Ideas of Plato in The Context of Contemporary Science and Mathematics
Ideas of Plato in The Context of Contemporary Science and Mathematics
Ideas of Plato in The Context of Contemporary Science and Mathematics
By Mark Burgin
For millennia, the enigma of the world of Ideas or Forms, which Plato suggested and advocated, has
been challenging the most prominent thinkers of the humankind. This paper presents a solution to
this problem, namely, that an Idea in the Platoʼs sense can be interpreted as a scientific object called
a structure. To validate this statement, this paper provides rigorous definition of a structure and
demonstrates that structures have the basic properties of Platoʼs Ideas. In addition, we describe the
world of structures and prove its existence. This allows us to resolve the controversy between Plato
and Aristotle concerning Ideas or Forms and to build a scientific interpretation of the metaphor of
the Divided Line, which Plato uses in his theory of Ideas.
Plato (427-347 B.C.E.) is one of the greatest philosophers of all times and
all nations. His ideas had a formative impact on a diversity of philosophers
and scientists. He contributed to many fields of philosophy. Here we are
interested mostly in his ontological conceptions.
Classical Greece gave many great ideas to the world. Two of them
described the structure of our world. One was introduced by Leucippus of
Miletus (ca. 480 - ca. 420 B.C.E.) and Democritus from Abdera (460-370 B.C.E.),
who suggested that the universe consisted of a void and a large number of
invisible and indivisible particles, which were called atoms. In this picture, all
things were built of atoms.
Plato also pioneered the second great idea asserting that the world as a
whole consisted of two realms: the physical world, which people could
comprehend with their five senses, and the world of Ideas or Forms, which
people could comprehend only with their intellect. This teaching on Ideas or
Forms is at the heart of Platoʼs philosophy shaping his views on knowledge,
ethics, esthetics, psychology and political teachings.
In his writings, Plato uses two Greek words εἶδος (eidos) and ἰδέα (idea),
which were later translated as Idea in the Latin and German tradition and as
Form in the English tradition. However, here we use the term Idea as a general
concept and the term Form as it particular case.
Note that usually Platoʼs teaching on Ideas or Forms is called the theory of
Forms or the theory of Ideas. However, it is debatable whether there are theories
in philosophy. According to the contemporary methodology of science, actual
Visiting Scholar, University of California, USA. doi=10.30958/ajha.4.3.1
Vol. 4, No. 3 Burgin: Ideas of Plato in the Context…
theories exist only in science and mathematics (cf., for example Mark Burgin, &
Vladimir Kuznetsov1) although a broader understanding of the term theory
allows using the name theory for different philosophical teaching. Thus, we
will call Platoʼs teaching about Ideas by the name the theory of Ideas or Forms as
he did not make a distinction between Ideas and Forms.
In spite of the great interest in the philosophy of Plato in general and in
the world of Ideas in particular, for a long time, neither philosophers nor other
researchers were able to explain clearly and consistently what Plato Ideas are.
The enigma of the world of Ideas constituted one of the longest standing
philosophical and scientific problems in the history of humankind. Only at the
end of the 20th century, that is more than two millennia after Plato, the author
discovered that the concept structure provides the scientific representation of
Platonic Ideas, while the existence of the world of structures, which can be
naturally equated to the world of Ideas, was postulated and proved.2
The goal of this paper is to demonstrate in a transparent and persuasive
way that structures studied in contemporary mathematics and science provide
a scientific explanation and representation for Plato teaching about Ideas in
the same way as subatomic particles studied in contemporary physics provide
a scientific reflection of the teaching of Leucippus and Democritus about
atoms. To achieve this goal, the paper is organized as follows. Next section
reminds the reader of Platoʼs teaching about the world of Ideas or Forms.
Note that describing Platoʼs teaching, we do not distinguish Ideas and Forms
because Plato did not do this. Subsequently, we explain why and how this
world is interpreted as the world of structures, and provide formal and
informal definitions of structures demonstrating that structures have the basic
properties of Platoʼs Ideas. Then, we exhibit how the conception of structures
as Ideas or Forms allows solving the controversy between Aristotle and Plato,
as well as providing a scientific interpretation of the metaphor of Platoʼs
Divided Line. Finally, in Conclusion, we discuss how technological and
scientific achievements change our understanding of the sensibility of the
physical world and intelligibility of the world of Ideas.
Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts July 2017
Now let us look in more detail at Platoʼs theory of Ideas or Forms where
the world as the whole is structured into two distinct worlds - the physical
world and the world of Ideas.3
To explain the relations between the physical world and the world of
Ideas or Forms, Plato uses the Allegory of the Cave described in the Republic.
In this allegory, Plato compares people to prisoners confined to a cave for the
whole life and chained so that they are turned away from the entrance of the
cave being unable to turn either themselves or their heads. Near the entrance
of the cave, a big fire burns. Between the fire and the prisoners, there is a
parapet. Other people are walking there holding up the real objects as
puppeteers hold up their puppets. These real objects, which are behind the
prisoners but in front of the fire, cast shadows on the wall of the cave open to
the prisoners. The prisoners, unable to turn their heads, cannot see these real
things. What the prisoners can see are shadows cast by objects and always
hear echoes of the sounds of the people holding real things the prisoners do
not see directly. As a result, the prisoners confuse appearance with reality.
They believe what they see on the wall (the shadows) is real but they know
nothing of the real causes of the shadows. In the same way, compared with
the reality of the world of Ideas, physical objects and events are only shadows.
Being the ultimate reference points for all objects people see in the physical
world, Ideas are more real than these objects. Therefore, the general terms of
peopleʼs languages are not names of the physical objects but the names of
Ideas or Forms, which people can only grasp with the mind.
Only released, the prisoners can turn their heads, see the real objects and
realize their error. Such liberation can come only through intelligence. Plato
conceives that correct knowledge is no more than the knowledge of Ideas
because what came through our senses is not knowledge of the thing itself but
only knowledge of the imperfect changing copy of some Idea. Thus, the only
possible manner to acquire correct knowledge of Ideas is through reasoning as
senses can provide only opinions and reasoning is the way to liberation from
the cave. Compare this with the Meno, where Plato treats knowledge
acquisition as recollection of Ideas latent in the soul.
This is a beautiful allegory but the crucial questions are what these Ideas
or Forms are, where they are and how people can know about them. Plato
says they are perfect templates, which exist somewhere in another realm,
which is cognizable only by the intellect. However, neither Plato nor other
thinkers have persuasively told us where this world is situated, and nobody
has consistently described these Ideas.
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"If we call the world of "things" or of physical objects - the first world, and
the world of subjective experiences (such as thought processes) the
second world, we may call the world of statements in themselves the
third world ... .
5. Karl Popper, Replies to my critics, The Philosophy of Karl Popper (Open Court,
La Salle, IL, 1974) & ___, Objective knowledge: An evolutionary approach (New York:
Oxford University Press, 1979).
6. ___, Replies to my critics.
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A = < M; R1 , R2 , … , Rn >
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C. There are two kinds of internal relations of the n-th level in a system M:
The level of relations stratifies the system of all relations and defines the
structural hierarchy (Figure 1). It is described in the following way. At the first
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level, we have the set 0 of all objects from this structure. On the second level
of the structural hierarchy, we have the set 1 of all relations between objects
from this structure. At the second level, we have two sets:
01 is the set of all relations between objects from this structure, which
form the set 0 , and relations from 1,
11 is the set of all relations between relations from 1.
(0)(01) is the set of all relations between objects from this structure,
which form the set 0 , and relations from 01,
(1)(01) is the set of all relations between relations from 1 and relations
from 01,
(0)(11) is the set of all relations between objects from this structure,
which form the set 0, and relations from 11,
(1)(11) is the set of all relations between relations from 1 and relations
from 11,
(01)(11) is the set of all relations between relations from 01 and relations
from 11.
Then we can build the fourth level, the fifth level and so on. In general,
relational hierarchy can grow as far as we want and even be infinite for some
(0)((0)(01)) ….. (01((01)(11)) ……. (1)((1)(11))
01 11
Figure 1. Four Levels of the Relational Hierarchy
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For instance, a fundamental triad has order 1. At the same time, the order
of such a mathematical structure as a functional is 3 or more. Structures are
intrinsically related to systems.
Mathematical definitions of structure show that there are two classes of
structures: set-theoretical structures, which consist of basic elements and
relations, and mereological structures, which are based on such an area as
mereology23 and consist of parts, which may be essentially connected, having
common subparts. For instance, it is possible to consider the structure of the
human organism, which consists of parts such as the body, head, neck, arms
and legs. We also have relations between these parts: the neck, legs and arms
are connected to the body, while the head is connected to the neck. Here the
emphasis is on set-theoretical structures because mathematical structures are,
as a rule, set-theoretical.
In the general theory of structures, introduction to which Burgin presents
in the book "Structural Reality"24 there are two sorts of structures: abstract
structures and embodied structures. An embodied structure is a structure of
some system, while an abstract structure is a structure by itself.
To make the concept of an embodied structure exact and complete, we
need a definition of a system, which makes the difference between structures
and systems apparent.
Definition 6: A system is a collection of objects connected with one
another forming an intrinsic unity. Note that it is possible to treat a structure
as an abstract system.
According to the general theory of structures,25 there are five types of
embodied structures:
23. Stanisław Leśniewski, Podstawy ogólnej teoryi mnogosci I, Prace Polskiego Kola
Naukowego w Moskwie, Sekcya matematyczno-przyrodnicza, 1916 [trans. Foundations of the
General Theory of Manifolds I, Stanisław Leśniewski, Collected Works (Dordrecht: Kluwer 1
(1992))]; & Peter Simons, Parts: A Study in Ontology (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
24. Mark Burgin, Structural Reality.
25. Ibid.
Vol. 4, No. 3 Burgin: Ideas of Plato in the Context…
To show that the world of structures is consistent with the Platoʼs theory
of Ideas or Forms, let us compare properties of Ideas/Forms, which Plato
ascribes to them, and properties of structures as abstract objects.
In the dialogues Phaedo, Phaedrus and Timaeus, Plato gives an extended
description of the characteristics, properties and functions of Ideas. They are:
1. Abstract structures are unchangeable, that is, always the same, because
any change (transformation) of a structure is simply another structure.
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Entity 1 Entity 2 (1)
Essence 1 Essence 2 (2)
Thus, people can see structures but as Plato wrote about Ideas (eidos),
they can comprehend structures only using their intelligence and knowledge.
Now let us describe how we can see a fundamental triad. Imagine, it is
raining and you can see a cloud, the ground and streams of water, which go
from the cloud to the ground. In essence, it is a fundamental triad (X, f, I), in
which the support X is the cloud, the reflector I is the ground and the streams
of water form the reflection f.
Some will object that they do not see a fundamental triad. They will argue
that they can see only a cloud, rain and ground. To understand why it
happens, let us look into the history of human civilization.
For a long time, the majority of people have assumed that only those
things (objects) were real that were comprehensible by the senses people had.
However, even a material thing such as a table, tree or mountain, is
comprehended not only by senses alone – understanding is necessary. For
instance, if a person who lived in ancient Greece would see a plane, this
person would not understand what he saw without explanation, and for many
even a good explanation would not be enough.
To clearly see the reality of structures, it is useful to know that in some
areas structures have played an indispensable role for a long time. For
instance, in chemistry, researchers have recognized the significance of
chemical structures almost from the very beginning of chemistry as a science.
May be the most evident example of the importance of structures is the
striking difference between diamond and graphite. Both materials
(substances) are built entirely from the chemical element carbon and the
difference in their properties is completely caused by their distinct crystal
One more transparent example of a structure is an organization because
organization is not so much people that work in the organization or material
things used by these people but a definite structure. Without the
organizational structure, it will be only a bunch of people and things. The
same people can form different organizations depending on different
organizational structures.
Embedded structures exist in diverse physical and mental things. At the
same time, to figure out where the world of abstract structures exists, it is
necessary to understand that there are different types of existence and
physical or material existence is only one of them. This understanding
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demands a mental effort similar to the effort in seeing that many stars, which
people can see only as points, are actually as big as the Sun and some are even
Note that when we observe structures, e.g., a fundamental triad, they are
embedded structures.
Taking natural numbers as examples of structures, it is possible to ask
where number 3 exists. Note that the number 3 is not the symbol "3" used as
its name because number 3 has many other names: III in the Roman numerical
system, 11 in the binary numerical system, three in English and so on. There
are also different models of this number: an axiomatic model in formal
arithmetic, for example, in Peano arithmetic,26 a set theoretical model as the
class of all objects with the cardinality three27 or an abstract property as its
model.28 However, having all names and models, it is natural to assume that
all of them are names and models of some essence and this essence is an
abstract structure called number 3.
We see that this and other abstract structures exist in the constituent of
the world of structures that contains abstract structures and we are able to
find this structure by intelligent reasoning presented above. Moreover, it is
possible to regard number 3 as several structures. For instance, in the context
of a formal arithmetic, number 3 is an outer structure, while according to the
set theoretical model, it is an inner structure.
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) was a disciple of Plato but he did not accept
Platoʼs theory of Ideas or Forms. Instead, he suggested his own approach to
these issues.
Aristotle taught that each thing (physical object) is a synholon, which is a
composition of substance (hyle) and form or idea (eidos).29 Form/idea comes into
substance, but neither of them can exist independently in the physical world.
Any form/idea is based on a prote hyle (a "first matter"), which is the
hypokeimenon (foundation) of the form. Forms, according to Aristotle,
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30. Joseph Wulftange, & Merrill Greene, Hylomorphism and contemporary physics
(Woodstock, MD: Woodstock College Press, 1952).
31. Burgin, Theory of Named Sets, & ___, Structural Reality.
32. Arthur Eddington, The Theory of Relativity and its Influence on Scientific Thought
(Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1922).
33. Erwin Schrödinger, Science and humanism (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1952).
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34. Paul Dirac, The origin of quantum field theory, The Birth of Particle Physics
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983).
35. Max Tegmark, The Mathematical Universe.
36. Burgin, Structural Reality.
37. Ibid.
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| | | | |
Figure 2. The Divided Line
The left half AC of the segment AE corresponds to the visible world, while
the right half CE of the segment AE is associated with the intelligible world. In
this schema, the segment AB represents reflections of physical things and the
segment BC the physical things themselves.
Plato describes the segment CD as the "lower" part of the intelligible
world containing abstract mathematical objects such as geometric lines and
involving mathematical reasoning (διάνοια dianoia). At the same time, the
segment DE corresponds to the "higher" part of the intelligible world
containing principles, paradigms and general patterns.
The structural interpretation of Ideas provides a scientific explanation and
interpretation of the Divided Line metaphor.
38. Åage Petersen, The philosophy of Niels Bohr, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 19,
no. 7 (1963).
39. Mark Burgin, Is it Possible that Mathematics gives new Knowledge about
Reality? Philosophical and Sociological Thought, no. 1, (1994).
40. Mark Burgin, On the Nature and Essence of Mathematics (Kiev: Ukrainian
Academy of Information Sciences, 1998) (In Russian).
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Now people use many technical devices to get the picture of physical objects,
i.e., to comprehend them, – they use a variety of telescopes, microscopes,
binoculars, tomographic systems, detectors and many others. As a result, on
the one hand, sensing becomes mediated by technical devices, while on the
other hand, comprehension of observed objects demands intelligence when
many of these devices are utilized. Often computations are necessary to make
sense of the data produced by such devices.
At the same time, computers started to extend human intelligence.
Consequently, it becomes possible to know structures with the help of
computers although computers employ intelligence, which embedded in to
them by people. Computers discover structures of chemical elements in
chemistry and biological structures in genetics and its computerized part –
biological informatics.
Besides, computers can prove theorems developing mathematical
structures, write programs developing computational structures and construct
new chemical and biological structures. In such a way, computers cognize not
only embedded structures but also abstract structures, or Ideas in the sense of
Thus, technology extends ways of comprehension of all kinds and types
of reality with its basic forms – physical, mental and structural reality.
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