Subject: International Finance Course Code: Semester: III Credit Hours: 04 Faculty: Dr. Lakshmi Rawat Course Objectives
Subject: International Finance Course Code: Semester: III Credit Hours: 04 Faculty: Dr. Lakshmi Rawat Course Objectives
Subject: International Finance Course Code: Semester: III Credit Hours: 04 Faculty: Dr. Lakshmi Rawat Course Objectives
Course Code :
Semester : III
Credit Hours : 04
Faculty : Dr. Lakshmi Rawat
Course Objectives:
To acquaint the students with
To comprehend and related the linkages between domestic economy and
international markets.
To understand the broad pattern of international economy and finance.
Incorporate of international issues while strategy formulation for corporates.
To have a complete overview of international financial system.
International Financial System: Evolution of international financial system
Gold standard, Breton woods standard, Exchange rate, EMS, Currency board, sterilized
and unsterilized intervention.
International monetary System
Unit -II
The Foreign Exchange Market
Foreign Exchange Management Act; BOP, BOP trends in India; Current account
convertibility, Capital Account Convertibility, Tarapore Committee Report.
Multinational Corporate Decisions in Global Markets
Unit IV
Foreign investment decision
Unit – V
Country Risk Analysis
International debt crises and currency crises-Asian currency crisis, Greek debt crisis;
Risk Management in Multinational Corporations.
Introduction to : Types of risk-currency risk, transaction exposure, translation exposure,
economic exposure and assessment; interest rate risk, country risk assessment–political
risk, financial risk; risk management through hedging, natural hedges, hedges with
currency derivatives–forward market hedge, options market hedge, money market
hedge, hedging exposure through swaps, other financial and non-financial methods of
1. Levi M., “International Finance”, 2009, 5th Ed. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
2. Shailaja G, “International Finance”, 2011, 2nd Ed. Orient Blackswan.
3. Apte P.G., “International Finance”, 2008, 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill.
Journal of International Money and Finance
Global Finance
1. The Economist
2. Bloomberg Business Week