About Quantum Trimble
About Quantum Trimble
About Quantum Trimble
An illustration of different alignments generated by Trimble Quantm on a satellite
photo (Trimble, 2011).
The designer’s task in a road construction project is to find a route in plan and profile
that takes into account all the requirements, conditions, restrictions and locking points
that provide the lowest cost. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the
usability of the computer software Trimble Quantm in the planning process. The
program take into account design standards, terrain, geological, and hydrological data,
environmental areas, property ownership together with cost information and creates
an optimal alignment between two points. A literature survey, describes how new
roads are planned and designed together with information of environmental issues and
requirements on the construction. In cooperation with WSP a case study was
performed on the suggested new road outside the town Äs located along road 56
between Norrköping and Gävle. Using the optimizing software to find the optimal
corridor and alignment for the stretch and compare that with the actual corridors that
have been chosen for the stretch in order to evaluate the software. The outcome of the
case study indicated that the software suggest approximately the same path for the
corridor as the one made by the designers, although the software can’t replace an
experience designer since the result still needs to be assessed. The software is user
friendly and easy to learn. The calculations are fast which enables the designers to
investigate and calculate a large number of possible alternatives in less time. The
software offers tools that can illustrate how the design of the alignment is influenced
by environmental values and by areas of possible geotechnical problem.
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Aim 1
1.3 Method 1
1.4 Limitations 1
2.1 From planning to construction of a new road 2
2.1.1 Four-stage principle 2
2.1.2 Planning process 3
2.1.3 Construction document 4
2.1.4 Environmental impact assessment 4
2.2 Governing regulations 5
2.3 Road construction and functions 6
2.4 Geometric design 7
2.4.1 Cross section 7
2.4.2 Road alignment 8
4.1 Corridor generated by Quantm 26
4.2 Intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones 26
4.2.1 For corridors given by WSP 27
4.2.2 For corridor generated by Quantm 31
4.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor 32
4.3.1 For corridors given by WSP 32
4.3.2 For corridor generated by Quantm 40
4.4 Summary of result for all corridors 42
5.1 Corridor generated by Quantm 44
5.2 Intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones 44
5.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor 45
5.4 Summary of results for all corridors 47
5.5 The usage of Trimble Quantm 48
5.5.1 Evaluation of the software 48
5.5.2 Usability of the software in the planning process 49
The four stage principle will give the answer to why a road project is needed. The
study investigates how deficiencies in the transport system can be solved. Primary the
problems are trying to be solved with the first two steps, if the problem can’t be
solved with these steps, step three and four are used which are a more concrete
building measure (Trafikverket, 2012 (b)).
2.1.2 Planning process
A new road will be planned according to a process that is governed by laws and which
ultimately leads to a road plan. This process is called the planning process and work
to develop a road plan. The planning process starts after the result of the four stage
principle shows that a new road or a major reconstruction of the current road is
needed. The process is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The planning process investigates
where and how the road should be built. The time for the process depends on the
number of studies required, if there are alternative routes, how large the available
budget is and if there are some opponents to the project. The result of the planning
process is the basis of the work that finally is presented in a road plan (Trafikverket,
Figure 2.4 The basic design of the superstructure, containing the distribution of
the most common layers.
Figure 3.1 Shows the stretch between Bie and Stora Sundby and also a zoomed in
picture of the area around Äs (modified after (Hitta.se, 2013)).
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
3.1.1 Local geology
The description of the local geology is based on SGU earth map, see Figure 3.2.
Around Äs there are large areas of agricultural land. The area west of the existing
road 56 is dominated by silt and glacial clay, east of the road and around the lake
Aspen the area is dominated by sandy moraine and bedrock. The existing road 56
follows a glaciofluvial esker that is surrounded by portions of sand (Trafikverket,
2011 (a)).
Figure 3.2 Shows the earth map of the area within the geographical boundary
(SGU, 2013).
Figure 3.3 An overview of Trimble Quantm desktop window and tools used for
construction of the model.
1. The digital terrain model was imported into Trimble Quantm, for more
information of the digital terrain model. More detailed information of the
digital terrain model can be found in Chapter 3.5.3.
2. The format of the satellite photos where changed to ECW format using the
software Global Mapper version 13.00 to make it possible to import the photos
into Trimble Quantm.
3. The start and finish points where entered together with the template for the
road. Detailed information of the start and finish point together with the
template can be found in Chapter 3.5.9.
4. The general costs parameters together with the geometric parameters where
entered. The parameters are shown in Chapter 3.5.1.
5. The SHP files for the possible cultural- (see Chapter 3.5.5) landscape- (see
Chapter 3.5.6) natural- (see Chapter 3.5.7) environmental values were
imported to the model together with the possible geotechnical issues (see
Chapter 3.5.4). These where entered as avoid zones with different status of
high or medium.
6. Rivers, the lake Aspen and the existing roads are drawn in the software using
the satellite photo.
7. The town Äs, houses outside the town and the lake Aspen where identified
using the satellite photo, after identification they were given avoid zones. The
avoid zones can be found in Chapter 3.5.8.
8. The area cost zones were imported using the SHP files for the possible
cultural- landscape- natural- environmental values and the geotechnical issues.
The increase of cost when entering a zone can be found in Chapter 3.5.2.
9. The corridors given by WSP were imported to the model.
3.5 Data input
The chapter will present the value for the geometric and cost parameters used in the
model. The digital terrain model together with the data for the environmental and
geotechnical issues are presented. Furthermore the avoid areas and the technical
specifications are presented.
3.5.1 General input data for Trimble Quantm
The input values for the basic cost parameters are presented in Table 3.1. The
parameters are entered under the “cost parameters” toolbar in the software.
Parameters for the geometric design of the horizontal curves together with the type
end length of the transition curves are presented in Table 3.2. The geometric
parameters for the vertical design can be found in Table 3.3. The parameters are
entered under the “geometric parameters” toolbar. In the tables there is a description
for the different parameters together with the value. The values given from (Trimble,
2012) are converted from USD to SEK with an exchange course of 6,58 SEK for 1
Cost parameters
Earth movement
Culvert 987 Kr/m The cost per meter for the culvert
(Markstedt, 2013).
Broken rock 51 Kr/m3 The cost for the material (Trimble, 2012).
Table 3.2 Shows the basic geometric parameters for the horizontal curves
together with the transition type and length used in Trimble Quantm.
Geometric parameters
Geometric parameters
Geotechnical issues 30% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).
Cultural environment 20% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).
Natural environment 5% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).
Landscape environment 5% Kr/m2 The increase of cost when entering the zone
(Wettermark, 2013).
Figure 3.4 Show the digital terrain model used in the study.
Figure 3.5 Show the zones where there are possible geotechnical issues.
Figure 3.6 Show the zones where there are possible cultural values.
Figure 3.7 Show the zones where there are landscape environmental issues.
Figure 3.8 Show the zones where there are natural environmental issues.
Figure 3.9 Shows the avoid zones where there are houses together with the avoid
zone for the lake Aspen.
Figure 3.10 Illustrate path for the four corridors given by WSP.
Figure 4.2 Shows where corridor 1 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.
Figure 4.3 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 1.
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Corridor 2
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 2 is shown in Figure 4.4. The results of the area in square meters that are
affected by the corridor and the predicted extra costs associated with each zone are
shown in Figure 4.5.
Figure 4.4 Shows where corridor 2 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues
Figure 4.5 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 2
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Corridor 3
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 3 is shown in Figure 4.6. The results of the area in square meters that are
affected by the corridor and the predicted extra costs associated with each zone are
shown in Figure 4.7.
Figure 4.6 Shows where corridor 3 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.
Figure 4.7 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 3.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Corridor 4
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor 4 is shown in Figure 4.8. The results of the environmental and geotechnical
areas in square meters affected by corridor 4 and the predicted extra costs associated
with each zone are shown in Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.8 Shows where corridor 4 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.
Figure 4.9 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor 4.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
4.2.2 For corridor generated by Quantm
Corridor Q1
The result for the intrusion in environmental and geotechnical zones generated by
corridor Q1 is shown in Figure 4.10. The results of the environmental and
geotechnical areas in square meters affected by corridor 4 and the predicted extra
costs associated with each zone are shown in Figure 4.11.
Figure 4.10 Shows where corridor Q1 passes thru zones with environmental or
geotechnical issues.
Figure 4.11 Shows the area and the extra cost associated with each zone for
corridor Q1.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
4.3 Optimized alignment for each corridor
The chapter presents the optimized alignments for the corridor provided by WSP
along with the corridor generated by Trimble Quantm.
4.3.1 For corridors given by WSP
Corridor 1
The results for the optimised alignment generated by Trimble Quantm for WSP
corridor number 1. The alignment in plan is illustrated in Figure 4.12 and the
alignment in profile is illustrated in Figure 4.13. A detailed summary of the alignment
which shows the quantity and cost for the activities associated with the alignment can
be found in Figure 4.14. An illustration of how the alignment is affected by the avoid
zones of environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues, see
Appendix A.
Figure 4.12 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 1 generated by Trimble
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Figure 4.13 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor 1.
Figure 4.14 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 1.
Figure 4.15 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 2 generated by Trimble
Figure 4.17 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 2.
Figure 4.18 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 3 generated by Trimble
Figure 4.20 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 3.
Figure 4.21 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor 4 generated by Trimble
Figure 4.23 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor 4.
Figure 4.24 Shows the optimal alignment for corridor Q1 generated by Trimble
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Figure 4.25 Shows the optimal alignment in profile for corridor Q1.
Figure 4.26 Shows the summary of the activities associated with the optimized
alignment in corridor Q1.
Table 4.2 Shows the area affected by the alignment together with the total cost
for the road and the issue zones.
Figure A28 Shows how the alignment in corridor 1 are affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.
CHALMERS, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s Thesis 2013:78
Figure A29 Shows how the alignment in corridor 2 are affected by the avoid zones,
environmental value, other avoid zones and geotechnical issues.