Checking and Test Results Analysis DLL (Aug. 13-17)

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School: M.B. Asistio Sr.

High School Grade Level: 10

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Melchor U. Catulin Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 13-17, 2018 6:00 – 11:50 Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards The learners... The learners…
Music: demonstrate understanding of the 20th century Music: demonstrate understanding of characteristic
music styles and characteristic features. features of Afro-Latin American music and popular
Arts: demonstrate understanding of art elements and music.
C processes by synthesizing and applying prior learning and Arts: demonstrates understanding of new technologies
skills. that allow new expression in the arts using art elements
L PE: demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight and processes.
A management to promote societal fitness PE: demonstrate understanding of lifestyle and weight
Health: understands the guidelines and criteria in the management to promote societal fitness.
S Health: demonstrate understanding of current health
selection and evaluation of health information, products,
S and services. trends, issues, and concerns in local, regional, and
E CLEAN-UP national levels.
B. Performance Standards The learners… The learners…
DRIVE Music: create musical pieces using a particular style of the Music: perform vocal and dance forms of Afro-Latin
20th century. American music and selections of popular music.
Arts: recognize the difference and uniqueness of the art Arts: create a tech-based artwork (video clip and
styles of the various art movements (techniques, process, printed media such as posters, menus, brochures, etc.)
U elements, and principles of art) relating to a selected topic from the different learning
S PPST-RPMS PE: practices healthy eating habits that support an active areas using available technologies, e.g., food and
lifestyle. fashion.
Health: demonstrates critical thinking and decision-making PE: maintain an active lifestyle to influence the physical
skills in the selection, evaluation, and utilization of health activity participation of the community and society.
N information, products, and services. Health: consistently demonstrate critical thinking skills
in exploring local, regional, and national health issues,
D trends, and concerns.
C. Learning Competencies E The learners… The Learners…
(Write the LC code for D 1. describe distinctive musical elements of given pieces in 1. describe the historical and cultural background of
each) 20th century styles. MU10TC-Ia-h-2 Afro-Latin American and popular music MU10AP-IIa-g-2
2. relate 20th century music to its historical and cultural 2. identify art elements in the technology-based
background. MU10TC-Ia-g-3 production arts A10EL-IIb-1
3. assess physical activities, exercises, and eating habits
3. identify distinct characteristics of arts from the various
art movements. A10EL-Ia-2 4. critically analyzes the impact of current health trends,
4. describe the influence of iconic artists belonging to the issues, and trends H10HC-IIc-d-4.
various art movements. A10PR-Ic-e-2
5. determine risk factors related to lifestyle diseases
(obesity, diabetes, heart diseases). PE10PF-Ia-40
6. explain the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
evaluation of health information, products, and services.
D. Learning Objectives At the end of the learning activities, the learners should be At the end of the learning activities, the learners should
able to: be able to:
1. check the answer sheet honestly 1. familiarize themselves on the topics to be discussed
for the 2nd quarter in MAPEH
2. participate actively in the frequency of correct response
2. appreciate the skills to be developed/enhanced by
3. realize the importance of reviewing in preparation for the the 2nd quarter topics through writing a short
incoming exam impression about the 2nd quarter topics
3. show interest on the nature of the 2nd quarter topics
through asking related questions
II. CONTENT Test Results Analysis Orientation on the Second Quarter Topics in MAPEH
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Music – 1-12; Arts - 90-101; PE – 1-46;Health – 217-229. Music – 19-35; Arts – 117-136; PE – 55-113; Health –
2. Learner’s Materials Music – 2-28; Arts – 190-208; PE – 1-44; Health – 197-220. Music – 37-87; Arts – 232-256; PE – 51-103; Health –
pages 231-255.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Answer Sheets
A. Reviewing previous  Ask: How was your first periodic test in MAPEH? Activity 1: Recalling the 1st Quarter Learning Activities
lesson or presenting  Give a short recapitulation about the first quarter
the new lesson topics in MAPEH

B. Establishing a purpose Activity 1: Orientation on Checking of Answer Sheets Activity 2: Giving A Short Overview About the Topics
for the lesson  Prepare the students for checking of answer sheets.  Explain briefly the background of the 2nd Quarter
 Remind the students on DO’s and DONT’s in checking topics in MAPEH
the answer sheets.
 Distribute the answer sheets to the students. Make
sure that they are checking their own paper.

C. Presenting Activity 2: Checking of Answer Sheets Proper Activity 3: Presentation and Discussion of the 2nd
examples/instances of  Write the correct answers on the board quarter contents of Music.
the new lesson  After checking, instruct the students to write the
score in each component and the total score.

D. Discussing new Activity 3: Orientation on Frequency of Correct Response Activity 4: Presentation and Discussion of the 2nd
concepts and practicing  Explain the purpose of conducting the frequency of quarter contents of Arts.
new skills #1 correct response to the students.
 Give instructions on how to conduct the frequency of
correct response.

E. Discussing new Activity 4: Frequency of Correct Response Proper Activity 5: Presentation and Discussion of the 2nd
concepts and practicing quarter contents of Physical Education
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery Activity 5: Frequency of Correct Response Proper Activity 6: Presentation and Discussion of the 2nd
(leads to Formative quarter contents of Health
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Activity 6: Frequency of Correct Response Proper Activity 7: Question and Answer Portion
applications of  Encourage the students to ask questions regarding
concepts and skills in the presented 2nd quarter contents of MAPEH
daily living
H. Making generalizations Activity 7: Recording of the results on the frequency record  In your own perception, how will you find the 2nd
and abstractions about sheet quarter contents of MAPEH?
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Activity 8: Assessment of the Results of the Frequency of Activity 8: 2nd Quarter Content Assessment
Correct Response  Which 2nd quarter content in MAPEH do you think
 Comments, evaluation and analysis of the results of will be difficult to tackle? Why?
the exam. Asses the students understanding of the
subject content for the first quarter based on the
results of the frequency of correct response.

J. Additional activities for  Read the different topics to be discussed for the  Read the first topic in Music.
application or second quarter in MAPEH.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Head, MAPEH Department

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