignment together with all corridors can be found in Appendix B.

Figure 4.24 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor Q1 generated by Trimble
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Figure 4.25 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor Q1.

Figure 4.26 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor Q1.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

4.4 Summary of result for all corridors
All investigated corridors are illustrated in Figure 4.27. Corridors 1-4 are the corridors
given by WSP and corridor Q1 is the corridor generated by Trimble Quantm. A
summary of the costs and quantity for each of the possible issue zones are shown in
Table 4.1. The total costs for the possible issue zones and the total construction cost
for each alignment can be found in Table 4.2.
Table 4.1 Shows a summary for the costs and areas for the possible issues
relating to the optimized alignment for each corridor.

Environmental issues Geotechnical


Corridor Cultural- Natural- Landscape- Quantity Cost Quantity

cost cost cost [m2] [kkr] [m2]
[kkr] [kkr] [kkr]

1 2000 130 217 169,4 427 14,2

2 2250 11,2 257 165,63 418 13,9

3 1590 126 185 141,4 1050 35,2

4 2470 159 179 190,7 949 31,6

Q1 1490 71,2 188 126,2 1420 47,3

Table 4.2 Shows the area affected by the alignment together with the total cost
for the road and the issue zones.

Corridor Total quantity of Total cost for Total cost

issue zones [m2] possible issues [kkr]

1 248 2770 119000

2 251 2930 120000

3 269 2950 132000

4 261 3750 115000

Q1 255 3170 109000

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Figure 4.27 Shows WSP corridors 1-4 and corridor Q1 generated by Trimble

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5 Discussion
The software Trimble Quantm is an alignment optimization program that will find and
create the optimal alignment between two points taking all requirements into account.
The chapters below will discuss the results of the case study and the usability of the
5.1 Corridor generated by Quantm
The software generates a corridor west of the lake Aspen and east of the town Äs. The
corridor almost follows the path of the existing road until it reaches the end of the
lake. Thereafter it turns to the right and creates a new path east of the town and
continues to the finish point. According to the software, this corridor contains the
optimal alignment for the proposed new road based on the avoid zones and costs
entered. The corridor has almost the same path as for WSP corridor 1 and 2, with the
exception of the beginning of the corridor. The beginning of the corridor runs left of
the existing road 56 until it reaches the lake Äs where it merges with WSP corridor 1
and 2. The reason that the corridor runs to the left in the beginning is probably due to
the cultural value zone located to the right near the starting point. The corridor then
follows the same route as for WSP corridors 1 and 2 indicating that the most
advantageous alignment could be within these three corridors.
5.2 Intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones
The result shows that it is impossible to find an alignment that is not in conflict with
any of the environmental values or the possible geotechnical issues zones since most
of the zones overlap. The identified areas of geotechnical problems usually increase
the construction cost for the road the most, while the impact in environmental can
affect the cost more or less since they have different conservation values (Wettermark,
2013). The software compares the cost of entering an issue zone to the cost of
avoiding it, and suggests the most cost efficient alternative.
The results of the impact in environmental value zones and the possible geotechnical
issues zones for the corridors 1 and 2 shows that the impact in the cultural zones is the
greatest. Since the corridors follow the path of the existing road where the cultural
zones are located, the costs for entering will probably be lower. The values are
possibly already ruined in these parts when the existing road were built (Trafikverket,
2011 (a)). Since the cultural values are one of the cost parameters that affect the total
construction cost the most, the cost for the construction in these corridors will
probably be lower than calculated. For corridor 3 the first part of the corridor follows
the same route as for corridor 1 and 2 which would mean that the cost for the cultural
value will be lower than calculated for this corridor as well. The result for corridor 3
shows that it interferes with a large area of possible geotechnical issues. The
aforementioned could mean that there is an uncertainty in the total construction cost
for the corridor as more or less reinforcement measures may be needed in these
sections (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)). The path of corridor 4 mostly interferes with areas
including cultural values. In addition, the corridor affects approximately the same
amount of possible geotechnical zones, landscape value and natural values. The
estimated costs for this corridor are probably more reliable than for the other
corridors, since there is no usage of the existing road.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

For corridor Q1 generated by Quantm the intrusion in cultural values zones are lower
than in the corridors given by WSP. The affected area is 74400 m2, approximately the
same as for corridor 3 and between 25000 m2 to 50000 m2 less than for corridor 1, 2
and 4. However the intrusion in the possible geotechnical issue zones is the highest of
the alternatives, almost 15000 m2 more than for corridors 3 and 4 and approximately
30000 m2 more than for corridor 1 and 2. A reason why more geotechnical issue
zones are affected is probably a consequence of the alignment within the corridor will
be shorter, which compensates for the extra costs of entering the geotechnical zone
instead of the cultural zone. The affected area of possible natural value is
approximately 50000 m2 more for corridor Q1 than for all the corridors suggested by
WSP. That is due to the fact that the corridor needs to enter the natural zone in order
to fulfil the restrictions on the minimum radius set by the Swedish traffic authority
(Trafikverket, 2012 (a)). The affected landscape area are about the same for corridor
Q1 as for corridors 3 and 4, and approximately 60000 m2 lower than for corridor 1
and 2.
Common for all corridors is that the result shows an effect on the environmental
values. There are however ways of minimizing the effect on the values. The impact on
the natural values can be reduced by creating new areas to compensate for the affected
ones. The landscape values can be compensated for example by planting new trees
and try to make the new road to blend in with the landscape as much as possible
(Wettermark, 2013) (Vägverket, 2004). Common for all corridors is that extra caution
needs to be taken where there are cultural values, since they are impossible to replace.
If a cultural remaining interferes with the suggested path of the new road, there needs
to be consultations with experts in the field. To reduce the effect on the values, the
expert can decide if a remaining can be seen as less important and could perhaps
therefore be moved to another location or be destroyed. The measure of destroying the
cultural value should only be used when there is no other option. Even in the case
when the value can be seen as less important today, it might be considered important
in the future. The aim should be to move the cultural values instead of destroying
them when there are no other options (Wettermark, 2013).
5.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor
The alignment within the corridor is much depending on the status given to the zones
of environmental or geotechnical issues. If the priority of a zone is high the program
is not allowed to enter the zone. If the priority is changed to medium the program will
try to avoid the zone as much as possible but are allowed to enter the zone (Trimble,
The alignment for corridor 1 follows the existing road until it has past the lake Aspen.
Although it follows the path of the existing road, the software still calculates as if a
new road were built. This means that the cost calculations suggested by the software
might be higher than the actual cost for the construction, as costs for entering
environmental zones are already taken in the building of the current road
(Trafikverket, 2011 (a)). The alignment turns to the right and follows close to the left
border of the natural avoid zone trying to run between the natural zone and the avoid
zone for the town Äs. After passing these zones the alignment turns to the left through
a cut. After the cut the alignment runs forward and merges with the path of the
existing road. The result shows that the length of the alignment is 6987 meters. The
cost for the construction is held down due to the large cut, which provides material for
the construction meaning that only a small amount of material needs to be imported
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
from an external source. The result shows that the cut is the most expensive post
besides the paving. Since the need of importing material is low the cost for the cut
seams justified along with the costs for transport of material within the target area.
The cost of the retaining walls for the alignment is one of the largest posts in the
construction cost calculation. The case study shows that the amount of retaining walls
is connected with how close the alignment passes an environmental-, geotechnical or
another avoid zones. Most of the retaining walls are placed in the beginning of the
alignment indicating that the costs will be lower than calculated since only a
reconstruction of the current road will be done in these parts. The reason why there
are a lot of retaining walls in the beginning is that the corridor is narrow, making the
software use retaining walls in order to prevent the road structure from falling outside
the corridor (Trimble, 2012).
The alignment for corridor 2 follows the same route as corridor 1 until it has past the
lake Aspen. Like the alignment in corridor 1 it turns to the right and follows close to
the left border of the natural avoid zone trying to run between the natural zone and the
avoid zone for the town Äs. The alignment then turns to the left trying to go as
straight as possible towards the end of the wider part in the corridor, only making a
small turn to avoid the natural value zone before merging with the path of the existing
road. The cuts in this alignment produces more material than in alignment 1, leading
to a higher cost for the procedure. Even though more material can be used from this
cut compared to the cut in corridor 1, the alignment does not fulfil complete mass
balance and material needs to be imported. However the result shows that the amount
of imported material is lower than for alignment 1. The costs for the retaining walls
are high but will probably lower due to the same reasons as for alignment 1. The
length of the alignment is 6933 meters which is shorter than the alignment in corridor
1, still the result shows that the total cost of the construction is one million higher than
for alignment 1. This depends on that more zones of environmental values or possible
geotechnical issues are affected, in addition there are more cuts but still material
needs to be imported.
The alignment for corridor 3 has the same conditions as the alignments in corridor 1
and 2 until it has past the lake Aspen, where it turns more to the right followed by a
left turn ending with a turn to the right making a completely new path for the road all
the way to the finish point. The alignment tries to keep as much to the inner curve as
possible while still fulfilling the restrictions of the minimum curve radius. The result
shows that the costs for the cut is higher than for alignment 1 and 2, still the need of
importing material is greater than for alignment 2 leading to an increase of the total
cost. The costs are also a result of the alignment’s length which is 7514 meters, about
500 meters longer than for alignment 1 and 2, depending on the corridor making a
wider turn.
The alignment for corridor 4 follows a completely new path between the start and the
finish point. The alignment tries to keep as much to the inner curve as possible to
reduce the length of the alignment. As can be seen in the results the alignment makes
small turns to avoid the environmental and geotechnical zones. The cost for the cut is
about 5 million more than for alignment 1, roughly the same as for alignment 2 and
approximately 3 million lower than for alignment 3. There is a need of importing
material since the alignment does not fulfil the mass balance. The length is 6861
meters which is shorter than for alignment 3 and approximately the same as for
alignment 1 and 2. The need of retaining walls is lower than for the alignments 1, 2
and 3 leading to a significant lowering of the total construction cost. This probably
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
depends on that the corridor is less narrow than corridors 1, 2 and 3 enabling the road
structure to fit within the corridor without the usage of retaining walls. Since the
alignment passes thru several of the avoiding zones the related costs are about one
million higher than for the other alternatives.
The alignment Q1 for the corridor generated by Trimble Quantm, makes it possible to
see that the avoid zones has a significant effect on the design of the alignment. After
the alignment has passed the lake Aspen it turns to the right, following the left border
of the natural avoid zone. Then the alignment turns to the left and touches the avoid
zone for the town Äs before it continues towards the finish point trying to avoid the
cultural-, landscape and geotechnical zones. The length of the alignment is 6872
meters which is almost the same as for alignment 4. The costs connected with the cut
are among the lowest of the alternatives, still there is no need of importing material
since full mass balance is fulfilled. This indicates that the costs of material
transportation and the need of importing material could be lowered by using an
alignment optimized by the software. The need of retaining walls along the alignment
is lower than for alignments 1, 2 and 3 leading to a lowering of the total construction
cost. The reason that the cost of retaining walls is low is probably due to the same
explanation as for alignment 4.
5.4 Summary of results for all corridors
The suggested alignments all have a calculate cost of between 109 to 120 million
SEK. The most expensive alignment is found in corridor 3. The alignment in the
corridor generated by Quantm is the cheapest of the alternatives followed by
alternative 4, 1 and 2. Alternative 1, 2 and 3 are likely to have a lower cost than
calculated by the software, as the major part of the alignments follows the existing
road. The aforementioned will probably lower the cost of preserving environmental
values and decrease the need of retaining walls.
The alignment in corridor 4 has the largest impact on cultural zones, still the cost for
the alignment is held down as a consequence of the limited need for retaining walls.
The alignment in corridor Q1 has the lowest cost related to entering cultural zones;
however for alignment 1 and 2 these costs will probably be lower than calculated as
the alignments partly follow the existing road. The alignment in corridor 2 is least
effected by geotechnical issue zones while the alignment in the corridor generated by
Quantm is most effected. In contrast Alignment 2 has the highest costs of disturbing
landscape values, while alignment 4 has the lowest. The natural values are most
affected by alignment 4 and the least by alignment 2. All together the alignment in
corridor 2 has the lowest cost for affecting natural values and possible geotechnical
issue zones. Alignment 4 has the lowest cost related to landscape values and
alignment Q1 has the lowest cost for affecting cultural values. Alignment 1 affects the
total quantity of environmental and geotechnical area zones the least.
The case study shows that the alignment in corridor Q1 is best of the alternative based
on the recommendations of the software. However, the cost of alignment 1, 2 and 4 is
close to the cost of alignment Q1. As the actual cost of alignment 1 and 2 is likely to
be lower than the program predicts, one of these alternatives might be better than
alternative Q1.
Studying the alignment in corridor Q1 shows that after the alignment passed the lake
it follows within all corridors 1, 2 and Q1 indicating that eider one of these corridors
are the best to use for the final design. The pre study made by the Swedish traffic
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
administration assess that by using the current road, the effect on environmental zones
is minimized (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)). Based on the pre study and the results from the
case study; the most favourable corridor and alignment is probably to follow the
existing road to the point where alignment Q1 crosses the road. The designer should
create a curve that fulfils both the horizontal and vertical minimum requirements to
enable the new alignment to follow alignment Q1 from that point. The same
procedure will be made after the alignment has passed the town Äs, to connect the
alignment to the path of the existing road as soon as possible. This means that a
designer needs to evaluate the results presented by the software, to judge if there may
be a better alternative that can be used for the final design.
According to the Swedish transport administration the cost for the reconstructing the
entire stretch between Bie and Stora Sundby will be approximately 200 million SEK
in 2011 monetary value (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)). The total stretch between Bie and
Stora Sundby is approximately 20 kilometres long and the alternative paths outside Äs
are about 7 kilometres. The area outside Äs is the only stretch where a partly new road
will be built; along the rest of the stretch current road will be reconstructed. The result
shows that more than half of the budget will be used when constructing the new road
outside Äs, although the stretch is only about a third of the total stretch. However the
cost for constructing a new road is probably higher then reconstructing the existing
road (Trafikverket, 2011 (a)), indicating that the calculations made by the software are
5.5 The usage of Trimble Quantm
The chapter will discuss the usability of the software in the planning process together
with a technical evaluation of the software.
5.5.1 Evaluation of the software
The overall impression when conducting the case study is that the software Trimble
Quantm is user friendly and easy to learn. The most frequently used tools are logically
placed which enable a fast construction of the models. The calculations are relatively
fast although they would probably be faster with a better computer. The fast
calculations enable many alternative alignments to be analysed in a short time. When
working with the design of the alignment, it is important to work with both the
horizontal and vertical alignment simultaneously (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004). The
software supports this way of working, by automatically chancing the vertical
alignment when changes are made in the horizontal and vice versa. This feature helps
fulfil the restrictions from the Swedish traffic administration on minimum radius for
curvature. One important step in the planning process is the presentation of the
alternatives to the Swedish traffic authority (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)). The visualization
possibilities in the software are good. The drive through feature shows in 3D the
experience when driving on the road, visualizing cuts, fills, bridges and tunnels
together with the avoid zones. The visualizations are possible to export enabling for
example the drive through visualization to be shown in a power point.
Even though the overall impression of the program is positive, there are some areas of
improvement. There is no possibility to change the unit for the parameters in the
software. One example is that the cost parameters in the case study were entered in
SEK but the software presents the result with a USD prefix.
During the case study there were some technical problems with the software. Without
warning the software freezes, this usually happens when changing quickly between
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
the different functions. The embedded system naming the project files, adds “_1” to
the name of the file each time the model is changed and saved. For example if the
name of the model is Road_1, when changed and saved the new name will be
Road_1_1. It is possible to add a note to each of the files, and in text describe what
have been changed. The user needs to click on each file in order to see the note. After
working with the software a recommendation is to create an own system for naming
the files since the embedded system quickly creates many files with similar names.
5.5.2 Usability of the software in the planning process
The result of the case study shows some advantages that could reduce the time of the
planning process of road construction. One benefit of using the software is that the
time between presenting the alternative corridors and creating the road plan for the
new road could be reduced. The software generates an optimal alignment and creates
a corridor from that information. As a consequence the work with the road plan,
which describes the alignment in detail, is already finished when the program has
created the corridor. The software has functions that facilitate the illustration of how
the environmental zones affect the final design of the alignment. This feature is
useable since the transport administration requires a report that shows all the
consultations that have been made and how these have influenced the design of the
road (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
The aim is to design the alignment to an economic standard that is consistent with the
topography to minimize the earthworks (Robinson & Thagesen, 2004). The result of
the case study shows the software can support the designer to achieve this. The
software compares the cost for a cut or importing material and chooses the most cost
efficient alternative.
According to 1 chapter 13§ in the road act (1971:948) the designers of a road
construction need to preserve the environmental values as long as preserving them can
be made without unreasonable expense. This is supported by the software that
considers entering an environmental zone if the cost of entering the zone is lower than
the cost of avoiding it. The choice of entering an environmental zone could be argued
for by using the calculations of the software. If the designer enters a cost that is
considered “unreasonable” on the environmental zone, and the software still chooses
this path, it indicates that the cost of avoiding it would be considered unreasonable.
There is no function in the software that takes in to account an existing road. As
mentioned earlier, this fact makes the calculations unreliable and having this function
would probably change the outcome of the alignment suggested by the software. The
pre study assesses that the cost for entering an environmental zone adjacent to the
existing road will be limited, as the values probably already are destroyed
(Trafikverket, 2011 (a)).

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

6 Conclusion
The software is user friendly and easy to learn. Some advantages that could reduce the
time for the planning process are shown. The calculations are fast which enables the
designers to investigate more alternatives in reduced time compared to a traditional
planning process. The software supports the designer to work with the horizontal and
vertical alignments simultaneously.
A benefit of using the software early in the planning process is that the time between
presenting the alternatives for the new road and creating the road plan can be reduced.
When the program creates a corridor, the design of the optimal alignment is already
The software has functions that facilitate the illustration of how the environmental
zones affect the final design of the alignment. The software has potential to reduce the
cost for a project. There are functions that facilitates for the designer to minimize the
earthwork and to reduce the impact of zones with environmental value or geotechnical
There are some areas of improvements within the software. The embedded naming
system and the reliability regarding the technical function could be improved.
The software Trimble Quantm suggests approximately the same path for the corridor
as one made by the designers. Still the software may not present the most suitable
alternative directly since there is no function in the software that takes in to account
an existing road. As a consequence, a designer needs to evaluate the result given by
the software to assess if the result is the best alternative for the final design.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

7 Recommendations
Further studies are needed to investigate how the design methodology could be
adopted due to the existence of computerized alignment optimizing software.
Suggestions on further work to evaluate the software could be to make a new case
study when the alignment for the stretch is decided, to compare that with the
optimized alignment generated by Trimble Quantm and calculate the cost difference.
There could also be a study made that evaluate and compare different optimizing
software’s for alignment optimization to find advantages or disadvantages between

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

8 Bibliography
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Using high-resolution digital elevation model. Retrieved 05 2013, 02, from
Granhage, L. (2009). Kompendium i vägbyggnad. Göteborg: Chalmers.
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Jha, M. K., Schonfeld, P. M., Jong, J. -C., & Kim, E. (2006). Intelligent road design.
Southampton: WIT Press.
Klang, D. (2006). Geodesi och Geografiska informationssystem. Gävle: Lantmäteriet.
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Robinson, R., & Thagesen, B. (2004). Road engineering for developement, 2nd ed.
London: Spon Press.
SGU. (2013, April 17). SGU Sveriges geologiska undersökning. Retrieved April 17,
2013, from Kartbeställning:
Trafikverket. (2004). ATB Väg 2004. Borlänge: Trafikverket Publikation 2004:111.
Trafikverket. (2011 (a)). Förstudie väg 56 -Stora Sundby (Alberga). Eskilstuna:
Trafikverket Region Öst.
Trafikverket. (2011 (b)). Miljökonsekvensbeskrivning för vägar och järnväger.
Borlänge: Trafikverket Publikation 2011:090.
Trafikverket. (2012 (a), 10). Krav för vägars och gators utformning. Borlänge:
Trafikverket Publikation 2012:179.
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järnvägar - Så här planerar vi:
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till byggande: http://www.trafikverket.se/Privat/Vagar-och-jarnvagar/Fran-
Trimble. (2011). Trimble Alignment Planning Solutions. Retrieved 03 18, 2013, from
Trimble. (2012). User guide Quantm Software. Melbourne: Trimble Navigation
Wengelin, A., Berntman, M., & Lannér, G. (2000). Kurskompendium Väg- och
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Vägverket. (2004). Vägar och gators utformning, VGU. Borlänge: VV Publikation
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Appendix A
The appendix shows how the alignment in each corridor affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues. The alignment in
corridor 1, see Figure A28. The alignment in corridor 2, see Figure A29. The
alignment in corridor 3, see Figure A30. The alignment in corridor 4, see Figure A31.
The alignment in corridor Q1, see Figure A32.

Figure A28 Shows how the alignment in corridor 1 are affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Figure A29 Shows how the alignment in corridor 2 are affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Figure A30 Shows how the alignment in corridor 3 are affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Figure A31 Shows how the alignment in corridor 4 are affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Figure A32 Shows how the alignment in corridor Q1 are affected by the avoid
zones, environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78

Appendix B
The appendix shows the optimized alignment and corridor generated by Trimble
Quantm together with the corridors given by WSP (see Figure B1).

Figure B1 Shows the optimized alignment and corridor generated by Trimble

Quantm and the corridors given by WSP.

CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78


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