Ferrmed Locomotive Concept Study - 1 - 2
Ferrmed Locomotive Concept Study - 1 - 2
Ferrmed Locomotive Concept Study - 1 - 2
1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 What is FERRMED? ....................................................................................................... 4
1.2 FERRMED Objectives .................................................................................................... 5
1.3 The FERRMED Standards.............................................................................................. 5
2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... 7
3 EUROPEAN NETWORK CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................... 9
4 INTEROPERABILITY AND CROSS-ACCEPTANCE .......................................................... 12
4.1 Interoperability .............................................................................................................. 12
4.2 ERTMS.......................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Cross-Acceptance ......................................................................................................... 21
5 STATE-OF-THE-ART WORLDWIDE LOCOMOTIVES ....................................................... 23
TRAINS” ...................................................................................................................................... 27
6.1 Why trains of 3.600t up to 5.000t? ................................................................................ 27
6.2 Maximum admissible trains gross weight ..................................................................... 29
6.3 Starting tractive effort required to haul FERRMED trains ............................................. 36
6.4 Power required to haul FERRMED trains at a defined speed ...................................... 37
6.5 General conclusions: .................................................................................................... 39
7.1 Power supply ................................................................................................................ 40
7.2 Adhesion ....................................................................................................................... 50
7.3 Coupling: Automatic freight coupler .............................................................................. 51
7.4 Multiple traction ............................................................................................................. 56
7.5 Brake system ................................................................................................................ 58
DRIVER. ...................................................................................................................................... 70
8.1 Driver´s cab ................................................................................................................... 70
8.2 Driving Advice Systems and other help devices ........................................................... 74
9 ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS ............................................................................................ 78
9.1 Energy efficiency........................................................................................................... 78
9.2 Exhaust emissions ........................................................................................................ 82
9.3 Noise emissions ............................................................................................................ 86
9.4 Recycling materials ....................................................................................................... 89
10 TRANSITION PERIOD ..................................................................................................... 91
11 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 93
12 SUMMARY: HOW IS FERRMED FREIGHT LOCOMOTIVE? ......................................... 95
Figure 1
USA, China and Russia are the countries where more ton-km are transported by rail.
Europe has less ton-km than Canada and the population of Canada is around 34 million while in
Europe the population is around 500 million persons.
In Europe only 14% of the surface transport is made by railways and inside Europe there are
big difference between countries, In Eastern Europe this percentage is relative big compared for
example with Spain, where only 4% is moving by rail. Following table shows these differences.
Certainly, Europe has many differences between countries (voltage, gauges signaling,…)
compared to USA or China that harm the interoperability along Europe as required by
The poor situation of the European rail freight transport is due to diverse factors that can be
summarized in:
1. Political barriers: the different European Governments consider rail freight transport as
a sub-product of the railways giving priority to passenger transport in most of the cases.
Taking examples from other countries where this type of transport is going well, we can
mention USA (40% freight by railroad), Russia or China (50% freight by railroad). It has
also to be mentioned that in these countries distances are much longer than in Europe,
making much more interesting the railroad freight transport.
2. Infrastructures:
- As consequence of point 1, there are not dedicated freight corridors in Europe
or lines where freight transport has priority over passenger transport. Despite
the needed huge investments, it is necessary in areas with great population,
where rail network is saturated with passenger trains, to have by-passes or
corridors for freight transport. These “dedicated” freight corridors have also the
advantage that allow much more trains because all the average speed of freight
trains is similar improving the trip time, the slot occupation and so, the volume
of goods transported.
- Lack of efficient rail access to intermodal terminals like ports that allow the
transfer of goods between modes of transport
- Length of stations, marshalling yards, terminals and overtaking tracks that limit
also the length of the train. Some European countries allow 750m but the length
of the train in most of them is around 450m or even lower. In USA, South Africa
4.1 Interoperability
Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and
to use this information; Interoperability gives the possibility to operate in several countries with
the same rolling stock, locomotives and freight wagons.
Nowadays, many “physical” and “legal” differences between neighboring countries avoid the
interoperability of the rolling stock. FERRMED standards promote the total interoperability
around Europe to facilitate European rail freight transport in a safer and cheaper way.
European Commission, European countries and manufacturers are working since some years
to improve the interoperability of the European rail network. For example, it has been created
the European Railway Agency (ERA) to regulate the existing chaos. ERA is responsible of
developing the Technical Specification of Interoperability, TSI, which are the new norms that
interoperable rolling stock should fulfill. Some TSI are already mandatory but some of them are
still in development and it will take some years to be completely operative.
For freight transport, rolling stock should meet following norms to be interoperable:
o Conventional Rail Rolling Stock TSI: Beginning 2009 was finished the draft version and
middle of 2010 will come into force for locomotives and conventional rolling stock (up to
o Freight Wagon TSI: since July 2006 is mandatory
o Horizontal TSI: Noise TSI, Freight TSI, Crash TSI…
o Other European Directives that affect the rail rolling stock: Fire, Emissions (NRMM
o Other country-specific norms that the rolling stock should meet to be certified in these
countries. In Spain this norms are the ETH and are mandatory since beginning 2010.
Although rail manufacturers have solved some interoperability problems with innovations on the
rolling stock, still now, in many cross-border operations driver and locomotives should be
changed. Most of the freight wagons can run along Europe crossing countries if they are
certified for it. The only interoperability problem related with the wagon is the track gauge or
track width. For example, in the Spanish-French border where the track width changes from
1668mm to 1435mm, well the load is changed also to other wagons, or well, wagons remain the
same but their axles should be changed.
Following points will give a vision of the main interoperability barriers that European rail network
has and how can be solved with the current technology.
Figure 3
As it can be seen on the map, there are many different types of voltage around Europe; even
some countries have two of them.
Nowadays this barrier is overcome thanks to improvements in rolling stock. Diesel locomotives
but also multi-system electrical locomotives can operate in different countries.
Anyway FERRMED proposes for the big freight corridors to use 25kV and 50 Hz. The higher the
voltage, the lowest current intensity required which lowers the energy cost, and the thermal
Big countries like USA or Australia, with extensive areas without population and long travel
distances, chose the no-electrification of the large freight corridors due to economical reason.
There, diesel locomotives are used for transporting goods.
Figure 4
The track gauges of 762mm and 1.000mm can be found in very specific lines and are not very
relevant for the total of the rail freight transport.
But, Iberian and Russian gauges are barriers for the cross-borders traffics inside Europe.
Until the technology for variable wide bogies in freight transport (locomotives and wagons) is
available, like it is already available in passenger transport, the solutions are to change the
locomotive at the border and well to move the load to other wagons or well, to change the axles
of the wagons. These solutions solve the problem on the border but require plus operations that
make the transport slower, more complicated and more expensive. In definitive, the cross-
border freight rail transport loses competitiveness respect the road.
FERRMED‟s standards propose only one type of track width (1435mm) along FERRMED Great
Axis to simplify cross-border operations.
Figure 5
The gauge of the train is an important parameter to consider mainly operating on tunnels and
bridges. It also affects to the clearance regarding other objects, like stations, platforms or other
trains when crossing. Major part of European countries meet UIC 505-1 but there are others
like Spain Portugal or Great Britain that have their own rules.
Figure 7
Figure 6
FERRMED proposes gauge UIC-C because it is the biggest one in Europe and allow the
transport of all kind of containers and swap-bodies.
As it is shown in the figure, the direction of running is not the same in each European country.
This interoperability barrier is solved by the European Driver Cab (see chapter 7.2), taken by
FERRMED project, presents a new driver desk where the driver is seating in the center of the
cabin, solving the problems due to different direction of running.
European Driver Cab has been developed by most of the European rolling stock manufacturers
under the coordination of UNIFE in the FP6 project EUDD+ .
Each country has its own safety systems for example ASFA in Spain, PZB in Germany, in
France KVB, Netherlands ATBL_NL…
At the moment, a locomotive that operates in more than one country should have mounted the
safety system of each country. The problem is solved but it means an extra cost for the operator
in the purchasing price of the locomotive.
With the incorporation of ERTMS in all countries, at least in the main corridors, the
Governments try to unify and use the same safety system. See more details in point 3.2.
Figure 9
Also the radio frequency reserved for radio communications of railways is different in each
This interoperability barrier should be solved to operate trains with more than one locomotive
along the train. The communications between locomotives, when one is in the head and the
other/s in the middle or at the end of the train, should be by radio or by wire-connection. More
details in “point 5.4. Multiple traction”,
All countries should reserve the same frequency range for railways communications or at least,
it should be chosen some frequencies for this purpose.
With the implementation of ERTMS, the radio system for European railways will be GSM-R
(more details in point 3.2: ERTMS)
The newest Chinese locomotives do not weight so much like American ones although
achieve 25 t/axles (about 10% more than in Europe) .They have 6 axles, tractive effort
around 600 KN (almost double than European locomotives), automatic coupling and are
In China, both kinds of traction, the electric traction and the diesel one are used.
Trains achieve here also 2.500m.
In following chapters it will be described how future European locomotives should be to haul
trains of 1.500m and 3.600 t ÷ 5.000t.
There are many different freight wagons for container transport, for example, Lgnss45´, Sgnss
60´, Sggrss 80´, Sggmrss 90´, Sggmrss 104´. The most used in Europe is the bogie wagon of
60´ but due to the increase of maritime containers of 40´ and 45´, the wagon of 80´and 90´have
a greater potential to be used in the future.
LMPW 80´
FERRMED Lgnss45´ Sgnss 60´ Sggrss 80´ Sggmrss 90´
Aprox. Length 26 m 14 m 20 m 26,4 m 29,6 m
Aprox.Tare weight 24 t 12 t 20 t 26 t 29 t
Max.weight 100 t 45 t 90 t 135 t 135 t
Load capacity 76 t 33 t 70 t 109 t 106 t
Load capacity 4 TEU 2 TEU 3 TEU 4 TEU 4 TEU
Aprox. tare of 20´container 2 t 2 t 2 t 2 t 2 t
Axle-load 25 t/axle 22,5 t/axle 22,5 t/axle 22,5 t/axle 22,5 t
Number of wagons 55 103 73 55 49
Number of TEU (20´container) 220 206 219 220 196
Maximal gross weight 5.500 t 4.635 t 6.570 t 7.425 t 6.615 t
maximal payload 3.740 t 2.987 t 4.672 t 5.555 t 4.802 t
Length of train without locos 1.425 m 1.442 m 1.460 m 1.452 m 1450,4 m
It has been also considered the FERRMED long multi-purpose wagon of 80´ (LMPW) described
in the study “FERRMED Wagon Concept”.
In a train of 1.500m fit 55 wagons of 80´ or 73 of 60´, that is, 220 TEUS.
Normally wagons and also the containers are not loaded at maximum. Besides, it is very usual
to transport empty containers and empty wagons and mixed in the same trains full wagons with
empty ones.
“FERRMED trains” (3.600t -5.000t) can be calculated considering a ratio load superior to 50%.
Shorter wagons are used to transport heavy cargo. Normally the length of these wagons is
around 14m or around 18,5m depending of the use.
“FERRMED Wagon Concept” develops two kinds of platform wagons for heavy load and 25
Smms-1 Smms-2 Sgmmns-w HCW-1 HCW-2
Aprox. Length 13,86 m 18,53 m 13,9 m 13,7 m 17,2 m
Aprox.Tare weight 20,6 t 22,2 t 18,2 t 17 t 19 t
Max.weight 79,6 t 80,2 t 100 t 100 t 100 t
Load capacity 59 t 58 t 81,8 t 83 t 81 t
Axle-load 20 t 20 t 25 t 25 t 25 t
Number of wagons 105 80 105 106 85
Maximal gross weight 8.358 t 6.416 t 10.500 t 10.600 t 8.500 t
maximal payload 6.195 t 4.640 t 8.589 t 8.798 t 6.885 t
Length of train without locos 1455,3 m 1482,4 m 1459,5 m 1452,2 m 1462 m
Number of wagons 50 38 50 50 40
Maximal gross weight 3.980 t 3.048 t 5.000 t 5.000 t 4.000 t
maximal payload 2.950 t 2.204 t 4.090 t 4.150 t 3.240 t
Length of train without locos 693 m 704,14 m 695 m 685 m 688 m
Normally bulk trains are loaded to their maximum capacity, that is, the load ratio is around
100%. As we can see in the table, a bulk train of 1.500m can have a gross weight of around
It seems more efficient because of traction and brake reasons to limit to 750m the trains with
heavy cargo, so the maximum gross weight is between 3.000 and 5.000t.
The maximum admissible train gross weight that a locomotive can start is defined by the
maximum tractive effort at wheel rim of the locomotive during the start and that can be limited by
the own characteristics of the locomotive or by the starting adhesion.
The effort in the coupling limits also the maximum admissible load of the train. Maximum train gross weight that can be started depending on starting tractive
Maximum admissible train gross weight depending on the starting tractive effort of the
locomotive is calculated by:
- Q is the load or gross weight of the train in tons
- Fs is the starting tractive effort in kN
- rs is the starting resistance of the train and according to Spanish norm NT – GGC -6 is
7 daN/t for slopes lower that 15 ‰ but for freight trains rs is 4 daN/t due to the
resistance due to acceleration is not considered. In this study, rs = 4 daN/t
- i is the slope or gradient.
- L is the weight of the locomotive in tons.
Three examples of locomotives has been taken into account: an American locomotive of GE
(ES44AC), a generic European Co-Co locomotive and a generic European Bo-Bo locomotive.
Co-Co locomotives have 6 motorized axles and therefore, a higher starting tractive effort. In
Europe, these locomotives weigh between 120 and 135 t and their starting tractive effort is
around 400 KN. Bo-Bo locomotives have 4 motorized axles, in Europe weigh 80 t - 90 t and
have a starting tractive effort of 275 kN -300kN.
1. Higher starting tractive effort possibility of heavier trains
2. American locomotives, with an axle-load higher than 30 t/axle, have a higher starting
tractive effort that European locomotives with an axle-load between 20 and 22,5 t/axle.
Hence, American locomotives can start heavier trains that European ones.
3. The capacity of starting heavier trains decreases with the slopes. Therefore, rail freight
lines should have the possible lowest gradients in each point. The maximum admissible
load of the train will be conditioned by the capacity of the locomotive of starting in the
inclined stretch of the rail line.
4. At least 2 Co-Co locomotives or 3 Bo-Bo locomotives are required in Europe to start the
“FERRMED trains” of 3.600 ÷ 5.000t in lines with a gradient of 12‰. The number of
locomotives per train also depends on the nominal power available to reach the
required nominal speed.
5. In some rail lines with small slopes, 1 Co-Co or 2 Bo-Bo locomotives will be enough to
start “FERRMED trains”.
Fμ0 = μ0 * La
- Fμ0 is the maximum tractive effort depending of the starting adhesion
- μ0 is the starting adhesion
- La is the adherent weight of the locomotive, if all axles are motorized; the adherent
weight is the total weight of the locomotive.
The adherent weight of the locomotive is the weight that support all motorized axles and can be
increased by increasing the number of axles or the axle-load.
And the maximum train gross weight is calculated by:
- Q is the load or gross weight of the train
- rs is the starting resistance of the train. In this study rs = 4daN/t
- i is the slope or gradient.
- L is the weight of the locomotive
In old locomotives with an electromechanical adhesion control system, μ0 was not higher than
20% but with the current systems μ0 can achieve 33% or even 40% in some countries. See
more details on paragraph 7.2
33% 85 t 18 ‰ 1.190 t
26% 85 t 18 ‰ 920 t
1 Load of the train can be increased by increasing the adhesion coefficient or the
adherent weight of the locomotive, that is, the number of axles or the axle-load.
2 Locomotive weight is limited by the admissible axle-load that in Europe is 22,5 t/axles or
even 20t/axles in some secondary lines.
3 One Co-Co locomotive can start and haul just 2.000 t up to 2.500t in slopes of 12mm/m.
In the case of Bo-Bo locomotives this load is even lower, between 1.300 t and 1.700 t
depending on the adhesion coefficient.
4 Using 2 or more locomotives, the number of motorized axles grows and therefore also
the adherent weight. So, we will be able to transport more tons in high slopes.
5 At least 12 motorized axles are required in Europe to start the “FERRMED trains”
of 3.600 - 5.000 t in lines with a gradient of 12‰, that is, at least 2 Co-Co
locomotives or 3 Bo-Bo locomotives
6 Adhesion coefficient can be increased with new technologies (see point 7.2) but also
the norms accepted by the Infrastructure managers should be updated. Maximum train gross weight that can be started with current locomotives
depending on the coupling type that they have.
The load hauled by the locomotive, that is, the train gross weight, can not exceed the limit effort
of the coupling resistance.
For couplings of 85 t (normal type in Europe), the maximum tractive effort is of 36 t in the
coupling, that supposes a security coefficient of 2,4.
In Europe, it is also used a reinforced coupling of 135 t, applying the same security coefficient,
the maximum tractive effort in coupling is 57 t. There are not more resistant couplings in Europe
The maximum load in the start offering by each coupling type is:
Q ≤ (36 * 1000) / (rs + i) Q ≤ (57 * 1000) / (rs + i)
1. With the current coupling used in Europe of 85 t is not possible to haul trains of 5.000t
without breaking the coupling.
2. At least, reinforced UIC coupling of 135 t should be used in locomotives and in wagons.
3. With existing European screw couplings, 3.500t are the maximum load without breaking
the coupling during the starting in a slope of 12 ‰.
4. Better option should be to change current screw couplings for automatic ones that
allow more load (same of them can duplicate the load of the reinforced screw coupling)
but also they have other advantages respect the screw couplings like: more safety,
more speed in train formations, possibility of longer trains…See point 7.3 for more
Fμ = μ * La
- Fμ is the maximum tractive effort depending of the starting adhesion
- μ is the adhesion
- La is the adherent weight of the locomotive, if all axles are motorized, the adherent
weight is the total weight of the locomotive
And the maximum train gross weight is calculated by:
- Q is the load or gross weight of the train
- F is the intersection between the adhesion curve and the characteristic curve of the
- i is the slope or gradient.
- L is the weight of the locomotive
- EL is the resistance of the locomotive
- r is the resistance of the train
The running resistance of locomotives and train can be calculated in different ways depending
on the Administration.
EL = 0,65*L+13*n+0,01*L*V+0,03V2 (daN)
r = 2+ V2 /1.600 (daN/t) for freight trains
r = 2+ V2 /4.000 (daN/t) for passenger trains
EL =1,25 + 0,01V + 0,00025 V2 (kg/t) for Co-Co locomotive
r = 1,5+ V2 /1.600 (kg/t) for diverse freight trains
r = 1,5+ V2 /4.000 (kg/t) for specialized (homogeneous) freight trains
1. To start “FERRMED trains” in slopes of 12 ‰, it is necessary starting tractive
efforts of 600 kN up to 800 kN.
2. As it has been seen before, European locomotives have starting tractive effort of 300
kN ÷ 400 KN. So, it will be required at least two locomotives to start such trains in
high slopes.
3. One locomotive will be able to start “FERRMED trains” just in cases where the slopes
are small, lower than 4 ‰.
Calculations were made with a locomotive of 6 axles and 125 t (the difference between Co-Co
and Bo-Bo Locomotives have small influence in the required power). The formulas used for the
locomotive and train resistance are:
EL = 0,65*L+13*n+0,01*L*V+0,03V2 (daN)
r = 1,5+ V2 /4.000 (kg/t)
The calculated power is the power required at wheel rim, that means, that the diesel engine or
pantograph should provide even more kW for auxiliary equipment and for energy losses in the
different locomotive components.
1. Required power increases a lot with the speed and with the slopes.
2. To save energy it is necessary to have a commitment between the speed, the load and
the schedule. To run at 120 km/h in high slopes that normally are very short (1 or 2 km)
does not save time and has a high energy cost. In freight transport, normally it is not
important the pick-speed, it is more important the average speed and arrives on time to
the destination.
3. Heavy trains can achieve high speed only on flat or with a very small slope. If the slope
increases, the velocity should decrease.
4. To haul “FERRMED trains” (3.600t ÷ 5.000t) maximum speed can not be 120km/h,
maximum speed will be below 100km/h depending on the slope.
5. Between 7.000 kW and 10.000kW are required to haul “FERRMED trains” in an
acceptable speed. For cost reasons (acquisition, maintenance, operating costs), it is
better to have only one powerful locomotive but as we have seen before, to start in high
slopes such trains at least two locomotives are required, so, FERRMED proposes as
the best option to have locomotives of 3.500kW – 5.000 kW working in multiple.
2 x (2 Cu + 2
Quantity 2 2
2 Ca)
Width (mm) 60 40 25 50
Height (mm) 16 16 7 25
picked up
8,7 9 2 X10 11
Type A Type C
Type B Type D
- Limitation of development
The limiting device extension consists of a retractable hook causing discontinuation of
development of the pantograph. The race should be designed for each manufacturer.
Medium-frequency transformer
HTSC transformer
Technology field: Optimisation of traction technologies
Overall potential: very promising
Description: An innovative transformer concept based on ceramic high-temperature
superconducting material instead of copper could considerably reduce transformer
The main transformer accounts for a substantial share of traction losses. This is
especially true in 16,7 Hz systems. An innovative transformer concept using ceramic
high-temperature superconductors instead of copper as winding material could reduce
the transformer losses almost to zero.
Possible applications of HTSC aim at
1. Optimisation of conventional equipment: motor, transformer, cable etc.
2. Development of innovative equipment: magnetic energy storage, current limiter
Status of development: prototype
Time horizon for broad application: in >10 years
Benefits (other than environmental): big
Barriers: high
Impacts on energy efficiency: 5-10% (single vehicle); 2-5% (throughout fleet)
Vehicle - fix costs: high
Infrastructure – fix costs: low
Diesel traction is a key tool for the opening, growth and development of European rail freight
transport, an essential policy objective of the European Union and the different countries.
Half of the EU27 rail lines are not electrified and even if the big rail European corridors are
electrified most of secondary lines, which will be used as feeders or decongestion-lines for rail
freight transport, are not electrified. Besides, diesel traction is used as well in shunting
locomotives that operate at terminals and marshalling yards.
The use of diesel locomotives is much extended worldwide, especially in rail freight transport
due to their flexibility and no-necessity of catenary.
Diesel locomotives are autonomous. The power is supplied by one or more diesel engine. That
gives a great flexibility in the cross-borders operations but also in load/unload operations.
There are two types of Diesel locomotives:
o Diesel Hydraulic locomotives where the diesel engine transmitted the power to move a
hydraulic traction system.
o Diesel Electric locomotives (more extended) where the diesel engine transmitted to
power to a generator and then to the electrical traction motors that are on the axles.
The traction motors are DC or AC. AC traction is the newest technology but both have
advantages or disadvantages.
Next diagram plotting energy density against power density is a convenient means to
compare different storage technologies and assess their suitability for different vehicles.
Hybrid locomotives are diesel locomotives that use batteries to reduce exhaust emissions
mainly while idle.
Dual locomotives have the possibility to take power from the catenary when is available or from
a diesel engine when the line is not electrified. So the operators have the same flexibility that a
FERRMED does not want to limit the choice of energy supply and traction equipment. Any
traction technology that helps the profitability of the railways is welcome. Rail operators should
have opened all possibilities to use the kind of locomotive most suitable for its traffic.
Adhesion coefficient (μ0) means the quotient between maximum horizontal forces that can
transmits a traction axle without wheel‟s slide and mass supported by this axle. μ0 is also called
starting adhesion or static adhesion
Then, if mass supported by traction axle of a locomotive is about 20 tons, and if the adhesion
coefficient is 0,25, the axle only is able to transmit an horizontal force of 20.000x0.25 = 5.000N,
independent of engine power. Therefore, horizontal effort depends on locomotive‟s weigh and
the number of traction axles.
Adhesion coefficient is not constant. It depends on weather, wheel‟s shape, the head of rail, the
pollution and control traction system.
Some improvements in the locomotive to increase the adhesion in different conditions are:
− Optimal electric motors power managing: Parallel connection.
− Developed studies on suspensions and guided axles.
− Precise knowledge about sliding and skating starting points.
− Also, It‟s developed a complete independence per axle, which allow a precise
control of each axle and then improve the adhesion of the wheel on the track.
FERRMED´s recommendations:
With all the improvements and innovations in the today locomotives, the different national norms
should accept at least 33% adhesion coefficient (μo) and not 26% like many Infrastructure
managers accept
FERRMED locomotive should work under following conditions:
- Environmental conditions: max 50 ºC, min - 40ºC
- Adhesion Limits: according to the UIC norms and national rules.
Automatic coupler is compatible with the actual coupling used in all European freight wagons.
That‟s really important because at transition period, both system will be used so it‟s an
important thing that all wagons could be stuck all.
Russia has its own coupling system and must be compatible with Ferrmed‟s coupling because
exchanges are common between Europe and Russia. This is allowed with automatic coupler.
Obviously, FERRMED coupling will be compatible with itself, as it was described at the
beginning of this point
42 42
70 70
02 02
- One loco at the head and other/s one in the middle or at he end of the train (today unusual):
“pull and push” concept.
42 42
70 70
02 02
Nowadays, connection between locos is possible by wire when they are contiguous so it‟s
possible to drive two locomotives with just one driver. More than 2 locomotives at the head of
the train could exceed the maximum effort at the coupler.
For trains longer and heavier than the present ones, multiple distributed traction is necessary
(“pull and push” concept). That is, to have one locomotive at the head and another or others in
the middle or at the end of the train pushing the load instead of pulling it.
Today such kind of multiple distributed traction is possible with a driver in each locomotive who
communicate each other via mobile telephone or walkie-talkies.
In order to operate, instead, such kind of train with just one driver, automatic communication
between locomotives is needed. The communication system shall be safe and reliable and shall
coordinate traction and braking on all the locos.
In a train configuration with a maximum length of 1500m, we can have:
up to 6 consists;
one Lead locomotive;
one or more Remote Controlled locomotives.
The solution adopted and today in operation in USA and other countries is ECP, based on a
power and communication line that connects all locomotives and wagons in the train (see “Train
Bus” in the following diagram).
In order to manage, in Europe, a period of transition between the present situation and the
“wired” trains, a radio communication system connecting the locomotives is needed.
The radio controlled operation of locomotives can also be deployed in the marshalling yards
during train formation and brake test.
To use this system safe around all Europe, it should be ensure that frequencies use are not
use at any other field like radio, TV or other systems that use any type of frequency so it should
be reserve an special range of frequency for train‟s operations.
This architecture is in compliance with the TSI of the trans-European conventional rail system –
Rolling Stock (IU-RST-24-11-2009-TSI draft 4.0 „Locomotive and passenger rolling stock‟ and
TSI freight …).
It also satisfies UIC requirements (a Loco rescuing another train through the UIC pneumatic
connection). There is a brake pipe which is the line to transmit the brake command trough the
train. In case of towing or towed operations the brake pipe will be controlled by the cab in towing
The architecture consists of following main physical modules: the driver‟s brake controller
(handle) and the Brake Command and control module that could includes air generation and
treatment unit.
The following brake architectures could be used on the train up to 1500 length:
UIC brake system: in the basic UIC compliant system the brake demand is transmitted
as a pneumatic signal, the pressure drop value, by the brake pipe to all the cars of the
train. The Brake pipe control is managed according to EN14198. Using the brake pipe
only the length of the train is actually limited to 750m because of the physical limit in the
transmission of pneumatic brake signal.
E-ECP brake system: the amount of braking force requested to the train, whatever is
the source (driver, automatic train control system, control and signalling system) is
transmitted to all cars and locos of the train by a wired network. This system allows to
each car to brake/release with same response time all along the train. It is possible to
reach train length of 1500 m and train composed up to 100 cars.
Brake Radio Control: in case of train composed by not wired wagons and two or more
Radio controlled locos, this system allows distributed brake pipe pressure control. It is
possible to reach train length of 1500 m and train composed up to 100 cars.
The UIC brake is a traditional pneumatic automatic brake system based on UIC 540 series of
leaflets and it is composed mainly by:
The following blocks schemes show the UIC traditional brake architecture for the loco:
The E-ECP brake system is an Electronically Controlled Pneumatic direct type brake system.
It brakes and release the brake actuator filling and venting them in a directly way; when E-ECP
system brake is in service the brake pipe is maintained at nominal pressure ( 5,0 bar) and brake
and release operations are made by E-ECP system. The brake pipe it will vented in case of
emergency brake or others emergency cases.
It is mainly composed by:
A driver‟s brake valve: it transform the movement of brake handle into a electronic
signal that is sent to each car by E-ECP lines. The pressure value in a brake pipe is
managed only in emergency braking or when the E-ECP system is out of order. The E-
ECP electronics and the electro-pneumatic portion DBV is installed in the brake frame.
The length of the train t can be 1500 m because the brake and release operates at the
same time on all the wagons.
An electronically controlled pneumatic brake system is a train power braking system
actuated by compressed air and controlled by electronic signals originated at the
locomotive for service and emergency applications.
A brake pipe that transmit brake demand along the train as reduction of pressure
(automatic brake) for emergency cases. The brake pipe is used to provide a constant
supply of air to the reservoirs.
An UIC homologated distributor (or simplified): according to the drop of the pressure in
the brake pipe it give a command signal to the relay valve that fill brake cylinder. It will
operate in emergency cases. One distributor per loco is permitted provide that the
length of loco is according to the UIC rules and that a direct brake is installed.
The E-ECP brake system , based on the Intra-Train Communication (ITC) network, provides
power and communications to all E-ECP system brake devices in the train via a wired
communication media that spans the entire length of the train.
The system provides almost instantaneous response to braking commands, including graduated
brake releases and applications. The system responds appropriately to undesired separation or
malfunction of hoses, cabling, or brake pipe.
The Enhanced Electronically Controlled Pneumatic (E-ECP) brake system is a train power
braking system with better communication performance that should be used to improve the
robustness and diagnostic capability of the train brake system and to add more train monitoring
service (e.g. wagon coupling, door and load detection, ecc. ).
The system provides the following levels of configurable functions:
Lead:- the E-ECP central device at the locomotive is designated as “Master” by the
Trail: the central device, when powered up, shall switch in trail mode. When in trail
mode, it shall apply the appropriate E/P train braking
Eot: the E-ECP equipment on the last locomotive in the train, if it is also the last vehicle
in the train, may perform also the functions of the EOT ( train integrity )
ECP Functions
The E_ECP control device is the core of the E/P brake system mounted within the locomotive
Reference: 60 Hz.
AGU free air delivery at 9 bar According to
ModTrain/ModPower &
According to ModBrake
Air quality after air treatment unit Class 2-2-2
( TecRec tbd)
Mechanical Interfaces
Specification for wheel-mounted-disc
Wheel mounted disc:
Fixation strength 100 g vertical shock
Elastic fixation to the wheel web, to allow movements due to dynamic thermal
expansion and coning
Material: Nodular cast iron or steel
The weight of the equipment shall not exceed : 195 kg per disk.
Maximum dimensions of the module are: OD Ø1085 mm.
Specification for axle-mounted-disc
Axle mounted disc:
70 g vertical shock
Radial guiding device, due to radial extension under thermal load
Material: Grey cast iron or steel
The weight of the equipment shall not exceed : 125 kg. per disk.
Maximum dimensions of the module are: OD Ø640 x 110 mm.
30 30
0 0
28 0
33 0
0 135m
Disc m
Maintainability requirements: Disc
Disassembly of the actuator as a single part from the installed caliper
Disassembly of the complete calliper with 4 bolts
Installation requirements:
Isolation of rigid body vibrations between bogie structure and caliper
Caliper equipped with UIC pad holder.
The driver‟s cab should also ensure the comfort and safety of the driver.
All locomotives must pass crash test and their respective safety rules to have a protection on
train driver or other trains. Following issues should be taken into account:
- “Anti-collision protection”: Shock energy absorbing systems through sleepers fuses
and caps deformable according to the TSI CR CRASH and EN15227.
- Crashworthiness requirements for railway vehicle bodies,
- EN12663 “structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies”,
- UIC 651 “Layout of driver‟s cab in locos”
- Advanced fire systems.
- Greater visibility.
- Safety glass protects against impacts
- DIN5566 standards.
- UIC612 “Driver machine interfaces for locomotives and driving coaches”
8.1.2 Comfort
Drivers spend a lot of hours in the locomotive and therefore they ask for a comfortable working
place with all needs covered:
o air-condition and heating,
o power outlet to heat water or coffee,
o refrigerator …
The cab should be also isolated to avoid noise and vibration inside it.
Ergonomic studies should be made when designing the desk to ensure that front the seating
place the driver can easy see outside but also inside all information displays, he can easy
operate all the control and he can stay all the time in his place in a comfortable way.
Driving advice systems are on-board tools giving recommendations to drivers for a more energy
efficient driving style.
The driving pattern has a considerable influence on the energy consumed by a train on a given
trip. For given restrictions (timetable, stops, speed restrictions on the way and installed traction
power) a shortest time driving strategy can be determined, which is basically given by:
Full acceleration up to maximum speed given either by speed limit or by maximum
traction power
Speed holding at maximum speed until train has to start braking
Braking at the latest possible point in order to come to a stop when reaching the station
Current driving advice systems (DAS) calculate (and continuously update) the optimum driving
strategy much more exactly than any driver could do. They are based on train positioning (GPS,
Galileo or other), train, track and timetable data as well as algorithms to calculate driving
Components of a DAS
A DAS requires essentially the following on-board components:
Storage medium storing all the relevant data for an individual trip (infrastructure data,
vehicle data, time table)
Information system monitoring driving time and train position
Computer unit using the above data to determine driving strategies and display them to
the driver
Data supply
A DAS requires different classes of data to be updated in different time intervals:
Permanent data: Vehicle data
Long-term data: Track data base (to be updated annually)
Mid-term data: Time table
Short-term data: Data on temporary low-speed sections (to be updated daily or even in
real-time), future options may include actual weather and track conditions as well.
Investment 11,70%
Energy 73,80%
Maintenance 14,40%
LCC is difficult to handle and cannot be given in a general and straightforward manner. The
reason is its strong dependence on operational conditions, which vary between operators and
may not be predictable for the future.
Status of development: in use
Time horizon for broad application: 2-5 years
Benefits (other than environmental): big
Barriers: big
Impacts on energy efficiency: -
Vehicle - fix costs:-
Energy can be saved during the planning of the operations taking into to account following
- Optimizing fleet and operational performance,
- Optimizing routes,
- Optimizing traffic flows,
Of course, energy can be also saved improving performance of the traction system and of
the auxiliary equipment to reduce energy losses.
For electrical locomotives some improvements to increase the performance are:
- use of superconductors
- use of slippery materials in the contact between pantograph and catenary
Diesel engines are incorporating many innovations that make them more efficient and reduce
also the exhaust emissions:
- improved injection and charging technology
- more efficient turbocharger
- optimised air cooling,
Many new developments, related to energy and environment, are expected to appear in
following years. Locomotives have a long life, around 30 years, so, locomotives should be able
to incorporate these innovations simply and at a low cost. A good solution is the modularity of
the design that allows the exchange.
- Diesel oxidation Catalyst (DOC): DOC reduces HC, transform CO into CO2 and also
decrease the mass of diesel particulate emissions (but not their number) by oxidizing
- Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): it injects a small amount of Diesel Exhaust Fluid
(DEF) – a water-based solution of urea – into the exhaust. Mixing DEF with exhaust in
the presence of a catalyst turns NOx into harmless nitrogen and water vapor.
This is a highly effective way to reduce harmful emissions to the extremely low
standards set by EPA and European Commission. The reduction of NOX can achieve
up to 85%-90%.Best of all, it allows the engine to be restored to more efficient state of
operation for better fuel economy.
But, in the design of the locomotive it should be taken into account that the locomotive
has to carry a urea tank, a catalizator and an injector to the exhaust.
The consumption of energy is the same with or without SCR but it should be considered
that the locomotive will also consume urea (around 3%-5% of fuel).
Main problem is the required infrastructure to fill up the locomotives with urea. It is a
cost that Administration Managers should assume in a short-medium time.
- …
Other area where in the future many innovations are expected is the combustibles:
- diesel fuel with lower sulphur,
- new generation of biodiesel
- new alternatives like H2
Last but not least, diesel traction can be complemented with batteries (hybrid locomotives) or
electrical traction (dual locomotives) to maintain the advantages of the diesel traction reducing
the total quantity of exhaust emissions. The main problems of this kind of locomotives are their
high weight due to the new equipment, the higher price (acquisition cost) of the locomotive and
the higher maintenance costs compare with the traditional diesel ones.
All the innovations and operational measurements described in point 9.1 Energy Efficiency will
help also to the reduction of the exhaust emissions.
Summarizing, diesel locomotives have a small impact in the atmosphere and in the future this
impact will be even lower. Technical and operational measurements will be introduced to reduce
the pollution. Technically, there are 3 different areas where rail sector is working to reduce
exhaust emissions
- Combustion: internal diesel engine improvements
- Exhaust after-treatment systems
- Combustibles
Future locomotives have to contemplate from design, the whole life of locomotive and all
components must be taken into account. They locomotive should incorporate a big percentage
of recycling materials (about 90-95% recyclable following the norm ISO 22628).
Locomotives will also follow ISO 14025 environmental product declaration, which allows their
environmental impact to be evaluated throughout their lifecycle.
Following are the environmental commitments of rail sector relating to the used materials:
- Promote the manufacture of products certified ISO 14001.